1{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, TypeOperators #-}
3module LeftFold where
5import Control.Applicative
6import Data.List
7import Data.Monoid
8import Data.Strict ((:!:), Pair((:!:)))
9import qualified Data.Strict as S
10import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
11import Data.Maybe
14data LeftFold x a = forall s. LeftFold {
15    start :: s,
16    process :: s -> x -> s,
17    finish :: s -> a
18    }
19    -- We keep things pure for as long as possible, to avoid constructing pairs
20    -- in <*> when not needed. Some of the more advanced code below (e.g.
21    -- intervals) is not properly tested with pure LeftFolds.
22    | Pure a
24leftFold :: a -> (a -> x -> a) -> LeftFold x a
25leftFold s p = LeftFold s p id
27instance Functor (LeftFold x) where
28    fmap f (Pure x) = Pure (f x)
29    fmap f (LeftFold st1 p1 f2) = LeftFold st1 p1 (f . f2)
31instance Applicative (LeftFold x) where
32    pure x = Pure x
33    Pure f <*> c = f <$> c
34    LeftFold st1 p1 f1 <*> Pure x = LeftFold st1 p1 (\s -> f1 s x)
35    LeftFold st1 p1 f1 <*> LeftFold st2 p2 f2 = LeftFold {
36        start   =                   st1 :!: st2,
37        process = \(s1 :!: s2) x -> p1 s1 x :!: p2 s2 x,
38        finish  = \(s1 :!: s2)   -> f1 s1 (f2 s2)
39        }
41runLeftFold :: LeftFold x a -> [x] -> a
42runLeftFold (Pure x) _ = x
43runLeftFold (LeftFold st1 p1 f1) xs = f1 $! foldl' p1 st1 xs
45monoidFold :: Monoid m => LeftFold m m
46monoidFold = leftFold mempty mappend
48mapElems :: LeftFold y a -> (x -> y) -> LeftFold x a
49mapElems (Pure x) _ = (Pure x)
50mapElems (LeftFold s p f) t = LeftFold s (\s x -> p s $! t x) f
52filterElems :: (x -> Bool) -> LeftFold x a -> LeftFold x a
53filterElems _ (Pure x) = (Pure x)
54filterElems pred (LeftFold s p f) = LeftFold s (\s x -> if pred x then p s x else s) f
56adjoin :: (x -> Bool) -> LeftFold (Bool :!: x) a -> LeftFold x a
57adjoin p f = f `mapElems` (\x -> (p x :!: x))
60onSelected :: LeftFold x a -> LeftFold (Bool :!: x) a
61onSelected (Pure x) = Pure x
62onSelected (LeftFold s p f) = LeftFold s (\s (b :!: x) -> if b then p s x else s) f
64onJusts :: LeftFold x a -> LeftFold (Maybe x) a
65onJusts (Pure x) = Pure x
66onJusts (LeftFold s p f) = LeftFold s (\s mx -> maybe s (p s) mx) f
68onAll :: LeftFold x a -> LeftFold (Bool :!: x) a
69onAll (Pure x) = Pure x
70onAll lf = lf `mapElems` S.snd
72runOnGroups :: (x -> x -> Bool) -> LeftFold x y -> LeftFold y z -> LeftFold x z
73runOnGroups eq _ (Pure ox) = Pure ox
74runOnGroups eq (Pure ix) (LeftFold sto po fo) = LeftFold (S.Nothing :!: sto) go finish
75    where go (S.Nothing :!: so) x             = (S.Just x :!: so)
76          go (S.Just x' :!: so) x | x' `eq` x = (S.Just x :!: so)
77                                  | otherwise = (S.Just x :!: po so ix)
78          finish (S.Nothing :!: so) = fo so
79          finish (S.Just _  :!: so) = fo (po so ix)
80runOnGroups eq (LeftFold sti pi fi) (LeftFold sto po fo) = LeftFold (S.Nothing :!: sti :!: sto) go finish
81    where go (S.Nothing :!: si :!: so) x             = (S.Just x :!: pi si x  :!: so)
82          go (S.Just x' :!: si :!: so) x | x' `eq` x = (S.Just x :!: pi si x  :!: so)
83                                         | otherwise = (S.Just x :!: pi sti x :!: po so (fi si))
84          finish (S.Nothing :!: si :!: so) = fo so
85          finish (S.Just _  :!: si :!: so) = fo (po so (fi si))
87runOnIntervals :: LeftFold x y -> LeftFold y z -> LeftFold (Bool :!: x) z
88runOnIntervals _ (Pure ox) = (Pure ox)
89runOnIntervals (Pure ix) (LeftFold so po fo) = LeftFold (False :!: S.Nothing) go finish
90    where go (True :!: so) (True :!: x)       = (True :!: so)
91          go (True :!: S.Just so) (False :!: x) = (False :!: S.Just (po so ix))
92          go (True :!: S.Nothing) (False :!: x) = (False :!: S.Just (po so ix))
93          go (False :!: so) (True :!: x)      = (True :!: so)
94          go (False :!: so) (False :!: x)     = (False :!: so)
95          finish (False :!: S.Just so) = fo so
96          finish (False :!: S.Nothing) = fo so
97          finish (True  :!: S.Just so) = fo (po so ix)
98          finish (True  :!: S.Nothing) = fo (po so ix)
99runOnIntervals (LeftFold si pi fi) (LeftFold so po fo) = LeftFold (S.Nothing :!: S.Nothing) go finish
100    where go (S.Just si :!: so) (True :!: x) = (S.Just (pi si x) :!: so)
101          go (S.Just si :!: S.Just so) (False :!: x) = (S.Nothing :!: S.Just (po so $! fi si))
102          go (S.Just si :!: S.Nothing) (False :!: x) = (S.Nothing :!: S.Just (po so $! fi si))
103          go (S.Nothing :!: so) (True :!: x) = (S.Just (pi si x) :!: so)
104          go (S.Nothing :!: so) (False :!: x) = (S.Nothing :!: so)
105          finish (S.Nothing :!: S.Just so) = fo so
106          finish (S.Nothing :!: S.Nothing) = fo so
107          finish (S.Just si :!: S.Just so) = fo (po so (fi si))
108          finish (S.Just si :!: S.Nothing) = fo (po so (fi si))
110multiplex :: Ord k => (a -> k) -> LeftFold a b -> LeftFold a (M.Map k b)
111multiplex key (LeftFold si pi fi) = LeftFold M.empty go finish
112    where go m x = M.alter go' (key x) m
113            where go' mbOld = Just $ pi (fromMaybe si mbOld) x
114          finish = M.map fi
116lfLength :: LeftFold x Int
117lfLength = leftFold 0 (\c _ -> c + 1)
119lfFirst :: LeftFold x (Maybe x)
120lfFirst = getFirst <$> monoidFold `mapElems` (First . Just)
122lfLast :: LeftFold x (Maybe x)
123lfLast = getLast <$> monoidFold `mapElems` (Last . Just)
125toList :: LeftFold x [x]
126toList = LeftFold [] (flip (:)) reverse
128concatFold :: LeftFold [x] [x]
129concatFold = concat <$> toList