1 /*
2 ** 2015-04-06
3 **
4 ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
5 ** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
6 **
7 **    May you do good and not evil.
8 **    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
9 **    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
10 **
11 *************************************************************************
12 **
13 ** This is a utility program that computes the differences in content
14 ** between two SQLite databases.
15 **
16 ** To compile, simply link against SQLite.
17 **
18 ** See the showHelp() routine below for a brief description of how to
19 ** run the utility.
20 */
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <stdarg.h>
24 #include <ctype.h>
25 #include <string.h>
26 #include <assert.h>
27 #include "sqlite3.h"
29 /*
30 ** All global variables are gathered into the "g" singleton.
31 */
32 struct GlobalVars {
33   const char *zArgv0;       /* Name of program */
34   int bSchemaOnly;          /* Only show schema differences */
35   int bSchemaPK;            /* Use the schema-defined PK, not the true PK */
36   int bHandleVtab;          /* Handle fts3, fts4, fts5 and rtree vtabs */
37   unsigned fDebug;          /* Debug flags */
38   sqlite3 *db;              /* The database connection */
39 } g;
41 /*
42 ** Allowed values for g.fDebug
43 */
44 #define DEBUG_COLUMN_NAMES  0x000001
45 #define DEBUG_DIFF_SQL      0x000002
47 /*
48 ** Dynamic string object
49 */
50 typedef struct Str Str;
51 struct Str {
52   char *z;        /* Text of the string */
53   int nAlloc;     /* Bytes allocated in z[] */
54   int nUsed;      /* Bytes actually used in z[] */
55 };
57 /*
58 ** Initialize a Str object
59 */
strInit(Str * p)60 static void strInit(Str *p){
61   p->z = 0;
62   p->nAlloc = 0;
63   p->nUsed = 0;
64 }
66 /*
67 ** Print an error resulting from faulting command-line arguments and
68 ** abort the program.
69 */
cmdlineError(const char * zFormat,...)70 static void cmdlineError(const char *zFormat, ...){
71   va_list ap;
72   fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", g.zArgv0);
73   va_start(ap, zFormat);
74   vfprintf(stderr, zFormat, ap);
75   va_end(ap);
76   fprintf(stderr, "\n\"%s --help\" for more help\n", g.zArgv0);
77   exit(1);
78 }
80 /*
81 ** Print an error message for an error that occurs at runtime, then
82 ** abort the program.
83 */
runtimeError(const char * zFormat,...)84 static void runtimeError(const char *zFormat, ...){
85   va_list ap;
86   fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", g.zArgv0);
87   va_start(ap, zFormat);
88   vfprintf(stderr, zFormat, ap);
89   va_end(ap);
90   fprintf(stderr, "\n");
91   exit(1);
92 }
94 /*
95 ** Free all memory held by a Str object
96 */
strFree(Str * p)97 static void strFree(Str *p){
98   sqlite3_free(p->z);
99   strInit(p);
100 }
102 /*
103 ** Add formatted text to the end of a Str object
104 */
strPrintf(Str * p,const char * zFormat,...)105 static void strPrintf(Str *p, const char *zFormat, ...){
106   int nNew;
107   for(;;){
108     if( p->z ){
109       va_list ap;
110       va_start(ap, zFormat);
111       sqlite3_vsnprintf(p->nAlloc-p->nUsed, p->z+p->nUsed, zFormat, ap);
112       va_end(ap);
113       nNew = (int)strlen(p->z + p->nUsed);
114     }else{
115       nNew = p->nAlloc;
116     }
117     if( p->nUsed+nNew < p->nAlloc-1 ){
118       p->nUsed += nNew;
119       break;
120     }
121     p->nAlloc = p->nAlloc*2 + 1000;
122     p->z = sqlite3_realloc(p->z, p->nAlloc);
123     if( p->z==0 ) runtimeError("out of memory");
124   }
125 }
129 /* Safely quote an SQL identifier.  Use the minimum amount of transformation
130 ** necessary to allow the string to be used with %s.
131 **
132 ** Space to hold the returned string is obtained from sqlite3_malloc().  The
133 ** caller is responsible for ensuring this space is freed when no longer
134 ** needed.
135 */
safeId(const char * zId)136 static char *safeId(const char *zId){
137   /* All SQLite keywords, in alphabetical order */
138   static const char *azKeywords[] = {
139     "ABORT", "ACTION", "ADD", "AFTER", "ALL", "ALTER", "ANALYZE", "AND", "AS",
146     "FAIL", "FOR", "FOREIGN", "FROM", "FULL", "GLOB", "GROUP", "HAVING", "IF",
149     "LEFT", "LIKE", "LIMIT", "MATCH", "NATURAL", "NO", "NOT", "NOTNULL",
150     "NULL", "OF", "OFFSET", "ON", "OR", "ORDER", "OUTER", "PLAN", "PRAGMA",
156     "WITH", "WITHOUT",
157   };
158   int lwr, upr, mid, c, i, x;
159   if( zId[0]==0 ) return sqlite3_mprintf("\"\"");
160   for(i=x=0; (c = zId[i])!=0; i++){
161     if( !isalpha(c) && c!='_' ){
162       if( i>0 && isdigit(c) ){
163         x++;
164       }else{
165         return sqlite3_mprintf("\"%w\"", zId);
166       }
167     }
168   }
169   if( x ) return sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zId);
170   lwr = 0;
171   upr = sizeof(azKeywords)/sizeof(azKeywords[0]) - 1;
172   while( lwr<=upr ){
173     mid = (lwr+upr)/2;
174     c = sqlite3_stricmp(azKeywords[mid], zId);
175     if( c==0 ) return sqlite3_mprintf("\"%w\"", zId);
176     if( c<0 ){
177       lwr = mid+1;
178     }else{
179       upr = mid-1;
180     }
181   }
182   return sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zId);
183 }
185 /*
186 ** Prepare a new SQL statement.  Print an error and abort if anything
187 ** goes wrong.
188 */
db_vprepare(const char * zFormat,va_list ap)189 static sqlite3_stmt *db_vprepare(const char *zFormat, va_list ap){
190   char *zSql;
191   int rc;
192   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
194   zSql = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFormat, ap);
195   if( zSql==0 ) runtimeError("out of memory");
196   rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(g.db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
197   if( rc ){
198     runtimeError("SQL statement error: %s\n\"%s\"", sqlite3_errmsg(g.db),
199                  zSql);
200   }
201   sqlite3_free(zSql);
202   return pStmt;
203 }
db_prepare(const char * zFormat,...)204 static sqlite3_stmt *db_prepare(const char *zFormat, ...){
205   va_list ap;
206   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
207   va_start(ap, zFormat);
208   pStmt = db_vprepare(zFormat, ap);
209   va_end(ap);
210   return pStmt;
211 }
213 /*
214 ** Free a list of strings
215 */
namelistFree(char ** az)216 static void namelistFree(char **az){
217   if( az ){
218     int i;
219     for(i=0; az[i]; i++) sqlite3_free(az[i]);
220     sqlite3_free(az);
221   }
222 }
224 /*
225 ** Return a list of column names for the table zDb.zTab.  Space to
226 ** hold the list is obtained from sqlite3_malloc() and should released
227 ** using namelistFree() when no longer needed.
228 **
229 ** Primary key columns are listed first, followed by data columns.
230 ** The number of columns in the primary key is returned in *pnPkey.
231 **
232 ** Normally, the "primary key" in the previous sentence is the true
233 ** primary key - the rowid or INTEGER PRIMARY KEY for ordinary tables
234 ** or the declared PRIMARY KEY for WITHOUT ROWID tables.  However, if
235 ** the g.bSchemaPK flag is set, then the schema-defined PRIMARY KEY is
236 ** used in all cases.  In that case, entries that have NULL values in
237 ** any of their primary key fields will be excluded from the analysis.
238 **
239 ** If the primary key for a table is the rowid but rowid is inaccessible,
240 ** then this routine returns a NULL pointer.
241 **
242 ** Examples:
244 **    *pnPKey = 1;
245 **    az = { "rowid", "a", "b", "c", 0 }  // Normal case
246 **    az = { "c", "a", "b", 0 }           // g.bSchemaPK==1
247 **
249 **    *pnPKey = 1;
250 **    az = { "b", "a", "c", 0 }
251 **
252 **    CREATE TABLE t3(x,y,z,PRIMARY KEY(y,z));
253 **    *pnPKey = 1                         // Normal case
254 **    az = { "rowid", "x", "y", "z", 0 }  // Normal case
255 **    *pnPKey = 2                         // g.bSchemaPK==1
256 **    az = { "y", "x", "z", 0 }           // g.bSchemaPK==1
257 **
259 **    *pnPKey = 2
260 **    az = { "y", "z", "x", 0 }
261 **
262 **    CREATE TABLE t5(rowid,_rowid_,oid);
263 **    az = 0     // The rowid is not accessible
264 */
columnNames(const char * zDb,const char * zTab,int * pnPKey,int * pbRowid)265 static char **columnNames(
266   const char *zDb,                /* Database ("main" or "aux") to query */
267   const char *zTab,               /* Name of table to return details of */
268   int *pnPKey,                    /* OUT: Number of PK columns */
269   int *pbRowid                    /* OUT: True if PK is an implicit rowid */
270 ){
271   char **az = 0;           /* List of column names to be returned */
272   int naz = 0;             /* Number of entries in az[] */
273   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;     /* SQL statement being run */
274   char *zPkIdxName = 0;    /* Name of the PRIMARY KEY index */
275   int truePk = 0;          /* PRAGMA table_info indentifies the PK to use */
276   int nPK = 0;             /* Number of PRIMARY KEY columns */
277   int i, j;                /* Loop counters */
279   if( g.bSchemaPK==0 ){
280     /* Normal case:  Figure out what the true primary key is for the table.
281     **   *  For WITHOUT ROWID tables, the true primary key is the same as
282     **      the schema PRIMARY KEY, which is guaranteed to be present.
283     **   *  For rowid tables with an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, the true primary
284     **      key is the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY.
