3 * EGroupware API: generates html with methods representing html-tags or higher widgets
4 *
5 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
6 * @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de> complete rewrite in 6/2006 and earlier modifications
7 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
8 * @author RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de
9 * @copyright 2001-2016 by RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de
10 * @package api
11 * @subpackage html
12 * @version $Id$
13 */
15namespace EGroupware\Api;
16use EGroupware\Api\Header\ContentSecurityPolicy;
18 * Generates html with methods representing html-tags or higher widgets
19 *
20 * The class has only static methods now, so there's no need to instanciate as object anymore!
21 */
22class Html
24	/**
25	 * Automatically turn on enhanced selectboxes if there's more than this many options
26	 */
29	/**
30	 * activates URLs in a text, URLs get replaced by html-links
31	 *
32	 * @param string $content text containing URLs
33	 * @return string html with activated links
34	 */
35	static function activate_links($content)
36	{
37		if (!$content || strlen($content) < 20) return $content;	// performance
39		// Exclude everything which is already a link
40		$NotAnchor = '(?<!"|href=|href\s=\s|href=\s|href\s=)';
42		// spamsaver emailaddress
43		$result = preg_replace('/'.$NotAnchor.'mailto:([a-z0-9._-]+)@([a-z0-9_-]+)\.([a-z0-9._-]+)/i',
44			"<a href=\"mailto:$1@$2.$3\" target=\"_blank\">$1 AT $2 DOT $3</a>",
45			$content);
47		//  First match things beginning with http:// (or other protocols)
48		$optBracket0 = '(<|&lt;)';
49		$Protocol = '(http:\/\/|(ftp:\/\/|https:\/\/))';	// only http:// gets removed, other protocolls are shown
50		$Domain = '([\w-]+\.[\w\-.]+)';
51		$Subdir = '([\w\-\.,@?^=%&;:\/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&\/~\+#])?';
52		$optBracket = '(>|&gt;)';
53		$Expr = '/' .$optBracket0. $NotAnchor . $Protocol . $Domain . $Subdir . $optBracket . '/i';
54		// use preg_replace_callback as we experienced problems with https links
55		$result2 = preg_replace_callback($Expr, function ($match)
56		{
57			return $match[1]."<a href=\"".($match[2]&&!$match[3]?$match[2]:'').($match[3]?$match[3]:'').$match[4].$match[5]."\" target=\"_blank\">".$match[4].$match[5]."</a>".$match[6];
58		}, $result);
60		if (true)	// hack to keep IDE from complaing about double assignments
61		{
62			//  First match things beginning with http:// (or other protocols)
63			$Protocol = '(http:\/\/|(ftp:\/\/|https:\/\/))';	// only http:// gets removed, other protocolls are shown
64			$Domain = '([\w-]+\.[\w\-.]+)';
65			$Subdir = '([\w\-\.,@?^=%&;:\/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&\/~\+#])?';
66			$optStuff = '(&quot;|&quot|;)?';
67			$Expr = '/' . $NotAnchor . $Protocol . $Domain . $Subdir . $optStuff . '/i';
68			// use preg_replace_callback as we experienced problems with https links
69			$result3 = preg_replace_callback($Expr, function ($match)
70			{
71				$additionalQuote="";//at the end, ...
72				// only one &quot at the end is found. chance is, it is not belonging to the URL
73				if ($match[5]==';' && (strlen($match[4])-6) >=0 && strpos($match[4],'&quot',strlen($match[4])-6)!==false && strpos(substr($match[4],0,strlen($match[4])-6),'&quot')===false)
74				{
75					$match[4] = substr($match[4],0,strpos($match[4],'&quot',strlen($match[4])-6));
76					$additionalQuote = "&quot;";
77				}
78				// if there is quoted stuff within the URL then we have at least one more &quot; in match[4], so chance is the last &quot is matched by the one within
79				if ($match[5]==';' && (strlen($match[4])-6) >=0 && strpos($match[4],'&quot',strlen($match[4])-6)!==false && strpos(substr($match[4],0,strlen($match[4])-6),'&quot')!==false)
80				{
81					$match[4] .= $match[5];
82				}
83				if ($match[5]==';'&&$match[4]=="&quot")
84				{
85					$match[4] ='';
86					$additionalQuote = "&quot;";
87				}
88				//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($match));
89				return "<a href=\"".($match[1]&&!$match[2]?$match[1]:'').($match[2]?$match[2]:'').$match[3].$match[4]."\" target=\"_blank\">".$match[3].$match[4]."</a>$additionalQuote";
90			}, $result2);
92			//  Now match things beginning with www.
93			$optBracket0 = '(<|&lt;)?';
94			$NotHTTP = '(?<!:\/\/|" target=\"_blank\">)';	//	avoid running again on http://www links already handled above
95			$Domain2 = 'www(\.[\w\-.]+)';
96			$Subdir2 = '([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:\/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&\/~\+#])?';
97			$optBracket = '(>|&gt;|&gt|;)?';
98			$Expr = '/' .$optBracket0. $NotAnchor . $NotHTTP . $Domain2 . $Subdir2 .$optBracket. '/i';
99			//$Expr = '/' . $NotAnchor . $NotHTTP . $Domain . $Subdir . $optBracket . '/i';
100			// use preg_replace_callback as we experienced problems with links such as <www.example.tld/pfad/zu/einer/pdf-Datei.pdf>
101			$result4 = preg_replace_callback( $Expr, function ($match) {
102					//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($match));
103					if ($match[4]==';' && (strlen($match[3])-4) >=0 && strpos($match[3],'&gt',strlen($match[3])-4)!==false)
104					{
105						$match[3] = substr($match[3],0,strpos($match[3],'&gt',strlen($match[3])-4));
106						$match[4] = "&gt;";
107					}
108					if ($match[4]==';'&&$match[3]=="&gt")
109					{
110						$match[3] ='';
111						$match[4] = "&gt;";
112					}
113					//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($match));
114					return $match[1]."<a href=\"http://www".$match[2].$match[3]."\" target=\"_blank\">"."www".$match[2].$match[3]."</a>".$match[4];
115				}, $result3 );
116		}
117		return $result4;
118	}
120	/**
121	 * escapes chars with special meaning in html as entities
122	 *
123	 * Allows to use and char in the html-output and prevents XSS attacks.
124	 * Some entities are allowed and get NOT escaped: -> prevented by 4th param = doubleencode=false
125	 * - &# some translations (AFAIK: the arabic ones) need this;
126	 * - &nbsp; &lt; &gt; for convenience -> should not happen anymore, as we do not doubleencode anymore (20101020)
127	 *
128	 * @param string $str string to escape
129	 * @param boolean $double_encoding =false do we want double encoding or not, default no
130	 * @return string
131	 */
132	static function htmlspecialchars($str, $double_encoding=false)
133	{
134		return htmlspecialchars($str,ENT_COMPAT,Translation::charset(),$double_encoding);
135	}
137	/**
138	 * allows to show and select one item from an array
139	 *
140	 * @param string $name	string with name of the submitted var which holds the key of the selected item form array
141	 * @param string|array $key key(s) of already selected item(s) from $arr, eg. '1' or '1,2' or array with keys
142	 * @param array $arr array with items to select, eg. $arr = array ( 'y' => 'yes','n' => 'no','m' => 'maybe');
143	 * @param boolean $no_lang NOT run the labels of the options through lang(), default false=use lang()
144	 * @param string $options additional options (e.g. 'width')
145	 * @param int $multiple number of lines for a multiselect, default 0 = no multiselect, < 0 sets size without multiple
146	 * @param boolean $enhanced Use enhanced selectbox with search.  Null for default yes if more than 12 options.
