2# vim:fileencoding=UTF-8:ts=4:sw=4:sta:et:sts=4:ai
5__license__   = 'GPL v3'
6__copyright__ = '2012, Kovid Goyal <kovid@kovidgoyal.net>'
7__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
9import struct, re, os
10from collections import namedtuple
11from itertools import repeat
12from uuid import uuid4
14from lxml import etree
16from calibre.ebooks.mobi.reader.headers import NULL_INDEX
17from calibre.ebooks.mobi.reader.index import read_index
18from calibre.ebooks.mobi.reader.ncx import read_ncx, build_toc
19from calibre.ebooks.mobi.reader.markup import expand_mobi8_markup
20from calibre.ebooks.mobi.reader.containers import Container, find_imgtype
21from calibre.ebooks.metadata.opf2 import Guide, OPFCreator
22from calibre.ebooks.metadata.toc import TOC
23from calibre.ebooks.mobi.utils import read_font_record
24from calibre.ebooks.oeb.parse_utils import parse_html
25from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import XPath, XHTML, xml2text
26from polyglot.builtins import as_unicode
27from polyglot.urllib import urldefrag
29Part = namedtuple('Part',
30    'num type filename start end aid')
32Elem = namedtuple('Elem',
33    'insert_pos toc_text file_number sequence_number start_pos '
34    'length')
36FlowInfo = namedtuple('FlowInfo',
37        'type format dir fname')
39# locate beginning and ending positions of tag with specific aid attribute
42def locate_beg_end_of_tag(ml, aid):
43    pattern = br'''<[^>]*\said\s*=\s*['"]%s['"][^>]*>''' % aid
44    aid_pattern = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
45    for m in re.finditer(aid_pattern, ml):
46        plt = m.start()
47        pgt = ml.find(b'>', plt+1)
48        return plt, pgt
49    return 0, 0
52def reverse_tag_iter(block):
53    ''' Iterate over all tags in block in reverse order, i.e. last tag
54    to first tag. '''
55    end = len(block)
56    while True:
57        pgt = block.rfind(b'>', 0, end)
58        if pgt == -1:
59            break
60        plt = block.rfind(b'<', 0, pgt)
61        if plt == -1:
62            break
63        yield block[plt:pgt+1]
64        end = plt
67def get_first_resource_index(first_image_index, num_of_text_records, first_text_record_number):
68    first_resource_index = first_image_index
69    if first_resource_index in {-1, NULL_INDEX}:
70        first_resource_index = num_of_text_records + first_text_record_number
71    return first_resource_index
74class Mobi8Reader:
76    def __init__(self, mobi6_reader, log, for_tweak=False):
77        self.for_tweak = for_tweak
78        self.mobi6_reader, self.log = mobi6_reader, log
79        self.header = mobi6_reader.book_header
80        self.encrypted_fonts = []
81        self.id_re = re.compile(br'''<[^>]+\s(?:id|ID)\s*=\s*['"]([^'"]+)['"]''')
82        self.name_re = re.compile(br'''<\s*a\s*\s(?:name|NAME)\s*=\s*['"]([^'"]+)['"]''')
83        self.aid_re = re.compile(br'''<[^>]+\s(?:aid|AID)\s*=\s*['"]([^'"]+)['"]''')
85    def __call__(self):
86        self.mobi6_reader.check_for_drm()
87        self.aid_anchor_suffix = uuid4().hex.encode('utf-8')
88        bh = self.mobi6_reader.book_header
89        if self.mobi6_reader.kf8_type == 'joint':
90            offset = self.mobi6_reader.kf8_boundary + 2
91            self.resource_offsets = [
92                (get_first_resource_index(bh.first_image_index, bh.mobi6_records, 1), offset - 2),
93                (get_first_resource_index(bh.kf8_first_image_index, bh.records, offset), len(self.mobi6_reader.sections)),
94            ]
95        else:
96            offset = 1
97            self.resource_offsets = [(get_first_resource_index(bh.first_image_index, bh.records, offset), len(self.mobi6_reader.sections))]
99        self.processed_records = self.mobi6_reader.extract_text(offset=offset)
100        self.raw_ml = self.mobi6_reader.mobi_html
101        with open('debug-raw.html', 'wb') as f:
102            f.write(self.raw_ml)
104        self.kf8_sections = self.mobi6_reader.sections[offset-1:]
106        self.cover_offset = getattr(self.header.exth, 'cover_offset', None)
107        self.linked_aids = set()
109        self.read_indices()
110        self.build_parts()
111        guide = self.create_guide()
112        ncx = self.create_ncx()
113        resource_map = self.extract_resources(self.mobi6_reader.sections)