285     **   *  For all other rowid tables, the rowid is the true primary key.
286     */
287     pStmt = db_prepare("PRAGMA %s.index_list=%Q", zDb, zTab);
288     while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
289       if( sqlite3_stricmp((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,3),"pk")==0 ){
290         zPkIdxName = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 1));
291         break;
292       }
293     }
294     sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
295     if( zPkIdxName ){
296       int nKey = 0;
297       int nCol = 0;
298       truePk = 0;
299       pStmt = db_prepare("PRAGMA %s.index_xinfo=%Q", zDb, zPkIdxName);
300       while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
301         nCol++;
302         if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,5) ){ nKey++; continue; }
303         if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,1)>=0 ) truePk = 1;
304       }
305       if( nCol==nKey ) truePk = 1;
306       if( truePk ){
307         nPK = nKey;
308       }else{
309         nPK = 1;
310       }
311       sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
312       sqlite3_free(zPkIdxName);
313     }else{
314       truePk = 1;
315       nPK = 1;
316     }
317     pStmt = db_prepare("PRAGMA %s.table_info=%Q", zDb, zTab);
318   }else{
319     /* The g.bSchemaPK==1 case:  Use whatever primary key is declared
320     ** in the schema.  The "rowid" will still be used as the primary key
321     ** if the table definition does not contain a PRIMARY KEY.
322     */
323     nPK = 0;
324     pStmt = db_prepare("PRAGMA %s.table_info=%Q", zDb, zTab);
325     while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
326       if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,5)>0 ) nPK++;
327     }
328     sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
329     if( nPK==0 ) nPK = 1;
330     truePk = 1;
331   }
332   *pnPKey = nPK;
333   naz = nPK;
334   az = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(char*)*(nPK+1) );
335   if( az==0 ) runtimeError("out of memory");
336   memset(az, 0, sizeof(char*)*(nPK+1));
337   while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
338     int iPKey;
339     if( truePk && (iPKey = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,5))>0 ){
340       az[iPKey-1] = safeId((char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,1));
341     }else{
342       az = sqlite3_realloc(az, sizeof(char*)*(naz+2) );
343       if( az==0 ) runtimeError("out of memory");
344       az[naz++] = safeId((char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,1));
345     }
346   }
347   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
348   if( az ) az[naz] = 0;
350   /* If it is non-NULL, set *pbRowid to indicate whether or not the PK of
351   ** this table is an implicit rowid (*pbRowid==1) or not (*pbRowid==0).  */
352   if( pbRowid ) *pbRowid = (az[0]==0);
354   /* If this table has an implicit rowid for a PK, figure out how to refer
355   ** to it. There are three options - "rowid", "_rowid_" and "oid". Any
356   ** of these will work, unless the table has an explicit column of the
357   ** same name.  */
358   if( az[0]==0 ){
359     const char *azRowid[] = { "rowid", "_rowid_", "oid" };
360     for(i=0; i<sizeof(azRowid)/sizeof(azRowid[0]); i++){
361       for(j=1; j<naz; j++){
362         if( sqlite3_stricmp(az[j], azRowid[i])==0 ) break;
363       }
364       if( j>=naz ){
365         az[0] = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", azRowid[i]);
366         break;
367       }
368     }
369     if( az[0]==0 ){
370       for(i=1; i<naz; i++) sqlite3_free(az[i]);
371       sqlite3_free(az);
372       az = 0;
373     }
374   }
375   return az;
376 }
378 /*
379 ** Print the sqlite3_value X as an SQL literal.
380 */
printQuoted(FILE * out,sqlite3_value * X)381 static void printQuoted(FILE *out, sqlite3_value *X){
382   switch( sqlite3_value_type(X) ){
383     case SQLITE_FLOAT: {
384       double r1;
385       char zBuf[50];
386       r1 = sqlite3_value_double(X);
387       sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%!.15g", r1);
388       fprintf(out, "%s", zBuf);
389       break;
390     }
391     case SQLITE_INTEGER: {
392       fprintf(out, "%lld", sqlite3_value_int64(X));
393       break;
394     }
395     case SQLITE_BLOB: {
396       const unsigned char *zBlob = sqlite3_value_blob(X);
397       int nBlob = sqlite3_value_bytes(X);
398       if( zBlob ){
399         int i;
400         fprintf(out, "x'");
401         for(i=0; i<nBlob; i++){
402           fprintf(out, "%02x", zBlob[i]);
403         }
404         fprintf(out, "'");
405       }else{
406         /* Could be an OOM, could be a zero-byte blob */
407         fprintf(out, "X''");
408       }
409       break;
410     }
411     case SQLITE_TEXT: {
412       const unsigned char *zArg = sqlite3_value_text(X);
413       int i, j;
415       if( zArg==0 ){
416         fprintf(out, "NULL");
417       }else{
418         fprintf(out, "'");
419         for(i=j=0; zArg[i]; i++){
420           if( zArg[i]=='\'' ){
421             fprintf(out, "%.*s'", i-j+1, &zArg[j]);
422             j = i+1;
423           }
424         }
425         fprintf(out, "%s'", &zArg[j]);
426       }
427       break;
428     }
429     case SQLITE_NULL: {
430       fprintf(out, "NULL");
431       break;
432     }
433   }
434 }
436 /*
437 ** Output SQL that will recreate the aux.zTab table.
438 */
dump_table(const char * zTab,FILE * out)439 static void dump_table(const char *zTab, FILE *out){
440   char *zId = safeId(zTab); /* Name of the table */
441   char **az = 0;            /* List of columns */
442   int nPk;                  /* Number of true primary key columns */
443   int nCol;                 /* Number of data columns */
444   int i;                    /* Loop counter */
445   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;      /* SQL statement */
446   const char *zSep;         /* Separator string */
447   Str ins;                  /* Beginning of the INSERT statement */
449   pStmt = db_prepare("SELECT sql FROM aux.sqlite_master WHERE name=%Q", zTab);
450   if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
451     fprintf(out, "%s;\n", sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0));
452   }
453   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
454   if( !g.bSchemaOnly ){
455     az = columnNames("aux", zTab, &nPk, 0);
456     strInit(&ins);
457     if( az==0 ){
458       pStmt = db_prepare("SELECT * FROM aux.%s", zId);
459       strPrintf(&ins,"INSERT INTO %s VALUES", zId);
460     }else{
461       Str sql;
462       strInit(&sql);
463       zSep =  "SELECT";
464       for(i=0; az[i]; i++){
465         strPrintf(&sql, "%s %s", zSep, az[i]);
466         zSep = ",";
467       }
468       strPrintf(&sql," FROM aux.%s", zId);
469       zSep = " ORDER BY";
470       for(i=1; i<=nPk; i++){
471         strPrintf(&sql, "%s %d", zSep, i);
472         zSep = ",";
473       }
474       pStmt = db_prepare("%s", sql.z);
475       strFree(&sql);
476       strPrintf(&ins, "INSERT INTO %s", zId);
477       zSep = "(";
478       for(i=0; az[i]; i++){
479         strPrintf(&ins, "%s%s", zSep, az[i]);
480         zSep = ",";
481       }
482       strPrintf(&ins,") VALUES");
483       namelistFree(az);
484     }
485     nCol = sqlite3_column_count(pStmt);
486     while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
487       fprintf(out, "%s",ins.z);
488       zSep = "(";
489       for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
490         fprintf(out, "%s",zSep);
491         printQuoted(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,i));
492         zSep = ",";
493       }
494       fprintf(out, ");\n");
495     }
496     sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
497     strFree(&ins);
498   } /* endif !g.bSchemaOnly */
499   pStmt = db_prepare("SELECT sql FROM aux.sqlite_master"
500                      " WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name=%Q AND sql IS NOT NULL",
501                      zTab);
502   while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
503     fprintf(out, "%s;\n", sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0));
504   }
505   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
506 }
509 /*
510 ** Compute all differences for a single table.
511 */
diff_one_table(const char * zTab,FILE * out)512 static void diff_one_table(const char *zTab, FILE *out){
513   char *zId = safeId(zTab); /* Name of table (translated for us in SQL) */
514   char **az = 0;            /* Columns in main */
515   char **az2 = 0;           /* Columns in aux */
516   int nPk;                  /* Primary key columns in main */
517   int nPk2;                 /* Primary key columns in aux */
518   int n = 0;                /* Number of columns in main */
519   int n2;                   /* Number of columns in aux */
520   int nQ;                   /* Number of output columns in the diff query */
521   int i;                    /* Loop counter */
522   const char *zSep;         /* Separator string */
523   Str sql;                  /* Comparison query */
524   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;      /* Query statement to do the diff */
526   strInit(&sql);
527   if( g.fDebug==DEBUG_COLUMN_NAMES ){
528     /* Simply run columnNames() on all tables of the origin
529     ** database and show the results.  This is used for testing
530     ** and debugging of the columnNames() function.
