1-- create a tablespace using WITH clause
2CREATE TABLESPACE regress_tblspacewith LOCATION '@testtablespace@' WITH (some_nonexistent_parameter = true); -- fail
3CREATE TABLESPACE regress_tblspacewith LOCATION '@testtablespace@' WITH (random_page_cost = 3.0); -- ok
5-- check to see the parameter was used
6SELECT spcoptions FROM pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = 'regress_tblspacewith';
8-- drop the tablespace so we can re-use the location
9DROP TABLESPACE regress_tblspacewith;
11-- create a tablespace we can use
12CREATE TABLESPACE regress_tblspace LOCATION '@testtablespace@';
14-- try setting and resetting some properties for the new tablespace
15ALTER TABLESPACE regress_tblspace SET (random_page_cost = 1.0, seq_page_cost = 1.1);
16ALTER TABLESPACE regress_tblspace SET (some_nonexistent_parameter = true);  -- fail
17ALTER TABLESPACE regress_tblspace RESET (random_page_cost = 2.0); -- fail
18ALTER TABLESPACE regress_tblspace RESET (random_page_cost, effective_io_concurrency); -- ok
20-- create a schema we can use
21CREATE SCHEMA testschema;
23-- try a table
24CREATE TABLE testschema.foo (i int) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace;
25SELECT relname, spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t, pg_catalog.pg_class c
26    where c.reltablespace = t.oid AND c.relname = 'foo';
28INSERT INTO testschema.foo VALUES(1);
29INSERT INTO testschema.foo VALUES(2);
31-- tables from dynamic sources
32CREATE TABLE testschema.asselect TABLESPACE regress_tblspace AS SELECT 1;
33SELECT relname, spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t, pg_catalog.pg_class c
34    where c.reltablespace = t.oid AND c.relname = 'asselect';
36PREPARE selectsource(int) AS SELECT $1;
37CREATE TABLE testschema.asexecute TABLESPACE regress_tblspace
38    AS EXECUTE selectsource(2);
39SELECT relname, spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t, pg_catalog.pg_class c
40    where c.reltablespace = t.oid AND c.relname = 'asexecute';
42-- index
43CREATE INDEX foo_idx on testschema.foo(i) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace;
44SELECT relname, spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t, pg_catalog.pg_class c
45    where c.reltablespace = t.oid AND c.relname = 'foo_idx';
47-- partitioned index
48CREATE TABLE testschema.part (a int) PARTITION BY LIST (a);
49CREATE TABLE testschema.part1 PARTITION OF testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (1);
50CREATE INDEX part_a_idx ON testschema.part (a) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace;
51CREATE TABLE testschema.part2 PARTITION OF testschema.part FOR VALUES IN (2);
52SELECT relname, spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t, pg_catalog.pg_class c
53    where c.reltablespace = t.oid AND c.relname LIKE 'part%_idx';
55-- check that default_tablespace doesn't affect ALTER TABLE index rebuilds
56CREATE TABLE testschema.test_default_tab(id bigint) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace;
57INSERT INTO testschema.test_default_tab VALUES (1);
58CREATE INDEX test_index1 on testschema.test_default_tab (id);
59CREATE INDEX test_index2 on testschema.test_default_tab (id) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace;
60\d testschema.test_index1
61\d testschema.test_index2
62-- use a custom tablespace for default_tablespace
63SET default_tablespace TO regress_tblspace;
64-- tablespace should not change if no rewrite
65ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab ALTER id TYPE bigint;
66\d testschema.test_index1
67\d testschema.test_index2
68SELECT * FROM testschema.test_default_tab;
69-- tablespace should not change even if there is an index rewrite
70ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab ALTER id TYPE int;
71\d testschema.test_index1
72\d testschema.test_index2
73SELECT * FROM testschema.test_default_tab;
74-- now use the default tablespace for default_tablespace
75SET default_tablespace TO '';
76-- tablespace should not change if no rewrite
77ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab ALTER id TYPE int;
78\d testschema.test_index1
79\d testschema.test_index2
80-- tablespace should not change even if there is an index rewrite
81ALTER TABLE testschema.test_default_tab ALTER id TYPE bigint;
82\d testschema.test_index1
83\d testschema.test_index2
84DROP TABLE testschema.test_default_tab;
86-- check that default_tablespace affects index additions in ALTER TABLE
87CREATE TABLE testschema.test_tab(id int) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace;
88INSERT INTO testschema.test_tab VALUES (1);
89SET default_tablespace TO regress_tblspace;
90ALTER TABLE testschema.test_tab ADD CONSTRAINT test_tab_unique UNIQUE (id);
91SET default_tablespace TO '';
92ALTER TABLE testschema.test_tab ADD CONSTRAINT test_tab_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
93\d testschema.test_tab_unique
94\d testschema.test_tab_pkey
95SELECT * FROM testschema.test_tab;
96DROP TABLE testschema.test_tab;
98-- let's try moving a table from one place to another
99CREATE TABLE testschema.atable AS VALUES (1), (2);
100CREATE UNIQUE INDEX anindex ON testschema.atable(column1);
102ALTER TABLE testschema.atable SET TABLESPACE regress_tblspace;
103ALTER INDEX testschema.anindex SET TABLESPACE regress_tblspace;
104ALTER INDEX testschema.part_a_idx SET TABLESPACE pg_global;
105ALTER INDEX testschema.part_a_idx SET TABLESPACE pg_default;
106ALTER INDEX testschema.part_a_idx SET TABLESPACE regress_tblspace;
108INSERT INTO testschema.atable VALUES(3);	-- ok
109INSERT INTO testschema.atable VALUES(1);	-- fail (checks index)
110SELECT COUNT(*) FROM testschema.atable;		-- checks heap
112-- Will fail with bad path
113CREATE TABLESPACE regress_badspace LOCATION '/no/such/location';
115-- No such tablespace
116CREATE TABLE bar (i int) TABLESPACE regress_nosuchspace;
118-- Fail, in use for some partitioned object
119DROP TABLESPACE regress_tblspace;
120ALTER INDEX testschema.part_a_idx SET TABLESPACE pg_default;
121-- Fail, not empty
122DROP TABLESPACE regress_tblspace;
124CREATE ROLE regress_tablespace_user1 login;
125CREATE ROLE regress_tablespace_user2 login;
126GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA testschema TO regress_tablespace_user2;
128ALTER TABLESPACE regress_tblspace OWNER TO regress_tablespace_user1;
130CREATE TABLE testschema.tablespace_acl (c int);
131-- new owner lacks permission to create this index from scratch
132CREATE INDEX k ON testschema.tablespace_acl (c) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace;
133ALTER TABLE testschema.tablespace_acl OWNER TO regress_tablespace_user2;
135SET SESSION ROLE regress_tablespace_user2;
136CREATE TABLE tablespace_table (i int) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; -- fail
137ALTER TABLE testschema.tablespace_acl ALTER c TYPE bigint;
140ALTER TABLESPACE regress_tblspace RENAME TO regress_tblspace_renamed;
142ALTER TABLE ALL IN TABLESPACE regress_tblspace_renamed SET TABLESPACE pg_default;
143ALTER INDEX ALL IN TABLESPACE regress_tblspace_renamed SET TABLESPACE pg_default;
145-- Should show notice that nothing was done
146ALTER TABLE ALL IN TABLESPACE regress_tblspace_renamed SET TABLESPACE pg_default;
148-- Should succeed
149DROP TABLESPACE regress_tblspace_renamed;
151DROP SCHEMA testschema CASCADE;
153DROP ROLE regress_tablespace_user1;
154DROP ROLE regress_tablespace_user2;