147	 * @return string to set for a template or to echo into html page
148	 */
149	static function select($name, $key, $arr=0,$no_lang=false,$options='',$multiple=0,$enhanced=null)
150	{
151		if(is_null($enhanced)) $enhanced = false;	//disabled by default (count($arr) > self::SELECT_ENHANCED_ROW_COUNT);
153		if (!is_array($arr))
154		{
155			$arr = array('no','yes');
156		}
157		if ((int)$multiple > 0)
158		{
159			$options .= ' multiple="1" size="'.(int)$multiple.'"';
160			if (substr($name,-2) != '[]')
161			{
162				$name .= '[]';
163			}
164		}
165		elseif($multiple < 0)
166		{
167			$options .= ' size="'.abs($multiple).'"';
168		}
169		// fix width for MSIE < 9 in/for selectboxes
170		if (Header\UserAgent::type() == 'msie' && Header\UserAgent::version() < 9)
171		{
172			if (stripos($options,'onfocus="') === false)
173			{
174				$options .= ' onfocus="window.dropdown_menu_hack(this);" ';
175			}
176			else
177			{
178				$options = str_ireplace('onfocus="','onfocus="window.dropdown_menu_hack(this);',$options);
179			}
180		}
181		$out = "<select name=\"$name\" $options>\n";
183		if (!is_array($key))
184		{
185			// explode on ',' only if multiple values expected and the key contains just numbers and commas
186			$key = $multiple > 0 && preg_match('/^[,0-9]+$/',$key) ? explode(',',$key) : array($key);
187		}
188		foreach($arr as $k => $data)
189		{
190			if (!is_array($data) || count($data) == 2 && isset($data['label']) && isset($data['title']))
191			{
192				$out .= self::select_option($k,is_array($data)?$data['label']:$data,$key,$no_lang,
193					is_array($data)?$data['title']:'');
194			}
195			else
196			{
197				if (isset($data['lable']))
198				{
199					$k = $data['lable'];
200					unset($data['lable']);
201				}
202				$out .= '<optgroup label="'.self::htmlspecialchars($no_lang || $k == '' ? $k : lang($k))."\">\n";
204				foreach($data as $k => $label)
205				{
206					$out .= self::select_option($k,is_array($label)?$label['label']:$label,$key,$no_lang,
207						is_array($label)?$label['title']:'');
208				}
209				$out .= "</optgroup>\n";
210			}
211		}
212		$out .= "</select>\n";
214		if($enhanced) {
215			Framework::includeJS('/api/js/jquery/chosen/chosen.jquery.js');
216			Framework::includeCSS('/api/js/jquery/chosen/chosen.css',null,false);
217			$out .= "<script>var lab = egw_LAB || \$LAB; lab.wait(function() {jQuery(function() {if(jQuery().chosen) jQuery('select[name=\"$name\"]').chosen({width: '100%'});});})</script>\n";
218		}
219		return $out;
220	}
222	/**
223	 * emulating a multiselectbox using checkboxes
224	 *
225	 * Unfortunaly this is not in all aspects like a multi-selectbox, eg. you cant select options via javascript
226	 * in the same way. Therefor I made it an extra function.
227	 *
228	 * @param string $name	string with name of the submitted var which holds the key of the selected item form array
229	 * @param string|array $key key(s) of already selected item(s) from $arr, eg. '1' or '1,2' or array with keys
230	 * @param array $arr array with items to select, eg. $arr = array ( 'y' => 'yes','n' => 'no','m' => 'maybe');
231	 * @param boolean $no_lang NOT run the labels of the options through lang(), default false=use lang()
232	 * @param string $options additional options (e.g. 'width')
233	 * @param int $multiple number of lines for a multiselect, default 3
234	 * @param boolean $selected_first show the selected items before the not selected ones, default true
235	 * @param string $style ='' extra style settings like "width: 100%", default '' none
236	 * @return string to set for a template or to echo into html page
237	 */
238	static function checkbox_multiselect($name, $key, $arr=0,$no_lang=false,$options='',$multiple=3,$selected_first=true,$style='',$enhanced = null)
239	{
240		//echo "<p align=right>checkbox_multiselect('$name',".array2string($key).",".array2string($arr).",$no_lang,'$options',$multiple,$selected_first,'$style')</p>\n";
241		if(is_null($enhanced)) $enhanced = (count($arr) > self::SELECT_ENHANCED_ROW_COUNT);
243		if (!is_array($arr))
244		{
245			$arr = array('no','yes');
246		}
247		if ((int)$multiple <= 0) $multiple = 1;
249		if (substr($name,-2) != '[]')
250		{
251			$name .= '[]';
252		}
253		$base_name = substr($name,0,-2);
255		if($enhanced) return self::select($name, $key, $arr,$no_lang,$options." style=\"$style\" ",$multiple,$enhanced);
257		if (!is_array($key))
258		{
259			// explode on ',' only if multiple values expected and the key contains just numbers and commas
260			$key = preg_match('/^[,0-9]+$/',$key) ? explode(',',$key) : array($key);
261		}
262		$html = '';
263		$options_no_id = preg_replace('/id="[^"]+"/i','',$options);
265		if ($selected_first)
266		{
267			$selected = $not_selected = array();
268			foreach($arr as $val => $label)
269			{
270				if (in_array((string)$val,$key))
271				{
272					$selected[$val] = $label;
273				}
274				else
275				{
276					$not_selected[$val] = $label;
277				}
278			}
279			$arr = $selected + $not_selected;
280		}
281		$max_len = 0;
282		foreach($arr as $val => $label)
283		{
284			if (is_array($label))
285			{
286				$title = $label['title'];
287				$label = $label['label'];
288			}
289			else
290			{
291				$title = '';
292			}
293			if ($label && !$no_lang) $label = lang($label);
294			if ($title && !$no_lang) $title = lang($title);
296			if (strlen($label) > $max_len) $max_len = strlen($label);
298			$html .= self::label(self::checkbox($name,in_array((string)$val,$key),$val,$options_no_id.
299				' id="'.$base_name.'['.$val.']'.'"').self::htmlspecialchars($label),
300				$base_name.'['.$val.']','',($title ? 'title="'.self::htmlspecialchars($title).'" ':''))."<br />\n";
301		}
302		if ($style && substr($style,-1) != ';') $style .= '; ';
303		if (strpos($style,'height')===false) $style .= 'height: '.(1.7*$multiple).'em; ';
304		if (strpos($style,'width')===false)  $style .= 'width: '.(4+$max_len*($max_len < 15 ? 0.65 : 0.6)).'em; ';
305		$style .= 'background-color: white; overflow: auto; border: lightgray 2px inset; text-align: left;';
307		return self::div($html,$options,'',$style);
308	}
310	/**
311	 * generates an option-tag for a selectbox
312	 *
313	 * @param string $value value
314	 * @param string $label label
315	 * @param mixed $selected value or array of values of options to mark as selected
316	 * @param boolean $no_lang NOT running the label through lang(), default false=use lang()
317	 * @param string $extra extra text, e.g.: style="", default: ''
318	 * @return string html
319	 */
320	static function select_option($value,$label,$selected,$no_lang=0,$title='',$extra='')
321	{
322		// the following compares strict as strings, to archive: '0' == 0 != ''
323		// the first non-strict search via array_search, is for performance reasons, to not always search the whole array with php
324		if (($found = ($key = array_search($value,$selected)) !== false) && (string) $value !== (string) $selected[$key])
325		{
326			$found = false;
327			foreach($selected as $sel)
328			{
329				if (($found = (((string) $value) === ((string) $selected[$key])))) break;
330			}
331			unset($sel);
332		}
333		return '<option value="'.self::htmlspecialchars($value).'"'.($found  ? ' selected="selected"' : '') .
