2-- Test inheritance features
9INSERT INTO a(aa) VALUES('aaa');
10INSERT INTO a(aa) VALUES('aaaa');
11INSERT INTO a(aa) VALUES('aaaaa');
12INSERT INTO a(aa) VALUES('aaaaaa');
13INSERT INTO a(aa) VALUES('aaaaaaa');
14INSERT INTO a(aa) VALUES('aaaaaaaa');
16INSERT INTO b(aa) VALUES('bbb');
17INSERT INTO b(aa) VALUES('bbbb');
18INSERT INTO b(aa) VALUES('bbbbb');
19INSERT INTO b(aa) VALUES('bbbbbb');
20INSERT INTO b(aa) VALUES('bbbbbbb');
21INSERT INTO b(aa) VALUES('bbbbbbbb');
23INSERT INTO c(aa) VALUES('ccc');
24INSERT INTO c(aa) VALUES('cccc');
25INSERT INTO c(aa) VALUES('ccccc');
26INSERT INTO c(aa) VALUES('cccccc');
27INSERT INTO c(aa) VALUES('ccccccc');
28INSERT INTO c(aa) VALUES('cccccccc');
30INSERT INTO d(aa) VALUES('ddd');
31INSERT INTO d(aa) VALUES('dddd');
32INSERT INTO d(aa) VALUES('ddddd');
33INSERT INTO d(aa) VALUES('dddddd');
34INSERT INTO d(aa) VALUES('ddddddd');
35INSERT INTO d(aa) VALUES('dddddddd');
37SELECT relname, a.* FROM a, pg_class where a.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
38SELECT relname, b.* FROM b, pg_class where b.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
39SELECT relname, c.* FROM c, pg_class where c.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
40SELECT relname, d.* FROM d, pg_class where d.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
41SELECT relname, a.* FROM ONLY a, pg_class where a.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
42SELECT relname, b.* FROM ONLY b, pg_class where b.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
43SELECT relname, c.* FROM ONLY c, pg_class where c.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
44SELECT relname, d.* FROM ONLY d, pg_class where d.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
46UPDATE a SET aa='zzzz' WHERE aa='aaaa';
47UPDATE ONLY a SET aa='zzzzz' WHERE aa='aaaaa';
48UPDATE b SET aa='zzz' WHERE aa='aaa';
49UPDATE ONLY b SET aa='zzz' WHERE aa='aaa';
50UPDATE a SET aa='zzzzzz' WHERE aa LIKE 'aaa%';
52SELECT relname, a.* FROM a, pg_class where a.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
53SELECT relname, b.* FROM b, pg_class where b.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
54SELECT relname, c.* FROM c, pg_class where c.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
55SELECT relname, d.* FROM d, pg_class where d.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
56SELECT relname, a.* FROM ONLY a, pg_class where a.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
57SELECT relname, b.* FROM ONLY b, pg_class where b.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
58SELECT relname, c.* FROM ONLY c, pg_class where c.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
59SELECT relname, d.* FROM ONLY d, pg_class where d.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
61UPDATE b SET aa='new';
63SELECT relname, a.* FROM a, pg_class where a.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
64SELECT relname, b.* FROM b, pg_class where b.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
65SELECT relname, c.* FROM c, pg_class where c.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
66SELECT relname, d.* FROM d, pg_class where d.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
67SELECT relname, a.* FROM ONLY a, pg_class where a.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
68SELECT relname, b.* FROM ONLY b, pg_class where b.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
69SELECT relname, c.* FROM ONLY c, pg_class where c.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
70SELECT relname, d.* FROM ONLY d, pg_class where d.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
72UPDATE a SET aa='new';
76SELECT relname, a.* FROM a, pg_class where a.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
77SELECT relname, b.* FROM b, pg_class where b.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
78SELECT relname, c.* FROM c, pg_class where c.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
79SELECT relname, d.* FROM d, pg_class where d.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
80SELECT relname, a.* FROM ONLY a, pg_class where a.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
81SELECT relname, b.* FROM ONLY b, pg_class where b.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
82SELECT relname, c.* FROM ONLY c, pg_class where c.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
83SELECT relname, d.* FROM ONLY d, pg_class where d.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
87SELECT relname, a.* FROM a, pg_class where a.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
88SELECT relname, b.* FROM b, pg_class where b.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
89SELECT relname, c.* FROM c, pg_class where c.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
90SELECT relname, d.* FROM d, pg_class where d.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
91SELECT relname, a.* FROM ONLY a, pg_class where a.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
92SELECT relname, b.* FROM ONLY b, pg_class where b.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
93SELECT relname, c.* FROM ONLY c, pg_class where c.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
94SELECT relname, d.* FROM ONLY d, pg_class where d.tableoid = pg_class.oid;
96-- Confirm PRIMARY KEY adds NOT NULL constraint to child table
97CREATE TEMP TABLE z (b TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(aa, b)) inherits (a);
98INSERT INTO z VALUES (NULL, 'text'); -- should fail
100-- Check inherited UPDATE with all children excluded
101create table some_tab (a int, b int);
102create table some_tab_child () inherits (some_tab);
103insert into some_tab_child values(1,2);
105explain (verbose, costs off)
106update some_tab set a = a + 1 where false;
107update some_tab set a = a + 1 where false;
108explain (verbose, costs off)
109update some_tab set a = a + 1 where false returning b, a;
