3 * EGroupware API: Contacts - SQL storage
4 *
5 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
6 * @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
7 * @package api
8 * @subpackage contacts
9 * @copyright (c) 2006-16 by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
10 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
11 * @version $Id$
12 */
14namespace EGroupware\Api\Contacts;
16use EGroupware\Api;
19 * Contacts - SQL storage
20 */
21class Sql extends Api\Storage
23	/**
24	 * name of custom fields table
25	 *
26	 * @var string
27	 */
28	var $account_repository = 'sql';
29	var $contact_repository = 'sql';
30	var $grants;
32	/**
33	 * join to show only active account (and not already expired ones)
34	 */
35	const ACCOUNT_ACTIVE_JOIN = ' LEFT JOIN egw_accounts ON egw_addressbook.account_id=egw_accounts.account_id ';
36	/**
37	 * filter to show only active account (and not already expired or deactived ones)
38	 * UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) gets replaced with value of time() in the code!
39	 */
40	const ACOUNT_ACTIVE_FILTER = "(account_expires IS NULL OR account_expires = -1 OR account_expires > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())) AND (account_type IS NULL OR account_type!='u' OR account_status='A')";
42	/**
43	 * internal name of the id, gets mapped to uid
44	 *
45	 * @var string
46	 */
47	var $contacts_id='id';
49	/**
50	 * Name of the table for distribution lists
51	 *
52	 * @var string
53	 */
54	var $lists_table = 'egw_addressbook_lists';
55	/**
56	 * Name of the table with the members (contacts) of the distribution lists
57	 *
58	 * @var string
59	 */
60	var $ab2list_table = 'egw_addressbook2list';
62	const EXTRA_TABLE = 'egw_addressbook_extra';
63	const EXTRA_VALUE = 'contact_value';
65	const SHARED_TABLE = 'egw_addressbook_shared';
67	/**
68	 * Constructor
69	 *
70	 * @param Api\Db $db =null
71	 */
72	function __construct(Api\Db $db=null)
73	{
74		parent::__construct('api', 'egw_addressbook', self::EXTRA_TABLE,
75			'contact_', '_name', '_value', '_id', $db);
77		// Get custom fields from addressbook instead of api
78		$this->customfields = Api\Storage\Customfields::get('addressbook');
80		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository'])
81		{
82			$this->account_repository = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository'];
83		}
84		elseif ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['auth_type'])
85		{
86			$this->account_repository = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['auth_type'];
87		}
88		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['contact_repository'])
89		{
90			$this->contact_repository = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['contact_repository'];
91		}
92	}
94	/**
95	 * Query organisations by given parameters
96	 *
97	 * @var array $param
98	 * @var string $param[org_view] 'org_name', 'org_name,adr_one_location', 'org_name,org_unit' how to group
99	 * @var int $param[owner] addressbook to search
100	 * @var string $param[search] search pattern for org_name
101	 * @var string $param[searchletter] letter the org_name need to start with
102	 * @var array $param[col_filter] filter
103	 * @var string $param[search] or'ed search pattern
104	 * @var array $param[advanced_search] indicator that advanced search is active
105	 * @var string $param[op] (operator like AND or OR; will be passed when advanced search is active)
106	 * @var string $param[wildcard] (wildcard like % or empty or not set (for no wildcard); will be passed when advanced search is active)
107	 * @var int $param[start]
108	 * @var int $param[num_rows]
109	 * @var string $param[sort] ASC or DESC
110	 * @return array or arrays with keys org_name,count and evtl. adr_one_location or org_unit
111	 */
112	function organisations($param)
113	{
114		$filter = is_array($param['col_filter']) ? $param['col_filter'] : array();
115		$join = '';
116		$op = 'OR';
117		if (isset($param['op']) && !empty($param['op'])) $op = $param['op'];
118		$advanced_search = false;
119		if (isset($param['advanced_search']) && !empty($param['advanced_search'])) $advanced_search = true;
120		$wildcard ='%';
121		if ($advanced_search || (isset($param['wildcard']) && !empty($param['wildcard']))) $wildcard = ($param['wildcard']?$param['wildcard']:'');
123		// fix cat_id filter to search in comma-separated multiple cats and return subcats
124		if ($filter['cat_id'])
125		{
126			$filter[] = $this->_cat_filter($filter['cat_id']);
127			unset($filter['cat_id']);
128		}
129		// add filter for read ACL in sql, if user is NOT the owner of the addressbook
130		if ($param['owner'] && $param['owner'] == $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'])
131		{
132			$filter['owner'] = $param['owner'];
133		}
134		else
135		{
136			// we have no private grants in addressbook at the moment, they have then to be added here too
137			if ($param['owner'])
138			{
139				if (!$this->grants[(int) $filter['owner']]) return false;	// we have no access to that addressbook
141				$filter['owner'] = $param['owner'];
142				$filter['private'] = 0;
143			}
144			else	// search all addressbooks, incl. accounts
145			{
146				if ($this->account_repository != 'sql' && $this->contact_repository != 'sql-ldap')
147				{
148					$filter[] = $this->table_name.'.contact_owner != 0';	// in case there have been accounts in sql previously
149				}
150				$filter[] = "(".$this->table_name.".contact_owner=".(int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'].
151					(!$this->grants ? ')' :
152					" OR contact_private=0 AND ".$this->table_name.".contact_owner IN (".
153					implode(',',array_keys($this->grants))."))");
154			}
155			if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['hide_accounts'] !== 'none')
156			{
157				$join .= self::ACCOUNT_ACTIVE_JOIN;
158				if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['hide_accounts'] === '0')
159				{
160					$filter[] = str_replace('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())',time(),self::ACOUNT_ACTIVE_FILTER);
161				}
162				else
163				{
164					$filter[] = 'egw_accounts.account_id IS NULL';
165				}
166			}
167		}
168		if ($param['searchletter'])
169		{
170			$filter[] = 'org_name '.$this->db->capabilities[Api\Db::CAPABILITY_CASE_INSENSITIV_LIKE].' '.$this->db->quote($param['searchletter'].'%');
171		}
172		else
173		{
174			$filter[] = "org_name != ''";// AND org_name IS NOT NULL";
175		}
176		if (isset($filter['list']))
177		{
178			if ($filter['list'] < 0)
179			{
180				$join .= " JOIN egw_acl ON $this->table_name.account_id=acl_account AND acl_appname='phpgw_group' AND ".
181					$this->db->expression('egw_acl', array('acl_location' => $filter['list']));
182			}
183			else
184			{
185				$join .= " JOIN $this->ab2list_table ON $this->table_name.contact_id=$this->ab2list_table.contact_id AND ".
