1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * pg_conversion.h
4  *	  definition of the "conversion" system catalog (pg_conversion)
5  *
6  *
7  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
8  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
9  *
10  * src/include/catalog/pg_conversion.h
11  *
12  * NOTES
13  *	  The Catalog.pm module reads this file and derives schema
14  *	  information.
15  *
16  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
17  */
18 #ifndef PG_CONVERSION_H
19 #define PG_CONVERSION_H
21 #include "catalog/genbki.h"
22 #include "catalog/pg_conversion_d.h"
24 #include "catalog/objectaddress.h"
26 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
27  *		pg_conversion definition.
28  *
29  *		cpp turns this into typedef struct FormData_pg_namespace
30  *
31  *	conname				name of the conversion
32  *	connamespace		name space which the conversion belongs to
33  *	conowner			owner of the conversion
34  *	conforencoding		FOR encoding id
35  *	contoencoding		TO encoding id
36  *	conproc				OID of the conversion proc
37  *	condefault			true if this is a default conversion
38  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
39  */
40 CATALOG(pg_conversion,2607,ConversionRelationId)
41 {
42 	NameData	conname;
43 	Oid			connamespace;
44 	Oid			conowner;
45 	int32		conforencoding;
46 	int32		contoencoding;
47 	regproc		conproc;
48 	bool		condefault;
49 } FormData_pg_conversion;
51 /* ----------------
52  *		Form_pg_conversion corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
53  *		the format of pg_conversion relation.
54  * ----------------
55  */
56 typedef FormData_pg_conversion *Form_pg_conversion;
59 extern ObjectAddress ConversionCreate(const char *conname, Oid connamespace,
60 				 Oid conowner,
61 				 int32 conforencoding, int32 contoencoding,
62 				 Oid conproc, bool def);
63 extern void RemoveConversionById(Oid conversionOid);
64 extern Oid FindDefaultConversion(Oid connamespace, int32 for_encoding,
65 					  int32 to_encoding);
67 #endif							/* PG_CONVERSION_H */