110update some_tab set a = a + 1 where false returning b, a;
111table some_tab;
113drop table some_tab cascade;
115-- Check UPDATE with inherited target and an inherited source table
116create temp table foo(f1 int, f2 int);
117create temp table foo2(f3 int) inherits (foo);
118create temp table bar(f1 int, f2 int);
119create temp table bar2(f3 int) inherits (bar);
121insert into foo values(1,1);
122insert into foo values(3,3);
123insert into foo2 values(2,2,2);
124insert into foo2 values(3,3,3);
125insert into bar values(1,1);
126insert into bar values(2,2);
127insert into bar values(3,3);
128insert into bar values(4,4);
129insert into bar2 values(1,1,1);
130insert into bar2 values(2,2,2);
131insert into bar2 values(3,3,3);
132insert into bar2 values(4,4,4);
134update bar set f2 = f2 + 100 where f1 in (select f1 from foo);
136select tableoid::regclass::text as relname, bar.* from bar order by 1,2;
138-- Check UPDATE with inherited target and an appendrel subquery
139update bar set f2 = f2 + 100
141  ( select f1 from foo union all select f1+3 from foo ) ss
142where bar.f1 = ss.f1;
144select tableoid::regclass::text as relname, bar.* from bar order by 1,2;
146-- Check UPDATE with *partitioned* inherited target and an appendrel subquery
147create table some_tab (a int);
148insert into some_tab values (0);
149create table some_tab_child () inherits (some_tab);
150insert into some_tab_child values (1);
151create table parted_tab (a int, b char) partition by list (a);
152create table parted_tab_part1 partition of parted_tab for values in (1);
153create table parted_tab_part2 partition of parted_tab for values in (2);
154create table parted_tab_part3 partition of parted_tab for values in (3);
155insert into parted_tab values (1, 'a'), (2, 'a'), (3, 'a');
157update parted_tab set b = 'b'
159  (select a from some_tab union all select a+1 from some_tab) ss (a)
160where parted_tab.a = ss.a;
161select tableoid::regclass::text as relname, parted_tab.* from parted_tab order by 1,2;
163truncate parted_tab;
164insert into parted_tab values (1, 'a'), (2, 'a'), (3, 'a');
165update parted_tab set b = 'b'
167  (select 0 from parted_tab union all select 1 from parted_tab) ss (a)
168where parted_tab.a = ss.a;
169select tableoid::regclass::text as relname, parted_tab.* from parted_tab order by 1,2;
171-- modifies partition key, but no rows will actually be updated
172explain update parted_tab set a = 2 where false;
174drop table parted_tab;
176-- Check UPDATE with multi-level partitioned inherited target
177create table mlparted_tab (a int, b char, c text) partition by list (a);
178create table mlparted_tab_part1 partition of mlparted_tab for values in (1);
179create table mlparted_tab_part2 partition of mlparted_tab for values in (2) partition by list (b);
180create table mlparted_tab_part3 partition of mlparted_tab for values in (3);
181create table mlparted_tab_part2a partition of mlparted_tab_part2 for values in ('a');
182create table mlparted_tab_part2b partition of mlparted_tab_part2 for values in ('b');
183insert into mlparted_tab values (1, 'a'), (2, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'a');
185update mlparted_tab mlp set c = 'xxx'
187  (select a from some_tab union all select a+1 from some_tab) ss (a)
188where (mlp.a = ss.a and mlp.b = 'b') or mlp.a = 3;
189select tableoid::regclass::text as relname, mlparted_tab.* from mlparted_tab order by 1,2;
191drop table mlparted_tab;
192drop table some_tab cascade;
194/* Test multiple inheritance of column defaults */
196CREATE TABLE firstparent (tomorrow date default now()::date + 1);
197CREATE TABLE secondparent (tomorrow date default  now() :: date  +  1);
198CREATE TABLE jointchild () INHERITS (firstparent, secondparent);  -- ok
199CREATE TABLE thirdparent (tomorrow date default now()::date - 1);
200CREATE TABLE otherchild () INHERITS (firstparent, thirdparent);  -- not ok
201CREATE TABLE otherchild (tomorrow date default now())
202  INHERITS (firstparent, thirdparent);  -- ok, child resolves ambiguous default
204DROP TABLE firstparent, secondparent, jointchild, thirdparent, otherchild;
206-- Test changing the type of inherited columns
207insert into d values('test','one','two','three');
208alter table a alter column aa type integer using bit_length(aa);
209select * from d;
211-- The above verified that we can change the type of a multiply-inherited
212-- column; but we should reject that if any definition was inherited from
213-- an unrelated parent.
214create temp table parent1(f1 int, f2 int);
215create temp table parent2(f1 int, f3 bigint);
216create temp table childtab(f4 int) inherits(parent1, parent2);
217alter table parent1 alter column f1 type bigint;  -- fail, conflict w/parent2
218alter table parent1 alter column f2 type bigint;  -- ok
220-- Test non-inheritable parent constraints
221create table p1(ff1 int);
222alter table p1 add constraint p1chk check (ff1 > 0) no inherit;
223alter table p1 add constraint p2chk check (ff1 > 10);
224-- connoinherit should be true for NO INHERIT constraint
225select pc.relname, pgc.conname, pgc.contype, pgc.conislocal, pgc.coninhcount, pgc.connoinherit from pg_class as pc inner join pg_constraint as pgc on (pgc.conrelid = pc.oid) where pc.relname = 'p1' order by 1,2;
227-- Test that child does not inherit NO INHERIT constraints
228create table c1 () inherits (p1);
229\d p1
230\d c1
232-- Test that child does not override inheritable constraints of the parent
233create table c2 (constraint p2chk check (ff1 > 10) no inherit) inherits (p1);	--fails
235drop table p1 cascade;
237-- Tests for casting between the rowtypes of parent and child
238-- tables. See the pgsql-hackers thread beginning Dec. 4/04
239create table base (i integer);
240create table derived () inherits (base);
241create table more_derived (like derived, b int) inherits (derived);
242insert into derived (i) values (0);
243select derived::base from derived;
244select NULL::derived::base;
245-- remove redundant conversions.