186					$this->db->expression($this->ab2list_table, array('list_id' => $filter['list']));
187			}
188			unset($filter['list']);
189		}
190		$sort = $param['sort'] == 'DESC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
192		list(,$by) = explode(',',$param['org_view']);
193		if (!$by)
194		{
195			$extra = array(
196				'COUNT(DISTINCT egw_addressbook.contact_id) AS org_count',
197				"COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN org_unit IS NULL THEN '' ELSE org_unit END) AS org_unit_count",
198				"COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN adr_one_locality IS NULL THEN '' ELSE adr_one_locality END) AS adr_one_locality_count",
199			);
200			$append = "GROUP BY org_name ORDER BY org_name $sort";
201		}
202		else	// by adr_one_location or org_unit
203		{
204			// org total for more then one $by
205			$by_expr = $by == 'org_unit_count' ? "COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN org_unit IS NULL THEN '' ELSE org_unit END)" :
206				"COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN adr_one_locality IS NULL THEN '' ELSE adr_one_locality END)";
207			parent::search($param['search'],array('org_name'),
208				"GROUP BY org_name HAVING $by_expr > 1 ORDER BY org_name $sort", array(
209				"NULL AS $by",
210				'1 AS is_main',
211				'COUNT(DISTINCT egw_addressbook.contact_id) AS org_count',
212				"COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN org_unit IS NULL THEN '' ELSE org_unit END) AS org_unit_count",
213				"COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN adr_one_locality IS NULL THEN '' ELSE adr_one_locality END) AS adr_one_locality_count",
214			),$wildcard,false,$op/*'OR'*/,'UNION',$filter,$join);
215			// org by location
216			parent::search($param['search'],array('org_name'),
217				"GROUP BY org_name,$by ORDER BY org_name $sort,$by $sort", array(
218				"CASE WHEN $by IS NULL THEN '' ELSE $by END AS $by",
219				'0 AS is_main',
220				'COUNT(DISTINCT egw_addressbook.contact_id) AS org_count',
221				"COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN org_unit IS NULL THEN '' ELSE org_unit END) AS org_unit_count",
222				"COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN adr_one_locality IS NULL THEN '' ELSE adr_one_locality END) AS adr_one_locality_count",
223			),$wildcard,false,$op/*'OR'*/,'UNION',$filter,$join);
224			$append = "ORDER BY org_name $sort,is_main DESC,$by $sort";
225		}
226		$rows = parent::search($param['search'],array('org_name'),$append,$extra,$wildcard,false,$op/*'OR'*/,
227			array($param['start'],$param['num_rows']),$filter,$join);
229		if (!$rows) return false;
231		// query the values for *_count == 1, to display them instead
232		$filter['org_name'] = $orgs = array();
233		foreach($rows as $row)
234		{
235			if ($row['org_unit_count'] == 1 || $row['adr_one_locality_count'] == 1)
236			{
237				$filter['org_name'][$row['org_name']] = $row['org_name'];	// use as key too to have every org only once
238			}
239			$org_key = $row['org_name'].($by ? '|||'.($row[$by] || $row[$by.'_count']==1 ? $row[$by] : '|||') : '');
240			$row['group_count'] = $row['org_count'];
241			$orgs[$org_key] = $row;
242		}
243		unset($rows);
245		if (count($filter['org_name']))
246		{
247			foreach((array) parent::search(null, array('org_name','org_unit','adr_one_locality'),
248				'GROUP BY org_name,org_unit,adr_one_locality',
249				'',$wildcard,false,$op/*'AND'*/,false,$filter,$join) as $row)
250			{
251				$org_key = $row['org_name'].($by ? '|||'.$row[$by] : '');
252				if ($orgs[$org_key]['org_unit_count'] == 1)
253				{
254					$orgs[$org_key]['org_unit'] = $row['org_unit'];
255				}
256				if ($orgs[$org_key]['adr_one_locality_count'] == 1)
257				{
258					$orgs[$org_key]['adr_one_locality'] = $row['adr_one_locality'];
259				}
260				if ($by && isset($orgs[$org_key = $row['org_name'].'||||||']))
261				{
262					if ($orgs[$org_key]['org_unit_count'] == 1)
263					{
264						$orgs[$org_key]['org_unit'] = $row['org_unit'];
265					}
266					if ($orgs[$org_key]['adr_one_locality_count'] == 1)
267					{
268						$orgs[$org_key]['adr_one_locality'] = $row['adr_one_locality'];
269					}
270				}
271			}
272		}
273		return array_values($orgs);
274	}
277	/**
278	 * Query for duplicate contacts according to given parameters
279	 *
280	 * We join egw_addressbook to itself, and count how many fields match.  If
281	 * enough of the fields we care about match, we count those two records as
282	 * duplicates.
283	 *
284	 * @var array $param
285	 * @var string $param[grouped_view] 'duplicate', 'duplicate,adr_one_location', 'duplicate,org_name' how to group
286	 * @var int $param[owner] addressbook to search
287	 * @var string $param[search] search pattern for org_name
288	 * @var string $param[searchletter] letter the name need to start with
289	 * @var array $param[col_filter] filter
290	 * @var string $param[search] or'ed search pattern
291	 * @var array $param[advanced_search] indicator that advanced search is active
292	 * @var string $param[op] (operator like AND or OR; will be passed when advanced search is active)
293	 * @var string $param[wildcard] (wildcard like % or empty or not set (for no wildcard); will be passed when advanced search is active)
294	 * @var int $param[start]
295	 * @var int $param[num_rows]
296	 * @var string $param[sort] ASC or DESC
297	 * @return array or arrays with keys org_name,count and evtl. adr_one_location or org_unit
298	 */
299	function duplicates($param)
300	{
301		$join = 'JOIN ' . $this->table_name . ' AS a2 ON ';
302		$filter = $param['col_filter'];
303		$op = 'OR';
304		if (isset($param['op']) && !empty($param['op'])) $op = $param['op'];
305		$advanced_search = false;
306		if (isset($param['advanced_search']) && !empty($param['advanced_search'])) $advanced_search = true;
307		$wildcard ='%';
308		if ($advanced_search || (isset($param['wildcard']) && !empty($param['wildcard']))) $wildcard = ($param['wildcard']?$param['wildcard']:'');
310		// fix cat_id filter to search in comma-separated multiple cats and return subcats
311		if ($param['cat_id'])
312		{
313			$cat_filter = $this->_cat_filter($filter['cat_id']);
314			$filter[] = str_replace('cat_id', $this->table_name . '.cat_id', $cat_filter);
315			$join .= str_replace('cat_id', 'a2.cat_id', $cat_filter) . ' AND ';
316			unset($filter['cat_id']);
317		}
318		if ($filter['tid'])
319		{
320			$filter[$this->table_name . '.contact_tid'] = $param['col_filter']['tid'];
321			$join .= 'a2.contact_tid = ' . $this->db->quote($filter['tid']) . ' AND ';
322			unset($filter['tid']);
323		}
324		else
325		{
326			$join .= 'a2.contact_tid != \'D\' AND ';
327		}
328		// add filter for read ACL in sql, if user is NOT the owner of the addressbook
329		if (array_key_exists('owner',$param) && $param['owner'] == $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'])
330		{
331			$filter[$this->table_name.'.contact_owner'] = $param['owner'];
332			$join .= 'a2.contact_owner = ' . $this->db->quote($param['owner']) . ' AND ';
333		}
334		else
335		{
336			// we have no private grants in addressbook at the moment, they have then to be added here too
337			if (array_key_exists('owner', $param))
338			{
339				if (!$this->grants[(int) $param['owner']]) return false;	// we have no access to that addressbook
341				$filter[$this->table_name.'.contact_owner'] = $param['owner'];
342				$filter[$this->table_name.'.private'] = 0;
343				$join .= 'a2.contact_owner = ' . $this->db->quote($param['owner']) . ' AND ';
344				$join .= 'a2.contact_private = ' . $this->db->quote($filter['private']) . ' AND ';
345			}
346			else	// search all addressbooks, incl. accounts
347			{
348				if ($this->account_repository != 'sql' && $this->contact_repository != 'sql-ldap')
349				{
350					$filter[] = $this->table_name.'.contact_owner != 0';	// in case there have been accounts in sql previously
351				}
352				$filter[] = $access = "(".$this->table_name.".contact_owner=".(int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'].
