1 /* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Lucent Technologies; see LICENSE */
3 /*
4  * dofmt -- format to a buffer
5  * the number of characters formatted is returned,
6  * or -1 if there was an error.
7  * if the buffer is ever filled, flush is called.
8  * it should reset the buffer and return whether formatting should continue.
9  */
11 typedef int (*Fmts)(Fmt*);
13 typedef struct Quoteinfo Quoteinfo;
14 struct Quoteinfo
15 {
16 	int	quoted;		/* if set, string must be quoted */
17 	int	nrunesin;	/* number of input runes that can be accepted */
18 	int	nbytesin;	/* number of input bytes that can be accepted */
19 	int	nrunesout;	/* number of runes that will be generated */
20 	int	nbytesout;	/* number of bytes that will be generated */
21 };
23 /* Edit .+1,/^$/ |cfn |grep -v static | grep __ */
24 double       __Inf(int sign);
25 double       __NaN(void);
26 int          __badfmt(Fmt *f);
27 int          __charfmt(Fmt *f);
28 int          __countfmt(Fmt *f);
29 int          __efgfmt(Fmt *fmt);
30 int          __errfmt(Fmt *f);
31 int          __flagfmt(Fmt *f);
32 int          __fmtFdFlush(Fmt *f);
33 int          __fmtcpy(Fmt *f, const void *vm, int n, int sz);
34 void*        __fmtdispatch(Fmt *f, void *fmt, int isrunes);
35 void *       __fmtflush(Fmt *f, void *t, int len);
36 void         __fmtlock(void);
37 int          __fmtpad(Fmt *f, int n);
38 double       __fmtpow10(int n);
39 int          __fmtrcpy(Fmt *f, const void *vm, int n);
40 void         __fmtunlock(void);
41 int          __ifmt(Fmt *f);
42 int          __isInf(double d, int sign);
43 int          __isNaN(double d);
44 int          __needsep(int*, char**);
45 int          __needsquotes(char *s, int *quotelenp);
46 int          __percentfmt(Fmt *f);
47 void         __quotesetup(char *s, Rune *r, int nin, int nout, Quoteinfo *q, int sharp, int runesout);
48 int          __quotestrfmt(int runesin, Fmt *f);
49 int          __rfmtpad(Fmt *f, int n);
50 int          __runefmt(Fmt *f);
51 int          __runeneedsquotes(Rune *r, int *quotelenp);
52 int          __runesfmt(Fmt *f);
53 int          __strfmt(Fmt *f);
55 #define FMTCHAR(f, t, s, c)\
56 	do{\
57 	if(t + 1 > (char*)s){\
58 		t = (char*)__fmtflush(f, t, 1);\
59 		if(t != nil)\
60 			s = (char*)f->stop;\
61 		else\
62 			return -1;\
63 	}\
64 	*t++ = c;\
65 	}while(0)
67 #define FMTRCHAR(f, t, s, c)\
68 	do{\
69 	if(t + 1 > (Rune*)s){\
70 		t = (Rune*)__fmtflush(f, t, sizeof(Rune));\
71 		if(t != nil)\
72 			s = (Rune*)f->stop;\
73 		else\
74 			return -1;\
75 	}\
76 	*t++ = c;\
77 	}while(0)
79 #define FMTRUNE(f, t, s, r)\
80 	do{\
81 	Rune _rune;\
82 	int _runelen;\
83 	if(t + UTFmax > (char*)s && t + (_runelen = runelen(r)) > (char*)s){\
84 		t = (char*)__fmtflush(f, t, _runelen);\
85 		if(t != nil)\
86 			s = (char*)f->stop;\
87 		else\
88 			return -1;\
89 	}\
90 	if(r < Runeself)\
91 		*t++ = r;\
92 	else{\
93 		_rune = r;\
94 		t += runetochar(t, &_rune);\
95 	}\
96 	}while(0)
98 #ifdef va_copy
99 #	define VA_COPY(a,b) va_copy(a,b)
100 #	define VA_END(a) va_end(a)
101 #else
102 #	define VA_COPY(a,b) (a) = (b)
103 #	define VA_END(a)
104 #endif