246explain (verbose on, costs off) select row(i, b)::more_derived::derived::base from more_derived;
247explain (verbose on, costs off) select (1, 2)::more_derived::derived::base;
248drop table more_derived;
249drop table derived;
250drop table base;
252create table p1(ff1 int);
253create table p2(f1 text);
254create function p2text(p2) returns text as 'select $1.f1' language sql;
255create table c1(f3 int) inherits(p1,p2);
256insert into c1 values(123456789, 'hi', 42);
257select p2text(c1.*) from c1;
258drop function p2text(p2);
259drop table c1;
260drop table p2;
261drop table p1;
264alter table ac add constraint ac_check check (aa is not null);
266select pc.relname, pgc.conname, pgc.contype, pgc.conislocal, pgc.coninhcount, pg_get_expr(pgc.conbin, pc.oid) as consrc from pg_class as pc inner join pg_constraint as pgc on (pgc.conrelid = pc.oid) where pc.relname in ('ac', 'bc') order by 1,2;
268insert into ac (aa) values (NULL);
269insert into bc (aa) values (NULL);
271alter table bc drop constraint ac_check;  -- fail, disallowed
272alter table ac drop constraint ac_check;
273select pc.relname, pgc.conname, pgc.contype, pgc.conislocal, pgc.coninhcount, pg_get_expr(pgc.conbin, pc.oid) as consrc from pg_class as pc inner join pg_constraint as pgc on (pgc.conrelid = pc.oid) where pc.relname in ('ac', 'bc') order by 1,2;
275-- try the unnamed-constraint case
276alter table ac add check (aa is not null);
277select pc.relname, pgc.conname, pgc.contype, pgc.conislocal, pgc.coninhcount, pg_get_expr(pgc.conbin, pc.oid) as consrc from pg_class as pc inner join pg_constraint as pgc on (pgc.conrelid = pc.oid) where pc.relname in ('ac', 'bc') order by 1,2;
279insert into ac (aa) values (NULL);
280insert into bc (aa) values (NULL);
282alter table bc drop constraint ac_aa_check;  -- fail, disallowed
283alter table ac drop constraint ac_aa_check;
284select pc.relname, pgc.conname, pgc.contype, pgc.conislocal, pgc.coninhcount, pg_get_expr(pgc.conbin, pc.oid) as consrc from pg_class as pc inner join pg_constraint as pgc on (pgc.conrelid = pc.oid) where pc.relname in ('ac', 'bc') order by 1,2;
286alter table ac add constraint ac_check check (aa is not null);
287alter table bc no inherit ac;
288select pc.relname, pgc.conname, pgc.contype, pgc.conislocal, pgc.coninhcount, pg_get_expr(pgc.conbin, pc.oid) as consrc from pg_class as pc inner join pg_constraint as pgc on (pgc.conrelid = pc.oid) where pc.relname in ('ac', 'bc') order by 1,2;
289alter table bc drop constraint ac_check;
290select pc.relname, pgc.conname, pgc.contype, pgc.conislocal, pgc.coninhcount, pg_get_expr(pgc.conbin, pc.oid) as consrc from pg_class as pc inner join pg_constraint as pgc on (pgc.conrelid = pc.oid) where pc.relname in ('ac', 'bc') order by 1,2;
291alter table ac drop constraint ac_check;
292select pc.relname, pgc.conname, pgc.contype, pgc.conislocal, pgc.coninhcount, pg_get_expr(pgc.conbin, pc.oid) as consrc from pg_class as pc inner join pg_constraint as pgc on (pgc.conrelid = pc.oid) where pc.relname in ('ac', 'bc') order by 1,2;
294drop table bc;
295drop table ac;
297create table ac (a int constraint check_a check (a <> 0));
298create table bc (a int constraint check_a check (a <> 0), b int constraint check_b check (b <> 0)) inherits (ac);
299select pc.relname, pgc.conname, pgc.contype, pgc.conislocal, pgc.coninhcount, pg_get_expr(pgc.conbin, pc.oid) as consrc from pg_class as pc inner join pg_constraint as pgc on (pgc.conrelid = pc.oid) where pc.relname in ('ac', 'bc') order by 1,2;
301drop table bc;
302drop table ac;
304create table ac (a int constraint check_a check (a <> 0));
305create table bc (b int constraint check_b check (b <> 0));
306create table cc (c int constraint check_c check (c <> 0)) inherits (ac, bc);
307select pc.relname, pgc.conname, pgc.contype, pgc.conislocal, pgc.coninhcount, pg_get_expr(pgc.conbin, pc.oid) as consrc from pg_class as pc inner join pg_constraint as pgc on (pgc.conrelid = pc.oid) where pc.relname in ('ac', 'bc', 'cc') order by 1,2;
309alter table cc no inherit bc;
310select pc.relname, pgc.conname, pgc.contype, pgc.conislocal, pgc.coninhcount, pg_get_expr(pgc.conbin, pc.oid) as consrc from pg_class as pc inner join pg_constraint as pgc on (pgc.conrelid = pc.oid) where pc.relname in ('ac', 'bc', 'cc') order by 1,2;
312drop table cc;
313drop table bc;
314drop table ac;
316create table p1(f1 int);
317create table p2(f2 int);
318create table c1(f3 int) inherits(p1,p2);
319insert into c1 values(1,-1,2);
320alter table p2 add constraint cc check (f2>0);  -- fail
321alter table p2 add check (f2>0);  -- check it without a name, too
322delete from c1;
323insert into c1 values(1,1,2);
324alter table p2 add check (f2>0);
325insert into c1 values(1,-1,2);  -- fail
326create table c2(f3 int) inherits(p1,p2);
327\d c2
328create table c3 (f4 int) inherits(c1,c2);
329\d c3
330drop table p1 cascade;
331drop table p2 cascade;
333create table pp1 (f1 int);
334create table cc1 (f2 text, f3 int) inherits (pp1);
335alter table pp1 add column a1 int check (a1 > 0);
336\d cc1
337create table cc2(f4 float) inherits(pp1,cc1);
338\d cc2
339alter table pp1 add column a2 int check (a2 > 0);
340\d cc2
341drop table pp1 cascade;
343-- Test for renaming in simple multiple inheritance
344CREATE TABLE inht1 (a int, b int);
345CREATE TABLE inhs1 (b int, c int);
346CREATE TABLE inhts (d int) INHERITS (inht1, inhs1);
348ALTER TABLE inht1 RENAME a TO aa;
349ALTER TABLE inht1 RENAME b TO bb;                -- to be failed
350ALTER TABLE inhts RENAME aa TO aaa;      -- to be failed