531     */
532     az = columnNames("aux",zTab, &nPk, 0);
533     if( az==0 ){
534       printf("Rowid not accessible for %s\n", zId);
535     }else{
536       printf("%s:", zId);
537       for(i=0; az[i]; i++){
538         printf(" %s", az[i]);
539         if( i+1==nPk ) printf(" *");
540       }
541       printf("\n");
542     }
543     goto end_diff_one_table;
544   }
547   if( sqlite3_table_column_metadata(g.db,"aux",zTab,0,0,0,0,0,0) ){
548     if( !sqlite3_table_column_metadata(g.db,"main",zTab,0,0,0,0,0,0) ){
549       /* Table missing from second database. */
550       fprintf(out, "DROP TABLE %s;\n", zId);
551     }
552     goto end_diff_one_table;
553   }
555   if( sqlite3_table_column_metadata(g.db,"main",zTab,0,0,0,0,0,0) ){
556     /* Table missing from source */
557     dump_table(zTab, out);
558     goto end_diff_one_table;
559   }
561   az = columnNames("main", zTab, &nPk, 0);
562   az2 = columnNames("aux", zTab, &nPk2, 0);
563   if( az && az2 ){
564     for(n=0; az[n] && az2[n]; n++){
565       if( sqlite3_stricmp(az[n],az2[n])!=0 ) break;
566     }
567   }
568   if( az==0
569    || az2==0
570    || nPk!=nPk2
571    || az[n]
572   ){
573     /* Schema mismatch */
574     fprintf(out, "DROP TABLE %s; -- due to schema mismatch\n", zId);
575     dump_table(zTab, out);
576     goto end_diff_one_table;
577   }
579   /* Build the comparison query */
580   for(n2=n; az2[n2]; n2++){
581     fprintf(out, "ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s;\n", zId, safeId(az2[n2]));
582   }
583   nQ = nPk2+1+2*(n2-nPk2);
584   if( n2>nPk2 ){
585     zSep = "SELECT ";
586     for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
587       strPrintf(&sql, "%sB.%s", zSep, az[i]);
588       zSep = ", ";
589     }
590     strPrintf(&sql, ", 1%s -- changed row\n", nPk==n ? "" : ",");
591     while( az[i] ){
592       strPrintf(&sql, "       A.%s IS NOT B.%s, B.%s%s\n",
593                 az[i], az2[i], az2[i], az2[i+1]==0 ? "" : ",");
594       i++;
595     }
596     while( az2[i] ){
597       strPrintf(&sql, "       B.%s IS NOT NULL, B.%s%s\n",
598                 az2[i], az2[i], az2[i+1]==0 ? "" : ",");
599       i++;
600     }
601     strPrintf(&sql, "  FROM main.%s A, aux.%s B\n", zId, zId);
602     zSep = " WHERE";
603     for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
604       strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, az[i], az[i]);
605       zSep = " AND";
606     }
607     zSep = "\n   AND (";
608     while( az[i] ){
609       strPrintf(&sql, "%sA.%s IS NOT B.%s%s\n",
610                 zSep, az[i], az2[i], az2[i+1]==0 ? ")" : "");
611       zSep = "        OR ";
612       i++;
613     }
614     while( az2[i] ){
615       strPrintf(&sql, "%sB.%s IS NOT NULL%s\n",
616                 zSep, az2[i], az2[i+1]==0 ? ")" : "");
617       zSep = "        OR ";
618       i++;
619     }
620     strPrintf(&sql, " UNION ALL\n");
621   }
622   zSep = "SELECT ";
623   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
624     strPrintf(&sql, "%sA.%s", zSep, az[i]);
625     zSep = ", ";
626   }
627   strPrintf(&sql, ", 2%s -- deleted row\n", nPk==n ? "" : ",");
628   while( az2[i] ){
629     strPrintf(&sql, "       NULL, NULL%s\n", i==n2-1 ? "" : ",");
630     i++;
631   }
632   strPrintf(&sql, "  FROM main.%s A\n", zId);
633   strPrintf(&sql, " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM aux.%s B\n", zId);
634   zSep =          "                   WHERE";
635   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
636     strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, az[i], az[i]);
637     zSep = " AND";
638   }
639   strPrintf(&sql, ")\n");
640   zSep = " UNION ALL\nSELECT ";
641   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
642     strPrintf(&sql, "%sB.%s", zSep, az[i]);
643     zSep = ", ";
644   }
645   strPrintf(&sql, ", 3%s -- inserted row\n", nPk==n ? "" : ",");
646   while( az2[i] ){
647     strPrintf(&sql, "       1, B.%s%s\n", az2[i], az2[i+1]==0 ? "" : ",");
648     i++;
649   }
650   strPrintf(&sql, "  FROM aux.%s B\n", zId);
651   strPrintf(&sql, " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM main.%s A\n", zId);
652   zSep =          "                   WHERE";
653   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
654     strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, az[i], az[i]);
655     zSep = " AND";
656   }
657   strPrintf(&sql, ")\n ORDER BY");
658   zSep = " ";
659   for(i=1; i<=nPk; i++){
660     strPrintf(&sql, "%s%d", zSep, i);
661     zSep = ", ";
662   }
663   strPrintf(&sql, ";\n");
665   if( g.fDebug & DEBUG_DIFF_SQL ){
666     printf("SQL for %s:\n%s\n", zId, sql.z);
667     goto end_diff_one_table;
668   }
670   /* Drop indexes that are missing in the destination */
671   pStmt = db_prepare(
672     "SELECT name FROM main.sqlite_master"
673     " WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name=%Q"
674     "   AND sql IS NOT NULL"
675     "   AND sql NOT IN (SELECT sql FROM aux.sqlite_master"
676     "                    WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name=%Q"
677     "                      AND sql IS NOT NULL)",
678     zTab, zTab);
679   while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
680     char *z = safeId((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0));
681     fprintf(out, "DROP INDEX %s;\n", z);
682     sqlite3_free(z);
683   }
684   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
686   /* Run the query and output differences */
687   if( !g.bSchemaOnly ){
688     pStmt = db_prepare("%s", sql.z);
689     while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
690       int iType = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, nPk);
691       if( iType==1 || iType==2 ){
692         if( iType==1 ){       /* Change the content of a row */
693           fprintf(out, "UPDATE %s", zId);
694           zSep = " SET";
695           for(i=nPk+1; i<nQ; i+=2){
696             if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,i)==0 ) continue;
697             fprintf(out, "%s %s=", zSep, az2[(i+nPk-1)/2]);
698             zSep = ",";
699             printQuoted(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,i+1));
700           }
701         }else{                /* Delete a row */
702           fprintf(out, "DELETE FROM %s", zId);
703         }
704         zSep = " WHERE";
705         for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
706           fprintf(out, "%s %s=", zSep, az2[i]);
707           printQuoted(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,i));
708           zSep = " AND";
709         }
710         fprintf(out, ";\n");
711       }else{                  /* Insert a row */
712         fprintf(out, "INSERT INTO %s(%s", zId, az2[0]);
713         for(i=1; az2[i]; i++) fprintf(out, ",%s", az2[i]);
714         fprintf(out, ") VALUES");
715         zSep = "(";
716         for(i=0; i<nPk2; i++){
717           fprintf(out, "%s", zSep);
718           zSep = ",";
719           printQuoted(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,i));
720         }
721         for(i=nPk2+2; i<nQ; i+=2){
722           fprintf(out, ",");
723           printQuoted(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,i));
724         }
725         fprintf(out, ");\n");
726       }
727     }
728     sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
729   } /* endif !g.bSchemaOnly */
731   /* Create indexes that are missing in the source */
732   pStmt = db_prepare(
733     "SELECT sql FROM aux.sqlite_master"
734     " WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name=%Q"
735     "   AND sql IS NOT NULL"
736     "   AND sql NOT IN (SELECT sql FROM main.sqlite_master"
737     "                    WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name=%Q"
738     "                      AND sql IS NOT NULL)",
739     zTab, zTab);
740   while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
741     fprintf(out, "%s;\n", sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0));
742   }
743   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
745 end_diff_one_table:
746   strFree(&sql);
747   sqlite3_free(zId);
748   namelistFree(az);
749   namelistFree(az2);
750   return;
751 }
753 /*
754 ** Check that table zTab exists and has the same schema in both the "main"
755 ** and "aux" databases currently opened by the global db handle. If they
756 ** do not, output an error message on stderr and exit(1). Otherwise, if
757 ** the schemas do match, return control to the caller.
758 */
checkSchemasMatch(const char * zTab)759 static void checkSchemasMatch(const char *zTab){
760   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = db_prepare(
761       "SELECT A.sql=B.sql FROM main.sqlite_master A, aux.sqlite_master B"
762       " WHERE A.name=%Q AND B.name=%Q", zTab, zTab
763   );
764   if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
765     if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,0)==0 ){
766       runtimeError("schema changes for table %s", safeId(zTab));
767     }
768   }else{
769     runtimeError("table %s missing from one or both databases", safeId(zTab));
770   }
771   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
772 }
774 /**************************************************************************
775 ** The following code is copied from fossil. It is used to generate the
776 ** fossil delta blobs sometimes used in RBU update records.
777 */
779 typedef unsigned short u16;
780 typedef unsigned int u32;
781 typedef unsigned char u8;
783 /*
784 ** The width of a hash window in bytes.  The algorithm only works if this
785 ** is a power of 2.
786 */
787 #define NHASH 16
789 /*
790 ** The current state of the rolling hash.
791 **
792 ** z[] holds the values that have been hashed.  z[] is a circular buffer.
793 ** z[i] is the first entry and z[(i+NHASH-1)%NHASH] is the last entry of
794 ** the window.
795 **
796 ** Hash.a is the sum of all elements of hash.z[].  Hash.b is a weighted
797 ** sum.  Hash.b is z[i]*NHASH + z[i+1]*(NHASH-1) + ... + z[i+NHASH-1]*1.
798 ** (Each index for z[] should be module NHASH, of course.  The %NHASH operator
799 ** is omitted in the prior expression for brevity.)
800 */
801 typedef struct hash hash;
802 struct hash {
803   u16 a, b;         /* Hash values */
804   u16 i;            /* Start of the hash window */
805   char z[NHASH];    /* The values that have been hashed */
806 };
808 /*
809 ** Initialize the rolling hash using the first NHASH characters of z[]
810 */
hash_init(hash * pHash,const char * z)811 static void hash_init(hash *pHash, const char *z){
812   u16 a, b, i;
813   a = b = 0;
814   for(i=0; i<NHASH; i++){
815     a += z[i];
816     b += (NHASH-i)*z[i];
817     pHash->z[i] = z[i];
818   }
819   pHash->a = a & 0xffff;
820   pHash->b = b & 0xffff;
821   pHash->i = 0;
822 }
824 /*
825 ** Advance the rolling hash by a single character "c"
826 */
hash_next(hash * pHash,int c)827 static void hash_next(hash *pHash, int c){
828   u16 old = pHash->z[pHash->i];
829   pHash->z[pHash->i] = (char)c;
830   pHash->i = (pHash->i+1)&(NHASH-1);
831   pHash->a = pHash->a - old + (char)c;
832   pHash->b = pHash->b - NHASH*old + pHash->a;
833 }
835 /*
836 ** Return a 32-bit hash value
837 */
hash_32bit(hash * pHash)838 static u32 hash_32bit(hash *pHash){
839   return (pHash->a & 0xffff) | (((u32)(pHash->b & 0xffff))<<16);
840 }
842 /*
843 ** Write an base-64 integer into the given buffer.
