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40 #include "qelapsedtimer.h"
44 /*!
45     \class QElapsedTimer
46     \inmodule QtCore
47     \brief The QElapsedTimer class provides a fast way to calculate elapsed times.
48     \since 4.7
50     \reentrant
51     \ingroup tools
53     The QElapsedTimer class is usually used to quickly calculate how much
54     time has elapsed between two events. Its API is similar to that of QTime,
55     so code that was using that can be ported quickly to the new class.
57     However, unlike QTime, QElapsedTimer tries to use monotonic clocks if
58     possible. This means it's not possible to convert QElapsedTimer objects
59     to a human-readable time.
61     The typical use-case for the class is to determine how much time was
62     spent in a slow operation. The simplest example of such a case is for
63     debugging purposes, as in the following example:
65     \snippet qelapsedtimer/main.cpp 0
67     In this example, the timer is started by a call to start() and the
68     elapsed time is calculated by the elapsed() function.
70     The time elapsed can also be used to recalculate the time available for
71     another operation, after the first one is complete. This is useful when
72     the execution must complete within a certain time period, but several
73     steps are needed. The \tt{waitFor}-type functions in QIODevice and its
74     subclasses are good examples of such need. In that case, the code could
75     be as follows:
77     \snippet qelapsedtimer/main.cpp 1
79     Another use-case is to execute a certain operation for a specific
80     timeslice. For this, QElapsedTimer provides the hasExpired() convenience
81     function, which can be used to determine if a certain number of
82     milliseconds has already elapsed:
84     \snippet qelapsedtimer/main.cpp 2
86     It is often more convenient to use \l{QDeadlineTimer} in this case, which
87     counts towards a timeout in the future instead of tracking elapsed time.
89     \section1 Reference Clocks
91     QElapsedTimer will use the platform's monotonic reference clock in all
92     platforms that support it (see QElapsedTimer::isMonotonic()). This has
93     the added benefit that QElapsedTimer is immune to time adjustments, such
94     as the user correcting the time. Also unlike QTime, QElapsedTimer is
95     immune to changes in the timezone settings, such as daylight-saving
96     periods.
98     On the other hand, this means QElapsedTimer values can only be compared
99     with other values that use the same reference. This is especially true if
100     the time since the reference is extracted from the QElapsedTimer object
101     (QElapsedTimer::msecsSinceReference()) and serialised. These values
102     should never be exchanged across the network or saved to disk, since
103     there's no telling whether the computer node receiving the data is the
104     same as the one originating it or if it has rebooted since.
106     It is, however, possible to exchange the value with other processes
107     running on the same machine, provided that they also use the same
108     reference clock. QElapsedTimer will always use the same clock, so it's
109     safe to compare with the value coming from another process in the same
110     machine. If comparing to values produced by other APIs, you should check
111     that the clock used is the same as QElapsedTimer (see
112     QElapsedTimer::clockType()).
114     \section2 32-bit overflows
116     Some of the clocks used by QElapsedTimer have a limited range and may
117     overflow after hitting the upper limit (usually 32-bit). QElapsedTimer
118     deals with this overflow issue and presents a consistent timing. However,
119     when extracting the time since reference from QElapsedTimer, two
120     different processes in the same machine may have different understanding
121     of how much time has actually elapsed.
123     The information on which clocks types may overflow and how to remedy that
124     issue is documented along with the clock types.
126     \sa QTime, QTimer, QDeadlineTimer
127 */
129 /*!
130     \enum QElapsedTimer::ClockType
132     This enum contains the different clock types that QElapsedTimer may use.
134     QElapsedTimer will always use the same clock type in a particular
135     machine, so this value will not change during the lifetime of a program.
136     It is provided so that QElapsedTimer can be used with other non-Qt
137     implementations, to guarantee that the same reference clock is being
138     used.
140     \value SystemTime         The human-readable system time. This clock is not monotonic.
141     \value MonotonicClock     The system's monotonic clock, usually found in Unix systems. This clock is monotonic and does not overflow.
142     \value TickCounter        The system's tick counter, used on Windows systems. This clock may overflow.
143     \value MachAbsoluteTime   The Mach kernel's absolute time (\macos and iOS). This clock is monotonic and does not overflow.
