1 /*
2  *	version.c
3  *
4  *	Postgres-version-specific routines
5  *
6  *	Copyright (c) 2010-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
7  *	src/bin/pg_upgrade/version.c
8  */
10 #include "postgres_fe.h"
12 #include "pg_upgrade.h"
14 #include "catalog/pg_class_d.h"
15 #include "fe_utils/string_utils.h"
19 /*
20  * new_9_0_populate_pg_largeobject_metadata()
21  *	new >= 9.0, old <= 8.4
22  *	9.0 has a new pg_largeobject permission table
23  */
24 void
new_9_0_populate_pg_largeobject_metadata(ClusterInfo * cluster,bool check_mode)25 new_9_0_populate_pg_largeobject_metadata(ClusterInfo *cluster, bool check_mode)
26 {
27 	int			dbnum;
28 	FILE	   *script = NULL;
29 	bool		found = false;
30 	char		output_path[MAXPGPATH];
32 	prep_status("Checking for large objects");
34 	snprintf(output_path, sizeof(output_path), "pg_largeobject.sql");
36 	for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < cluster->dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
37 	{
38 		PGresult   *res;
39 		int			i_count;
40 		DbInfo	   *active_db = &cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
41 		PGconn	   *conn = connectToServer(cluster, active_db->db_name);
43 		/* find if there are any large objects */
44 		res = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
45 								"SELECT count(*) "
46 								"FROM	pg_catalog.pg_largeobject ");
48 		i_count = PQfnumber(res, "count");
49 		if (atoi(PQgetvalue(res, 0, i_count)) != 0)
50 		{
51 			found = true;
52 			if (!check_mode)
53 			{
54 				PQExpBufferData connectbuf;
56 				if (script == NULL && (script = fopen_priv(output_path, "w")) == NULL)
57 					pg_fatal("could not open file \"%s\": %s\n", output_path,
58 							 strerror(errno));
60 				initPQExpBuffer(&connectbuf);
61 				appendPsqlMetaConnect(&connectbuf, active_db->db_name);
62 				fputs(connectbuf.data, script);
63 				termPQExpBuffer(&connectbuf);
65 				fprintf(script,
66 						"SELECT pg_catalog.lo_create(t.loid)\n"
67 						"FROM (SELECT DISTINCT loid FROM pg_catalog.pg_largeobject) AS t;\n");
68 			}
69 		}
71 		PQclear(res);
72 		PQfinish(conn);
73 	}
75 	if (script)
76 		fclose(script);
78 	if (found)
79 	{
80 		report_status(PG_WARNING, "warning");
81 		if (check_mode)
82 			pg_log(PG_WARNING, "\n"
83 				   "Your installation contains large objects.  The new database has an\n"
84 				   "additional large object permission table.  After upgrading, you will be\n"
85 				   "given a command to populate the pg_largeobject_metadata table with\n"
86 				   "default permissions.\n\n");
87 		else
88 			pg_log(PG_WARNING, "\n"
89 				   "Your installation contains large objects.  The new database has an\n"
90 				   "additional large object permission table, so default permissions must be\n"
91 				   "defined for all large objects.  The file\n"
92 				   "    %s\n"
93 				   "when executed by psql by the database superuser will set the default\n"
94 				   "permissions.\n\n",
95 				   output_path);
96 	}
97 	else
98 		check_ok();
99 }
102 /*
103  * check_for_data_types_usage()
104  *	Detect whether there are any stored columns depending on given type(s)
105  *
106  * If so, write a report to the given file name, and return true.
107  *
108  * base_query should be a SELECT yielding a single column named "oid",
109  * containing the pg_type OIDs of one or more types that are known to have
110  * inconsistent on-disk representations across server versions.
111  *
112  * We check for the type(s) in tables, matviews, and indexes, but not views;
113  * there's no storage involved in a view.
