1<!-- doc/src/sgml/monitoring.sgml -->
3<chapter id="monitoring">
4 <title>Monitoring Database Activity</title>
6 <indexterm zone="monitoring">
7  <primary>monitoring</primary>
8  <secondary>database activity</secondary>
9 </indexterm>
11 <indexterm zone="monitoring">
12  <primary>database activity</primary>
13  <secondary>monitoring</secondary>
14 </indexterm>
16 <para>
17  A database administrator frequently wonders, <quote>What is the system
18  doing right now?</quote>
19  This chapter discusses how to find that out.
20 </para>
22  <para>
23   Several tools are available for monitoring database activity and
24   analyzing performance.  Most of this chapter is devoted to describing
25   <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>'s statistics collector,
26   but one should not neglect regular Unix monitoring programs such as
27   <command>ps</command>, <command>top</command>, <command>iostat</command>, and <command>vmstat</command>.
28   Also, once one has identified a
29   poorly-performing query, further investigation might be needed using
30   <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>'s <xref linkend="sql-explain"/> command.
31   <xref linkend="using-explain"/> discusses <command>EXPLAIN</command>
32   and other methods for understanding the behavior of an individual
33   query.
34  </para>
36 <sect1 id="monitoring-ps">
37  <title>Standard Unix Tools</title>
39  <indexterm zone="monitoring-ps">
40   <primary>ps</primary>
41   <secondary>to monitor activity</secondary>
42  </indexterm>
44  <para>
45   On most Unix platforms, <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> modifies its
46   command title as reported by <command>ps</command>, so that individual server
47   processes can readily be identified.  A sample display is
50$ ps auxww | grep ^postgres
51postgres  15551  0.0  0.1  57536  7132 pts/0    S    18:02   0:00 postgres -i
52postgres  15554  0.0  0.0  57536  1184 ?        Ss   18:02   0:00 postgres: background writer
53postgres  15555  0.0  0.0  57536   916 ?        Ss   18:02   0:00 postgres: checkpointer
54postgres  15556  0.0  0.0  57536   916 ?        Ss   18:02   0:00 postgres: walwriter
55postgres  15557  0.0  0.0  58504  2244 ?        Ss   18:02   0:00 postgres: autovacuum launcher
56postgres  15558  0.0  0.0  17512  1068 ?        Ss   18:02   0:00 postgres: stats collector
57postgres  15582  0.0  0.0  58772  3080 ?        Ss   18:04   0:00 postgres: joe runbug idle
58postgres  15606  0.0  0.0  58772  3052 ?        Ss   18:07   0:00 postgres: tgl regression [local] SELECT waiting
59postgres  15610  0.0  0.0  58772  3056 ?        Ss   18:07   0:00 postgres: tgl regression [local] idle in transaction
62   (The appropriate invocation of <command>ps</command> varies across different
63   platforms, as do the details of what is shown.  This example is from a
64   recent Linux system.)  The first process listed here is the
65   master server process.  The command arguments
66   shown for it are the same ones used when it was launched.  The next five
67   processes are background worker processes automatically launched by the
68   master process.  (The <quote>stats collector</quote> process will not be present
69   if you have set the system not to start the statistics collector; likewise
70   the <quote>autovacuum launcher</quote> process can be disabled.)
71   Each of the remaining
72   processes is a server process handling one client connection.  Each such
73   process sets its command line display in the form
76postgres: <replaceable>user</replaceable> <replaceable>database</replaceable> <replaceable>host</replaceable> <replaceable>activity</replaceable>
79  The user, database, and (client) host items remain the same for
80  the life of the client connection, but the activity indicator changes.
81  The activity can be <literal>idle</literal> (i.e., waiting for a client command),
82  <literal>idle in transaction</literal> (waiting for client inside a <command>BEGIN</command> block),
83  or a command type name such as <literal>SELECT</literal>.  Also,
84  <literal>waiting</literal> is appended if the server process is presently waiting
85  on a lock held by another session.  In the above example we can infer
86  that process 15606 is waiting for process 15610 to complete its transaction
87  and thereby release some lock.  (Process 15610 must be the blocker, because
88  there is no other active session.  In more complicated cases it would be
89  necessary to look into the
90  <link linkend="view-pg-locks"><structname>pg_locks</structname></link>
91  system view to determine who is blocking whom.)
92  </para>
94  <para>
95   If <xref linkend="guc-cluster-name"/> has been configured the
96   cluster name will also be shown in <command>ps</command> output:
98$ psql -c 'SHOW cluster_name'
99 cluster_name
101 server1
102(1 row)
104$ ps aux|grep server1
105postgres   27093  0.0  0.0  30096  2752 ?        Ss   11:34   0:00 postgres: server1: background writer
108  </para>
110  <para>
111   If you have turned off <xref linkend="guc-update-process-title"/> then the
112   activity indicator is not updated; the process title is set only once
113   when a new process is launched.  On some platforms this saves a measurable
114   amount of per-command overhead;  on others it's insignificant.
115  </para>
117  <tip>
118  <para>
119  <productname>Solaris</productname> requires special handling. You must
120  use <command>/usr/ucb/ps</command>, rather than
121  <command>/bin/ps</command>. You also must use two <option>w</option>
122  flags, not just one. In addition, your original invocation of the
123  <command>postgres</command> command must have a shorter
124  <command>ps</command> status display than that provided by each
125  server process.  If you fail to do all three things, the <command>ps</command>
126  output for each server process will be the original <command>postgres</command>
127  command line.
128  </para>
129  </tip>
130 </sect1>
132 <sect1 id="monitoring-stats">
133  <title>The Statistics Collector</title>
135  <indexterm zone="monitoring-stats">
136   <primary>statistics</primary>
137  </indexterm>
139  <para>
140   <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>'s <firstterm>statistics collector</firstterm>
141   is a subsystem that supports collection and reporting of information about
142   server activity.  Presently, the collector can count accesses to tables
143   and indexes in both disk-block and individual-row terms.  It also tracks
144   the total number of rows in each table, and information about vacuum and
145   analyze actions for each table.  It can also count calls to user-defined
146   functions and the total time spent in each one.
147  </para>
149  <para>
150   <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> also supports reporting dynamic
151   information about exactly what is going on in the system right now, such as
152   the exact command currently being executed by other server processes, and
153   which other connections exist in the system.  This facility is independent
154   of the collector process.
155  </para>
157 <sect2 id="monitoring-stats-setup">
158  <title>Statistics Collection Configuration</title>
160  <para>
161   Since collection of statistics adds some overhead to query execution,
162   the system can be configured to collect or not collect information.
163   This is controlled by configuration parameters that are normally set in
164   <filename>postgresql.conf</filename>.  (See <xref linkend="runtime-config"/> for
165   details about setting configuration parameters.)
166  </para>
168  <para>
169   The parameter <xref linkend="guc-track-activities"/> enables monitoring
170   of the current command being executed by any server process.
171  </para>
173  <para>
174   The parameter <xref linkend="guc-track-counts"/> controls whether
175   statistics are collected about table and index accesses.
176  </para>
178  <para>
179   The parameter <xref linkend="guc-track-functions"/> enables tracking of
180   usage of user-defined functions.
181  </para>
183  <para>
184   The parameter <xref linkend="guc-track-io-timing"/> enables monitoring
185   of block read and write times.
186  </para>
188  <para>
189   Normally these parameters are set in <filename>postgresql.conf</filename> so
190   that they apply to all server processes, but it is possible to turn
191   them on or off in individual sessions using the <xref
192   linkend="sql-set"/> command. (To prevent
193   ordinary users from hiding their activity from the administrator,
194   only superusers are allowed to change these parameters with
195   <command>SET</command>.)
196  </para>
198  <para>
199   The statistics collector transmits the collected information to other
200   <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> processes through temporary files.
201   These files are stored in the directory named by the
202   <xref linkend="guc-stats-temp-directory"/> parameter,
203   <filename>pg_stat_tmp</filename> by default.
204   For better performance, <varname>stats_temp_directory</varname> can be
205   pointed at a RAM-based file system, decreasing physical I/O requirements.
206   When the server shuts down cleanly, a permanent copy of the statistics
207   data is stored in the <filename>pg_stat</filename> subdirectory, so that
208   statistics can be retained across server restarts.  When recovery is
209   performed at server start (e.g., after immediate shutdown, server crash,
210   and point-in-time recovery), all statistics counters are reset.
211  </para>
213 </sect2>
215 <sect2 id="monitoring-stats-views">
216  <title>Viewing Statistics</title>
218  <para>
219   Several predefined views, listed in <xref
220   linkend="monitoring-stats-dynamic-views-table"/>, are available to show
221   the current state of the system. There are also several other
222   views, listed in <xref
223   linkend="monitoring-stats-views-table"/>, available to show the results
224   of statistics collection.  Alternatively, one can
225   build custom views using the underlying statistics functions, as discussed
226   in <xref linkend="monitoring-stats-functions"/>.
227  </para>
229  <para>
230   When using the statistics to monitor collected data, it is important
231   to realize that the information does not update instantaneously.
232   Each individual server process transmits new statistical counts to
233   the collector just before going idle; so a query or transaction still in
234   progress does not affect the displayed totals.  Also, the collector itself
235   emits a new report at most once per <varname>PGSTAT_STAT_INTERVAL</varname>
236   milliseconds (500 ms unless altered while building the server).  So the
237   displayed information lags behind actual activity.  However, current-query
238   information collected by <varname>track_activities</varname> is
239   always up-to-date.
240  </para>
242  <para>
243   Another important point is that when a server process is asked to display
244   any of these statistics, it first fetches the most recent report emitted by
245   the collector process and then continues to use this snapshot for all
246   statistical views and functions until the end of its current transaction.
247   So the statistics will show static information as long as you continue the
248   current transaction.  Similarly, information about the current queries of
249   all sessions is collected when any such information is first requested
250   within a transaction, and the same information will be displayed throughout
251   the transaction.
252   This is a feature, not a bug, because it allows you to perform several
253   queries on the statistics and correlate the results without worrying that
254   the numbers are changing underneath you.  But if you want to see new
255   results with each query, be sure to do the queries outside any transaction
256   block.  Alternatively, you can invoke
257   <function>pg_stat_clear_snapshot</function>(), which will discard the
258   current transaction's statistics snapshot (if any).  The next use of
259   statistical information will cause a new snapshot to be fetched.
260  </para>
262  <para>
263   A transaction can also see its own statistics (as yet untransmitted to the
264   collector) in the views <structname>pg_stat_xact_all_tables</structname>,
265   <structname>pg_stat_xact_sys_tables</structname>,
266   <structname>pg_stat_xact_user_tables</structname>, and
267   <structname>pg_stat_xact_user_functions</structname>.  These numbers do not act as
268   stated above; instead they update continuously throughout the transaction.
269  </para>
271  <para>
272   Some of the information in the dynamic statistics views shown in <xref
273   linkend="monitoring-stats-dynamic-views-table"/> is security restricted.
274   Ordinary users can only see all the information about their own sessions
275   (sessions belonging to a role that they are a member of).  In rows about
276   other sessions, many columns will be null.  Note, however, that the
277   existence of a session and its general properties such as its sessions user
278   and database are visible to all users.  Superusers and members of the
279   built-in role <literal>pg_read_all_stats</literal> (see also <xref
280   linkend="default-roles"/>) can see all the information about all sessions.
281  </para>
283  <table id="monitoring-stats-dynamic-views-table">
284   <title>Dynamic Statistics Views</title>
286   <tgroup cols="2">
287    <thead>
288     <row>
289      <entry>View Name</entry>
290      <entry>Description</entry>
291     </row>
292    </thead>
294    <tbody>
295     <row>
296      <entry>
297       <structname>pg_stat_activity</structname>
298       <indexterm><primary>pg_stat_activity</primary></indexterm>
299      </entry>
300      <entry>
301       One row per server process, showing information related to
302       the current activity of that process, such as state and current query.
303       See <link linkend="monitoring-pg-stat-activity-view">
304       <structname>pg_stat_activity</structname></link> for details.
305      </entry>
306     </row>
308     <row>
309      <entry><structname>pg_stat_replication</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_replication</primary></indexterm></entry>
310      <entry>One row per WAL sender process, showing statistics about
311       replication to that sender's connected standby server.
312       See <link linkend="monitoring-pg-stat-replication-view">
313       <structname>pg_stat_replication</structname></link> for details.
314      </entry>
315     </row>
317     <row>
318      <entry><structname>pg_stat_wal_receiver</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_wal_receiver</primary></indexterm></entry>
319      <entry>Only one row, showing statistics about the WAL receiver from
320       that receiver's connected server.
321       See <link linkend="monitoring-pg-stat-wal-receiver-view">
322       <structname>pg_stat_wal_receiver</structname></link> for details.
323      </entry>
324     </row>
326     <row>
327      <entry><structname>pg_stat_subscription</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_subscription</primary></indexterm></entry>
328      <entry>At least one row per subscription, showing information about
329       the subscription workers.
330       See <link linkend="monitoring-pg-stat-subscription">
331       <structname>pg_stat_subscription</structname></link> for details.
332      </entry>
333     </row>
335     <row>
336      <entry><structname>pg_stat_ssl</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_ssl</primary></indexterm></entry>
337      <entry>One row per connection (regular and replication), showing information about
338       SSL used on this connection.
339       See <link linkend="monitoring-pg-stat-ssl-view">
340       <structname>pg_stat_ssl</structname></link> for details.
341      </entry>
342     </row>
344     <row>
345      <entry><structname>pg_stat_gssapi</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_gssapi</primary></indexterm></entry>
346      <entry>One row per connection (regular and replication), showing information about
347       GSSAPI authentication and encryption used on this connection.
348       See <link linkend="monitoring-pg-stat-gssapi-view">
349       <structname>pg_stat_gssapi</structname></link> for details.
350      </entry>
351     </row>
353     <row>
354      <entry><structname>pg_stat_progress_analyze</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_progress_analyze</primary></indexterm></entry>
355      <entry>One row for each backend (including autovacuum worker processes) running
356       <command>ANALYZE</command>, showing current progress.
357       See <xref linkend='analyze-progress-reporting'/>.
358      </entry>
359     </row>
361     <row>
362      <entry><structname>pg_stat_progress_create_index</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_progress_create_index</primary></indexterm></entry>
363      <entry>One row for each backend running <command>CREATE INDEX</command> or <command>REINDEX</command>, showing
364      current progress.
365      See <xref linkend='create-index-progress-reporting'/>.
366     </entry>
367     </row>
369     <row>
370      <entry><structname>pg_stat_progress_vacuum</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_progress_vacuum</primary></indexterm></entry>
371      <entry>One row for each backend (including autovacuum worker processes) running
372       <command>VACUUM</command>, showing current progress.
373       See <xref linkend='vacuum-progress-reporting'/>.
374      </entry>
375     </row>
377     <row>
378      <entry><structname>pg_stat_progress_cluster</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_progress_cluster</primary></indexterm></entry>
379      <entry>One row for each backend running
380       <command>CLUSTER</command> or <command>VACUUM FULL</command>, showing current progress.
381       See <xref linkend='cluster-progress-reporting'/>.
382      </entry>
383     </row>
385     <row>
386      <entry><structname>pg_stat_progress_basebackup</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_progress_basebackup</primary></indexterm></entry>
387      <entry>One row for each WAL sender process streaming a base backup,
388       showing current progress.
389       See <xref linkend='basebackup-progress-reporting'/>.
390      </entry>
391     </row>
393    </tbody>
394   </tgroup>
395  </table>
397  <table id="monitoring-stats-views-table">
398   <title>Collected Statistics Views</title>
400   <tgroup cols="2">
401    <thead>
402     <row>
403      <entry>View Name</entry>
404      <entry>Description</entry>
405     </row>
406    </thead>
408    <tbody>
409     <row>
410      <entry><structname>pg_stat_archiver</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_archiver</primary></indexterm></entry>
411      <entry>One row only, showing statistics about the
412       WAL archiver process's activity. See
413       <link linkend="monitoring-pg-stat-archiver-view">
414       <structname>pg_stat_archiver</structname></link> for details.
415      </entry>
416     </row>
418     <row>
419      <entry><structname>pg_stat_bgwriter</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_bgwriter</primary></indexterm></entry>
420      <entry>One row only, showing statistics about the
421       background writer process's activity. See
422       <link linkend="monitoring-pg-stat-bgwriter-view">
423       <structname>pg_stat_bgwriter</structname></link> for details.
424     </entry>
425     </row>
427     <row>
428      <entry><structname>pg_stat_database</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_database</primary></indexterm></entry>
429      <entry>One row per database, showing database-wide statistics. See
430       <link linkend="monitoring-pg-stat-database-view">
431       <structname>pg_stat_database</structname></link> for details.
432      </entry>
433     </row>
435     <row>
436      <entry><structname>pg_stat_database_conflicts</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_database_conflicts</primary></indexterm></entry>
437      <entry>
438       One row per database, showing database-wide statistics about
439       query cancels due to conflict with recovery on standby servers.
440       See <link linkend="monitoring-pg-stat-database-conflicts-view">
441       <structname>pg_stat_database_conflicts</structname></link> for details.
442      </entry>
443     </row>
445     <row>
446      <entry><structname>pg_stat_all_tables</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_all_tables</primary></indexterm></entry>
447      <entry>
448       One row for each table in the current database, showing statistics
449       about accesses to that specific table.
450       See <link linkend="monitoring-pg-stat-all-tables-view">
451       <structname>pg_stat_all_tables</structname></link> for details.
452      </entry>
453     </row>
455     <row>
456      <entry><structname>pg_stat_sys_tables</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_sys_tables</primary></indexterm></entry>
457      <entry>Same as <structname>pg_stat_all_tables</structname>, except that only
458      system tables are shown.</entry>
459     </row>
461     <row>
462      <entry><structname>pg_stat_user_tables</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_user_tables</primary></indexterm></entry>
463      <entry>Same as <structname>pg_stat_all_tables</structname>, except that only user
464      tables are shown.</entry>
465     </row>
467     <row>
468      <entry><structname>pg_stat_xact_all_tables</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_xact_all_tables</primary></indexterm></entry>
469      <entry>Similar to <structname>pg_stat_all_tables</structname>, but counts actions
470      taken so far within the current transaction (which are <emphasis>not</emphasis>
471      yet included in <structname>pg_stat_all_tables</structname> and related views).
472      The columns for numbers of live and dead rows and vacuum and
473      analyze actions are not present in this view.</entry>
474     </row>
476     <row>
477      <entry><structname>pg_stat_xact_sys_tables</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_xact_sys_tables</primary></indexterm></entry>
478      <entry>Same as <structname>pg_stat_xact_all_tables</structname>, except that only
479      system tables are shown.</entry>
480     </row>
482     <row>
483      <entry><structname>pg_stat_xact_user_tables</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_xact_user_tables</primary></indexterm></entry>
484      <entry>Same as <structname>pg_stat_xact_all_tables</structname>, except that only
485      user tables are shown.</entry>
486     </row>
488     <row>
489      <entry><structname>pg_stat_all_indexes</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_all_indexes</primary></indexterm></entry>
490      <entry>
491       One row for each index in the current database, showing statistics
492       about accesses to that specific index.
493       See <link linkend="monitoring-pg-stat-all-indexes-view">
494       <structname>pg_stat_all_indexes</structname></link> for details.
495      </entry>
496     </row>
498     <row>
499      <entry><structname>pg_stat_sys_indexes</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_sys_indexes</primary></indexterm></entry>
500      <entry>Same as <structname>pg_stat_all_indexes</structname>, except that only
501      indexes on system tables are shown.</entry>
502     </row>
504     <row>
505      <entry><structname>pg_stat_user_indexes</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_user_indexes</primary></indexterm></entry>
506      <entry>Same as <structname>pg_stat_all_indexes</structname>, except that only
507      indexes on user tables are shown.</entry>
508     </row>
510     <row>
511      <entry><structname>pg_statio_all_tables</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_statio_all_tables</primary></indexterm></entry>
512      <entry>
513       One row for each table in the current database, showing statistics
514       about I/O on that specific table.
515       See <link linkend="monitoring-pg-statio-all-tables-view">
516       <structname>pg_statio_all_tables</structname></link> for details.
517      </entry>
518     </row>
520     <row>
521      <entry><structname>pg_statio_sys_tables</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_statio_sys_tables</primary></indexterm></entry>
522      <entry>Same as <structname>pg_statio_all_tables</structname>, except that only
523      system tables are shown.</entry>
524     </row>
526     <row>
527      <entry><structname>pg_statio_user_tables</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_statio_user_tables</primary></indexterm></entry>
528      <entry>Same as <structname>pg_statio_all_tables</structname>, except that only
529      user tables are shown.</entry>
530     </row>
532     <row>
533      <entry><structname>pg_statio_all_indexes</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_statio_all_indexes</primary></indexterm></entry>
534      <entry>
535       One row for each index in the current database,
536       showing statistics about I/O on that specific index.
537       See <link linkend="monitoring-pg-statio-all-indexes-view">
538       <structname>pg_statio_all_indexes</structname></link> for details.
539      </entry>
540     </row>
542     <row>
543      <entry><structname>pg_statio_sys_indexes</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_statio_sys_indexes</primary></indexterm></entry>
544      <entry>Same as <structname>pg_statio_all_indexes</structname>, except that only
545      indexes on system tables are shown.</entry>
546     </row>
548     <row>
549      <entry><structname>pg_statio_user_indexes</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_statio_user_indexes</primary></indexterm></entry>
550      <entry>Same as <structname>pg_statio_all_indexes</structname>, except that only
551      indexes on user tables are shown.</entry>
552     </row>
554     <row>
555      <entry><structname>pg_statio_all_sequences</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_statio_all_sequences</primary></indexterm></entry>
556     <entry>
557       One row for each sequence in the current database,
558       showing statistics about I/O on that specific sequence.
559       See <link linkend="monitoring-pg-statio-all-sequences-view">
560       <structname>pg_statio_all_sequences</structname></link> for details.
561     </entry>
562     </row>
564     <row>
565      <entry><structname>pg_statio_sys_sequences</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_statio_sys_sequences</primary></indexterm></entry>
566      <entry>Same as <structname>pg_statio_all_sequences</structname>, except that only
567      system sequences are shown.  (Presently, no system sequences are defined,
568      so this view is always empty.)</entry>
569     </row>
571     <row>
572      <entry><structname>pg_statio_user_sequences</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_statio_user_sequences</primary></indexterm></entry>
573      <entry>Same as <structname>pg_statio_all_sequences</structname>, except that only
574      user sequences are shown.</entry>
575     </row>
577     <row>
578      <entry><structname>pg_stat_user_functions</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_user_functions</primary></indexterm></entry>
579      <entry>
580       One row for each tracked function, showing statistics
581       about executions of that function. See
582       <link linkend="monitoring-pg-stat-user-functions-view">
583       <structname>pg_stat_user_functions</structname></link> for details.
584      </entry>
585     </row>
587     <row>
588      <entry><structname>pg_stat_xact_user_functions</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_xact_user_functions</primary></indexterm></entry>
589      <entry>Similar to <structname>pg_stat_user_functions</structname>, but counts only
590      calls during the current transaction (which are <emphasis>not</emphasis>
591      yet included in <structname>pg_stat_user_functions</structname>).</entry>
592     </row>
594     <row>
595      <entry><structname>pg_stat_slru</structname><indexterm><primary>pg_stat_slru</primary></indexterm></entry>
596      <entry>One row per SLRU, showing statistics of operations. See
597       <link linkend="monitoring-pg-stat-slru-view">
598       <structname>pg_stat_slru</structname></link> for details.
599      </entry>
600     </row>
602    </tbody>
603   </tgroup>
604  </table>
606  <para>
607   The per-index statistics are particularly useful to determine which
608   indexes are being used and how effective they are.
609  </para>
611  <para>
612   The <structname>pg_statio_</structname> views are primarily useful to
613   determine the effectiveness of the buffer cache.  When the number
614   of actual disk reads is much smaller than the number of buffer
615   hits, then the cache is satisfying most read requests without
616   invoking a kernel call. However, these statistics do not give the
617   entire story: due to the way in which <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>
618   handles disk I/O, data that is not in the
619   <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> buffer cache might still reside in the
620   kernel's I/O cache, and might therefore still be fetched without
621   requiring a physical read. Users interested in obtaining more
622   detailed information on <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> I/O behavior are
623   advised to use the <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> statistics collector
624   in combination with operating system utilities that allow insight
625   into the kernel's handling of I/O.
626  </para>
628 </sect2>
630 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-stat-activity-view">
631  <title><structname>pg_stat_activity</structname></title>
633  <indexterm>
634   <primary>pg_stat_activity</primary>
635  </indexterm>
637  <para>
638   The <structname>pg_stat_activity</structname> view will have one row
639   per server process, showing information related to
640   the current activity of that process.
641  </para>
643  <table id="pg-stat-activity-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_activity">
644   <title><structname>pg_stat_activity</structname> View</title>
645   <tgroup cols="1">
646    <thead>
647     <row>
648      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
649       Column Type
650      </para>
651      <para>
652       Description
653      </para></entry>
654     </row>
655    </thead>
657    <tbody>
658     <row>
659      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
660       <structfield>datid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
661      </para>
662      <para>
663       OID of the database this backend is connected to
664      </para></entry>
665     </row>
667     <row>
668      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
669       <structfield>datname</structfield> <type>name</type>
670      </para>
671      <para>
672       Name of the database this backend is connected to
673      </para></entry>
674     </row>
676     <row>
677      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
678       <structfield>pid</structfield> <type>integer</type>
679      </para>
680      <para>
681       Process ID of this backend
682      </para></entry>
683     </row>
685     <row>
686      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
687       <structfield>leader_pid</structfield> <type>integer</type>
688      </para>
689      <para>
690       Process ID of the parallel group leader, if this process is a
691       parallel query worker.  <literal>NULL</literal> if this process is a
692       parallel group leader or does not participate in parallel query.
693      </para></entry>
694     </row>
696     <row>
697      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
698       <structfield>usesysid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
699      </para>
700      <para>
701       OID of the user logged into this backend
702      </para></entry>
703     </row>
705     <row>
706      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
707       <structfield>usename</structfield> <type>name</type>
708      </para>
709      <para>
710       Name of the user logged into this backend
711      </para></entry>
712     </row>
714     <row>
715      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
716       <structfield>application_name</structfield> <type>text</type>
717      </para>
718      <para>
719       Name of the application that is connected
720       to this backend
721      </para></entry>
722     </row>
724     <row>
725      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
726       <structfield>client_addr</structfield> <type>inet</type>
727      </para>
728      <para>
729       IP address of the client connected to this backend.
730       If this field is null, it indicates either that the client is
731       connected via a Unix socket on the server machine or that this is an
732       internal process such as autovacuum.
733      </para></entry>
734     </row>
736     <row>
737      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
738       <structfield>client_hostname</structfield> <type>text</type>
739      </para>
740      <para>
741       Host name of the connected client, as reported by a
742       reverse DNS lookup of <structfield>client_addr</structfield>. This field will
743       only be non-null for IP connections, and only when <xref linkend="guc-log-hostname"/> is enabled.