353					" OR {$this->table_name}.contact_private=0 AND ".$this->table_name.".contact_owner IN (".
354					implode(',',array_keys($this->grants))."))";
355				$join .= str_replace($this->table_name, 'a2', $access) . ' AND ';
356			}
357		}
358		if ($param['searchletter'])
359		{
360			$filter[] = $this->table_name.'.n_fn '.$this->db->capabilities[Api\Db::CAPABILITY_CASE_INSENSITIV_LIKE].' '.$this->db->quote($param['searchletter'].'%');
361		}
362		$sort = $param['sort'] == 'DESC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
363		$group = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['duplicate_fields'] ?
364				explode(',',$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['duplicate_fields']):
365				array('n_family', 'org_name', 'contact_email');
366		$match_count = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['duplicate_threshold'] ?
367				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['duplicate_threshold'] : 3;
369		$columns = Array();
370		$extra = Array();
371		$order = in_array($param['order'], $group) ? $param['order'] : $group[0];
372		$join .= $this->table_name .'.contact_id != a2.contact_id AND (';
373		$join_fields = Array();
374		foreach($group as $field)
375		{
376			$extra[] = "IF({$this->table_name}.$field = a2.$field, 1, 0)";
377			$join_fields[] = $this->table_name . ".$field = a2.$field";
378			$columns[] = "IF({$this->table_name}.$field = a2.$field, {$this->table_name}.$field, '') AS $field";
379		}
380		$extra = Array(
381			implode('+', $extra) . ' AS match_count'
382		);
383		$join .= $this->db->column_data_implode(' OR ',$join_fields) . ')';
384		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['hide_accounts'] !== 'none')
385		{
386			if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['hide_accounts'] === '0')
387			{
388				$join .=' LEFT JOIN egw_accounts AS account_1 ON egw_addressbook.account_id=account_1.account_id ';
389				$join .=' LEFT JOIN egw_accounts AS account_2 ON egw_addressbook.account_id=account_2.account_id ';
390				$filter[] = str_replace(array('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())', 'account_'),array(time(),'account_1.account_'),self::ACOUNT_ACTIVE_FILTER);
391				$filter[] = str_replace(array('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())', 'account_'),array(time(),'account_2.account_'),self::ACOUNT_ACTIVE_FILTER);
392			}
393			else
394			{
395				$filter[] = 'egw_addressbook.account_id IS NULL and a2.account_id IS NULL';
396			}
397		}
398		$append = " HAVING match_count >= $match_count ORDER BY {$order} $sort, $this->table_name.contact_id";
399		$columns[] = $this->table_name.'.contact_id AS contact_id';
401		$criteria = array();
402		if ($param['search'] && !is_array($param['search']))
403		{
404			$search_cols = array();
405			foreach($group as $col)
406			{
407				$search_cols[] = $this->table_name . '.' . $col;
408			}
409			$search = $this->search2criteria($param['search'],$wildcard,$op, null, $search_cols);
410			$criteria = array($search);
411		}
412		$query = $this->parse_search(array_merge($criteria, $filter), $wildcard, false, ' AND ');
414		$sub_query = $this->db->select($this->table_name,
415			'DISTINCT ' . implode(', ',array_merge($columns, $extra)),
416			$query,
417			False, False, 0, $append, False, -1,
418			$join
419		);
421		$columns = implode(', ', $group);
422		if ($this->db->Type == 'mysql' && $this->db->ServerInfo['version'] >= 4.0)
423		{
424			$mysql_calc_rows = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ';
425		}
427		$rows = $this->db->query(
428				"SELECT $mysql_calc_rows " . $columns. ', COUNT(contact_id) AS group_count' .
429				' FROM (' . $sub_query . ') AS matches GROUP BY ' . implode(',',$group) .
430				' HAVING group_count > 1 ORDER BY ' . $order,
431				__LINE__, __FILE__, (int)$param['start'],$mysql_calc_rows ? (int)$param['num_rows'] : -1
432		);
434		// Go through rows and only return one for each pair/triplet/etc. of matches
435		$dupes = array();
436		foreach($rows as $key => $row)
437		{
438			$row['email'] = $row['contact_email'];
439			$row['email_home'] = $row['contact_email_home'];
440			$dupes[] = $this->db2data($row);
441		}
443		if ($mysql_calc_rows)
444		{
445			$this->total = $this->db->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()')->fetchColumn();
446		}
447		else
448		{
449			$this->total = $rows->NumRows();
450		}
451		return $dupes;
452	}
454	/**
455	 * searches db for rows matching searchcriteria
456	 *
457	 * '*' and '?' are replaced with sql-wildcards '%' and '_'
458	 *
459	 * For a union-query you call search for each query with $start=='UNION' and one more with only $order_by and $start set to run the union-query.
460	 *
461	 * @param array|string $criteria array of key and data cols, OR a SQL query (content for WHERE), fully quoted (!)
462	 * @param boolean|string|array $only_keys =true True returns only keys, False returns all cols. or
463	 *	comma seperated list or array of columns to return
464	 * @param string $order_by ='' fieldnames + {ASC|DESC} separated by colons ',', can also contain a GROUP BY (if it contains ORDER BY)
465	 * @param string|array $extra_cols ='' string or array of strings to be added to the SELECT, eg. "count(*) as num"
466	 * @param string $wildcard ='' appended befor and after each criteria
467	 * @param boolean $empty =false False=empty criteria are ignored in query, True=empty have to be empty in row
468	 * @param string $op ='AND' defaults to 'AND', can be set to 'OR' too, then criteria's are OR'ed together
469	 * @param mixed $start =false if != false, return only maxmatch rows begining with start, or array($start,$num), or 'UNION' for a part of a union query
470	 * @param array $filter =null if set (!=null) col-data pairs, to be and-ed (!) into the query without wildcards
471	 * @param string $join ='' sql to do a join, added as is after the table-name, eg. ", table2 WHERE x=y" or
472	 *	"LEFT JOIN table2 ON (x=y)", Note: there's no quoting done on $join!