351ALTER TABLE inhts RENAME d TO dd;
352\d+ inhts
354DROP TABLE inhts;
356-- Test for renaming in diamond inheritance
357CREATE TABLE inht2 (x int) INHERITS (inht1);
358CREATE TABLE inht3 (y int) INHERITS (inht1);
359CREATE TABLE inht4 (z int) INHERITS (inht2, inht3);
361ALTER TABLE inht1 RENAME aa TO aaa;
362\d+ inht4
364CREATE TABLE inhts (d int) INHERITS (inht2, inhs1);
365ALTER TABLE inht1 RENAME aaa TO aaaa;
366ALTER TABLE inht1 RENAME b TO bb;                -- to be failed
367\d+ inhts
370  SELECT 'inht1'::regclass AS inhrelid
372  SELECT c.inhrelid FROM pg_inherits c, r WHERE r.inhrelid = c.inhparent
374SELECT a.attrelid::regclass, a.attname, a.attinhcount, e.expected
375  FROM (SELECT inhrelid, count(*) AS expected FROM pg_inherits
376        WHERE inhparent IN (SELECT inhrelid FROM r) GROUP BY inhrelid) e
377  JOIN pg_attribute a ON e.inhrelid = a.attrelid WHERE NOT attislocal
378  ORDER BY a.attrelid::regclass::name, a.attnum;
380DROP TABLE inht1, inhs1 CASCADE;
383-- Test non-inheritable indices [UNIQUE, EXCLUDE] constraints
384CREATE TABLE test_constraints (id int, val1 varchar, val2 int, UNIQUE(val1, val2));
385CREATE TABLE test_constraints_inh () INHERITS (test_constraints);
386\d+ test_constraints
387ALTER TABLE ONLY test_constraints DROP CONSTRAINT test_constraints_val1_val2_key;
388\d+ test_constraints
389\d+ test_constraints_inh
390DROP TABLE test_constraints_inh;
391DROP TABLE test_constraints;
393CREATE TABLE test_ex_constraints (
394    c circle,
395    EXCLUDE USING gist (c WITH &&)
397CREATE TABLE test_ex_constraints_inh () INHERITS (test_ex_constraints);
398\d+ test_ex_constraints
399ALTER TABLE test_ex_constraints DROP CONSTRAINT test_ex_constraints_c_excl;
400\d+ test_ex_constraints
401\d+ test_ex_constraints_inh
402DROP TABLE test_ex_constraints_inh;
403DROP TABLE test_ex_constraints;
405-- Test non-inheritable foreign key constraints
406CREATE TABLE test_primary_constraints(id int PRIMARY KEY);
407CREATE TABLE test_foreign_constraints(id1 int REFERENCES test_primary_constraints(id));
408CREATE TABLE test_foreign_constraints_inh () INHERITS (test_foreign_constraints);
409\d+ test_primary_constraints
410\d+ test_foreign_constraints
411ALTER TABLE test_foreign_constraints DROP CONSTRAINT test_foreign_constraints_id1_fkey;
412\d+ test_foreign_constraints
413\d+ test_foreign_constraints_inh
414DROP TABLE test_foreign_constraints_inh;
415DROP TABLE test_foreign_constraints;
416DROP TABLE test_primary_constraints;
418-- Test foreign key behavior
419create table inh_fk_1 (a int primary key);
420insert into inh_fk_1 values (1), (2), (3);
421create table inh_fk_2 (x int primary key, y int references inh_fk_1 on delete cascade);
422insert into inh_fk_2 values (11, 1), (22, 2), (33, 3);
423create table inh_fk_2_child () inherits (inh_fk_2);
424insert into inh_fk_2_child values (111, 1), (222, 2);
425delete from inh_fk_1 where a = 1;
426select * from inh_fk_1 order by 1;
427select * from inh_fk_2 order by 1, 2;
428drop table inh_fk_1, inh_fk_2, inh_fk_2_child;
430-- Test that parent and child CHECK constraints can be created in either order
431create table p1(f1 int);
432create table p1_c1() inherits(p1);
434alter table p1 add constraint inh_check_constraint1 check (f1 > 0);
435alter table p1_c1 add constraint inh_check_constraint1 check (f1 > 0);
437alter table p1_c1 add constraint inh_check_constraint2 check (f1 < 10);
438alter table p1 add constraint inh_check_constraint2 check (f1 < 10);
440select conrelid::regclass::text as relname, conname, conislocal, coninhcount
441from pg_constraint where conname like 'inh\_check\_constraint%'
442order by 1, 2;
444drop table p1 cascade;
446-- Test that a valid child can have not-valid parent, but not vice versa
447create table invalid_check_con(f1 int);
448create table invalid_check_con_child() inherits(invalid_check_con);
450alter table invalid_check_con_child add constraint inh_check_constraint check(f1 > 0) not valid;
451alter table invalid_check_con add constraint inh_check_constraint check(f1 > 0); -- fail
452alter table invalid_check_con_child drop constraint inh_check_constraint;
454insert into invalid_check_con values(0);
456alter table invalid_check_con_child add constraint inh_check_constraint check(f1 > 0);
457alter table invalid_check_con add constraint inh_check_constraint check(f1 > 0) not valid;
459insert into invalid_check_con values(0); -- fail
460insert into invalid_check_con_child values(0); -- fail
462select conrelid::regclass::text as relname, conname,
463       convalidated, conislocal, coninhcount, connoinherit
464from pg_constraint where conname like 'inh\_check\_constraint%'
465order by 1, 2;
467-- We don't drop the invalid_check_con* tables, to test dump/reload with
470-- Test parameterized append plans for inheritance trees
473create temp table patest0 (id, x) as
474  select x, x from generate_series(0,1000) x;
475create temp table patest1() inherits (patest0);
476insert into patest1
477  select x, x from generate_series(0,1000) x;
478create temp table patest2() inherits (patest0);
479insert into patest2
480  select x, x from generate_series(0,1000) x;
481create index patest0i on patest0(id);
482create index patest1i on patest1(id);
483create index patest2i on patest2(id);
484analyze patest0;
485analyze patest1;
486analyze patest2;
488explain (costs off)
489select * from patest0 join (select f1 from int4_tbl limit 1) ss on id = f1;
490select * from patest0 join (select f1 from int4_tbl limit 1) ss on id = f1;
492drop index patest2i;
494explain (costs off)
495select * from patest0 join (select f1 from int4_tbl limit 1) ss on id = f1;
496select * from patest0 join (select f1 from int4_tbl limit 1) ss on id = f1;
498drop table patest0 cascade;
501-- Test merge-append plans for inheritance trees
504create table matest0 (id serial primary key, name text);
505create table matest1 (id integer primary key) inherits (matest0);
506create table matest2 (id integer primary key) inherits (matest0);
507create table matest3 (id integer primary key) inherits (matest0);
509create index matest0i on matest0 ((1-id));
510create index matest1i on matest1 ((1-id));
511-- create index matest2i on matest2 ((1-id));  -- intentionally missing
512create index matest3i on matest3 ((1-id));
514insert into matest1 (name) values ('Test 1');
515insert into matest1 (name) values ('Test 2');
516insert into matest2 (name) values ('Test 3');
517insert into matest2 (name) values ('Test 4');
518insert into matest3 (name) values ('Test 5');
519insert into matest3 (name) values ('Test 6');
521set enable_indexscan = off;  -- force use of seqscan/sort, so no merge
522explain (verbose, costs off) select * from matest0 order by 1-id;
523select * from matest0 order by 1-id;
524explain (verbose, costs off) select min(1-id) from matest0;
525select min(1-id) from matest0;
526reset enable_indexscan;
528set enable_seqscan = off;  -- plan with fewest seqscans should be merge
529set enable_parallel_append = off; -- Don't let parallel-append interfere
530explain (verbose, costs off) select * from matest0 order by 1-id;
531select * from matest0 order by 1-id;
532explain (verbose, costs off) select min(1-id) from matest0;
533select min(1-id) from matest0;
534reset enable_seqscan;
535reset enable_parallel_append;
537drop table matest0 cascade;
540-- Check that use of an index with an extraneous column doesn't produce
541-- a plan with extraneous sorting
544create table matest0 (a int, b int, c int, d int);
545create table matest1 () inherits(matest0);
546create index matest0i on matest0 (b, c);
547create index matest1i on matest1 (b, c);
549set enable_nestloop = off;  -- we want a plan with two MergeAppends
551explain (costs off)
552select t1.* from matest0 t1, matest0 t2
553where t1.b = t2.b and t2.c = t2.d
554order by t1.b limit 10;
556reset enable_nestloop;
558drop table matest0 cascade;
561-- Test merge-append for UNION ALL append relations
564set enable_seqscan = off;
565set enable_indexscan = on;
566set enable_bitmapscan = off;
568-- Check handling of duplicated, constant, or volatile targetlist items
569explain (costs off)
570SELECT thousand, tenthous FROM tenk1
572SELECT thousand, thousand FROM tenk1
573ORDER BY thousand, tenthous;
575explain (costs off)
576SELECT thousand, tenthous, thousand+tenthous AS x FROM tenk1
578SELECT 42, 42, hundred FROM tenk1
579ORDER BY thousand, tenthous;
581explain (costs off)
582SELECT thousand, tenthous FROM tenk1
584SELECT thousand, random()::integer FROM tenk1
585ORDER BY thousand, tenthous;
587-- Check min/max aggregate optimization
588explain (costs off)
589SELECT min(x) FROM
590  (SELECT unique1 AS x FROM tenk1 a
592   SELECT unique2 AS x FROM tenk1 b) s;
594explain (costs off)
595SELECT min(y) FROM
596  (SELECT unique1 AS x, unique1 AS y FROM tenk1 a
598   SELECT unique2 AS x, unique2 AS y FROM tenk1 b) s;
600-- XXX planner doesn't recognize that index on unique2 is sufficiently sorted
601explain (costs off)
603  (SELECT thousand AS x, tenthous AS y FROM tenk1 a
605   SELECT unique2 AS x, unique2 AS y FROM tenk1 b) s
606ORDER BY x, y;
608-- exercise rescan code path via a repeatedly-evaluated subquery
609explain (costs off)
611    ARRAY(SELECT f.i FROM (
612        (SELECT d + g.i FROM generate_series(4, 30, 3) d ORDER BY 1)
613        UNION ALL
614        (SELECT d + g.i FROM generate_series(0, 30, 5) d ORDER BY 1)
615    ) f(i)
616    ORDER BY f.i LIMIT 10)
617FROM generate_series(1, 3) g(i);
620    ARRAY(SELECT f.i FROM (
621        (SELECT d + g.i FROM generate_series(4, 30, 3) d ORDER BY 1)
622        UNION ALL
623        (SELECT d + g.i FROM generate_series(0, 30, 5) d ORDER BY 1)
624    ) f(i)
625    ORDER BY f.i LIMIT 10)
626FROM generate_series(1, 3) g(i);
628reset enable_seqscan;
629reset enable_indexscan;
630reset enable_bitmapscan;
633-- Check handling of a constant-null CHECK constraint
635create table cnullparent (f1 int);
636create table cnullchild (check (f1 = 1 or f1 = null)) inherits(cnullparent);
637insert into cnullchild values(1);
638insert into cnullchild values(2);
639insert into cnullchild values(null);
640select * from cnullparent;
641select * from cnullparent where f1 = 2;
642drop table cnullparent cascade;
645-- Check use of temporary tables with inheritance trees
647create table inh_perm_parent (a1 int);
648create temp table inh_temp_parent (a1 int);
649create temp table inh_temp_child () inherits (inh_perm_parent); -- ok
650create table inh_perm_child () inherits (inh_temp_parent); -- error
651create temp table inh_temp_child_2 () inherits (inh_temp_parent); -- ok
652insert into inh_perm_parent values (1);
653insert into inh_temp_parent values (2);
654insert into inh_temp_child values (3);
655insert into inh_temp_child_2 values (4);
656select tableoid::regclass, a1 from inh_perm_parent;
657select tableoid::regclass, a1 from inh_temp_parent;
658drop table inh_perm_parent cascade;
659drop table inh_temp_parent cascade;
662-- Check that constraint exclusion works correctly with partitions using
663-- implicit constraints generated from the partition bound information.
665create table list_parted (
666	a	varchar
667) partition by list (a);
668create table part_ab_cd partition of list_parted for values in ('ab', 'cd');
669create table part_ef_gh partition of list_parted for values in ('ef', 'gh');
670create table part_null_xy partition of list_parted for values in (null, 'xy');
672explain (costs off) select * from list_parted;
673explain (costs off) select * from list_parted where a is null;
674explain (costs off) select * from list_parted where a is not null;
675explain (costs off) select * from list_parted where a in ('ab', 'cd', 'ef');
676explain (costs off) select * from list_parted where a = 'ab' or a in (null, 'cd');
677explain (costs off) select * from list_parted where a = 'ab';
679create table range_list_parted (
680	a	int,
681	b	char(2)
682) partition by range (a);
683create table part_1_10 partition of range_list_parted for values from (1) to (10) partition by list (b);
684create table part_1_10_ab partition of part_1_10 for values in ('ab');
685create table part_1_10_cd partition of part_1_10 for values in ('cd');
686create table part_10_20 partition of range_list_parted for values from (10) to (20) partition by list (b);
687create table part_10_20_ab partition of part_10_20 for values in ('ab');
688create table part_10_20_cd partition of part_10_20 for values in ('cd');
689create table part_21_30 partition of range_list_parted for values from (21) to (30) partition by list (b);
690create table part_21_30_ab partition of part_21_30 for values in ('ab');
691create table part_21_30_cd partition of part_21_30 for values in ('cd');
692create table part_40_inf partition of range_list_parted for values from (40) to (maxvalue) partition by list (b);
693create table part_40_inf_ab partition of part_40_inf for values in ('ab');
694create table part_40_inf_cd partition of part_40_inf for values in ('cd');
695create table part_40_inf_null partition of part_40_inf for values in (null);
697explain (costs off) select * from range_list_parted;
698explain (costs off) select * from range_list_parted where a = 5;
699explain (costs off) select * from range_list_parted where b = 'ab';
700explain (costs off) select * from range_list_parted where a between 3 and 23 and b in ('ab');
702/* Should select no rows because range partition key cannot be null */
703explain (costs off) select * from range_list_parted where a is null;
705/* Should only select rows from the null-accepting partition */
706explain (costs off) select * from range_list_parted where b is null;
707explain (costs off) select * from range_list_parted where a is not null and a < 67;
708explain (costs off) select * from range_list_parted where a >= 30;
710drop table list_parted;
711drop table range_list_parted;
713-- check that constraint exclusion is able to cope with the partition
714-- constraint emitted for multi-column range partitioned tables
715create table mcrparted (a int, b int, c int) partition by range (a, abs(b), c);
716create table mcrparted_def partition of mcrparted default;
717create table mcrparted0 partition of mcrparted for values from (minvalue, minvalue, minvalue) to (1, 1, 1);
718create table mcrparted1 partition of mcrparted for values from (1, 1, 1) to (10, 5, 10);
719create table mcrparted2 partition of mcrparted for values from (10, 5, 10) to (10, 10, 10);
720create table mcrparted3 partition of mcrparted for values from (11, 1, 1) to (20, 10, 10);
721create table mcrparted4 partition of mcrparted for values from (20, 10, 10) to (20, 20, 20);
722create table mcrparted5 partition of mcrparted for values from (20, 20, 20) to (maxvalue, maxvalue, maxvalue);
723explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a = 0;	-- scans mcrparted0, mcrparted_def
724explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a = 10 and abs(b) < 5;	-- scans mcrparted1, mcrparted_def
725explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a = 10 and abs(b) = 5;	-- scans mcrparted1, mcrparted2, mcrparted_def
726explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where abs(b) = 5;	-- scans all partitions
727explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a > -1;	-- scans all partitions
728explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a = 20 and abs(b) = 10 and c > 10;	-- scans mcrparted4
729explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a = 20 and c > 20; -- scans mcrparted3, mcrparte4, mcrparte5, mcrparted_def
731-- check that partitioned table Appends cope with being referenced in
732-- subplans
733create table parted_minmax (a int, b varchar(16)) partition by range (a);
734create table parted_minmax1 partition of parted_minmax for values from (1) to (10);
735create index parted_minmax1i on parted_minmax1 (a, b);
736insert into parted_minmax values (1,'12345');
737explain (costs off) select min(a), max(a) from parted_minmax where b = '12345';
738select min(a), max(a) from parted_minmax where b = '12345';
739drop table parted_minmax;
741-- Test code that uses Append nodes in place of MergeAppend when the
742-- partition ordering matches the desired ordering.
