1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4__license__   = 'GPL v3'
5__copyright__ = '2009, John Schember <john at nachtimwald.com>'
6__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
9Generic USB Mass storage device driver. This is not a complete stand alone
10driver. It is intended to be subclassed with the relevant parts implemented
11for a particular device.
14import os, time, json, shutil
15from itertools import cycle
17from calibre.constants import numeric_version, ismacos
18from calibre import prints, isbytestring, fsync
19from calibre.constants import filesystem_encoding, DEBUG
20from calibre.devices.usbms.cli import CLI
21from calibre.devices.usbms.device import Device
22from calibre.devices.usbms.books import BookList, Book
23from calibre.ebooks.metadata.book.json_codec import JsonCodec
24from polyglot.builtins import itervalues, string_or_bytes
27def debug_print(*args, **kw):
28    base_time = getattr(debug_print, 'base_time', None)
29    if base_time is None:
30        debug_print.base_time = base_time = time.monotonic()
31    if DEBUG:
32        prints('DEBUG: %6.1f'%(time.monotonic()-base_time), *args, **kw)
35def safe_walk(top, topdown=True, onerror=None, followlinks=False, maxdepth=128):
36    ' A replacement for os.walk that does not die when it encounters undecodeable filenames in a linux filesystem'
37    if maxdepth < 0:
38        return
39    islink, join, isdir = os.path.islink, os.path.join, os.path.isdir
41    # We may not have read permission for top, in which case we can't
42    # get a list of the files the directory contains.  os.path.walk
43    # always suppressed the exception then, rather than blow up for a
44    # minor reason when (say) a thousand readable directories are still
45    # left to visit.  That logic is copied here.
46    try:
47        names = os.listdir(top)
48    except OSError as err:
49        if onerror is not None:
50            onerror(err)
51        return
53    dirs, nondirs = [], []
54    for name in names:
55        if isinstance(name, bytes):
56            try:
57                name = name.decode(filesystem_encoding)
58            except UnicodeDecodeError:
59                debug_print('Skipping undecodeable file: %r' % name)
60                continue
61        if isdir(join(top, name)):
62            dirs.append(name)
63        else:
64            nondirs.append(name)
66    if topdown:
67        yield top, dirs, nondirs
68    for name in dirs:
69        new_path = join(top, name)
70        if followlinks or not islink(new_path):
71            yield from safe_walk(new_path, topdown, onerror, followlinks, maxdepth-1)
72    if not topdown:
73        yield top, dirs, nondirs
76# CLI must come before Device as it implements the CLI functions that
77# are inherited from the device interface in Device.
78class USBMS(CLI, Device):
80    '''
81    The base class for all USBMS devices. Implements the logic for
82    sending/getting/updating metadata/caching metadata/etc.
83    '''
85    description    = _('Communicate with an e-book reader.')
86    author         = 'John Schember'
87    supported_platforms = ['windows', 'osx', 'linux']
89    # Store type instances of BookList and Book. We must do this because
90    # a) we need to override these classes in some device drivers, and
91    # b) the classmethods seem only to see real attributes declared in the
92    #    class, not attributes stored in the class
93    booklist_class = BookList
94    book_class = Book
96    FORMATS = []
98    METADATA_CACHE = 'metadata.calibre'
99    DRIVEINFO = 'driveinfo.calibre'
101    SCAN_FROM_ROOT = False
103    def _update_driveinfo_record(self, dinfo, prefix, location_code, name=None):
104        from calibre.utils.date import now, isoformat
105        import uuid
106        if not isinstance(dinfo, dict):
107            dinfo = {}
108        if dinfo.get('device_store_uuid', None) is None:
109            dinfo['device_store_uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
110        if dinfo.get('device_name', None) is None:
111            dinfo['device_name'] = self.get_gui_name()
112        if name is not None:
113            dinfo['device_name'] = name
114        dinfo['location_code'] = location_code
115        dinfo['last_library_uuid'] = getattr(self, 'current_library_uuid', None)
116        dinfo['calibre_version'] = '.'.join([str(i) for i in numeric_version])
117        dinfo['date_last_connected'] = isoformat(now())
118        dinfo['prefix'] = prefix.replace('\\', '/')
119        return dinfo
121    def _update_driveinfo_file(self, prefix, location_code, name=None):
122        from calibre.utils.config import from_json, to_json
123        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(prefix, self.DRIVEINFO)):
124            with lopen(os.path.join(prefix, self.DRIVEINFO), 'rb') as f:
125                try:
126                    driveinfo = json.loads(f.read(), object_hook=from_json)
127                except:
128                    driveinfo = None
129                driveinfo = self._update_driveinfo_record(driveinfo, prefix,
130                                                          location_code, name)
131            data = json.dumps(driveinfo, default=to_json)
132            if not isinstance(data, bytes):
133                data = data.encode('utf-8')
134            with lopen(os.path.join(prefix, self.DRIVEINFO), 'wb') as f:
135                f.write(data)
136                fsync(f)
137        else:
138            driveinfo = self._update_driveinfo_record({}, prefix, location_code, name)
139            data = json.dumps(driveinfo, default=to_json)
140            if not isinstance(data, bytes):
141                data = data.encode('utf-8')
142            with lopen(os.path.join(prefix, self.DRIVEINFO), 'wb') as f:
143                f.write(data)
144                fsync(f)
145        return driveinfo
147    def get_device_information(self, end_session=True):
148        self.report_progress(1.0, _('Get device information...'))
149        self.driveinfo = {}
151        def raise_os_error(e):
152            raise OSError(_('Failed to access files in the main memory of'
153                    ' your device. You should contact the device'
154                    ' manufacturer for support. Common fixes are:'
155                    ' try a different USB cable/USB port on your computer.'
156                    ' If you device has a "Reset to factory defaults" type'
157                    ' of setting somewhere, use it. Underlying error: %s')
158                    % e) from e
160        if self._main_prefix is not None:
161            try:
162                self.driveinfo['main'] = self._update_driveinfo_file(self._main_prefix, 'main')
163            except PermissionError as e:
164                if ismacos:
165                    raise PermissionError(_(
166                        'Permission was denied by macOS trying to access files in the main memory of'
167                        ' your device. You will need to grant permission explicitly by looking under'
168                        ' System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Privacy > Files and Folders.'
169                        ' Underlying error: %s'
170                    ) % e) from e
171                raise_os_error(e)
172            except OSError as e:
173                raise_os_error(e)
174        try:
175            if self._card_a_prefix is not None:
176                self.driveinfo['A'] = self._update_driveinfo_file(self._card_a_prefix, 'A')
177            if self._card_b_prefix is not None:
178                self.driveinfo['B'] = self._update_driveinfo_file(self._card_b_prefix, 'B')
179        except OSError as e:
180            raise OSError(_('Failed to access files on the SD card in your'
181                ' device. This can happen for many reasons. The SD card may be'
182                ' corrupted, it may be too large for your device, it may be'
183                ' write-protected, etc. Try a different SD card, or reformat'
184                ' your SD card using the FAT32 filesystem. Also make sure'
185                ' there are not too many files in the root of your SD card.'
186                ' Underlying error: %s') % e)
187        return (self.get_gui_name(), '', '', '', self.driveinfo)
189    def set_driveinfo_name(self, location_code, name):
190        if location_code == 'main':
191            self._update_driveinfo_file(self._main_prefix, location_code, name)
192        elif location_code == 'A':
193            self._update_driveinfo_file(self._card_a_prefix, location_code, name)
194        elif location_code == 'B':
195            self._update_driveinfo_file(self._card_b_prefix, location_code, name)
197    def formats_to_scan_for(self):
198        return set(self.settings().format_map) | set(self.FORMATS)
200    def is_allowed_book_file(self, filename, path, prefix):
201        return True
203    def books(self, oncard=None, end_session=True):
204        from calibre.ebooks.metadata.meta import path_to_ext
206        debug_print('USBMS: Fetching list of books from device. Device=',
207                     self.__class__.__name__,
208                     'oncard=', oncard)
210        dummy_bl = self.booklist_class(None, None, None)
212        if oncard == 'carda' and not self._card_a_prefix:
213            self.report_progress(1.0, _('Getting list of books on device...'))
214            return dummy_bl
215        elif oncard == 'cardb' and not self._card_b_prefix:
216            self.report_progress(1.0, _('Getting list of books on device...'))
217            return dummy_bl
218        elif oncard and oncard != 'carda' and oncard != 'cardb':
219            self.report_progress(1.0, _('Getting list of books on device...'))
220            return dummy_bl
222        prefix = self._card_a_prefix if oncard == 'carda' else \
223                                     self._card_b_prefix if oncard == 'cardb' \
224                                                         else self._main_prefix
226        ebook_dirs = self.get_carda_ebook_dir() if oncard == 'carda' else \
227            self.EBOOK_DIR_CARD_B if oncard == 'cardb' else \
228            self.get_main_ebook_dir()
230        debug_print('USBMS: dirs are:', prefix, ebook_dirs)
232        # get the metadata cache
233        bl = self.booklist_class(oncard, prefix, self.settings)
234        need_sync = self.parse_metadata_cache(bl, prefix, self.METADATA_CACHE)
236        # make a dict cache of paths so the lookup in the loop below is faster.
237        bl_cache = {}
238        for idx, b in enumerate(bl):
239            bl_cache[b.lpath] = idx
241        all_formats = self.formats_to_scan_for()
243        def update_booklist(filename, path, prefix):
244            changed = False
245            if path_to_ext(filename) in all_formats and self.is_allowed_book_file(filename, path, prefix):
246                try:
247                    lpath = os.path.join(path, filename).partition(self.normalize_path(prefix))[2]
248                    if lpath.startswith(os.sep):
249                        lpath = lpath[len(os.sep):]
250                    lpath = lpath.replace('\\', '/')
251                    idx = bl_cache.get(lpath, None)
252                    if idx is not None:
253                        bl_cache[lpath] = None
254                        if self.update_metadata_item(bl[idx]):
255                            # print 'update_metadata_item returned true'
256                            changed = True
257                    else:
258                        if bl.add_book(self.book_from_path(prefix, lpath),
259                                              replace_metadata=False):
260                            changed = True
261                except:  # Probably a filename encoding error
262                    import traceback
263                    traceback.print_exc()
264            return changed
265        if isinstance(ebook_dirs, string_or_bytes):
266            ebook_dirs = [ebook_dirs]
267        for ebook_dir in ebook_dirs:
268            ebook_dir = self.path_to_unicode(ebook_dir)
269            if self.SCAN_FROM_ROOT:
270                ebook_dir = self.normalize_path(prefix)
271            else:
272                ebook_dir = self.normalize_path(
273                            os.path.join(prefix, *(ebook_dir.split('/')))
274                            if ebook_dir else prefix)
275            debug_print('USBMS: scan from root', self.SCAN_FROM_ROOT, ebook_dir)
276            if not os.path.exists(ebook_dir):
277                continue
278            # Get all books in the ebook_dir directory
279            if self.SUPPORTS_SUB_DIRS or self.SUPPORTS_SUB_DIRS_FOR_SCAN:
280                # build a list of files to check, so we can accurately report progress
281                flist = []
282                for path, dirs, files in safe_walk(ebook_dir):
283                    for filename in files:
284                        if filename != self.METADATA_CACHE:
285                            flist.append({'filename': self.path_to_unicode(filename),
286                                          'path':self.path_to_unicode(path)})
287                for i, f in enumerate(flist):
288                    self.report_progress(i/float(len(flist)), _('Getting list of books on device...'))
289                    changed = update_booklist(f['filename'], f['path'], prefix)
290                    if changed:
291                        need_sync = True
292            else:
293                paths = os.listdir(ebook_dir)
294                for i, filename in enumerate(paths):
295                    self.report_progress((i+1) / float(len(paths)), _('Getting list of books on device...'))
296                    changed = update_booklist(self.path_to_unicode(filename), ebook_dir, prefix)
297                    if changed:
298                        need_sync = True
300        # Remove books that are no longer in the filesystem. Cache contains
301        # indices into the booklist if book not in filesystem, None otherwise
302        # Do the operation in reverse order so indices remain valid
303        for idx in sorted(itervalues(bl_cache), reverse=True, key=lambda x: -1 if x is None else x):
304            if idx is not None:
305                need_sync = True
306                del bl[idx]
308        debug_print('USBMS: count found in cache: %d, count of files in metadata: %d, need_sync: %s' %
309            (len(bl_cache), len(bl), need_sync))
310        if need_sync:  # self.count_found_in_bl != len(bl) or need_sync:
311            if oncard == 'cardb':
312                self.sync_booklists((None, None, bl))
313            elif oncard == 'carda':
314                self.sync_booklists((None, bl, None))
315            else:
316                self.sync_booklists((bl, None, None))
318        self.report_progress(1.0, _('Getting list of books on device...'))
319        debug_print('USBMS: Finished fetching list of books from device. oncard=', oncard)
320        return bl
322    def upload_books(self, files, names, on_card=None, end_session=True,
323                     metadata=None):
324        debug_print('USBMS: uploading %d books'%(len(files)))
326        path = self._sanity_check(on_card, files)
328        paths = []
329        names = iter(names)
330        metadata = iter(metadata)
332        for i, infile in enumerate(files):
333            mdata, fname = next(metadata), next(names)
334            filepath = self.normalize_path(self.create_upload_path(path, mdata, fname))
335            if not hasattr(infile, 'read'):
336                infile = self.normalize_path(infile)
337            filepath = self.put_file(infile, filepath, replace_file=True)
338            paths.append(filepath)
339            try:
340                self.upload_cover(os.path.dirname(filepath),
341                                  os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0],
342                                  mdata, filepath)
343            except:  # Failure to upload cover is not catastrophic
344                import traceback
345                traceback.print_exc()
347            self.report_progress((i+1) / float(len(files)), _('Transferring books to device...'))
349        self.report_progress(1.0, _('Transferring books to device...'))
350        debug_print('USBMS: finished uploading %d books'%(len(files)))
351        return list(zip(paths, cycle([on_card])))
353    def upload_cover(self, path, filename, metadata, filepath):
354        '''
355        Upload book cover to the device. Default implementation does nothing.
357        :param path: The full path to the folder where the associated book is located.
358        :param filename: The name of the book file without the extension.
359        :param metadata: metadata belonging to the book. Use metadata.thumbnail
360                         for cover
361        :param filepath: The full path to the e-book file
363        '''
364        pass
366    def add_books_to_metadata(self, locations, metadata, booklists):
367        debug_print('USBMS: adding metadata for %d books'%(len(metadata)))
369        metadata = iter(metadata)
370        locations = tuple(locations)
371        for i, location in enumerate(locations):
372            self.report_progress((i+1) / float(len(locations)), _('Adding books to device metadata listing...'))
373            info = next(metadata)
374            blist = 2 if location[1] == 'cardb' else 1 if location[1] == 'carda' else 0
376            # Extract the correct prefix from the pathname. To do this correctly,
377            # we must ensure that both the prefix and the path are normalized
378            # so that the comparison will work. Book's __init__ will fix up
379            # lpath, so we don't need to worry about that here.
380            path = self.normalize_path(location[0])
381            if self._main_prefix:
382                prefix = self._main_prefix if \
383                           path.startswith(self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix)) else None
384            if not prefix and self._card_a_prefix:
385                prefix = self._card_a_prefix if \
386                           path.startswith(self.normalize_path(self._card_a_prefix)) else None
387            if not prefix and self._card_b_prefix:
388                prefix = self._card_b_prefix if \
389                           path.startswith(self.normalize_path(self._card_b_prefix)) else None
390            if prefix is None:
391                prints('in add_books_to_metadata. Prefix is None!', path,
392                        self._main_prefix)
393                continue
394            lpath = path.partition(prefix)[2]
395            if lpath.startswith('/') or lpath.startswith('\\'):
396                lpath = lpath[1:]
397            book = self.book_class(prefix, lpath, other=info)
398            if book.size is None:
399                book.size = os.stat(self.normalize_path(path)).st_size
400            b = booklists[blist].add_book(book, replace_metadata=True)
401            if b:
402                b._new_book = True
403        self.report_progress(1.0, _('Adding books to device metadata listing...'))
404        debug_print('USBMS: finished adding metadata')
406    def delete_single_book(self, path):
407        os.unlink(path)
409    def delete_extra_book_files(self, path):
410        filepath = os.path.splitext(path)[0]
411        for ext in self.DELETE_EXTS:
412            for x in (filepath, path):
413                x += ext
414                if os.path.exists(x):
415                    if os.path.isdir(x):
416                        shutil.rmtree(x, ignore_errors=True)
417                    else:
418                        os.unlink(x)
420        if self.SUPPORTS_SUB_DIRS:
421            try:
422                os.removedirs(os.path.dirname(path))
423            except:
424                pass
426    def delete_books(self, paths, end_session=True):
427        debug_print('USBMS: deleting %d books'%(len(paths)))
428        for i, path in enumerate(paths):
429            self.report_progress((i+1) / float(len(paths)), _('Removing books from device...'))
430            path = self.normalize_path(path)
431            if os.path.exists(path):
432                # Delete the ebook
433                self.delete_single_book(path)
434                self.delete_extra_book_files(path)
436        self.report_progress(1.0, _('Removing books from device...'))
437        debug_print('USBMS: finished deleting %d books'%(len(paths)))
439    def remove_books_from_metadata(self, paths, booklists):
440        debug_print('USBMS: removing metadata for %d books'%(len(paths)))
442        for i, path in enumerate(paths):
443            self.report_progress((i+1) / float(len(paths)), _('Removing books from device metadata listing...'))
