1# ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
3# ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
5*.code-workspace                 | code/file_VSCode_workspace       # Visual Studio Code workspace file
6*.cpp                            | code/file_C++_cpp                # C++ source file
7*.java                           | code/file_Java                   # Java source file
8*.js                             | code/file_Javascript             # Javascript source file
9*.py                             | code/file_Python                 # Python source file
10*.scpt                           | code/file_AppleScript            # macOS AppleScript source file
11*.scss                           | code/file_SCSS                   # SCSS/SASS file
12*.swift                          | code/file_Swift                  # Swift source file
13*.ts                             | code/file_Typescript             # Typescript source file
14*.xml                            | code/file_XML                    # XML file
15*.xsd                            | code/file_XSD                    # XML Schema Definition file
18*.afdesign                       | design/file_affinity_designer    # An Affinity Designer file
19*.afphoto                        | design/file_affinity_photo       # An Affinity Photo file
20*.afpub                          | design/file_affinity_publisher   # An Affinity Publisher file
21*.indb                           | design/file_adobe_indesign       # Adobe InDesign book
22*.INDB                           | design/file_adobe_indesign       # Adobe InDesign book
23*.indd                           | design/file_adobe_indesign       # Adobe InDesign document
24*.INDD                           | design/file_adobe_indesign       # Adobe InDesign document
27*.bat                            | file/batch                       # Windows batch file
28*.cmd                            | file/batch                       # Windows batch file
29*.csv                            | file/csv                         # CSV file
32*.odb                            | libreoffice/file_doc_database          # ODF Database
33*.odg                            | libreoffice/file_doc_drawing           # ODF Drawing
34*.odp                            | libreoffice/file_doc_presentation      # ODF Presentation
35*.ods                            | libreoffice/file_doc_spreadsheet       # ODF Spreadsheet
36*.odt                            | libreoffice/file_doc_text              # ODF Text Doc
37*.otg                            | libreoffice/file_template_drawing      # ODF Drawing Template
38*.otp                            | libreoffice/file_template_presentation # ODF Presentation Template
39*.ots                            | libreoffice/file_template_spreadsheet  # ODF Spreadsheet Template
40*.ott                            | libreoffice/file_template_text         # ODF Text Doc Template
43*.DOC                            | microsoft/file_ms_word           # Microsoft Word document
44*.doc                            | microsoft/file_ms_word           # Microsoft Word document
45*.DOCX                           | microsoft/file_ms_word           # Microsoft Word document
46*.docx                           | microsoft/file_ms_word           # Microsoft Word document
47*.mpp                            | microsoft/file_ms_project        # Microsoft Project file
48*.ONE                            | microsoft/file_ms_onenote        # Microsoft OneNote file/database
49*.one                            | microsoft/file_ms_onenote        # Microsoft OneNote file/database
50*.PPT                            | microsoft/file_ms_powerpoint     # Microsoft PowerPoint file
51*.ppt                            | microsoft/file_ms_powerpoint     # Microsoft PowerPoint file
52*.PPTX                           | microsoft/file_ms_powerpoint     # Microsoft PowerPoint file
53*.VSD                            | microsoft/file_ms_visio          # Microsoft Visio file
54*.vsd                            | microsoft/file_ms_visio          # Microsoft Visio file
55*.VSDX                           | microsoft/file_ms_visio          # Microsoft Visio file
56*.vsdx                           | microsoft/file_ms_visio          # Microsoft Visio file
57*.VSS                            | microsoft/file_ms_visio          # Microsoft Visio stencil file
58*.vss                            | microsoft/file_ms_visio          # Microsoft Visio stencil file
59*.VSSX                           | microsoft/file_ms_visio          # Microsoft Visio stencil file
60*.vssx                           | microsoft/file_ms_visio          # Microsoft Visio stencil file
61*.XLS                            | microsoft/file_ms_excel          # Microsoft Excel file
62*.xls                            | microsoft/file_ms_excel          # Microsoft Excel file
63*.XLSM                           | microsoft/file_ms_excel          # Microsoft Excel file (with macros)
64*.xlsm                           | microsoft/file_ms_excel          # Microsoft Excel file (with macros)
65*.XLSX                           | microsoft/file_ms_excel          # Microsoft Excel file
66*.xlsx                           | microsoft/file_ms_excel          # Microsoft Excel file
69*.avi                            | file/video_api                   # AVI video file
70*.bash                           | sysadmin/shell_script            # Shell script
71*.eml                            | file/email_envelope              # Email file (i.e. an email that has been saved to disk)
72*.epub                           | file/book_ePub                   # ePub book
73*.EPUB                           | file/book_ePub                   # ePub book
74*.exe                            | file/exe                         # Windows executable file
75.html                            | file/webarchive                  # HTML file