844 */
putInt(unsigned int v,char ** pz)845 static void putInt(unsigned int v, char **pz){
846   static const char zDigits[] =
847     "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~";
848   /*  123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123 */
849   int i, j;
850   char zBuf[20];
851   if( v==0 ){
852     *(*pz)++ = '0';
853     return;
854   }
855   for(i=0; v>0; i++, v>>=6){
856     zBuf[i] = zDigits[v&0x3f];
857   }
858   for(j=i-1; j>=0; j--){
859     *(*pz)++ = zBuf[j];
860   }
861 }
863 /*
864 ** Return the number digits in the base-64 representation of a positive integer
865 */
digit_count(int v)866 static int digit_count(int v){
867   unsigned int i, x;
868   for(i=1, x=64; (unsigned int)v>=x; i++, x <<= 6){}
869   return i;
870 }
872 /*
873 ** Compute a 32-bit checksum on the N-byte buffer.  Return the result.
874 */
checksum(const char * zIn,size_t N)875 static unsigned int checksum(const char *zIn, size_t N){
876   const unsigned char *z = (const unsigned char *)zIn;
877   unsigned sum0 = 0;
878   unsigned sum1 = 0;
879   unsigned sum2 = 0;
880   unsigned sum3 = 0;
881   while(N >= 16){
882     sum0 += ((unsigned)z[0] + z[4] + z[8] + z[12]);
883     sum1 += ((unsigned)z[1] + z[5] + z[9] + z[13]);
884     sum2 += ((unsigned)z[2] + z[6] + z[10]+ z[14]);
885     sum3 += ((unsigned)z[3] + z[7] + z[11]+ z[15]);
886     z += 16;
887     N -= 16;
888   }
889   while(N >= 4){
890     sum0 += z[0];
891     sum1 += z[1];
892     sum2 += z[2];
893     sum3 += z[3];
894     z += 4;
895     N -= 4;
896   }
897   sum3 += (sum2 << 8) + (sum1 << 16) + (sum0 << 24);
898   switch(N){
899     case 3:   sum3 += (z[2] << 8);
900     case 2:   sum3 += (z[1] << 16);
901     case 1:   sum3 += (z[0] << 24);
902     default:  ;
903   }
904   return sum3;
905 }
907 /*
908 ** Create a new delta.
909 **
910 ** The delta is written into a preallocated buffer, zDelta, which
911 ** should be at least 60 bytes longer than the target file, zOut.
912 ** The delta string will be NUL-terminated, but it might also contain
913 ** embedded NUL characters if either the zSrc or zOut files are
914 ** binary.  This function returns the length of the delta string
915 ** in bytes, excluding the final NUL terminator character.
916 **
917 ** Output Format:
918 **
919 ** The delta begins with a base64 number followed by a newline.  This
920 ** number is the number of bytes in the TARGET file.  Thus, given a
921 ** delta file z, a program can compute the size of the output file
922 ** simply by reading the first line and decoding the base-64 number
923 ** found there.  The delta_output_size() routine does exactly this.
924 **
925 ** After the initial size number, the delta consists of a series of
926 ** literal text segments and commands to copy from the SOURCE file.
927 ** A copy command looks like this:
928 **
929 **     NNN@MMM,
930 **
931 ** where NNN is the number of bytes to be copied and MMM is the offset
932 ** into the source file of the first byte (both base-64).   If NNN is 0
933 ** it means copy the rest of the input file.  Literal text is like this:
934 **
935 **     NNN:TTTTT
936 **
937 ** where NNN is the number of bytes of text (base-64) and TTTTT is the text.
938 **
939 ** The last term is of the form
940 **
941 **     NNN;
942 **
943 ** In this case, NNN is a 32-bit bigendian checksum of the output file
944 ** that can be used to verify that the delta applied correctly.  All
945 ** numbers are in base-64.
946 **
947 ** Pure text files generate a pure text delta.  Binary files generate a
948 ** delta that may contain some binary data.
949 **
950 ** Algorithm:
951 **
952 ** The encoder first builds a hash table to help it find matching
953 ** patterns in the source file.  16-byte chunks of the source file
954 ** sampled at evenly spaced intervals are used to populate the hash
955 ** table.
956 **
957 ** Next we begin scanning the target file using a sliding 16-byte
958 ** window.  The hash of the 16-byte window in the target is used to
959 ** search for a matching section in the source file.  When a match
960 ** is found, a copy command is added to the delta.  An effort is
961 ** made to extend the matching section to regions that come before
962 ** and after the 16-byte hash window.  A copy command is only issued
963 ** if the result would use less space that just quoting the text
964 ** literally. Literal text is added to the delta for sections that
965 ** do not match or which can not be encoded efficiently using copy
966 ** commands.
967 */
rbuDeltaCreate(const char * zSrc,unsigned int lenSrc,const char * zOut,unsigned int lenOut,char * zDelta)968 static int rbuDeltaCreate(
969   const char *zSrc,      /* The source or pattern file */
970   unsigned int lenSrc,   /* Length of the source file */
971   const char *zOut,      /* The target file */
972   unsigned int lenOut,   /* Length of the target file */
973   char *zDelta           /* Write the delta into this buffer */
974 ){
975   unsigned int i, base;
976   char *zOrigDelta = zDelta;
977   hash h;
978   int nHash;                 /* Number of hash table entries */
979   int *landmark;             /* Primary hash table */
980   int *collide;              /* Collision chain */
981   int lastRead = -1;         /* Last byte of zSrc read by a COPY command */
983   /* Add the target file size to the beginning of the delta
984   */
985   putInt(lenOut, &zDelta);
986   *(zDelta++) = '\n';
988   /* If the source file is very small, it means that we have no
989   ** chance of ever doing a copy command.  Just output a single
990   ** literal segment for the entire target and exit.
991   */
992   if( lenSrc<=NHASH ){
993     putInt(lenOut, &zDelta);
994     *(zDelta++) = ':';
995     memcpy(zDelta, zOut, lenOut);
996     zDelta += lenOut;
997     putInt(checksum(zOut, lenOut), &zDelta);
998     *(zDelta++) = ';';
999     return (int)(zDelta - zOrigDelta);
1000   }
1002   /* Compute the hash table used to locate matching sections in the
1003   ** source file.
1004   */
1005   nHash = lenSrc/NHASH;
1006   collide = sqlite3_malloc( nHash*2*sizeof(int) );
1007   landmark = &collide[nHash];
1008   memset(landmark, -1, nHash*sizeof(int));
1009   memset(collide, -1, nHash*sizeof(int));
1010   for(i=0; i<lenSrc-NHASH; i+=NHASH){
1011     int hv;
1012     hash_init(&h, &zSrc[i]);
1013     hv = hash_32bit(&h) % nHash;
1014     collide[i/NHASH] = landmark[hv];
1015     landmark[hv] = i/NHASH;
1016   }
1018   /* Begin scanning the target file and generating copy commands and
1019   ** literal sections of the delta.
1020   */
1021   base = 0;    /* We have already generated everything before zOut[base] */
1022   while( base+NHASH<lenOut ){
1023     int iSrc, iBlock;
1024     int bestCnt, bestOfst=0, bestLitsz=0;
1025     hash_init(&h, &zOut[base]);
1026     i = 0;     /* Trying to match a landmark against zOut[base+i] */
1027     bestCnt = 0;
1028     while( 1 ){
1029       int hv;
1030       int limit = 250;
1032       hv = hash_32bit(&h) % nHash;
1033       iBlock = landmark[hv];
1034       while( iBlock>=0 && (limit--)>0 ){
1035         /*
1036         ** The hash window has identified a potential match against
1037         ** landmark block iBlock.  But we need to investigate further.
1038         **
1039         ** Look for a region in zOut that matches zSrc. Anchor the search
1040         ** at zSrc[iSrc] and zOut[base+i].  Do not include anything prior to
1041         ** zOut[base] or after zOut[outLen] nor anything after zSrc[srcLen].
1042         **
1043         ** Set cnt equal to the length of the match and set ofst so that
1044         ** zSrc[ofst] is the first element of the match.  litsz is the number
1045         ** of characters between zOut[base] and the beginning of the match.
1046         ** sz will be the overhead (in bytes) needed to encode the copy
1047         ** command.  Only generate copy command if the overhead of the
1048         ** copy command is less than the amount of literal text to be copied.
1049         */
1050         int cnt, ofst, litsz;
1051         int j, k, x, y;
1052         int sz;
1054         /* Beginning at iSrc, match forwards as far as we can.  j counts
1055         ** the number of characters that match */
1056         iSrc = iBlock*NHASH;
1057         for(
1058           j=0, x=iSrc, y=base+i;
1059           (unsigned int)x<lenSrc && (unsigned int)y<lenOut;
1060           j++, x++, y++
1061         ){
1062           if( zSrc[x]!=zOut[y] ) break;
1063         }
1064         j--;
1066         /* Beginning at iSrc-1, match backwards as far as we can.  k counts
1067         ** the number of characters that match */
1068         for(k=1; k<iSrc && (unsigned int)k<=i; k++){
1069           if( zSrc[iSrc-k]!=zOut[base+i-k] ) break;
1070         }
1071         k--;
1073         /* Compute the offset and size of the matching region */
1074         ofst = iSrc-k;
1075         cnt = j+k+1;
1076         litsz = i-k;  /* Number of bytes of literal text before the copy */
1077         /* sz will hold the number of bytes needed to encode the "insert"
1078         ** command and the copy command, not counting the "insert" text */
1079         sz = digit_count(i-k)+digit_count(cnt)+digit_count(ofst)+3;
1080         if( cnt>=sz && cnt>bestCnt ){
1081           /* Remember this match only if it is the best so far and it
1082           ** does not increase the file size */
1083           bestCnt = cnt;
1084           bestOfst = iSrc-k;
1085           bestLitsz = litsz;
1086         }
1088         /* Check the next matching block */
1089         iBlock = collide[iBlock];
1090       }
1092       /* We have a copy command that does not cause the delta to be larger
1093       ** than a literal insert.  So add the copy command to the delta.