114  */
115 bool
check_for_data_types_usage(ClusterInfo * cluster,const char * base_query,const char * output_path)116 check_for_data_types_usage(ClusterInfo *cluster,
117 						   const char *base_query,
118 						   const char *output_path)
119 {
120 	bool		found = false;
121 	FILE	   *script = NULL;
122 	int			dbnum;
124 	for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < cluster->dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
125 	{
126 		DbInfo	   *active_db = &cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
127 		PGconn	   *conn = connectToServer(cluster, active_db->db_name);
128 		PQExpBufferData querybuf;
129 		PGresult   *res;
130 		bool		db_used = false;
131 		int			ntups;
132 		int			rowno;
133 		int			i_nspname,
134 					i_relname,
135 					i_attname;
137 		/*
138 		 * The type(s) of interest might be wrapped in a domain, array,
139 		 * composite, or range, and these container types can be nested (to
140 		 * varying extents depending on server version, but that's not of
141 		 * concern here).  To handle all these cases we need a recursive CTE.
142 		 */
143 		initPQExpBuffer(&querybuf);
144 		appendPQExpBuffer(&querybuf,
145 						  "WITH RECURSIVE oids AS ( "
146 		/* start with the type(s) returned by base_query */
147 						  "	%s "
148 						  "	UNION ALL "
149 						  "	SELECT * FROM ( "
150 		/* inner WITH because we can only reference the CTE once */
151 						  "		WITH x AS (SELECT oid FROM oids) "
152 		/* domains on any type selected so far */
153 						  "			SELECT t.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t, x WHERE typbasetype = x.oid AND typtype = 'd' "
154 						  "			UNION ALL "
155 		/* arrays over any type selected so far */
156 						  "			SELECT t.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t, x WHERE typelem = x.oid AND typtype = 'b' "
157 						  "			UNION ALL "
158 		/* composite types containing any type selected so far */
159 						  "			SELECT t.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t, pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_attribute a, x "
160 						  "			WHERE t.typtype = 'c' AND "
161 						  "				  t.oid = c.reltype AND "
162 						  "				  c.oid = a.attrelid AND "
163 						  "				  NOT a.attisdropped AND "
164 						  "				  a.atttypid = x.oid ",
165 						  base_query);
167 		/* Ranges came in in 9.2 */
168 		if (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(cluster->major_version) >= 902)
169 			appendPQExpBuffer(&querybuf,
170 							  "			UNION ALL "
171 			/* ranges containing any type selected so far */
172 							  "			SELECT t.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t, pg_catalog.pg_range r, x "
173 							  "			WHERE t.typtype = 'r' AND r.rngtypid = t.oid AND r.rngsubtype = x.oid");
175 		appendPQExpBuffer(&querybuf,
176 						  "	) foo "
177 						  ") "
178 		/* now look for stored columns of any such type */
179 						  "SELECT n.nspname, c.relname, a.attname "
180 						  "FROM	pg_catalog.pg_class c, "
181 						  "		pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, "
182 						  "		pg_catalog.pg_attribute a "
183 						  "WHERE	c.oid = a.attrelid AND "
184 						  "		NOT a.attisdropped AND "
185 						  "		a.atttypid IN (SELECT oid FROM oids) AND "
186 						  "		c.relkind IN ("
187 						  CppAsString2(RELKIND_RELATION) ", "
188 						  CppAsString2(RELKIND_MATVIEW) ", "
189 						  CppAsString2(RELKIND_INDEX) ") AND "
190 						  "		c.relnamespace = n.oid AND "
191 		/* exclude possible orphaned temp tables */
192 						  "		n.nspname !~ '^pg_temp_' AND "
193 						  "		n.nspname !~ '^pg_toast_temp_' AND "
194 		/* exclude system catalogs, too */
195 						  "		n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')");
197 		res = executeQueryOrDie(conn, "%s", querybuf.data);
199 		ntups = PQntuples(res);
200 		i_nspname = PQfnumber(res, "nspname");
201 		i_relname = PQfnumber(res, "relname");
202 		i_attname = PQfnumber(res, "attname");
203 		for (rowno = 0; rowno < ntups; rowno++)
204 		{
205 			found = true;
206 			if (script == NULL && (script = fopen_priv(output_path, "w")) == NULL)
207 				pg_fatal("could not open file \"%s\": %s\n", output_path,
208 						 strerror(errno));
209 			if (!db_used)
210 			{
211 				fprintf(script, "In database: %s\n", active_db->db_name);
212 				db_used = true;
213 			}
214 			fprintf(script, "  %s.%s.%s\n",
215 					PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_nspname),
216 					PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_relname),
217 					PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_attname));
218 		}
220 		PQclear(res);
222 		termPQExpBuffer(&querybuf);
224 		PQfinish(conn);
225 	}
227 	if (script)
228 		fclose(script);
230 	return found;
231 }
233 /*
234  * check_for_data_type_usage()
235  *	Detect whether there are any stored columns depending on the given type
236  *
237  * If so, write a report to the given file name, and return true.