744      </para></entry>
745     </row>
747     <row>
748      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
749       <structfield>client_port</structfield> <type>integer</type>
750      </para>
751      <para>
752       TCP port number that the client is using for communication
753       with this backend, or <literal>-1</literal> if a Unix socket is used.
754       If this field is null, it indicates that this is an internal server process.
755      </para></entry>
756     </row>
758     <row>
759      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
760       <structfield>backend_start</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
761      </para>
762      <para>
763       Time when this process was started.  For client backends,
764       this is the time the client connected to the server.
765      </para></entry>
766     </row>
768     <row>
769      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
770       <structfield>xact_start</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
771      </para>
772      <para>
773       Time when this process' current transaction was started, or null
774       if no transaction is active. If the current
775       query is the first of its transaction, this column is equal to the
776       <structfield>query_start</structfield> column.
777      </para></entry>
778     </row>
780     <row>
781      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
782       <structfield>query_start</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
783      </para>
784      <para>
785       Time when the currently active query was started, or if
786       <structfield>state</structfield> is not <literal>active</literal>, when the last query
787       was started
788      </para></entry>
789     </row>
791     <row>
792      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
793       <structfield>state_change</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
794      </para>
795      <para>
796       Time when the <structfield>state</structfield> was last changed
797      </para></entry>
798     </row>
800     <row>
801      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
802       <structfield>wait_event_type</structfield> <type>text</type>
803      </para>
804      <para>
805       The type of event for which the backend is waiting, if any;
806       otherwise NULL.  See <xref linkend="wait-event-table"/>.
807      </para></entry>
808     </row>
810     <row>
811      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
812       <structfield>wait_event</structfield> <type>text</type>
813      </para>
814      <para>
815       Wait event name if backend is currently waiting, otherwise NULL.
816       See <xref linkend="wait-event-activity-table"/> through
817       <xref linkend="wait-event-timeout-table"/>.
818      </para></entry>
819     </row>
821     <row>
822      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
823       <structfield>state</structfield> <type>text</type>
824      </para>
825      <para>
826       Current overall state of this backend.
827       Possible values are:
828       <itemizedlist>
829        <listitem>
830        <para>
831          <literal>active</literal>: The backend is executing a query.
832         </para>
833        </listitem>
834        <listitem>
835         <para>
836          <literal>idle</literal>: The backend is waiting for a new client command.
837         </para>
838        </listitem>
839        <listitem>
840         <para>
841          <literal>idle in transaction</literal>: The backend is in a transaction,
842          but is not currently executing a query.
843         </para>
844        </listitem>
845        <listitem>
846         <para>
847          <literal>idle in transaction (aborted)</literal>: This state is similar to
848          <literal>idle in transaction</literal>, except one of the statements in
849          the transaction caused an error.
850         </para>
851        </listitem>
852        <listitem>
853         <para>
854          <literal>fastpath function call</literal>: The backend is executing a
855          fast-path function.
856         </para>
857        </listitem>
858        <listitem>
859         <para>
860          <literal>disabled</literal>: This state is reported if <xref linkend="guc-track-activities"/> is disabled in this backend.
861         </para>
862       </listitem>
863       </itemizedlist>
864      </para></entry>
865     </row>
867     <row>
868      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
869       <structfield>backend_xid</structfield> <type>xid</type>
870      </para>
871      <para>
872       Top-level transaction identifier of this backend, if any.
873      </para></entry>
874     </row>
876     <row>
877      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
878       <structfield>backend_xmin</structfield> <type>xid</type>
879      </para>
880      <para>
881       The current backend's <literal>xmin</literal> horizon.
882      </para></entry>
883     </row>
885     <row>
886      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
887       <structfield>query</structfield> <type>text</type>
888      </para>
889      <para>
890       Text of this backend's most recent query. If
891       <structfield>state</structfield> is <literal>active</literal> this field shows the
892       currently executing query. In all other states, it shows the last query
893       that was executed. By default the query text is truncated at 1024
894       bytes; this value can be changed via the parameter
895       <xref linkend="guc-track-activity-query-size"/>.
896      </para></entry>
897     </row>
899     <row>
900      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
901       <structfield>backend_type</structfield> <type>text</type>
902      </para>
903      <para>
904       Type of current backend. Possible types are
905       <literal>autovacuum launcher</literal>, <literal>autovacuum worker</literal>,
906       <literal>logical replication launcher</literal>,
907       <literal>logical replication worker</literal>,
908       <literal>parallel worker</literal>, <literal>background writer</literal>,
909       <literal>client backend</literal>, <literal>checkpointer</literal>,
910       <literal>startup</literal>, <literal>walreceiver</literal>,
911       <literal>walsender</literal> and <literal>walwriter</literal>.
912       In addition, background workers registered by extensions may have
913       additional types.
914      </para></entry>
915     </row>
916    </tbody>
917   </tgroup>
918  </table>
920  <note>
921   <para>
922    The <structfield>wait_event</structfield> and <structfield>state</structfield> columns are
923    independent.  If a backend is in the <literal>active</literal> state,
924    it may or may not be <literal>waiting</literal> on some event.  If the state
925    is <literal>active</literal> and <structfield>wait_event</structfield> is non-null, it
926    means that a query is being executed, but is being blocked somewhere
927    in the system.
928   </para>
929  </note>
931  <table id="wait-event-table">
932   <title>Wait Event Types</title>
933   <tgroup cols="2">
934    <thead>
935     <row>
936      <entry>Wait Event Type</entry>
937      <entry>Description</entry>
938     </row>
939    </thead>
941    <tbody>
942     <row>
943      <entry><literal>Activity</literal></entry>
944      <entry>The server process is idle.  This event type indicates a process
945       waiting for activity in its main processing loop.
946       <literal>wait_event</literal> will identify the specific wait point;
947       see <xref linkend="wait-event-activity-table"/>.
948      </entry>
949     </row>
950     <row>
951      <entry><literal>BufferPin</literal></entry>
952      <entry>The server process is waiting for exclusive access to
953       a data buffer.  Buffer pin waits can be protracted if
954       another process holds an open cursor that last read data from the
955       buffer in question. See <xref linkend="wait-event-bufferpin-table"/>.
956      </entry>
957     </row>
958     <row>
959      <entry><literal>Client</literal></entry>
960      <entry>The server process is waiting for activity on a socket
961       connected to a user application.  Thus, the server expects something
962       to happen that is independent of its internal processes.
963       <literal>wait_event</literal> will identify the specific wait point;
964       see <xref linkend="wait-event-client-table"/>.
965      </entry>
966     </row>
967     <row>
968      <entry><literal>Extension</literal></entry>
969      <entry>The server process is waiting for some condition defined by an
970       extension module.
971       See <xref linkend="wait-event-extension-table"/>.
972      </entry>
973     </row>
974     <row>
975      <entry><literal>IO</literal></entry>
976      <entry>The server process is waiting for an I/O operation to complete.
977       <literal>wait_event</literal> will identify the specific wait point;
978       see <xref linkend="wait-event-io-table"/>.
979      </entry>
980     </row>
981     <row>
982      <entry><literal>IPC</literal></entry>
983      <entry>The server process is waiting for some interaction with
984       another server process.  <literal>wait_event</literal> will
985       identify the specific wait point;
986       see <xref linkend="wait-event-ipc-table"/>.
987      </entry>
988     </row>
989     <row>
990      <entry><literal>Lock</literal></entry>
991      <entry>The server process is waiting for a heavyweight lock.
992       Heavyweight locks, also known as lock manager locks or simply locks,
993       primarily protect SQL-visible objects such as tables.  However,
994       they are also used to ensure mutual exclusion for certain internal
995       operations such as relation extension.  <literal>wait_event</literal>
996       will identify the type of lock awaited;
997       see <xref linkend="wait-event-lock-table"/>.
998      </entry>
999     </row>
1000     <row>
1001      <entry><literal>LWLock</literal></entry>
1002      <entry> The server process is waiting for a lightweight lock.
1003       Most such locks protect a particular data structure in shared memory.
1004       <literal>wait_event</literal> will contain a name identifying the purpose
1005       of the lightweight lock.  (Some locks have specific names; others
1006       are part of a group of locks each with a similar purpose.)
1007       See <xref linkend="wait-event-lwlock-table"/>.
1008      </entry>
1009     </row>
1010     <row>
1011      <entry><literal>Timeout</literal></entry>
1012      <entry>The server process is waiting for a timeout
1013       to expire.  <literal>wait_event</literal> will identify the specific wait
1014       point; see <xref linkend="wait-event-timeout-table"/>.
1015      </entry>
1016     </row>
1017    </tbody>
1018   </tgroup>
1019  </table>
1021  <table id="wait-event-activity-table">
1022   <title>Wait Events of Type <literal>Activity</literal></title>
1023   <tgroup cols="2">
1024    <thead>
1025     <row>
1026      <entry><literal>Activity</literal> Wait Event</entry>
1027      <entry>Description</entry>
1028     </row>
1029    </thead>
1031    <tbody>
1032     <row>
1033      <entry><literal>ArchiverMain</literal></entry>
1034      <entry>Waiting in main loop of archiver process.</entry>
1035     </row>
1036     <row>
1037      <entry><literal>AutoVacuumMain</literal></entry>
1038      <entry>Waiting in main loop of autovacuum launcher process.</entry>
1039     </row>
1040     <row>
1041      <entry><literal>BgWriterHibernate</literal></entry>
1042      <entry>Waiting in background writer process, hibernating.</entry>
1043     </row>
1044     <row>
1045      <entry><literal>BgWriterMain</literal></entry>
1046      <entry>Waiting in main loop of background writer process.</entry>
1047     </row>
1048     <row>
1049      <entry><literal>CheckpointerMain</literal></entry>
1050      <entry>Waiting in main loop of checkpointer process.</entry>
1051     </row>
1052     <row>
1053      <entry><literal>LogicalApplyMain</literal></entry>
1054      <entry>Waiting in main loop of logical replication apply process.</entry>
1055     </row>
1056     <row>
1057      <entry><literal>LogicalLauncherMain</literal></entry>
1058      <entry>Waiting in main loop of logical replication launcher process.</entry>
1059     </row>
1060     <row>
1061      <entry><literal>PgStatMain</literal></entry>
1062      <entry>Waiting in main loop of statistics collector process.</entry>
1063     </row>
1064     <row>
1065      <entry><literal>RecoveryWalStream</literal></entry>
1066      <entry>Waiting in main loop of startup process for WAL to arrive, during
1067       streaming recovery.</entry>
1068     </row>
1069     <row>
1070      <entry><literal>SysLoggerMain</literal></entry>
1071      <entry>Waiting in main loop of syslogger process.</entry>
1072     </row>
1073     <row>
1074      <entry><literal>WalReceiverMain</literal></entry>
1075      <entry>Waiting in main loop of WAL receiver process.</entry>
1076     </row>
1077     <row>
1078      <entry><literal>WalSenderMain</literal></entry>
1079      <entry>Waiting in main loop of WAL sender process.</entry>
1080     </row>
1081     <row>
1082      <entry><literal>WalWriterMain</literal></entry>
1083      <entry>Waiting in main loop of WAL writer process.</entry>
1084     </row>
1085    </tbody>
1086   </tgroup>
1087  </table>
1089  <table id="wait-event-bufferpin-table">
1090   <title>Wait Events of Type <literal>BufferPin</literal></title>
1091   <tgroup cols="2">
1092    <thead>
1093     <row>
1094      <entry><literal>BufferPin</literal> Wait Event</entry>
1095      <entry>Description</entry>
1096     </row>
1097    </thead>
1099    <tbody>
1100     <row>
1101      <entry><literal>BufferPin</literal></entry>
1102      <entry>Waiting to acquire an exclusive pin on a buffer.</entry>
1103     </row>
1104    </tbody>
1105   </tgroup>
1106  </table>
1108  <table id="wait-event-client-table">
1109   <title>Wait Events of Type <literal>Client</literal></title>
1110   <tgroup cols="2">
1111    <thead>
1112     <row>
1113      <entry><literal>Client</literal> Wait Event</entry>
1114      <entry>Description</entry>
1115     </row>
1116    </thead>
1118    <tbody>
1119     <row>
1120      <entry><literal>ClientRead</literal></entry>
1121      <entry>Waiting to read data from the client.</entry>
1122     </row>
1123     <row>
1124      <entry><literal>ClientWrite</literal></entry>
1125      <entry>Waiting to write data to the client.</entry>
1126     </row>
1127     <row>
1128      <entry><literal>GSSOpenServer</literal></entry>
1129      <entry>Waiting to read data from the client while establishing a GSSAPI
1130       session.</entry>
1131     </row>
1132     <row>
1133      <entry><literal>LibPQWalReceiverConnect</literal></entry>
1134      <entry>Waiting in WAL receiver to establish connection to remote
1135       server.</entry>
1136     </row>
1137     <row>
1138      <entry><literal>LibPQWalReceiverReceive</literal></entry>
1139      <entry>Waiting in WAL receiver to receive data from remote server.</entry>
1140     </row>
1141     <row>
1142      <entry><literal>SSLOpenServer</literal></entry>
1143      <entry>Waiting for SSL while attempting connection.</entry>
1144     </row>
1145     <row>
1146      <entry><literal>WalReceiverWaitStart</literal></entry>
1147      <entry>Waiting for startup process to send initial data for streaming
1148       replication.</entry>
1149     </row>
1150     <row>
1151      <entry><literal>WalSenderWaitForWAL</literal></entry>
1152      <entry>Waiting for WAL to be flushed in WAL sender process.</entry>
1153     </row>
1154     <row>
1155      <entry><literal>WalSenderWriteData</literal></entry>
1156      <entry>Waiting for any activity when processing replies from WAL
1157       receiver in WAL sender process.</entry>
1158     </row>
1159    </tbody>
1160   </tgroup>
1161  </table>
1163  <table id="wait-event-extension-table">
1164   <title>Wait Events of Type <literal>Extension</literal></title>
1165   <tgroup cols="2">
1166    <thead>
1167     <row>
1168      <entry><literal>Extension</literal> Wait Event</entry>
1169      <entry>Description</entry>
1170     </row>
1171    </thead>
1173    <tbody>
1174     <row>
1175      <entry><literal>Extension</literal></entry>
1176      <entry>Waiting in an extension.</entry>
1177     </row>
1178    </tbody>
1179   </tgroup>
1180  </table>
1182  <table id="wait-event-io-table">
1183   <title>Wait Events of Type <literal>IO</literal></title>
1184   <tgroup cols="2">
1185    <thead>
1186     <row>
1187      <entry><literal>IO</literal> Wait Event</entry>
1188      <entry>Description</entry>
1189     </row>
1190    </thead>
1192    <tbody>
1193     <row>
1194      <entry><literal>BufFileRead</literal></entry>
1195      <entry>Waiting for a read from a buffered file.</entry>
1196     </row>
1197     <row>
1198      <entry><literal>BufFileWrite</literal></entry>
1199      <entry>Waiting for a write to a buffered file.</entry>
1200     </row>
1201     <row>
1202      <entry><literal>ControlFileRead</literal></entry>
1203      <entry>Waiting for a read from the <filename>pg_control</filename>
1204       file.</entry>
1205     </row>
1206     <row>
1207      <entry><literal>ControlFileSync</literal></entry>
1208      <entry>Waiting for the <filename>pg_control</filename> file to reach
1209       durable storage.</entry>
1210     </row>
1211     <row>
1212      <entry><literal>ControlFileSyncUpdate</literal></entry>
1213      <entry>Waiting for an update to the <filename>pg_control</filename> file
1214       to reach durable storage.</entry>
1215     </row>
1216     <row>
1217      <entry><literal>ControlFileWrite</literal></entry>
1218      <entry>Waiting for a write to the <filename>pg_control</filename>
1219       file.</entry>
1220     </row>
1221     <row>
1222      <entry><literal>ControlFileWriteUpdate</literal></entry>
1223      <entry>Waiting for a write to update the <filename>pg_control</filename>
1224       file.</entry>
1225     </row>
1226     <row>
1227      <entry><literal>CopyFileRead</literal></entry>
1228      <entry>Waiting for a read during a file copy operation.</entry>
1229     </row>
1230     <row>
1231      <entry><literal>CopyFileWrite</literal></entry>
1232      <entry>Waiting for a write during a file copy operation.</entry>
1233     </row>
1234     <row>
1235      <entry><literal>DSMFillZeroWrite</literal></entry>
1236      <entry>Waiting to fill a dynamic shared memory backing file with
1237       zeroes.</entry>
1238     </row>
1239     <row>
1240      <entry><literal>DataFileExtend</literal></entry>
1241      <entry>Waiting for a relation data file to be extended.</entry>
1242     </row>
1243     <row>
1244      <entry><literal>DataFileFlush</literal></entry>
1245      <entry>Waiting for a relation data file to reach durable storage.</entry>
1246     </row>
1247     <row>
1248      <entry><literal>DataFileImmediateSync</literal></entry>
1249      <entry>Waiting for an immediate synchronization of a relation data file to
1250       durable storage.</entry>
1251     </row>
1252     <row>
1253      <entry><literal>DataFilePrefetch</literal></entry>
1254      <entry>Waiting for an asynchronous prefetch from a relation data
1255       file.</entry>
1256     </row>
1257     <row>
1258      <entry><literal>DataFileRead</literal></entry>
1259      <entry>Waiting for a read from a relation data file.</entry>
1260     </row>
1261     <row>
1262      <entry><literal>DataFileSync</literal></entry>
1263      <entry>Waiting for changes to a relation data file to reach durable storage.</entry>
1264     </row>
1265     <row>
1266      <entry><literal>DataFileTruncate</literal></entry>
1267      <entry>Waiting for a relation data file to be truncated.</entry>
1268     </row>
1269     <row>
1270      <entry><literal>DataFileWrite</literal></entry>
1271      <entry>Waiting for a write to a relation data file.</entry>
1272     </row>
1273     <row>
1274      <entry><literal>LockFileAddToDataDirRead</literal></entry>
1275      <entry>Waiting for a read while adding a line to the data directory lock
1276       file.</entry>
1277     </row>
1278     <row>
1279      <entry><literal>LockFileAddToDataDirSync</literal></entry>
1280      <entry>Waiting for data to reach durable storage while adding a line to the
1281       data directory lock file.</entry>
1282     </row>
1283     <row>
1284      <entry><literal>LockFileAddToDataDirWrite</literal></entry>
1285      <entry>Waiting for a write while adding a line to the data directory
1286       lock file.</entry>
1287     </row>
1288     <row>
1289      <entry><literal>LockFileCreateRead</literal></entry>
1290      <entry>Waiting to read while creating the data directory lock
1291       file.</entry>
1292     </row>
1293     <row>
1294      <entry><literal>LockFileCreateSync</literal></entry>
1295      <entry>Waiting for data to reach durable storage while creating the data
1296       directory lock file.</entry>
1297     </row>
1298     <row>
1299      <entry><literal>LockFileCreateWrite</literal></entry>
1300      <entry>Waiting for a write while creating the data directory lock
1301       file.</entry>
1302     </row>
1303     <row>
1304      <entry><literal>LockFileReCheckDataDirRead</literal></entry>
1305      <entry>Waiting for a read during recheck of the data directory lock
1306       file.</entry>
1307     </row>
1308     <row>
1309      <entry><literal>LogicalRewriteCheckpointSync</literal></entry>
1310      <entry>Waiting for logical rewrite mappings to reach durable storage
1311       during a checkpoint.</entry>
1312     </row>
1313     <row>
1314      <entry><literal>LogicalRewriteMappingSync</literal></entry>
1315      <entry>Waiting for mapping data to reach durable storage during a logical
1316       rewrite.</entry>
1317     </row>
1318     <row>
1319      <entry><literal>LogicalRewriteMappingWrite</literal></entry>
1320      <entry>Waiting for a write of mapping data during a logical
1321       rewrite.</entry>
1322     </row>
1323     <row>
1324      <entry><literal>LogicalRewriteSync</literal></entry>
1325      <entry>Waiting for logical rewrite mappings to reach durable
1326       storage.</entry>
1327     </row>
1328     <row>
1329      <entry><literal>LogicalRewriteTruncate</literal></entry>
1330      <entry>Waiting for truncate of mapping data during a logical
1331       rewrite.</entry>
1332     </row>
1333     <row>
1334      <entry><literal>LogicalRewriteWrite</literal></entry>
1335      <entry>Waiting for a write of logical rewrite mappings.</entry>
1336     </row>
1337     <row>
1338      <entry><literal>RelationMapRead</literal></entry>
1339      <entry>Waiting for a read of the relation map file.</entry>
1340     </row>
1341     <row>
1342      <entry><literal>RelationMapSync</literal></entry>
1343      <entry>Waiting for the relation map file to reach durable storage.</entry>
1344     </row>
1345     <row>
1346      <entry><literal>RelationMapWrite</literal></entry>
1347      <entry>Waiting for a write to the relation map file.</entry>
1348     </row>
1349     <row>
1350      <entry><literal>ReorderBufferRead</literal></entry>
1351      <entry>Waiting for a read during reorder buffer management.</entry>
1352     </row>
1353     <row>
1354      <entry><literal>ReorderBufferWrite</literal></entry>
1355      <entry>Waiting for a write during reorder buffer management.</entry>
1356     </row>
1357     <row>
1358      <entry><literal>ReorderLogicalMappingRead</literal></entry>
1359      <entry>Waiting for a read of a logical mapping during reorder buffer
1360       management.</entry>
1361     </row>
1362     <row>
1363      <entry><literal>ReplicationSlotRead</literal></entry>
1364      <entry>Waiting for a read from a replication slot control file.</entry>
1365     </row>
1366     <row>
1367      <entry><literal>ReplicationSlotRestoreSync</literal></entry>
1368      <entry>Waiting for a replication slot control file to reach durable storage
1369       while restoring it to memory.</entry>
1370     </row>
1371     <row>
1372      <entry><literal>ReplicationSlotSync</literal></entry>
1373      <entry>Waiting for a replication slot control file to reach durable
1374       storage.</entry>
1375     </row>
1376     <row>
1377      <entry><literal>ReplicationSlotWrite</literal></entry>
1378      <entry>Waiting for a write to a replication slot control file.</entry>
1379     </row>
1380     <row>
1381      <entry><literal>SLRUFlushSync</literal></entry>
1382      <entry>Waiting for SLRU data to reach durable storage during a checkpoint
1383       or database shutdown.</entry>
1384     </row>
1385     <row>
1386      <entry><literal>SLRURead</literal></entry>
1387      <entry>Waiting for a read of an SLRU page.</entry>
1388     </row>
1389     <row>
1390      <entry><literal>SLRUSync</literal></entry>
1391      <entry>Waiting for SLRU data to reach durable storage following a page
1392       write.</entry>
1393     </row>
1394     <row>
1395      <entry><literal>SLRUWrite</literal></entry>
1396      <entry>Waiting for a write of an SLRU page.</entry>
1397     </row>
1398     <row>
1399      <entry><literal>SnapbuildRead</literal></entry>
1400      <entry>Waiting for a read of a serialized historical catalog
1401       snapshot.</entry>
1402     </row>
1403     <row>
1404      <entry><literal>SnapbuildSync</literal></entry>
1405      <entry>Waiting for a serialized historical catalog snapshot to reach
1406       durable storage.</entry>
1407     </row>
1408     <row>
1409      <entry><literal>SnapbuildWrite</literal></entry>
1410      <entry>Waiting for a write of a serialized historical catalog
1411       snapshot.</entry>
1412     </row>
1413     <row>
1414      <entry><literal>TimelineHistoryFileSync</literal></entry>
1415      <entry>Waiting for a timeline history file received via streaming
1416       replication to reach durable storage.</entry>
1417     </row>
1418     <row>
1419      <entry><literal>TimelineHistoryFileWrite</literal></entry>
1420      <entry>Waiting for a write of a timeline history file received via
1421       streaming replication.</entry>
1422     </row>
1423     <row>
1424      <entry><literal>TimelineHistoryRead</literal></entry>
1425      <entry>Waiting for a read of a timeline history file.</entry>
1426     </row>
1427     <row>
1428      <entry><literal>TimelineHistorySync</literal></entry>
1429      <entry>Waiting for a newly created timeline history file to reach durable
1430       storage.</entry>
1431     </row>
1432     <row>
1433      <entry><literal>TimelineHistoryWrite</literal></entry>
1434      <entry>Waiting for a write of a newly created timeline history
1435       file.</entry>
1436     </row>
1437     <row>
1438      <entry><literal>TwophaseFileRead</literal></entry>
1439      <entry>Waiting for a read of a two phase state file.</entry>
1440     </row>
1441     <row>
1442      <entry><literal>TwophaseFileSync</literal></entry>
1443      <entry>Waiting for a two phase state file to reach durable storage.</entry>
1444     </row>
1445     <row>
1446      <entry><literal>TwophaseFileWrite</literal></entry>
1447      <entry>Waiting for a write of a two phase state file.</entry>
1448     </row>
1449     <row>
1450      <entry><literal>WALBootstrapSync</literal></entry>
1451      <entry>Waiting for WAL to reach durable storage during
1452       bootstrapping.</entry>
1453     </row>
1454     <row>
1455      <entry><literal>WALBootstrapWrite</literal></entry>
1456      <entry>Waiting for a write of a WAL page during bootstrapping.</entry>
1457     </row>
1458     <row>
1459      <entry><literal>WALCopyRead</literal></entry>
1460      <entry>Waiting for a read when creating a new WAL segment by copying an
1461       existing one.</entry>
1462     </row>
1463     <row>
1464      <entry><literal>WALCopySync</literal></entry>
1465      <entry>Waiting for a new WAL segment created by copying an existing one to
1466       reach durable storage.</entry>
1467     </row>
1468     <row>
1469      <entry><literal>WALCopyWrite</literal></entry>
1470      <entry>Waiting for a write when creating a new WAL segment by copying an
1471       existing one.</entry>
1472     </row>
