1<chapter id="upgrading-repmgr" xreflabel="Upgrading repmgr">
2 <title>Upgrading repmgr</title>
4 <indexterm>
5  <primary>upgrading</primary>
6 </indexterm>
9 <para>
10  &repmgr; is updated regularly with minor releases (e.g. 4.0.1 to 4.0.2)
11  containing bugfixes and other minor improvements. Any substantial new
12  functionality will be included in a major release (e.g. 4.0 to 4.1).
13 </para>
15 <sect1 id="upgrading-repmgr-extension" xreflabel="Upgrading repmgr 4.x and later">
16  <title>Upgrading repmgr 4.x and later</title>
18  <indexterm>
19   <primary>upgrading</primary>
20   <secondary>repmgr 4.x and later</secondary>
21  </indexterm>
22  <para>
23    From version 4, &repmgr; consists of three elements:
24     <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
26       <listitem>
27         <simpara>
28           the <application>repmgr</application> and &repmgrd; executables
29         </simpara>
30       </listitem>
32       <listitem>
33         <simpara>
34           the objects for the &repmgr; PostgreSQL extension (SQL files for creating/updating
35           repmgr metadata, and the extension control file)
36         </simpara>
37       </listitem>
39       <listitem>
40         <simpara>
41           the shared library module used by &repmgrd; which
42           is resident in the PostgreSQL backend
43         </simpara>
44       </listitem>
45     </itemizedlist>
46  </para>
47  <para>
48    With <emphasis>minor releases</emphasis>, usually changes are only made to the <application>repmgr</application>
49    and &repmgrd; executables. In this case, the upgrade is quite straightforward,
50    and is simply a case of installing the new version, and restarting &repmgrd;
51    (if running).
52  </para>
54  <para>
55    For <emphasis>major releases</emphasis>, the &repmgr; PostgreSQL extension will need to be updated
56    to the latest version. Additionally, if the shared library module has been updated (this is sometimes,
57    but not always the case), PostgreSQL itself will need to be restarted on each node.
58  </para>
59  <important>
60    <para>
61      Always check the <link linkend="appendix-release-notes">release notes</link> for every
62      release as they may contain upgrade instructions particular to individual versions.
63    </para>
64  </important>
66  <sect2 id="upgrading-minor-version" xreflabel="Upgrading a minor version release">
67	<title>Upgrading a minor version release</title>
69	<indexterm>
70	  <primary>upgrading</primary>
71	  <secondary>minor release</secondary>
72	</indexterm>
74    <para>
75      The process for installing minor version upgrades is quite straightforward:
77      <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
79        <listitem>
80          <simpara>
81            install the new &repmgr; version
82          </simpara>
83        </listitem>
85        <listitem>
86          <simpara>
87            restart &repmgrd; on all nodes where it is running
88          </simpara>
89        </listitem>
91      </itemizedlist>
93    </para>
95    <note>
96	  <para>
97        Some packaging systems (e.g. <link linkend="packages-debian-ubuntu">Debian/Ubuntu</link>
98        may restart &repmgrd; as part of the package upgrade process.
99      </para>
100    </note>
102	<para>
103	  Minor version upgrades can be performed in any order on the nodes in the replication
104	  cluster.
105	</para>
107	<para>
108	  A PostgreSQL restart is <emphasis>not</emphasis> required for minor version upgrades.
109	</para>
111    <note>
112	  <para>
113	    The same &repmgr; &quot;major version&quot; (e.g. <literal>4.2</literal>) must be
114	    installed on all nodes in the replication cluster. While it's possible to have differing
115	    &repmgr; &quot;minor versions&quot; (e.g. <literal>4.2.1</literal>)  on different nodes,
116	    we strongly recommend updating all nodes to the latest minor version.
117	  </para>
118    </note>
120  </sect2>
122  <sect2 id="upgrading-major-version" xreflabel="Upgrading a major version release">
123	<title>Upgrading a major version release</title>
125	<indexterm>
126	  <primary>upgrading</primary>
127	  <secondary>major release</secondary>
128	</indexterm>
130	<para>
131	  &quot;major version&quot; upgrades need to be planned more carefully, as they may include
132	  changes to the &repmgr; metadata (which need to be propagated from the primary to all
133	  standbys) and/or changes to the shared object file used by &repmgrd;
134	  (which require a PostgreSQL restart).