473	 * @param boolean $need_full_no_count =false If true an unlimited query is run to determine the total number of rows, default false
474	 * @param boolean $ignore_acl =false true: no acl check
475	 * @return boolean/array of matching rows (the row is an array of the cols) or False
476	 */
477	function &search($criteria,$only_keys=True,$order_by='',$extra_cols='',$wildcard='',$empty=False,$op='AND',$start=false,$filter=null,$join='',$need_full_no_count=false, $ignore_acl=false)
478	{
479		if ((int) $this->debug >= 4) echo '<p>'.__METHOD__.'('.array2string($criteria).','.array2string($only_keys).",'$order_by','$extra_cols','$wildcard','$empty','$op',$start,".array2string($filter).",'$join')</p>\n";
480		//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($criteria,true).','.array2string($only_keys).",'$order_by', ".array2string($extra_cols).",'$wildcard','$empty','$op',$start,".array2string($filter).",'$join')");
482		$owner = isset($filter['owner']) ? $filter['owner'] : (isset($criteria['owner']) ? $criteria['owner'] : null);
484		// fix cat_id criteria to search in comma-separated multiple cats and return subcats
485		if (is_array($criteria) && ($cats = $criteria['cat_id']))
486		{
487			$criteria = array_merge($criteria, $this->_cat_search($criteria['cat_id']));
488			unset($criteria['cat_id']);
489		}
490		// fix cat_id filter to search in comma-separated multiple cats and return subcats
491		if (($cats = $filter['cat_id']))
492		{
493			if ($filter['cat_id'][0] == '!')
494			{
495				$filter['cat_id'] = substr($filter['cat_id'],1);
496				$not = 'NOT';
497			}
498			$filter[] = $this->_cat_filter($filter['cat_id'],$not);
499			unset($filter['cat_id']);
500		}
502		if (!empty($filter['shared_by']))
503		{
504			$filter[] = $this->table_name.'.contact_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT contact_id FROM '.self::SHARED_TABLE.' WHERE '.
505				'shared_deleted IS NULL AND shared_by='.(int)$filter['shared_by'].
506				((string)$filter['owner'] !== '' ? ' AND shared_with='.(int)$filter['owner'] : '').')';
507			unset($filter['shared_by']);
508			$shared_sql = '1=1';	// can not be empty and must be true
509		}
510		else
511		{
512			// SQL to get all shared contacts to be OR-ed into ACL filter
513			$shared_sql = $this->table_name.'.contact_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM '.self::SHARED_TABLE.' WHERE '.
514				// $filter[tid] === null is used by sync-collection report, in which case we need to return deleted shares, to remove them from devices
515				(array_key_exists('tid', $filter) && !isset($filter['tid']) ? '' : 'shared_deleted IS NULL AND ').
516				$this->db->expression(self::SHARED_TABLE, ['shared_with' => $filter['owner'] ?? array_keys($this->grants)]).')';
517		}
519		// add filter for read ACL in sql, if user is NOT the owner of the addressbook
520		if (isset($this->grants) && !$ignore_acl)
521		{
522			// add read ACL for groupmembers (they have no
523			if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['account_selection'] == 'groupmembers' &&
524				(!isset($filter['owner']) || in_array('0',(array)$filter['owner'])))
525			{
526				$groupmembers = array();
527				foreach($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'],true) as $group_id)
528				{
529					if (($members = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->members($group_id,true)))
530					{
531						$groupmembers = array_merge($groupmembers,$members);
532					}
533				}
534				$groupmember_sql = $this->db->expression($this->table_name, ' OR '.$this->table_name.'.',array(
535					'account_id' => array_unique($groupmembers),
536				));
537			}
538			// we have no private grants in addressbook at the moment, they have then to be added here too
539			if (isset($filter['owner']))
540			{
541				// no grants for selected owner/addressbook
542				if (!array_intersect((array)$filter['owner'],array_keys($this->grants)))
543				{
544					if (!isset($groupmember_sql)) return false;
545					$filter[] = '('.substr($groupmember_sql,4)." OR $shared_sql)";
546					unset($filter['owner']);
547				}
548				// for an owner filter, which does NOT include current user, filter out private entries
549				elseif (!in_array($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'], (array)$filter['owner']))
550				{
551					$filter[] = '('.$this->db->expression($this->table_name, $this->table_name.'.', ['contact_owner' => $filter['owner'], 'contact_private' => 0]).
552						" OR $shared_sql)";
553					unset($filter['owner']);
554				}
555				// if multiple addressbooks (incl. current owner) are searched, we need full acl filter
556				elseif(is_array($filter['owner']) && count($filter['owner']) > 1)
557				{
558					$filter[] = "($this->table_name.contact_owner=".(int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'].
559						" OR $shared_sql".
560						" OR contact_private=0 AND $this->table_name.contact_owner IN (".
561						implode(',',array_keys($this->grants)).") $groupmember_sql OR $this->table_name.contact_owner IS NULL)";
562				}
563				else
564				{
565					$filter[] = '('.$this->db->expression($this->table_name, $this->table_name.'.', ['contact_owner' => $filter['owner']]).
566						" OR $shared_sql)";
567					unset($filter['owner']);
568				}
569			}
570			else	// search all addressbooks, incl. accounts
571			{
572				if ($this->account_repository != 'sql' && $this->contact_repository != 'sql-ldap')
573				{
574					$filter[] = $this->table_name.'.contact_owner != 0';	// in case there have been accounts in sql previously
575				}
576				$filter[] = "($this->table_name.contact_owner=".(int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'].
577					" OR $shared_sql".
578					($this->grants ? " OR contact_private=0 AND $this->table_name.contact_owner IN (".
579						implode(',',array_keys($this->grants)).")" : '').
580					$groupmember_sql." OR $this->table_name.contact_owner IS NULL)";
581			}
582		}
583		if (isset($filter['list']))
584		{
585			if ($filter['list'] < 0)
586			{
587				$join .= " JOIN egw_acl ON $this->table_name.account_id=acl_account AND acl_appname='phpgw_group' AND ".
588					$this->db->expression('egw_acl', array('acl_location' => $filter['list']));
589			}
590			else
591			{
592				$join .= " JOIN $this->ab2list_table ON $this->table_name.contact_id=$this->ab2list_table.contact_id AND ".
