1# Since Cython needs to know what you are using from header files this
2# definition is provided so it knows exactly what we are using from
3# FreeTDS.
5cdef extern from "sqlfront.h":
7    ## Type Definitions ##
8    cdef struct tds_dblib_dbprocess:
9        pass
10    cdef struct tds_sysdep_real32_type:
11        pass
12    cdef struct tds_sysdep_real64_type:
13        pass
15    ctypedef tds_dblib_dbprocess DBPROCESS
16    cdef struct tds_dblib_loginrec:
17        pass
18    ctypedef tds_dblib_loginrec LOGINREC
19    ctypedef void DBCURSOR
20    ctypedef int BOOL
21    ctypedef short int SHORT
22    ctypedef unsigned char BYTE
23    ctypedef int RETCODE
24    ctypedef short unsigned int DBUSMALLINT
26    ctypedef unsigned char DBBINARY
27    ctypedef int           DBBIT
28    ctypedef unsigned char DBBOOL
29    ctypedef char          DBCHAR
30    ctypedef int           DBINT
31    ctypedef tds_sysdep_real32_type DBREAL
32    ctypedef tds_sysdep_real64_type DBFLT8
33    cdef struct            DBMONEY:
34        DBINT mnyhigh
35        unsigned int mnylow
36    cdef struct            DBMONEY4:
37        DBINT mny4
38    ctypedef unsigned char DBTINYINT
39    ctypedef short int     DBSMALLINT
41    ctypedef struct        DBDATETIME:
42        DBINT dtdays
43        DBINT dttime
44    ctypedef struct        DBDATETIME4:
45        DBUSMALLINT days
46        DBUSMALLINT minutes
48    ctypedef struct        DBCOL:
49        DBINT SizeOfStruct
50        DBCHAR * Name
51        DBCHAR * ActualName
52        DBCHAR * TableName
53        SHORT Type
54        DBINT UserType
55        DBINT MaxLength
56        BYTE Precision
57        BYTE Scale
58        BOOL VarLength
59        BYTE Null
60        BYTE CaseSensitive
61        BYTE Updatable
62        BOOL Identity
64    ctypedef struct            DBDATEREC:
65        DBINT year
66        DBINT month
67        DBINT day
68        DBINT dayofyear
69        DBINT weekday
70        DBINT hour
71        DBINT minute
72        DBINT second
73        DBINT millisecond
74        DBINT tzone
76    ctypedef struct DBNUMERIC:
77        BYTE precision
78        BYTE scale
79        BYTE array[33]
83    # Error handler callback
84    ctypedef int(*EHANDLEFUNC)(DBPROCESS *, int, int, int, char *, char *)
86    # Message handler callback
87    ctypedef int(*MHANDLEFUNC)(DBPROCESS *, DBINT, int, int, char *, char *, char *, int)
89    ## Constants ##
90    int FAIL
91    int SUCCEED
92    int INT_CANCEL
93    int NO_MORE_ROWS
95    int REG_ROW
96    int DBNOERR
99    int CI_ALTERNATE
100    int CI_CURSOR
101    int CI_REGULAR
104    ## Version Constants ##
105    int DBVERSION_42
106    int DBVERSION_70
107    int DBVERSION_71
108    int DBVERSION_72
110    ## Type Constants ##
111    cdef enum:
112        SYBBINARY
113        SYBBIT
114        SYBCHAR
115        SYBDATETIME
116        SYBDATETIME4
117        SYBDATETIMN
118        SYBDECIMAL
119        SYBFLT8
120        SYBFLTN
121        SYBIMAGE
122        SYBINT1
123        SYBINT2
124        SYBINT4
125        SYBINT8
126        SYBINTN
127        SYBMONEY
128        SYBMONEY4
129        SYBMONEYN
130        SYBNUMERIC
131        SYBREAL
132        SYBTEXT
134        SYBVARCHAR
136    ## Primary functions ##
137    # Get address of compute column data.