135	</para>
136	<para>
137	  With this in mind,
138	</para>
140	<para>
141      <orderedlist>
143		<listitem>
144          <simpara>
145			Stop &repmgrd; (if in use) on all nodes where it is running.
146          </simpara>
147		</listitem>
149		<listitem>
150          <simpara>
151			Disable the &repmgrd; service on all nodes where it is in use;
152            this is to prevent packages from prematurely restarting &repmgrd;.
153          </simpara>
154		</listitem>
156		<listitem>
157          <simpara>
158			Install the updated package (or compile the updated source) on all nodes.
159          </simpara>
160		</listitem>
162        <listitem>
163          <para>
164            If running a <literal>systemd</literal>-based Linux distribution, execute (as <literal>root</literal>,
165            or with appropriate <literal>sudo</literal> permissions):
166            <programlisting>
167systemctl daemon-reload</programlisting>
168          </para>
169        </listitem>
171		<listitem>
172          <simpara>
173			If the &repmgr; shared library module has been updated (check the <link linkend="appendix-release-notes">release notes</link>!),
174            restart PostgreSQL, then &repmgrd; (if in use)	on each node,
175            The order in which this is applied to individual nodes is not critical,
176			and it's also fine to restart PostgreSQL on all nodes first before starting &repmgrd;.
177		  </simpara>
178		  <simpara>
179			Note that if the upgrade requires a PostgreSQL restart, &repmgrd;
180			will only function correctly once all nodes have been restarted.
181          </simpara>
182		</listitem>
184		<listitem>
185          <para>
186			On the primary node, execute
187			<programlisting>
188ALTER EXTENSION repmgr UPDATE</programlisting>
189			in the database where &repmgr; is installed.
190          </para>
191		</listitem>
193		<listitem>
194          <simpara>
195			Reenable the &repmgrd; service on all nodes where it is in use, and
196            ensure it is running.
197          </simpara>
198		</listitem>
200	  </orderedlist>
201	</para>
202	<tip>
203	  <para>
204        If the &repmgr; upgrade requires a PostgreSQL restart, combine the &repmgr; upgrade
205        with a PostgreSQL minor version upgrade, which will require a restart in any case.
206      </para>
207      <para>
208		New PostgreSQL minor versions are usually released every couple of months;
209        see the <ulink url="https://www.postgresql.org/developer/roadmap/">Roadmap</ulink>
210        for the current schedule.
211	  </para>
212	</tip>
213  </sect2>
215  <sect2 id="upgrading-check-repmgrd" xreflabel="Checking repmgrd status after an upgrade">
216	<title>Checking repmgrd status after an upgrade</title>
218	<indexterm>
219	  <primary>upgrading</primary>
220	  <secondary>checking repmgrd status</secondary>
221	</indexterm>
222	<para>
223      From <link linkend="release-4.2">repmgr 4.2</link>, once the upgrade is complete, execute the
224      <command><link linkend="repmgr-service-status">repmgr service status</link></command>
225      (&repmgr; 4.2 - 4.4: <command><link linkend="repmgr-service-status">repmgr daemon status</link></command>)
226      command (on any node) to show an overview of the status of &repmgrd; on all nodes.
227    </para>
228  </sect2>
229 </sect1>
231 <sect1 id="upgrading-and-pg-upgrade" xreflabel="pg_upgrade and repmgr">
232  <title>pg_upgrade and repmgr</title>
234  <indexterm>
235   <primary>upgrading</primary>
236   <secondary>pg_upgrade</secondary>
237  </indexterm>
238  <indexterm>
239    <primary>pg_upgrade</primary>
240  </indexterm>
242  <para>
243    <application>pg_upgrade</application> requires that if any functions are
244    dependent on a shared library, this library must be present in both
245    the old and new installations before <application>pg_upgrade</application>
246    can be executed.
247  </para>
248  <para>
249    To minimize the risk of any upgrade issues (particularly if an upgrade to
250    a new major &repmgr; version is involved), we recommend upgrading
251    &repmgr; on the old server <emphasis>before</emphasis> running
252    <application>pg_upgrade</application> to ensure that old and new
253    versions are the same.