444            for bl in booklists:
445                for book in bl:
446                    if path.endswith(book.path):
447                        bl.remove_book(book)
448        self.report_progress(1.0, _('Removing books from device metadata listing...'))
449        debug_print('USBMS: finished removing metadata for %d books'%(len(paths)))
451    # If you override this method and you use book._new_book, then you must
452    # complete the processing before you call this method. The flag is cleared
453    # at the end just before the return
454    def sync_booklists(self, booklists, end_session=True):
455        debug_print('USBMS: starting sync_booklists')
456        json_codec = JsonCodec()
458        if not os.path.exists(self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix)):
459            os.makedirs(self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix))
461        def write_prefix(prefix, listid):
462            if (prefix is not None and len(booklists) > listid and
463                    isinstance(booklists[listid], self.booklist_class)):
464                if not os.path.exists(prefix):
465                    os.makedirs(self.normalize_path(prefix))
466                with lopen(self.normalize_path(os.path.join(prefix, self.METADATA_CACHE)), 'wb') as f:
467                    json_codec.encode_to_file(f, booklists[listid])
468                    fsync(f)
469        write_prefix(self._main_prefix, 0)
470        write_prefix(self._card_a_prefix, 1)
471        write_prefix(self._card_b_prefix, 2)
473        # Clear the _new_book indication, as we are supposed to be done with
474        # adding books at this point
475        for blist in booklists:
476            if blist is not None:
477                for book in blist:
478                    book._new_book = False
480        self.report_progress(1.0, _('Sending metadata to device...'))
481        debug_print('USBMS: finished sync_booklists')
483    @classmethod
484    def build_template_regexp(cls):
485        from calibre.devices.utils import build_template_regexp
486        return build_template_regexp(cls.save_template())
488    @classmethod
489    def path_to_unicode(cls, path):
490        if isbytestring(path):
491            path = path.decode(filesystem_encoding)
492        return path
494    @classmethod
495    def normalize_path(cls, path):
496        'Return path with platform native path separators'
497        if path is None:
498            return None
499        if os.sep == '\\':
500            path = path.replace('/', '\\')
501        else:
502            path = path.replace('\\', '/')
503        return cls.path_to_unicode(path)
505    @classmethod
506    def parse_metadata_cache(cls, bl, prefix, name):
507        json_codec = JsonCodec()
508        need_sync = False
509        cache_file = cls.normalize_path(os.path.join(prefix, name))
510        if os.access(cache_file, os.R_OK):
511            try:
512                with lopen(cache_file, 'rb') as f:
513                    json_codec.decode_from_file(f, bl, cls.book_class, prefix)
514            except:
515                import traceback
516                traceback.print_exc()
517                bl = []
518                need_sync = True
519        else:
520            need_sync = True
521        return need_sync
523    @classmethod
524    def update_metadata_item(cls, book):
525        changed = False
526        size = os.stat(cls.normalize_path(book.path)).st_size
527        if size != book.size:
528            changed = True
529            mi = cls.metadata_from_path(book.path)
530            book.smart_update(mi)
531            book.size = size
532        return changed
534    @classmethod
535    def metadata_from_path(cls, path):
536        return cls.metadata_from_formats([path])
538    @classmethod
539    def metadata_from_formats(cls, fmts):
540        from calibre.ebooks.metadata.meta import metadata_from_formats
541        from calibre.customize.ui import quick_metadata
542        with quick_metadata:
543            return metadata_from_formats(fmts, force_read_metadata=True,
544                                         pattern=cls.build_template_regexp())
546    @classmethod
547    def book_from_path(cls, prefix, lpath):
548        from calibre.ebooks.metadata.book.base import Metadata
550        if cls.settings().read_metadata or cls.MUST_READ_METADATA:
551            mi = cls.metadata_from_path(cls.normalize_path(os.path.join(prefix, lpath)))
552        else:
553            from calibre.ebooks.metadata.meta import metadata_from_filename
554            mi = metadata_from_filename(cls.normalize_path(os.path.basename(lpath)),
555                                        cls.build_template_regexp())
556        if mi is None:
557            mi = Metadata(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(lpath))[0],
558                    [_('Unknown')])
559        size = os.stat(cls.normalize_path(os.path.join(prefix, lpath))).st_size
560        book = cls.book_class(prefix, lpath, other=mi, size=size)
561        return book