114        spine = self.expand_text(resource_map)
115        return self.write_opf(guide, ncx, spine, resource_map)
117    def read_indices(self):
118        self.flow_table = ()
120        if self.header.fdstidx != NULL_INDEX:
121            header = self.kf8_sections[self.header.fdstidx][0]
122            if header[:4] != b'FDST':
123                raise ValueError('KF8 does not have a valid FDST record')
124            sec_start, num_sections = struct.unpack_from(b'>LL', header, 4)
125            secs = struct.unpack_from(b'>%dL' % (num_sections*2),
126                    header, sec_start)
127            self.flow_table = tuple(zip(secs[::2], secs[1::2]))
129        self.files = []
130        if self.header.skelidx != NULL_INDEX:
131            table = read_index(self.kf8_sections, self.header.skelidx,
132                    self.header.codec)[0]
133            File = namedtuple('File',
134                'file_number name divtbl_count start_position length')
136            for i, text in enumerate(table):
137                tag_map = table[text]
138                self.files.append(File(i, text, tag_map[1][0],
139                    tag_map[6][0], tag_map[6][1]))
141        self.elems = []
142        if self.header.dividx != NULL_INDEX:
143            table, cncx = read_index(self.kf8_sections, self.header.dividx,
144                    self.header.codec)
145            for i, text in enumerate(table):
146                tag_map = table[text]
147                toc_text = cncx[tag_map[2][0]]
148                self.elems.append(Elem(int(text), toc_text, tag_map[3][0],
149                    tag_map[4][0], tag_map[6][0], tag_map[6][1]))
151        self.guide = []
152        if self.header.othidx != NULL_INDEX:
153            table, cncx = read_index(self.kf8_sections, self.header.othidx,
154                    self.header.codec)
155            Item = namedtuple('Item',
156                'type title pos_fid')
158            for i, ref_type in enumerate(table):
159                tag_map = table[ref_type]
160                # ref_type, ref_title, div/frag number
161                title = cncx[tag_map[1][0]]
162                fileno = None
163                if 3 in list(tag_map.keys()):
164                    fileno  = tag_map[3][0]
165                if 6 in list(tag_map.keys()):
166                    fileno = tag_map[6]
167                if isinstance(ref_type, bytes):
168                    ref_type = ref_type.decode(self.header.codec)
169                self.guide.append(Item(ref_type, title, fileno))
171    def build_parts(self):
172        raw_ml = self.mobi6_reader.mobi_html
173        self.flows = []
174        self.flowinfo = []
175        ft = self.flow_table if self.flow_table else [(0, len(raw_ml))]
177        # now split the raw_ml into its flow pieces
178        for start, end in ft:
179            self.flows.append(raw_ml[start:end])
181        # the first piece represents the xhtml text
182        text = self.flows[0]
183        self.flows[0] = b''
185        # walk the <skeleton> and <div> tables to build original source xhtml
186        # files *without* destroying any file position information needed for
187        # later href processing and create final list of file separation start:
188        # stop points and etc in partinfo
189        self.parts = []
190        self.partinfo = []
191        divptr = 0
192        baseptr = 0
193        for skelnum, skelname, divcnt, skelpos, skellen in self.files:
194            baseptr = skelpos + skellen
195            skeleton = text[skelpos:baseptr]
196            inspos_warned = False
197            for i in range(divcnt):
198                insertpos, idtext, filenum, seqnum, startpos, length = \
199                                    self.elems[divptr]
200                if i == 0:
201                    aidtext = idtext[12:-2]
202                    filename = 'part%04d.html' % filenum
203                part = text[baseptr:baseptr + length]
204                insertpos = insertpos - skelpos
205                head = skeleton[:insertpos]
206                tail = skeleton[insertpos:]
207                if (tail.find(b'>') < tail.find(b'<') or head.rfind(b'>') <
208                    head.rfind(b'<')):
209                    # There is an incomplete tag in either the head or tail.
210                    # This can happen for some badly formed KF8 files, see for
211                    # example, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1082669
212                    if not inspos_warned:
213                        self.log.warn(
214                            'The div table for %s has incorrect insert '
215                            'positions. Calculating manually.'%skelname)
216                        inspos_warned = True
217                    bp, ep = locate_beg_end_of_tag(skeleton, aidtext if
218                        isinstance(aidtext, bytes) else aidtext.encode('utf-8'))
219                    if bp != ep:
220                        insertpos = ep + 1 + startpos
222                skeleton = skeleton[0:insertpos] + part + skeleton[insertpos:]
223                baseptr = baseptr + length
224                divptr += 1
225            self.parts.append(skeleton)
226            if divcnt < 1:
227                # Empty file
228                aidtext = str(uuid4())
229                filename = aidtext + '.html'
230            self.partinfo.append(Part(skelnum, 'text', filename, skelpos,
231                baseptr, aidtext))
233        # The primary css style sheet is typically stored next followed by any
234        # snippets of code that were previously inlined in the
235        # original xhtml but have been stripped out and placed here.
236        # This can include local CDATA snippets and svg sections.
238        # The problem is that for most browsers and ereaders, you can not
239        # use <img src="imageXXXX.svg" /> to import any svg image that itself
240        # properly uses an <image/> tag to import some raster image - it
241        # should work according to the spec but does not for almost all browsers
242        # and ereaders and causes epub validation issues because those  raster
243        # images are in manifest but not in xhtml text - since they only
244        # referenced from an svg image
246        # So we need to check the remaining flow pieces to see if they are css
247        # or svg images.  if svg images, we must check if they have an <image/>
248        # and if so inline them into the xhtml text pieces.
250        # there may be other sorts of pieces stored here but until we see one
251        # in the wild to reverse engineer we won't be able to tell
253        self.flowinfo.append(FlowInfo(None, None, None, None))
254        svg_tag_pattern = re.compile(br'''(<svg[^>]*>)''', re.IGNORECASE)
255        image_tag_pattern = re.compile(br'''(<(?:svg:)?image[^>]*>)''', re.IGNORECASE)
256        for j in range(1, len(self.flows)):
257            flowpart = self.flows[j]
258            nstr = '%04d' % j
259            m = svg_tag_pattern.search(flowpart)
260            if m is not None:
261                # svg
262                typ = 'svg'
263                start = m.start()
264                m2 = image_tag_pattern.search(flowpart)
265                if m2 is not None:
266                    format = 'inline'
267                    dir = None
268                    fname = None
269                    # strip off anything before <svg if inlining
270                    flowpart = re.sub(br'(</?)svg:', r'\1', flowpart[start:])
271                else:
272                    format = 'file'
273                    dir = "images"
274                    fname = 'svgimg' + nstr + '.svg'
275            else:
276                # search for CDATA and if exists inline it
277                if flowpart.find(b'[CDATA[') >= 0:
278                    typ = 'css'
279                    flowpart = b'<style type="text/css">\n' + flowpart + b'\n</style>\n'
280                    format = 'inline'
281                    dir = None
282                    fname = None
283                else:
284                    # css - assume as standalone css file
285                    typ = 'css'
286                    format = 'file'
287                    dir = "styles"
288                    fname = nstr + '.css'
290            self.flows[j] = flowpart
291            self.flowinfo.append(FlowInfo(typ, format, dir, fname))
293    def get_file_info(self, pos):
294        ''' Get information about the part (file) that exists at pos in
295        the raw markup '''
296        for part in self.partinfo:
297            if pos >= part.start and pos < part.end:
298                return part
299        return Part(*repeat(None, len(Part._fields)))
301    def get_id_tag_by_pos_fid(self, posfid, offset):
302        # first convert kindle:pos:fid and offset info to position in file
303        insertpos, idtext, filenum, seqnm, startpos, length = self.elems[posfid]
304        pos = insertpos + offset
305        fi = self.get_file_info(pos)
306        # an existing "id=" must exist in original xhtml otherwise it would not
307        # have worked for linking.  Amazon seems to have added its own
308        # additional "aid=" inside tags whose contents seem to represent some
309        # position information encoded into Base32 name.
311        # so find the closest "id=" before position the file by actually
312        # searching in that file
313        idtext = self.get_id_tag(pos)
314        return '%s/%s'%(fi.type, fi.filename), idtext
316    def get_id_tag(self, pos):
317        # Find the first tag with a named anchor (name or id attribute) before
318        # pos
319        fi = self.get_file_info(pos)
320        if fi.num is None and fi.start is None:
321            raise ValueError('No file contains pos: %d'%pos)
322        textblock = self.parts[fi.num]
323        npos = pos - fi.start
324        pgt = textblock.find(b'>', npos)
325        plt = textblock.find(b'<', npos)
326        # if npos inside a tag then search all text before the its end of tag marker
327        # else not in a tag need to search the preceding tag
328        if plt == npos or pgt < plt:
329            npos = pgt + 1
330        textblock = textblock[0:npos]
331        for tag in reverse_tag_iter(textblock):
332            m = self.id_re.match(tag) or self.name_re.match(tag)
333            if m is not None:
334                return m.group(1)
335            # For some files, kindlegen apparently creates links to tags
336            # without HTML anchors, using the AID instead. See
337            # See https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=259557
338            m = self.aid_re.match(tag)
339            if m is not None:
340                self.linked_aids.add(m.group(1).decode('utf-8'))
341                return m.group(1) + b'-' + self.aid_anchor_suffix
343        # No tag found, link to start of file
344        return b''
346    def create_guide(self):
347        guide = Guide()
348        has_start = False
349        for ref_type, ref_title, pos_fid in self.guide:
350            try:
351                if len(pos_fid) != 2:
352                    continue
353            except TypeError:
354                continue  # thumbnailstandard record, ignore it
355            linktgt, idtext = self.get_id_tag_by_pos_fid(*pos_fid)
356            if idtext:
357                if isinstance(idtext, bytes):
358                    idtext = idtext.decode(self.header.codec)
359                linktgt += '#' + idtext
360            g = Guide.Reference(linktgt, os.getcwd())
361            g.title, g.type = ref_title, ref_type
362            if g.title == 'start' or g.type == 'text':
363                has_start = True
364            guide.append(g)
366        so = self.header.exth.start_offset
367        if so not in {None, NULL_INDEX} and not has_start:
368            fi = self.get_file_info(so)
369            if fi.filename is not None:
370                idtext = self.get_id_tag(so).decode(self.header.codec)
371                linktgt = fi.filename
372                if idtext:
373                    linktgt += '#' + idtext
374                g = Guide.Reference('%s/%s'%(fi.type, linktgt), os.getcwd())
375                g.title, g.type = 'start', 'text'
376                guide.append(g)
378        return guide
380    def create_ncx(self):
381        index_entries = read_ncx(self.kf8_sections, self.header.ncxidx,
382                self.header.codec)
383        remove = []
385        # Add href and anchor info to the index entries
386        for entry in index_entries:
387            pos_fid = entry['pos_fid']
388            if pos_fid is None:
389                pos = entry['pos']
390                fi = self.get_file_info(pos)
391                if fi.filename is None:
392                    raise ValueError('Index entry has invalid pos: %d'%pos)
393                idtag = self.get_id_tag(pos)
394                href = '%s/%s'%(fi.type, fi.filename)
395            else:
396                try:
397                    href, idtag = self.get_id_tag_by_pos_fid(*pos_fid)
398                except ValueError:
399                    self.log.warn('Invalid entry in NCX (title: %s), ignoring'
400                                  %entry['text'])
401                    remove.append(entry)
402                    continue