254  </para>
255  <note>
256    <simpara>
257      This issue applies to any PostgreSQL extension which has
258      dependencies on a shared library.
259    </simpara>
260  </note>
261  <para>
262    For further details please see the <ulink url="https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/pgupgrade.html">pg_upgrade documentation</ulink>.
263  </para>
264  <para>
265    If replication slots are in use, bear in mind these will <emphasis>not</emphasis>
266    be recreated by <application>pg_upgrade</application>. These will need to
267    be recreated manually.
268  </para>
269  <tip>
270	<para>
271	  Use <command><link linkend="repmgr-node-check">repmgr node check</link></command>
272	  to determine which replication slots need to be recreated.
273	</para>
274  </tip>
276  <sect2 id="upgrading-pg-upgrade-standby" xreflabel="pg_upgrade and upgrading standbys">
277    <title>Upgrading standbys with pg_upgrade and rsync</title>
278    <para>
279      If you are intending to upgrade a standby using the <command>rsync</command> method described
280      in the <ulink url="https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/pgupgrade.html#PGUPGRADE-STEP-REPLICAS">pg_upgrade documentation</ulink>,
281      you <emphasis>must</emphasis> ensure the standby's replication configuration is present and correct
282      before starting the standby.
283    </para>
284    <para>
285      Use <link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone">repmgr standby clone --replication-conf-only</link> to generate
286      the correct replication configuration.
287    </para>
289    <tip>
290	  <para>
291        If upgrading from PostgreSQL 11 or earlier, be sure to delete <filename>recovery.conf</filename>, if present,
292        otherwise PostgreSQL will refuse to start.
293      </para>
294    </tip>
296  </sect2>
299 </sect1>
302 <sect1 id="upgrading-from-repmgr-3" xreflabel="Upgrading from repmgr 3.x">
303  <title>Upgrading from repmgr 3.x</title>
305  <indexterm>
306   <primary>upgrading</primary>
307   <secondary>from repmgr 3.x</secondary>
308  </indexterm>
310  <para>
311   The upgrade process consists of two steps:
312   <orderedlist>
313    <listitem>
314     <simpara>
315       converting the <filename>repmgr.conf</filename> configuration files
316     </simpara>
317    </listitem>
318    <listitem>
319     <simpara>
320       upgrading the repmgr schema using <command>CREATE EXTENSION</command> (PostgreSQL 12 and earlier)
321     </simpara>
322    </listitem>
323   </orderedlist>
324  </para>
325  <para>
326   A script is provided to assist with converting <filename>repmgr.conf</filename>.
327  </para>
328  <para>
329   The schema upgrade (which converts the &repmgr; metadata into
330   a packaged PostgreSQL extension) is normally carried out
331   automatically when the &repmgr; extension is created.
332  </para>
333  <para>
334   The shared library has been renamed from <literal>repmgr_funcs</literal> to
335   <literal>repmgr</literal> - if it's set in <varname>shared_preload_libraries</varname>
336   in <filename>postgresql.conf</filename> it will need to be updated to the new name:
337   <programlisting>
338    shared_preload_libraries = 'repmgr'</programlisting>
339  </para>
341  <sect2 id="converting-repmgr-conf">
342   <title>Converting repmgr.conf configuration files</title>
343   <para>
344    With a completely new repmgr version, we've taken the opportunity
345    to rename some configuration items for
346    clarity and consistency, both between the configuration file and
347    the column names in <structname>repmgr.nodes</structname>
348    (e.g. <varname>node</varname> to <varname>node_id</varname>), and
349    also for consistency with PostgreSQL naming conventions
350    (e.g. <varname>loglevel</varname> to <varname>log_level</varname>).
351   </para>
352   <para>
353    Other configuration items have been changed to command line options,
354    and vice-versa, e.g. to avoid hard-coding items such as a a node's
355    upstream ID, which might change over time.
356   </para>
357   <para>
358    &repmgr; will issue a warning about deprecated/altered options.
