1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * gist.h
4  *	  The public API for GiST indexes. This API is exposed to
5  *	  individuals implementing GiST indexes, so backward-incompatible
6  *	  changes should be made with care.
7  *
8  *
9  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2021, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
10  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
11  *
12  * src/include/access/gist.h
13  *
14  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
15  */
16 #ifndef GIST_H
17 #define GIST_H
19 #include "access/itup.h"
20 #include "access/transam.h"
21 #include "access/xlog.h"
22 #include "access/xlogdefs.h"
23 #include "storage/block.h"
24 #include "storage/bufpage.h"
25 #include "utils/relcache.h"
27 /*
28  * amproc indexes for GiST indexes.
29  */
31 #define GIST_UNION_PROC					2
32 #define GIST_COMPRESS_PROC				3
34 #define GIST_PENALTY_PROC				5
35 #define GIST_PICKSPLIT_PROC				6
36 #define GIST_EQUAL_PROC					7
37 #define GIST_DISTANCE_PROC				8
38 #define GIST_FETCH_PROC					9
39 #define GIST_OPTIONS_PROC				10
41 #define GISTNProcs					11
43 /*
44  * Page opaque data in a GiST index page.
45  */
46 #define F_LEAF				(1 << 0)	/* leaf page */
47 #define F_DELETED			(1 << 1)	/* the page has been deleted */
48 #define F_TUPLES_DELETED	(1 << 2)	/* some tuples on the page were
49 										 * deleted */
50 #define F_FOLLOW_RIGHT		(1 << 3)	/* page to the right has no downlink */
51 #define F_HAS_GARBAGE		(1 << 4)	/* some tuples on the page are dead,
52 										 * but not deleted yet */
54 /*
55  * NSN (node sequence number) is a special-purpose LSN which is stored on each
56  * index page in GISTPageOpaqueData and updated only during page splits.  By
57  * recording the parent's LSN in GISTSearchItem.parentlsn, it is possible to
58  * detect concurrent child page splits by checking if parentlsn < child's NSN,
59  * and handle them properly.  The child page's LSN is insufficient for this
60  * purpose since it is updated for every page change.
61  */
62 typedef XLogRecPtr GistNSN;
64 /*
65  * A fake LSN / NSN value used during index builds. Must be smaller than any
66  * real or fake (unlogged) LSN generated after the index build completes so
67  * that all splits are considered complete.
68  */
69 #define GistBuildLSN	((XLogRecPtr) 1)
71 /*
72  * For on-disk compatibility with pre-9.3 servers, NSN is stored as two
73  * 32-bit fields on disk, same as LSNs.
74  */
75 typedef PageXLogRecPtr PageGistNSN;
77 typedef struct GISTPageOpaqueData
78 {
79 	PageGistNSN nsn;			/* this value must change on page split */
80 	BlockNumber rightlink;		/* next page if any */
81 	uint16		flags;			/* see bit definitions above */
82 	uint16		gist_page_id;	/* for identification of GiST indexes */
83 } GISTPageOpaqueData;
85 typedef GISTPageOpaqueData *GISTPageOpaque;
87 /*
88  * Maximum possible sizes for GiST index tuple and index key.  Calculation is
89  * based on assumption that GiST page should fit at least 4 tuples.  In theory,
90  * GiST index can be functional when page can fit 3 tuples.  But that seems
91  * rather inefficient, so we use a bit conservative estimate.
92  *
93  * The maximum size of index key is true for unicolumn index.  Therefore, this
94  * estimation should be used to figure out which maximum size of GiST index key
95  * makes sense at all.  For multicolumn indexes, user might be able to tune
96  * key size using opclass parameters.
97  */
98 #define GISTMaxIndexTupleSize	\
99 	MAXALIGN_DOWN((BLCKSZ - SizeOfPageHeaderData - sizeof(GISTPageOpaqueData)) / \
100 				  4 - sizeof(ItemIdData))
102 #define GISTMaxIndexKeySize	\
103 	(GISTMaxIndexTupleSize - MAXALIGN(sizeof(IndexTupleData)))
105 /*
106  * The page ID is for the convenience of pg_filedump and similar utilities,
107  * which otherwise would have a hard time telling pages of different index
108  * types apart.  It should be the last 2 bytes on the page.  This is more or
109  * less "free" due to alignment considerations.
110  */
111 #define GIST_PAGE_ID		0xFF81
113 /*
114  * This is the Split Vector to be returned by the PickSplit method.
115  * PickSplit should fill the indexes of tuples to go to the left side into
116  * spl_left[], and those to go to the right into spl_right[] (note the method
117  * is responsible for palloc'ing both of these arrays!).  The tuple counts
118  * go into spl_nleft/spl_nright, and spl_ldatum/spl_rdatum must be set to
119  * the union keys for each side.
120  *
121  * If spl_ldatum_exists and spl_rdatum_exists are true, then we are performing
122  * a "secondary split" using a non-first index column.  In this case some
123  * decisions have already been made about a page split, and the set of tuples
124  * being passed to PickSplit is just the tuples about which we are undecided.
125  * spl_ldatum/spl_rdatum then contain the union keys for the tuples already
126  * chosen to go left or right.  Ideally the PickSplit method should take those
127  * keys into account while deciding what to do with the remaining tuples, ie
128  * it should try to "build out" from those unions so as to minimally expand
129  * them.  If it does so, it should union the given tuples' keys into the
130  * existing spl_ldatum/spl_rdatum values rather than just setting those values
131  * from scratch, and then set spl_ldatum_exists/spl_rdatum_exists to false to
132  * show it has done this.
133  *
134  * If the PickSplit method fails to clear spl_ldatum_exists/spl_rdatum_exists,
135  * the core GiST code will make its own decision about how to merge the
136  * secondary-split results with the previously-chosen tuples, and will then
137  * recompute the union keys from scratch.  This is a workable though often not
138  * optimal approach.
139  */
140 typedef struct GIST_SPLITVEC
141 {
142 	OffsetNumber *spl_left;		/* array of entries that go left */
143 	int			spl_nleft;		/* size of this array */
144 	Datum		spl_ldatum;		/* Union of keys in spl_left */
145 	bool		spl_ldatum_exists;	/* true, if spl_ldatum already exists. */
147 	OffsetNumber *spl_right;	/* array of entries that go right */
148 	int			spl_nright;		/* size of the array */
149 	Datum		spl_rdatum;		/* Union of keys in spl_right */
150 	bool		spl_rdatum_exists;	/* true, if spl_rdatum already exists. */
153 /*
154  * An entry on a GiST node.  Contains the key, as well as its own
155  * location (rel,page,offset) which can supply the matching pointer.
156  * leafkey is a flag to tell us if the entry is in a leaf node.
157  */
158 typedef struct GISTENTRY
159 {
160 	Datum		key;
161 	Relation	rel;
162 	Page		page;
163 	OffsetNumber offset;
164 	bool		leafkey;
167 #define GistPageGetOpaque(page) ( (GISTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page) )
169 #define GistPageIsLeaf(page)	( GistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags & F_LEAF)
170 #define GIST_LEAF(entry) (GistPageIsLeaf((entry)->page))
172 #define GistPageIsDeleted(page) ( GistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags & F_DELETED)
174 #define GistTuplesDeleted(page) ( GistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags & F_TUPLES_DELETED)
175 #define GistMarkTuplesDeleted(page) ( GistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags |= F_TUPLES_DELETED)
176 #define GistClearTuplesDeleted(page)	( GistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags &= ~F_TUPLES_DELETED)
178 #define GistPageHasGarbage(page) ( GistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags & F_HAS_GARBAGE)
179 #define GistMarkPageHasGarbage(page) ( GistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags |= F_HAS_GARBAGE)
180 #define GistClearPageHasGarbage(page)	( GistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags &= ~F_HAS_GARBAGE)
182 #define GistFollowRight(page) ( GistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags & F_FOLLOW_RIGHT)
183 #define GistMarkFollowRight(page) ( GistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags |= F_FOLLOW_RIGHT)
184 #define GistClearFollowRight(page)	( GistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags &= ~F_FOLLOW_RIGHT)
186 #define GistPageGetNSN(page) ( PageXLogRecPtrGet(GistPageGetOpaque(page)->nsn))
187 #define GistPageSetNSN(page, val) ( PageXLogRecPtrSet(GistPageGetOpaque(page)->nsn, val))
190 /*
191  * On a deleted page, we store this struct. A deleted page doesn't contain any
192  * tuples, so we don't use the normal page layout with line pointers. Instead,
193  * this struct is stored right after the standard page header. pd_lower points
194  * to the end of this struct. If we add fields to this struct in the future, we
195  * can distinguish the old and new formats by pd_lower.
196  */
197 typedef struct GISTDeletedPageContents
198 {
199 	/* last xid which could see the page in a scan */
200 	FullTransactionId deleteXid;
201 } GISTDeletedPageContents;
203 static inline void
GistPageSetDeleted(Page page,FullTransactionId deletexid)204 GistPageSetDeleted(Page page, FullTransactionId deletexid)
205 {
206 	Assert(PageIsEmpty(page));
208 	GistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags |= F_DELETED;
209 	((PageHeader) page)->pd_lower = MAXALIGN(SizeOfPageHeaderData) + sizeof(GISTDeletedPageContents);
211 	((GISTDeletedPageContents *) PageGetContents(page))->deleteXid = deletexid;
212 }
214 static inline FullTransactionId
GistPageGetDeleteXid(Page page)215 GistPageGetDeleteXid(Page page)
216 {
217 	Assert(GistPageIsDeleted(page));
219 	/* Is the deleteXid field present? */
220 	if (((PageHeader) page)->pd_lower >= MAXALIGN(SizeOfPageHeaderData) +
221 		offsetof(GISTDeletedPageContents, deleteXid) + sizeof(FullTransactionId))
222 	{
223 		return ((GISTDeletedPageContents *) PageGetContents(page))->deleteXid;
224 	}
225 	else
226 		return FullTransactionIdFromEpochAndXid(0, FirstNormalTransactionId);
227 }
229 /*
230  * Vector of GISTENTRY structs; user-defined methods union and picksplit
231  * take it as one of their arguments
232  */
233 typedef struct
234 {
235 	int32		n;				/* number of elements */
237 } GistEntryVector;
239 #define GEVHDRSZ	(offsetof(GistEntryVector, vector))
241 /*
242  * macro to initialize a GISTENTRY
243  */
244 #define gistentryinit(e, k, r, pg, o, l) \
245 	do { (e).key = (k); (e).rel = (r); (e).page = (pg); \
246 		 (e).offset = (o); (e).leafkey = (l); } while (0)
248 #endif							/* GIST_H */