593					$this->db->expression($this->ab2list_table, array('list_id' => $filter['list']));
594			}
595			unset($filter['list']);
596		}
597		// add join to show only active accounts (only if accounts are shown and in sql and we not already join the accounts table, eg. used by admin)
598		if ((is_array($owner) ? in_array(0, $owner) : !$owner) && substr($this->account_repository,0,3) == 'sql' &&
599			strpos($join,$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->backend->table) === false && !array_key_exists('account_id',$filter))
600		{
601			$join .= self::ACCOUNT_ACTIVE_JOIN;
602			if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['hide_accounts'] === '0')
603			{
604				$filter[] = str_replace('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())',time(),self::ACOUNT_ACTIVE_FILTER);
605			}
606		}
607		if ($join || ($criteria && is_string($criteria)) || ($criteria && is_array($criteria) && $order_by))	// search also adds a join for custom fields!
608		{
609			switch(gettype($only_keys))
610			{
611				case 'boolean':
612					// Correctly handled by parent class
613					break;
614				case 'string':
615					$only_keys = explode(',',$only_keys);
616					// fall through
617			}
618			// postgres requires that expressions in order by appear in the columns of a distinct select
619			$all_matches = null;
620			if ($this->db->Type != 'mysql' && preg_match_all("/(#?[a-zA-Z_.]+) *(<> *''|IS NULL|IS NOT NULL)? *(ASC|DESC)?(,|$)/ui",
621				$order_by, $all_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
622			{
623				if (!is_array($extra_cols))	$extra_cols = $extra_cols ? explode(',',$extra_cols) : array();
624				foreach($all_matches as $matches)
625				{
626					$table = '';
627					$column = $matches[1];
628					if ($column[0] == '#') continue;	// order by custom field is handeled in so_sql_cf anyway
629					if (($key = array_search($column, $this->db_cols)) !== false) $column = $key;
630					if (strpos($column,'.') === false)
631					{
632						$table = $column == $this->extra_value ? $this->extra_table : $this->table_name;
633						if (isset($this->db_cols[$column]))
634						{
635							$table .= '.';
636						}
637						else
638						{
639							$table = '';
640						}
641					}
642					$extra_cols[] = $table.$column.' '.$matches[2];
643					//_debug_array($matches);
644					if (!empty($order_by) && $table) // postgres requires explizit order by
645					{
646						$order_by = str_replace($matches[0],$table.$column.' '.$matches[2].' '.$matches[3].$matches[4],$order_by);
647					}
648				}
649				//_debug_array($order_by); _debug_array($extra_cols);
650			}
652			// Understand search by date with wildcard (????.10.??) according to user date preference
653			if(is_string($criteria) && strpos($criteria, '?') !== false)
654			{
655				// First, check for a 'date', with wildcards, in the user's format
656				$date_regex = str_replace('Q','d',
657					str_replace(array('Y','m','d','.','-'),
658						array('(?P<Y>(?:\?|\Q){4})','(?P<m>(?:\?|\Q){2})','(?P<d>(?:\?|\Q){2})','\.','\-'),
659							$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat']));
661				if(preg_match_all('$'.$date_regex.'$', $criteria, $matches))
662				{
663					foreach($matches[0] as $m_id => $match)
664					{
665						// Birthday is Y-m-d
666						$criteria = str_replace($match, "*{$matches['Y'][$m_id]}-{$matches['m'][$m_id]}-{$matches['d'][$m_id]}*",$criteria);
667					}
668				}
669			}
670		}
671		// shared with column and filter
672		if (!is_array($extra_cols))	$extra_cols = $extra_cols ? explode(',',$extra_cols) : array();
673		$shared_with = '(SELECT '.$this->db->group_concat('DISTINCT shared_with').' FROM '.self::SHARED_TABLE.
674			' WHERE '.self::SHARED_TABLE.'.contact_id='.$this->table_name.'.contact_id AND shared_deleted IS NULL)';
675		if (($key = array_search('shared_with', $extra_cols)) !== false)
676		{
677			$extra_cols[$key] = "$shared_with AS shared_with";
678		}
679		switch ((string)$filter['shared_with'])
680		{
681			case '':	// filter not set
682				break;
683			case 'not':
684				$filter[] = $shared_with.' IS NULL';
685				break;
686			case 'shared':
687				$filter[] = $shared_with.' IS NOT NULL';
688				break;
689			default:
690				$join .= ' JOIN '.self::SHARED_TABLE.' sw ON '.$this->table_name.'.contact_id=sw.contact_id AND sw.'.
691					$this->db->expression(self::SHARED_TABLE, ['shared_with' => $filter['shared_with']]).
692					' AND sw.shared_deleted IS NULL';
693				break;
694		}
695		unset($filter['shared_with']);
697		$rows =& parent::search($criteria,$only_keys,$order_by,$extra_cols,$wildcard,$empty,$op,$start,$filter,$join,$need_full_no_count);
699		if ($start === false) $this->total = is_array($rows) ? count($rows) : 0;	// so_sql sets total only for $start !== false!
701		return $rows;
702	}
704	/**
705	 * fix cat_id filter to search in comma-separated multiple cats and return subcats
706	 *
707	 * @internal
708	 * @param int|array $cat_id
709	 * @return string sql to filter by given cat
710	 */
711	function _cat_filter($cat_id, $not='')
712	{
713		if (!is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->categories))
714		{
715			$GLOBALS['egw']->categories = new Api\Categories;
716		}
717		foreach($GLOBALS['egw']->categories->return_all_children($cat_id) as $cat)
718		{
719			$cat_filter[] = $this->db->concat("','", 'cat_id', "','")." $not LIKE '%,$cat,%'";
720		}
721		$cfilter = '('.implode(' OR ',$cat_filter).')';
722		if(!empty($not))
723		{
724			$cfilter = "( $cfilter OR cat_id IS NULL )";
725		}
726		return $cfilter;
727	}
729	/**
730	 * fix cat_id criteria to search in comma-separated multiple cats
731	 *
732	 * @internal
733	 * @param int|array|string $cats
734	 * @return array of sql-strings to be OR'ed or AND'ed together
735	 */
736	function _cat_search($cats)
737	{
738		$cat_filter = array();
739		foreach(is_array($cats) ? $cats : (is_numeric($cats) ? array($cats) : explode(',',$cats)) as $cat)
740		{
741			if (is_numeric($cat)) $cat_filter[] = $this->db->concat("','",cat_id,"','")." LIKE '%,$cat,%'";
742		}
743		return $cat_filter;
744	}
746	/**
747	 * Change the ownership of contacts and distribution-lists owned by a given account
748	 *
749	 * @param int $account_id account-id of the old owner
750	 * @param int $new_owner account-id of the new owner
751	 */
752	function change_owner($account_id,$new_owner)
753	{
754		if (!$new_owner)	// otherwise we would create an account (contact_owner==0)
755		{
756			throw Api\Exception\WrongParameter(__METHOD__."($account_id, $new_owner) new owner must not be 0!");
757		}
758		// contacts
759		$this->db->update($this->table_name,array(
760			'contact_owner' => $new_owner,
761		),array(
762			'contact_owner' => $account_id,
763		),__LINE__,__FILE__);
765		// cfs
766		$this->db->update(self::EXTRA_TABLE, array(
767			'contact_owner' => $new_owner
768		),array(
769			'contact_owner' => $account_id
770		), __LINE__, __FILE__);
772		// lists
773		$this->db->update($this->lists_table, array(
774			'list_owner' => $new_owner,
775		),array(
776			'list_owner' => $account_id,
777		),__LINE__,__FILE__);
778	}
780	/**
781	 * Get the availible distribution lists for givens users and groups