238  *
239  * type_name should be a fully qualified type name.  This is just a
240  * trivial wrapper around check_for_data_types_usage() to convert a
241  * type name into a base query.
242  */
243 bool
check_for_data_type_usage(ClusterInfo * cluster,const char * type_name,const char * output_path)244 check_for_data_type_usage(ClusterInfo *cluster,
245 						  const char *type_name,
246 						  const char *output_path)
247 {
248 	bool		found;
249 	char	   *base_query;
251 	base_query = psprintf("SELECT '%s'::pg_catalog.regtype AS oid",
252 						  type_name);
254 	found = check_for_data_types_usage(cluster, base_query, output_path);
256 	free(base_query);
258 	return found;
259 }
262 /*
263  * old_9_3_check_for_line_data_type_usage()
264  *	9.3 -> 9.4
265  *	Fully implement the 'line' data type in 9.4, which previously returned
266  *	"not enabled" by default and was only functionally enabled with a
267  *	compile-time switch; as of 9.4 "line" has a different on-disk
268  *	representation format.
269  */
270 void
old_9_3_check_for_line_data_type_usage(ClusterInfo * cluster)271 old_9_3_check_for_line_data_type_usage(ClusterInfo *cluster)
272 {
273 	char		output_path[MAXPGPATH];
275 	prep_status("Checking for incompatible \"line\" data type");
277 	snprintf(output_path, sizeof(output_path), "tables_using_line.txt");
279 	if (check_for_data_type_usage(cluster, "pg_catalog.line", output_path))
280 	{
281 		pg_log(PG_REPORT, "fatal\n");
282 		pg_fatal("Your installation contains the \"line\" data type in user tables.  This\n"
283 				 "data type changed its internal and input/output format between your old\n"
284 				 "and new clusters so this cluster cannot currently be upgraded.  You can\n"
285 				 "remove the problem tables and restart the upgrade.  A list of the problem\n"
286 				 "columns is in the file:\n"
287 				 "    %s\n\n", output_path);
288 	}
289 	else
290 		check_ok();
291 }
294 /*
295  * old_9_6_check_for_unknown_data_type_usage()
296  *	9.6 -> 10
297  *	It's no longer allowed to create tables or views with "unknown"-type
298  *	columns.  We do not complain about views with such columns, because
299  *	they should get silently converted to "text" columns during the DDL
300  *	dump and reload; it seems unlikely to be worth making users do that
301  *	by hand.  However, if there's a table with such a column, the DDL
302  *	reload will fail, so we should pre-detect that rather than failing
303  *	mid-upgrade.  Worse, if there's a matview with such a column, the
304  *	DDL reload will silently change it to "text" which won't match the
305  *	on-disk storage (which is like "cstring").  So we *must* reject that.
