1.. module:: sqlalchemy.schema
3.. _metadata_defaults_toplevel:
5.. _metadata_defaults:
7Column Insert/Update Defaults
10SQLAlchemy provides a very rich featureset regarding column level events which
11take place during INSERT and UPDATE statements. Options include:
13* Scalar values used as defaults during INSERT and UPDATE operations
14* Python functions which execute upon INSERT and UPDATE operations
15* SQL expressions which are embedded in INSERT statements (or in some cases execute beforehand)
16* SQL expressions which are embedded in UPDATE statements
17* Server side default values used during INSERT
18* Markers for server-side triggers used during UPDATE
20The general rule for all insert/update defaults is that they only take effect
21if no value for a particular column is passed as an ``execute()`` parameter;
22otherwise, the given value is used.
24Scalar Defaults
27The simplest kind of default is a scalar value used as the default value of a column::
29    Table("mytable", meta,
30        Column("somecolumn", Integer, default=12)
31    )
33Above, the value "12" will be bound as the column value during an INSERT if no
34other value is supplied.
36A scalar value may also be associated with an UPDATE statement, though this is
37not very common (as UPDATE statements are usually looking for dynamic
40    Table("mytable", meta,
41        Column("somecolumn", Integer, onupdate=25)
42    )
45Python-Executed Functions
48The :paramref:`.Column.default` and :paramref:`.Column.onupdate` keyword arguments also accept Python
49functions. These functions are invoked at the time of insert or update if no
50other value for that column is supplied, and the value returned is used for
51the column's value. Below illustrates a crude "sequence" that assigns an
52incrementing counter to a primary key column::
54    # a function which counts upwards
55    i = 0
56    def mydefault():
57        global i
58        i += 1
59        return i
61    t = Table("mytable", meta,
62        Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, default=mydefault),
63    )
65It should be noted that for real "incrementing sequence" behavior, the
66built-in capabilities of the database should normally be used, which may
67include sequence objects or other autoincrementing capabilities. For primary
68key columns, SQLAlchemy will in most cases use these capabilities
69automatically. See the API documentation for
70:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` including the :paramref:`.Column.autoincrement` flag, as
71well as the section on :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Sequence` later in this
72chapter for background on standard primary key generation techniques.
74To illustrate onupdate, we assign the Python ``datetime`` function ``now`` to
75the :paramref:`.Column.onupdate` attribute::
77    import datetime
79    t = Table("mytable", meta,
80        Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
82        # define 'last_updated' to be populated with datetime.now()
83        Column('last_updated', DateTime, onupdate=datetime.datetime.now),
84    )
86When an update statement executes and no value is passed for ``last_updated``,
87the ``datetime.datetime.now()`` Python function is executed and its return
88value used as the value for ``last_updated``. Notice that we provide ``now``
89as the function itself without calling it (i.e. there are no parenthesis
90following) - SQLAlchemy will execute the function at the time the statement
93Context-Sensitive Default Functions
96The Python functions used by :paramref:`.Column.default` and :paramref:`.Column.onupdate` may also make use of
97the current statement's context in order to determine a value. The `context`
98of a statement is an internal SQLAlchemy object which contains all information
99about the statement being executed, including its source expression, the
100parameters associated with it and the cursor. The typical use case for this
101context with regards to default generation is to have access to the other
102values being inserted or updated on the row. To access the context, provide a
103function that accepts a single ``context`` argument::
105    def mydefault(context):
106        return context.current_parameters['counter'] + 12
108    t = Table('mytable', meta,
109        Column('counter', Integer),
110        Column('counter_plus_twelve', Integer, default=mydefault, onupdate=mydefault)
111    )
113Above we illustrate a default function which will execute for all INSERT and
114UPDATE statements where a value for ``counter_plus_twelve`` was otherwise not
115provided, and the value will be that of whatever value is present in the
116execution for the ``counter`` column, plus the number 12.
118While the context object passed to the default function has many attributes,
119the ``current_parameters`` member is a special member provided only during the
120execution of a default function for the purposes of deriving defaults from its
121existing values. For a single statement that is executing many sets of bind
122parameters, the user-defined function is called for each set of parameters,
123and ``current_parameters`` will be provided with each individual parameter set
124for each execution.
126SQL Expressions
129The "default" and "onupdate" keywords may also be passed SQL expressions,
130including select statements or direct function calls::
132    t = Table("mytable", meta,
133        Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
135        # define 'create_date' to default to now()
136        Column('create_date', DateTime, default=func.now()),
138        # define 'key' to pull its default from the 'keyvalues' table
139        Column('key', String(20), default=keyvalues.select(keyvalues.c.type='type1', limit=1)),
141        # define 'last_modified' to use the current_timestamp SQL function on update
142        Column('last_modified', DateTime, onupdate=func.utc_timestamp())
143        )
145Above, the ``create_date`` column will be populated with the result of the
146``now()`` SQL function (which, depending on backend, compiles into ``NOW()``
147or ``CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`` in most cases) during an INSERT statement, and the
148``key`` column with the result of a SELECT subquery from another table. The
149``last_modified`` column will be populated with the value of
150``UTC_TIMESTAMP()``, a function specific to MySQL, when an UPDATE statement is
151emitted for this table.