782	 *
783	 * @param array $uids array of user or group id's for $uid_column='list_owners', or values for $uid_column,
784	 * 	or whole where array: column-name => value(s) pairs
785	 * @param string $uid_column ='list_owner' column-name or null to use $uids as where array
786	 * @param string $member_attr =null null: no members, 'contact_uid', 'contact_id', 'caldav_name' return members as that attribute
787	 * @param boolean|int|array $limit_in_ab =false if true only return members from the same owners addressbook,
788	 * 	if int|array only return members from the given owners addressbook(s)
789	 * @return array with list_id => array(list_id,list_name,list_owner,...) pairs
790	 */
791	function get_lists($uids,$uid_column='list_owner',$member_attr=null,$limit_in_ab=false)
792	{
793		if (is_array($uids) && array_key_exists('list_id', $uids))
794		{
795			$uids[] = $this->db->expression($this->lists_table, $this->lists_table.'.',array('list_id' => $uids['list_id']));
796			unset($uids['list_id']);
797		}
798		$lists = array();
799		foreach($this->db->select($this->lists_table,'*',$uid_column?array($uid_column=>$uids):$uids,__LINE__,__FILE__,
800			false,'ORDER BY list_owner<>'.(int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'].',list_name') as $row)
801		{
802			if ($member_attr) $row['members'] = array();
803			$lists[$row['list_id']] = $row;
804		}
805		if ($lists && $member_attr && in_array($member_attr,array('contact_id','contact_uid','caldav_name')))
806		{
807			if ($limit_in_ab)
808			{
809				$in_ab_join = " JOIN $this->lists_table ON $this->lists_table.list_id=$this->ab2list_table.list_id AND $this->lists_table.";
810				if (!is_bool($limit_in_ab))
811				{
812					$in_ab_join .= $this->db->expression($this->lists_table, array('list_owner'=>$limit_in_ab));
813				}
814				else
815				{
816					$in_ab_join .= "list_owner=$this->table_name.contact_owner";
817				}
818			}
819			foreach($this->db->select($this->ab2list_table,"$this->ab2list_table.list_id,$this->table_name.$member_attr",
820				$this->db->expression($this->ab2list_table, $this->ab2list_table.'.', array('list_id'=>array_keys($lists))),
821				__LINE__,__FILE__,false,$member_attr=='contact_id' ? '' :
822				'',false,0,"JOIN $this->table_name ON $this->ab2list_table.contact_id=$this->table_name.contact_id".$in_ab_join) as $row)
823			{
824				$lists[$row['list_id']]['members'][] = $row[$member_attr];
825			}
826		}
827		/* groups as list are implemented currently in Contacts\Storage::get_lists() for all backends
828		if ($uid_column == 'list_owner' && in_array(0, (array)$uids) && (!$limit_in_ab || in_array(0, (array)$limit_in_ab)))
829		{
830			foreach($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->search(array(
831				'type' => 'groups'
832			)) as $account_id => $group)
833			{
834				$list = array(
835					'list_id' => $account_id,
836					'list_name' => Api\Accounts::format_username($group['account_lid'], '', '', $account_id),
837					'list_owner' => 0,
838					'list_uid' => 'group'.$account_id,
839					'list_carddav_name' => 'group'.$account_id.'.vcf',
840					'list_etag' => md5(json_encode($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->members($account_id, true)))
841				);
842				if ($member_attr)
843				{
844					$list['members'] = array();	// ToDo
845				}
846				$lists[(string)$account_id] = $list;
847			}
848		}*/
849		//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($uids).", '$uid_column', '$member_attr') returning ".array2string($lists));
850		return $lists;
851	}
853	/**
854	 * Adds / updates a distribution list
855	 *
856	 * @param string|array $keys list-name or array with column-name => value pairs to specify the list
857	 * @param int $owner user- or group-id
858	 * @param array $contacts =array() contacts to add (only for not yet existing lists!)
859	 * @param array &$data=array() values for keys 'list_uid', 'list_carddav_name', 'list_name'
860	 * @return int|boolean integer list_id or false on error
861	 */
862	function add_list($keys,$owner,$contacts=array(),array &$data=array())
863	{
864		//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($keys).", $owner, ".array2string($contacts).', '.array2string($data).') '.function_backtrace());
865		if (!$keys && !$data || !(int)$owner) return false;
867		if ($keys && !is_array($keys)) $keys = array('list_name' => $keys);
868		if ($keys)
869		{
870			$keys['list_owner'] = $owner;
871		}
872		else
873		{
874			$data['list_owner'] = $owner;
875		}
876		if (!$keys || !($list_id = $this->db->select($this->lists_table,'list_id',$keys,__LINE__,__FILE__)->fetchColumn()))
877		{
878			$data['list_created'] = time();
879			$data['list_creator'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
880		}
881		else
882		{
883			$data[] = 'list_etag=list_etag+1';
884		}
885		$data['list_modified'] = time();
886		$data['list_modifier'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
887		if (!$data['list_id']) unset($data['list_id']);
889		if (!$this->db->insert($this->lists_table,$data,$keys,__LINE__,__FILE__)) return false;
891		if (!$list_id && ($list_id = $this->db->get_last_insert_id($this->lists_table,'list_id')) &&
892			(!isset($data['list_uid']) || !isset($data['list_carddav_name'])))
893		{
894			$update = array();
895			if (!isset($data['list_uid']))
896			{
897				$update['list_uid'] = $data['list_uid'] = Api\CalDAV::generate_uid('addresbook-lists', $list_id);
898			}
899			if (!isset($data['list_carddav_name']))
900			{
901				$update['list_carddav_name'] = $data['list_carddav_name'] = $data['list_uid'].'.vcf';
902			}
903			$this->db->update($this->lists_table,$update,array('list_id'=>$list_id),__LINE__,__FILE__);
905			$this->add2list($list_id,$contacts,array());
906		}
907		if ($keys) $data += $keys;
908		//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($keys).", $owner, ...) data=".array2string($data).' returning '.array2string($list_id));
909		return $list_id;
910	}
912	/**
913	 * Adds contact(s) to a distribution list
914	 *
915	 * @param int|array $contact contact_id(s)
916	 * @param int $list list-id
917	 * @param array $existing =null array of existing contact-id(s) of list, to not reread it, eg. array()
918	 * @return false on error
919	 */
920	function add2list($contact,$list,array $existing=null)
921	{
922		if (!(int)$list || !is_array($contact) && !(int)$contact) return false;
924		if (!is_array($existing))
925		{
926			$existing = array();
927			foreach($this->db->select($this->ab2list_table,'contact_id',array('list_id'=>$list),__LINE__,__FILE__) as $row)
928			{
929				$existing[] = $row['contact_id'];
930			}
931		}
932		if (!($to_add = array_diff((array)$contact,$existing)))
933		{
934			return true;	// no need to insert it, would give sql error
935		}
936		foreach($to_add as $contact)
937		{
938			$this->db->insert($this->ab2list_table,array(
939				'contact_id' => $contact,
940				'list_id' => $list,
941				'list_added' => time(),
942				'list_added_by' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'],
943			),array(),__LINE__,__FILE__);
944		}
945		// update etag
946		return $this->db->update($this->lists_table,array(
