1                                          # backslashes need to be escaped before braces
2                                          # otherwise backslahes in \{ and \} may get escaped.
3.bs2 <- function(x) gsub("([\\]+)", "\\1\\1", x)                       # escape backslash (bs)
4.esc_br <- function(x) gsub("([{}])", "\\\\\\1", x)                    # escape {, }
6.bspercent <- function(x) gsub('([^\\%]?([\\][\\])*)%', '\\1\\\\%', x) # escape percents
7.anypercent <- function(x){
8    tag <- attr(x, "Rd_tag")
9    if(is.null(tag)  ||  tag != "COMMENT" )
10        .bspercent(x)   # expects, correctly that `tag' does not disappear
11    else                # but see the comment above about usage with Rdapply.
12        x
15           # this seems incomplete, since \v and \l should be doubled only in R strings when
16           #         in RCODE but in contexts where parse_Rd considers them (and other
17           #         escaped sequences) to be markup macros, they will be in the Rd_tag
18           #         attribute, not in the string. So, it seems that more complicated
19           #         processing is not needed.
21           # 2012-10-14 dobavyam obrabotka na poveche ot edna cherta. Togava vsichki osven
22           # poslednata tryabva da se udvoyat (may), a poslednata se udvoyava ako e
23           # posledvana ot v, l ili kray na string.
24.escape_bs_in_Rcode <- function(rdo){
25    f <- function(x) if(grepl("\\\\", x)){  # if x contains any backslashes
26                                     # before 2012-10-14: gsub("(\\\\+)(v|l)", "\\1\\1\\2", x)
27                         res <- x
28                         res <- gsub("(\\\\+)(\\\\)", "\\1\\1\\2", res)
29                         res <- gsub("(\\\\)(v|l)", "\\1\\1\\2", res)
30                         res <- gsub("(\\\\)$", "\\1\\1", res)
31                         res <- gsub("(\\\\)('|`|\")", "\\1\\1\\2", res)
32                         # browser()
33                         res
34                     }else
35                         x
37    Rdtagapply(rdo, f, "RCODE")
39                                                    # 2012-09-29 included  srcref  processing
40                                   # todo: this function was patched many times, needs rewrite
41Rdo2Rdf <- function(rdo, deparse = FALSE, ex_restore = FALSE, file = NULL, rcode = TRUE,
42                    srcfile = NULL){
43    if(is.character(rdo))                # otherwise print(rdo) may go into infinite recursion
44        rdo <- list(rdo)
46    if(class(rdo) != "Rd")                  # to force using print.Rd()
47        class(rdo) <- "Rd"
49    if(is.character(srcfile)){          # remember which sections have not changed
50        rdoorig <- permissive_parse_Rd(srcfile)
51        unchanged_sec <- .rdo_equal_sections(rdo, rdoorig)
52    }
54    # browser()
56    if(rcode){
57        rdo <- .escape_bs_in_Rcode(rdo)  # this also does the examples
58    }else if(ex_restore){    # 2012-09-27 promenyam da izpolzva .escape_bs_in_Rcode
59                   # There should be no more than one `examples' section in a proper Rd object
60                   # and no `NULL' Rd_tag's at the top level.  Allow them here since `rdo' may
61                   # be an `Rd' piece, not a whole Rd object or fragment.  In this way this
62                   # function can be used for intermediate transformations.  Note though that
63                   # print.Rd used below to produce the text output may be more picky.
64        indx <- Rdo_which_tag_eq(rdo, "\\examples")
65        for(i in seq_along(indx)){
66            if(!is.null(indx[[i]]))
67                rdo[[ indx[[i]] ]] <- .escape_bs_in_Rcode(rdo[[ indx[[i]] ]])
68        }
69    }
71    rdo <- Rdtagapply(rdo, .esc_br, "nonmathVERB")                             # escape \{, \}
72    rdo <- Rdtagapply(rdo, .anypercent, "nonmath")                             # escape %
74    # 2012-10-14
75    # rdo<-Rdtagapply(rdo, function(x)  gsub("((^|[^\\])([\\][\\])*)[\\]$", "\\1\\\\\\\\", x),
76    #                   "VERB")
77    rdo <- Rdtagapply(rdo, function(x)  gsub("(^|[^\\])(\\\\+)$", "\\1\\2\\2", x), "VERB")
79                                          # pos_only = function(x){ res <- 1; browser(); res }
80    pos_filecmd <- Rdo_locate(rdo, function(x) .tag_eq(x,"\\file"), lists = TRUE)
81    for(pos in pos_filecmd)
82        rdo[[pos]] <- Rdtagapply(rdo[[pos]], function(x) gsub("(\\\\)", "\\1\\1", x), "TEXT")
84    # pos_filecmd <- Rdo_locate(rdo, function(x) .tag_eq(x,"\\samp"), lists = TRUE)
85    # for(pos in pos_filecmd)
86    #     rdo[[pos]] <- Rdtagapply(rdo[[pos]],
87    #                              function(x) gsub("(\\\\+)([^\\])", "\\1\\1\\2", x),
88    #                              "VERB")
90       # krapka, za nesta kato \code{\\} (see in base R: basename.Rd, body.Rd, Arithmetic.Rd)
91       #   2012-10-14 promenyam tozi (cautious) variant, koyto samo udvoyava edna cherta
92       #   kogato sa necheten broy s variant koyto udvoyava vsichki v kraya na \code{} string.
93       #   todo: da ne go pravi v examples section (no tam to trudno ste se sluchi)
94       #            rdo <- Rdtagapply(rdo, function(x) gsub("((^|[^\\])([\\][\\])*)[\\]$",
95       #             "\\1\\\\\\\\", x),  "RCODE")
96       # 2012-10-14 otkomentiram, promenich v escape_bs po-gore.