1473     <row>
1474      <entry><literal>WALInitSync</literal></entry>
1475      <entry>Waiting for a newly initialized WAL file to reach durable
1476       storage.</entry>
1477     </row>
1478     <row>
1479      <entry><literal>WALInitWrite</literal></entry>
1480      <entry>Waiting for a write while initializing a new WAL file.</entry>
1481     </row>
1482     <row>
1483      <entry><literal>WALRead</literal></entry>
1484      <entry>Waiting for a read from a WAL file.</entry>
1485     </row>
1486     <row>
1487      <entry><literal>WALSenderTimelineHistoryRead</literal></entry>
1488      <entry>Waiting for a read from a timeline history file during a walsender
1489       timeline command.</entry>
1490     </row>
1491     <row>
1492      <entry><literal>WALSync</literal></entry>
1493      <entry>Waiting for a WAL file to reach durable storage.</entry>
1494     </row>
1495     <row>
1496      <entry><literal>WALSyncMethodAssign</literal></entry>
1497      <entry>Waiting for data to reach durable storage while assigning a new
1498       WAL sync method.</entry>
1499     </row>
1500     <row>
1501      <entry><literal>WALWrite</literal></entry>
1502      <entry>Waiting for a write to a WAL file.</entry>
1503     </row>
1504    </tbody>
1505   </tgroup>
1506  </table>
1508  <table id="wait-event-ipc-table">
1509   <title>Wait Events of Type <literal>IPC</literal></title>
1510   <tgroup cols="2">
1511    <thead>
1512     <row>
1513      <entry><literal>IPC</literal> Wait Event</entry>
1514      <entry>Description</entry>
1515     </row>
1516    </thead>
1518    <tbody>
1519     <row>
1520      <entry><literal>BackupWaitWalArchive</literal></entry>
1521      <entry>Waiting for WAL files required for a backup to be successfully
1522       archived.</entry>
1523     </row>
1524     <row>
1525      <entry><literal>BgWorkerShutdown</literal></entry>
1526      <entry>Waiting for background worker to shut down.</entry>
1527     </row>
1528     <row>
1529      <entry><literal>BgWorkerStartup</literal></entry>
1530      <entry>Waiting for background worker to start up.</entry>
1531     </row>
1532     <row>
1533      <entry><literal>BtreePage</literal></entry>
1534      <entry>Waiting for the page number needed to continue a parallel B-tree
1535       scan to become available.</entry>
1536     </row>
1537     <row>
1538      <entry><literal>CheckpointDone</literal></entry>
1539      <entry>Waiting for a checkpoint to complete.</entry>
1540     </row>
1541     <row>
1542      <entry><literal>CheckpointStart</literal></entry>
1543      <entry>Waiting for a checkpoint to start.</entry>
1544     </row>
1545     <row>
1546      <entry><literal>ExecuteGather</literal></entry>
1547      <entry>Waiting for activity from a child process while
1548       executing a <literal>Gather</literal> plan node.</entry>
1549     </row>
1550     <row>
1551      <entry><literal>HashBatchAllocate</literal></entry>
1552      <entry>Waiting for an elected Parallel Hash participant to allocate a hash
1553       table.</entry>
1554     </row>
1555     <row>
1556      <entry><literal>HashBatchElect</literal></entry>
1557      <entry>Waiting to elect a Parallel Hash participant to allocate a hash
1558       table.</entry>
1559     </row>
1560     <row>
1561      <entry><literal>HashBatchLoad</literal></entry>
1562      <entry>Waiting for other Parallel Hash participants to finish loading a
1563       hash table.</entry>
1564     </row>
1565     <row>
1566      <entry><literal>HashBuildAllocate</literal></entry>
1567      <entry>Waiting for an elected Parallel Hash participant to allocate the
1568       initial hash table.</entry>
1569     </row>
1570     <row>
1571      <entry><literal>HashBuildElect</literal></entry>
1572      <entry>Waiting to elect a Parallel Hash participant to allocate the
1573       initial hash table.</entry>
1574     </row>
1575     <row>
1576      <entry><literal>HashBuildHashInner</literal></entry>
1577      <entry>Waiting for other Parallel Hash participants to finish hashing the
1578       inner relation.</entry>
1579     </row>
1580     <row>
1581      <entry><literal>HashBuildHashOuter</literal></entry>
1582      <entry>Waiting for other Parallel Hash participants to finish partitioning
1583       the outer relation.</entry>
1584     </row>
1585     <row>
1586      <entry><literal>HashGrowBatchesAllocate</literal></entry>
1587      <entry>Waiting for an elected Parallel Hash participant to allocate more
1588       batches.</entry>
1589     </row>
1590     <row>
1591      <entry><literal>HashGrowBatchesDecide</literal></entry>
1592      <entry>Waiting to elect a Parallel Hash participant to decide on future
1593       batch growth.</entry>
1594     </row>
1595     <row>
1596      <entry><literal>HashGrowBatchesElect</literal></entry>
1597      <entry>Waiting to elect a Parallel Hash participant to allocate more
1598       batches.</entry>
1599     </row>
1600     <row>
1601      <entry><literal>HashGrowBatchesFinish</literal></entry>
1602      <entry>Waiting for an elected Parallel Hash participant to decide on
1603       future batch growth.</entry>
1604     </row>
1605     <row>
1606      <entry><literal>HashGrowBatchesRepartition</literal></entry>
1607      <entry>Waiting for other Parallel Hash participants to finish
1608       repartitioning.</entry>
1609     </row>
1610     <row>
1611      <entry><literal>HashGrowBucketsAllocate</literal></entry>
1612      <entry>Waiting for an elected Parallel Hash participant to finish
1613       allocating more buckets.</entry>
1614     </row>
1615     <row>
1616      <entry><literal>HashGrowBucketsElect</literal></entry>
1617      <entry>Waiting to elect a Parallel Hash participant to allocate more
1618       buckets.</entry>
1619     </row>
1620     <row>
1621      <entry><literal>HashGrowBucketsReinsert</literal></entry>
1622      <entry>Waiting for other Parallel Hash participants to finish inserting
1623       tuples into new buckets.</entry>
1624     </row>
1625     <row>
1626      <entry><literal>LogicalSyncData</literal></entry>
1627      <entry>Waiting for a logical replication remote server to send data for
1628       initial table synchronization.</entry>
1629     </row>
1630     <row>
1631      <entry><literal>LogicalSyncStateChange</literal></entry>
1632      <entry>Waiting for a logical replication remote server to change
1633       state.</entry>
1634     </row>
1635     <row>
1636      <entry><literal>MessageQueueInternal</literal></entry>
1637      <entry>Waiting for another process to be attached to a shared message
1638       queue.</entry>
1639     </row>
1640     <row>
1641      <entry><literal>MessageQueuePutMessage</literal></entry>
1642      <entry>Waiting to write a protocol message to a shared message queue.</entry>
1643     </row>
1644     <row>
1645      <entry><literal>MessageQueueReceive</literal></entry>
1646      <entry>Waiting to receive bytes from a shared message queue.</entry>
1647     </row>
1648     <row>
1649      <entry><literal>MessageQueueSend</literal></entry>
1650      <entry>Waiting to send bytes to a shared message queue.</entry>
1651     </row>
1652     <row>
1653      <entry><literal>ParallelBitmapScan</literal></entry>
1654      <entry>Waiting for parallel bitmap scan to become initialized.</entry>
1655     </row>
1656     <row>
1657      <entry><literal>ParallelCreateIndexScan</literal></entry>
1658      <entry>Waiting for parallel <command>CREATE INDEX</command> workers to
1659       finish heap scan.</entry>
1660     </row>
1661     <row>
1662      <entry><literal>ParallelFinish</literal></entry>
1663      <entry>Waiting for parallel workers to finish computing.</entry>
1664     </row>
1665     <row>
1666      <entry><literal>ProcArrayGroupUpdate</literal></entry>
1667      <entry>Waiting for the group leader to clear the transaction ID at
1668       end of a parallel operation.</entry>
1669     </row>
1670     <row>
1671      <entry><literal>ProcSignalBarrier</literal></entry>
1672      <entry>Waiting for a barrier event to be processed by all
1673       backends.</entry>
1674     </row>
1675     <row>
1676      <entry><literal>Promote</literal></entry>
1677      <entry>Waiting for standby promotion.</entry>
1678     </row>
1679     <row>
1680      <entry><literal>RecoveryConflictSnapshot</literal></entry>
1681      <entry>Waiting for recovery conflict resolution for a vacuum
1682       cleanup.</entry>
1683     </row>
1684     <row>
1685      <entry><literal>RecoveryConflictTablespace</literal></entry>
1686      <entry>Waiting for recovery conflict resolution for dropping a
1687       tablespace.</entry>
1688     </row>
1689     <row>
1690      <entry><literal>RecoveryPause</literal></entry>
1691      <entry>Waiting for recovery to be resumed.</entry>
1692     </row>
1693     <row>
1694      <entry><literal>ReplicationOriginDrop</literal></entry>
1695      <entry>Waiting for a replication origin to become inactive so it can be
1696       dropped.</entry>
1697     </row>
1698     <row>
1699      <entry><literal>ReplicationSlotDrop</literal></entry>
1700      <entry>Waiting for a replication slot to become inactive so it can be
1701       dropped.</entry>
1702     </row>
1703     <row>
1704      <entry><literal>SafeSnapshot</literal></entry>
1705      <entry>Waiting to obtain a valid snapshot for a <literal>READ ONLY
1706       DEFERRABLE</literal> transaction.</entry>
1707     </row>
1708     <row>
1709      <entry><literal>SyncRep</literal></entry>
1710      <entry>Waiting for confirmation from a remote server during synchronous
1711       replication.</entry>
1712     </row>
1713     <row>
1714      <entry><literal>XactGroupUpdate</literal></entry>
1715      <entry>Waiting for the group leader to update transaction status at
1716       end of a parallel operation.</entry>
1717     </row>
1718    </tbody>
1719   </tgroup>
1720  </table>
1722  <table id="wait-event-lock-table">
1723   <title>Wait Events of Type <literal>Lock</literal></title>
1724   <tgroup cols="2">
1725    <thead>
1726     <row>
1727      <entry><literal>Lock</literal> Wait Event</entry>
1728      <entry>Description</entry>
1729     </row>
1730    </thead>
1732    <tbody>
1733     <row>
1734      <entry><literal>advisory</literal></entry>
1735      <entry>Waiting to acquire an advisory user lock.</entry>
1736     </row>
1737     <row>
1738      <entry><literal>extend</literal></entry>
1739      <entry>Waiting to extend a relation.</entry>
1740     </row>
1741     <row>
1742      <entry><literal>frozenid</literal></entry>
1743      <entry>Waiting to
1744       update <structname>pg_database</structname>.<structfield>datfrozenxid</structfield>
1745       and <structname>pg_database</structname>.<structfield>datminmxid</structfield>.</entry>
1746     </row>
1747     <row>
1748      <entry><literal>object</literal></entry>
1749      <entry>Waiting to acquire a lock on a non-relation database object.</entry>
1750     </row>
1751     <row>
1752      <entry><literal>page</literal></entry>
1753      <entry>Waiting to acquire a lock on a page of a relation.</entry>
1754     </row>
1755     <row>
1756      <entry><literal>relation</literal></entry>
1757      <entry>Waiting to acquire a lock on a relation.</entry>
1758     </row>
1759     <row>
1760      <entry><literal>spectoken</literal></entry>
1761      <entry>Waiting to acquire a speculative insertion lock.</entry>
1762     </row>
1763     <row>
1764      <entry><literal>transactionid</literal></entry>
1765      <entry>Waiting for a transaction to finish.</entry>
1766     </row>
1767     <row>
1768      <entry><literal>tuple</literal></entry>
1769      <entry>Waiting to acquire a lock on a tuple.</entry>
1770     </row>
1771     <row>
1772      <entry><literal>userlock</literal></entry>
1773      <entry>Waiting to acquire a user lock.</entry>
1774     </row>
1775     <row>
1776      <entry><literal>virtualxid</literal></entry>
1777      <entry>Waiting to acquire a virtual transaction ID lock.</entry>
1778     </row>
1779    </tbody>
1780   </tgroup>
1781  </table>
1783  <table id="wait-event-lwlock-table">
1784   <title>Wait Events of Type <literal>LWLock</literal></title>
1785   <tgroup cols="2">
1786    <thead>
1787     <row>
1788      <entry><literal>LWLock</literal> Wait Event</entry>
1789      <entry>Description</entry>
1790     </row>
1791    </thead>
1793    <tbody>
1794     <row>
1795      <entry><literal>AddinShmemInit</literal></entry>
1796      <entry>Waiting to manage an extension's space allocation in shared
1797       memory.</entry>
1798     </row>
1799     <row>
1800      <entry><literal>AutoFile</literal></entry>
1801      <entry>Waiting to update the <filename>postgresql.auto.conf</filename>
1802       file.</entry>
1803     </row>
1804     <row>
1805      <entry><literal>Autovacuum</literal></entry>
1806      <entry>Waiting to read or update the current state of autovacuum
1807       workers.</entry>
1808     </row>
1809     <row>
1810      <entry><literal>AutovacuumSchedule</literal></entry>
1811      <entry>Waiting to ensure that a table selected for autovacuum
1812       still needs vacuuming.</entry>
1813     </row>
1814     <row>
1815      <entry><literal>BackgroundWorker</literal></entry>
1816      <entry>Waiting to read or update background worker state.</entry>
1817     </row>
1818     <row>
1819      <entry><literal>BtreeVacuum</literal></entry>
1820      <entry>Waiting to read or update vacuum-related information for a
1821       B-tree index.</entry>
1822     </row>
1823     <row>
1824      <entry><literal>BufferContent</literal></entry>
1825      <entry>Waiting to access a data page in memory.</entry>
1826     </row>
1827     <row>
1828      <entry><literal>BufferIO</literal></entry>
1829      <entry>Waiting for I/O on a data page.</entry>
1830     </row>
1831     <row>
1832      <entry><literal>BufferMapping</literal></entry>
1833      <entry>Waiting to associate a data block with a buffer in the buffer
1834       pool.</entry>
1835     </row>
1836     <row>
1837      <entry><literal>Checkpoint</literal></entry>
1838      <entry>Waiting to begin a checkpoint.</entry>
1839     </row>
1840     <row>
1841      <entry><literal>CheckpointerComm</literal></entry>
1842      <entry>Waiting to manage fsync requests.</entry>
1843     </row>
1844     <row>
1845      <entry><literal>CommitTs</literal></entry>
1846      <entry>Waiting to read or update the last value set for a
1847       transaction commit timestamp.</entry>
1848     </row>
1849     <row>
1850      <entry><literal>CommitTsBuffer</literal></entry>
1851      <entry>Waiting for I/O on a commit timestamp SLRU buffer.</entry>
1852     </row>
1853     <row>
1854      <entry><literal>CommitTsSLRU</literal></entry>
1855      <entry>Waiting to access the commit timestamp SLRU cache.</entry>
1856     </row>
1857     <row>
1858      <entry><literal>ControlFile</literal></entry>
1859      <entry>Waiting to read or update the <filename>pg_control</filename>
1860       file or create a new WAL file.</entry>
1861     </row>
1862     <row>
1863      <entry><literal>DynamicSharedMemoryControl</literal></entry>
1864      <entry>Waiting to read or update dynamic shared memory allocation
1865       information.</entry>
1866     </row>
1867     <row>
1868      <entry><literal>LockFastPath</literal></entry>
1869      <entry>Waiting to read or update a process' fast-path lock
1870       information.</entry>
1871     </row>
1872     <row>
1873      <entry><literal>LockManager</literal></entry>
1874      <entry>Waiting to read or update information
1875       about <quote>heavyweight</quote> locks.</entry>
1876     </row>
1877     <row>
1878      <entry><literal>LogicalRepWorker</literal></entry>
1879      <entry>Waiting to read or update the state of logical replication
1880       workers.</entry>
1881     </row>
1882     <row>
1883      <entry><literal>MultiXactGen</literal></entry>
1884      <entry>Waiting to read or update shared multixact state.</entry>
1885     </row>
1886     <row>
1887      <entry><literal>MultiXactMemberBuffer</literal></entry>
1888      <entry>Waiting for I/O on a multixact member SLRU buffer.</entry>
1889     </row>
1890     <row>
1891      <entry><literal>MultiXactMemberSLRU</literal></entry>
1892      <entry>Waiting to access the multixact member SLRU cache.</entry>
1893     </row>
1894     <row>
1895      <entry><literal>MultiXactOffsetBuffer</literal></entry>
1896      <entry>Waiting for I/O on a multixact offset SLRU buffer.</entry>
1897     </row>
1898     <row>
1899      <entry><literal>MultiXactOffsetSLRU</literal></entry>
1900      <entry>Waiting to access the multixact offset SLRU cache.</entry>
1901     </row>
1902     <row>
1903      <entry><literal>MultiXactTruncation</literal></entry>
1904      <entry>Waiting to read or truncate multixact information.</entry>
1905     </row>
1906     <row>
1907      <entry><literal>NotifyBuffer</literal></entry>
1908      <entry>Waiting for I/O on a <command>NOTIFY</command> message SLRU
1909       buffer.</entry>
1910     </row>
1911     <row>
1912      <entry><literal>NotifyQueue</literal></entry>
1913      <entry>Waiting to read or update <command>NOTIFY</command> messages.</entry>
1914     </row>
1915     <row>
1916      <entry><literal>NotifyQueueTail</literal></entry>
1917      <entry>Waiting to update limit on <command>NOTIFY</command> message
1918       storage.</entry>
1919     </row>
1920     <row>
1921      <entry><literal>NotifySLRU</literal></entry>
1922      <entry>Waiting to access the <command>NOTIFY</command> message SLRU
1923       cache.</entry>
1924     </row>
1925     <row>
1926      <entry><literal>OidGen</literal></entry>
1927      <entry>Waiting to allocate a new OID.</entry>
1928     </row>
1929     <row>
1930      <entry><literal>OldSnapshotTimeMap</literal></entry>
1931      <entry>Waiting to read or update old snapshot control information.</entry>
1932     </row>
1933     <row>
1934      <entry><literal>ParallelAppend</literal></entry>
1935      <entry>Waiting to choose the next subplan during Parallel Append plan
1936       execution.</entry>
1937     </row>
1938     <row>
1939      <entry><literal>ParallelHashJoin</literal></entry>
1940      <entry>Waiting to synchronize workers during Parallel Hash Join plan
1941       execution.</entry>
1942     </row>
1943     <row>
1944      <entry><literal>ParallelQueryDSA</literal></entry>
1945      <entry>Waiting for parallel query dynamic shared memory allocation.</entry>
1946     </row>
1947     <row>
1948      <entry><literal>PerSessionDSA</literal></entry>
1949      <entry>Waiting for parallel query dynamic shared memory allocation.</entry>
1950     </row>
1951     <row>
1952      <entry><literal>PerSessionRecordType</literal></entry>
1953      <entry>Waiting to access a parallel query's information about composite
1954       types.</entry>
1955     </row>
1956     <row>
1957      <entry><literal>PerSessionRecordTypmod</literal></entry>
1958      <entry>Waiting to access a parallel query's information about type
1959       modifiers that identify anonymous record types.</entry>
1960     </row>
1961     <row>
1962      <entry><literal>PerXactPredicateList</literal></entry>
1963      <entry>Waiting to access the list of predicate locks held by the current
1964       serializable transaction during a parallel query.</entry>
1965     </row>
1966     <row>
1967      <entry><literal>PredicateLockManager</literal></entry>
1968      <entry>Waiting to access predicate lock information used by
1969       serializable transactions.</entry>
1970     </row>
1971     <row>
1972      <entry><literal>ProcArray</literal></entry>
1973      <entry>Waiting to access the shared per-process data structures
1974       (typically, to get a snapshot or report a session's transaction
1975       ID).</entry>
1976     </row>
1977     <row>
1978      <entry><literal>RelationMapping</literal></entry>
1979      <entry>Waiting to read or update
1980       a <filename>pg_filenode.map</filename> file (used to track the
1981       filenode assignments of certain system catalogs).</entry>
1982     </row>
1983     <row>
1984      <entry><literal>RelCacheInit</literal></entry>
1985      <entry>Waiting to read or update a <filename>pg_internal.init</filename>
1986       relation cache initialization file.</entry>
1987     </row>
1988     <row>
1989      <entry><literal>ReplicationOrigin</literal></entry>
1990      <entry>Waiting to create, drop or use a replication origin.</entry>
1991     </row>
1992     <row>
1993      <entry><literal>ReplicationOriginState</literal></entry>
1994      <entry>Waiting to read or update the progress of one replication
1995       origin.</entry>
1996     </row>
1997     <row>
1998      <entry><literal>ReplicationSlotAllocation</literal></entry>
1999      <entry>Waiting to allocate or free a replication slot.</entry>
2000     </row>
2001     <row>
2002      <entry><literal>ReplicationSlotControl</literal></entry>
2003      <entry>Waiting to read or update replication slot state.</entry>
2004     </row>
2005     <row>
2006      <entry><literal>ReplicationSlotIO</literal></entry>
2007      <entry>Waiting for I/O on a replication slot.</entry>
2008     </row>
2009     <row>
2010      <entry><literal>SerialBuffer</literal></entry>
2011      <entry>Waiting for I/O on a serializable transaction conflict SLRU
2012       buffer.</entry>
2013     </row>
2014     <row>
2015      <entry><literal>SerializableFinishedList</literal></entry>
2016      <entry>Waiting to access the list of finished serializable
2017       transactions.</entry>
2018     </row>
2019     <row>
2020      <entry><literal>SerializablePredicateList</literal></entry>
2021      <entry>Waiting to access the list of predicate locks held by
2022       serializable transactions.</entry>
2023     </row>
2024     <row>
2025      <entry><literal>SerializableXactHash</literal></entry>
2026      <entry>Waiting to read or update information about serializable
2027       transactions.</entry>
2028     </row>
2029     <row>
2030      <entry><literal>SerialSLRU</literal></entry>
2031      <entry>Waiting to access the serializable transaction conflict SLRU
2032       cache.</entry>
2033     </row>
2034     <row>
2035      <entry><literal>SharedTidBitmap</literal></entry>
2036      <entry>Waiting to access a shared TID bitmap during a parallel bitmap
2037       index scan.</entry>
2038     </row>
2039     <row>
2040      <entry><literal>SharedTupleStore</literal></entry>
2041      <entry>Waiting to access a shared tuple store during parallel
2042       query.</entry>
2043     </row>
2044     <row>
2045      <entry><literal>ShmemIndex</literal></entry>
2046      <entry>Waiting to find or allocate space in shared memory.</entry>
2047     </row>
2048     <row>
2049      <entry><literal>SInvalRead</literal></entry>
2050      <entry>Waiting to retrieve messages from the shared catalog invalidation
2051       queue.</entry>
2052     </row>
2053     <row>
2054      <entry><literal>SInvalWrite</literal></entry>
2055      <entry>Waiting to add a message to the shared catalog invalidation
2056      queue.</entry>
2057     </row>
2058     <row>
2059      <entry><literal>SubtransBuffer</literal></entry>
2060      <entry>Waiting for I/O on a sub-transaction SLRU buffer.</entry>
2061     </row>
2062     <row>
2063      <entry><literal>SubtransSLRU</literal></entry>
2064      <entry>Waiting to access the sub-transaction SLRU cache.</entry>
2065     </row>
2066     <row>
2067      <entry><literal>SyncRep</literal></entry>
2068      <entry>Waiting to read or update information about the state of
2069       synchronous replication.</entry>
2070     </row>
2071     <row>
2072      <entry><literal>SyncScan</literal></entry>
2073      <entry>Waiting to select the starting location of a synchronized table
2074       scan.</entry>
2075     </row>
2076     <row>
2077      <entry><literal>TablespaceCreate</literal></entry>
2078      <entry>Waiting to create or drop a tablespace.</entry>
2079     </row>
2080     <row>
2081      <entry><literal>TwoPhaseState</literal></entry>
2082      <entry>Waiting to read or update the state of prepared transactions.</entry>
2083     </row>
2084     <row>
2085      <entry><literal>WALBufMapping</literal></entry>
2086      <entry>Waiting to replace a page in WAL buffers.</entry>
2087     </row>
2088     <row>
2089      <entry><literal>WALInsert</literal></entry>
2090      <entry>Waiting to insert WAL data into a memory buffer.</entry>
2091     </row>
2092     <row>
2093      <entry><literal>WALWrite</literal></entry>
2094      <entry>Waiting for WAL buffers to be written to disk.</entry>
2095     </row>
2096     <row>
2097      <entry><literal>WrapLimitsVacuum</literal></entry>
2098      <entry>Waiting to update limits on transaction id and multixact
2099       consumption.</entry>
2100     </row>
2101     <row>
2102      <entry><literal>XactBuffer</literal></entry>
2103      <entry>Waiting for I/O on a transaction status SLRU buffer.</entry>
2104     </row>
2105     <row>
2106      <entry><literal>XactSLRU</literal></entry>
2107      <entry>Waiting to access the transaction status SLRU cache.</entry>
2108     </row>
2109     <row>
2110      <entry><literal>XactTruncation</literal></entry>
2111      <entry>Waiting to execute <function>pg_xact_status</function> or update
2112       the oldest transaction ID available to it.</entry>
2113     </row>
2114     <row>
2115      <entry><literal>XidGen</literal></entry>
2116      <entry>Waiting to allocate a new transaction ID.</entry>
2117     </row>
2118    </tbody>
2119   </tgroup>
2120  </table>
2122   <note>
2123    <para>
2124     Extensions can add <literal>LWLock</literal> types to the list shown in
2125     <xref linkend="wait-event-lwlock-table"/>.  In some cases, the name
2126     assigned by an extension will not be available in all server processes;
2127     so an <literal>LWLock</literal> wait event might be reported as
2128     just <quote><literal>extension</literal></quote> rather than the
2129     extension-assigned name.
2130    </para>
2131   </note>
2133  <table id="wait-event-timeout-table">
2134   <title>Wait Events of Type <literal>Timeout</literal></title>
2135   <tgroup cols="2">
2136    <thead>
2137     <row>
2138      <entry><literal>Timeout</literal> Wait Event</entry>
2139      <entry>Description</entry>
2140     </row>
2141    </thead>
2143    <tbody>
2144     <row>
2145      <entry><literal>BaseBackupThrottle</literal></entry>
2146      <entry>Waiting during base backup when throttling activity.</entry>
2147     </row>
2148     <row>
2149      <entry><literal>PgSleep</literal></entry>
2150      <entry>Waiting due to a call to <function>pg_sleep</function> or
2151       a sibling function.</entry>
2152     </row>
2153     <row>
2154      <entry><literal>RecoveryApplyDelay</literal></entry>
2155      <entry>Waiting to apply WAL during recovery because of a delay
2156       setting.</entry>
2157     </row>
2158     <row>
2159      <entry><literal>RecoveryRetrieveRetryInterval</literal></entry>
2160      <entry>Waiting during recovery when WAL data is not available from any
2161       source (<filename>pg_wal</filename>, archive or stream).</entry>
2162     </row>
2163     <row>
2164      <entry><literal>VacuumDelay</literal></entry>
2165      <entry>Waiting in a cost-based vacuum delay point.</entry>
2166     </row>
2167    </tbody>
2168   </tgroup>
2169  </table>
2171   <para>
2172     Here is an example of how wait events can be viewed:
2175SELECT pid, wait_event_type, wait_event FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE wait_event is NOT NULL;
2176 pid  | wait_event_type | wait_event
2178 2540 | Lock            | relation
2179 6644 | LWLock          | ProcArray
2180(2 rows)
2182   </para>
2184 </sect2>
2186 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-stat-replication-view">
2187  <title><structname>pg_stat_replication</structname></title>
2189  <indexterm>
2190   <primary>pg_stat_replication</primary>
2191  </indexterm>
2193   <para>
2194   The <structname>pg_stat_replication</structname> view will contain one row
2195   per WAL sender process, showing statistics about replication to that
2196   sender's connected standby server.  Only directly connected standbys are
2197   listed; no information is available about downstream standby servers.
2198  </para>
2200  <table id="pg-stat-replication-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_replication">
2201   <title><structname>pg_stat_replication</structname> View</title>
2202   <tgroup cols="1">
2203    <thead>
2204     <row>
2205      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2206       Column Type
2207      </para>
2208      <para>
2209       Description
2210      </para></entry>
2211     </row>
2212    </thead>
2214    <tbody>
2215     <row>
2216      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2217       <structfield>pid</structfield> <type>integer</type>
2218      </para>
2219      <para>
2220       Process ID of a WAL sender process
2221      </para></entry>
2222     </row>
2224     <row>
2225      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2226       <structfield>usesysid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
2227      </para>
2228      <para>
2229       OID of the user logged into this WAL sender process
2230      </para></entry>
2231     </row>
2233     <row>
2234      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2235       <structfield>usename</structfield> <type>name</type>
2236      </para>
2237      <para>
2238       Name of the user logged into this WAL sender process
2239      </para></entry>
2240     </row>
2242     <row>
2243      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2244       <structfield>application_name</structfield> <type>text</type>
2245      </para>
2246      <para>
2247       Name of the application that is connected
2248       to this WAL sender
2249      </para></entry>
2250     </row>
2252     <row>
2253      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2254       <structfield>client_addr</structfield> <type>inet</type>
2255      </para>
2256      <para>
2257       IP address of the client connected to this WAL sender.
2258       If this field is null, it indicates that the client is
2259       connected via a Unix socket on the server machine.
2260      </para></entry>
2261     </row>
2263     <row>
2264      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2265       <structfield>client_hostname</structfield> <type>text</type>
2266      </para>
2267      <para>
2268       Host name of the connected client, as reported by a
2269       reverse DNS lookup of <structfield>client_addr</structfield>. This field will
2270       only be non-null for IP connections, and only when <xref linkend="guc-log-hostname"/> is enabled.
2271      </para></entry>
2272     </row>
2274     <row>
2275      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2276       <structfield>client_port</structfield> <type>integer</type>
2277      </para>
2278      <para>
2279       TCP port number that the client is using for communication
2280       with this WAL sender, or <literal>-1</literal> if a Unix socket is used
2281      </para></entry>
2282     </row>
2284     <row>
2285      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2286       <structfield>backend_start</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
2287      </para>
2288      <para>
2289       Time when this process was started, i.e., when the
2290       client connected to this WAL sender
2291      </para></entry>
2292     </row>
2294     <row>
2295      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2296       <structfield>backend_xmin</structfield> <type>xid</type>
2297      </para>
2298      <para>
2299       This standby's <literal>xmin</literal> horizon reported
2300       by <xref linkend="guc-hot-standby-feedback"/>.
2301      </para></entry>
2302     </row>
2304     <row>
2305      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2306       <structfield>state</structfield> <type>text</type>
2307      </para>
2308      <para>
2309       Current WAL sender state.
2310       Possible values are:
2311       <itemizedlist>
2312        <listitem>
2313         <para>
2314          <literal>startup</literal>: This WAL sender is starting up.
2315         </para>
2316        </listitem>
2317        <listitem>
2318         <para>
2319          <literal>catchup</literal>: This WAL sender's connected standby is
2320          catching up with the primary.
2321         </para>
2322        </listitem>
2323        <listitem>
2324         <para>
2325          <literal>streaming</literal>: This WAL sender is streaming changes
2326          after its connected standby server has caught up with the primary.
2327         </para>
2328        </listitem>
2329        <listitem>
2330         <para>
2331          <literal>backup</literal>: This WAL sender is sending a backup.
2332         </para>
2333        </listitem>
2334        <listitem>
2335         <para>
2336          <literal>stopping</literal>: This WAL sender is stopping.
2337         </para>
2338        </listitem>
2339       </itemizedlist>
2340      </para></entry>
2341     </row>
2343     <row>
2344      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2345       <structfield>sent_lsn</structfield> <type>pg_lsn</type>
2346      </para>
2347      <para>
2348       Last write-ahead log location sent on this connection
2349      </para></entry>
2350     </row>
2352     <row>
2353      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2354       <structfield>write_lsn</structfield> <type>pg_lsn</type>
2355      </para>
2356      <para>
2357       Last write-ahead log location written to disk by this standby
2358       server
2359      </para></entry>
2360     </row>
2362     <row>
2363      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2364       <structfield>flush_lsn</structfield> <type>pg_lsn</type>
2365      </para>
2366      <para>
2367       Last write-ahead log location flushed to disk by this standby
2368       server
2369      </para></entry>
2370     </row>
2372     <row>
2373      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2374       <structfield>replay_lsn</structfield> <type>pg_lsn</type>
2375      </para>
2376      <para>
2377       Last write-ahead log location replayed into the database on this
2378       standby server
2379      </para></entry>
2380     </row>
2382     <row>
2383      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2384       <structfield>write_lag</structfield> <type>interval</type>
2385      </para>
2386      <para>
2387       Time elapsed between flushing recent WAL locally and receiving
2388       notification that this standby server has written it (but not yet
2389       flushed it or applied it).  This can be used to gauge the delay that
2390       <literal>synchronous_commit</literal> level
2391       <literal>remote_write</literal> incurred while committing if this
2392       server was configured as a synchronous standby.
2393      </para></entry>
2394     </row>
2396     <row>
2397      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2398       <structfield>flush_lag</structfield> <type>interval</type>
2399      </para>
2400      <para>
2401       Time elapsed between flushing recent WAL locally and receiving
2402       notification that this standby server has written and flushed it
2403       (but not yet applied it).  This can be used to gauge the delay that
2404       <literal>synchronous_commit</literal> level
2405       <literal>on</literal> incurred while committing if this
2406       server was configured as a synchronous standby.
2407      </para></entry>
2408     </row>
2410     <row>
2411      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2412       <structfield>replay_lag</structfield> <type>interval</type>
2413      </para>
2414      <para>
2415       Time elapsed between flushing recent WAL locally and receiving
2416       notification that this standby server has written, flushed and
2417       applied it.  This can be used to gauge the delay that
2418       <literal>synchronous_commit</literal> level
2419       <literal>remote_apply</literal> incurred while committing if this
2420       server was configured as a synchronous standby.
2421      </para></entry>
2422     </row>
2424     <row>
2425      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2426       <structfield>sync_priority</structfield> <type>integer</type>
2427      </para>
2428      <para>
2429       Priority of this standby server for being chosen as the
2430       synchronous standby in a priority-based synchronous replication.
2431       This has no effect in a quorum-based synchronous replication.
2432      </para></entry>
2433     </row>
2435     <row>
2436      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2437       <structfield>sync_state</structfield> <type>text</type>
2438      </para>
2439      <para>
2440       Synchronous state of this standby server.
2441       Possible values are:
2442       <itemizedlist>
2443        <listitem>
2444         <para>
2445          <literal>async</literal>: This standby server is asynchronous.
2446         </para>
2447        </listitem>
2448        <listitem>
2449         <para>
2450          <literal>potential</literal>: This standby server is now asynchronous,
2451          but can potentially become synchronous if one of current
2452          synchronous ones fails.
2453         </para>
2454        </listitem>
2455        <listitem>
2456         <para>
2457          <literal>sync</literal>: This standby server is synchronous.
2458         </para>
2459        </listitem>
2460        <listitem>
2461         <para>
2462          <literal>quorum</literal>: This standby server is considered as a candidate
2463          for quorum standbys.
2464         </para>
2465        </listitem>
2466       </itemizedlist>
2467      </para></entry>
2468     </row>
2470     <row>
2471      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2472       <structfield>reply_time</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
2473      </para>
2474      <para>
2475       Send time of last reply message received from standby server
2476      </para></entry>
2477     </row>
2478    </tbody>
2479   </tgroup>
2480  </table>
2482  <para>
2483   The lag times reported in the <structname>pg_stat_replication</structname>
2484   view are measurements of the time taken for recent WAL to be written,
2485   flushed and replayed and for the sender to know about it.  These times
2486   represent the commit delay that was (or would have been) introduced by each
2487   synchronous commit level, if the remote server was configured as a
2488   synchronous standby.  For an asynchronous standby, the
2489   <structfield>replay_lag</structfield> column approximates the delay
2490   before recent transactions became visible to queries.  If the standby
2491   server has entirely caught up with the sending server and there is no more
2492   WAL activity, the most recently measured lag times will continue to be
2493   displayed for a short time and then show NULL.
2494  </para>
2496  <para>
2497   Lag times work automatically for physical replication. Logical decoding
2498   plugins may optionally emit tracking messages; if they do not, the tracking
2499   mechanism will simply display NULL lag.
2500  </para>
2502  <note>
2503   <para>
2504    The reported lag times are not predictions of how long it will take for
2505    the standby to catch up with the sending server assuming the current
2506    rate of replay.  Such a system would show similar times while new WAL is
2507    being generated, but would differ when the sender becomes idle.  In
2508    particular, when the standby has caught up completely,
2509    <structname>pg_stat_replication</structname> shows the time taken to
2510    write, flush and replay the most recent reported WAL location rather than
2511    zero as some users might expect.  This is consistent with the goal of
2512    measuring synchronous commit and transaction visibility delays for
2513    recent write transactions.
2514    To reduce confusion for users expecting a different model of lag, the
2515    lag columns revert to NULL after a short time on a fully replayed idle
2516    system. Monitoring systems should choose whether to represent this
2517    as missing data, zero or continue to display the last known value.
2518   </para>
2519  </note>
2521 </sect2>
2523 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-stat-wal-receiver-view">
2524  <title><structname>pg_stat_wal_receiver</structname></title>
2526  <indexterm>
2527   <primary>pg_stat_wal_receiver</primary>
2528  </indexterm>
2530  <para>
2531   The <structname>pg_stat_wal_receiver</structname> view will contain only
2532   one row, showing statistics about the WAL receiver from that receiver's
2533   connected server.
2534  </para>
2536  <table id="pg-stat-wal-receiver-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_wal_receiver">
2537   <title><structname>pg_stat_wal_receiver</structname> View</title>
2538   <tgroup cols="1">
2539    <thead>
2540     <row>
2541      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2542       Column Type
2543      </para>
2544      <para>
2545       Description
2546      </para></entry>
2547     </row>
2548    </thead>
2550    <tbody>
2551     <row>
2552      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2553       <structfield>pid</structfield> <type>integer</type>
2554      </para>
2555      <para>
2556       Process ID of the WAL receiver process
2557      </para></entry>
2558     </row>
2560     <row>
2561      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2562       <structfield>status</structfield> <type>text</type>
2563      </para>
2564      <para>
2565       Activity status of the WAL receiver process
2566      </para></entry>
2567     </row>
2569     <row>
2570      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2571       <structfield>receive_start_lsn</structfield> <type>pg_lsn</type>
2572      </para>
2573      <para>
2574       First write-ahead log location used when WAL receiver is
2575       started
2576      </para></entry>
2577     </row>
2579     <row>
2580      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2581       <structfield>receive_start_tli</structfield> <type>integer</type>
2582      </para>
2583      <para>
2584       First timeline number used when WAL receiver is started
2585      </para></entry>
2586     </row>
2588     <row>
2589      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2590       <structfield>written_lsn</structfield> <type>pg_lsn</type>
2591      </para>
2592      <para>
2593       Last write-ahead log location already received and written to disk,
2594       but not flushed. This should not be used for data integrity checks.
2595      </para></entry>
2596     </row>
2598     <row>
2599      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2600       <structfield>flushed_lsn</structfield> <type>pg_lsn</type>
2601      </para>
2602      <para>
2603       Last write-ahead log location already received and flushed to
2604       disk, the initial value of this field being the first log location used
2605       when WAL receiver is started
2606      </para></entry>
2607     </row>
2609     <row>
2610      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2611       <structfield>received_tli</structfield> <type>integer</type>
2612      </para>
2613      <para>
2614       Timeline number of last write-ahead log location received and
2615       flushed to disk, the initial value of this field being the timeline
2616       number of the first log location used when WAL receiver is started
2617      </para></entry>
2618     </row>
2620     <row>
2621      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2622       <structfield>last_msg_send_time</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
2623      </para>
2624      <para>
2625       Send time of last message received from origin WAL sender
2626      </para></entry>
2627     </row>
2629     <row>
2630      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2631       <structfield>last_msg_receipt_time</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
2632      </para>
2633      <para>
2634       Receipt time of last message received from origin WAL sender
2635      </para></entry>
2636     </row>
2638     <row>
2639      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2640       <structfield>latest_end_lsn</structfield> <type>pg_lsn</type>
2641      </para>
2642      <para>
2643       Last write-ahead log location reported to origin WAL sender
2644      </para></entry>
2645     </row>
2647     <row>
2648      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2649       <structfield>latest_end_time</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
2650      </para>
2651      <para>
2652       Time of last write-ahead log location reported to origin WAL sender
2653      </para></entry>
2654     </row>
2656     <row>
2657      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2658       <structfield>slot_name</structfield> <type>text</type>
2659      </para>
2660      <para>
2661       Replication slot name used by this WAL receiver
2662      </para></entry>
2663     </row>
2665     <row>
2666      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2667       <structfield>sender_host</structfield> <type>text</type>
2668      </para>
2669      <para>
2670       Host of the <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> instance
2671       this WAL receiver is connected to. This can be a host name,
2672       an IP address, or a directory path if the connection is via
2673       Unix socket.  (The path case can be distinguished because it
2674       will always be an absolute path, beginning with <literal>/</literal>.)
2675      </para></entry>
2676     </row>
2678     <row>
2679      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2680       <structfield>sender_port</structfield> <type>integer</type>
2681      </para>
2682      <para>
2683       Port number of the <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> instance
2684       this WAL receiver is connected to.
2685      </para></entry>
2686     </row>
2688     <row>
2689      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2690       <structfield>conninfo</structfield> <type>text</type>
2691      </para>
2692      <para>
2693       Connection string used by this WAL receiver,
2694       with security-sensitive fields obfuscated.
2695      </para></entry>
2696     </row>
2697    </tbody>
2698   </tgroup>
2699  </table>
2701 </sect2>
2703 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-stat-subscription">
2704  <title><structname>pg_stat_subscription</structname></title>
2706  <indexterm>
2707   <primary>pg_stat_subscription</primary>
2708  </indexterm>
2710  <para>
2711   The <structname>pg_stat_subscription</structname> view will contain one
2712   row per subscription for main worker (with null PID if the worker is
2713   not running), and additional rows for workers handling the initial data
2714   copy of the subscribed tables.
2715  </para>
2717  <table id="pg-stat-subscription" xreflabel="pg_stat_subscription">
2718   <title><structname>pg_stat_subscription</structname> View</title>
2719   <tgroup cols="1">
2720    <thead>
2721     <row>
2722      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2723       Column Type
2724      </para>
2725      <para>
2726       Description
2727      </para></entry>
2728     </row>
2729    </thead>
2731    <tbody>
2732     <row>
2733      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2734       <structfield>subid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
2735      </para>
2736      <para>
2737       OID of the subscription
2738      </para></entry>
2739     </row>
2741     <row>
2742      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2743       <structfield>subname</structfield> <type>name</type>
2744      </para>
2745      <para>
2746       Name of the subscription
2747      </para></entry>
2748     </row>
2750     <row>
2751      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2752       <structfield>pid</structfield> <type>integer</type>
2753      </para>
2754      <para>
2755       Process ID of the subscription worker process
2756      </para></entry>
2757     </row>
2759     <row>
2760      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2761       <structfield>relid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
2762      </para>
2763      <para>
2764       OID of the relation that the worker is synchronizing; null for the
2765       main apply worker
2766      </para></entry>
2767     </row>
2769     <row>
2770      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2771       <structfield>received_lsn</structfield> <type>pg_lsn</type>
2772      </para>
2773      <para>
2774       Last write-ahead log location received, the initial value of
2775       this field being 0
2776      </para></entry>
2777     </row>
2779     <row>
2780      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2781       <structfield>last_msg_send_time</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
2782      </para>
2783      <para>
2784       Send time of last message received from origin WAL sender
2785      </para></entry>
2786     </row>
2788     <row>
2789      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2790       <structfield>last_msg_receipt_time</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
2791      </para>
2792      <para>
2793       Receipt time of last message received from origin WAL sender
2794      </para></entry>
2795     </row>
2797     <row>
2798      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2799       <structfield>latest_end_lsn</structfield> <type>pg_lsn</type>
2800      </para>
2801      <para>
2802       Last write-ahead log location reported to origin WAL sender
2803      </para></entry>
2804     </row>
2806     <row>
2807      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2808       <structfield>latest_end_time</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
2809      </para>
2810      <para>
2811       Time of last write-ahead log location reported to origin WAL
2812       sender
2813      </para></entry>
2814     </row>
2815    </tbody>
2816   </tgroup>
2817  </table>
2819 </sect2>
2821 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-stat-ssl-view">
2822  <title><structname>pg_stat_ssl</structname></title>
2824  <indexterm>
2825   <primary>pg_stat_ssl</primary>
2826  </indexterm>
2828  <para>
2829   The <structname>pg_stat_ssl</structname> view will contain one row per
2830   backend or WAL sender process, showing statistics about SSL usage on
2831   this connection. It can be joined to <structname>pg_stat_activity</structname>
2832   or <structname>pg_stat_replication</structname> on the
2833   <structfield>pid</structfield> column to get more details about the
2834   connection.
2835  </para>
2837  <table id="pg-stat-ssl-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_ssl">
2838   <title><structname>pg_stat_ssl</structname> View</title>
2839   <tgroup cols="1">
2840    <thead>
2841     <row>
2842      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2843       Column Type
2844      </para>
2845      <para>
2846       Description
2847      </para></entry>
2848     </row>
2849    </thead>
2851    <tbody>
2852     <row>
2853      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2854       <structfield>pid</structfield> <type>integer</type>
2855      </para>
2856      <para>
2857       Process ID of a backend or WAL sender process
2858      </para></entry>
2859     </row>
2861     <row>
2862      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2863       <structfield>ssl</structfield> <type>boolean</type>
2864      </para>
2865      <para>
2866       True if SSL is used on this connection
2867      </para></entry>
2868     </row>
2870     <row>
2871      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2872       <structfield>version</structfield> <type>text</type>
2873      </para>
2874      <para>
2875       Version of SSL in use, or NULL if SSL is not in use
2876       on this connection
2877      </para></entry>
2878     </row>
2880     <row>
2881      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2882       <structfield>cipher</structfield> <type>text</type>
2883      </para>
2884      <para>
2885       Name of SSL cipher in use, or NULL if SSL is not in use
2886       on this connection
2887      </para></entry>
2888     </row>
2890     <row>
2891      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2892       <structfield>bits</structfield> <type>integer</type>
2893      </para>
2894      <para>
2895       Number of bits in the encryption algorithm used, or NULL
2896       if SSL is not used on this connection
2897      </para></entry>
2898     </row>
2900     <row>
2901      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2902       <structfield>compression</structfield> <type>boolean</type>
2903      </para>
2904      <para>
2905       True if SSL compression is in use, false if not,
2906       or NULL if SSL is not in use on this connection
2907      </para></entry>
2908     </row>
2910     <row>
2911      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2912       <structfield>client_dn</structfield> <type>text</type>
2913      </para>
2914      <para>
2915       Distinguished Name (DN) field from the client certificate
2916       used, or NULL if no client certificate was supplied or if SSL
2917       is not in use on this connection. This field is truncated if the
2918       DN field is longer than <symbol>NAMEDATALEN</symbol> (64 characters
2919       in a standard build).
2920      </para></entry>
2921     </row>
2923     <row>
2924      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2925       <structfield>client_serial</structfield> <type>numeric</type>
2926      </para>
2927      <para>
2928       Serial number of the client certificate, or NULL if no client
2929       certificate was supplied or if SSL is not in use on this connection.  The
2930       combination of certificate serial number and certificate issuer uniquely
2931       identifies a certificate (unless the issuer erroneously reuses serial
2932       numbers).
2933      </para></entry>
2934     </row>
2936     <row>
2937      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2938       <structfield>issuer_dn</structfield> <type>text</type>
2939      </para>
2940      <para>
2941       DN of the issuer of the client certificate, or NULL if no client
2942       certificate was supplied or if SSL is not in use on this connection.
2943       This field is truncated like <structfield>client_dn</structfield>.
2944      </para></entry>
2945     </row>
2946    </tbody>
2947   </tgroup>
2948  </table>
2950 </sect2>
2952 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-stat-gssapi-view">
2953  <title><structname>pg_stat_gssapi</structname></title>
2955  <indexterm>
2956   <primary>pg_stat_gssapi</primary>
2957  </indexterm>
2959  <para>
2960   The <structname>pg_stat_gssapi</structname> view will contain one row per
2961   backend, showing information about GSSAPI usage on this connection. It can
2962   be joined to <structname>pg_stat_activity</structname> or
2963   <structname>pg_stat_replication</structname> on the
2964   <structfield>pid</structfield> column to get more details about the
2965   connection.
2966  </para>
2968  <table id="pg-stat-gssapi-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_gssapi">
2969   <title><structname>pg_stat_gssapi</structname> View</title>
2970   <tgroup cols="1">
2971    <thead>
2972     <row>
2973      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2974       Column Type
2975      </para>
2976      <para>
2977       Description
2978      </para></entry>
2979     </row>
2980    </thead>
2982    <tbody>
2983     <row>
2984      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2985       <structfield>pid</structfield> <type>integer</type>
2986      </para>
2987      <para>
2988       Process ID of a backend
2989      </para></entry>
2990     </row>
2992     <row>
2993      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
2994       <structfield>gss_authenticated</structfield> <type>boolean</type>
2995      </para>
2996      <para>
2997       True if GSSAPI authentication was used for this connection
2998      </para></entry>
2999     </row>
3001     <row>
3002      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3003       <structfield>principal</structfield> <type>text</type>
3004      </para>
3005      <para>
3006       Principal used to authenticate this connection, or NULL
3007       if GSSAPI was not used to authenticate this connection.  This
3008       field is truncated if the principal is longer than
3009       <symbol>NAMEDATALEN</symbol> (64 characters in a standard build).
3010      </para></entry>
3011     </row>
3013     <row>
3014      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3015       <structfield>encrypted</structfield> <type>boolean</type>
3016      </para>
3017      <para>
3018       True if GSSAPI encryption is in use on this connection
3019      </para></entry>
3020     </row>
3021    </tbody>
3022   </tgroup>
3023  </table>
3025 </sect2>
3027 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-stat-archiver-view">
3028  <title><structname>pg_stat_archiver</structname></title>
3030  <indexterm>
3031   <primary>pg_stat_archiver</primary>
3032  </indexterm>
3034  <para>
3035   The <structname>pg_stat_archiver</structname> view will always have a
3036   single row, containing data about the archiver process of the cluster.
3037  </para>
3039  <table id="pg-stat-archiver-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_archiver">
3040   <title><structname>pg_stat_archiver</structname> View</title>
3041   <tgroup cols="1">
3042    <thead>
3043     <row>
3044      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3045       Column Type
3046      </para>
3047      <para>
3048       Description
3049      </para></entry>
3050     </row>
3051    </thead>
3053    <tbody>
3054     <row>
3055      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3056       <structfield>archived_count</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3057      </para>
3058      <para>
3059       Number of WAL files that have been successfully archived
3060      </para></entry>
3061     </row>
3063     <row>
3064      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3065       <structfield>last_archived_wal</structfield> <type>text</type>
3066      </para>
3067      <para>
3068       Name of the last WAL file successfully archived
3069      </para></entry>
3070     </row>
3072     <row>
3073      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3074       <structfield>last_archived_time</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
3075      </para>
3076      <para>
3077       Time of the last successful archive operation
3078      </para></entry>
3079     </row>
3081     <row>
3082      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3083       <structfield>failed_count</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3084      </para>
3085      <para>
3086       Number of failed attempts for archiving WAL files
3087      </para></entry>
3088     </row>
3090     <row>
3091      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3092       <structfield>last_failed_wal</structfield> <type>text</type>
3093      </para>
3094      <para>
3095       Name of the WAL file of the last failed archival operation
3096      </para></entry>
3097     </row>
3099     <row>
3100      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3101       <structfield>last_failed_time</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
3102      </para>
3103      <para>
3104       Time of the last failed archival operation
3105      </para></entry>
3106     </row>
3108     <row>
3109      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3110       <structfield>stats_reset</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
3111      </para>
3112      <para>
3113       Time at which these statistics were last reset
3114      </para></entry>
3115     </row>
3116    </tbody>
3117   </tgroup>
3118  </table>
3120 </sect2>
3122 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-stat-bgwriter-view">
3123  <title><structname>pg_stat_bgwriter</structname></title>
3125  <indexterm>
3126   <primary>pg_stat_bgwriter</primary>
3127  </indexterm>
3129  <para>
3130   The <structname>pg_stat_bgwriter</structname> view will always have a
3131   single row, containing global data for the cluster.
3132  </para>
3134  <table id="pg-stat-bgwriter-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_bgwriter">
3135   <title><structname>pg_stat_bgwriter</structname> View</title>
3136   <tgroup cols="1">
3137    <thead>
3138     <row>
3139      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3140       Column Type
3141      </para>
3142      <para>
3143       Description
3144      </para></entry>
3145     </row>
3146    </thead>
3148    <tbody>
3149     <row>
3150      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3151       <structfield>checkpoints_timed</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3152      </para>
3153      <para>
3154       Number of scheduled checkpoints that have been performed
3155      </para></entry>
3156     </row>
3158     <row>
3159      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3160       <structfield>checkpoints_req</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3161      </para>
3162      <para>
3163       Number of requested checkpoints that have been performed
3164      </para></entry>
3165     </row>
3167     <row>
3168      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3169       <structfield>checkpoint_write_time</structfield> <type>double precision</type>
3170      </para>
3171      <para>
3172       Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of
3173       checkpoint processing where files are written to disk, in milliseconds
3174      </para></entry>
3175     </row>
3177     <row>
3178      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3179       <structfield>checkpoint_sync_time</structfield> <type>double precision</type>
3180      </para>
3181      <para>
3182       Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of
3183       checkpoint processing where files are synchronized to disk, in
3184       milliseconds
3185      </para></entry>
3186     </row>
3188     <row>
3189      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3190       <structfield>buffers_checkpoint</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3191      </para>
3192      <para>
3193       Number of buffers written during checkpoints
3194      </para></entry>
3195     </row>
3197     <row>
3198      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3199       <structfield>buffers_clean</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3200      </para>
3201      <para>
3202       Number of buffers written by the background writer
3203      </para></entry>
3204     </row>
3206     <row>
3207      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3208       <structfield>maxwritten_clean</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3209      </para>
3210      <para>
3211       Number of times the background writer stopped a cleaning
3212       scan because it had written too many buffers
3213      </para></entry>
3214     </row>
3216     <row>
3217      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3218       <structfield>buffers_backend</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3219      </para>
3220      <para>
3221       Number of buffers written directly by a backend
3222      </para></entry>
3223     </row>
3225     <row>
3226      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3227       <structfield>buffers_backend_fsync</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3228      </para>
3229      <para>
3230       Number of times a backend had to execute its own
3231       <function>fsync</function> call (normally the background writer handles those
3232       even when the backend does its own write)
3233      </para></entry>
3234     </row>
3236     <row>
3237      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3238       <structfield>buffers_alloc</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3239      </para>
3240      <para>
3241       Number of buffers allocated
3242      </para></entry>
3243     </row>
3245     <row>
3246      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3247       <structfield>stats_reset</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
3248      </para>
3249      <para>
3250       Time at which these statistics were last reset
3251      </para></entry>
3252     </row>
3253    </tbody>
3254   </tgroup>
3255  </table>
3257 </sect2>
3259 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-stat-database-view">
3260  <title><structname>pg_stat_database</structname></title>
3262  <indexterm>
3263   <primary>pg_stat_database</primary>
3264  </indexterm>
3266  <para>
3267   The <structname>pg_stat_database</structname> view will contain one row
3268   for each database in the cluster, plus one for shared objects, showing
3269   database-wide statistics.
3270  </para>
3272  <table id="pg-stat-database-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_database">
3273   <title><structname>pg_stat_database</structname> View</title>
3274   <tgroup cols="1">
3275    <thead>
3276     <row>
3277      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3278       Column Type
3279      </para>
3280      <para>
3281       Description
3282      </para></entry>
3283     </row>
3284    </thead>
3286    <tbody>
3287     <row>
3288      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3289       <structfield>datid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
3290      </para>
3291      <para>
3292       OID of this database, or 0 for objects belonging to a shared
3293       relation
3294      </para></entry>
3295     </row>
3297     <row>
3298      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3299       <structfield>datname</structfield> <type>name</type>
3300      </para>
3301      <para>
3302       Name of this database, or <literal>NULL</literal> for shared
3303       objects.
3304      </para></entry>
3305     </row>
3307     <row>
3308      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3309       <structfield>numbackends</structfield> <type>integer</type>
3310      </para>
3311      <para>
3312       Number of backends currently connected to this database, or
3313       <literal>NULL</literal> for shared objects.  This is the only column
3314       in this view that returns a value reflecting current state; all other
3315       columns return the accumulated values since the last reset.
3316      </para></entry>
3317     </row>
3319     <row>
3320      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3321       <structfield>xact_commit</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3322      </para>
3323      <para>
3324       Number of transactions in this database that have been
3325       committed
3326      </para></entry>
3327     </row>
3329     <row>
3330      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3331       <structfield>xact_rollback</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3332      </para>
3333      <para>
3334       Number of transactions in this database that have been
3335       rolled back
3336      </para></entry>
3337     </row>
3339     <row>
3340      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3341       <structfield>blks_read</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3342      </para>
3343      <para>
3344       Number of disk blocks read in this database
3345      </para></entry>
3346     </row>
3348     <row>
3349      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3350       <structfield>blks_hit</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3351      </para>
3352      <para>
3353       Number of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer
3354       cache, so that a read was not necessary (this only includes hits in the
3355       PostgreSQL buffer cache, not the operating system's file system cache)
3356      </para></entry>
3357     </row>
3359     <row>
3360      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3361       <structfield>tup_returned</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3362      </para>
3363      <para>
3364       Number of rows returned by queries in this database
3365      </para></entry>
3366     </row>
3368     <row>
3369      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3370       <structfield>tup_fetched</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3371      </para>
3372      <para>
3373       Number of rows fetched by queries in this database
3374      </para></entry>
3375     </row>
3377     <row>
3378      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3379       <structfield>tup_inserted</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3380      </para>
3381      <para>
3382       Number of rows inserted by queries in this database
3383      </para></entry>
3384     </row>
3386     <row>
3387      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3388       <structfield>tup_updated</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3389      </para>
3390      <para>
3391       Number of rows updated by queries in this database
3392      </para></entry>
3393     </row>
3395     <row>
3396      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3397       <structfield>tup_deleted</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3398      </para>
3399      <para>
3400       Number of rows deleted by queries in this database
3401      </para></entry>
3402     </row>
3404     <row>
3405      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3406       <structfield>conflicts</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3407      </para>
3408      <para>
3409       Number of queries canceled due to conflicts with recovery
3410       in this database. (Conflicts occur only on standby servers; see
3411       <link linkend="monitoring-pg-stat-database-conflicts-view">
3412       <structname>pg_stat_database_conflicts</structname></link> for details.)
3413      </para></entry>
3414     </row>
3416     <row>
3417      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3418       <structfield>temp_files</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3419      </para>
3420      <para>
3421       Number of temporary files created by queries in this database.
3422       All temporary files are counted, regardless of why the temporary file
3423       was created (e.g., sorting or hashing), and regardless of the
3424       <xref linkend="guc-log-temp-files"/> setting.
3425      </para></entry>
3426     </row>
3428     <row>
3429      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3430       <structfield>temp_bytes</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3431      </para>
3432      <para>
3433       Total amount of data written to temporary files by queries in
3434       this database. All temporary files are counted, regardless of why
3435       the temporary file was created, and
3436       regardless of the <xref linkend="guc-log-temp-files"/> setting.
3437      </para></entry>
3438     </row>
3440     <row>
3441      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3442       <structfield>deadlocks</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3443      </para>
3444      <para>
3445       Number of deadlocks detected in this database
3446      </para></entry>
3447     </row>
3449     <row>
3450      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3451       <structfield>checksum_failures</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3452      </para>
3453      <para>
3454       Number of data page checksum failures detected in this
3455       database (or on a shared object), or NULL if data checksums are not
3456       enabled.
3457      </para></entry>
3458     </row>
3460     <row>
3461      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3462       <structfield>checksum_last_failure</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
3463      </para>
3464      <para>
3465       Time at which the last data page checksum failure was detected in
3466       this database (or on a shared object), or NULL if data checksums are not
3467       enabled.
3468      </para></entry>
3469     </row>
3471     <row>
3472      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3473       <structfield>blk_read_time</structfield> <type>double precision</type>
3474      </para>
3475      <para>
3476       Time spent reading data file blocks by backends in this database,
3477       in milliseconds (if <xref linkend="guc-track-io-timing"/> is enabled,
3478       otherwise zero)
3479      </para></entry>
3480     </row>
3482     <row>
3483      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3484       <structfield>blk_write_time</structfield> <type>double precision</type>
3485      </para>
3486      <para>
3487       Time spent writing data file blocks by backends in this database,
3488       in milliseconds (if <xref linkend="guc-track-io-timing"/> is enabled,
3489       otherwise zero)
3490      </para></entry>
3491     </row>
3493     <row>
3494      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3495       <structfield>stats_reset</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
3496      </para>
3497      <para>
3498       Time at which these statistics were last reset
3499      </para></entry>
3500     </row>
3501    </tbody>
3502   </tgroup>
3503  </table>
3505 </sect2>
3507 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-stat-database-conflicts-view">
3508  <title><structname>pg_stat_database_conflicts</structname></title>
3510  <indexterm>
3511   <primary>pg_stat_database_conflicts</primary>
3512  </indexterm>
3514  <para>
3515   The <structname>pg_stat_database_conflicts</structname> view will contain
3516   one row per database, showing database-wide statistics about
3517   query cancels occurring due to conflicts with recovery on standby servers.
3518   This view will only contain information on standby servers, since
3519   conflicts do not occur on master servers.
3520  </para>
3522  <table id="pg-stat-database-conflicts-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_database_conflicts">
3523   <title><structname>pg_stat_database_conflicts</structname> View</title>
3524   <tgroup cols="1">
3525    <thead>
3526     <row>
3527      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3528       Column Type
3529      </para>
3530      <para>
3531       Description
3532      </para></entry>
3533     </row>
3534    </thead>
3536    <tbody>
3537     <row>
3538      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3539       <structfield>datid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
3540      </para>
3541      <para>
3542       OID of a database
3543      </para></entry>
3544     </row>
3546     <row>
3547      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3548       <structfield>datname</structfield> <type>name</type>
3549      </para>
3550      <para>
3551       Name of this database
3552      </para></entry>
3553     </row>
3555     <row>
3556      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3557       <structfield>confl_tablespace</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3558      </para>
3559      <para>
3560       Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to
3561       dropped tablespaces
3562      </para></entry>
3563     </row>
3565     <row>
3566      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3567       <structfield>confl_lock</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3568      </para>
3569      <para>
3570       Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to
3571       lock timeouts
3572      </para></entry>
3573     </row>
3575     <row>
3576      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3577       <structfield>confl_snapshot</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3578      </para>
3579      <para>
3580       Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to
3581       old snapshots
3582      </para></entry>
3583     </row>
3585     <row>
3586      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3587       <structfield>confl_bufferpin</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3588      </para>
3589      <para>
3590       Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to
3591       pinned buffers
3592      </para></entry>
3593     </row>
3595     <row>
3596      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3597       <structfield>confl_deadlock</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3598      </para>
3599      <para>
3600       Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to
3601       deadlocks
3602      </para></entry>
3603     </row>
3604    </tbody>
3605   </tgroup>
3606  </table>
3608 </sect2>
3610 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-stat-all-tables-view">
3611  <title><structname>pg_stat_all_tables</structname></title>
3613  <indexterm>
3614   <primary>pg_stat_all_tables</primary>
3615  </indexterm>
3617  <para>
3618   The <structname>pg_stat_all_tables</structname> view will contain
3619   one row for each table in the current database (including TOAST
3620   tables), showing statistics about accesses to that specific table. The
3621   <structname>pg_stat_user_tables</structname> and
3622   <structname>pg_stat_sys_tables</structname> views
3623   contain the same information,
3624   but filtered to only show user and system tables respectively.
3625  </para>
3627  <table id="pg-stat-all-tables-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_all_tables">
3628   <title><structname>pg_stat_all_tables</structname> View</title>
3629   <tgroup cols="1">
3630    <thead>
3631     <row>
3632      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3633       Column Type
3634      </para>
3635      <para>
3636       Description
3637      </para></entry>
3638     </row>
3639    </thead>
3641    <tbody>
3642     <row>
3643      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3644       <structfield>relid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
3645      </para>
3646      <para>
3647       OID of a table
3648      </para></entry>
3649     </row>
3651     <row>
3652      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3653       <structfield>schemaname</structfield> <type>name</type>
3654      </para>
3655      <para>
3656       Name of the schema that this table is in
3657      </para></entry>
3658     </row>
3660     <row>
3661      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3662       <structfield>relname</structfield> <type>name</type>
3663      </para>
3664      <para>
3665       Name of this table
3666      </para></entry>
3667     </row>
3669     <row>
3670      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3671       <structfield>seq_scan</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3672      </para>
3673      <para>
3674       Number of sequential scans initiated on this table
3675      </para></entry>
3676     </row>
3678     <row>
3679      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3680       <structfield>seq_tup_read</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3681      </para>
3682      <para>
3683       Number of live rows fetched by sequential scans
3684      </para></entry>
3685     </row>
3687     <row>
3688      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3689       <structfield>idx_scan</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3690      </para>
3691      <para>
3692       Number of index scans initiated on this table
3693      </para></entry>
3694     </row>
3696     <row>
3697      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3698       <structfield>idx_tup_fetch</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3699      </para>
3700      <para>
3701       Number of live rows fetched by index scans
3702      </para></entry>
3703     </row>
3705     <row>
3706      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3707       <structfield>n_tup_ins</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3708      </para>
3709      <para>
3710       Number of rows inserted
3711      </para></entry>
3712     </row>
3714     <row>
3715      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3716       <structfield>n_tup_upd</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3717      </para>
3718      <para>
3719       Number of rows updated (includes HOT updated rows)
3720      </para></entry>
3721     </row>
3723     <row>
3724      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3725       <structfield>n_tup_del</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3726      </para>
3727      <para>
3728       Number of rows deleted
3729      </para></entry>
3730     </row>
3732     <row>
3733      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3734       <structfield>n_tup_hot_upd</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3735      </para>
3736      <para>
3737       Number of rows HOT updated (i.e., with no separate index
3738       update required)
3739      </para></entry>
3740     </row>
3742     <row>
3743      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3744       <structfield>n_live_tup</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3745      </para>
3746      <para>
3747       Estimated number of live rows
3748      </para></entry>
3749     </row>
3751     <row>
3752      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3753       <structfield>n_dead_tup</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3754      </para>
3755      <para>
3756       Estimated number of dead rows
3757      </para></entry>
3758     </row>
3760     <row>
3761      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3762       <structfield>n_mod_since_analyze</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3763      </para>
3764      <para>
3765       Estimated number of rows modified since this table was last analyzed
3766      </para></entry>
3767     </row>
3769     <row>
3770      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3771       <structfield>n_ins_since_vacuum</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3772      </para>
3773      <para>
3774       Estimated number of rows inserted since this table was last vacuumed
3775      </para></entry>
3776     </row>
3778     <row>
3779      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3780       <structfield>last_vacuum</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
3781      </para>
3782      <para>
3783       Last time at which this table was manually vacuumed
3784       (not counting <command>VACUUM FULL</command>)
3785      </para></entry>
3786     </row>
3788     <row>
3789      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3790       <structfield>last_autovacuum</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
3791      </para>
3792      <para>
3793       Last time at which this table was vacuumed by the autovacuum
3794       daemon
3795      </para></entry>
3796     </row>
3798     <row>
3799      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3800       <structfield>last_analyze</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
3801      </para>
3802      <para>
3803       Last time at which this table was manually analyzed
3804      </para></entry>
3805     </row>
3807     <row>
3808      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3809       <structfield>last_autoanalyze</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
3810      </para>
3811      <para>
3812       Last time at which this table was analyzed by the autovacuum
3813       daemon
3814      </para></entry>
3815     </row>
3817     <row>
3818      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3819       <structfield>vacuum_count</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3820      </para>
3821      <para>
3822       Number of times this table has been manually vacuumed
3823       (not counting <command>VACUUM FULL</command>)
3824      </para></entry>
3825     </row>
3827     <row>
3828      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3829       <structfield>autovacuum_count</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3830      </para>
3831      <para>
3832       Number of times this table has been vacuumed by the autovacuum
3833       daemon
3834      </para></entry>
3835     </row>
3837     <row>
3838      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3839       <structfield>analyze_count</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3840      </para>
3841      <para>
3842       Number of times this table has been manually analyzed
3843      </para></entry>
3844     </row>
3846     <row>
3847      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3848       <structfield>autoanalyze_count</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3849      </para>
3850      <para>
3851       Number of times this table has been analyzed by the autovacuum
3852       daemon
3853      </para></entry>
3854     </row>
3855    </tbody>
3856   </tgroup>
3857  </table>
3859 </sect2>
3861 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-stat-all-indexes-view">
3862  <title><structname>pg_stat_all_indexes</structname></title>
3864  <indexterm>
3865   <primary>pg_stat_all_indexes</primary>
3866  </indexterm>
3868  <para>
3869   The <structname>pg_stat_all_indexes</structname> view will contain
3870   one row for each index in the current database,
3871   showing statistics about accesses to that specific index. The
3872   <structname>pg_stat_user_indexes</structname> and
3873   <structname>pg_stat_sys_indexes</structname> views
3874   contain the same information,
3875   but filtered to only show user and system indexes respectively.
3876  </para>
3878  <table id="pg-stat-all-indexes-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_all_indexes">
3879   <title><structname>pg_stat_all_indexes</structname> View</title>
3880   <tgroup cols="1">
3881    <thead>
3882     <row>
3883      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3884       Column Type
3885      </para>
3886      <para>
3887       Description
3888      </para></entry>
3889     </row>
3890    </thead>
3892    <tbody>
3893     <row>
3894      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3895       <structfield>relid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
3896      </para>
3897      <para>
3898       OID of the table for this index
3899      </para></entry>
3900     </row>
3902     <row>
3903      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3904       <structfield>indexrelid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
3905      </para>
3906      <para>
3907       OID of this index
3908      </para></entry>
3909     </row>
3911     <row>
3912      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3913       <structfield>schemaname</structfield> <type>name</type>
3914      </para>
3915      <para>
3916       Name of the schema this index is in
3917      </para></entry>
3918     </row>
3920     <row>
3921      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3922       <structfield>relname</structfield> <type>name</type>
3923      </para>
3924      <para>
3925       Name of the table for this index
3926      </para></entry>
3927     </row>
3929     <row>
3930      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3931       <structfield>indexrelname</structfield> <type>name</type>
3932      </para>
3933      <para>
3934       Name of this index
3935      </para></entry>
3936     </row>
3938     <row>
3939      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3940       <structfield>idx_scan</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3941      </para>
3942      <para>
3943       Number of index scans initiated on this index
3944      </para></entry>
3945     </row>
3947     <row>
3948      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3949       <structfield>idx_tup_read</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3950      </para>
3951      <para>
3952       Number of index entries returned by scans on this index
3953      </para></entry>
3954     </row>
3956     <row>
3957      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
3958       <structfield>idx_tup_fetch</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
3959      </para>
3960      <para>
3961       Number of live table rows fetched by simple index scans using this
3962       index
3963      </para></entry>
3964     </row>
3965    </tbody>
3966   </tgroup>
3967  </table>
3969  <para>
3970   Indexes can be used by simple index scans, <quote>bitmap</quote> index scans,
3971   and the optimizer.  In a bitmap scan
3972   the output of several indexes can be combined via AND or OR rules,
3973   so it is difficult to associate individual heap row fetches
3974   with specific indexes when a bitmap scan is used.  Therefore, a bitmap
3975   scan increments the
3976   <structname>pg_stat_all_indexes</structname>.<structfield>idx_tup_read</structfield>
3977   count(s) for the index(es) it uses, and it increments the
3978   <structname>pg_stat_all_tables</structname>.<structfield>idx_tup_fetch</structfield>
3979   count for the table, but it does not affect
3980   <structname>pg_stat_all_indexes</structname>.<structfield>idx_tup_fetch</structfield>.
3981   The optimizer also accesses indexes to check for supplied constants
3982   whose values are outside the recorded range of the optimizer statistics
3983   because the optimizer statistics might be stale.
3984  </para>
3986  <note>
3987   <para>
3988    The <structfield>idx_tup_read</structfield> and <structfield>idx_tup_fetch</structfield> counts
3989    can be different even without any use of bitmap scans,
3990    because <structfield>idx_tup_read</structfield> counts
3991    index entries retrieved from the index while <structfield>idx_tup_fetch</structfield>
3992    counts live rows fetched from the table.  The latter will be less if any
3993    dead or not-yet-committed rows are fetched using the index, or if any
3994    heap fetches are avoided by means of an index-only scan.
3995   </para>
3996  </note>
3998 </sect2>
4000 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-statio-all-tables-view">
4001  <title><structname>pg_statio_all_tables</structname></title>
4003  <indexterm>
4004   <primary>pg_statio_all_tables</primary>
4005  </indexterm>
4007  <para>
4008   The <structname>pg_statio_all_tables</structname> view will contain
4009   one row for each table in the current database (including TOAST
4010   tables), showing statistics about I/O on that specific table. The
4011   <structname>pg_statio_user_tables</structname> and
4012   <structname>pg_statio_sys_tables</structname> views
4013   contain the same information,
4014   but filtered to only show user and system tables respectively.
4015  </para>
4017  <table id="pg-statio-all-tables-view" xreflabel="pg_statio_all_tables">
4018   <title><structname>pg_statio_all_tables</structname> View</title>
4019   <tgroup cols="1">
4020    <thead>
4021     <row>
4022      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4023       Column Type
4024      </para>
4025      <para>
4026       Description
4027      </para></entry>
4028     </row>
4029    </thead>
4031    <tbody>
4032     <row>
4033      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4034       <structfield>relid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
4035      </para>
4036      <para>
4037       OID of a table
4038      </para></entry>
4039     </row>
4041     <row>
4042      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4043       <structfield>schemaname</structfield> <type>name</type>
4044      </para>
4045      <para>
4046       Name of the schema that this table is in
4047      </para></entry>
4048     </row>
4050     <row>
4051      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4052       <structfield>relname</structfield> <type>name</type>
4053      </para>
4054      <para>
4055       Name of this table
4056      </para></entry>
4057     </row>
4059     <row>
4060      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4061       <structfield>heap_blks_read</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4062      </para>
4063      <para>
4064       Number of disk blocks read from this table
4065      </para></entry>
4066     </row>
4068     <row>
4069      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4070       <structfield>heap_blks_hit</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4071      </para>
4072      <para>
4073       Number of buffer hits in this table
4074      </para></entry>
4075     </row>
4077     <row>
4078      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4079       <structfield>idx_blks_read</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4080      </para>
4081      <para>
4082       Number of disk blocks read from all indexes on this table
4083      </para></entry>
4084     </row>
4086     <row>
4087      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4088       <structfield>idx_blks_hit</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4089      </para>
4090      <para>
4091       Number of buffer hits in all indexes on this table
4092      </para></entry>
4093     </row>
4095     <row>
4096      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4097       <structfield>toast_blks_read</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4098      </para>
4099      <para>
4100       Number of disk blocks read from this table's TOAST table (if any)
4101      </para></entry>
4102     </row>
4104     <row>
4105      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4106       <structfield>toast_blks_hit</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4107      </para>
4108      <para>
4109       Number of buffer hits in this table's TOAST table (if any)
4110      </para></entry>
4111     </row>
4113     <row>
4114      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4115       <structfield>tidx_blks_read</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4116      </para>
4117      <para>
4118       Number of disk blocks read from this table's TOAST table indexes (if any)
4119      </para></entry>
4120     </row>
4122     <row>
4123      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4124       <structfield>tidx_blks_hit</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4125      </para>
4126      <para>
4127       Number of buffer hits in this table's TOAST table indexes (if any)
4128      </para></entry>
4129     </row>
4130    </tbody>
4131   </tgroup>
4132  </table>
4134 </sect2>
4136 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-statio-all-indexes-view">
4137  <title><structname>pg_statio_all_indexes</structname></title>
4139  <indexterm>
4140   <primary>pg_statio_all_indexes</primary>
4141  </indexterm>
4143  <para>
4144   The <structname>pg_statio_all_indexes</structname> view will contain
4145   one row for each index in the current database,
4146   showing statistics about I/O on that specific index. The
4147   <structname>pg_statio_user_indexes</structname> and
4148   <structname>pg_statio_sys_indexes</structname> views
4149   contain the same information,
4150   but filtered to only show user and system indexes respectively.
4151  </para>
4153  <table id="pg-statio-all-indexes-view" xreflabel="pg_statio_all_indexes">
4154   <title><structname>pg_statio_all_indexes</structname> View</title>
4155   <tgroup cols="1">
4156    <thead>
4157     <row>
4158      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4159       Column Type
4160      </para>
4161      <para>
4162       Description
4163      </para></entry>
4164     </row>
4165    </thead>
4167    <tbody>
4168     <row>
4169      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4170       <structfield>relid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
4171      </para>
4172      <para>
4173       OID of the table for this index
4174      </para></entry>
4175     </row>
4177     <row>
4178      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4179       <structfield>indexrelid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
4180      </para>
4181      <para>
4182       OID of this index
4183      </para></entry>
4184     </row>
4186     <row>
4187      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4188       <structfield>schemaname</structfield> <type>name</type>
4189      </para>
4190      <para>
4191       Name of the schema this index is in
4192      </para></entry>
4193     </row>
4195     <row>
4196      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4197       <structfield>relname</structfield> <type>name</type>
4198      </para>
4199      <para>
4200       Name of the table for this index
4201      </para></entry>
4202     </row>
4204     <row>
4205      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4206       <structfield>indexrelname</structfield> <type>name</type>
4207      </para>
4208      <para>
4209       Name of this index
4210      </para></entry>
4211     </row>
4213     <row>
4214      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4215       <structfield>idx_blks_read</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4216      </para>
4217      <para>
4218       Number of disk blocks read from this index
4219      </para></entry>
4220     </row>
4222     <row>
4223      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4224       <structfield>idx_blks_hit</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4225      </para>
4226      <para>
4227       Number of buffer hits in this index
4228      </para></entry>
4229     </row>
4230    </tbody>
4231   </tgroup>
4232  </table>
4234 </sect2>
4236 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-statio-all-sequences-view">
4237  <title><structname>pg_statio_all_sequences</structname></title>
4239  <indexterm>
4240   <primary>pg_statio_all_sequences</primary>
4241  </indexterm>
4243  <para>
4244   The <structname>pg_statio_all_sequences</structname> view will contain
4245   one row for each sequence in the current database,
4246   showing statistics about I/O on that specific sequence.
4247  </para>
4249  <table id="pg-statio-all-sequences-view" xreflabel="pg_statio_all_sequences">
4250   <title><structname>pg_statio_all_sequences</structname> View</title>
4251   <tgroup cols="1">
4252    <thead>
4253     <row>
4254      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4255       Column Type
4256      </para>
4257      <para>
4258       Description
4259      </para></entry>
4260     </row>
4261    </thead>
4263    <tbody>
4264     <row>
4265      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4266       <structfield>relid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
4267      </para>
4268      <para>
4269       OID of a sequence
4270      </para></entry>
4271     </row>
4273     <row>
4274      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4275       <structfield>schemaname</structfield> <type>name</type>
4276      </para>
4277      <para>
4278       Name of the schema this sequence is in
4279      </para></entry>
4280     </row>
4282     <row>
4283      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4284       <structfield>relname</structfield> <type>name</type>
4285      </para>
4286      <para>
4287       Name of this sequence
4288      </para></entry>
4289     </row>
4291     <row>
4292      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4293       <structfield>blks_read</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4294      </para>
4295      <para>
4296       Number of disk blocks read from this sequence
4297      </para></entry>
4298     </row>
4300     <row>
4301      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4302       <structfield>blks_hit</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4303      </para>
4304      <para>
4305       Number of buffer hits in this sequence
4306      </para></entry>
4307     </row>
4308    </tbody>
4309   </tgroup>
4310  </table>
4312 </sect2>
4314 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-stat-user-functions-view">
4315  <title><structname>pg_stat_user_functions</structname></title>
4317  <indexterm>
4318   <primary>pg_stat_user_functions</primary>
4319  </indexterm>
4321  <para>
4322   The <structname>pg_stat_user_functions</structname> view will contain
4323   one row for each tracked function, showing statistics about executions of
4324   that function.  The <xref linkend="guc-track-functions"/> parameter
4325   controls exactly which functions are tracked.
4326  </para>
4328  <table id="pg-stat-user-functions-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_user_functions">
4329   <title><structname>pg_stat_user_functions</structname> View</title>
4330   <tgroup cols="1">
4331    <thead>
4332     <row>
4333      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4334       Column Type
4335      </para>
4336      <para>
4337       Description
4338      </para></entry>
4339     </row>
4340    </thead>
4342    <tbody>
4343     <row>
4344      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4345       <structfield>funcid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
4346      </para>
4347      <para>
4348       OID of a function
4349      </para></entry>
4350     </row>
4352     <row>
4353      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4354       <structfield>schemaname</structfield> <type>name</type>
4355      </para>
4356      <para>
4357       Name of the schema this function is in
4358      </para></entry>
4359     </row>
4361     <row>
4362      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4363       <structfield>funcname</structfield> <type>name</type>
4364      </para>
4365      <para>
4366       Name of this function
4367      </para></entry>
4368     </row>
4370     <row>
4371      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4372       <structfield>calls</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4373      </para>
4374      <para>
4375       Number of times this function has been called
4376      </para></entry>
4377     </row>
4379     <row>
4380      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4381       <structfield>total_time</structfield> <type>double precision</type>
4382      </para>
4383      <para>
4384       Total time spent in this function and all other functions
4385       called by it, in milliseconds
4386      </para></entry>
4387     </row>
4389     <row>
4390      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4391       <structfield>self_time</structfield> <type>double precision</type>
4392      </para>
4393      <para>
4394       Total time spent in this function itself, not including
4395       other functions called by it, in milliseconds
4396      </para></entry>
4397     </row>
4398    </tbody>
4399   </tgroup>
4400  </table>
4402 </sect2>
4404 <sect2 id="monitoring-pg-stat-slru-view">
4405  <title><structname>pg_stat_slru</structname></title>
4407  <indexterm>
4408   <primary>SLRU</primary>
4409  </indexterm>
4411  <indexterm>
4412   <primary>pg_stat_slru</primary>
4413  </indexterm>
4415  <para>
4416   <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> accesses certain on-disk information
4417   via <firstterm>SLRU</firstterm> (simple least-recently-used) caches.
4418   The <structname>pg_stat_slru</structname> view will contain
4419   one row for each tracked SLRU cache, showing statistics about access
4420   to cached pages.
4421  </para>
4423  <table id="pg-stat-slru-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_slru">
4424   <title><structname>pg_stat_slru</structname> View</title>
4425   <tgroup cols="1">
4426    <thead>
4427     <row>
4428      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4429       Column Type
4430      </para>
4431      <para>
4432       Description
4433      </para></entry>
4434     </row>
4435    </thead>
4437    <tbody>
4438     <row>
4439      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4440       <structfield>name</structfield> <type>text</type>
4441      </para>
4442      <para>
4443       Name of the SLRU
4444      </para></entry>
4445     </row>
4447     <row>
4448      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4449       <structfield>blks_zeroed</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4450      </para>
4451      <para>
4452       Number of blocks zeroed during initializations
4453      </para></entry>
4454     </row>
4456     <row>
4457      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4458       <structfield>blks_hit</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4459      </para>
4460      <para>
4461       Number of times disk blocks were found already in the SLRU,
4462       so that a read was not necessary (this only includes hits in the
4463       SLRU, not the operating system's file system cache)
4464      </para></entry>
4465     </row>
4467     <row>
4468      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4469       <structfield>blks_read</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4470      </para>
4471      <para>
4472       Number of disk blocks read for this SLRU
4473      </para></entry>
4474     </row>
4476     <row>
4477      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4478       <structfield>blks_written</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4479      </para>
4480      <para>
4481       Number of disk blocks written for this SLRU
4482      </para></entry>
4483     </row>
4485     <row>
4486      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4487       <structfield>blks_exists</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4488      </para>
4489      <para>
4490       Number of blocks checked for existence for this SLRU
4491      </para></entry>
4492     </row>
4494     <row>
4495      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4496       <structfield>flushes</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4497      </para>
4498      <para>
4499       Number of flushes of dirty data for this SLRU
4500      </para></entry>
4501     </row>
4503     <row>
4504      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4505       <structfield>truncates</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
4506      </para>
4507      <para>
4508       Number of truncates for this SLRU
4509      </para></entry>
4510     </row>
4512     <row>
4513      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
4514       <structfield>stats_reset</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
4515      </para>
4516      <para>
4517       Time at which these statistics were last reset
4518      </para></entry>
4519     </row>
4520    </tbody>
4521   </tgroup>
4522  </table>
4524 </sect2>
4526 <sect2 id="monitoring-stats-functions">
4527  <title>Statistics Functions</title>
4529  <para>
4530   Other ways of looking at the statistics can be set up by writing
4531   queries that use the same underlying statistics access functions used by
4532   the standard views shown above.  For details such as the functions' names,
4533   consult the definitions of the standard views.  (For example, in
4534   <application>psql</application> you could issue <literal>\d+ pg_stat_activity</literal>.)
4535   The access functions for per-database statistics take a database OID as an
4536   argument to identify which database to report on.
4537   The per-table and per-index functions take a table or index OID.
4538   The functions for per-function statistics take a function OID.
4539   Note that only tables, indexes, and functions in the current database
4540   can be seen with these functions.
4541  </para>
4543  <para>
4544   Additional functions related to statistics collection are listed in <xref
4545   linkend="monitoring-stats-funcs-table"/>.
4546  </para>
4548   <table id="monitoring-stats-funcs-table">
4549    <title>Additional Statistics Functions</title>
4550    <tgroup cols="1">
4551     <thead>
4552      <row>
4553       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4554        Function
4555       </para>
4556       <para>
4557        Description
4558       </para></entry>
4559      </row>
4560     </thead>
4562     <tbody>
4563      <row>
4564       <!-- See also the entry for this in func.sgml -->
4565       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4566        <function>pg_backend_pid</function> ()
4567        <returnvalue>integer</returnvalue>
4568       </para>
4569       <para>
4570        Returns the process ID of the server process attached to the current
4571        session.
4572       </para></entry>
4573      </row>
4575      <row>
4576       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4577        <indexterm>
4578         <primary>pg_stat_get_activity</primary>
4579        </indexterm>
4580        <function>pg_stat_get_activity</function> ( <type>integer</type> )
4581        <returnvalue>setof record</returnvalue>
4582       </para>
4583       <para>
4584        Returns a record of information about the backend with the specified
4585        process ID, or one record for each active backend in the system
4586        if <literal>NULL</literal> is specified.  The fields returned are a
4587        subset of those in the <structname>pg_stat_activity</structname> view.
4588       </para></entry>
4589      </row>
4591      <row>
4592       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4593        <indexterm>
4594         <primary>pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp</primary>
4595        </indexterm>
4596        <function>pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp</function> ()
4597        <returnvalue>timestamp with time zone</returnvalue>
4598       </para>
4599       <para>
4600        Returns the timestamp of the current statistics snapshot.
4601       </para></entry>
4602      </row>
4604      <row>
4605       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4606        <indexterm>
4607         <primary>pg_stat_clear_snapshot</primary>
4608        </indexterm>
4609        <function>pg_stat_clear_snapshot</function> ()
4610        <returnvalue>void</returnvalue>
4611       </para>
4612       <para>
4613        Discards the current statistics snapshot.
4614       </para></entry>
4615      </row>
4617      <row>
4618       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4619        <indexterm>
4620         <primary>pg_stat_reset</primary>
4621        </indexterm>
4622        <function>pg_stat_reset</function> ()
4623        <returnvalue>void</returnvalue>
4624       </para>
4625       <para>
4626        Resets all statistics counters for the current database to zero.
4627       </para>
4628       <para>
4629        This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users
4630        can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.
4631       </para></entry>
4632      </row>
4634      <row>
4635       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4636        <indexterm>
4637         <primary>pg_stat_reset_shared</primary>
4638        </indexterm>
4639        <function>pg_stat_reset_shared</function> ( <type>text</type> )
4640        <returnvalue>void</returnvalue>
4641       </para>
4642       <para>
4643        Resets some cluster-wide statistics counters to zero, depending on the
4644        argument.  The argument can be <literal>bgwriter</literal> to reset
4645        all the counters shown in
4646        the <structname>pg_stat_bgwriter</structname>
4647        view, or <literal>archiver</literal> to reset all the counters shown in
4648        the <structname>pg_stat_archiver</structname> view.
4649       </para>
4650       <para>
4651        This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users
4652        can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.
4653       </para></entry>
4654      </row>
4656      <row>
4657       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4658        <indexterm>
4659         <primary>pg_stat_reset_single_table_counters</primary>
4660        </indexterm>
4661        <function>pg_stat_reset_single_table_counters</function> ( <type>oid</type> )
4662        <returnvalue>void</returnvalue>
4663       </para>
4664       <para>
4665        Resets statistics for a single table or index in the current database
4666        to zero.
4667       </para>
4668       <para>
4669        This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users
4670        can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.
4671       </para></entry>
4672      </row>
4674      <row>
4675       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4676        <indexterm>
4677         <primary>pg_stat_reset_single_function_counters</primary>
4678        </indexterm>
4679        <function>pg_stat_reset_single_function_counters</function> ( <type>oid</type> )
4680        <returnvalue>void</returnvalue>
4681       </para>
4682       <para>
4683        Resets statistics for a single function in the current database to
4684        zero.
4685       </para>
4686       <para>
4687        This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users
4688        can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.
4689       </para></entry>
4690      </row>
4692      <row>
4693       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4694        <indexterm>
4695         <primary>pg_stat_reset_slru</primary>
4696        </indexterm>
4697        <function>pg_stat_reset_slru</function> ( <type>text</type> )
4698        <returnvalue>void</returnvalue>
4699       </para>
4700       <para>
4701        Resets statistics to zero for a single SLRU cache, or for all SLRUs in
4702        the cluster.  If the argument is NULL, all counters shown in
4703        the <structname>pg_stat_slru</structname> view for all SLRU caches are
4704        reset.  The argument can be one of
4705        <literal>CommitTs</literal>,
4706        <literal>MultiXactMember</literal>,
4707        <literal>MultiXactOffset</literal>,
4708        <literal>Notify</literal>,
4709        <literal>Serial</literal>,
4710        <literal>Subtrans</literal>, or
4711        <literal>Xact</literal>
4712        to reset the counters for only that entry.
4713        If the argument is <literal>other</literal> (or indeed, any
4714        unrecognized name), then the counters for all other SLRU caches, such
4715        as extension-defined caches, are reset.
4716       </para>
4717       <para>
4718        This function is restricted to superusers by default, but other users
4719        can be granted EXECUTE to run the function.
4720       </para></entry>
4721      </row>
4722     </tbody>
4723    </tgroup>
4724   </table>
4726  <para>
4727   <function>pg_stat_get_activity</function>, the underlying function of
4728   the <structname>pg_stat_activity</structname> view, returns a set of records
4729   containing all the available information about each backend process.
4730   Sometimes it may be more convenient to obtain just a subset of this
4731   information.  In such cases, an older set of per-backend statistics
4732   access functions can be used; these are shown in <xref
4733   linkend="monitoring-stats-backend-funcs-table"/>.
4734   These access functions use a backend ID number, which ranges from one
4735   to the number of currently active backends.
4736   The function <function>pg_stat_get_backend_idset</function> provides a
4737   convenient way to generate one row for each active backend for
4738   invoking these functions.  For example, to show the <acronym>PID</acronym>s and
4739   current queries of all backends:
4742SELECT pg_stat_get_backend_pid(s.backendid) AS pid,
4743       pg_stat_get_backend_activity(s.backendid) AS query
4744    FROM (SELECT pg_stat_get_backend_idset() AS backendid) AS s;
4746  </para>
4748   <table id="monitoring-stats-backend-funcs-table">
4749    <title>Per-Backend Statistics Functions</title>
4750    <tgroup cols="1">
4751     <thead>
4752      <row>
4753       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4754        Function
4755       </para>
4756       <para>
4757        Description
4758       </para></entry>
4759      </row>
4760     </thead>
4762     <tbody>
4763      <row>
4764       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4765        <indexterm>
4766         <primary>pg_stat_get_backend_idset</primary>
4767        </indexterm>
4768        <function>pg_stat_get_backend_idset</function> ()
4769        <returnvalue>setof integer</returnvalue>
4770       </para>
4771       <para>
4772        Returns the set of currently active backend ID numbers (from 1 to the
4773        number of active backends).
4774       </para></entry>
4775      </row>
4777      <row>
4778       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4779        <indexterm>
4780         <primary>pg_stat_get_backend_activity</primary>
4781        </indexterm>
4782        <function>pg_stat_get_backend_activity</function> ( <type>integer</type> )
4783        <returnvalue>text</returnvalue>
4784       </para>
4785       <para>
4786        Returns the text of this backend's most recent query.
4787       </para></entry>
4788      </row>
4790      <row>
4791       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4792        <indexterm>
4793         <primary>pg_stat_get_backend_activity_start</primary>
4794        </indexterm>
4795        <function>pg_stat_get_backend_activity_start</function> ( <type>integer</type> )
4796        <returnvalue>timestamp with time zone</returnvalue>
4797       </para>
4798       <para>
4799        Returns the time when the backend's most recent query was started.
4800       </para></entry>
4801      </row>
4803      <row>
4804       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4805        <indexterm>
4806         <primary>pg_stat_get_backend_client_addr</primary>
4807        </indexterm>
4808        <function>pg_stat_get_backend_client_addr</function> ( <type>integer</type> )
4809        <returnvalue>inet</returnvalue>
4810       </para>
4811       <para>
4812        Returns the IP address of the client connected to this backend.
4813       </para></entry>
4814      </row>
4816      <row>
4817       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4818        <indexterm>
4819         <primary>pg_stat_get_backend_client_port</primary>
4820        </indexterm>
4821        <function>pg_stat_get_backend_client_port</function> ( <type>integer</type> )
4822        <returnvalue>integer</returnvalue>
4823       </para>
4824       <para>
4825        Returns the TCP port number that the client is using for communication.
4826       </para></entry>
4827      </row>
4829      <row>
4830       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4831        <indexterm>
4832         <primary>pg_stat_get_backend_dbid</primary>
4833        </indexterm>
4834        <function>pg_stat_get_backend_dbid</function> ( <type>integer</type> )
4835        <returnvalue>oid</returnvalue>
4836       </para>
4837       <para>
4838        Returns the OID of the database this backend is connected to.
4839       </para></entry>
4840      </row>
4842      <row>
4843       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4844        <indexterm>
4845         <primary>pg_stat_get_backend_pid</primary>
4846        </indexterm>
4847        <function>pg_stat_get_backend_pid</function> ( <type>integer</type> )
4848        <returnvalue>integer</returnvalue>
4849       </para>
4850       <para>
4851        Returns the process ID of this backend.
4852       </para></entry>
4853      </row>
4855      <row>
4856       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4857        <indexterm>
4858         <primary>pg_stat_get_backend_start</primary>
4859        </indexterm>
4860        <function>pg_stat_get_backend_start</function> ( <type>integer</type> )
4861        <returnvalue>timestamp with time zone</returnvalue>
4862       </para>
4863       <para>
4864        Returns the time when this process was started.
4865       </para></entry>
4866      </row>
4868      <row>
4869       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4870        <indexterm>
4871         <primary>pg_stat_get_backend_userid</primary>
4872        </indexterm>
4873        <function>pg_stat_get_backend_userid</function> ( <type>integer</type> )
4874        <returnvalue>oid</returnvalue>
4875       </para>
4876       <para>
4877        Returns the OID of the user logged into this backend.
4878       </para></entry>
4879      </row>
4881      <row>
4882       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4883        <indexterm>
4884         <primary>pg_stat_get_backend_wait_event_type</primary>
4885        </indexterm>
4886        <function>pg_stat_get_backend_wait_event_type</function> ( <type>integer</type> )
4887        <returnvalue>text</returnvalue>
4888       </para>
4889       <para>
4890        Returns the wait event type name if this backend is currently waiting,
4891        otherwise NULL.  See <xref linkend="wait-event-table"/> for details.
4892       </para></entry>
4893      </row>
4895      <row>
4896       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4897        <indexterm>
4898         <primary>pg_stat_get_backend_wait_event</primary>
4899        </indexterm>
4900        <function>pg_stat_get_backend_wait_event</function> ( <type>integer</type> )
4901        <returnvalue>text</returnvalue>
4902       </para>
4903       <para>
4904        Returns the wait event name if this backend is currently waiting,
4905        otherwise NULL. See <xref linkend="wait-event-activity-table"/> through
4906        <xref linkend="wait-event-timeout-table"/>.
4907       </para></entry>
4908      </row>
4910      <row>
4911       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
4912        <indexterm>
4913         <primary>pg_stat_get_backend_xact_start</primary>
4914        </indexterm>
4915        <function>pg_stat_get_backend_xact_start</function> ( <type>integer</type> )
4916        <returnvalue>timestamp with time zone</returnvalue>
4917       </para>
4918       <para>
4919        Returns the time when the backend's current transaction was started.
4920       </para></entry>
4921      </row>
4922     </tbody>
4923    </tgroup>
4924   </table>
4926 </sect2>
4927 </sect1>
4929 <sect1 id="monitoring-locks">
4930  <title>Viewing Locks</title>
4932  <indexterm zone="monitoring-locks">
4933   <primary>lock</primary>
4934   <secondary>monitoring</secondary>
4935  </indexterm>
4937  <para>
4938   Another useful tool for monitoring database activity is the
4939   <structname>pg_locks</structname> system table.  It allows the
4940   database administrator to view information about the outstanding
4941   locks in the lock manager. For example, this capability can be used
4942   to:
4944   <itemizedlist>
4945    <listitem>
4946     <para>
4947      View all the locks currently outstanding, all the locks on
4948      relations in a particular database, all the locks on a
4949      particular relation, or all the locks held by a particular
4950      <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> session.
4951     </para>
4952    </listitem>
4954    <listitem>
4955     <para>
4956      Determine the relation in the current database with the most
4957      ungranted locks (which might be a source of contention among
4958      database clients).
4959     </para>
4960    </listitem>
4962    <listitem>
4963     <para>
4964      Determine the effect of lock contention on overall database
4965      performance, as well as the extent to which contention varies
4966      with overall database traffic.
4967     </para>
4968    </listitem>
4969   </itemizedlist>
4971   Details of the <structname>pg_locks</structname> view appear in
4972   <xref linkend="view-pg-locks"/>.
4973   For more information on locking and managing concurrency with
4974   <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>, refer to <xref linkend="mvcc"/>.
4975  </para>
4976 </sect1>
4978 <sect1 id="progress-reporting">
4979  <title>Progress Reporting</title>
4981  <para>
4982   <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> has the ability to report the progress of
4983   certain commands during command execution.  Currently, the only commands
4984   which support progress reporting are <command>ANALYZE</command>,
4985   <command>CLUSTER</command>,
4986   <command>CREATE INDEX</command>, <command>VACUUM</command>,
4987   and <xref linkend="protocol-replication-base-backup"/> (i.e., replication
4988   command that <xref linkend="app-pgbasebackup"/> issues to take
4989   a base backup).
4990   This may be expanded in the future.
4991  </para>
4993 <sect2 id="analyze-progress-reporting">
4994  <title>ANALYZE Progress Reporting</title>
4996  <para>
4997   Whenever <command>ANALYZE</command> is running, the
4998   <structname>pg_stat_progress_analyze</structname> view will contain a
4999   row for each backend that is currently running that command.  The tables
5000   below describe the information that will be reported and provide
5001   information about how to interpret it.
5002  </para>
5004  <table id="pg-stat-progress-analyze-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_progress_analyze">
5005   <title><structname>pg_stat_progress_analyze</structname> View</title>
5006   <tgroup cols="1">
5007    <thead>
5008     <row>
5009      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5010       Column Type
5011      </para>
5012      <para>
5013       Description
5014      </para></entry>
5015     </row>
5016    </thead>
5018    <tbody>
5019     <row>
5020      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5021       <structfield>pid</structfield> <type>integer</type>
5022      </para>
5023      <para>
5024       Process ID of backend.
5025      </para></entry>
5026     </row>
5028     <row>
5029      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5030       <structfield>datid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
5031      </para>
5032      <para>
5033       OID of the database to which this backend is connected.
5034      </para></entry>
5035     </row>
5037     <row>
5038      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5039       <structfield>datname</structfield> <type>name</type>
5040      </para>
5041      <para>
5042       Name of the database to which this backend is connected.
5043      </para></entry>
5044     </row>
5046     <row>
5047      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5048       <structfield>relid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
5049      </para>
5050      <para>
5051       OID of the table being analyzed.
5052      </para></entry>
5053     </row>
5055     <row>
5056      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5057       <structfield>phase</structfield> <type>text</type>
5058      </para>
5059      <para>
5060       Current processing phase. See <xref linkend="analyze-phases"/>.
5061      </para></entry>
5062     </row>
5064     <row>
5065      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5066       <structfield>sample_blks_total</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5067      </para>
5068      <para>
5069       Total number of heap blocks that will be sampled.
5070      </para></entry>
5071     </row>
5073     <row>
5074      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5075       <structfield>sample_blks_scanned</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5076      </para>
5077      <para>
5078       Number of heap blocks scanned.
5079      </para></entry>
5080     </row>
5082     <row>
5083      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5084       <structfield>ext_stats_total</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5085      </para>
5086      <para>
5087       Number of extended statistics.
5088      </para></entry>
5089     </row>
5091     <row>
5092      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5093       <structfield>ext_stats_computed</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5094      </para>
5095      <para>
5096       Number of extended statistics computed. This counter only advances
5097       when the phase is <literal>computing extended statistics</literal>.
5098      </para></entry>
5099     </row>
5101     <row>
5102      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5103       <structfield>child_tables_total</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5104      </para>
5105      <para>
5106       Number of child tables.
5107      </para></entry>
5108     </row>
5110     <row>
5111      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5112       <structfield>child_tables_done</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5113      </para>
5114      <para>
5115       Number of child tables scanned. This counter only advances when the
5116       phase is <literal>acquiring inherited sample rows</literal>.
5117      </para></entry>
5118     </row>
5120     <row>
5121      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5122       <structfield>current_child_table_relid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
5123      </para>
5124      <para>
5125       OID of the child table currently being scanned. This field is
5126       only valid when the phase is
5127       <literal>acquiring inherited sample rows</literal>.
5128      </para></entry>
5129     </row>
5130    </tbody>
5131   </tgroup>
5132  </table>
5134  <table id="analyze-phases">
5135   <title>ANALYZE phases</title>
5136   <tgroup cols="2">
5137    <colspec colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
5138    <colspec colname="col2" colwidth="2*"/>
5139    <thead>
5140     <row>
5141      <entry>Phase</entry>
5142      <entry>Description</entry>
5143     </row>
5144    </thead>
5145    <tbody>
5146     <row>
5147      <entry><literal>initializing</literal></entry>
5148      <entry>
5149       The command is preparing to begin scanning the heap.  This phase is
5150       expected to be very brief.
5151      </entry>
5152     </row>
5153     <row>
5154      <entry><literal>acquiring sample rows</literal></entry>
5155      <entry>
5156       The command is currently scanning the table given by
5157       <structfield>relid</structfield> to obtain sample rows.
5158      </entry>
5159     </row>
5160     <row>
5161      <entry><literal>acquiring inherited sample rows</literal></entry>
5162      <entry>
5163       The command is currently scanning child tables to obtain sample rows.
5164       Columns <structfield>child_tables_total</structfield>,
5165       <structfield>child_tables_done</structfield>, and
5166       <structfield>current_child_table_relid</structfield> contain the
5167       progress information for this phase.
5168      </entry>
5169     </row>
5170     <row>
5171      <entry><literal>computing statistics</literal></entry>
5172      <entry>
5173       The command is computing statistics from the sample rows obtained
5174       during the table scan.
5175      </entry>
5176     </row>
5177     <row>
5178      <entry><literal>computing extended statistics</literal></entry>
5179      <entry>
5180       The command is computing extended statistics from the sample rows
5181       obtained during the table scan.
5182      </entry>
5183     </row>
5184     <row>
5185      <entry><literal>finalizing analyze</literal></entry>
5186      <entry>
5187       The command is updating <structname>pg_class</structname>. When this
5188       phase is completed, <command>ANALYZE</command> will end.
5189      </entry>
5190     </row>
5191    </tbody>
5192   </tgroup>
5193  </table>
5195  <note>
5196   <para>
5197    Note that when <command>ANALYZE</command> is run on a partitioned table,
5198    all of its partitions are also recursively analyzed as also mentioned in
5199    <xref linkend="sql-analyze"/>.  In that case, <command>ANALYZE</command>
5200    progress is reported first for the parent table, whereby its inheritance
5201    statistics are collected, followed by that for each partition.
5202   </para>
5203  </note>
5204 </sect2>
5206 <sect2 id="create-index-progress-reporting">
5207  <title>CREATE INDEX Progress Reporting</title>
5209  <para>
5210   Whenever <command>CREATE INDEX</command> or <command>REINDEX</command> is running, the
5211   <structname>pg_stat_progress_create_index</structname> view will contain
5212   one row for each backend that is currently creating indexes.  The tables
5213   below describe the information that will be reported and provide information
5214   about how to interpret it.
5215  </para>
5217  <table id="pg-stat-progress-create-index-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_progress_create_index">
5218   <title><structname>pg_stat_progress_create_index</structname> View</title>
5219   <tgroup cols="1">
5220    <thead>
5221     <row>
5222      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5223       Column Type
5224      </para>
5225      <para>
5226       Description
5227      </para></entry>
5228     </row>
5229    </thead>
5231    <tbody>
5232     <row>
5233      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5234       <structfield>pid</structfield> <type>integer</type>
5235      </para>
5236      <para>
5237       Process ID of backend.
5238      </para></entry>
5239     </row>
5241     <row>
5242      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5243       <structfield>datid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
5244      </para>
5245      <para>
5246       OID of the database to which this backend is connected.
5247      </para></entry>
5248     </row>
5250     <row>
5251      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5252       <structfield>datname</structfield> <type>name</type>
5253      </para>
5254      <para>
5255       Name of the database to which this backend is connected.
5256      </para></entry>
5257     </row>
5259     <row>
5260      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5261       <structfield>relid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
5262      </para>
5263      <para>
5264       OID of the table on which the index is being created.
5265      </para></entry>
5266     </row>
5268     <row>
5269      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5270       <structfield>index_relid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
5271      </para>
5272      <para>
5273       OID of the index being created or reindexed.  During a
5274       non-concurrent <command>CREATE INDEX</command>, this is 0.
5275      </para></entry>
5276     </row>
5278     <row>
5279      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5280       <structfield>command</structfield> <type>text</type>
5281      </para>
5282      <para>
5283       The command that is running: <literal>CREATE INDEX</literal>,
5284       <literal>CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY</literal>,
5285       <literal>REINDEX</literal>, or <literal>REINDEX CONCURRENTLY</literal>.
5286      </para></entry>
5287     </row>
5289     <row>
5290      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5291       <structfield>phase</structfield> <type>text</type>
5292      </para>
5293      <para>
5294       Current processing phase of index creation.  See <xref linkend="create-index-phases"/>.
5295      </para></entry>
5296     </row>
5298     <row>
5299      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5300       <structfield>lockers_total</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5301      </para>
5302      <para>
5303       Total number of lockers to wait for, when applicable.
5304      </para></entry>
5305     </row>
5307     <row>
5308      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5309       <structfield>lockers_done</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5310      </para>
5311      <para>
5312       Number of lockers already waited for.
5313      </para></entry>
5314     </row>
5316     <row>
5317      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5318       <structfield>current_locker_pid</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5319      </para>
5320      <para>
5321       Process ID of the locker currently being waited for.
5322      </para></entry>
5323     </row>
5325     <row>
5326      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5327       <structfield>blocks_total</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5328      </para>
5329      <para>
5330       Total number of blocks to be processed in the current phase.
5331      </para></entry>
5332     </row>
5334     <row>
5335      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5336       <structfield>blocks_done</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5337      </para>
5338      <para>
5339       Number of blocks already processed in the current phase.
5340      </para></entry>
5341     </row>
5343     <row>
5344      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5345       <structfield>tuples_total</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5346      </para>
5347      <para>
5348       Total number of tuples to be processed in the current phase.
5349      </para></entry>
5350     </row>
5352     <row>
5353      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5354       <structfield>tuples_done</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5355      </para>
5356      <para>
5357       Number of tuples already processed in the current phase.
5358      </para></entry>
5359     </row>
5361     <row>
5362      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5363       <structfield>partitions_total</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5364      </para>
5365      <para>
5366       When creating an index on a partitioned table, this column is set to
5367       the total number of partitions on which the index is to be created.