947			'list_etag=list_etag+1',
948			'list_modified' => time(),
949			'list_modifier' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'],
950		),array(
951			'list_id' => $list,
952		),__LINE__,__FILE__);
953	}
955	/**
956	 * Removes one contact from distribution list(s)
957	 *
958	 * @param int|array $contact contact_id(s)
959	 * @param int $list =null list-id or null to remove from all lists
960	 * @return false on error
961	 */
962	function remove_from_list($contact,$list=null)
963	{
964		if (!(int)$list && !is_null($list) || !is_array($contact) && !(int)$contact) return false;
966		$where = array(
967			'contact_id' => $contact,
968		);
969		if (!is_null($list))
970		{
971			$where['list_id'] = $list;
972		}
973		else
974		{
975			$list = array();
976			foreach($this->db->select($this->ab2list_table,'list_id',$where,__LINE__,__FILE__) as $row)
977			{
978				$list[] = $row['list_id'];
979			}
980		}
981		if (!$this->db->delete($this->ab2list_table,$where,__LINE__,__FILE__))
982		{
983			return false;
984		}
985		foreach((array)$list as $list_id)
986		{
987			$this->db->update($this->lists_table,array(
988				'list_etag=list_etag+1',
989				'list_modified' => time(),
990				'list_modifier' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'],
991			),array(
992				'list_id' => $list_id,
993			),__LINE__,__FILE__);
994		}
995		return true;
996	}
998	/**
999	 * Deletes a distribution list (incl. it's members)
1000	 *
1001	 * @param int|array $list list_id(s)
1002	 * @return number of members deleted or false if list does not exist
1003	 */
1004	function delete_list($list)
1005	{
1006		if (!$this->db->delete($this->lists_table,array('list_id' => $list),__LINE__,__FILE__)) return false;
1008		$this->db->delete($this->ab2list_table,array('list_id' => $list),__LINE__,__FILE__);
1010		return $this->db->affected_rows();
1011	}
1013	/**
1014	 * Get ctag (max list_modified as timestamp) for lists
1015	 *
1016	 * @param int|array $owner =null null for all lists user has access too
1017	 * @return int
1018	 */
1019	function lists_ctag($owner=null)
1020	{
1021		if (is_null($owner)) $owner = array_keys($this->grants);
1023		if (!($modified = $this->db->select($this->lists_table,'MAX(list_modified)',array('list_owner'=>$owner),
1024			__LINE__,__FILE__)->fetchColumn()))
1025		{
1026			return 0;
1027		}
1028		return $this->db->from_timestamp($modified);
1029	}
1031	/**
1032	 * Reads a contact, reimplemented to use the uid, if a non-numeric key is given
1033	 *
1034	 * @param int|string|array $keys
1035	 * @param string|array $extra_cols
1036	 * @param string $join
1037	 * @return array|boolean
1038	 */
1039	function read($keys,$extra_cols='',$join='')
1040	{
1041		if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['syncml']['minimum_uid_length'])) {
1042			$minimum_uid_length = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['syncml']['minimum_uid_length'];
1043		} else {
1044			$minimum_uid_length = 8;
1045		}
1047		if (!is_array($keys) && !is_numeric($keys))
1048		{
1049			$keys = array('uid' => $keys);
1050		}
1051		try {
1052			$contact = parent::read($keys,$extra_cols,$join);
1053		}
1054		// catch Illegal mix of collations (ascii_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '=' (1267)
1055		// caused by non-ascii chars compared with ascii field uid
1056		catch(Api\Db\Exception $e) {
1057			_egw_log_exception($e);
1058			return false;
1059		}
1061		// enforce a minium uid strength
1062		if (is_array($contact) && (!isset($contact['uid'])
1063				|| strlen($contact['uid']) < $minimum_uid_length)) {
1064			parent::update(array('uid' => Api\CalDAV::generate_uid('addressbook',$contact['id'])));
1065		}
1066		if (is_array($contact))
1067		{
1068			$contact['shared'] = $this->read_shared($contact['id']);
1069		}
1070		return $contact;
1071	}
1073	/**
1074	 * Read sharing information of a contact
1075	 *
1076	 * @param int $id contact_id to read
1077	 * @param ?boolean $deleted =false false: ignore deleted, true: only deleted, null: both
1078	 * @return array of array with values for keys "shared_(with|writable|by|at|id|deleted)"
1079	 */
1080	function read_shared($id, $deleted=false)
1081	{
1082		$shared = [];
1083		$where = ['contact_id' => $id];
1084		if (isset($deleted)) $where[] = $deleted ? 'shared_deleted IS NOT NULL' : 'shared_deleted IS NULL';
1085		foreach($this->db->select(self::SHARED_TABLE, '*', $where, __LINE__, __FILE__, false) as $row)
1086		{
1087			$row['shared_at'] = Api\DateTime::server2user($row['shared_at'], 'object');
1088			$shared[] = $row;
1089		}
1090		return $shared;
1091	}
1093	/**
1094	 * Save sharing information of a contact
1095	 *
1096	 * @param int $id
1097	 * @param array $shared array of array with values for keys "shared_(with|writable|by|at|id)"
1098	 * @return array of array with values for keys "shared_(with|writable|by|at|id)"
1099	 */
1100	function save_shared($id, array $shared)
1101	{
1102		$ids = [];
1103		foreach($shared as $key => &$data)
1104		{
1105			if (empty($data['shared_id']))
1106			{
1107				unset($data['shared_id']);
1108				$data['contact_id'] = $id;
1109				$data['shared_at'] = Api\DateTime::user2server($data['shared_at'] ?: 'now');
1110				$data['shared_by'] = $data['shared_by'] ?: $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
1111				$data['shared_deleted'] = null;
1112				foreach($shared as $ckey => $check)
1113				{
1114					if (!empty($check['shared_id']) &&
1115						$data['shared_with'] == $check['shared_with'] &&
1116						$data['shared_by'] == $check['shared_by'])
1117					{
1118						if ($data['shared_writable'] == $check['shared_writable'])
1119						{
1120							unset($shared[$key]);
1121							continue 2;	// no need to save identical entry
1122						}
1123						// remove
1124						unset($shared[$ckey]);
1125						break;
1126					}
1127				}
1128				$this->db->insert(self::SHARED_TABLE, $data,
1129					$where = array_intersect_key($data, array_flip(['shared_by','shared_with','contact_id','share_id'])), __LINE__, __FILE__);
1130				// if we resurect a previous deleted share, we dont get the shared_id back, need to query it
1131				$data['shared_id'] = $this->db->select(self::SHARED_TABLE, 'shared_id', $where, __LINE__, __FILE__)->fetchColumn();
1132			}
1133			$ids[] = (int)$data['shared_id'];
1134		}
1135		$delete = ['contact_id' => $id, 'shared_deleted IS NULL'];
1136		if ($ids) $delete[] = 'shared_id NOT IN ('.implode(',', $ids).')';
1137		$this->db->update(self::SHARED_TABLE, ['shared_deleted' => new Api\DateTime('now')], $delete, __LINE__, __FILE__);
1138		foreach($shared as &$data)
1139		{
1140			$data['shared_at'] = Api\DateTime::server2user($data['shared_at'], 'object');
1141		}
1142		return $shared;
1143	}
1145	/**
1146	 * deletes row representing keys in internal data or the supplied $keys if != null
1147	 *
1148	 * reimplented to also delete sharing info
1149	 *
1150	 * @param array|int $keys =null if given array with col => value pairs to characterise the rows to delete, or integer autoinc id
1151	 * @param boolean $only_return_ids =false return $ids of delete call to db object, but not run it (can be used by extending classes!)
