1 /*****************************************************************************
3 Copyright (c) 1995, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6 the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the
7 Free Software Foundation.
9 This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not
10 limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a
11 particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors
12 of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and
13 your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have
14 included with MySQL.
16 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
18 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
19 for more details.
21 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
22 this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
23 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
25 *****************************************************************************/
27 /** @file include/buf0flu.h
28  The database buffer pool flush algorithm
30  Created 11/5/1995 Heikki Tuuri
31  *******************************************************/
33 #ifndef buf0flu_h
34 #define buf0flu_h
36 #include "buf0types.h"
37 #include "log0log.h"
38 #include "univ.i"
39 #include "ut0byte.h"
42 /** Checks if the page_cleaner is in active state. */
43 bool buf_flush_page_cleaner_is_active();
45 #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
47 /** Value of MySQL global variable used to disable page cleaner. */
48 extern bool innodb_page_cleaner_disabled_debug;
50 #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
52 /** Event to synchronise with the flushing. */
53 extern os_event_t buf_flush_event;
55 class ut_stage_alter_t;
57 /** Remove a block from the flush list of modified blocks.
58 @param[in]	bpage	pointer to the block in question */
59 void buf_flush_remove(buf_page_t *bpage);
61 /** Relocates a buffer control block on the flush_list.
62  Note that it is assumed that the contents of bpage has already been
63  copied to dpage. */
64 void buf_flush_relocate_on_flush_list(
65     buf_page_t *bpage,  /*!< in/out: control block being moved */
66     buf_page_t *dpage); /*!< in/out: destination block */
68 /** Updates the flush system data structures when a write is completed.
69 @param[in]	bpage	pointer to the block in question */
70 void buf_flush_write_complete(buf_page_t *bpage);
72 #endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
74 /** Check if page type is uncompressed.
75 @param[in]	page	page frame
76 @return true if uncompressed page type. */
77 bool page_is_uncompressed_type(const byte *page);
79 /** Initialize a page for writing to the tablespace.
80 @param[in]      block           buffer block; NULL if bypassing the buffer pool
81 @param[in,out]  page            page frame
82 @param[in,out]  page_zip_       compressed page, or NULL if uncompressed
83 @param[in]      newest_lsn      newest modification LSN to the page
84 @param[in]      skip_checksum   whether to disable the page checksum
85 @param[in]      skip_lsn_check  true to skip check for lsn (in DEBUG) */
86 void buf_flush_init_for_writing(const buf_block_t *block, byte *page,
87                                 void *page_zip_, lsn_t newest_lsn,
88                                 bool skip_checksum, bool skip_lsn_check);
91 #if defined UNIV_DEBUG || defined UNIV_IBUF_DEBUG
92 /** Writes a flushable page asynchronously from the buffer pool to a file.
93 NOTE: block and LRU list mutexes must be held upon entering this function, and
94 they will be released by this function after flushing. This is loosely based on
95 buf_flush_batch() and buf_flush_page().
96 @param[in,out]	buf_pool	buffer pool instance
97 @param[in,out]	block		buffer control block
98 @return true if the page was flushed and the mutex released */
99 bool buf_flush_page_try(buf_pool_t *buf_pool, buf_block_t *block)
100     MY_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result));
101 #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG || UNIV_IBUF_DEBUG */
102 /** Do flushing batch of a given type.
103 NOTE: The calling thread is not allowed to own any latches on pages!
104 @param[in,out]	buf_pool	buffer pool instance
105 @param[in]	type		flush type
106 @param[in]	min_n		wished minimum mumber of blocks flushed
107 (it is not guaranteed that the actual number is that big, though)
108 @param[in]	lsn_limit	in the case BUF_FLUSH_LIST all blocks whose
109 oldest_modification is smaller than this should be flushed (if their number
110 does not exceed min_n), otherwise ignored
111 @param[out]	n_processed	the number of pages which were processed is
112 passed back to caller. Ignored if NULL
113 @retval true	if a batch was queued successfully.
114 @retval false	if another batch of same type was already running. */
115 bool buf_flush_do_batch(buf_pool_t *buf_pool, buf_flush_t type, ulint min_n,
116                         lsn_t lsn_limit, ulint *n_processed);
118 /** This utility flushes dirty blocks from the end of the flush list of all
119 buffer pool instances.
120 NOTE: The calling thread is not allowed to own any latches on pages!
121 @param[in]	min_n		wished minimum mumber of blocks flushed (it is
122 not guaranteed that the actual number is that big, though)
123 @param[in]	lsn_limit	in the case BUF_FLUSH_LIST all blocks whose
124 oldest_modification is smaller than this should be flushed (if their number
125 does not exceed min_n), otherwise ignored
126 @param[out]	n_processed	the number of pages which were processed is
127 passed back to caller. Ignored if NULL.