334			($title ? ' title="'.self::htmlspecialchars($no_lang ? $title : lang($title)).'"' : '') .
335			($extra ? ' ' . $extra : '') . '>'.
336			self::htmlspecialchars($no_lang || $label == '' ? $label : lang($label)) . "</option>\n";
337	}
339	/**
340	 * generates a div-tag
341	 *
342	 * @param string $content of a div, or '' to generate only the opening tag
343	 * @param string $options to include in the tag, default ''=none
344	 * @param string $class css-class attribute, default ''=none
345	 * @param string $style css-styles attribute, default ''=none
346	 * @return string html
347	 */
348	static function div($content,$options='',$class='',$style='')
349	{
350		if ($class) $options .= ' class="'.$class.'"';
351		if ($style) $options .= ' style="'.$style.'"';
353		return "<div $options>\n".($content ? "$content</div>\n" : '');
354	}
356	/**
357	 * generate one or more hidden input tag(s)
358	 *
359	 * @param array|string $vars var-name or array with name / value pairs
360	 * @param string $value value if $vars is no array, default ''
361	 * @param boolean $ignore_empty if true all empty, zero (!) or unset values, plus filer=none
362	 * @param string html
363	 */
364	static function input_hidden($vars,$value='',$ignore_empty=True)
365	{
366		if (!is_array($vars))
367		{
368			$vars = array( $vars => $value );
369		}
370		foreach($vars as $name => $value)
371		{
372			if (is_array($value))
373			{
374				$value = json_encode($value);
375			}
376			if (!$ignore_empty || $value && !($name == 'filter' && $value == 'none'))	// dont need to send all the empty vars
377			{
378				$html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$name\" value=\"".self::htmlspecialchars($value)."\" />\n";
379			}
380		}
381		return $html;
382	}
384	/**
385	 * generate a textarea tag
386	 *
387	 * @param string $name name attr. of the tag
388	 * @param string $value default
389	 * @param boolean $ignore_empty if true all empty, zero (!) or unset values, plus filer=none
390	 * @param boolean $double_encoding =false do we want double encoding or not, default no
391	 * @param string html
392	 */
393	static function textarea($name,$value='',$options='',$double_encoding=false)
394	{
395		return "<textarea name=\"$name\" $options>".self::htmlspecialchars($value,$double_encoding)."</textarea>\n";
396	}
398	/**
399	 * Checks if HTMLarea (or an other richtext editor) is availible for the used browser
400	 *
401	 * @return boolean
402	 */
403	static function htmlarea_availible()
404	{
405		// this one is for testing how it will turn out, if you do not have the device or agent ready at your fingertips
406		// if (stripos($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],'mozilla') !== false) return false;
407		return true;
408	}
410	/**
411	 * compability static function for former used htmlarea. Please use static function fckeditor now!
412	 *
413	 * creates a textarea inputfield for the htmlarea js-widget (returns the necessary html and js)
414	 */
415	static function htmlarea($name,$content='',$style='',$base_href=''/*,$plugins='',$custom_toolbar='',$set_width_height_in_config=false*/)
416	{
417		/*if (!self::htmlarea_availible())
418		{
419			return self::textarea($name,$content,'style="'.$style.'"');
420		}*/
421		return self::fckEditor($name, $content, $style, array('toolbar_expanded' =>'true'), '400px', '100%', $base_href);
422	}
424	/**
425	* this static function is a wrapper for fckEditor to create some reuseable layouts
426	*
427	* @param string $_name name and id of the input-field
428	* @param string $_content of the tinymce (will be run through htmlspecialchars !!!), default ''
429	* @param string $_mode display mode of the tinymce editor can be: simple, extended or advanced
430	* @param array  $_options (toolbar_expanded true/false)
431	* @param string $_height ='400px'
432	* @param string $_width ='100%'
433	* @param string $_start_path ='' if passed activates the browser for image at absolute path passed
434	* @param boolean $_purify =true run $_content through htmlpurifier before handing it to fckEditor
435	* @param mixed (boolean/string) $_focusToBody=false USED only for CKEDIOR true means yes, focus on top, you may specify TOP or BOTTOM (to focus on the end of the editor area)
436	* @param string $_executeJSAfterInit ='' Javascript to be executed after InstanceReady of CKEditor
437	* @return string the necessary html for the textarea
438	*/
439	static function fckEditor($_name, $_content, $_mode, $_options=array('toolbar_expanded' =>'true'),
440		$_height='400px', $_width='100%',$_start_path='',$_purify=true, $_focusToBody=false, $_executeJSAfterInit='')
441	{
442		//not used anymore but defined in function signature
443		unset ($_options);
445		if (!self::htmlarea_availible() || $_mode == 'ascii')
446		{
447			return self::textarea($_name,$_content,'style="width: '.$_width.'; height: '.$_height.';" id="'.htmlspecialchars($_name).'"');
448		}
450		//include the ckeditor js file
451		Framework::includeJS('/vendor/tinymce/tinymce/tinymce.min.js');
453		// run content through htmlpurifier
454		if ($_purify && !empty($_content))
455			$_content = self::purify($_content);
457		// User preferences
458		$font = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['rte_font'];
459		$font_size = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['rte_font_size'];
460		$font_size_unit = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['rte_font_unit'];
461		$rte_menubar = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['rte_menubar'];
462		$focusToBody = $_focusToBody ? "tinymce" : false;
463		ContentSecurityPolicy::add('script-src', 'unsafe-inline');
464		// we need to enable double encoding here, as ckEditor has to undo one level of encoding
465		// otherwise < and > chars eg. from html markup entered in regular (not source) input, will turn into html!