359   </para>
360   <sect3>
361    <title>Changed parameters in "repmgr.conf"</title>
362    <para>
363     Following parameters have been added:
364     <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
365      <listitem>
366        <simpara><varname>data_directory</varname>: this is mandatory and must
367         contain the path to the node's data directory</simpara>
368      </listitem>
369      <listitem>
370        <simpara><varname>monitoring_history</varname>: this replaces the
371          &repmgrd; command line option
372          <literal>--monitoring-history</literal></simpara>
373      </listitem>
374     </itemizedlist>
375    </para>
376    <para>
377     Following parameters have been renamed:
378    </para>
379    <table tocentry="1" id="repmgr3-repmgr4-renamed-parameters">
380     <title>Parameters renamed in repmgr4</title>
381     <tgroup cols="2">
382      <thead>
383       <row>
384        <entry>repmgr3</entry>
385        <entry>repmgr4</entry>
386       </row>
387      </thead>
388      <tbody>
389       <row>
390        <entry><varname>node</varname></entry>
391        <entry><varname>node_id</varname></entry>
392       </row>
393       <row>
394        <entry><varname>loglevel</varname></entry>
395        <entry><varname>log_level</varname></entry>
396       </row>
397       <row>
398        <entry><varname>logfacility</varname></entry>
399        <entry><varname>log_facility</varname></entry>
400       </row>
401       <row>
402        <entry><varname>logfile</varname></entry>
403        <entry><varname>log_file</varname></entry>
404       </row>
405       <row>
406        <entry><varname>barman_server</varname></entry>
407        <entry><varname>barman_host</varname></entry>
408       </row>
409       <row>
410        <entry><varname>master_reponse_timeout</varname></entry>
411        <entry><varname>async_query_timeout</varname></entry>
412       </row>
413      </tbody>
414     </tgroup>
415    </table>
416    <note>
417      <para>
418        From &repmgr; 4, <literal>barman_server</literal> refers
419        to the server configured in Barman (in &repmgr; 3, the deprecated
420        <literal>cluster</literal> parameter was used for this);
421        the physical Barman hostname is configured with
422        <literal>barman_host</literal> (see <xref linkend="cloning-from-barman-prerequisites"/>
423          for details).
424      </para>
425    </note>
426    <para>
427     Following parameters have been removed:
428     <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
429      <listitem>
430        <simpara><varname>cluster</varname>: is no longer required and will
431        be ignored.</simpara>
432      </listitem>
433      <listitem>
434        <simpara><varname>upstream_node</varname>:  is replaced by the
435        command-line parameter <literal>--upstream-node-id</literal></simpara>
436      </listitem>
437     </itemizedlist>
438    </para>
439   </sect3>
440   <sect3>
441    <title>Conversion script</title>
442    <para>
443     To assist with conversion of <filename>repmgr.conf</filename> files, a Perl script
444     is provided in <filename>contrib/convert-config.pl</filename>.
445     Use like this:
446     <programlisting>
447    $ ./convert-config.pl /etc/repmgr.conf
448    node_id=2
449    node_name='node2'
450    conninfo='host=node2 dbname=repmgr user=repmgr connect_timeout=2'
451    pg_ctl_options='-l /var/log/postgres/startup.log'
452    rsync_options='--exclude=postgresql.local.conf --archive'
453    log_level='INFO'
454    pg_basebackup_options='--no-slot'
455    data_directory=''</programlisting>
456    </para>
457    <para>
458      The converted file is printed to <literal>STDOUT</literal> and the original file is not
459      changed.
460    </para>
461    <para>
462      Please note that the the conversion script will add an empty
463      placeholder parameter for <varname>data_directory</varname>, which
464      is a required parameter from &repmgr; 4. This must be manually modified to contain
465      the correct data directory.
466    </para>
467   </sect3>
468  </sect2>
469  <sect2>
470   <title>Upgrading the repmgr schema (PostgreSQL 12 and earlier)</title>
471   <para>
472    Ensure &repmgrd; is not running, or any cron jobs which execute the
473    <command>repmgr</command> binary.
474   </para>
475   <para>
476    Install the latest &repmgr; package; any <literal>repmgr 3.x</literal> packages
477    should be uninstalled (if not automatically uninstalled already by your packaging system).
478   </para>
479   <sect3>
480    <title>Upgrading from repmgr 3.1.1 or earlier</title>
481    <tip>
482     <simpara>
483      If you don't care about any data from the existing &repmgr; installation,
484      (e.g. the contents of the <structname>events</structname> and <structname>monitoring</structname>
485      tables), the follwing steps can be skipped; proceed to <xref linkend="upgrade-reregister-nodes"/>.