1094       */
1095       if( bestCnt>0 ){
1096         if( bestLitsz>0 ){
1097           /* Add an insert command before the copy */
1098           putInt(bestLitsz,&zDelta);
1099           *(zDelta++) = ':';
1100           memcpy(zDelta, &zOut[base], bestLitsz);
1101           zDelta += bestLitsz;
1102           base += bestLitsz;
1103         }
1104         base += bestCnt;
1105         putInt(bestCnt, &zDelta);
1106         *(zDelta++) = '@';
1107         putInt(bestOfst, &zDelta);
1108         *(zDelta++) = ',';
1109         if( bestOfst + bestCnt -1 > lastRead ){
1110           lastRead = bestOfst + bestCnt - 1;
1111         }
1112         bestCnt = 0;
1113         break;
1114       }
1116       /* If we reach this point, it means no match is found so far */
1117       if( base+i+NHASH>=lenOut ){
1118         /* We have reached the end of the file and have not found any
1119         ** matches.  Do an "insert" for everything that does not match */
1120         putInt(lenOut-base, &zDelta);
1121         *(zDelta++) = ':';
1122         memcpy(zDelta, &zOut[base], lenOut-base);
1123         zDelta += lenOut-base;
1124         base = lenOut;
1125         break;
1126       }
1128       /* Advance the hash by one character.  Keep looking for a match */
1129       hash_next(&h, zOut[base+i+NHASH]);
1130       i++;
1131     }
1132   }
1133   /* Output a final "insert" record to get all the text at the end of
1134   ** the file that does not match anything in the source file.
1135   */
1136   if( base<lenOut ){
1137     putInt(lenOut-base, &zDelta);
1138     *(zDelta++) = ':';
1139     memcpy(zDelta, &zOut[base], lenOut-base);
1140     zDelta += lenOut-base;
1141   }
1142   /* Output the final checksum record. */
1143   putInt(checksum(zOut, lenOut), &zDelta);
1144   *(zDelta++) = ';';
1145   sqlite3_free(collide);
1146   return (int)(zDelta - zOrigDelta);
1147 }
1149 /*
1150 ** End of code copied from fossil.
1151 **************************************************************************/
strPrintfArray(Str * pStr,const char * zSep,const char * zFmt,char ** az,int n)1153 static void strPrintfArray(
1154   Str *pStr,                      /* String object to append to */
1155   const char *zSep,               /* Separator string */
1156   const char *zFmt,               /* Format for each entry */
1157   char **az, int n                /* Array of strings & its size (or -1) */
1158 ){
1159   int i;
1160   for(i=0; az[i] && (i<n || n<0); i++){
1161     if( i!=0 ) strPrintf(pStr, "%s", zSep);
1162     strPrintf(pStr, zFmt, az[i], az[i], az[i]);
1163   }
1164 }
getRbudiffQuery(const char * zTab,char ** azCol,int nPK,int bOtaRowid,Str * pSql)1166 static void getRbudiffQuery(
1167   const char *zTab,
1168   char **azCol,
1169   int nPK,
1170   int bOtaRowid,
1171   Str *pSql
1172 ){
1173   int i;
1175   /* First the newly inserted rows: **/
1176   strPrintf(pSql, "SELECT ");
1177   strPrintfArray(pSql, ", ", "%s", azCol, -1);
1178   strPrintf(pSql, ", 0, ");       /* Set ota_control to 0 for an insert */
1179   strPrintfArray(pSql, ", ", "NULL", azCol, -1);
1180   strPrintf(pSql, " FROM aux.%Q AS n WHERE NOT EXISTS (\n", zTab);
1181   strPrintf(pSql, "    SELECT 1 FROM ", zTab);
1182   strPrintf(pSql, " main.%Q AS o WHERE ", zTab);
1183   strPrintfArray(pSql, " AND ", "(n.%Q = o.%Q)", azCol, nPK);
1184   strPrintf(pSql, "\n) AND ");
1185   strPrintfArray(pSql, " AND ", "(n.%Q IS NOT NULL)", azCol, nPK);
1187   /* Deleted rows: */
1188   strPrintf(pSql, "\nUNION ALL\nSELECT ");
1189   strPrintfArray(pSql, ", ", "%s", azCol, nPK);
1190   if( azCol[nPK] ){
1191     strPrintf(pSql, ", ");
1192     strPrintfArray(pSql, ", ", "NULL", &azCol[nPK], -1);
1193   }
1194   strPrintf(pSql, ", 1, ");       /* Set ota_control to 1 for a delete */
1195   strPrintfArray(pSql, ", ", "NULL", azCol, -1);
1196   strPrintf(pSql, " FROM main.%Q AS n WHERE NOT EXISTS (\n", zTab);
1197   strPrintf(pSql, "    SELECT 1 FROM ", zTab);
1198   strPrintf(pSql, " aux.%Q AS o WHERE ", zTab);
1199   strPrintfArray(pSql, " AND ", "(n.%Q = o.%Q)", azCol, nPK);
1200   strPrintf(pSql, "\n) AND ");
1201   strPrintfArray(pSql, " AND ", "(n.%Q IS NOT NULL)", azCol, nPK);
1203   /* Updated rows. If all table columns are part of the primary key, there
1204   ** can be no updates. In this case this part of the compound SELECT can
1205   ** be omitted altogether. */
1206   if( azCol[nPK] ){
1207     strPrintf(pSql, "\nUNION ALL\nSELECT ");
1208     strPrintfArray(pSql, ", ", "n.%s", azCol, nPK);
1209     strPrintf(pSql, ",\n");
1210     strPrintfArray(pSql, " ,\n",
1211         "    CASE WHEN n.%s IS o.%s THEN NULL ELSE n.%s END", &azCol[nPK], -1
1212     );
1214     if( bOtaRowid==0 ){
1215       strPrintf(pSql, ", '");
1216       strPrintfArray(pSql, "", ".", azCol, nPK);
1217       strPrintf(pSql, "' ||\n");
1218     }else{
1219       strPrintf(pSql, ",\n");
1220     }
1221     strPrintfArray(pSql, " ||\n",
1222         "    CASE WHEN n.%s IS o.%s THEN '.' ELSE 'x' END", &azCol[nPK], -1
1223     );
1224     strPrintf(pSql, "\nAS ota_control, ");
1225     strPrintfArray(pSql, ", ", "NULL", azCol, nPK);
1226     strPrintf(pSql, ",\n");
1227     strPrintfArray(pSql, " ,\n",
1228         "    CASE WHEN n.%s IS o.%s THEN NULL ELSE o.%s END", &azCol[nPK], -1
1229     );
1231     strPrintf(pSql, "\nFROM main.%Q AS o, aux.%Q AS n\nWHERE ", zTab, zTab);
1232     strPrintfArray(pSql, " AND ", "(n.%Q = o.%Q)", azCol, nPK);
1233     strPrintf(pSql, " AND ota_control LIKE '%%x%%'");
1234   }
1236   /* Now add an ORDER BY clause to sort everything by PK. */
1237   strPrintf(pSql, "\nORDER BY ");
1238   for(i=1; i<=nPK; i++) strPrintf(pSql, "%s%d", ((i>1)?", ":""), i);
1239 }
rbudiff_one_table(const char * zTab,FILE * out)1241 static void rbudiff_one_table(const char *zTab, FILE *out){
1242   int bOtaRowid;                  /* True to use an ota_rowid column */
1243   int nPK;                        /* Number of primary key columns in table */
1244   char **azCol;                   /* NULL terminated array of col names */
1245   int i;
1246   int nCol;
1247   Str ct = {0, 0, 0};             /* The "CREATE TABLE data_xxx" statement */
1248   Str sql = {0, 0, 0};            /* Query to find differences */
1249   Str insert = {0, 0, 0};         /* First part of output INSERT statement */
1250   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
1251   int nRow = 0;                   /* Total rows in data_xxx table */
1253   /* --rbu mode must use real primary keys. */
1254   g.bSchemaPK = 1;
1256   /* Check that the schemas of the two tables match. Exit early otherwise. */
1257   checkSchemasMatch(zTab);
1259   /* Grab the column names and PK details for the table(s). If no usable PK
1260   ** columns are found, bail out early.  */
1261   azCol = columnNames("main", zTab, &nPK, &bOtaRowid);
1262   if( azCol==0 ){
1263     runtimeError("table %s has no usable PK columns", zTab);
1264   }
1265   for(nCol=0; azCol[nCol]; nCol++);
1267   /* Build and output the CREATE TABLE statement for the data_xxx table */
1268   strPrintf(&ct, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'data_%q'(", zTab);
1269   if( bOtaRowid ) strPrintf(&ct, "rbu_rowid, ");
1270   strPrintfArray(&ct, ", ", "%s", &azCol[bOtaRowid], -1);
1271   strPrintf(&ct, ", rbu_control);");
1273   /* Get the SQL for the query to retrieve data from the two databases */
1274   getRbudiffQuery(zTab, azCol, nPK, bOtaRowid, &sql);
1276   /* Build the first part of the INSERT statement output for each row
1277   ** in the data_xxx table. */
1278   strPrintf(&insert, "INSERT INTO 'data_%q' (", zTab);
1279   if( bOtaRowid ) strPrintf(&insert, "rbu_rowid, ");
1280   strPrintfArray(&insert, ", ", "%s", &azCol[bOtaRowid], -1);
1281   strPrintf(&insert, ", rbu_control) VALUES(");
1283   pStmt = db_prepare("%s", sql.z);
1285   while( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
1287     /* If this is the first row output, print out the CREATE TABLE
1288     ** statement first. And then set ct.z to NULL so that it is not
1289     ** printed again.  */
1290     if( ct.z ){
1291       fprintf(out, "%s\n", ct.z);
1292       strFree(&ct);
1293     }
1295     /* Output the first part of the INSERT statement */
1296     fprintf(out, "%s", insert.z);
1297     nRow++;
1299     if( sqlite3_column_type(pStmt, nCol)==SQLITE_INTEGER ){
1300       for(i=0; i<=nCol; i++){
1301         if( i>0 ) fprintf(out, ", ");
1302         printQuoted(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt, i));
1303       }
1304     }else{
1305       char *zOtaControl;
1306       int nOtaControl = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, nCol);
1308       zOtaControl = (char*)sqlite3_malloc(nOtaControl+1);
1309       memcpy(zOtaControl, sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, nCol), nOtaControl+1);
1311       for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1312         int bDone = 0;
1313         if( i>=nPK
1314             && sqlite3_column_type(pStmt, i)==SQLITE_BLOB
1315             && sqlite3_column_type(pStmt, nCol+1+i)==SQLITE_BLOB
1316         ){
1317           const char *aSrc = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, nCol+1+i);
1318           int nSrc = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, nCol+1+i);
1319           const char *aFinal = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, i);
1320           int nFinal = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, i);
1321           char *aDelta;
1322           int nDelta;
1324           aDelta = sqlite3_malloc(nFinal + 60);
1325           nDelta = rbuDeltaCreate(aSrc, nSrc, aFinal, nFinal, aDelta);
1326           if( nDelta<nFinal ){
1327             int j;
1328             fprintf(out, "x'");
1329             for(j=0; j<nDelta; j++) fprintf(out, "%02x", (u8)aDelta[j]);
1330             fprintf(out, "'");
1331             zOtaControl[i-bOtaRowid] = 'f';
1332             bDone = 1;
1333           }
1334           sqlite3_free(aDelta);
1335         }
1337         if( bDone==0 ){
1338           printQuoted(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt, i));
1339         }
1340         fprintf(out, ", ");
1341       }
1342       fprintf(out, "'%s'", zOtaControl);
1343       sqlite3_free(zOtaControl);
1344     }
1346     /* And the closing bracket of the insert statement */
1347     fprintf(out, ");\n");
1348   }
1350   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
1351   if( nRow>0 ){
1352     Str cnt = {0, 0, 0};
1353     strPrintf(&cnt, "INSERT INTO rbu_count VALUES('data_%q', %d);", zTab, nRow);
1354     fprintf(out, "%s\n", cnt.z);
1355     strFree(&cnt);
1356   }
1358   strFree(&ct);
1359   strFree(&sql);
1360   strFree(&insert);
1361 }
1363 /*
1364 ** Display a summary of differences between two versions of the same
1365 ** table table.