5368      </para></entry>
5369     </row>
5371     <row>
5372      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5373       <structfield>partitions_done</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5374      </para>
5375      <para>
5376       When creating an index on a partitioned table, this column is set to
5377       the number of partitions on which the index has been completed.
5378      </para></entry>
5379     </row>
5380    </tbody>
5381   </tgroup>
5382  </table>
5384  <table id="create-index-phases">
5385   <title>CREATE INDEX Phases</title>
5386   <tgroup cols="2">
5387    <colspec colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
5388    <colspec colname="col2" colwidth="2*"/>
5389    <thead>
5390     <row>
5391      <entry>Phase</entry>
5392      <entry>Description</entry>
5393     </row>
5394    </thead>
5395    <tbody>
5396     <row>
5397      <entry><literal>initializing</literal></entry>
5398      <entry>
5399       <command>CREATE INDEX</command> or <command>REINDEX</command> is preparing to create the index.  This
5400       phase is expected to be very brief.
5401      </entry>
5402     </row>
5403     <row>
5404      <entry><literal>waiting for writers before build</literal></entry>
5405      <entry>
5406       <command>CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY</command> or <command>REINDEX CONCURRENTLY</command> is waiting for transactions
5407       with write locks that can potentially see the table to finish.
5408       This phase is skipped when not in concurrent mode.
5409       Columns <structname>lockers_total</structname>, <structname>lockers_done</structname>
5410       and <structname>current_locker_pid</structname> contain the progress
5411       information for this phase.
5412      </entry>
5413     </row>
5414     <row>
5415      <entry><literal>building index</literal></entry>
5416      <entry>
5417       The index is being built by the access method-specific code.  In this phase,
5418       access methods that support progress reporting fill in their own progress data,
5419       and the subphase is indicated in this column.  Typically,
5420       <structname>blocks_total</structname> and <structname>blocks_done</structname>
5421       will contain progress data, as well as potentially
5422       <structname>tuples_total</structname> and <structname>tuples_done</structname>.
5423      </entry>
5424     </row>
5425     <row>
5426      <entry><literal>waiting for writers before validation</literal></entry>
5427      <entry>
5428       <command>CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY</command> or <command>REINDEX CONCURRENTLY</command> is waiting for transactions
5429       with write locks that can potentially write into the table to finish.
5430       This phase is skipped when not in concurrent mode.
5431       Columns <structname>lockers_total</structname>, <structname>lockers_done</structname>
5432       and <structname>current_locker_pid</structname> contain the progress
5433       information for this phase.
5434      </entry>
5435     </row>
5436     <row>
5437      <entry><literal>index validation: scanning index</literal></entry>
5438      <entry>
5439       <command>CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY</command> is scanning the index searching
5440       for tuples that need to be validated.
5441       This phase is skipped when not in concurrent mode.
5442       Columns <structname>blocks_total</structname> (set to the total size of the index)
5443       and <structname>blocks_done</structname> contain the progress information for this phase.
5444      </entry>
5445     </row>
5446     <row>
5447      <entry><literal>index validation: sorting tuples</literal></entry>
5448      <entry>
5449       <command>CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY</command> is sorting the output of the
5450       index scanning phase.
5451      </entry>
5452     </row>
5453     <row>
5454      <entry><literal>index validation: scanning table</literal></entry>
5455      <entry>
5456       <command>CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY</command> is scanning the table
5457       to validate the index tuples collected in the previous two phases.
5458       This phase is skipped when not in concurrent mode.
5459       Columns <structname>blocks_total</structname> (set to the total size of the table)
5460       and <structname>blocks_done</structname> contain the progress information for this phase.
5461      </entry>
5462     </row>
5463     <row>
5464      <entry><literal>waiting for old snapshots</literal></entry>
5465      <entry>
5466       <command>CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY</command> or <command>REINDEX CONCURRENTLY</command> is waiting for transactions
5467       that can potentially see the table to release their snapshots.  This
5468       phase is skipped when not in concurrent mode.
5469       Columns <structname>lockers_total</structname>, <structname>lockers_done</structname>
5470       and <structname>current_locker_pid</structname> contain the progress
5471       information for this phase.
5472      </entry>
5473     </row>
5474     <row>
5475      <entry><literal>waiting for readers before marking dead</literal></entry>
5476      <entry>
5477       <command>REINDEX CONCURRENTLY</command> is waiting for transactions
5478       with read locks on the table to finish, before marking the old index dead.
5479       This phase is skipped when not in concurrent mode.
5480       Columns <structname>lockers_total</structname>, <structname>lockers_done</structname>
5481       and <structname>current_locker_pid</structname> contain the progress
5482       information for this phase.
5483      </entry>
5484     </row>
5485     <row>
5486      <entry><literal>waiting for readers before dropping</literal></entry>
5487      <entry>
5488       <command>REINDEX CONCURRENTLY</command> is waiting for transactions
5489       with read locks on the table to finish, before dropping the old index.
5490       This phase is skipped when not in concurrent mode.
5491       Columns <structname>lockers_total</structname>, <structname>lockers_done</structname>
5492       and <structname>current_locker_pid</structname> contain the progress
5493       information for this phase.
5494      </entry>
5495     </row>
5496    </tbody>
5497   </tgroup>
5498  </table>
5500 </sect2>
5502 <sect2 id="vacuum-progress-reporting">
5503  <title>VACUUM Progress Reporting</title>
5505  <para>
5506   Whenever <command>VACUUM</command> is running, the
5507   <structname>pg_stat_progress_vacuum</structname> view will contain
5508   one row for each backend (including autovacuum worker processes) that is
5509   currently vacuuming.  The tables below describe the information
5510   that will be reported and provide information about how to interpret it.
5511   Progress for <command>VACUUM FULL</command> commands is reported via
5512   <structname>pg_stat_progress_cluster</structname>
5513   because both <command>VACUUM FULL</command> and <command>CLUSTER</command>
5514   rewrite the table, while regular <command>VACUUM</command> only modifies it
5515   in place. See <xref linkend='cluster-progress-reporting'/>.
5516  </para>
5518  <table id="pg-stat-progress-vacuum-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_progress_vacuum">
5519   <title><structname>pg_stat_progress_vacuum</structname> View</title>
5520   <tgroup cols="1">
5521    <thead>
5522     <row>
5523      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5524       Column Type
5525      </para>
5526      <para>
5527       Description
5528      </para></entry>
5529     </row>
5530    </thead>
5532    <tbody>
5533     <row>
5534      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5535       <structfield>pid</structfield> <type>integer</type>
5536      </para>
5537      <para>
5538       Process ID of backend.
5539      </para></entry>
5540     </row>
5542     <row>
5543      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5544       <structfield>datid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
5545      </para>
5546      <para>
5547       OID of the database to which this backend is connected.
5548      </para></entry>
5549     </row>
5551     <row>
5552      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5553       <structfield>datname</structfield> <type>name</type>
5554      </para>
5555      <para>
5556       Name of the database to which this backend is connected.
5557      </para></entry>
5558     </row>
5560     <row>
5561      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5562       <structfield>relid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
5563      </para>
5564      <para>
5565       OID of the table being vacuumed.
5566      </para></entry>
5567     </row>
5569     <row>
5570      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5571       <structfield>phase</structfield> <type>text</type>
5572      </para>
5573      <para>
5574       Current processing phase of vacuum.  See <xref linkend="vacuum-phases"/>.
5575      </para></entry>
5576     </row>
5578     <row>
5579      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5580       <structfield>heap_blks_total</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5581      </para>
5582      <para>
5583       Total number of heap blocks in the table.  This number is reported
5584       as of the beginning of the scan; blocks added later will not be (and
5585       need not be) visited by this <command>VACUUM</command>.
5586      </para></entry>
5587     </row>
5589     <row>
5590      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5591       <structfield>heap_blks_scanned</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5592      </para>
5593      <para>
5594       Number of heap blocks scanned.  Because the
5595       <link linkend="storage-vm">visibility map</link> is used to optimize scans,
5596       some blocks will be skipped without inspection; skipped blocks are
5597       included in this total, so that this number will eventually become
5598       equal to <structfield>heap_blks_total</structfield> when the vacuum is complete.
5599       This counter only advances when the phase is <literal>scanning heap</literal>.
5600      </para></entry>
5601     </row>
5603     <row>
5604      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5605       <structfield>heap_blks_vacuumed</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5606      </para>
5607      <para>
5608       Number of heap blocks vacuumed.  Unless the table has no indexes, this
5609       counter only advances when the phase is <literal>vacuuming heap</literal>.
5610       Blocks that contain no dead tuples are skipped, so the counter may
5611       sometimes skip forward in large increments.
5612      </para></entry>
5613     </row>
5615     <row>
5616      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5617       <structfield>index_vacuum_count</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5618      </para>
5619      <para>
5620       Number of completed index vacuum cycles.
5621      </para></entry>
5622     </row>
5624     <row>
5625      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5626       <structfield>max_dead_tuples</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5627      </para>
5628      <para>
5629       Number of dead tuples that we can store before needing to perform
5630       an index vacuum cycle, based on
5631       <xref linkend="guc-maintenance-work-mem"/>.
5632      </para></entry>
5633     </row>
5635     <row>
5636      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5637       <structfield>num_dead_tuples</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5638      </para>
5639      <para>
5640       Number of dead tuples collected since the last index vacuum cycle.
5641      </para></entry>
5642     </row>
5643    </tbody>
5644   </tgroup>
5645  </table>
5647  <table id="vacuum-phases">
5648   <title>VACUUM Phases</title>
5649   <tgroup cols="2">
5650    <colspec colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
5651    <colspec colname="col2" colwidth="2*"/>
5652    <thead>
5653    <row>
5654      <entry>Phase</entry>
5655      <entry>Description</entry>
5656     </row>
5657    </thead>
5659   <tbody>
5660    <row>
5661     <entry><literal>initializing</literal></entry>
5662     <entry>
5663       <command>VACUUM</command> is preparing to begin scanning the heap.  This
5664       phase is expected to be very brief.
5665     </entry>
5666    </row>
5667    <row>
5668     <entry><literal>scanning heap</literal></entry>
5669     <entry>
5670       <command>VACUUM</command> is currently scanning the heap.  It will prune and
5671       defragment each page if required, and possibly perform freezing
5672       activity.  The <structfield>heap_blks_scanned</structfield> column can be used
5673       to monitor the progress of the scan.
5674     </entry>
5675    </row>
5676    <row>
5677     <entry><literal>vacuuming indexes</literal></entry>
5678     <entry>
5679       <command>VACUUM</command> is currently vacuuming the indexes.  If a table has
5680       any indexes, this will happen at least once per vacuum, after the heap
5681       has been completely scanned.  It may happen multiple times per vacuum
5682       if <xref linkend="guc-maintenance-work-mem"/> (or, in the case of autovacuum,
5683       <xref linkend="guc-autovacuum-work-mem"/> if set) is insufficient to store
5684       the number of dead tuples found.
5685     </entry>
5686    </row>
5687    <row>
5688     <entry><literal>vacuuming heap</literal></entry>
5689     <entry>
5690       <command>VACUUM</command> is currently vacuuming the heap.  Vacuuming the heap
5691       is distinct from scanning the heap, and occurs after each instance of
5692       vacuuming indexes.  If <structfield>heap_blks_scanned</structfield> is less than
5693       <structfield>heap_blks_total</structfield>, the system will return to scanning
5694       the heap after this phase is completed; otherwise, it will begin
5695       cleaning up indexes after this phase is completed.
5696     </entry>
5697    </row>
5698    <row>
5699     <entry><literal>cleaning up indexes</literal></entry>
5700     <entry>
5701       <command>VACUUM</command> is currently cleaning up indexes.  This occurs after
5702       the heap has been completely scanned and all vacuuming of the indexes
5703       and the heap has been completed.
5704     </entry>
5705    </row>
5706    <row>
5707     <entry><literal>truncating heap</literal></entry>
5708     <entry>
5709       <command>VACUUM</command> is currently truncating the heap so as to return
5710       empty pages at the end of the relation to the operating system.  This
5711       occurs after cleaning up indexes.
5712     </entry>
5713    </row>
5714    <row>
5715     <entry><literal>performing final cleanup</literal></entry>
5716     <entry>
5717       <command>VACUUM</command> is performing final cleanup.  During this phase,
5718       <command>VACUUM</command> will vacuum the free space map, update statistics
5719       in <literal>pg_class</literal>, and report statistics to the statistics
5720       collector.  When this phase is completed, <command>VACUUM</command> will end.
5721     </entry>
5722    </row>
5723   </tbody>
5724   </tgroup>
5725  </table>
5727 </sect2>
5729 <sect2 id="cluster-progress-reporting">
5730  <title>CLUSTER Progress Reporting</title>
5732  <para>
5733   Whenever <command>CLUSTER</command> or <command>VACUUM FULL</command> is
5734   running, the <structname>pg_stat_progress_cluster</structname> view will
5735   contain a row for each backend that is currently running either command.
5736   The tables below describe the information that will be reported and
5737   provide information about how to interpret it.
5738  </para>
5740  <table id="pg-stat-progress-cluster-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_progress_cluster">
5741   <title><structname>pg_stat_progress_cluster</structname> View</title>
5742   <tgroup cols="1">
5743    <thead>
5744     <row>
5745      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5746       Column Type
5747      </para>
5748      <para>
5749       Description
5750      </para></entry>
5751     </row>
5752    </thead>
5754    <tbody>
5755     <row>
5756      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5757       <structfield>pid</structfield> <type>integer</type>
5758      </para>
5759      <para>
5760       Process ID of backend.
5761      </para></entry>
5762     </row>
5764     <row>
5765      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5766       <structfield>datid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
5767      </para>
5768      <para>
5769       OID of the database to which this backend is connected.
5770      </para></entry>
5771     </row>
5773     <row>
5774      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5775       <structfield>datname</structfield> <type>name</type>
5776      </para>
5777      <para>
5778       Name of the database to which this backend is connected.
5779      </para></entry>
5780     </row>
5782     <row>
5783      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5784       <structfield>relid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
5785      </para>
5786      <para>
5787       OID of the table being clustered.
5788      </para></entry>
5789     </row>
5791     <row>
5792      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5793       <structfield>command</structfield> <type>text</type>
5794      </para>
5795      <para>
5796       The command that is running. Either <literal>CLUSTER</literal> or <literal>VACUUM FULL</literal>.
5797      </para></entry>
5798     </row>
5800     <row>
5801      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5802       <structfield>phase</structfield> <type>text</type>
5803      </para>
5804      <para>
5805       Current processing phase. See <xref linkend="cluster-phases"/>.
5806      </para></entry>
5807     </row>
5809     <row>
5810      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5811       <structfield>cluster_index_relid</structfield> <type>oid</type>
5812      </para>
5813      <para>
5814       If the table is being scanned using an index, this is the OID of the
5815       index being used; otherwise, it is zero.
5816      </para></entry>
5817     </row>
5819     <row>
5820      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5821       <structfield>heap_tuples_scanned</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5822      </para>
5823      <para>
5824       Number of heap tuples scanned.
5825       This counter only advances when the phase is
5826       <literal>seq scanning heap</literal>,
5827       <literal>index scanning heap</literal>
5828       or <literal>writing new heap</literal>.
5829      </para></entry>
5830     </row>
5832     <row>
5833      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5834       <structfield>heap_tuples_written</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5835      </para>
5836      <para>
5837       Number of heap tuples written.
5838       This counter only advances when the phase is
5839       <literal>seq scanning heap</literal>,
5840       <literal>index scanning heap</literal>
5841       or <literal>writing new heap</literal>.
5842      </para></entry>
5843     </row>
5845     <row>
5846      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5847       <structfield>heap_blks_total</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5848      </para>
5849      <para>
5850       Total number of heap blocks in the table.  This number is reported
5851       as of the beginning of <literal>seq scanning heap</literal>.
5852      </para></entry>
5853     </row>
5855     <row>
5856      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5857       <structfield>heap_blks_scanned</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5858      </para>
5859      <para>
5860       Number of heap blocks scanned.  This counter only advances when the
5861       phase is <literal>seq scanning heap</literal>.
5862      </para></entry>
5863     </row>
5865     <row>
5866      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5867       <structfield>index_rebuild_count</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5868      </para>
5869      <para>
5870       Number of indexes rebuilt.  This counter only advances when the phase
5871       is <literal>rebuilding index</literal>.
5872      </para></entry>
5873     </row>
5874    </tbody>
5875   </tgroup>
5876  </table>
5878  <table id="cluster-phases">
5879   <title>CLUSTER and VACUUM FULL Phases</title>
5880   <tgroup cols="2">
5881    <colspec colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
5882    <colspec colname="col2" colwidth="2*"/>
5883    <thead>
5884    <row>
5885      <entry>Phase</entry>
5886      <entry>Description</entry>
5887     </row>
5888    </thead>
5890   <tbody>
5891    <row>
5892     <entry><literal>initializing</literal></entry>
5893     <entry>
5894       The command is preparing to begin scanning the heap.  This phase is
5895       expected to be very brief.
5896     </entry>
5897    </row>
5898    <row>
5899     <entry><literal>seq scanning heap</literal></entry>
5900     <entry>
5901       The command is currently scanning the table using a sequential scan.
5902     </entry>
5903    </row>
5904    <row>
5905     <entry><literal>index scanning heap</literal></entry>
5906     <entry>
5907       <command>CLUSTER</command> is currently scanning the table using an index scan.
5908     </entry>
5909    </row>
5910    <row>
5911     <entry><literal>sorting tuples</literal></entry>
5912     <entry>
5913       <command>CLUSTER</command> is currently sorting tuples.
5914     </entry>
5915    </row>
5916    <row>
5917     <entry><literal>writing new heap</literal></entry>
5918     <entry>
5919       <command>CLUSTER</command> is currently writing the new heap.
5920     </entry>
5921    </row>
5922    <row>
5923     <entry><literal>swapping relation files</literal></entry>
5924     <entry>
5925       The command is currently swapping newly-built files into place.
5926     </entry>
5927    </row>
5928    <row>
5929     <entry><literal>rebuilding index</literal></entry>
5930     <entry>
5931       The command is currently rebuilding an index.
5932     </entry>
5933    </row>
5934    <row>
5935     <entry><literal>performing final cleanup</literal></entry>
5936     <entry>
5937       The command is performing final cleanup.  When this phase is
5938       completed, <command>CLUSTER</command>
5939       or <command>VACUUM FULL</command> will end.
5940     </entry>
5941    </row>
5942   </tbody>
5943   </tgroup>
5944  </table>
5945 </sect2>
5947 <sect2 id="basebackup-progress-reporting">
5948  <title>Base Backup Progress Reporting</title>
5950  <para>
5951   Whenever an application like <application>pg_basebackup</application>
5952   is taking a base backup, the
5953   <structname>pg_stat_progress_basebackup</structname>
5954   view will contain a row for each WAL sender process that is currently
5955   running the <command>BASE_BACKUP</command> replication command
5956   and streaming the backup. The tables below describe the information
5957   that will be reported and provide information about how to interpret it.
5958  </para>
5960  <table id="pg-stat-progress-basebackup-view" xreflabel="pg_stat_progress_basebackup">
5961   <title><structname>pg_stat_progress_basebackup</structname> View</title>
5962   <tgroup cols="1">
5963    <thead>
5964     <row>
5965      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5966       Column Type
5967      </para>
5968      <para>
5969       Description
5970      </para></entry>
5971     </row>
5972    </thead>
5974    <tbody>
5975     <row>
5976      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5977       <structfield>pid</structfield> <type>integer</type>
5978      </para>
5979      <para>
5980       Process ID of a WAL sender process.
5981      </para></entry>
5982     </row>
5984     <row>
5985      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5986       <structfield>phase</structfield> <type>text</type>
5987      </para>
5988      <para>
5989       Current processing phase. See <xref linkend="basebackup-phases"/>.
5990      </para></entry>
5991     </row>
5993     <row>
5994      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
5995       <structfield>backup_total</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
5996      </para>
5997      <para>
5998       Total amount of data that will be streamed. This is estimated and
5999       reported as of the beginning of
6000       <literal>streaming database files</literal> phase. Note that
6001       this is only an approximation since the database
6002       may change during <literal>streaming database files</literal> phase
6003       and WAL log may be included in the backup later. This is always
6004       the same value as <structfield>backup_streamed</structfield>
6005       once the amount of data streamed exceeds the estimated
6006       total size. If the estimation is disabled in
6007       <application>pg_basebackup</application>
6008       (i.e., <literal>--no-estimate-size</literal> option is specified),
6009       this is <literal>NULL</literal>.
6010      </para></entry>
6011     </row>
6013     <row>
6014      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
6015       <structfield>backup_streamed</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
6016      </para>
6017      <para>
6018       Amount of data streamed. This counter only advances
6019       when the phase is <literal>streaming database files</literal> or
6020       <literal>transferring wal files</literal>.
6021      </para></entry>
6022     </row>
6024     <row>
6025      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
6026       <structfield>tablespaces_total</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
6027      </para>
6028      <para>
6029       Total number of tablespaces that will be streamed.
6030      </para></entry>
6031     </row>
6033     <row>
6034      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
6035       <structfield>tablespaces_streamed</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
6036      </para>
6037      <para>
6038       Number of tablespaces streamed. This counter only
6039       advances when the phase is <literal>streaming database files</literal>.
6040      </para></entry>
6041     </row>
6042    </tbody>
6043   </tgroup>
6044  </table>
6046  <table id="basebackup-phases">
6047   <title>Base backup phases</title>
6048   <tgroup cols="2">
6049    <colspec colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
6050    <colspec colname="col2" colwidth="2*"/>
6051    <thead>
6052     <row>
6053      <entry>Phase</entry>
6054      <entry>Description</entry>
6055     </row>
6056    </thead>
6057    <tbody>
6058     <row>
6059      <entry><literal>initializing</literal></entry>
6060      <entry>
6061       The WAL sender process is preparing to begin the backup.
6062       This phase is expected to be very brief.
6063      </entry>
6064     </row>
6065     <row>
6066      <entry><literal>waiting for checkpoint to finish</literal></entry>
6067      <entry>
6068       The WAL sender process is currently performing
6069       <function>pg_start_backup</function> to prepare to
6070       take a base backup, and waiting for the start-of-backup
6071       checkpoint to finish.
6072      </entry>
6073     </row>
6074     <row>
6075      <entry><literal>estimating backup size</literal></entry>
6076      <entry>
6077       The WAL sender process is currently estimating the total amount
6078       of database files that will be streamed as a base backup.
6079      </entry>
6080     </row>
6081     <row>
6082      <entry><literal>streaming database files</literal></entry>
6083      <entry>
6084       The WAL sender process is currently streaming database files
6085       as a base backup.
6086      </entry>
6087     </row>
6088     <row>
6089      <entry><literal>waiting for wal archiving to finish</literal></entry>
6090      <entry>
6091       The WAL sender process is currently performing
6092       <function>pg_stop_backup</function> to finish the backup,
6093       and waiting for all the WAL files required for the base backup
6094       to be successfully archived.
6095       If either <literal>--wal-method=none</literal> or
6096       <literal>--wal-method=stream</literal> is specified in
6097       <application>pg_basebackup</application>, the backup will end
6098       when this phase is completed.
6099      </entry>
6100     </row>
6101     <row>
6102      <entry><literal>transferring wal files</literal></entry>
6103      <entry>
6104       The WAL sender process is currently transferring all WAL logs
6105       generated during the backup. This phase occurs after
6106       <literal>waiting for wal archiving to finish</literal> phase if
6107       <literal>--wal-method=fetch</literal> is specified in
6108       <application>pg_basebackup</application>. The backup will end
6109       when this phase is completed.
6110      </entry>
6111     </row>
6112    </tbody>
6113   </tgroup>
6114  </table>
6116 </sect2>
6117 </sect1>
6119 <sect1 id="dynamic-trace">
6120  <title>Dynamic Tracing</title>
6122 <indexterm zone="dynamic-trace">
6123  <primary>DTrace</primary>
6124 </indexterm>
6126  <para>
6127   <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> provides facilities to support
6128   dynamic tracing of the database server. This allows an external
6129   utility to be called at specific points in the code and thereby trace
6130   execution.
6131  </para>
6133  <para>
6134   A number of probes or trace points are already inserted into the source
6135   code. These probes are intended to be used by database developers and
6136   administrators. By default the probes are not compiled into
6137   <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>; the user needs to explicitly tell
6138   the configure script to make the probes available.
6139  </para>
6141  <para>
6142   Currently, the
6143   <ulink url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DTrace">DTrace</ulink>
6144   utility is supported, which, at the time of this writing, is available
6145   on Solaris, macOS, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and Oracle Linux.  The
6146   <ulink url="https://sourceware.org/systemtap/">SystemTap</ulink> project
6147   for Linux provides a DTrace equivalent and can also be used.  Supporting other dynamic
6148   tracing utilities is theoretically possible by changing the definitions for
6149   the macros in <filename>src/include/utils/probes.h</filename>.
6150  </para>
6152  <sect2 id="compiling-for-trace">
6153   <title>Compiling for Dynamic Tracing</title>
6155  <para>
6156   By default, probes are not available, so you will need to
6157   explicitly tell the configure script to make the probes available
6158   in <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>. To include DTrace support
6159   specify <option>--enable-dtrace</option> to configure.  See <xref
6160   linkend="install-procedure"/> for further information.
6161  </para>
6162  </sect2>
6164  <sect2 id="trace-points">
6165   <title>Built-in Probes</title>
6167  <para>
6168   A number of standard probes are provided in the source code,
6169   as shown in <xref linkend="dtrace-probe-point-table"/>;
6170   <xref linkend="typedefs-table"/>
6171   shows the types used in the probes.  More probes can certainly be
6172   added to enhance <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>'s observability.
6173  </para>
6175 <table id="dtrace-probe-point-table">
6176  <title>Built-in DTrace Probes</title>
6177  <tgroup cols="3">
6178   <colspec colname="col1" colwidth="2*"/>
6179   <colspec colname="col2" colwidth="3*"/>
6180   <colspec colname="col3" colwidth="3*"/>
6181   <thead>
6182    <row>
6183     <entry>Name</entry>
6184     <entry>Parameters</entry>
6185     <entry>Description</entry>
6186    </row>
6187   </thead>
6189   <tbody>
6191    <row>
6192     <entry><literal>transaction-start</literal></entry>
6193     <entry><literal>(LocalTransactionId)</literal></entry>
6194     <entry>Probe that fires at the start of a new transaction.
6195      arg0 is the transaction ID.</entry>
6196    </row>
6197    <row>
6198     <entry><literal>transaction-commit</literal></entry>
6199     <entry><literal>(LocalTransactionId)</literal></entry>
6200     <entry>Probe that fires when a transaction completes successfully.