138    #
139    #   Parameters:
140    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
141    #               communications with the server.
142    #     computeid of COMPUTE clause to which we're referring.
143    #     column    Nth column in computeid, starting from 1.
144    #
145    #   Returns:
146    #     pointer to columns' data buffer.
147    #
148    #   Return values:
149    #     NULL no such compute id or column.
150    BYTE * dbadata(DBPROCESS *, int, int) nogil
152    # Get address of compute column data.
153    #
154    #   Parameters:
155    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
156    #               communications with the server.
157    #     computeid of COMPUTE clause to which we're referring.
158    #     column    Nth column in computeid, starting from 1.
159    #
160    #   Returns:
161    #     size of the data, in bytes
162    #
163    #   Return values:
164    #     -1 no such column or computeid.
165    #      0 data is NULL.
166    DBINT dbadlen(DBPROCESS *, int, int) nogil
168    # Get datatype for a compute column data.
169    #
170    #   Parameters:
171    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
172    #               communications with the server.
173    #     computeid of COMPUTE clause to which we're referring.
174    #     column    Nth column in computeid, starting from 1.
175    #
176    #   Returns:
177    #     SYB* datatype token
178    #
179    #   Return values:
180    #     -1 no such column or computeid.
181    int dbalttype(DBPROCESS *, int, int) nogil
183    # Cancel the current command batch
184    #
185    #   Parameters:
186    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
187    #               communications with the server.
188    #
189    #   Returns:
190    #     SUCCEED always
191    RETCODE dbcancel(DBPROCESS *) nogil
193    # Close a connection to the server and free associated resources.
194    #
195    #   Parameters:
196    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
197    #               communications with the server.
198    void dbclose(DBPROCESS *) nogil
200    # Close a connection to the server and free associated resources.
201    #
202    #   Parameters:
203    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
204    #               communications with the server.
205    #     cmdstring SQL to append to the command buffer.
206    #
207    #   Returns:
208    #     SUCCEED   success
209    #     FAIL      insufficient memory
210    RETCODE dbcmd(DBPROCESS *, char *)
212    # Return name of a regular result column.
213    #
214    #   Parameters:
215    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
216    #               communications with the server.
217    #     column    Nth in the result set, starting with 1.
218    #
219    #   Returns:
220    #     pointer to ASCII null-terminated string, the name of the column.
221    #
222    #   Return values:
223    #     NULL      column is not in range.
224    char * dbcolname(DBPROCESS *, int)
226    # Get the datatype of a regular result set column.
227    #
228    #   Parameters:
229    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
230    #               communications with the server.
231    #     column    Nth column in computeid, starting from 1.
232    #
233    #   Returns:
234    #     SYB* datatype token value, or zero if column is out of range.
235    int dbcoltype(DBPROCESS *, int) nogil
237    # Convert one datatype to another.
238    #
239    #   Parameters:
240    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
241    #               communications with the server.
242    #     srctype   datatype of the data to convert
243    #     src       buffer to convert
244    #     srclen    length of src
245    #     desttype  target datatype
246    #     dest      output buffer
247    #     destlen   size of dest
248    #
249    #   Returns:
250    #     On success, the count of output bytes in dest, else -1. On
251    #     failure, it will call any user-supplied error handler.
252    DBINT dbconvert(DBPROCESS *, int, BYTE *, DBINT, int, BYTE *, DBINT)
254    ctypedef struct DBTYPEINFO:
255        DBINT precision
256        DBINT scale
258    DBINT dbconvert_ps(DBPROCESS * dbprocess, int srctype, BYTE * src, DBINT srclen, int desttype, BYTE * dest, DBINT destlen,
259        DBTYPEINFO * typeinfo)
261    # Get count of rows processed.
262    #
263    #   Parameters:
264    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
265    #               communications with the server.
266    #   Returns:
267    #     * for insert/update/delete, count of rows affected.