486     </simpara>
487    </tip>
489    <para>
490     If your repmgr version is 3.1.1 or earlier, you will need to update
491     the schema to the latest version in the 3.x series (3.3.2) before
492     converting the installation to repmgr 4.
493    </para>
494    <para>
495      To do this, apply the following upgrade scripts as appropriate for
496      your current version:
497      <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
498      <listitem>
499        <simpara>
500          <ulink url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/2ndQuadrant/repmgr/REL3_3_STABLE/sql/repmgr3.0_repmgr3.1.sql">repmgr3.0_repmgr3.1.sql</ulink></simpara>
501      </listitem>
502      <listitem>
503        <simpara><ulink url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/2ndQuadrant/repmgr/REL3_3_STABLE/sql/repmgr3.1.1_repmgr3.1.2.sql">repmgr3.1.1_repmgr3.1.2.sql</ulink></simpara>
504      </listitem>
505      </itemizedlist>
506    </para>
507    <para>
508      For more details see the
509      <ulink url="https://repmgr.org/release-notes-3.3.2.html#upgrading">repmgr 3 upgrade notes</ulink>.
510    </para>
511   </sect3>
512   <sect3>
513    <title>Manually create the repmgr extension</title>
514    <para>
515     In the database used by the existing &repmgr; installation, execute:
516     <programlisting>
517      CREATE EXTENSION repmgr FROM unpackaged</programlisting>
518    </para>
520    <para>
521     This will move and convert all objects from the existing schema
522     into the new, standard <literal>repmgr</literal> schema.
523    </para>
524    <note>
525      <simpara>There must be only one schema matching <literal>repmgr_%</literal> in the
526        database, otherwise this step may not work.
527      </simpara>
528    </note>
529   </sect3>
530  </sect2>
532  <sect2>
533   <title>Upgrading the repmgr schema (PostgreSQL 13 and later)</title>
534   <para>
535     Beginning with PostgreSQL 13, the <command>CREATE EXTENSION ... FROM unpackaged</command>
536     syntax is no longer available. In the unlikely event you have ended up with an
537     installation running PostgreSQL 13 or later and containing the legacy &repmgr;
538     schema, there is no convenient way of upgrading this; instead you'll just need
539     to re-register the nodes as detailed in <link linkend="upgrade-reregister-nodes">the following section</link>,
540     which will create the &repmgr; extension automatically.
541   </para>
542   <para>
543     Any historical data you wish to retain (e.g. the contents of the <structname>events</structname>
544     and <structname>monitoring</structname> tables) will need to be exported manually.
545   </para>
546  </sect2>
547  <sect2 id="upgrade-reregister-nodes">
548    <title>Re-register each node</title>
549    <para>
550     This is necessary to update the <literal>repmgr</literal> metadata with some additional items.
551    </para>
552    <para>
553     On the primary node, execute e.g.
554     <programlisting>
555      repmgr primary register -f /etc/repmgr.conf --force</programlisting>
556    </para>
557    <para>
558      If not already present (e.g. after executing <command>CREATE EXTENSION repmgr FROM unpackaged</command>),
559      the &repmgr; extension will be automatically created by <command>repmgr primary register</command>.
560    </para>
561    <para>
562     On each standby node, execute e.g.
563     <programlisting>
564      repmgr standby register -f /etc/repmgr.conf --force</programlisting>
565    </para>
566    <para>
567     Check the data is updated as expected by examining the <structname>repmgr.nodes</structname>
568     table; restart &repmgrd; if required.
569    </para>
570    <para>
571     The original <literal>repmgr_$cluster</literal> schema can be dropped at any time.
572    </para>
574  </sect2>
576  <sect2 id="upgrade-drop-repmgr-cluster-schema">
577    <title>Drop the legacy repmgr schema</title>
578    <para>
579      Once the cluster has been registered with the current &repmgr; version, the legacy
580      <literal>repmgr_$cluster</literal> schema can be dropped at any time with:
582    DROP SCHEMA repmgr_$cluster CASCADE</programlisting>
583      (substitute <literal>$cluster</literal> with the value of the <varname>clustername</varname>
584      variable used in &repmgr; 3.x).
585    </para>
586  </sect2>
587 </sect1>