128 @return true if a batch was queued successfully for each buffer pool
129 instance. false if another batch of same type was already running in
130 at least one of the buffer pool instance */
131 bool buf_flush_lists(ulint min_n, lsn_t lsn_limit, ulint *n_processed);
133 /** This function picks up a single page from the tail of the LRU
134 list, flushes it (if it is dirty), removes it from page_hash and LRU
135 list and puts it on the free list. It is called from user threads when
136 they are unable to find a replaceable page at the tail of the LRU
137 list i.e.: when the background LRU flushing in the page_cleaner thread
138 is not fast enough to keep pace with the workload.
139 @param[in,out]	buf_pool	buffer pool instance
140 @return true if success. */
141 bool buf_flush_single_page_from_LRU(buf_pool_t *buf_pool);
143 /** Waits until a flush batch of the given type ends.
144 @param[in] buf_pool             Buffer pool instance.
145 @param[in] flush_type           Flush type. */
146 void buf_flush_wait_batch_end(buf_pool_t *buf_pool, buf_flush_t flush_type);
148 /** Waits until a flush batch of the given type ends. This is called by a
149 thread that only wants to wait for a flush to end but doesn't do any flushing
150 itself.
151 @param[in]	buf_pool	buffer pool instance
152 @param[in]	type		BUF_FLUSH_LRU or BUF_FLUSH_LIST */
153 void buf_flush_wait_batch_end_wait_only(buf_pool_t *buf_pool, buf_flush_t type);
155 /** This function should be called at a mini-transaction commit, if a page was
156 modified in it. Puts the block to the list of modified blocks, if it not
157 already in it.
158 @param[in]	block		block which is modified
159 @param[in]	start_lsn	start lsn of the first mtr in a set of mtr's
160 @param[in]	end_lsn		end lsn of the last mtr in the set of mtr's
161 @param[in]	observer	flush observer */
163 void buf_flush_note_modification(buf_block_t *block, lsn_t start_lsn,
164                                  lsn_t end_lsn, FlushObserver *observer);
166 /** This function should be called when recovery has modified a buffer page.
167 @param[in]	block		block which is modified
168 @param[in]	start_lsn	start lsn of the first mtr in a set of mtr's
169 @param[in]	end_lsn		end lsn of the last mtr in the set of mtr's */
171 void buf_flush_recv_note_modification(buf_block_t *block, lsn_t start_lsn,
172                                       lsn_t end_lsn);
174 /** Returns TRUE if the file page block is immediately suitable for replacement,
175 i.e., the transition FILE_PAGE => NOT_USED allowed. The caller must hold the
176 LRU list and block mutexes.
177 @param[in]	bpage	buffer control block, must be buf_page_in_file() and
178                         in the LRU list
179 @return true if can replace immediately */
180 ibool buf_flush_ready_for_replace(buf_page_t *bpage);
182 #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
183 struct SYS_VAR;
185 /** Disables page cleaner threads (coordinator and workers).
186 It's used by: SET GLOBAL innodb_page_cleaner_disabled_debug = 1 (0).
187 @param[in]	thd		thread handle
188 @param[in]	var		pointer to system variable
189 @param[out]	var_ptr		where the formal string goes
190 @param[in]	save		immediate result from check function */
191 void buf_flush_page_cleaner_disabled_debug_update(THD *thd, SYS_VAR *var,
192                                                   void *var_ptr,
193                                                   const void *save);
194 #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
196 /** Initialize page_cleaner.
197 @param[in]	n_page_cleaners	Number of page cleaner threads to create */
198 void buf_flush_page_cleaner_init(size_t n_page_cleaners);
200 /** Wait for any possible LRU flushes that are in progress to end. */
201 void buf_flush_wait_LRU_batch_end();
203 #if defined UNIV_DEBUG || defined UNIV_BUF_DEBUG
204 /** Validates the flush list.
205  @return true if ok */
206 bool buf_flush_validate(buf_pool_t *buf_pool);
207 #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG || UNIV_BUF_DEBUG */
209 /** Initialize the red-black tree to speed up insertions into the flush_list
210  during recovery process. Should be called at the start of recovery
211  process before any page has been read/written. */
212 void buf_flush_init_flush_rbt(void);
214 /** Frees up the red-black tree. */
215 void buf_flush_free_flush_rbt(void);
217 /** Writes a flushable page asynchronously from the buffer pool to a file.
218 NOTE: 1. in simulated aio we must call os_aio_simulated_wake_handler_threads
219 after we have posted a batch of writes! 2. buf_page_get_mutex(bpage) must be
220 held upon entering this function. The LRU list mutex must be held if flush_type
221 == BUF_FLUSH_SINGLE_PAGE. Both mutexes will be released by this function if it
222 returns true.
223 @param[in]	buf_pool	buffer pool instance
224 @param[in]	bpage		buffer control block
225 @param[in]	flush_type	type of flush
226 @param[in]	sync		true if sync IO request
227 @return true if page was flushed */
228 ibool buf_flush_page(buf_pool_t *buf_pool, buf_page_t *bpage,
229                      buf_flush_t flush_type, bool sync);
231 /** Check if the block is modified and ready for flushing.
232 @param[in]	bpage		buffer control block, must be buf_page_in_file()
233 @param[in]	flush_type	type of flush
234 @return true if can flush immediately */
235 bool buf_flush_ready_for_flush(buf_page_t *bpage, buf_flush_t flush_type)
236     MY_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result));
238 /** Check if there are any dirty pages that belong to a space id in the flush
239  list in a particular buffer pool.
240  @return number of dirty pages present in a single buffer pool */
241 ulint buf_pool_get_dirty_pages_count(
242     buf_pool_t *buf_pool,     /*!< in: buffer pool */
243     space_id_t id,            /*!< in: space id to check */
244     FlushObserver *observer); /*!< in: flush observer to check */
246 /** Synchronously flush dirty blocks from the end of the flush list of all
247  buffer pool instances. NOTE: The calling thread is not allowed to own any
248  latches on pages! */
249 void buf_flush_sync_all_buf_pools(void);
251 /** Request IO burst and wake page_cleaner up.
252 @param[in]	lsn_limit	upper limit of LSN to be flushed
253 @return true if we requested higher lsn than ever requested so far */
254 bool buf_flush_request_force(lsn_t lsn_limit);
256 /** Reset sync LSN if beyond current log sys LSN. Currently used when
257 redo logging is disabled. */
258 void reset_buf_flush_sync_lsn();
260 /** Checks if all flush lists are empty. It is supposed to be used in
261 single thread, during startup or shutdown. Hence it does not acquire
262 lock and it is caller's responsibility to guarantee that flush lists
263 are not changed in background.
264 @return true if all flush lists were empty. */
265 bool buf_are_flush_lists_empty_validate();
267 /** We use FlushObserver to track flushing of non-redo logged pages in bulk
268 create index(BtrBulk.cc).Since we disable redo logging during a index build,
269 we need to make sure that all dirty pages modifed by the index build are
270 flushed to disk before any redo logged operations go to the index. */
272 class FlushObserver {
273  public:
274   /** Constructor
275   @param[in]	space_id	table space id
276   @param[in]	trx		trx instance
277   @param[in]	stage		performance schema accounting object,
278   used by ALTER TABLE. It is passed to log_preflush_pool_modified_pages()
279   for accounting. */
280   FlushObserver(space_id_t space_id, trx_t *trx, ut_stage_alter_t *stage);
282   /** Deconstructor */
283   ~FlushObserver();
285   /** Check pages have been flushed and removed from the flush list
286   in a buffer pool instance.
287   @param[in]	instance_no	buffer pool instance no
288   @return true if the pages were removed from the flush list */
is_complete(ulint instance_no)289   bool is_complete(ulint instance_no) {
290     os_rmb;
291     return (m_flushed->at(instance_no) == m_removed->at(instance_no) ||
292             m_interrupted);
293   }
295   /** Interrupt observer not to wait. */
interrupted()296   void interrupted() { m_interrupted = true; }
298   /** Check whether trx is interrupted
299   @return true if trx is interrupted */
300   bool check_interrupted();
302   /** Flush dirty pages. */
303   void flush();
305   /** Notify observer of flushing a page
306   @param[in]	buf_pool	buffer pool instance
307   @param[in]	bpage		buffer page to flush */
308   void notify_flush(buf_pool_t *buf_pool, buf_page_t *bpage);
310   /** Notify observer of removing a page from flush list
311   @param[in]	buf_pool	buffer pool instance
312   @param[in]	bpage		buffer page flushed */
313   void notify_remove(buf_pool_t *buf_pool, buf_page_t *bpage);
315  private:
316   /** Table space id */
317   space_id_t m_space_id;
319   /** Trx instance */
320   trx_t *m_trx;
322   /** Performance schema accounting object, used by ALTER TABLE.
323   If not NULL, then stage->begin_phase_flush() will be called initially,
324   specifying the number of pages to be attempted to be flushed and
325   subsequently, stage->inc() will be called for each page we attempt to
326   flush. */
327   ut_stage_alter_t *m_stage;
329   /* Flush request sent */
330   std::vector<ulint> *m_flushed;
332   /* Flush request finished */
333   std::vector<ulint> *m_removed;
335   /* True if the operation was interrupted. */
336   bool m_interrupted;
337 };
339 #endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
341 #include "buf0flu.ic"
343 #endif