1152	 * @return int|array affected rows, should be 1 if ok, 0 if an error or array with id's if $only_return_ids
1153	 */
1154	function delete($keys=null,$only_return_ids=false)
1155	{
1156		if (!$only_return_ids)
1157		{
1158			if (is_scalar($keys))
1159			{
1160				$query = ['contact_id' => $keys];
1161			}
1162			elseif (!isset($keys['contact_id']))
1163			{
1164				$query = parent::delete($keys,true);
1165			}
1166			$this->db->delete(self::SHARED_TABLE, $query ?? $keys, __LINE__, __FILE__);
1167		}
1168		return parent::delete($keys, $only_return_ids);
1169	}
1171	/**
1172	 * Saves a contact, reimplemented to check a given etag and set a uid
1173	 *
1174	 * @param array $keys if given $keys are copied to data before saveing => allows a save as
1175	 * @param string|array $extra_where =null extra where clause, eg. to check the etag, returns 'nothing_affected' if not affected rows
1176	 * @return int 0 on success and errno != 0 else
1177	 */
1178	function save($keys = NULL, $extra_where = NULL)
1179	{
1180		unset($extra_where);	// not used, but required by function signature
1182		if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['syncml']['minimum_uid_length'])) {
1183			$minimum_uid_length = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['syncml']['minimum_uid_length'];
1184		} else {
1185			$minimum_uid_length = 8;
1186		}
1188		if (is_array($keys) && count($keys)) $this->data_merge($keys);
1190		$new_entry = !$this->data['id'];
1192		if (isset($this->data['etag']))		// do we have an etag in the data to write
1193		{
1194			$etag = $this->data['etag'];
1195			unset($this->data['etag']);
1196			if (!($err = parent::save(array('contact_etag=contact_etag+1'),array('contact_etag' => $etag))))
1197			{
1198				$this->data['etag'] = $etag+1;
1199			}
1200			else
1201			{
1202				$this->data['etag'] = $etag;
1203			}
1204		}
1205		else
1206		{
1207			unset($this->data['etag']);
1208			if (!($err = parent::save(array('contact_etag=contact_etag+1'))) && $new_entry)
1209			{
1210				$this->data['etag'] = 0;
1211			}
1212		}
1214		$update = array();
1215		// enforce a minium uid strength
1216		if (!isset($this->data['uid']) || strlen($this->data['uid']) < $minimum_uid_length)
1217		{
1218			$update['uid'] = Api\CalDAV::generate_uid('addressbook',$this->data['id']);
1219			//echo "<p>set uid={$this->data['uid']}, etag={$this->data['etag']}</p>";
1220		}
1221		// set carddav_name, if not given by caller
1222		if (empty($this->data['carddav_name']))
1223		{
1224			$update['carddav_name'] = $this->data['id'].'.vcf';
1225		}
1226		// update photo in entry-directory, unless hinted it is unchanged
1227		if (!$err && $this->data['photo_unchanged'] !== true)
1228		{
1229			// in case files bit-field is not available read it from DB
1230			if (!isset($this->data['files']))
1231			{
1232				$this->data['files'] = (int)$this->db->select($this->table_name, 'contact_files', array(
1233					'contact_id' => $this->data['id'],
1234				), __LINE__, __FILE__)->fetchColumn();
1235			}
1236			$path =  Api\Link::vfs_path('addressbook', $this->data['id'], Api\Contacts::FILES_PHOTO);
1237			$backup = Api\Vfs::$is_root; Api\Vfs::$is_root = true;
1238			if (empty($this->data['jpegphoto']))
1239			{
1240				unlink($path);
1241				$update['files'] = $this->data['files'] & ~Api\Contacts::FILES_BIT_PHOTO;
1242			}
1243			else
1244			{
1245				file_put_contents($path, $this->data['jpegphoto']);
1246				$update['files'] = $this->data['files'] | Api\Contacts::FILES_BIT_PHOTO;
1247			}
1248			Api\Vfs::$is_root = $backup;
1249		}
1250		if (!$err && $update)
1251		{
1252			parent::update($update);
1253		}
1254		// save sharing information, if given, eg. not the case for CardDAV
1255		if (!$err && isset($this->data['shared']))
1256		{
1257			$this->data['shared'] = $this->save_shared($this->data['id'], $this->data['shared']);
1258		}
1259		return $err;
1260	}
1263	/**
1264	 * Read data of a distribution list
1265	 *
1266	 * @param int $list list_id
1267	 * @return array of data or false if list does not exist
1268	 */
1269	function read_list($list)
1270	{
1271		if (!$list) return false;
1273		return $this->db->select($this->lists_table,'*',array('list_id'=>$list),__LINE__,__FILE__)->fetch();
1274	}
1276	/**
1277	 * saves custom field data
1278	 * Re-implemented to deal with extra contact_owner column
1279	 *
1280	 * @param array $data data to save (cf's have to be prefixed with self::CF_PREFIX = #)
1281	 * @param array $extra_cols =array() extra-data to be saved
1282	 * @return bool false on success, errornumber on failure
1283	 */
1284	function save_customfields(&$data, array $extra_cols=array())
1285	{
1286		return parent::save_customfields($data, array('contact_owner' => $data['owner'])+$extra_cols);
1287	}
1289	/**
1290	* Deletes custom field data
1291	* Implemented to deal with LDAP backend, which saves CFs in SQL, but the account record is in LDAP
1292	*/
1293	function delete_customfields($data)
1294	{
1295		$this->db->delete($this->extra_table,$data,__LINE__,__FILE__);
1296	}