306  */
307 void
old_9_6_check_for_unknown_data_type_usage(ClusterInfo * cluster)308 old_9_6_check_for_unknown_data_type_usage(ClusterInfo *cluster)
309 {
310 	char		output_path[MAXPGPATH];
312 	prep_status("Checking for invalid \"unknown\" user columns");
314 	snprintf(output_path, sizeof(output_path), "tables_using_unknown.txt");
316 	if (check_for_data_type_usage(cluster, "pg_catalog.unknown", output_path))
317 	{
318 		pg_log(PG_REPORT, "fatal\n");
319 		pg_fatal("Your installation contains the \"unknown\" data type in user tables.  This\n"
320 				 "data type is no longer allowed in tables, so this cluster cannot currently\n"
321 				 "be upgraded.  You can remove the problem tables and restart the upgrade.\n"
322 				 "A list of the problem columns is in the file:\n"
323 				 "    %s\n\n", output_path);
324 	}
325 	else
326 		check_ok();
327 }
329 /*
330  * old_9_6_invalidate_hash_indexes()
331  *	9.6 -> 10
332  *	Hash index binary format has changed from 9.6->10.0
333  */
334 void
old_9_6_invalidate_hash_indexes(ClusterInfo * cluster,bool check_mode)335 old_9_6_invalidate_hash_indexes(ClusterInfo *cluster, bool check_mode)
336 {
337 	int			dbnum;
338 	FILE	   *script = NULL;
339 	bool		found = false;
340 	char	   *output_path = "reindex_hash.sql";
342 	prep_status("Checking for hash indexes");
344 	for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < cluster->dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
345 	{
346 		PGresult   *res;
347 		bool		db_used = false;
348 		int			ntups;
349 		int			rowno;
350 		int			i_nspname,
351 					i_relname;
352 		DbInfo	   *active_db = &cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
353 		PGconn	   *conn = connectToServer(cluster, active_db->db_name);
355 		/* find hash indexes */
356 		res = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
357 								"SELECT n.nspname, c.relname "
358 								"FROM	pg_catalog.pg_class c, "
359 								"		pg_catalog.pg_index i, "
360 								"		pg_catalog.pg_am a, "
361 								"		pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
362 								"WHERE	i.indexrelid = c.oid AND "
363 								"		c.relam = a.oid AND "
364 								"		c.relnamespace = n.oid AND "
365 								"		a.amname = 'hash'"
366 			);
368 		ntups = PQntuples(res);
369 		i_nspname = PQfnumber(res, "nspname");
370 		i_relname = PQfnumber(res, "relname");
371 		for (rowno = 0; rowno < ntups; rowno++)
372 		{
373 			found = true;
374 			if (!check_mode)
375 			{
376 				if (script == NULL && (script = fopen_priv(output_path, "w")) == NULL)
377 					pg_fatal("could not open file \"%s\": %s\n", output_path,
378 							 strerror(errno));
379 				if (!db_used)
380 				{
381 					PQExpBufferData connectbuf;
383 					initPQExpBuffer(&connectbuf);
384 					appendPsqlMetaConnect(&connectbuf, active_db->db_name);
385 					fputs(connectbuf.data, script);
386 					termPQExpBuffer(&connectbuf);
387 					db_used = true;
388 				}
389 				fprintf(script, "REINDEX INDEX %s.%s;\n",
390 						quote_identifier(PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_nspname)),
391 						quote_identifier(PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_relname)));
392 			}
393 		}
395 		PQclear(res);
397 		if (!check_mode && db_used)
398 		{
399 			/* mark hash indexes as invalid */
400 			PQclear(executeQueryOrDie(conn,
401 									  "UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_index i "
402 									  "SET	indisvalid = false "
403 									  "FROM	pg_catalog.pg_class c, "
404 									  "		pg_catalog.pg_am a, "
405 									  "		pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
406 									  "WHERE	i.indexrelid = c.oid AND "
407 									  "		c.relam = a.oid AND "
408 									  "		c.relnamespace = n.oid AND "
409 									  "		a.amname = 'hash'"));
410 		}
412 		PQfinish(conn);
413 	}
415 	if (script)
416 		fclose(script);
418 	if (found)
419 	{
420 		report_status(PG_WARNING, "warning");
421 		if (check_mode)
422 			pg_log(PG_WARNING, "\n"
423 				   "Your installation contains hash indexes.  These indexes have different\n"
424 				   "internal formats between your old and new clusters, so they must be\n"
425 				   "reindexed with the REINDEX command.  After upgrading, you will be given\n"
426 				   "REINDEX instructions.\n\n");
427 		else
428 			pg_log(PG_WARNING, "\n"
429 				   "Your installation contains hash indexes.  These indexes have different\n"
430 				   "internal formats between your old and new clusters, so they must be\n"
431 				   "reindexed with the REINDEX command.  The file\n"
432 				   "    %s\n"
433 				   "when executed by psql by the database superuser will recreate all invalid\n"
434 				   "indexes; until then, none of these indexes will be used.\n\n",
435 				   output_path);
436 	}
437 	else
438 		check_ok();
439 }
441 /*
442  * old_11_check_for_sql_identifier_data_type_usage()
443  *	11 -> 12
444  *	In 12, the sql_identifier data type was switched from name to varchar,
445  *	which does affect the storage (name is by-ref, but not varlena). This
446  *	means user tables using sql_identifier for columns are broken because
447  *	the on-disk format is different.