6201      arg0 is the transaction ID.</entry>
6202    </row>
6203    <row>
6204     <entry><literal>transaction-abort</literal></entry>
6205     <entry><literal>(LocalTransactionId)</literal></entry>
6206     <entry>Probe that fires when a transaction completes unsuccessfully.
6207      arg0 is the transaction ID.</entry>
6208    </row>
6209    <row>
6210     <entry><literal>query-start</literal></entry>
6211     <entry><literal>(const char *)</literal></entry>
6212     <entry>Probe that fires when the processing of a query is started.
6213      arg0 is the query string.</entry>
6214    </row>
6215    <row>
6216     <entry><literal>query-done</literal></entry>
6217     <entry><literal>(const char *)</literal></entry>
6218     <entry>Probe that fires when the processing of a query is complete.
6219      arg0 is the query string.</entry>
6220    </row>
6221    <row>
6222     <entry><literal>query-parse-start</literal></entry>
6223     <entry><literal>(const char *)</literal></entry>
6224     <entry>Probe that fires when the parsing of a query is started.
6225      arg0 is the query string.</entry>
6226    </row>
6227    <row>
6228     <entry><literal>query-parse-done</literal></entry>
6229     <entry><literal>(const char *)</literal></entry>
6230     <entry>Probe that fires when the parsing of a query is complete.
6231      arg0 is the query string.</entry>
6232    </row>
6233    <row>
6234     <entry><literal>query-rewrite-start</literal></entry>
6235     <entry><literal>(const char *)</literal></entry>
6236     <entry>Probe that fires when the rewriting of a query is started.
6237      arg0 is the query string.</entry>
6238    </row>
6239    <row>
6240     <entry><literal>query-rewrite-done</literal></entry>
6241     <entry><literal>(const char *)</literal></entry>
6242     <entry>Probe that fires when the rewriting of a query is complete.
6243      arg0 is the query string.</entry>
6244    </row>
6245    <row>
6246     <entry><literal>query-plan-start</literal></entry>
6247     <entry><literal>()</literal></entry>
6248     <entry>Probe that fires when the planning of a query is started.</entry>
6249    </row>
6250    <row>
6251     <entry><literal>query-plan-done</literal></entry>
6252     <entry><literal>()</literal></entry>
6253     <entry>Probe that fires when the planning of a query is complete.</entry>
6254    </row>
6255    <row>
6256     <entry><literal>query-execute-start</literal></entry>
6257     <entry><literal>()</literal></entry>
6258     <entry>Probe that fires when the execution of a query is started.</entry>
6259    </row>
6260    <row>
6261     <entry><literal>query-execute-done</literal></entry>
6262     <entry><literal>()</literal></entry>
6263     <entry>Probe that fires when the execution of a query is complete.</entry>
6264    </row>
6265    <row>
6266     <entry><literal>statement-status</literal></entry>
6267     <entry><literal>(const char *)</literal></entry>
6268     <entry>Probe that fires anytime the server process updates its
6269      <structname>pg_stat_activity</structname>.<structfield>status</structfield>.
6270      arg0 is the new status string.</entry>
6271    </row>
6272    <row>
6273     <entry><literal>checkpoint-start</literal></entry>
6274     <entry><literal>(int)</literal></entry>
6275     <entry>Probe that fires when a checkpoint is started.
6276      arg0 holds the bitwise flags used to distinguish different checkpoint
6277      types, such as shutdown, immediate or force.</entry>
6278    </row>
6279    <row>
6280     <entry><literal>checkpoint-done</literal></entry>
6281     <entry><literal>(int, int, int, int, int)</literal></entry>
6282     <entry>Probe that fires when a checkpoint is complete.
6283      (The probes listed next fire in sequence during checkpoint processing.)
6284      arg0 is the number of buffers written. arg1 is the total number of
6285      buffers. arg2, arg3 and arg4 contain the number of WAL files added,
6286      removed and recycled respectively.</entry>
6287    </row>
6288    <row>
6289     <entry><literal>clog-checkpoint-start</literal></entry>
6290     <entry><literal>(bool)</literal></entry>
6291     <entry>Probe that fires when the CLOG portion of a checkpoint is started.
6292      arg0 is true for normal checkpoint, false for shutdown
6293      checkpoint.</entry>
6294    </row>
6295    <row>
6296     <entry><literal>clog-checkpoint-done</literal></entry>
6297     <entry><literal>(bool)</literal></entry>
6298     <entry>Probe that fires when the CLOG portion of a checkpoint is
6299      complete. arg0 has the same meaning as for <literal>clog-checkpoint-start</literal>.</entry>
6300    </row>
6301    <row>
6302     <entry><literal>subtrans-checkpoint-start</literal></entry>
6303     <entry><literal>(bool)</literal></entry>
6304     <entry>Probe that fires when the SUBTRANS portion of a checkpoint is
6305      started.
6306      arg0 is true for normal checkpoint, false for shutdown
6307      checkpoint.</entry>
6308    </row>
6309    <row>
6310     <entry><literal>subtrans-checkpoint-done</literal></entry>
6311     <entry><literal>(bool)</literal></entry>
6312     <entry>Probe that fires when the SUBTRANS portion of a checkpoint is
6313      complete. arg0 has the same meaning as for
6314      <literal>subtrans-checkpoint-start</literal>.</entry>
6315    </row>
6316    <row>
6317     <entry><literal>multixact-checkpoint-start</literal></entry>
6318     <entry><literal>(bool)</literal></entry>
6319     <entry>Probe that fires when the MultiXact portion of a checkpoint is
6320      started.
6321      arg0 is true for normal checkpoint, false for shutdown
6322      checkpoint.</entry>
6323    </row>
6324    <row>
6325     <entry><literal>multixact-checkpoint-done</literal></entry>
6326     <entry><literal>(bool)</literal></entry>
6327     <entry>Probe that fires when the MultiXact portion of a checkpoint is
6328      complete. arg0 has the same meaning as for
6329      <literal>multixact-checkpoint-start</literal>.</entry>
6330    </row>
6331    <row>
6332     <entry><literal>buffer-checkpoint-start</literal></entry>
6333     <entry><literal>(int)</literal></entry>
6334     <entry>Probe that fires when the buffer-writing portion of a checkpoint
6335      is started.
6336      arg0 holds the bitwise flags used to distinguish different checkpoint
6337      types, such as shutdown, immediate or force.</entry>
6338    </row>
6339    <row>
6340     <entry><literal>buffer-sync-start</literal></entry>
6341     <entry><literal>(int, int)</literal></entry>
6342     <entry>Probe that fires when we begin to write dirty buffers during
6343      checkpoint (after identifying which buffers must be written).
6344      arg0 is the total number of buffers.
6345      arg1 is the number that are currently dirty and need to be written.</entry>
6346    </row>
6347    <row>
6348     <entry><literal>buffer-sync-written</literal></entry>
6349     <entry><literal>(int)</literal></entry>
6350     <entry>Probe that fires after each buffer is written during checkpoint.
6351      arg0 is the ID number of the buffer.</entry>
6352    </row>
6353    <row>
6354     <entry><literal>buffer-sync-done</literal></entry>
6355     <entry><literal>(int, int, int)</literal></entry>
6356     <entry>Probe that fires when all dirty buffers have been written.
6357      arg0 is the total number of buffers.
6358      arg1 is the number of buffers actually written by the checkpoint process.
6359      arg2 is the number that were expected to be written (arg1 of
6360      <literal>buffer-sync-start</literal>); any difference reflects other processes flushing
6361      buffers during the checkpoint.</entry>
6362    </row>
6363    <row>
6364     <entry><literal>buffer-checkpoint-sync-start</literal></entry>
6365     <entry><literal>()</literal></entry>
6366     <entry>Probe that fires after dirty buffers have been written to the
6367      kernel, and before starting to issue fsync requests.</entry>
6368    </row>
6369    <row>
6370     <entry><literal>buffer-checkpoint-done</literal></entry>
6371     <entry><literal>()</literal></entry>
6372     <entry>Probe that fires when syncing of buffers to disk is
6373      complete.</entry>
6374    </row>
6375    <row>
6376     <entry><literal>twophase-checkpoint-start</literal></entry>
6377     <entry><literal>()</literal></entry>
6378     <entry>Probe that fires when the two-phase portion of a checkpoint is
6379      started.</entry>
6380    </row>
6381    <row>
6382     <entry><literal>twophase-checkpoint-done</literal></entry>
6383     <entry><literal>()</literal></entry>
6384     <entry>Probe that fires when the two-phase portion of a checkpoint is
6385      complete.</entry>
6386    </row>
6387    <row>
6388     <entry><literal>buffer-read-start</literal></entry>
6389     <entry><literal>(ForkNumber, BlockNumber, Oid, Oid, Oid, int, bool)</literal></entry>
6390     <entry>Probe that fires when a buffer read is started.
6391      arg0 and arg1 contain the fork and block numbers of the page (but
6392      arg1 will be -1 if this is a relation extension request).
6393      arg2, arg3, and arg4 contain the tablespace, database, and relation OIDs
6394      identifying the relation.
6395      arg5 is the ID of the backend which created the temporary relation for a
6396      local buffer, or <symbol>InvalidBackendId</symbol> (-1) for a shared buffer.
6397      arg6 is true for a relation extension request, false for normal
6398      read.</entry>
6399    </row>
6400    <row>
6401     <entry><literal>buffer-read-done</literal></entry>
6402     <entry><literal>(ForkNumber, BlockNumber, Oid, Oid, Oid, int, bool, bool)</literal></entry>
6403     <entry>Probe that fires when a buffer read is complete.
6404      arg0 and arg1 contain the fork and block numbers of the page (if this
6405      is a relation extension request, arg1 now contains the block number
6406      of the newly added block).
6407      arg2, arg3, and arg4 contain the tablespace, database, and relation OIDs
6408      identifying the relation.
6409      arg5 is the ID of the backend which created the temporary relation for a
6410      local buffer, or <symbol>InvalidBackendId</symbol> (-1) for a shared buffer.
6411      arg6 is true for a relation extension request, false for normal
6412      read.
6413      arg7 is true if the buffer was found in the pool, false if not.</entry>
6414    </row>
6415    <row>
6416     <entry><literal>buffer-flush-start</literal></entry>
6417     <entry><literal>(ForkNumber, BlockNumber, Oid, Oid, Oid)</literal></entry>
6418     <entry>Probe that fires before issuing any write request for a shared
6419      buffer.
6420      arg0 and arg1 contain the fork and block numbers of the page.
6421      arg2, arg3, and arg4 contain the tablespace, database, and relation OIDs
6422      identifying the relation.</entry>
6423    </row>
6424    <row>
6425     <entry><literal>buffer-flush-done</literal></entry>
6426     <entry><literal>(ForkNumber, BlockNumber, Oid, Oid, Oid)</literal></entry>
6427     <entry>Probe that fires when a write request is complete.  (Note
6428      that this just reflects the time to pass the data to the kernel;
6429      it's typically not actually been written to disk yet.)
6430      The arguments are the same as for <literal>buffer-flush-start</literal>.</entry>
6431    </row>
6432    <row>
6433     <entry><literal>buffer-write-dirty-start</literal></entry>
6434     <entry><literal>(ForkNumber, BlockNumber, Oid, Oid, Oid)</literal></entry>
6435     <entry>Probe that fires when a server process begins to write a dirty
6436      buffer.  (If this happens often, it implies that
6437      <xref linkend="guc-shared-buffers"/> is too
6438      small or the background writer control parameters need adjustment.)
6439      arg0 and arg1 contain the fork and block numbers of the page.
6440      arg2, arg3, and arg4 contain the tablespace, database, and relation OIDs
6441      identifying the relation.</entry>
6442    </row>
6443    <row>
6444     <entry><literal>buffer-write-dirty-done</literal></entry>
6445     <entry><literal>(ForkNumber, BlockNumber, Oid, Oid, Oid)</literal></entry>
6446     <entry>Probe that fires when a dirty-buffer write is complete.
6447      The arguments are the same as for <literal>buffer-write-dirty-start</literal>.</entry>
6448    </row>
6449    <row>
6450     <entry><literal>wal-buffer-write-dirty-start</literal></entry>
6451     <entry><literal>()</literal></entry>
6452     <entry>Probe that fires when a server process begins to write a
6453      dirty WAL buffer because no more WAL buffer space is available.
6454      (If this happens often, it implies that
6455      <xref linkend="guc-wal-buffers"/> is too small.)</entry>
6456    </row>
6457    <row>
6458     <entry><literal>wal-buffer-write-dirty-done</literal></entry>
6459     <entry><literal>()</literal></entry>
6460     <entry>Probe that fires when a dirty WAL buffer write is complete.</entry>
6461    </row>
6462    <row>
6463     <entry><literal>wal-insert</literal></entry>
6464     <entry><literal>(unsigned char, unsigned char)</literal></entry>
6465     <entry>Probe that fires when a WAL record is inserted.
6466      arg0 is the resource manager (rmid) for the record.
6467      arg1 contains the info flags.</entry>
6468    </row>
6469    <row>
6470     <entry><literal>wal-switch</literal></entry>
6471     <entry><literal>()</literal></entry>
6472     <entry>Probe that fires when a WAL segment switch is requested.</entry>
6473    </row>
6474    <row>
6475     <entry><literal>smgr-md-read-start</literal></entry>
6476     <entry><literal>(ForkNumber, BlockNumber, Oid, Oid, Oid, int)</literal></entry>
6477     <entry>Probe that fires when beginning to read a block from a relation.
6478      arg0 and arg1 contain the fork and block numbers of the page.
6479      arg2, arg3, and arg4 contain the tablespace, database, and relation OIDs
6480      identifying the relation.
6481      arg5 is the ID of the backend which created the temporary relation for a
6482      local buffer, or <symbol>InvalidBackendId</symbol> (-1) for a shared buffer.</entry>
6483    </row>
6484    <row>
6485     <entry><literal>smgr-md-read-done</literal></entry>
6486     <entry><literal>(ForkNumber, BlockNumber, Oid, Oid, Oid, int, int, int)</literal></entry>
6487     <entry>Probe that fires when a block read is complete.
6488      arg0 and arg1 contain the fork and block numbers of the page.
6489      arg2, arg3, and arg4 contain the tablespace, database, and relation OIDs
6490      identifying the relation.
6491      arg5 is the ID of the backend which created the temporary relation for a
6492      local buffer, or <symbol>InvalidBackendId</symbol> (-1) for a shared buffer.
6493      arg6 is the number of bytes actually read, while arg7 is the number
6494      requested (if these are different it indicates trouble).</entry>
6495    </row>
6496    <row>
6497     <entry><literal>smgr-md-write-start</literal></entry>
6498     <entry><literal>(ForkNumber, BlockNumber, Oid, Oid, Oid, int)</literal></entry>
6499     <entry>Probe that fires when beginning to write a block to a relation.
6500      arg0 and arg1 contain the fork and block numbers of the page.
6501      arg2, arg3, and arg4 contain the tablespace, database, and relation OIDs
6502      identifying the relation.
6503      arg5 is the ID of the backend which created the temporary relation for a
6504      local buffer, or <symbol>InvalidBackendId</symbol> (-1) for a shared buffer.</entry>
6505    </row>
6506    <row>
6507     <entry><literal>smgr-md-write-done</literal></entry>
6508     <entry><literal>(ForkNumber, BlockNumber, Oid, Oid, Oid, int, int, int)</literal></entry>
6509     <entry>Probe that fires when a block write is complete.
6510      arg0 and arg1 contain the fork and block numbers of the page.
6511      arg2, arg3, and arg4 contain the tablespace, database, and relation OIDs
6512      identifying the relation.
6513      arg5 is the ID of the backend which created the temporary relation for a
6514      local buffer, or <symbol>InvalidBackendId</symbol> (-1) for a shared buffer.
6515      arg6 is the number of bytes actually written, while arg7 is the number
6516      requested (if these are different it indicates trouble).</entry>
6517    </row>
6518    <row>
6519     <entry><literal>sort-start</literal></entry>
6520     <entry><literal>(int, bool, int, int, bool, int)</literal></entry>
6521     <entry>Probe that fires when a sort operation is started.
6522      arg0 indicates heap, index or datum sort.
6523      arg1 is true for unique-value enforcement.
6524      arg2 is the number of key columns.
6525      arg3 is the number of kilobytes of work memory allowed.
6526      arg4 is true if random access to the sort result is required.
6527      arg5 indicates serial when <literal>0</literal>, parallel worker when
6528      <literal>1</literal>, or parallel leader when <literal>2</literal>.</entry>
6529    </row>
6530    <row>
6531     <entry><literal>sort-done</literal></entry>
6532     <entry><literal>(bool, long)</literal></entry>
6533     <entry>Probe that fires when a sort is complete.
6534      arg0 is true for external sort, false for internal sort.
6535      arg1 is the number of disk blocks used for an external sort,
6536      or kilobytes of memory used for an internal sort.</entry>
6537    </row>
6538    <row>
6539     <entry><literal>lwlock-acquire</literal></entry>
6540     <entry><literal>(char *, LWLockMode)</literal></entry>
6541     <entry>Probe that fires when an LWLock has been acquired.
6542      arg0 is the LWLock's tranche.
6543      arg1 is the requested lock mode, either exclusive or shared.</entry>
6544    </row>
6545    <row>
6546     <entry><literal>lwlock-release</literal></entry>
6547     <entry><literal>(char *)</literal></entry>
6548     <entry>Probe that fires when an LWLock has been released (but note
6549      that any released waiters have not yet been awakened).
6550      arg0 is the LWLock's tranche.</entry>
6551    </row>
6552    <row>
6553     <entry><literal>lwlock-wait-start</literal></entry>
6554     <entry><literal>(char *, LWLockMode)</literal></entry>
6555     <entry>Probe that fires when an LWLock was not immediately available and
6556      a server process has begun to wait for the lock to become available.
6557      arg0 is the LWLock's tranche.
6558      arg1 is the requested lock mode, either exclusive or shared.</entry>
6559    </row>
6560    <row>
6561     <entry><literal>lwlock-wait-done</literal></entry>
6562     <entry><literal>(char *, LWLockMode)</literal></entry>
6563     <entry>Probe that fires when a server process has been released from its
6564      wait for an LWLock (it does not actually have the lock yet).
6565      arg0 is the LWLock's tranche.
6566      arg1 is the requested lock mode, either exclusive or shared.</entry>
6567    </row>
6568    <row>
6569     <entry><literal>lwlock-condacquire</literal></entry>
6570     <entry><literal>(char *, LWLockMode)</literal></entry>
6571     <entry>Probe that fires when an LWLock was successfully acquired when the
6572      caller specified no waiting.
6573      arg0 is the LWLock's tranche.
6574      arg1 is the requested lock mode, either exclusive or shared.</entry>
6575    </row>
6576    <row>
6577     <entry><literal>lwlock-condacquire-fail</literal></entry>
6578     <entry><literal>(char *, LWLockMode)</literal></entry>
6579     <entry>Probe that fires when an LWLock was not successfully acquired when
6580      the caller specified no waiting.
6581      arg0 is the LWLock's tranche.
6582      arg1 is the requested lock mode, either exclusive or shared.</entry>
6583    </row>
6584    <row>
6585     <entry><literal>lock-wait-start</literal></entry>
6586     <entry><literal>(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, LOCKMODE)</literal></entry>
6587     <entry>Probe that fires when a request for a heavyweight lock (lmgr lock)
6588      has begun to wait because the lock is not available.
6589      arg0 through arg3 are the tag fields identifying the object being
6590      locked.  arg4 indicates the type of object being locked.
6591      arg5 indicates the lock type being requested.</entry>
6592    </row>
6593    <row>
6594     <entry><literal>lock-wait-done</literal></entry>
6595     <entry><literal>(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, LOCKMODE)</literal></entry>
6596     <entry>Probe that fires when a request for a heavyweight lock (lmgr lock)
6597      has finished waiting (i.e., has acquired the lock).
6598      The arguments are the same as for <literal>lock-wait-start</literal>.</entry>
6599    </row>
6600    <row>
6601     <entry><literal>deadlock-found</literal></entry>
6602     <entry><literal>()</literal></entry>
6603     <entry>Probe that fires when a deadlock is found by the deadlock
6604      detector.</entry>
6605    </row>
6607   </tbody>
6608   </tgroup>
6609  </table>
6611 <table id="typedefs-table">
6612  <title>Defined Types Used in Probe Parameters</title>
6613  <tgroup cols="2">
6614   <thead>
6615    <row>
6616     <entry>Type</entry>
6617     <entry>Definition</entry>
6618    </row>
6619   </thead>
6621   <tbody>
6623    <row>
6624     <entry><type>LocalTransactionId</type></entry>
6625     <entry><type>unsigned int</type></entry>
6626    </row>
6627    <row>
6628     <entry><type>LWLockMode</type></entry>
6629     <entry><type>int</type></entry>
6630    </row>
6631    <row>
6632     <entry><type>LOCKMODE</type></entry>
6633     <entry><type>int</type></entry>
6634    </row>
6635    <row>
6636     <entry><type>BlockNumber</type></entry>
6637     <entry><type>unsigned int</type></entry>
6638    </row>
6639    <row>
6640     <entry><type>Oid</type></entry>
6641     <entry><type>unsigned int</type></entry>
6642    </row>
6643    <row>
6644     <entry><type>ForkNumber</type></entry>
6645     <entry><type>int</type></entry>
6646    </row>
6647    <row>
6648     <entry><type>bool</type></entry>
6649     <entry><type>unsigned char</type></entry>
6650    </row>
6652   </tbody>
6653   </tgroup>
6654  </table>
6657  </sect2>
6659  <sect2 id="using-trace-points">
6660   <title>Using Probes</title>
6662  <para>
6663   The example below shows a DTrace script for analyzing transaction
6664   counts in the system, as an alternative to snapshotting
6665   <structname>pg_stat_database</structname> before and after a performance test:
6667#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -qs
6671      @start["Start"] = count();
6672      self->ts  = timestamp;
6677      @abort["Abort"] = count();
6683      @commit["Commit"] = count();
6684      @time["Total time (ns)"] = sum(timestamp - self->ts);
6685      self->ts=0;
6688   When executed, the example D script gives output such as:
6690# ./txn_count.d `pgrep -n postgres` or ./txn_count.d &lt;PID&gt;
6693Start                                          71
6694Commit                                         70
6695Total time (ns)                        2312105013
6697  </para>
6699  <note>
6700   <para>
6701    SystemTap uses a different notation for trace scripts than DTrace does,
6702    even though the underlying trace points are compatible.  One point worth
6703    noting is that at this writing, SystemTap scripts must reference probe
6704    names using double underscores in place of hyphens.  This is expected to
6705    be fixed in future SystemTap releases.
6706   </para>
6707  </note>
6709  <para>
6710   You should remember that DTrace scripts need to be carefully written and
6711   debugged, otherwise the trace information collected might
6712   be meaningless. In most cases where problems are found it is the
6713   instrumentation that is at fault, not the underlying system. When
6714   discussing information found using dynamic tracing, be sure to enclose
6715   the script used to allow that too to be checked and discussed.
6716  </para>
6717  </sect2>
6719  <sect2 id="defining-trace-points">
6720   <title>Defining New Probes</title>
6722  <para>
6723   New probes can be defined within the code wherever the developer
6724   desires, though this will require a recompilation. Below are the steps
6725   for inserting new probes:
6726  </para>
6728  <procedure>
6729   <step>
6730    <para>
6731     Decide on probe names and data to be made available through the probes
6732    </para>
6733   </step>
6735   <step>
6736    <para>
6737     Add the probe definitions to <filename>src/backend/utils/probes.d</filename>
6738    </para>
6739   </step>
6741   <step>
6742    <para>
6743     Include <filename>pg_trace.h</filename> if it is not already present in the
6744     module(s) containing the probe points, and insert
6745     <literal>TRACE_POSTGRESQL</literal> probe macros at the desired locations
6746     in the source code
6747    </para>
6748   </step>
6750   <step>
6751    <para>
6752     Recompile and verify that the new probes are available
6753    </para>
6754   </step>
6755  </procedure>
6757  <formalpara>
6758   <title>Example:</title>
6759   <para>
6760    Here is an example of how you would add a probe to trace all new
6761    transactions by transaction ID.
6762   </para>
6763  </formalpara>
6765  <procedure>
6766   <step>
6767    <para>
6768     Decide that the probe will be named <literal>transaction-start</literal> and
6769     requires a parameter of type <type>LocalTransactionId</type>
6770    </para>
6771   </step>
6773   <step>
6774    <para>
6775     Add the probe definition to <filename>src/backend/utils/probes.d</filename>:
6777probe transaction__start(LocalTransactionId);
6779     Note the use of the double underline in the probe name. In a DTrace
6780     script using the probe, the double underline needs to be replaced with a
6781     hyphen, so <literal>transaction-start</literal> is the name to document for
6782     users.
6783    </para>
6784   </step>
6786   <step>
6787    <para>
6788     At compile time, <literal>transaction__start</literal> is converted to a macro
6789     called <literal>TRACE_POSTGRESQL_TRANSACTION_START</literal> (notice the
6790     underscores are single here), which is available by including
6791     <filename>pg_trace.h</filename>.  Add the macro call to the appropriate location
6792     in the source code.  In this case, it looks like the following:
6797    </para>
6798   </step>
6800   <step>
6801    <para>
6802     After recompiling and running the new binary, check that your newly added
6803     probe is available by executing the following DTrace command.  You
6804     should see similar output:
6806# dtrace -ln transaction-start
6807   ID    PROVIDER          MODULE           FUNCTION NAME
680818705 postgresql49878     postgres     StartTransactionCommand transaction-start
680918755 postgresql49877     postgres     StartTransactionCommand transaction-start
681018805 postgresql49876     postgres     StartTransactionCommand transaction-start
681118855 postgresql49875     postgres     StartTransactionCommand transaction-start
681218986 postgresql49873     postgres     StartTransactionCommand transaction-start
6814    </para>
6815   </step>
6816  </procedure>
6818  <para>
6819   There are a few things to be careful about when adding trace macros
6820   to the C code:
6822   <itemizedlist>
6823    <listitem>
6824     <para>
6825      You should take care that the data types specified for a probe's
6826      parameters match the data types of the variables used in the macro.
6827      Otherwise, you will get compilation errors.
6828     </para>
6829    </listitem>
6832    <listitem>
6833     <para>
6834      On most platforms, if <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> is
6835      built with <option>--enable-dtrace</option>, the arguments to a trace
6836      macro will be evaluated whenever control passes through the
6837      macro, <emphasis>even if no tracing is being done</emphasis>.  This is
6838      usually not worth worrying about if you are just reporting the
6839      values of a few local variables.  But beware of putting expensive
6840      function calls into the arguments.  If you need to do that,
6841      consider protecting the macro with a check to see if the trace
6842      is actually enabled:
6846    TRACE_POSTGRESQL_TRANSACTION_START(some_function(...));
6849      Each trace macro has a corresponding <literal>ENABLED</literal> macro.
6850     </para>
6851    </listitem>
6852   </itemizedlist>
6854  </para>
6856  </sect2>
6858 </sect1>