1366 **
1367 **   *  Number of rows changed
1368 **   *  Number of rows added
1369 **   *  Number of rows deleted
1370 **   *  Number of identical rows
1371 */
summarize_one_table(const char * zTab,FILE * out)1372 static void summarize_one_table(const char *zTab, FILE *out){
1373   char *zId = safeId(zTab); /* Name of table (translated for us in SQL) */
1374   char **az = 0;            /* Columns in main */
1375   char **az2 = 0;           /* Columns in aux */
1376   int nPk;                  /* Primary key columns in main */
1377   int nPk2;                 /* Primary key columns in aux */
1378   int n = 0;                /* Number of columns in main */
1379   int n2;                   /* Number of columns in aux */
1380   int i;                    /* Loop counter */
1381   const char *zSep;         /* Separator string */
1382   Str sql;                  /* Comparison query */
1383   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;      /* Query statement to do the diff */
1384   sqlite3_int64 nUpdate;    /* Number of updated rows */
1385   sqlite3_int64 nUnchanged; /* Number of unmodified rows */
1386   sqlite3_int64 nDelete;    /* Number of deleted rows */
1387   sqlite3_int64 nInsert;    /* Number of inserted rows */
1389   strInit(&sql);
1390   if( sqlite3_table_column_metadata(g.db,"aux",zTab,0,0,0,0,0,0) ){
1391     if( !sqlite3_table_column_metadata(g.db,"main",zTab,0,0,0,0,0,0) ){
1392       /* Table missing from second database. */
1393       fprintf(out, "%s: missing from second database\n", zTab);
1394     }
1395     goto end_summarize_one_table;
1396   }
1398   if( sqlite3_table_column_metadata(g.db,"main",zTab,0,0,0,0,0,0) ){
1399     /* Table missing from source */
1400     fprintf(out, "%s: missing from first database\n", zTab);
1401     goto end_summarize_one_table;
1402   }
1404   az = columnNames("main", zTab, &nPk, 0);
1405   az2 = columnNames("aux", zTab, &nPk2, 0);
1406   if( az && az2 ){
1407     for(n=0; az[n]; n++){
1408       if( sqlite3_stricmp(az[n],az2[n])!=0 ) break;
1409     }
1410   }
1411   if( az==0
1412    || az2==0
1413    || nPk!=nPk2
1414    || az[n]
1415   ){
1416     /* Schema mismatch */
1417     fprintf(out, "%s: incompatible schema\n", zTab);
1418     goto end_summarize_one_table;
1419   }
1421   /* Build the comparison query */
1422   for(n2=n; az[n2]; n2++){}
1423   strPrintf(&sql, "SELECT 1, count(*)");
1424   if( n2==nPk2 ){
1425     strPrintf(&sql, ", 0\n");
1426   }else{
1427     zSep = ", sum(";
1428     for(i=nPk; az[i]; i++){
1429       strPrintf(&sql, "%sA.%s IS NOT B.%s", zSep, az[i], az[i]);
1430       zSep = " OR ";
1431     }
1432     strPrintf(&sql, ")\n");
1433   }
1434   strPrintf(&sql, "  FROM main.%s A, aux.%s B\n", zId, zId);
1435   zSep = " WHERE";
1436   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
1437     strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, az[i], az[i]);
1438     zSep = " AND";
1439   }
1440   strPrintf(&sql, " UNION ALL\n");
1441   strPrintf(&sql, "SELECT 2, count(*), 0\n");
1442   strPrintf(&sql, "  FROM main.%s A\n", zId);
1443   strPrintf(&sql, " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM aux.%s B ", zId);
1444   zSep = "WHERE";
1445   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
1446     strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, az[i], az[i]);
1447     zSep = " AND";
1448   }
1449   strPrintf(&sql, ")\n");
1450   strPrintf(&sql, " UNION ALL\n");
1451   strPrintf(&sql, "SELECT 3, count(*), 0\n");
1452   strPrintf(&sql, "  FROM aux.%s B\n", zId);
1453   strPrintf(&sql, " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM main.%s A ", zId);
1454   zSep = "WHERE";
1455   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
1456     strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, az[i], az[i]);
1457     zSep = " AND";
1458   }
1459   strPrintf(&sql, ")\n ORDER BY 1;\n");
1461   if( (g.fDebug & DEBUG_DIFF_SQL)!=0 ){
1462     printf("SQL for %s:\n%s\n", zId, sql.z);
1463     goto end_summarize_one_table;
1464   }
1466   /* Run the query and output difference summary */
1467   pStmt = db_prepare("%s", sql.z);
1468   nUpdate = 0;
1469   nInsert = 0;
1470   nDelete = 0;
1471   nUnchanged = 0;
1472   while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
1473     switch( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,0) ){
1474       case 1:
1475         nUpdate = sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt,2);
1476         nUnchanged = sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt,1) - nUpdate;
1477         break;
1478       case 2:
1479         nDelete = sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt,1);
1480         break;
1481       case 3:
1482         nInsert = sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt,1);
1483         break;
1484     }
1485   }
1486   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
1487   fprintf(out, "%s: %lld changes, %lld inserts, %lld deletes, %lld unchanged\n",
1488           zTab, nUpdate, nInsert, nDelete, nUnchanged);
1490 end_summarize_one_table:
1491   strFree(&sql);
1492   sqlite3_free(zId);
1493   namelistFree(az);
1494   namelistFree(az2);
1495   return;
1496 }
1498 /*
1499 ** Write a 64-bit signed integer as a varint onto out
1500 */
putsVarint(FILE * out,sqlite3_uint64 v)1501 static void putsVarint(FILE *out, sqlite3_uint64 v){
1502   int i, n;
1503   unsigned char p[12];
1504   if( v & (((sqlite3_uint64)0xff000000)<<32) ){
1505     p[8] = (unsigned char)v;
1506     v >>= 8;
1507     for(i=7; i>=0; i--){
1508       p[i] = (unsigned char)((v & 0x7f) | 0x80);
1509       v >>= 7;
1510     }
1511     fwrite(p, 8, 1, out);
1512   }else{
1513     n = 9;
1514     do{
1515       p[n--] = (unsigned char)((v & 0x7f) | 0x80);
1516       v >>= 7;
1517     }while( v!=0 );
1518     p[9] &= 0x7f;
1519     fwrite(p+n+1, 9-n, 1, out);
1520   }
1521 }
1523 /*
1524 ** Write an SQLite value onto out.