404            entry['href'] = href
405            entry['idtag'] = as_unicode(idtag, self.header.codec or 'utf-8')
407        for e in remove:
408            index_entries.remove(e)
410        # Build the TOC object
411        return build_toc(index_entries)
413    def extract_resources(self, sections):
414        from calibre.ebooks.mobi.writer2.resources import PLACEHOLDER_GIF
415        resource_map = []
416        container = None
417        for x in ('fonts', 'images'):
418            os.mkdir(x)
420        for start, end in self.resource_offsets:
421            for i, sec in enumerate(sections[start:end]):
422                fname_idx = i+1
423                data = sec[0]
424                typ = data[:4]
425                href = None
426                if typ in {b'FLIS', b'FCIS', b'SRCS', b'\xe9\x8e\r\n', b'BOUN',
427                        b'FDST', b'DATP', b'AUDI', b'VIDE', b'RESC', b'CMET', b'PAGE'}:
428                    pass  # Ignore these records
429                elif typ == b'FONT':
430                    font = read_font_record(data)
431                    href = "fonts/%05d.%s" % (fname_idx, font['ext'])
432                    if font['err']:
433                        self.log.warn('Reading font record %d failed: %s'%(
434                            fname_idx, font['err']))
435                        if font['headers']:
436                            self.log.debug('Font record headers: %s'%font['headers'])
437                    with open(href.replace('/', os.sep), 'wb') as f:
438                        f.write(font['font_data'] if font['font_data'] else
439                                font['raw_data'])
440                    if font['encrypted']:
441                        self.encrypted_fonts.append(href)
442                elif typ == b'CONT':
443                    if data == b'CONTBOUNDARY':
444                        container = None
445                        continue
446                    container = Container(data)
447                elif typ == b'CRES':
448                    data, imgtype = container.load_image(data)
449                    if data is not None:
450                        href = 'images/%05d.%s'%(container.resource_index, imgtype)
451                        with open(href.replace('/', os.sep), 'wb') as f:
452                            f.write(data)
453                elif typ == b'\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0' and len(data) == 4 and container is not None:
454                    container.resource_index += 1
455                elif container is None:
456                    if not (len(data) == len(PLACEHOLDER_GIF) and data == PLACEHOLDER_GIF):
457                        imgtype = find_imgtype(data)
458                        href = 'images/%05d.%s'%(fname_idx, imgtype)
459                        with open(href.replace('/', os.sep), 'wb') as f:
460                            f.write(data)
462                resource_map.append(href)
464        return resource_map
466    def expand_text(self, resource_map):
467        return expand_mobi8_markup(self, resource_map, self.log)
469    def write_opf(self, guide, toc, spine, resource_map):
470        mi = self.header.exth.mi
471        if (self.cover_offset is not None and self.cover_offset <
472                len(resource_map)):
473            mi.cover = resource_map[self.cover_offset]
475        if len(list(toc)) < 2:
476            self.log.warn('KF8 has no metadata Table of Contents')
478            for ref in guide:
479                if ref.type == 'toc':
480                    href = ref.href()
481                    href, frag = urldefrag(href)
482                    if os.path.exists(href.replace('/', os.sep)):
483                        try:
484                            toc = self.read_inline_toc(href, frag)
485                        except:
486                            self.log.exception('Failed to read inline ToC')
488        opf = OPFCreator(os.getcwd(), mi)
489        opf.guide = guide
491        def exclude(path):