144     \value PerformanceCounter The high-resolution performance counter provided by Windows. This clock is monotonic and does not overflow.
146     \section2 SystemTime
148     The system time clock is purely the real time, expressed in milliseconds
149     since Jan 1, 1970 at 0:00 UTC. It's equivalent to the value returned by
150     the C and POSIX \tt{time} function, with the milliseconds added. This
151     clock type is currently only used on Unix systems that do not support
152     monotonic clocks (see below).
154     This is the only non-monotonic clock that QElapsedTimer may use.
156     \section2 MonotonicClock
158     This is the system's monotonic clock, expressed in milliseconds since an
159     arbitrary point in the past. This clock type is used on Unix systems
160     which support POSIX monotonic clocks (\tt{_POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK}).
162     This clock does not overflow.
164     \section2 TickCounter
166     The tick counter clock type is based on the system's or the processor's
167     tick counter, multiplied by the duration of a tick. This clock type is
168     used on Windows platforms. If the high-precision performance
169     counter is available on Windows, the \tt{PerformanceCounter} clock type
170     is used instead.
172     The TickCounter clock type is the only clock type that may overflow.
173     Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 support the extended 64-bit tick
174     counter, which allows avoiding the overflow.
176     On Windows systems, the clock overflows after 2^32 milliseconds, which
177     corresponds to roughly 49.7 days. This means two processes' reckoning of
178     the time since the reference may be different by multiples of 2^32
179     milliseconds. When comparing such values, it's recommended that the high
180     32 bits of the millisecond count be masked off.
182     \section2 MachAbsoluteTime
184     This clock type is based on the absolute time presented by Mach kernels,
185     such as that found on \macos. This clock type is presented separately
186     from MonotonicClock since \macos and iOS are also Unix systems and may support
187     a POSIX monotonic clock with values differing from the Mach absolute
188     time.
190     This clock is monotonic and does not overflow.
192     \section2 PerformanceCounter
194     This clock uses the Windows functions \tt{QueryPerformanceCounter} and
195     \tt{QueryPerformanceFrequency} to access the system's high-precision
196     performance counter. Since this counter may not be available on all
197     systems, QElapsedTimer will fall back to the \tt{TickCounter} clock
198     automatically, if this clock cannot be used.
200     This clock is monotonic and does not overflow.
202     \sa clockType(), isMonotonic()
203 */
205 /*!
206     \fn QElapsedTimer::QElapsedTimer()
207     \since 5.4
209     Constructs an invalid QElapsedTimer. A timer becomes valid once it has been
210     started.
212     \sa isValid(), start()
213 */
216 /*!
217     \fn bool QElapsedTimer::operator ==(const QElapsedTimer &other) const
219     Returns \c true if this object and \a other contain the same time.
220 */
222 /*!
223     \fn bool QElapsedTimer::operator !=(const QElapsedTimer &other) const
225     Returns \c true if this object and \a other contain different times.
226 */
228 static const qint64 invalidData = Q_INT64_C(0x8000000000000000);
230 /*!
231     Marks this QElapsedTimer object as invalid.
233     An invalid object can be checked with isValid(). Calculations of timer
234     elapsed since invalid data are undefined and will likely produce bizarre
235     results.
237     \sa isValid(), start(), restart()
238 */
invalidate()239 void QElapsedTimer::invalidate() noexcept
240 {
241      t1 = t2 = invalidData;
242 }
244 /*!
245     Returns \c false if the timer has never been started or invalidated by a
246     call to invalidate().
248     \sa invalidate(), start(), restart()
249 */
isValid() const250 bool QElapsedTimer::isValid() const noexcept
251 {
252     return t1 != invalidData && t2 != invalidData;
253 }
255 /*!
256     Returns \c true if this QElapsedTimer has already expired by \a timeout
257     milliseconds (that is, more than \a timeout milliseconds have elapsed).
258     The value of \a timeout can be -1 to indicate that this timer does not
259     expire, in which case this function will always return false.
261     \sa elapsed(), QDeadlineTimer
262 */
hasExpired(qint64 timeout) const263 bool QElapsedTimer::hasExpired(qint64 timeout) const noexcept
264 {
265     // if timeout is -1, quint64(timeout) is LLINT_MAX, so this will be
266     // considered as never expired
267     return quint64(elapsed()) > quint64(timeout);
268 }