1525 */
putValue(FILE * out,sqlite3_value * pVal)1526 static void putValue(FILE *out, sqlite3_value *pVal){
1527   int iDType = sqlite3_value_type(pVal);
1528   sqlite3_int64 iX;
1529   double rX;
1530   sqlite3_uint64 uX;
1531   int j;
1533   putc(iDType, out);
1534   switch( iDType ){
1535     case SQLITE_INTEGER:
1536       iX = sqlite3_value_int64(pVal);
1537       memcpy(&uX, &iX, 8);
1538       for(j=56; j>=0; j-=8) putc((uX>>j)&0xff, out);
1539       break;
1540     case SQLITE_FLOAT:
1541       rX = sqlite3_value_double(pVal);
1542       memcpy(&uX, &rX, 8);
1543       for(j=56; j>=0; j-=8) putc((uX>>j)&0xff, out);
1544       break;
1545     case SQLITE_TEXT:
1546       iX = sqlite3_value_bytes(pVal);
1547       putsVarint(out, (sqlite3_uint64)iX);
1548       fwrite(sqlite3_value_text(pVal),1,(size_t)iX,out);
1549       break;
1550     case SQLITE_BLOB:
1551       iX = sqlite3_value_bytes(pVal);
1552       putsVarint(out, (sqlite3_uint64)iX);
1553       fwrite(sqlite3_value_blob(pVal),1,(size_t)iX,out);
1554       break;
1555     case SQLITE_NULL:
1556       break;
1557   }
1558 }
1560 /*
1561 ** Generate a CHANGESET for all differences from main.zTab to aux.zTab.
1562 */
changeset_one_table(const char * zTab,FILE * out)1563 static void changeset_one_table(const char *zTab, FILE *out){
1564   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;          /* SQL statment */
1565   char *zId = safeId(zTab);     /* Escaped name of the table */
1566   char **azCol = 0;             /* List of escaped column names */
1567   int nCol = 0;                 /* Number of columns */
1568   int *aiFlg = 0;               /* 0 if column is not part of PK */
1569   int *aiPk = 0;                /* Column numbers for each PK column */
1570   int nPk = 0;                  /* Number of PRIMARY KEY columns */
1571   Str sql;                      /* SQL for the diff query */
1572   int i, k;                     /* Loop counters */
1573   const char *zSep;             /* List separator */
1575   /* Check that the schemas of the two tables match. Exit early otherwise. */
1576   checkSchemasMatch(zTab);
1578   pStmt = db_prepare("PRAGMA main.table_info=%Q", zTab);
1579   while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
1580     nCol++;
1581     azCol = sqlite3_realloc(azCol, sizeof(char*)*nCol);
1582     if( azCol==0 ) runtimeError("out of memory");
1583     aiFlg = sqlite3_realloc(aiFlg, sizeof(int)*nCol);
1584     if( aiFlg==0 ) runtimeError("out of memory");
1585     azCol[nCol-1] = safeId((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,1));
1586     aiFlg[nCol-1] = i = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,5);
1587     if( i>0 ){
1588       if( i>nPk ){
1589         nPk = i;
1590         aiPk = sqlite3_realloc(aiPk, sizeof(int)*nPk);
1591         if( aiPk==0 ) runtimeError("out of memory");
1592       }
1593       aiPk[i-1] = nCol-1;
1594     }
1595   }
1596   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
1597   if( nPk==0 ) goto end_changeset_one_table;
1598   strInit(&sql);
1599   if( nCol>nPk ){
1600     strPrintf(&sql, "SELECT %d", SQLITE_UPDATE);
1601     for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1602       if( aiFlg[i] ){
1603         strPrintf(&sql, ",\n       A.%s", azCol[i]);
1604       }else{
1605         strPrintf(&sql, ",\n       A.%s IS NOT B.%s, A.%s, B.%s",
1606                   azCol[i], azCol[i], azCol[i], azCol[i]);
1607       }
1608     }
1609     strPrintf(&sql,"\n  FROM main.%s A, aux.%s B\n", zId, zId);
1610     zSep = " WHERE";
1611     for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
1612       strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, azCol[aiPk[i]], azCol[aiPk[i]]);
1613       zSep = " AND";
1614     }
1615     zSep = "\n   AND (";
1616     for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1617       if( aiFlg[i] ) continue;
1618       strPrintf(&sql, "%sA.%s IS NOT B.%s", zSep, azCol[i], azCol[i]);
1619       zSep = " OR\n        ";
1620     }
1621     strPrintf(&sql,")\n UNION ALL\n");
1622   }
1623   strPrintf(&sql, "SELECT %d", SQLITE_DELETE);
1624   for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1625     if( aiFlg[i] ){
1626       strPrintf(&sql, ",\n       A.%s", azCol[i]);
1627     }else{
1628       strPrintf(&sql, ",\n       1, A.%s, NULL", azCol[i]);
1629     }
1630   }
1631   strPrintf(&sql, "\n  FROM main.%s A\n", zId);
1632   strPrintf(&sql, " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM aux.%s B\n", zId);
1633   zSep =          "                   WHERE";
1634   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
1635     strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, azCol[aiPk[i]], azCol[aiPk[i]]);
1636     zSep = " AND";
1637   }
1638   strPrintf(&sql, ")\n UNION ALL\n");
1639   strPrintf(&sql, "SELECT %d", SQLITE_INSERT);
1640   for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1641     if( aiFlg[i] ){
1642       strPrintf(&sql, ",\n       B.%s", azCol[i]);
1643     }else{
1644       strPrintf(&sql, ",\n       1, NULL, B.%s", azCol[i]);
1645     }
1646   }
1647   strPrintf(&sql, "\n  FROM aux.%s B\n", zId);
1648   strPrintf(&sql, " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM main.%s A\n", zId);
1649   zSep =          "                   WHERE";
1650   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
1651     strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, azCol[aiPk[i]], azCol[aiPk[i]]);
1652     zSep = " AND";
1653   }
1654   strPrintf(&sql, ")\n");
1655   strPrintf(&sql, " ORDER BY");
1656   zSep = " ";
1657   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
1658     strPrintf(&sql, "%s %d", zSep, aiPk[i]+2);
1659     zSep = ",";
1660   }
1661   strPrintf(&sql, ";\n");
1663   if( g.fDebug & DEBUG_DIFF_SQL ){
1664     printf("SQL for %s:\n%s\n", zId, sql.z);
1665     goto end_changeset_one_table;
1666   }
1668   putc('T', out);
1669   putsVarint(out, (sqlite3_uint64)nCol);
1670   for(i=0; i<nCol; i++) putc(aiFlg[i], out);
1671   fwrite(zTab, 1, strlen(zTab), out);
1672   putc(0, out);
1674   pStmt = db_prepare("%s", sql.z);
1675   while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
1676     int iType = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,0);
1677     putc(iType, out);
1678     putc(0, out);
1679     switch( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,0) ){
1680       case SQLITE_UPDATE: {
1681         for(k=1, i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1682           if( aiFlg[i] ){
1683             putValue(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,k));
1684             k++;
1685           }else if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,k) ){
1686             putValue(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,k+1));
1687             k += 3;
1688           }else{
1689             putc(0, out);
1690             k += 3;
1691           }
1692         }
1693         for(k=1, i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1694           if( aiFlg[i] ){
1695             putc(0, out);
1696             k++;
1697           }else if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,k) ){
1698             putValue(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,k+2));
1699             k += 3;
1700           }else{
1701             putc(0, out);
1702             k += 3;
1703           }
1704         }
1705         break;
1706       }
1707       case SQLITE_INSERT: {
1708         for(k=1, i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1709           if( aiFlg[i] ){
1710             putValue(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,k));
1711             k++;
1712           }else{
1713             putValue(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,k+2));
1714             k += 3;
1715           }
1716         }
1717         break;
1718       }
1719       case SQLITE_DELETE: {
1720         for(k=1, i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1721           if( aiFlg[i] ){
1722             putValue(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,k));
1723             k++;
1724           }else{
1725             putValue(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,k+1));
1726             k += 3;
1727           }
1728         }
1729         break;
1730       }
1731     }
1732   }
1733   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
1735 end_changeset_one_table:
1736   while( nCol>0 ) sqlite3_free(azCol[--nCol]);
1737   sqlite3_free(azCol);
1738   sqlite3_free(aiPk);
1739   sqlite3_free(zId);
1740 }
1742 /*
1743 ** Extract the next SQL keyword or quoted string from buffer zIn and copy it
1744 ** (or a prefix of it if it will not fit) into buffer zBuf, size nBuf bytes.
1745 ** Return a pointer to the character within zIn immediately following
1746 ** the token or quoted string just extracted.
1747 */
gobble_token(const char * zIn,char * zBuf,int nBuf)1748 const char *gobble_token(const char *zIn, char *zBuf, int nBuf){
1749   const char *p = zIn;
1750   char *pOut = zBuf;
1751   char *pEnd = &pOut[nBuf-1];
1752   char q = 0;                     /* quote character, if any */
1754   if( p==0 ) return 0;
1755   while( *p==' ' ) p++;
1756   switch( *p ){
1757     case '"': q = '"'; break;
1758     case '\'': q = '\''; break;
1759     case '`': q = '`'; break;
1760     case '[': q = ']'; break;
1761   }
1763   if( q ){
1764     p++;
1765     while( *p && pOut<pEnd ){
1766       if( *p==q ){
1767         p++;
1768         if( *p!=q ) break;
1769       }
1770       if( pOut<pEnd ) *pOut++ = *p;
1771       p++;
1772     }
1773   }else{
1774     while( *p && *p!=' ' && *p!='(' ){
1775       if( pOut<pEnd ) *pOut++ = *p;
1776       p++;
1777     }
1778   }
1780   *pOut = '\0';
1781   return p;
1782 }
1784 /*
1785 ** This function is the implementation of SQL scalar function "module_name":
1786 **
1787 **   module_name(SQL)
1788 **
1789 ** The only argument should be an SQL statement of the type that may appear
1790 ** in the sqlite_master table. If the statement is a "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE"
1791 ** statement, then the value returned is the name of the module that it
1792 ** uses. Otherwise, if the statement is not a CVT, NULL is returned.
1793 */
module_name_func(sqlite3_context * pCtx,int nVal,sqlite3_value ** apVal)1794 static void module_name_func(
1795   sqlite3_context *pCtx,
1796   int nVal, sqlite3_value **apVal
1797 ){
1798   const char *zSql;
1799   char zToken[32];
1801   assert( nVal==1 );
1802   zSql = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[0]);
1804   zSql = gobble_token(zSql, zToken, sizeof(zToken));
1805   if( zSql==0 || sqlite3_stricmp(zToken, "create") ) return;
1806   zSql = gobble_token(zSql, zToken, sizeof(zToken));
1807   if( zSql==0 || sqlite3_stricmp(zToken, "virtual") ) return;
1808   zSql = gobble_token(zSql, zToken, sizeof(zToken));
1809   if( zSql==0 || sqlite3_stricmp(zToken, "table") ) return;
1810   zSql = gobble_token(zSql, zToken, sizeof(zToken));
1811   if( zSql==0 ) return;
1812   zSql = gobble_token(zSql, zToken, sizeof(zToken));
1813   if( zSql==0 || sqlite3_stricmp(zToken, "using") ) return;
1814   zSql = gobble_token(zSql, zToken, sizeof(zToken));
1816   sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, zToken, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
1817 }
1819 /*
1820 ** Return the text of an SQL statement that itself returns the list of
1821 ** tables to process within the database.
1822 */
all_tables_sql()1823 const char *all_tables_sql(){
1824   if( g.bHandleVtab ){
1825     int rc;
1827     rc = sqlite3_exec(g.db,
1828         "CREATE TEMP TABLE tblmap(module COLLATE nocase, postfix);"
1829         "INSERT INTO temp.tblmap VALUES"
1830         "('fts3', '_content'), ('fts3', '_segments'), ('fts3', '_segdir'),"
1832         "('fts4', '_content'), ('fts4', '_segments'), ('fts4', '_segdir'),"
1833         "('fts4', '_docsize'), ('fts4', '_stat'),"
1835         "('fts5', '_data'), ('fts5', '_idx'), ('fts5', '_content'),"
1836         "('fts5', '_docsize'), ('fts5', '_config'),"
1838         "('rtree', '_node'), ('rtree', '_rowid'), ('rtree', '_parent');"
1839         , 0, 0, 0
1840     );
1841     assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
1843     rc = sqlite3_create_function(
1844         g.db, "module_name", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, module_name_func, 0, 0
1845     );
1846     assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
1848     return
1849       "SELECT name FROM main.sqlite_master\n"
1850       " WHERE type='table' AND (\n"
1851       "    module_name(sql) IS NULL OR \n"
1852       "    module_name(sql) IN (SELECT module FROM temp.tblmap)\n"
1853       " ) AND name NOT IN (\n"
1854       "  SELECT a.name || b.postfix \n"
1855         "FROM main.sqlite_master AS a, temp.tblmap AS b \n"
1856         "WHERE module_name(a.sql) = b.module\n"
1857       " )\n"
1858       "UNION \n"
1859       "SELECT name FROM aux.sqlite_master\n"
1860       " WHERE type='table' AND (\n"
1861       "    module_name(sql) IS NULL OR \n"
1862       "    module_name(sql) IN (SELECT module FROM temp.tblmap)\n"
1863       " ) AND name NOT IN (\n"
1864       "  SELECT a.name || b.postfix \n"
1865         "FROM aux.sqlite_master AS a, temp.tblmap AS b \n"
1866         "WHERE module_name(a.sql) = b.module\n"
1867       " )\n"
1868       " ORDER BY name";
1869   }else{
1870     return
1871       "SELECT name FROM main.sqlite_master\n"
1872       " WHERE type='table' AND sql NOT LIKE 'CREATE VIRTUAL%%'\n"
1873       " UNION\n"
1874       "SELECT name FROM aux.sqlite_master\n"
1875       " WHERE type='table' AND sql NOT LIKE 'CREATE VIRTUAL%%'\n"
1876       " ORDER BY name";
1877   }
1878 }
1880 /*
1881 ** Print sketchy documentation for this utility program
1882 */
showHelp(void)1883 static void showHelp(void){
1884   printf("Usage: %s [options] DB1 DB2\n", g.zArgv0);
1885   printf(
1886 "Output SQL text that would transform DB1 into DB2.\n"
1887 "Options:\n"
1888 "  --changeset FILE      Write a CHANGESET into FILE\n"
1889 "  -L|--lib LIBRARY      Load an SQLite extension library\n"
1890 "  --primarykey          Use schema-defined PRIMARY KEYs\n"
1891 "  --rbu                 Output SQL to create/populate RBU table(s)\n"
1892 "  --schema              Show only differences in the schema\n"
1893 "  --summary             Show only a summary of the differences\n"
1894 "  --table TAB           Show only differences in table TAB\n"
1895 "  --transaction         Show SQL output inside a transaction\n"
1896 "  --vtab                Handle fts3, fts4, fts5 and rtree tables\n"
1897   );
1898 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)1900 int main(int argc, char **argv){
1901   const char *zDb1 = 0;
1902   const char *zDb2 = 0;
1903   int i;
1904   int rc;
1905   char *zErrMsg = 0;
1906   char *zSql;
1907   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
1908   char *zTab = 0;
1909   FILE *out = stdout;
1910   void (*xDiff)(const char*,FILE*) = diff_one_table;
1912   int nExt = 0;
1913   char **azExt = 0;
1914 #endif
1915   int useTransaction = 0;
1916   int neverUseTransaction = 0;
1918   g.zArgv0 = argv[0];
1919   sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD);
1920   for(i=1; i<argc; i++){
1921     const char *z = argv[i];
1922     if( z[0]=='-' ){
1923       z++;
1924       if( z[0]=='-' ) z++;
1925       if( strcmp(z,"changeset")==0 ){
1926         if( i==argc-1 ) cmdlineError("missing argument to %s", argv[i]);
1927         out = fopen(argv[++i], "wb");
1928         if( out==0 ) cmdlineError("cannot open: %s", argv[i]);
1929         xDiff = changeset_one_table;
1930         neverUseTransaction = 1;
1931       }else
1932       if( strcmp(z,"debug")==0 ){
1933         if( i==argc-1 ) cmdlineError("missing argument to %s", argv[i]);
1934         g.fDebug = strtol(argv[++i], 0, 0);
1935       }else
1936       if( strcmp(z,"help")==0 ){
1937         showHelp();
1938         return 0;
1939       }else
1941       if( strcmp(z,"lib")==0 || strcmp(z,"L")==0 ){
1942         if( i==argc-1 ) cmdlineError("missing argument to %s", argv[i]);
1943         azExt = realloc(azExt, sizeof(azExt[0])*(nExt+1));
1944         if( azExt==0 ) cmdlineError("out of memory");
1945         azExt[nExt++] = argv[++i];
1946       }else
1947 #endif
1948       if( strcmp(z,"primarykey")==0 ){
1949         g.bSchemaPK = 1;
1950       }else
1951       if( strcmp(z,"rbu")==0 ){
1952         xDiff = rbudiff_one_table;
1953       }else
1954       if( strcmp(z,"schema")==0 ){
1955         g.bSchemaOnly = 1;
1956       }else
1957       if( strcmp(z,"summary")==0 ){
1958         xDiff = summarize_one_table;
1959       }else
1960       if( strcmp(z,"table")==0 ){
1961         if( i==argc-1 ) cmdlineError("missing argument to %s", argv[i]);
1962         zTab = argv[++i];
1963       }else
1964       if( strcmp(z,"transaction")==0 ){
1965         useTransaction = 1;
1966       }else
1967       if( strcmp(z,"vtab")==0 ){
1968         g.bHandleVtab = 1;
1969       }else
1970       {
1971         cmdlineError("unknown option: %s", argv[i]);
1972       }
1973     }else if( zDb1==0 ){
1974       zDb1 = argv[i];
1975     }else if( zDb2==0 ){
1976       zDb2 = argv[i];
1977     }else{
1978       cmdlineError("unknown argument: %s", argv[i]);
1979     }
1980   }
1981   if( zDb2==0 ){
1982     cmdlineError("two database arguments required");
1983   }
1984   rc = sqlite3_open(zDb1, &g.db);
1985   if( rc ){
1986     cmdlineError("cannot open database file \"%s\"", zDb1);
1987   }
1988   rc = sqlite3_exec(g.db, "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master", 0, 0, &zErrMsg);
1989   if( rc || zErrMsg ){
1990     cmdlineError("\"%s\" does not appear to be a valid SQLite database", zDb1);
1991   }
1993   sqlite3_enable_load_extension(g.db, 1);
1994   for(i=0; i<nExt; i++){
1995     rc = sqlite3_load_extension(g.db, azExt[i], 0, &zErrMsg);
1996     if( rc || zErrMsg ){
1997       cmdlineError("error loading %s: %s", azExt[i], zErrMsg);
1998     }
1999   }
2000   free(azExt);
2001 #endif
2002   zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("ATTACH %Q as aux;", zDb2);
2003   rc = sqlite3_exec(g.db, zSql, 0, 0, &zErrMsg);
2004   if( rc || zErrMsg ){
2005     cmdlineError("cannot attach database \"%s\"", zDb2);
2006   }
2007   rc = sqlite3_exec(g.db, "SELECT * FROM aux.sqlite_master", 0, 0, &zErrMsg);
2008   if( rc || zErrMsg ){
2009     cmdlineError("\"%s\" does not appear to be a valid SQLite database", zDb2);
2010   }
2012   if( neverUseTransaction ) useTransaction = 0;
2013   if( useTransaction ) fprintf(out, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n");
2014   if( xDiff==rbudiff_one_table ){
2015     fprintf(out, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rbu_count"
2016            "(tbl TEXT PRIMARY KEY COLLATE NOCASE, cnt INTEGER) "
2017            "WITHOUT ROWID;\n"
2018     );
2019   }
2020   if( zTab ){
2021     xDiff(zTab, out);
2022   }else{
2023     /* Handle tables one by one */
2024     pStmt = db_prepare("%s", all_tables_sql() );
2025     while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
2026       xDiff((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0), out);
2027     }
2028     sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
2029   }
2030   if( useTransaction ) printf("COMMIT;\n");
2032   /* TBD: Handle trigger differences */
2033   /* TBD: Handle view differences */
2034   sqlite3_close(g.db);
2035   return 0;
2036 }