153Note that when using ``func`` functions, unlike when using Python `datetime`
154functions we *do* call the function, i.e. with parenthesis "()" - this is
155because what we want in this case is the return value of the function, which
156is the SQL expression construct that will be rendered into the INSERT or
157UPDATE statement.
159The above SQL functions are usually executed "inline" with the INSERT or
160UPDATE statement being executed, meaning, a single statement is executed which
161embeds the given expressions or subqueries within the VALUES or SET clause of
162the statement. Although in some cases, the function is "pre-executed" in a
163SELECT statement of its own beforehand. This happens when all of the following
164is true:
166* the column is a primary key column
167* the database dialect does not support a usable ``cursor.lastrowid`` accessor
168  (or equivalent); this currently includes PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Firebird, as
169  well as some MySQL dialects.
170* the dialect does not support the "RETURNING" clause or similar, or the
171  ``implicit_returning`` flag is set to ``False`` for the dialect. Dialects
172  which support RETURNING currently include Postgresql, Oracle, Firebird, and
173  MS-SQL.
174* the statement is a single execution, i.e. only supplies one set of
175  parameters and doesn't use "executemany" behavior
176* the ``inline=True`` flag is not set on the
177  :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Insert()` or
178  :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Update()` construct, and the statement has
179  not defined an explicit `returning()` clause.
181Whether or not the default generation clause "pre-executes" is not something
182that normally needs to be considered, unless it is being addressed for
183performance reasons.
185When the statement is executed with a single set of parameters (that is, it is
186not an "executemany" style execution), the returned
187:class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.ResultProxy` will contain a collection
188accessible via :meth:`.ResultProxy.postfetch_cols` which contains a list of all
189:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` objects which had an inline-executed
190default. Similarly, all parameters which were bound to the statement,
191including all Python and SQL expressions which were pre-executed, are present
192in the :meth:`.ResultProxy.last_inserted_params` or :meth:`.ResultProxy.last_updated_params` collections on
193:class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.ResultProxy`. The :attr:`.ResultProxy.inserted_primary_key`
194collection contains a list of primary key values for the row inserted (a list
195so that single-column and composite-column primary keys are represented in the
196same format).
198.. _server_defaults:
200Server Side Defaults
203A variant on the SQL expression default is the :paramref:`.Column.server_default`, which gets
204placed in the CREATE TABLE statement during a :meth:`.Table.create` operation:
206.. sourcecode:: python+sql
208    t = Table('test', meta,
209        Column('abc', String(20), server_default='abc'),
210        Column('created_at', DateTime, server_default=text("sysdate"))
211    )
213A create call for the above table will produce::
215    CREATE TABLE test (
216        abc varchar(20) default 'abc',
217        created_at datetime default sysdate
218    )
220The behavior of :paramref:`.Column.server_default` is similar to that of a regular SQL
221default; if it's placed on a primary key column for a database which doesn't
222have a way to "postfetch" the ID, and the statement is not "inlined", the SQL
223expression is pre-executed; otherwise, SQLAlchemy lets the default fire off on
224the database side normally.
227.. _triggered_columns:
229Triggered Columns
232Columns with values set by a database trigger or other external process may be
233called out using :class:`.FetchedValue` as a marker::
235    t = Table('test', meta,
236        Column('abc', String(20), server_default=FetchedValue()),
237        Column('def', String(20), server_onupdate=FetchedValue())
238    )
240.. versionchanged:: 0.8.0b2,0.7.10
241    The ``for_update`` argument on :class:`.FetchedValue` is set automatically
242    when specified as the ``server_onupdate`` argument.  If using an older version,
243    specify the onupdate above as ``server_onupdate=FetchedValue(for_update=True)``.
245These markers do not emit a "default" clause when the table is created,
246however they do set the same internal flags as a static ``server_default``
247clause, providing hints to higher-level tools that a "post-fetch" of these
248rows should be performed after an insert or update.
250.. note::
252    It's generally not appropriate to use :class:`.FetchedValue` in
253    conjunction with a primary key column, particularly when using the
254    ORM or any other scenario where the :attr:`.ResultProxy.inserted_primary_key`
255    attribute is required.  This is becaue the "post-fetch" operation requires
256    that the primary key value already be available, so that the
257    row can be selected on its primary key.