744create index mcrparted_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted (a, abs(b), c);
746-- MergeAppend must be used when a default partition exists
747explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted order by a, abs(b), c;
749drop table mcrparted_def;
751-- Append is used for a RANGE partitioned table with no default
752-- and no subpartitions
753explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted order by a, abs(b), c;
755-- Append is used with subpaths in reverse order with backwards index scans
756explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted order by a desc, abs(b) desc, c desc;
758-- check that Append plan is used containing a MergeAppend for sub-partitions
759-- that are unordered.
760drop table mcrparted5;
761create table mcrparted5 partition of mcrparted for values from (20, 20, 20) to (maxvalue, maxvalue, maxvalue) partition by list (a);
762create table mcrparted5a partition of mcrparted5 for values in(20);
763create table mcrparted5_def partition of mcrparted5 default;
765explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted order by a, abs(b), c;
767drop table mcrparted5_def;
769-- check that an Append plan is used and the sub-partitions are flattened
770-- into the main Append when the sub-partition is unordered but contains
771-- just a single sub-partition.
772explain (costs off) select a, abs(b) from mcrparted order by a, abs(b), c;
774-- check that Append is used when the sub-partitioned tables are pruned
775-- during planning.
776explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a < 20 order by a, abs(b), c;
778create table mclparted (a int) partition by list(a);
779create table mclparted1 partition of mclparted for values in(1);
780create table mclparted2 partition of mclparted for values in(2);
781create index on mclparted (a);
783-- Ensure an Append is used for a list partition with an order by.
784explain (costs off) select * from mclparted order by a;
786-- Ensure a MergeAppend is used when a partition exists with interleaved
787-- datums in the partition bound.
788create table mclparted3_5 partition of mclparted for values in(3,5);
789create table mclparted4 partition of mclparted for values in(4);
791explain (costs off) select * from mclparted order by a;
793drop table mclparted;
795-- Ensure subplans which don't have a path with the correct pathkeys get
796-- sorted correctly.
797drop index mcrparted_a_abs_c_idx;
798create index on mcrparted1 (a, abs(b), c);
799create index on mcrparted2 (a, abs(b), c);
800create index on mcrparted3 (a, abs(b), c);
801create index on mcrparted4 (a, abs(b), c);
803explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a < 20 order by a, abs(b), c limit 1;
805set enable_bitmapscan = 0;
806-- Ensure Append node can be used when the partition is ordered by some
807-- pathkeys which were deemed redundant.
808explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a = 10 order by a, abs(b), c;
809reset enable_bitmapscan;
811drop table mcrparted;
813-- Ensure LIST partitions allow an Append to be used instead of a MergeAppend
814create table bool_lp (b bool) partition by list(b);
815create table bool_lp_true partition of bool_lp for values in(true);
816create table bool_lp_false partition of bool_lp for values in(false);
817create index on bool_lp (b);
819explain (costs off) select * from bool_lp order by b;
821drop table bool_lp;
823-- Ensure const bool quals can be properly detected as redundant
824create table bool_rp (b bool, a int) partition by range(b,a);
825create table bool_rp_false_1k partition of bool_rp for values from (false,0) to (false,1000);
826create table bool_rp_true_1k partition of bool_rp for values from (true,0) to (true,1000);
827create table bool_rp_false_2k partition of bool_rp for values from (false,1000) to (false,2000);
828create table bool_rp_true_2k partition of bool_rp for values from (true,1000) to (true,2000);
829create index on bool_rp (b,a);
830explain (costs off) select * from bool_rp where b = true order by b,a;
831explain (costs off) select * from bool_rp where b = false order by b,a;
832explain (costs off) select * from bool_rp where b = true order by a;
833explain (costs off) select * from bool_rp where b = false order by a;
835drop table bool_rp;
837-- Ensure an Append scan is chosen when the partition order is a subset of
838-- the required order.
839create table range_parted (a int, b int, c int) partition by range(a, b);
840create table range_parted1 partition of range_parted for values from (0,0) to (10,10);
841create table range_parted2 partition of range_parted for values from (10,10) to (20,20);
842create index on range_parted (a,b,c);
844explain (costs off) select * from range_parted order by a,b,c;
845explain (costs off) select * from range_parted order by a desc,b desc,c desc;
847drop table range_parted;
849-- Check that we allow access to a child table's statistics when the user
850-- has permissions only for the parent table.