492            return os.path.basename(path) == 'debug-raw.html'
494        # If there are no images then the azw3 input plugin dumps all
495        # binary records as .unknown images, remove them
496        if self.for_tweak and os.path.exists('images') and os.path.isdir('images'):
497            files = os.listdir('images')
498            unknown = [x for x in files if x.endswith('.unknown')]
499            if len(files) == len(unknown):
500                [os.remove('images/'+f) for f in files]
502        if self.for_tweak:
503            try:
504                os.remove('debug-raw.html')
505            except:
506                pass
508        opf.create_manifest_from_files_in([os.getcwd()], exclude=exclude)
509        for entry in opf.manifest:
510            if entry.mime_type == 'text/html':
511                entry.mime_type = 'application/xhtml+xml'
512        opf.create_spine(spine)
513        opf.set_toc(toc)
514        ppd = getattr(self.header.exth, 'page_progression_direction', None)
515        if ppd in {'ltr', 'rtl', 'default'}:
516            opf.page_progression_direction = ppd
517        pwm = getattr(self.header.exth, 'primary_writing_mode', None)
518        if pwm is not None:
519            opf.primary_writing_mode = pwm
521        with open('metadata.opf', 'wb') as of, open('toc.ncx', 'wb') as ncx:
522            opf.render(of, ncx, 'toc.ncx')
523        return 'metadata.opf'
525    def read_inline_toc(self, href, frag):
526        ans = TOC()
527        base_href = '/'.join(href.split('/')[:-1])
528        with open(href.replace('/', os.sep), 'rb') as f:
529            raw = f.read().decode(self.header.codec)
530        root = parse_html(raw, log=self.log)
531        body = XPath('//h:body')(root)
532        reached = False
533        if body:
534            start = body[0]
535        else:
536            start = None
537            reached = True
538        if frag:
539            elems = XPath('//*[@id="%s"]'%frag)(root)
540            if elems:
541                start = elems[0]
543        def node_depth(elem):
544            ans = 0
545            parent = elem.getparent()
546            while parent is not None:
547                parent = parent.getparent()
548                ans += 1
549            return ans
551        # Layer the ToC based on nesting order in the source HTML
552        current_depth = None
553        parent = ans
554        seen = set()
555        links = []
556        for elem in root.iterdescendants(etree.Element):
557            if reached and elem.tag == XHTML('a') and elem.get('href',
558                    False):
559                href = elem.get('href')
560                href, frag = urldefrag(href)
561                href = base_href + '/' + href
562                text = xml2text(elem).strip()
563                if (text, href, frag) in seen:
564                    continue
565                seen.add((text, href, frag))
566                links.append((text, href, frag, node_depth(elem)))
567            elif elem is start:
568                reached = True
570        depths = sorted({x[-1] for x in links})
571        depth_map = {x:i for i, x in enumerate(depths)}
572        for text, href, frag, depth in links:
573            depth = depth_map[depth]
574            if current_depth is None:
575                current_depth = 0
576                parent.add_item(href, frag, text)
577            elif current_depth == depth:
578                parent.add_item(href, frag, text)
579            elif current_depth < depth:
580                parent = parent[-1] if len(parent) > 0 else parent
581                parent.add_item(href, frag, text)
582                current_depth += 1
583            else:
584                delta = current_depth - depth
585                while delta > 0 and parent.parent is not None:
586                    parent = parent.parent
587                    delta -= 1
588                parent.add_item(href, frag, text)
589                current_depth = depth
590        return ans