466		//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' '.Header\UserAgent::type().','.Header\UserAgent::version());
467		return self::textarea($_name,$_content,'id="'.htmlspecialchars($_name).'"',true).	// true = double encoding
469<script type="text/javascript">
471egw_LAB.wait(function() {
473var imageUpload = egw.ajaxUrl("EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Vfs::ajax_htmlarea_upload")+"&type=htmlarea";
474imageUpload = imageUpload.substr(egw.webserverUrl.length+1);
475var font_size_formats = {
476	pt: "8pt 10pt 12pt 14pt 18pt 24pt 36pt 48pt 72pt",
477	px:"8px 10px 12px 14px 18px 24px 36px 48px 72px"
479var  language_code = {
480	bg: "bg_BG", ca: "ca",	cs: "cs", da: "da", de: "de",	en:"en_CA",
481	el:"el", "es-es":"es",	et: "et", eu: "eu" , fa: "fa_IR", fi: "fi",
482	fr: "fr_FR", hi:"",	hr:"hr", hu:"hu_HU", id: "id", it: "it", iw: "",
483	ja: "ja", ko: "ko_KR", lo: "", lt: "lt", lv: "lv",	nl: "nl", no: "nb_NO",
484	pl: "pl", pt: "pt_PT", "pt-br": "pt_BR", ru: "ru", sk: "sk", sl: "sl_SI",
485	sv: "sv_SE", th: "th_TH", tr: "tr_TR", uk: "en_GB", vi: "vi_VN", zh: "zh_CN",
486	"zh-tw": "zh_TW"
488var name = "#"+"'.$_name.'".replace( /(:|\.|\[|\]|,|=|@)/g, "\\\$1" );
489var height = "'.$_height.'";
490var width = "'.$_width.'";
491var value = jQuery(name).val();
493 * language code represention for TinyMCE lang code
494 */
495var language_code = {
496	bg: "bg_BG", ca: "ca",	cs: "cs", da: "da", de: "de",	en:"en_CA",
497	el:"el", "es-es":"es",	et: "et", eu: "eu" , fa: "fa_IR", fi: "fi",
498	fr: "fr_FR", hi:"",	hr:"hr", hu:"hu_HU", id: "id", it: "it", iw: "",
499	ja: "ja", ko: "ko_KR", lo: "", lt: "lt", lv: "lv",	nl: "nl", no: "nb_NO",
500	pl: "pl", pt: "pt_PT", "pt-br": "pt_BR", ru: "ru", sk: "sk", sl: "sl_SI",
501	sv: "sv_SE", th: "th_TH", tr: "tr_TR", uk: "en_GB", vi: "vi_VN", zh: "zh_CN",
502	"zh-tw": "zh_TW"
505			selector: name,
506			menubar: parseInt('. $rte_menubar.')? true : false,
507			branding: false,
508			resize: false,
509			height: height.match(/%/) ? height : parseInt(height),
510			width: width.match(/%/) ? width : parseInt(width),
511			min_height: 200,
512			auto_focus: "'.$focusToBody.'",
513			language: language_code["'. $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['lang'].'"],
514			language_url: egw.webserverUrl+"/api/js/tinymce/langs/"+language_code[egw.preference("lang", "common")]+".js",
515			browser_spellcheck: true,
516			contextmenu: false,
517			file_picker_callback: function(_callback, _value, _meta){
518				var callback = _callback;
519				var attrs = {
520					menuaction: "filemanager.filemanager_select.select",
521					mode: "open",
522					method: "download_url",
523					path: "'. $_start_path.'"
524				};
526				// Open the filemanager select in a popup
527				var popup = egw(window).open_link(
528					egw().link("/index.php", attrs),
529					"link_existing",
530					"680x400"
531				);
532				if(popup)
533				{
534					// Safari and IE lose reference to global variables after window close
535					// Try to get updated data before window is closed then later we trigger
536					// change event on widget
537					egw().window.setTimeout(function(){
538						jQuery(popup).bind("unload",function(){
539							callback(this.selected_files, {alt:this.selected_files});
540						});
541					},1000);
542				}
543			},
544			init_instance_callback : function(_editor){
545				console.log(_editor);
546				_editor.execCommand("fontName", true,"'.$font.'");
547				_editor.execCommand("fontSize",	true,"'.$font_size.$font_size_unit.'");
548				_editor.setContent(value);
549			},
550			plugins: [
551				"print searchreplace autolink directionality "+
552				"visualblocks visualchars image link media template "+
553				"codesample table charmap hr pagebreak nonbreaking anchor toc "+
554				"insertdatetime advlist lists textcolor wordcount imagetools "+
555				"colorpicker textpattern help paste code searchreplace"
556			],
557			toolbar: "undo redo | formatselect | fontselect fontsizeselect | bold italic strikethrough forecolor backcolor | "+
558					"link | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify  | numlist "+
559					"bullist outdent indent  | removeformat code| image | searchreplace",
560			block_formats: "Paragraph=p;Heading 1=h1;Heading 2=h2;Heading 3=h3;"+
561					"Heading 4=h4;Heading 5=h5;Heading 6=h6;Preformatted=pre",
562			font_formats: "Andale Mono=andale mono,times;Arial=arial,helvetica,"+
563					"sans-serif;Arial Black=arial black,avant garde;Book Antiqua=book "+
564					"antiqua,palatino;Comic Sans MS=comic sans ms,sans-serif;"+
565					"Courier New=courier new,courier;Georgia=georgia,palatino;"+
566					"Helvetica=helvetica;Impact=impact,chicago;Symbol=symbol;"+
567					"Tahoma=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;Terminal=terminal,"+
568					"monaco;Times New Roman=times new roman,times;Trebuchet "+
569					"MS=trebuchet ms,geneva;Verdana=verdana,geneva;Webdings=webdings;"+
570					"Wingdings=wingdings,zapf dingbats",
571			fontsize_formats:font_size_formats["'. $font_size_unit.'"],
572		});
573		'.($_executeJSAfterInit?$_executeJSAfterInit:'').'
577	}
579	/**
580	* this static function is a wrapper for tinymce to create some reuseable layouts
581	*
582	* Please note: if you did not run init_tinymce already you this static function need to be called before the call to phpgw_header() !!!
583	*
584	* @param string $_name name and id of the input-field
585	* @param string $_mode display mode of the tinymce editor can be: simple, extended or advanced
586	* @param string $_content ='' of the tinymce (will be run through htmlspecialchars !!!), default ''
587	* @param string $_height ='400px'
588	* @param string $_width ='100%'
589	* @param boolean $_purify =true
590	* @param string $_border ='0px' NOT used for CKEditor
591	* @param mixed (boolean/string) $_focusToBody=false USED only for CKEDIOR true means yes, focus on top, you may specify TOP or BOTTOM (to focus on the end of the editor area)
592	* @param string $_executeJSAfterInit ='' Javascript to be executed after InstanceReady of CKEditor
593	* @return string the necessary html for the textarea
594	*/
595	static function fckEditorQuick($_name, $_mode, $_content='', $_height='400px', $_width='100%',$_purify=true, $_border='0px',$_focusToBody=false,$_executeJSAfterInit='')
596	{
597		if (!self::htmlarea_availible() || $_mode == 'ascii')
598		{
599			//TODO: use self::textarea
600			return "<textarea name=\"$_name\" style=\"".($_width?" width:".$_width.';':" width:100%;").($_height?" height:".$_height.';':" height:400px;").($_border?" border:".$_border.';':" border:0px;")."\">$_content</textarea>";
601		}
602		else
603		{
604			return self::fckEditor($_name, $_content, $_mode, array(), $_height, $_width,'',$_purify,$_focusToBody,$_executeJSAfterInit);
605		}
606	}
608	/**
609	 * represents html's input tag
610	 *
611	 * @param string $name name
612	 * @param string $value default value of the field
613	 * @param string $type type, default ''=not specified = text
614	 * @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
615	 */
616	static function input($name,$value='',$type='',$options='' )
617	{
618		switch ((string)$type)
619		{
620			case '';
621				break;
622			default:
623				$type = 'type="'.htmlspecialchars($type).'"';
624		}
625		return "<input $type name=\"$name\" value=\"".self::htmlspecialchars($value)."\" $options />\n";
626	}
628	static protected $default_background_images = array(
629		'save'   => '/save(&|\]|$)/',
630		'apply'  => '/apply(&|\]|$)/',
631		'cancel' => '/cancel(&|\]|$)/',
632		'delete' => '/delete(&|\]|$)/',
633		'edit'   => '/edit(&|\]|$)/',
634		'next'   => '/(next|continue)(&|\]|$)/',
635		'finish' => '/finish(&|\]|$)/',
636		'back'   => '/(back|previous)(&|\]|$)/',
637		'copy'   => '/copy(&|\]|$)/',
638		'more'   => '/more(&|\]|$)/',
639		'check'  => '/(yes|check)(&|\]|$)/',
640		'cancelled' => '/no(&|\]|$)/',
641		'ok'     => '/ok(&|\]|$)/',
642		'close'  => '/close(&|\]|$)/',
643		'add'    => '/(add(&|\]|$)|create)/',	// customfields use create*
644	);
646	static protected $default_classes = array(
647		'et2_button_cancel'   => '/cancel(&|\]|$)/',	// yellow
648		'et2_button_question' => '/(yes|no)(&|\]|$)/',	// yellow
649		'et2_button_delete'   => '/delete(&|\]|$)/'		// red
650	);
652	/**
653	 * represents html's button (input type submit or input type button or image)
654	 *
655	 * @param string $name name
656	 * @param string $label label of the button
657	 * @param string $onClick javascript to call, when button is clicked
658	 * @param boolean $no_lang NOT running the label through lang(), default false=use lang()
659	 * @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
660	 * @param string $image to show instead of the label, default ''=none
661	 * @param string $app app to search the image in
662	 * @param string $buttontype which type of html button (button|submit), default ='submit'
663	 * @return string html
664	 */
665	static function submit_button($name,$label,$onClick='',$no_lang=false,$options='',$image='',$app='phpgwapi', $buttontype='submit')
666	{
667		// workaround for idots and IE button problem (wrong cursor-image)
668		if (Header\UserAgent::type() == 'msie')
669		{
670			$options .= ' style="cursor: pointer;"';
671		}
672		// add et2_classes to "old" buttons
673		$classes = array('et2_button');
675		if ($image != '')
676		{
677			$image = str_replace(array('.gif','.GIF','.png','.PNG'),'',$image);
679			if (!($path = Image::find($app, $image)))
680			{
681				$path = $image;		// name may already contain absolut path
682			}
683			$image = ' src="'.$path.'"';
684			$classes[] = 'image_button';
685		}
686		if (!$no_lang)
687		{
688			$label = lang($label);
689		}
690		if (($accesskey = @strstr($label,'&')) && $accesskey[1] != ' ' &&
691			(($pos = strpos($accesskey,';')) === false || $pos > 5))
692		{
693			$label_u = str_replace('&'.$accesskey[1],'<u>'.$accesskey[1].'</u>',$label);
694			$label = str_replace('&','',$label);
695			$options .= ' accesskey="'.$accesskey[1].'" '.$options;
696		}
697		else
698		{
699			$accesskey = '';
700			$label_u = $label;
701		}
702		if ($onClick) $options .= ' onclick="'.str_replace('"','\\"',$onClick).'"';
704		// add default background-image to get et2 like buttons
705		foreach(self::$default_background_images as $img => $reg_exp)
706		{
707			if (preg_match($reg_exp, $name) && ($url = Image::find($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'], $img)))
708			{
709				$options .= ' style="background-image: url('.$url.');"';
710				$classes[] = 'et2_button_with_image et2_button_text';
711				break;
712			}
713		}
714		// add default class for cancel, delete or yes/no buttons
715		foreach(self::$default_classes as $class => $reg_exp)
716		{
717			if (preg_match($reg_exp, $name))
718			{
719				$classes[] = $class;
720				break;
721			}
722		}
723		if (strpos($options, 'class="') !== false)
724		{
725			$options = str_replace('class="', 'class="'.implode(' ', $classes).' ', $options);
726		}
727		else
728		{
729			$options .= ' class="'.implode(' ', $classes).'"';
730		}
732		return '<button type="'.$buttontype.'" name="'.htmlspecialchars($name).
733			'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($label).
734			'" '.$options.'>'.
735			($image != '' ? '<img'.$image.' title="'.self::htmlspecialchars($label).'"> ' : '').
736			($image == '' || $accesskey ? self::htmlspecialchars($label_u) : '').'</button>';
737	}
739	/**
740	 * creates an absolut link + the query / get-variables
741	 *
742	 * Example link('/index.php?menuaction=infolog.uiinfolog.get_list',array('info_id' => 123))
743	 *	gives 'http://domain/phpgw-path/index.php?menuaction=infolog.uiinfolog.get_list&info_id=123'
744	 *
745	 * @param string $_url egw-relative link, may include query / get-vars
746	 * @param array|string $vars query or array ('name' => 'value', ...) with query
747	 * @return string absolut link already run through $phpgw->link
748	 */
749	static function link($_url,$vars='')
750	{
751		if (!is_array($vars))
752		{
753			parse_str($vars,$vars);
754		}
755		list($url,$v) = explode('?', $_url);	// url may contain additional vars
756		if ($v)
757		{
758			parse_str($v,$v);
759			$vars += $v;
760		}
761		return Framework::link($url,$vars);
762	}
764	/**
765	 * represents html checkbox
766	 *
767	 * @param string $name name
768	 * @param boolean $checked box checked on display
769	 * @param string $value value the var should be set to, default 'True'
770	 * @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
771	 * @return string html
772	 */
773	static function checkbox($name,$checked=false,$value='True',$options='')
774	{
775		return '<input type="checkbox" name="'.$name.'" value="'.self::htmlspecialchars($value).'"' .($checked ? ' checked="1"' : '') . "$options />\n";
776	}
778	/**
779	 * represents a html form
780	 *
781	 * @param string $content of the form, if '' only the opening tag gets returned
782	 * @param array $hidden_vars array with name-value pairs for hidden input fields
783	 * @param string $_url eGW relative URL, will be run through the link function, if empty the current url is used
784	 * @param string|array $url_vars parameters for the URL, send to link static function too
785	 * @param string $name name of the form, defaul ''=none
786	 * @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
787	 * @param string $method method of the form, default 'POST'
788	 * @return string html
789	 */
790	static function form($content,$hidden_vars,$_url,$url_vars='',$name='',$options='',$method='POST')
791	{
792		$url = $_url ? self::link($_url, $url_vars) : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
793		$html = "<form method=\"$method\" ".($name != '' ? "name=\"$name\" " : '')."action=\"$url\" $options>\n";
794		$html .= self::input_hidden($hidden_vars);
796		if ($content)
797		{
798			$html .= $content;
799			$html .= "</form>\n";
800		}
801		return $html;
802	}
804	/**
805	 * represents a html form with one button
806	 *
807	 * @param string $name name of the button
808	 * @param string $label label of the button
809	 * @param array $hidden_vars array with name-value pairs for hidden input fields
810	 * @param string $url eGW relative URL, will be run through the link function
811	 * @param string|array $url_vars parameters for the URL, send to link static function too
812	 * @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
813	 * @param string $form_name name of the form, defaul ''=none
814	 * @param string $method method of the form, default 'POST'
815	 * @return string html
816	 */
817	static function form_1button($name,$label,$hidden_vars,$url,$url_vars='',$form_name='',$method='POST')
818	{
819		return self::form(self::submit_button($name,$label),$hidden_vars,$url,$url_vars,$form_name,' style="display: inline-block"',$method);
820	}
822	const THEAD = 1;
823	const TFOOT = 2;
824	const TBODY = 3;
825	static $part2tag = array(
826		self::THEAD => 'thead',
827		self::TFOOT => 'tfoot',
828		self::TBODY => 'tbody',
829	);
831	/**
832	 * creates table from array of rows
833	 *
834	 * abstracts the html stuff for the table creation
835	 * Example: $rows = array (
836	 *  'h1' => array(	// optional header row(s)
837	 *  ),
838	 *  'f1' => array(	// optional footer row(s)
839	 *  ),
840	 *	'1'  => array(
841	 *		1 => 'cell1', '.1' => 'colspan=3',
842	 *		2 => 'cell2',
843	 *		3 => 'cell3', '.3' => 'width="10%"'
844	 *	),'.1' => 'BGCOLOR="#0000FF"' );
845	 *	table($rows,'width="100%"') = '<table width="100%"><tr><td colspan=3>cell1</td><td>cell2</td><td width="10%">cell3</td></tr></table>'
846	 *
847	 * @param array $rows with rows, each row is an array of the cols
848	 * @param string $options options for the table-tag
849	 * @param boolean $no_table_tr dont return the table- and outmost tr-tabs, default false=return table+tr
850	 * @return string with html-code of the table
851	 */
852	static function table($rows,$options = '',$no_table_tr=False)
853	{
854		$html = $no_table_tr ? '' : "<table $options>\n";
856		$part = 0;
857		foreach($rows as $key => $row)
858		{
859			if (!is_array($row))
860			{
861				continue;					// parameter
862			}
863			// get the current part from the optional 'h' or 'f' prefix of the key
864			$p = $key[0] == 'h' ? self::THEAD : ($key[0] == 'f' ? self::TFOOT : self::TBODY);
865			if ($part < $p && ($part || $p < self::TBODY))	// add only allowed and neccessary transitions
866			{
867				if ($part) $html .= '</'.self::$part2tag[$part].">\n";
868				$html .= '<'.self::$part2tag[$part=$p].">\n";
869			}
870			$html .= $no_table_tr && $key == 1 ? '' : "\t<tr ".$rows['.'.$key].">\n";
872			foreach($row as $key => $cell)
873			{
874				if ($key[0] == '.')