259    For a server-generated primary key value, all databases provide special
260    accessors or other techniques in order to acquire the "last inserted
261    primary key" column of a table.  These mechanisms aren't affected by the presence
262    of :class:`.FetchedValue`.  For special situations where triggers are
263    used to generate primary key values, and the database in use does not
264    support the ``RETURNING`` clause, it may be necessary to forego the usage
265    of the trigger and instead apply the SQL expression or function as a
266    "pre execute" expression::
268        t = Table('test', meta,
269                Column('abc', MyType, default=func.generate_new_value(), primary_key=True)
270        )
272    Where above, when :meth:`.Table.insert` is used,
273    the ``func.generate_new_value()`` expression will be pre-executed
274    in the context of a scalar ``SELECT`` statement, and the new value will
275    be applied to the subsequent ``INSERT``, while at the same time being
276    made available to the :attr:`.ResultProxy.inserted_primary_key`
277    attribute.
280Defining Sequences
283SQLAlchemy represents database sequences using the
284:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Sequence` object, which is considered to be a
285special case of "column default". It only has an effect on databases which
286have explicit support for sequences, which currently includes Postgresql,
287Oracle, and Firebird. The :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Sequence` object is
288otherwise ignored.
290The :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Sequence` may be placed on any column as a
291"default" generator to be used during INSERT operations, and can also be
292configured to fire off during UPDATE operations if desired. It is most
293commonly used in conjunction with a single integer primary key column::
295    table = Table("cartitems", meta,
296        Column("cart_id", Integer, Sequence('cart_id_seq'), primary_key=True),
297        Column("description", String(40)),
298        Column("createdate", DateTime())
299    )
301Where above, the table "cartitems" is associated with a sequence named
302"cart_id_seq". When INSERT statements take place for "cartitems", and no value
303is passed for the "cart_id" column, the "cart_id_seq" sequence will be used to
304generate a value.
306When the :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Sequence` is associated with a table,
307CREATE and DROP statements issued for that table will also issue CREATE/DROP
308for the sequence object as well, thus "bundling" the sequence object with its
309parent table.
311The :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Sequence` object also implements special
312functionality to accommodate Postgresql's SERIAL datatype. The SERIAL type in
313PG automatically generates a sequence that is used implicitly during inserts.
314This means that if a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object defines a
315:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Sequence` on its primary key column so that it
316works with Oracle and Firebird, the :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Sequence` would
317get in the way of the "implicit" sequence that PG would normally use. For this
318use case, add the flag ``optional=True`` to the
319:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Sequence` object - this indicates that the
320:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Sequence` should only be used if the database
321provides no other option for generating primary key identifiers.
323The :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Sequence` object also has the ability to be
324executed standalone like a SQL expression, which has the effect of calling its
325"next value" function::
327    seq = Sequence('some_sequence')
328    nextid = connection.execute(seq)
330Associating a Sequence as the Server Side Default
333When we associate a :class:`.Sequence` with a :class:`.Column` as above,
334this association is an **in-Python only** association.    The CREATE TABLE
335that would be generated for our :class:`.Table` would not refer to this
336sequence.  If we want the sequence to be used as a server-side default,
337meaning it takes place even if we emit INSERT commands to the table from
338the SQL commandline, we can use the :paramref:`.Column.server_default`
339parameter in conjunction with the value-generation function of the
340sequence, available from the :meth:`.Sequence.next_value` method::
342    cart_id_seq = Sequence('cart_id_seq')
343    table = Table("cartitems", meta,
344        Column(
345            "cart_id", Integer, cart_id_seq,
346            server_default=cart_id_seq.next_value(), primary_key=True),
347        Column("description", String(40)),
348        Column("createdate", DateTime())
349    )
351The above metadata will generate a CREATE TABLE statement on Postgresql as::
353    CREATE TABLE cartitems (
354        cart_id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval('cart_id_seq') NOT NULL,
355        description VARCHAR(40),
356        createdate TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE,
357        PRIMARY KEY (cart_id)
358    )
360We place the :class:`.Sequence` also as a Python-side default above, that
361is, it is mentioned twice in the :class:`.Column` definition.   Depending
362on the backend in use, this may not be strictly necessary, for example
363on the Postgresql backend the Core will use ``RETURNING`` to access the
364newly generated primary key value in any case.   However, for the best
365compatibility, :class:`.Sequence` was originally intended to be a Python-side
366directive first and foremost so it's probably a good idea to specify it
367in this way as well.
370Default Objects API
373.. autoclass:: ColumnDefault
376.. autoclass:: DefaultClause
379.. autoclass:: DefaultGenerator
382.. autoclass:: FetchedValue
385.. autoclass:: PassiveDefault
388.. autoclass:: Sequence
389    :members: