1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!DOCTYPE overlay PUBLIC "-//EGroupware GmbH//eTemplate 2//EN" "http://www.egroupware.org/etemplate2.dtd">
3<!-- $Id$ -->
5	<template id="calendar.conflicts" template="" lang="" group="0" version="">
6		<description value="Scheduling conflict" class="calendar_size120b"/>
7		<box class="calendar_conflicts">
8			<grid>
9				<columns>
10					<column/>
11					<column/>
12					<column/>
13					<column/>
14				</columns>
15				<rows>
16					<row valign="top">
17						<image src="conflicts[$row][icon_participants]" statustext_html="true" statustext="@conflicts[$row][tooltip_participants]" no_lang="1"/>
18						<image src="conflicts[$row][icon_recur]" label="@conflicts[$row][text_recur]" no_lang="1"/>
19						<description id="conflicts[$row][time]" no_lang="1"/>
20						<vbox statustext="conflict[$row][tooltip]" statustext_html="true" orient=",0,0">
21							<description id="conflicts[$row][title]" no_lang="1" options="b"/>
22							<grid id="conflicts[$row][conflicting_participants]">
23								<columns>
24									<column width="30"/>
25									<column/>
26								</columns>
27								<rows>
28									<row class="$row_cont[type]">
29										<hbox>
30											<appicon src="$row_cont[app]" disabled="$row_cont[type]=u"/>
31										</hbox>
32										<description value="$row_cont[name]"  no_lang="1"/>
34									</row>
35								</rows>
36							</grid>
37						</vbox>
38					</row>
39				</rows>
40			</grid>
41		</box>
42		<hbox class="dialogFooterToolbar">
43			<button label="Ignore conflict" id="button[ignore]" image="check" background_image="1" statustext="Saves the event ignoring the conflict"/>
44			<button id="button[reedit]" label="Re-Edit event" image="edit" background_image="1" statustext="Allows to edit the event again"/>
45			<button label="Freetime search" id="button[freetime]" image="search" background_image="1" statustext="Find free timeslots where the selected participants are available for the given timespan"/>
46		</hbox>
47	</template>