448  */
449 void
old_11_check_for_sql_identifier_data_type_usage(ClusterInfo * cluster)450 old_11_check_for_sql_identifier_data_type_usage(ClusterInfo *cluster)
451 {
452 	char		output_path[MAXPGPATH];
454 	prep_status("Checking for invalid \"sql_identifier\" user columns");
456 	snprintf(output_path, sizeof(output_path), "tables_using_sql_identifier.txt");
458 	if (check_for_data_type_usage(cluster, "information_schema.sql_identifier",
459 								  output_path))
460 	{
461 		pg_log(PG_REPORT, "fatal\n");
462 		pg_fatal("Your installation contains the \"sql_identifier\" data type in user tables\n"
463 				 "and/or indexes.  The on-disk format for this data type has changed, so this\n"
464 				 "cluster cannot currently be upgraded.  You can remove the problem tables or\n"
465 				 "change the data type to \"name\" and restart the upgrade.\n"
466 				 "A list of the problem columns is in the file:\n"
467 				 "    %s\n\n", output_path);
468 	}
469 	else
470 		check_ok();
471 }
474 /*
475  * report_extension_updates()
476  *	Report extensions that should be updated.
477  */
478 void
report_extension_updates(ClusterInfo * cluster)479 report_extension_updates(ClusterInfo *cluster)
480 {
481 	int			dbnum;
482 	FILE	   *script = NULL;
483 	bool		found = false;
484 	char	   *output_path = "update_extensions.sql";
486 	prep_status("Checking for extension updates");
488 	for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < cluster->dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
489 	{
490 		PGresult   *res;
491 		bool		db_used = false;
492 		int			ntups;
493 		int			rowno;
494 		int			i_name;
495 		DbInfo	   *active_db = &cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
496 		PGconn	   *conn = connectToServer(cluster, active_db->db_name);
498 		/* find extensions needing updates */
499 		res = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
500 								"SELECT name "
501 								"FROM pg_available_extensions "
502 								"WHERE installed_version != default_version"
503 			);
505 		ntups = PQntuples(res);
506 		i_name = PQfnumber(res, "name");
507 		for (rowno = 0; rowno < ntups; rowno++)
508 		{
509 			found = true;
511 			if (script == NULL && (script = fopen_priv(output_path, "w")) == NULL)
512 				pg_fatal("could not open file \"%s\": %s\n", output_path,
513 						 strerror(errno));
514 			if (!db_used)
515 			{
516 				PQExpBufferData connectbuf;
518 				initPQExpBuffer(&connectbuf);
519 				appendPsqlMetaConnect(&connectbuf, active_db->db_name);
520 				fputs(connectbuf.data, script);
521 				termPQExpBuffer(&connectbuf);
522 				db_used = true;
523 			}
524 			fprintf(script, "ALTER EXTENSION %s UPDATE;\n",
525 					quote_identifier(PQgetvalue(res, rowno, i_name)));
526 		}
528 		PQclear(res);
530 		PQfinish(conn);
531 	}
533 	if (script)
534 		fclose(script);
536 	if (found)
537 	{
538 		report_status(PG_REPORT, "notice");
539 		pg_log(PG_REPORT, "\n"
540 			   "Your installation contains extensions that should be updated\n"
541 			   "with the ALTER EXTENSION command.  The file\n"
542 			   "    %s\n"
543 			   "when executed by psql by the database superuser will update\n"
544 			   "these extensions.\n\n",
545 			   output_path);
546 	}
547 	else
548 		check_ok();
549 }