875				{
876					continue;				// parameter
877				}
878				$table_pos = strpos($cell,'<table');
879				$td_pos = strpos($cell,'<td');
880				if ($td_pos !== False && ($table_pos === False || $td_pos < $table_pos))
881				{
882					$html .= $cell;
883				}
884				else
885				{
886					$html .= "\t\t<td ".$row['.'.$key].">$cell</td>\n";
887				}
888			}
889			$html .= "\t</tr>\n";
890		}
891		if (!is_array($rows))
892		{
893			echo "<p>".function_backtrace()."</p>\n";
894		}
895		if ($part)	// close current part
896		{
897			$html .= "</".self::$part2tag[$part].">\n";
898		}
899		$html .= "</table>\n";
901		if ($no_table_tr)
902		{
903			$html = substr($html,0,-16);
904		}
905		return $html;
906	}
908	/**
909	 * changes a selectbox to submit the form if it gets changed, to be used with the sbox-class
910	 *
911	 * @param string $sbox html with the select-box
912	 * @param boolean $no_script if true generate a submit-button if javascript is off
913	 * @return string html
914	 */
915	static function sbox_submit( $sbox,$no_script=false )
916	{
917		$html = str_replace('<select','<select onchange="this.form.submit()" ',$sbox);
918		if ($no_script)
919		{
920			$html .= '<noscript>'.self::submit_button('send','>').'</noscript>';
921		}
922		return $html;
923	}
925	/**
926	 * html-widget showing progessbar with a view div's (html4 only, textual percentage otherwise)
927	 *
928	 * @param mixed $_percent percent-value, gets casted to int
929	 * @param string $_title title for the progressbar, default ''=the percentage itself
930	 * @param string $options attributes for the outmost div (may include onclick="...")
931	 * @param string $width width, default 30px
932	 * @param string $color color, default '#D00000' (dark red)
933	 * @param string $height height, default 5px
934	 * @return string html
935	 */
936	static function progressbar($_percent, $_title='',$options='',$width='',$color='',$height='' )
937	{
938		$percent = (int)$_percent;
939		if (!$width) $width = '30px';
940		if (!$height)$height= '5px';
941		if (!$color) $color = '#D00000';
942		$title = $_title ? self::htmlspecialchars($_title) : $percent.'%';
944		return '<div class="onlyPrint">'.$title.'</div><div class="noPrint" title="'.$title.'" '.$options.
945			' style="height: '.$height.'; width: '.$width.'; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1px; text-align: left;'.
946			(@stristr($options,'onclick="') ? ' cursor: pointer;' : '').'">'."\n\t".
947			'<div style="height: '.$height.'; width: '.$percent.'%; background: '.$color.';"></div>'."\n</div>\n";
948	}
950	/**
951	 * representates a html img tag, output a picture
952	 *
953	 * If the name ends with a '%' and the rest is numeric, a progressionbar is shown instead of an image.
954	 * The vfs:/ pseudo protocoll allows to access images in the vfs, eg. vfs:/home/ralf/me.png
955	 * Instead of a name you specify an array with get-vars, it is passed to eGW's link function.
956	 * This way session-information gets passed, eg. $name=array('menuaction'=>'myapp.class.image','id'=>123).
957	 *
958	 * @param string $app app-name to search the image
959	 * @param string|array $name image-name or URL (incl. vfs:/) or array with get-vars
960	 * @param string $title tooltip, default '' = none
961	 * @param string $options further options for the tag, default '' = none
962	 * @return string the html
963	 */
964	static function image( $app,$name,$title='',$options='' )
965	{
966		if (is_array($name))	// menuaction and other get-vars
967		{
968			$name = $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php',$name);
969		}
970		if (substr($name,0,5) == 'vfs:/')	// vfs pseudo protocoll
971		{
972			$name = Framework::link(Vfs::download_url(substr($name,4)));
973		}
974		if ($name[0] == '/' || substr($name,0,7) == 'http://' || substr($name,0,8) == 'https://' || stripos($name,'api/thumbnail.php') )
975		{
976			if (!($name[0] == '/' || substr($name,0,7) == 'http://' || substr($name,0,8) == 'https://')) $name = '/'.$name;
977			$url = $name;
978		}
979		else	// no URL, so try searching the image
980		{
981			$name = str_replace(array('.gif','.GIF','.png','.PNG'),'',$name);
983			if (!($url = Image::find($app,$name)))
984			{
985				$url = $name;		// name may already contain absolut path
986			}
987			if($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'])
988			{
989				list(,$path) = explode($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'],$url);
991				if (!is_null($path)) $path = EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$path;
992			}
993			else
994			{
995				$path = EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$url;
996			}
998			if (is_null($path) || (!@is_readable($path) && stripos($path,'webdav.php')===false))
999			{
1000				// if the image-name is a percentage, use a progressbar
1001				if (substr($name,-1) == '%' && is_numeric($percent = substr($name,0,-1)))
1002				{
1003					return self::progressbar($percent,$title);
1004				}
1005				return $title;
1006			}
1007		}
1008		if ($title)
1009		{
1010			$options .= ' title="'.self::htmlspecialchars($title).'"';
1011		}
1013		// This block makes pngfix.js useless, adding a check on disable_pngfix to have pngfix.js do its thing
1014		if (Header\UserAgent::type() == 'msie' && Header\UserAgent::version() < 7.0 && substr($url,-4) == '.png' && ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['disable_pngfix'] || !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['disable_pngfix'])))
1015		{
1016			$extra_styles = "display: inline-block; filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='$url',sizingMethod='image'); width: 1px; height: 1px;";
1017			if (false!==strpos($options,'style="'))
1018			{
1019				$options = str_replace('style="','style="'.$extra_styles, $options);
1020			}
1021			else
1022			{
1023				$options .= ' style="'.$extra_styles.'"';