76.HTML                            | file/webarchive                  # HTML file
77.json                            | file/json                        # JSON file
78*.m4a                            | file/m4a_audio_sound_music       # Audio file
79*.M4A                            | file/m4a_audio_sound_music       # Audio file
80*.md                             | file/markdown                    # Markdown file
81*.mht                            | file/webarchive                  # Microsoft HTML web-archive
82*.mhtml                          | file/webarchive                  # Microsoft HTML web-archive
83{\.mm#ID_[0-9]*$}                | file/freeplane_mindmap           # Freeplane Mindmap with local link after the map filename
84*.mm                             | file/freeplane_mindmap           # Freeplane Mindmap
85*.mp3                            | file/audio_mp3_music             # Audio file
86*.mp4                            | app/QuickTime                    # Movie file
87*.MP4                            | app/QuickTime                    # Movie file
88*.msg                            | file/email_envelope              # Email file (i.e. an email that has been saved to disk, typically on a Windows machine)
89*.PDF                            | file/pdf                         # Adobe PDF file
90*.pdf                            | file/pdf                         # Adobe PDF file
91*.PNG                            | file/png_image_graphic           # PNG image file
92*.png                            | file/png_image_graphic           # PNG image file
93*.pptx                           | microsoft/file_ms_powerpoint     # Microsoft PowerPoint file
94*.sh                             | sysadmin/shell_script            # Shell script
95*.tsv                            | file/tsv                         # Tab-separated values (TSV) file
96*.txt                            | file/tsv                         # Text file
97*.zip                            | file/zip                         # Compressed zip archive file
99# ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
101# ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
102*.git                            | app/Git                          # A Git URL of the form ….git (i.e. ends with '.git')
103*/                               | folder/folder                    # Folder path (with / at the end), that doesn’t end in '.codeproj/' (that is, not a Visual Studio Code project folder)
104\\*                              | link/network_share               # Some path that starts with '\\' (typically a network / SMB share -- typical in Windows environments)
105git:*                            | app/Git                          # A Git URL of the form git://... (i.e. starts with 'git')
106http://*                         | link/web                    # Plain HTTP URL
107https://*                        | link/web_ssl                # Secure HTTPS URL
108#  ^mailto:                      | file/email                       # Email address -- BUILT-IN TO FREEPLANE (SO NO NEED FOR A LINK-DECORATION RULE) -- This rule is only here to remind that it is built in to Freeplane.
109smb://*                          | link/network_share               # Some SMB network share (typical in Windows environments)
110tel:*                            | general/telephone                # A link to a telephone number (e.g. tel:123-456-7890)
112# ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
114# ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
115*/Applications/Eclipse.app       | app/Eclipse                      # Link to the Eclipse Java IDE (in it’s default macOS path)
116*/Applications/Marked%202.app    | app/Marked2                      # Link to the 'Marked 2' macOS Markdown editor / previewer
117accord://*                       | app/Accordance                   # Link to a resource/search/location in the Accordance Bible software app (same URL format *may* work on Accordance for Windows as well)
118bear://x-callback-url/open-note* | app/Bear                         # Link to a note in the macOS (Markdown-based) note-taking app Bear
119calibre://view-book*EPUB*        | file/book_ePub                   # Link to an ePub book in the Calibre eBook Library app
120calibre://view-book*PDF*         | file/pdf                         # Link to a PDF book in the Calibre eBook Library app
121marginnote3app://*               | app/MarginNote                   # Link to a resource in the macOS/iOS research and study app
122things://*                       | app/Things                       # Link to a task in the macOS/iOS Things task manager app
124# ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
126# ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
127*.accord                         | app/Accordance                   # Link to a saved Accordance Bible app workspace
128*.graffle                        | app/OmniGraffle                  # Link to an OmniGraffle diagram file
129*.playground                     | code/file_Xcode_playground       # Link to an Xcode plaground
130*.scap                           | app/Scapple                      # Link to a Scapple mindmap / scratch pad
131*.sketch                         | design/file_sketch               # Link to a Sketch design file
132*.webarchive                     | file/webarchive                  # Link to a macOS Web Archive (saved HTML page with its resources)
133*.xcodeproj                      | code/file_Xcode_project          # Link to an Xcode project
134*.xcodeproj/                     | code/file_Xcode_project          # Link to an Xcode project
135*.xcworkspace                    | code/file_Xcode_project          # Link to an Xcode workspace
136*.xcworkspace/                   | code/file_Xcode_project          # Link to an Xcode workspace