851create table permtest_parent (a int, b text, c text) partition by list (a);
852create table permtest_child (b text, c text, a int) partition by list (b);
853create table permtest_grandchild (c text, b text, a int);
854alter table permtest_child attach partition permtest_grandchild for values in ('a');
855alter table permtest_parent attach partition permtest_child for values in (1);
856create index on permtest_parent (left(c, 3));
857insert into permtest_parent
858  select 1, 'a', left(md5(i::text), 5) from generate_series(0, 100) i;
859analyze permtest_parent;
860create role regress_no_child_access;
861revoke all on permtest_grandchild from regress_no_child_access;
862grant select on permtest_parent to regress_no_child_access;
863set session authorization regress_no_child_access;
864-- without stats access, these queries would produce hash join plans:
865explain (costs off)
866  select * from permtest_parent p1 inner join permtest_parent p2
867  on p1.a = p2.a and p1.c ~ 'a1$';
868explain (costs off)
869  select * from permtest_parent p1 inner join permtest_parent p2
870  on p1.a = p2.a and left(p1.c, 3) ~ 'a1$';
871reset session authorization;
872revoke all on permtest_parent from regress_no_child_access;
873grant select(a,c) on permtest_parent to regress_no_child_access;
874set session authorization regress_no_child_access;
875explain (costs off)
876  select p2.a, p1.c from permtest_parent p1 inner join permtest_parent p2
877  on p1.a = p2.a and p1.c ~ 'a1$';
878-- we will not have access to the expression index's stats here:
879explain (costs off)
880  select p2.a, p1.c from permtest_parent p1 inner join permtest_parent p2
881  on p1.a = p2.a and left(p1.c, 3) ~ 'a1$';
882reset session authorization;
883revoke all on permtest_parent from regress_no_child_access;
884drop role regress_no_child_access;
885drop table permtest_parent;
887-- Verify that constraint errors across partition root / child are
888-- handled correctly (Bug #16293)
889CREATE TABLE errtst_parent (
890    partid int not null,
891    shdata int not null,
892    data int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
893    CONSTRAINT shdata_small CHECK(shdata < 3)
894) PARTITION BY RANGE (partid);
896-- fast defaults lead to attribute mapping being used in one
897-- direction, but not the other
898CREATE TABLE errtst_child_fastdef (
899    partid int not null,
900    shdata int not null,
901    CONSTRAINT shdata_small CHECK(shdata < 3)
904-- no remapping in either direction necessary
905CREATE TABLE errtst_child_plaindef (
906    partid int not null,
907    shdata int not null,
908    data int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
909    CONSTRAINT shdata_small CHECK(shdata < 3),
910    CHECK(data < 10)
913-- remapping in both direction
914CREATE TABLE errtst_child_reorder (
915    data int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
916    shdata int not null,
917    partid int not null,
918    CONSTRAINT shdata_small CHECK(shdata < 3),
919    CHECK(data < 10)
922ALTER TABLE errtst_child_fastdef ADD COLUMN data int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
923ALTER TABLE errtst_child_fastdef ADD CONSTRAINT errtest_child_fastdef_data_check CHECK (data < 10);
925ALTER TABLE errtst_parent ATTACH PARTITION errtst_child_fastdef FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (10);
926ALTER TABLE errtst_parent ATTACH PARTITION errtst_child_plaindef FOR VALUES FROM (10) TO (20);
927ALTER TABLE errtst_parent ATTACH PARTITION errtst_child_reorder FOR VALUES FROM (20) TO (30);
929-- insert without child check constraint error
930INSERT INTO errtst_parent(partid, shdata, data) VALUES ( '0', '1', '5');
931INSERT INTO errtst_parent(partid, shdata, data) VALUES ('10', '1', '5');
932INSERT INTO errtst_parent(partid, shdata, data) VALUES ('20', '1', '5');
934-- insert with child check constraint error
935INSERT INTO errtst_parent(partid, shdata, data) VALUES ( '0', '1', '10');
936INSERT INTO errtst_parent(partid, shdata, data) VALUES ('10', '1', '10');
937INSERT INTO errtst_parent(partid, shdata, data) VALUES ('20', '1', '10');
939-- insert with child not null constraint error
940INSERT INTO errtst_parent(partid, shdata, data) VALUES ( '0', '1', NULL);
941INSERT INTO errtst_parent(partid, shdata, data) VALUES ('10', '1', NULL);
942INSERT INTO errtst_parent(partid, shdata, data) VALUES ('20', '1', NULL);
944-- insert with shared check constraint error
945INSERT INTO errtst_parent(partid, shdata, data) VALUES ( '0', '5', '5');
946INSERT INTO errtst_parent(partid, shdata, data) VALUES ('10', '5', '5');
947INSERT INTO errtst_parent(partid, shdata, data) VALUES ('20', '5', '5');
949-- within partition update without child check constraint violation
951UPDATE errtst_parent SET data = data + 1 WHERE partid = 0;
952UPDATE errtst_parent SET data = data + 1 WHERE partid = 10;
953UPDATE errtst_parent SET data = data + 1 WHERE partid = 20;
956-- within partition update with child check constraint violation
957UPDATE errtst_parent SET data = data + 10 WHERE partid = 0;
958UPDATE errtst_parent SET data = data + 10 WHERE partid = 10;
959UPDATE errtst_parent SET data = data + 10 WHERE partid = 20;
961-- direct leaf partition update, without partition id violation
963UPDATE errtst_child_fastdef SET partid = 1 WHERE partid = 0;
964UPDATE errtst_child_plaindef SET partid = 11 WHERE partid = 10;
965UPDATE errtst_child_reorder SET partid = 21 WHERE partid = 20;
968-- direct leaf partition update, with partition id violation
969UPDATE errtst_child_fastdef SET partid = partid + 10 WHERE partid = 0;
970UPDATE errtst_child_plaindef SET partid = partid + 10 WHERE partid = 10;
971UPDATE errtst_child_reorder SET partid = partid + 10 WHERE partid = 20;
973-- partition move, without child check constraint violation
975UPDATE errtst_parent SET partid = 10, data = data + 1 WHERE partid = 0;
976UPDATE errtst_parent SET partid = 20, data = data + 1 WHERE partid = 10;
977UPDATE errtst_parent SET partid = 0, data = data + 1 WHERE partid = 20;
980-- partition move, with child check constraint violation
981UPDATE errtst_parent SET partid = 10, data = data + 10 WHERE partid = 0;
982UPDATE errtst_parent SET partid = 20, data = data + 10 WHERE partid = 10;
983UPDATE errtst_parent SET partid = 0, data = data + 10 WHERE partid = 20;
985-- partition move, without target partition
986UPDATE errtst_parent SET partid = 30, data = data + 10 WHERE partid = 20;
988DROP TABLE errtst_parent;