1024			}
1025			return "<span $options></span>";
1026		}
1027		return "<img src=\"$url\" $options />";
1028	}
1030	/**
1031	 * representates a html link
1032	 *
1033	 * @param string $content of the link, if '' only the opening tag gets returned
1034	 * @param string $url eGW relative URL, will be run through the link function
1035	 * @param string|array $vars parameters for the URL, send to link static function too
1036	 * @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
1037	 * @return string the html
1038	 */
1039	static function a_href( $content,$url,$vars='',$options='')
1040	{
1041		if (is_array($url))
1042		{
1043			$vars = $url;
1044			$url = '/index.php';
1045		}
1046		elseif (strpos($url,'/')===false &&
1047			count(explode('.',$url)) >= 3 &&
1048			!(strpos($url,'mailto:')!==false ||
1049			strpos($url,'://')!==false ||
1050			strpos($url,'javascript:')!==false))
1051		{
1052			$url = "/index.php?menuaction=$url";
1053		}
1054		if ($url[0] == '/')		// link relative to eGW
1055		{
1056			$url = self::link($url,$vars);
1057		}
1058		//echo "<p>self::a_href('".self::htmlspecialchars($content)."','$url',".print_r($vars,True).") = ".self::link($url,$vars)."</p>";
1059		return '<a href="'.self::htmlspecialchars($url).'" '.$options.'>'.$content.'</a>';
1060	}
1062	/**
1063	 * representates a b tag (bold)
1064	 *
1065	 * @param string $content of the link, if '' only the opening tag gets returned
1066	 * @return string the html
1067	 */
1068	static function bold($content)
1069	{
1070		return '<b>'.($content?$content.'</b>':'');
1071	}
1073	/**
1074	 * representates a hr tag (horizontal rule)
1075	 *
1076	 * @param string $width default ''=none given
1077	 * @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
1078	 * @return string the html
1079	 */
1080	static function hr($width='',$options='')
1081	{
1082		if ($width) $options .= " width=\"$width\"";
1084		return "<hr $options />\n";
1085	}
1087	/**
1088	 * formats option-string for most of the above functions
1089	 *
1090	 * Example: formatOptions('100%,,1','width,height,border') = ' width="100%" border="1"'
1091	 *
1092	 * @param mixed $options String (or Array) with option-values eg. '100%,,1'
1093	 * @param mixed $names String (or Array) with the option-names eg. 'WIDTH,HEIGHT,BORDER'
1094	 * @return string with options/attributes
1095	 */
1096	static function formatOptions($options,$names)
1097	{
1098		if (!is_array($options)) $options = explode(',',$options);
1099		if (!is_array($names))   $names   = explode(',',$names);
1101		foreach($options as $n => $val)
1102		{
1103			if ($val != '' && $names[$n] != '')
1104			{
1105				$html .= ' '.strtolower($names[$n]).'="'.$val.'"';
1106			}
1107		}
1108		return $html;
1109	}
1111	/**
1112	 * html style tag (incl. type)
1113	 *
1114	 * @param string $styles css-style definitions
1115	 * @return string html
1116	 */
1117	static function style($styles)
1118	{
1119		return $styles ? "<style type=\"text/css\">\n<!--\n$styles\n-->\n</style>" : '';
1120	}
1122	/**
1123	 * html label tag
1124	 *
1125	 * @param string $content the label
1126	 * @param string $id for the for attribute, default ''=none
1127	 * @param string $accesskey accesskey, default ''=none
1128	 * @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
1129	 * @return string the html
1130	 */
1131	static function label($content,$id='',$accesskey='',$options='')
1132	{
1133		if ($id != '')
1134		{
1135			$id = " for=\"$id\"";
1136		}
1137		if ($accesskey != '')
1138		{
1139			$accesskey = " accesskey=\"$accesskey\"";
1140		}
1141		return "<label$id$accesskey $options>$content</label>";
1142	}
1144	/**
1145	 * html fieldset, eg. groups a group of radiobuttons
1146	 *
1147	 * @param string $content the content
1148	 * @param string $legend legend / label of the fieldset, default ''=none
1149	 * @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
1150	 * @return string the html
1151	 */
1152	static function fieldset($content,$legend='',$options='')
1153	{
1154		$html = "<fieldset $options>".($legend ? '<legend>'.self::htmlspecialchars($legend).'</legend>' : '')."\n";
1156		if ($content)
1157		{
1158			$html .= $content;
1159			$html .= "\n</fieldset>\n";
1160		}
1161		return $html;
1162	}
1164	/**
1165	 * tree widget using dhtmlXtree
1166	 *
1167	 * Code inspired by Lars's Felamimail uiwidgets::createFolderTree()
1168	 *
1169	 * @author Lars Kneschke <lars-AT-kneschke.de> original code in felamimail
1170	 * @param array $_folders array of folders: pairs path => node (string label or array with keys: label, (optional) image, (optional) title, (optional) checked)
1171	 * @param string $_selected path of selected folder
1172	 * @param mixed $_topFolder =false node of topFolder or false for none
1173	 * @param string $_onNodeSelect ='alert' js static function to call if node gets selected
1174	 * @param string $tree ='foldertree' id of the div and name of the variable containing the tree object
1175	 * @param string $_divClass ='' css class of the div
1176	 * @param string $_leafImage ='' default image of a leaf-node, ''=default of foldertree, set it eg. 'folderClosed.gif' to show leafs as folders
1177	 * @param boolean|string $_onCheckHandler =false string with handler-name to display a checkbox for each folder, or false (default), 'null' switches checkboxes on without an handler!
1178	 * @param string $delimiter ='/' path-delimiter, default /
1179	 * @param string $folderImageDir =null string path to the tree menu images, null uses default path
1180	 * @param string|array $autoLoading =null EGw relative path or array with get parameter, both send through Framework::link
1181	 * @param string $dataMode ='JSON' data type for autoloading: XML, JSON, CSV
1182	 * @param boolean $dragndrop =false true to enable drag-n-drop (must be before autoloading get enabled!)