268    #     * for select, count of rows returned, after all rows have been
269    #       fetched.
270    DBINT dbcount(DBPROCESS *) nogil
272    # Check if dbproc is an ex-parrot.
273    #
274    #   Parameters:
275    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
276    #               communications with the server.
277    #   Returns:
278    #     * for insert/update/delete, count of rows affected.
279    #     * for select, count of rows returned, after all rows have been
280    DBBOOL dbdead(DBPROCESS *)
282    # Get address of data in a regular result column.
283    #
284    #   Parameters:
285    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
286    #               communications with the server.
287    #     column    Nth column in computeid, starting from 1.
288    #
289    #   Returns:
290    #     pointer to the data, or NULL if data is NULL, or if column is
291    #     out of range
292    BYTE * dbdata(DBPROCESS *, int) nogil
294    # Break a DBDATETIME value into useful pieces.
295    #
296    #   Parameters:
297    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
298    #               communications with the server.
299    #     di        output: structure to contain the exploded parts of
300    #                       datetime.
301    #     datetime  input: DBDATETIME to be converted.
302    #
303    #   Return values:
304    #     SUCCEED always
307    # Get size of current row's data in a regular result column.
308    #
309    #   Parameters:
310    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
311    #               communications with the server.
312    #     column    Nth column in computeid, starting from 1.
313    #
314    #   Returns:
315    #     size of the data, in bytes
316    DBINT dbdatlen(DBPROCESS *, int) nogil
318    # Set an error handler, for messages from db-lib.
319    #
320    #   Parameters:
321    #       handler pointer to callback function that will handle errors.
322    #               Pass NULL to restore the default handler.
323    #
324    #   Returns:
325    #       address of prior handler, or NULL if none was previously
326    #       installed.
329    # Close server connections and free all related structures.
330    void dbexit()
332    # Get maximum simultaneous connections db-lib will open to the server.
333    #
334    #   Returns:
335    #     size of the data, in bytes
336    int dbgetmaxprocs()
338    # Initialize db-lib
339    #
340    #   Return values:
341    #     SUCCEED   normal
342    #     FAIL      cannot allocate an array of TDS_MAX_CONN TDSSOCKET
343    #               pointers.
344    RETCODE dbinit()
346    # Allocate a LOGINREC structure.
347    #
348    #   Return values:
349    #     NULL      the LOGINREC cannot be allocated.
350    #     LOGINREC* to valid memory
351    LOGINREC * dblogin()
353    # free the LOGINREC
354    void dbloginfree(LOGINREC *)
356    # Set a message handler, for messages from the server.
357    #
358    #   Parameters:
359    #       handler address of the function that will process the messages.
362    # Get name of current database.
363    #
364    #   Parameters:
365    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
366    #               communications with the server.
367    #
368    #   Returns:
369    #     current database name, as null-terminated ASCII string.
370    char * dbname(DBPROCESS *)
372    # Read result row into the row buffer and into any bound host variables.
373    #
374    #   Parameters:
375    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
376    #               communications with the server.
377    #
378    #   Return values:
379    #     REG_ROW   regular row has been read.
380    #     BUF_FULL  reading the next row would cause the buffer to be
381    #               exceeded. No row was read from the server.
382    #
383    #   Returns:
384    #     computeid when a compute row is read.
385    RETCODE dbnextrow(DBPROCESS *) nogil
387    # Return number of regular columns in a result set.
388    #
389    #   Parameters:
390    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
391    #               communications with the server.
392    #
393    #   Returns:
394    #     number of columns in the result set row.
395    int dbnumcols(DBPROCESS *)
397    # Form a connection with the server.
398    #
399    #   Parameters:
400    #     login   LOGINREC* carrying the account information
401    #     server  name of the dataserver to connect to
402    #
403    #   Returns:
404    #     value pointer on successful login.
405    #
406    #   Return values:
407    #     NULL insufficient memory, unable to connect for any reason
408    DBPROCESS * dbopen(LOGINREC *, char *) nogil
410    # Set up query results.
411    #
412    #   Parameters:
413    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
414    #               communications with the server.
415    #
416    #   Return values:
417    #     SUCCEED   some result are available.
418    #     FAIL      query was not processed successfully by the server.
419    #     NO_MORE_RESULTS   query produced no results.
420    RETCODE dbresults(DBPROCESS *) nogil
422    # Set maximum seconds db-lib waits for a server response to a login
423    # attempt.
424    #
425    #   Parameters:
426    #     seconds   New limit for application.
427    #
428    #   Returns:
429    #     SUCCEED always
430    RETCODE dbsetlogintime(int)
432    # Set maximum simultaneous connections db-lib will open to the server.
433    #
434    #   Parameters:
435    #     maxprocs  Limit for process.
436    #
437    #   Returns:
438    #     SUCCEED always
439    RETCODE dbsetmaxprocs(int)
441    # Set maximum seconds db-lib waits for a server response to query.
442    #
443    #   Parameters:
444    #     seconds   New limit for application.
445    #
446    #   Returns:
447    #     SUCCEED always
448    RETCODE dbsettime(int)
450    # Send the SQL command to the server and wait for an answer.
451    #
452    #   Parameters:
453    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
454    #               communications with the server.
455    #
456    #   Return values:
457    #     SUCCEED   query was processed without errors.
458    #     FAIL      was returned by dbsqlsend() or dbsqlok()
459    RETCODE dbsqlexec(DBPROCESS *) nogil
461    # Send the SQL command to the server
462    #
463    #   Parameters:
464    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
465    #               communications with the server.
466    #
467    #   Return values:
468    #     SUCCEED   query was processed without errors.
469    #     FAIL      was returned by dbsqlsend() or dbsqlok()
470    RETCODE dbsqlsend(DBPROCESS *) nogil
472    # Get file descriptor of the socket used by a DBPROCESS to read data coming
473    # from the server.
474    #
475    #   Parameters:
476    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
477    #               communications with the server.
478    #
479    #   Return values:
480    #     An integer file descriptor used by the specified DBPROCESS to read
481    #     data coming from the server.
482    int dbiordesc(DBPROCESS *) nogil
484    # Wait for results of a query from the server.
485    #
486    #   Parameters:
487    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
488    #               communications with the server.
489    #
490    #   Return values:
491    #     SUCCEED   everything worked, fetch results with dbnextresults().
492    #     FAIL      SQL syntax error, typically.
493    RETCODE dbsqlok(DBPROCESS *) nogil
495    # Get the TDS version in use for dbproc.
496    #
497    #   Parameters:
498    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
499    #               communications with the server.
500    #
501    #   Returns:
502    #     a DBTDS* token.
503    #
504    #   Remarks:
505    #     The integer values of the constants are counterintuitive.
506    int dbtds(DBPROCESS *)
508    # Change current database
509    #
510    #   Parameters:
511    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
512    #               communications with the server.
513    #     name      database to use.
514    #
515    #   Return values:
516    #     SUCCEED query was processed without errors.
517    #     FAIL    query was not processed
518    RETCODE dbuse(DBPROCESS *, char *) nogil
520    ## End Primary functions ##
522    ## Remote Procedure functions ##
523    # Determine if query generated a return status number
524    #
525    #   Parameters:
526    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
527    #               communications with the server.
528    #   Return values:
529    #     TRUE      fetch return status with dbretstatus().
530    #     FALSE     no return status
531    DBBOOL dbhasretstat(DBPROCESS *)
533    # Get count of output parameters filled by a stored procedure
534    #
535    #   Parameters:
536    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
537    #               communications with the server.
538    #   Returns:
539    #     How many, possibly zero.
540    int dbnumrets(DBPROCESS *)
542    # Get value of an output parameter filled by a stored procedure.
543    #
544    #   Parameters:
545    #     dbproc 	contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
546    #               communications with the server.
547    #     retnum    Nth parameter between 1 and the return value from
548    #               dbnumrets()
549    #   Returns:
550    #     Address of a return parameter value, or NULL if no such retnum.
551    BYTE * dbretdata(DBPROCESS *, int) nogil
553    # Get size of an output parameter filled by a stored procedure.
554    #
555    #   Parameters:
556    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
557    #               communications with the server.
558    #     retnum    Nth parameter between 1 and the return value from
559    #               dbnumrets()
560    #   Returns:
561    #     Size of a return parameter value, or NULL if no such retnum.
562    int dbretlen(DBPROCESS *, int) nogil
564    # Get name of an output parameter filled by a stored procedure.
565    #
566    #   Parameters:
567    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
568    #               communications with the server.
569    #     retnum    Nth parameter between 1 and the return value from
570    #               dbnumrets()
571    #   Returns:
572    #     ASCII null-terminated string, NULL if no such retnum.
573    char * dbretname(DBPROCESS *, int) nogil
575    # Fetch status value returned by query or remote procedure call.
576    #
577    #   Parameters:
578    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
579    #               communications with the server.
580    #   Returns:
581    #     The return value of the rpc call
582    DBINT dbretstatus(DBPROCESS *) nogil
584    # Get datatype of a stored procedure's return parameter.
585    #
586    #   Parameters:
587    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
588    #               communications with the server.
589    #     retnum    Nth parameter between 1 and the return value from
590    #               dbnumrets()
591    #   Returns:
592    #     SYB* datatype token, or -1 if retnum is out of range.
593    int dbrettype(DBPROCESS *, int) nogil
595    # Initialize a remote procedure call.
596    #
597    #   Parameters:
598    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
599    #               communications with the server.
600    #     rpcname   name of the stored procedure to be run.
601    #     options   Only supported option would be DBRPCRECOMPILE, which causes
602    #               the stored procedure to be recompiled before executing.
603    #   Return values:
604    #     SUCCEED   normal
605    #     FAIL      on error
606    RETCODE dbrpcinit(DBPROCESS *, char *, DBSMALLINT) nogil
608    # Add a parameter to a remote procedure call.
609    #
610    #   Parameters:
611    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
612    #               communications with the server.
613    #     paramname literal name of the parameter, according to the stored
614    #               procedure (starts with '@'). Optional. If not used,
615    #               parameters will be passed in order instead of by name.
616    #     status    must be DBRPCRETURN, if this parameter is a return
617    #               parameter, else 0.
618    #     type      datatype of the value parameter e.g. SYBINT4, SYBCHAR
619    #     maxlen    Maximum output size of the parameter's value to be returned
620    #               by the stored procedure, usually the size of your host
621    #               variable. Fixed-length datatypes take -1 (NULL or not).
622    #               Non-OUTPUT parameters also use -1. Use 0 to send a NULL
623    #               value for a variable length datatype.
624    #     datalen   For variable-length datatypes, the byte size of the data
625    #               to be sent, exclusive of any null terminator. For
626    #               fixed-length datatypes use -1. To send a NULL value, use 0.
627    #     value     Address of your host variable.
628    #
629    #   Return values:
630    #     SUCCEED   normal
631    #     FAIL      on error
632    RETCODE dbrpcparam(DBPROCESS *, char *, BYTE, int, DBINT, DBINT, BYTE *) nogil
634    # Execute the procedure and free associated memory.
635    #
636    #   Parameters:
637    #     dbproc    contains all information needed by db-lib to manage
638    #               communications with the server.
639    #   Return values:
640    #     SUCCEED   normal
641    #     FAIL      on error
642    RETCODE dbrpcsend(DBPROCESS *) nogil
643    ## End Remote Procedure functions ##
645    ## Macros ##
655ctypedef int LINE_T