1183	 *
1184	 * @return string the html code, to be added into the template
1185	 */
1186	static function tree($_folders,$_selected,$_topFolder=false,$_onNodeSelect="null",$tree='foldertree',$_divClass='',
1187		$_leafImage='',$_onCheckHandler=false,$delimiter='/',$folderImageDir=null,$autoLoading=null,$dataMode='JSON',
1188		$dragndrop=false)
1189	{
1190		$webserver_url = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'];
1191		if (empty($folderImageDir))
1192		{
1193			$folderImageDir = $webserver_url.'/phpgwapi/templates/default/images';
1194		}
1195		// check if we have template-set specific image path
1196		$image_path = $folderImageDir;
1197		if ($webserver_url && $webserver_url != '/')
1198		{
1199			list(,$image_path) = explode($webserver_url, $image_path, 2);
1200		}
1201		$templated_path = strtr($image_path, array(
1202			'/phpgwapi/templates/default' => $GLOBALS['egw']->framework->template_dir,
1203			'/default/' => '/'.$GLOBALS['egw']->framework->template.'/',
1204		));
1205		if (file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$templated_path.'/dhtmlxtree'))
1206		{
1207			$folderImageDir = ($webserver_url != '/' ? $webserver_url : '').$templated_path;
1208			//error_log(__METHOD__."() setting templated image-path: $folderImageDir");
1209		}
1211		static $tree_initialised=false;
1212		if (!$tree_initialised)
1213		{
1214			Framework::includeCSS('/api/js/dhtmlxtree/codebase/dhtmlxtree.css');
1215			Framework::includeJS('/api/js/dhtmlxtree/codebase/dhtmlxcommon.js');
1216			Framework::includeJS('/api/js/dhtmlxtree/sources/dhtmlxtree.js');
1217			if ($autoLoading && $dataMode != 'XML') Framework::includeJS('/api/js/dhtmlxtree/sources/ext/dhtmlxtree_json.js');
1218			$tree_initialised = true;
1219			if (!$_folders && !$autoLoading) return null;
1220		}
1221		$html = self::div("\n",'id="'.$tree.'"',$_divClass).$html;
1222		$html .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
1223		$html .= "var $tree;";
1224		$html .= "egw_LAB.wait(function() {";
1225		$html .= "$tree = new"." dhtmlXTreeObject('$tree','100%','100%',0);\n";
1226		$html .= "$tree.parentObject.style.overflow='auto';\n";	// dhtmlXTree constructor has hidden hardcoded
1227		if (Translation::charset() == 'utf-8') $html .= "if ($tree.setEscapingMode) $tree.setEscapingMode('utf8');\n";
1228		$html .= "$tree.setImagePath('$folderImageDir/dhtmlxtree/');\n";
1230		if($_onCheckHandler)
1231		{
1232			$html .= "$tree.enableCheckBoxes(1);\n";
1233			$html .= "$tree.setOnCheckHandler('$_onCheckHandler');\n";
1234		}
1236		if ($dragndrop) $html .= "$tree.enableDragAndDrop(true);\n";
1238		if ($autoLoading)
1239		{
1240			$autoLoading = is_array($autoLoading) ?
1241				Framework::link('/index.php',$autoLoading) : Framework::link($autoLoading);
1242			$html .= "$tree.setXMLAutoLoading('$autoLoading');\n";
1243			if ($dataMode != 'XML') $html .= "$tree.setDataMode('$dataMode');\n";
1245			// if no folders given, use xml url to load root, incl. setting of selected folder
1246			if (!$_folders)
1247			{
1248				if ($_selected) $autoLoading .= '&selected='.urlencode($_selected);
1249				unset($_selected);
1250				$html .= "$tree.loadXML('$autoLoading');\n";
1251				$html .= "});";
1252				return $html."</script>\n";
1253			}
1254		}
1256		$top = 0;
1257		if ($_topFolder)
1258		{
1259			$top = '--topfolder--';
1260			$topImage = '';
1261			if (is_array($_topFolder))
1262			{
1263				$label = $_topFolder['label'];
1264				if (isset($_topFolder['image']))
1265				{
1266					$topImage = $_topFolder['image'];
1267				}
1268			}
1269			else
1270			{
1271				$label = $_topFolder;
1272			}
1273			$html .= "\n$tree.insertNewItem(0,'$top','".addslashes($label)."',$_onNodeSelect,'$topImage','$topImage','$topImage','CHILD,TOP');\n";
1275			if (is_array($_topFolder) && isset($_topFolder['title']))
1276			{
1277				$html .= "$tree.setItemText('$top','".addslashes($label)."','".addslashes($_topFolder['title'])."');\n";
1278			}
1279		}
1280		if (is_string($_folders))
1281		{
1282			switch($dataMode)
1283			{
1284				case 'JSON':
1285					$html .= "$tree.loadJSONObject($_folders);\n"; break;
1286				case 'XML':
1287					$html .= "$tree.loadXMLString('$_folders');\n"; break;
1288			}
1289		}
1290		else
1291		{
1292			// evtl. remove leading delimiter
1293			if ($_selected[0] == $delimiter) $_selected = substr($_selected,1);
1295			$n = 0;
1296			foreach($_folders as $path => $data)
1297			{
1298				if (!is_array($data))
1299				{
1300					$data = array('label' => $data);
1301				}
1302				$image1 = $image2 = $image3 = '0';
1304				// if _leafImage given, set it only for leaves, not for folders containing children
1305				if ($_leafImage)
1306				{
1307					$image1 = $image2 = $image3 = "'".$_leafImage."'";
1308					if (($next_item = array_slice($_folders, $n+1, 1, true)))
1309					{
1310						$next_path = key($next_item);
1311						if (substr($next_path,0,strlen($path)+1) == $path.'/')
1312						{
1313							$image1 = $image2 = $image3 = '0';
1314						}
1315					}
1316				}
1317				if (isset($data['image']))
1318				{
1319					$image1 = $image2 = $image3 = "'".$data['image']."'";
1320				}
1321				// evtl. remove leading delimiter
1322				if ($path[0] == $delimiter) $path = substr($path,1);
1323				$folderParts = explode($delimiter,$path);
1325				//get rightmost folderpart
1326				$label = array_pop($folderParts);
1327				if (isset($data['label'])) $label = $data['label'];
1329				// the rest of the array is the name of the parent
1330				$parentName = implode((array)$folderParts,$delimiter);
1331				if(empty($parentName)) $parentName = $top;
1333				$entryOptions = !isset($data['child']) || $data['child'] ? 'CHILD' : '';
1334				if ($_onCheckHandler && $_selected)	// check selected items on multi selection
1335				{
1336					if (!is_array($_selected)) $_selected = explode(',',$_selected);
1337					if (array_search("$path",$_selected)!==false) $entryOptions .= ',CHECKED';
1338					//echo "<p>path=$path, _selected=".print_r($_selected,true).": $entryOptions</p>\n";
1339				}
1340				// highlight current item
1341				elseif ((string)$_selected === (string)$path)
1342				{
1343					$entryOptions .= ',SELECT';
1344				}
1345				$html .= "$tree.insertNewItem('".addslashes($parentName)."','".addslashes($path)."','".addslashes($label).
1346					"',$_onNodeSelect,$image1,$image2,$image3,'$entryOptions');\n";
1347				if (isset($data['title']))
1348				{
1349					$html .= "$tree.setItemText('".addslashes($path)."','".addslashes($label)."','".addslashes($data['title'])."');\n";
1350				}
1351				++$n;
1352			}
1353		}
1354		$html .= "$tree.closeAllItems(0);\n";
1355		if ($_selected)
1356		{
1357			foreach(is_array($_selected)?$_selected:array($_selected) as $path)
1358			{
1359				$html .= "$tree.openItem('".addslashes($path)."');\n";
1360			}
1361		}
1362		else
1363		{
1364				$html .= "$tree.openItem('$top');\n";
1365		}
1366		$html .= "});";
1367		$html .= "</script>\n";
1369		return $html;
1370	}
1372	/**
1373	 * Runs HTMLPurifier over supplied html to remove malicious code
1374	 *
1375	 * @param string $html
1376	 * @param array|string $config =null - config to influence the behavior of current purifying engine
1377	 * @param array|string $spec =null - spec to influence the behavior of current purifying engine
1378	 *		The $spec argument can be used to disallow an otherwise legal attribute for an element,
1379	 *		or to restrict the attribute's values
1380	 * @param boolean $_force =null - force the config passed to be used without merging to the default
1381	 */
1382	static function purify($html,$config=null,$spec=array(),$_force=false)
1383	{
1384		return Html\HtmLawed::purify($html, $config, $spec, $_force);
1385	}