97    # rdo <- Rdtagapply(rdo, function(x)  gsub("([\\]+)$", "\\1\\1", x), "RCODE")
99    if(is.character(srcfile)){            # replace unchanged sections with dummy contents
100        unchanged_titles <- sapply(unchanged_sec, function(x) x$title)
101        rdo <- .replace_dummy(rdo, unchanged_titles)
102    }
103                           # this was used for saving before introducing tfn, etc.
104                           # res <- capture.output(print(rdo, deparse = deparse), file = file)
106                           # as.character.Rd ima bug svarzana s newcommand i/ili argumentite
107                           # na href, vzh. naprimer which.min.Rd v base, tam as.character dava
108                           #     \href{{http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=nnet}{\pkg{nnet}}}
109                           # (nay-vanshnite skobi {} sa izlishni). todo: tova e krapka!
110    rdotxt <- paste0(as.character(rdo, deparse = deparse), collapse="")
111    rdotxt <- gsub("\\\\href\\{(\\{[^{}]*\\}\\{[^}]*\\}+)\\}", "\\\\href\\1", rdotxt)
113    # todo: krapka; \code{\{} becomes \code{{} which wrecks havoc for parse_Rd; \code{\}}
114    rdotxt <- gsub("(\\\\code\\{)(\\{|\\})(\\})", "\\1\\\\\\2\\3", rdotxt)
116    tfn <- tempfile()             # use a temporary file in case file and srcfile are the same
117    on.exit(unlink(tfn))
118    if(is.character(srcfile)){
119                              # 2018-02-07 removed the following, since redundant (see above):
120                              #     tfn <- tempfile()
121                              # 2018-02-07 (removed the assignment) was:
122                              #     res <- capture.output(cat(rdotxt, sep = "", collapse = ""),
123                              #                           file = tfn)# writes to tfn
124                              #     but res is re-assigned below without being used.
125                              #     Also, dropping capture.output() and moving 'file =' to cat()
126        cat(rdotxt, sep = "", collapse = "", file = tfn)
128        rdocur <- permissive_parse_Rd(tfn)  # to set srcref
129        srcrefpos <- .srcrefpos(rdocur, rdoorig, unchanged_sec)
131        rdotxt <- rdo_text_restore(rdocur, rdoorig, srcrefpos, file = tfn)
133        nc_ind <- Rdo_which_tag_in(rdoorig,  c("\\newcommand", "\\renewcommand"))
134        if(length(nc_ind) > 0){
135            nclines <- sapply(nc_ind, function(x) as.character(attr(rdoorig[[x]],"srcref")))
136            rdotxt <- c(nclines, rdotxt) # put before anything else todo: could try to put at
137        }                                # original place or at least after any comments?
139        writeLines(rdotxt, tfn)  #overwrites tfn
141        res <- if(is.null(file))
142                   paste0(rdotxt, collapse = "\n")
143               else{
144                   file.copy(tfn, file, overwrite = TRUE) # todo: check success
145                   NULL  # for clarity; capture.output above set it to NULL as tfn is not NULL
146               }
147    }else
148        ## 2012-10-14 res <- capture.output(cat(rdotxt, sep = "", collapse = ""),  file = file)
149        ## 2018-02-07 was:
150        ##        res <- capture.output(cat(rdotxt, sep = "", collapse = "",  file = file))
151        ##   restoring the syntax from 2012, since it works also in the case file = NULL;
152        ##
153        res <- capture.output(cat(rdotxt, sep = "", collapse = ""),  file = file)
155    if(is.null(file))
156        res
157    else{
158        cat("\tThe Rd content was written to file ", file, "\n")
159        invisible(res)    # res is NULL here
160    }
163.tmp_pos <- function(name, pos_list){
164    for(elem in pos_list)
165        if(elem$title == name)
166            return(elem$pos)
167    NULL
170.rdo_srcref <- function(rdo, tag){  # todo: special cases!
171    pos <- Rdo_which_tag_eq(rdo, tag)
172    attr(rdo[[ pos[1] ]], "srcref")
175.rdo_replace_at <- function(text, pospair){
176    newtext <- as.character(pospair[[2]])
177    m <- length(pospair[[1]])
179    beg_line <- pospair[[1]][1]
180    beg_col  <- if(m > 4) pospair[[1]][5] else pospair[[1]][2]
182    end_line <- pospair[[1]][3]
183    end_col  <- if(m > 4) pospair[[1]][6] else pospair[[1]][4]
185    res <- c(text[seq_len(beg_line - 1)],
186             if(beg_col > 1) paste0(substr(text[beg_line], 1, beg_col - 1),  newtext[1])
187             else            newtext[1],
188             newtext[-1]  )
190    le <- nchar(text[end_line]) # 2012-10-13 was: length(text[end_line])  (!?)
191    if(end_col < le)
192        res[length(res)] <- paste0(res[length(res)], substr(text[end_line], end_col + 1, le))
194    c(res, text[-(1:end_line)])
197         # 2012-10-13 dobavyam 'ends' po-dolu, sluchva se sections da ne zapochvat na nov red!
198         #            vzh. NumericConstants.Rd v base ( stava: \note{dummy} \seealso{dummy} )
199rdo_text_restore <- function(cur, orig, pos_list, file){
200    res <- readLines(file)
201    if(length(pos_list) == 1){
202        res <- .rdo_replace_at(res, pos_list[[1]])
203    }else{
204        starts <- sapply(pos_list, function(x) x[[1]][[1]])
205        ends <- sapply(pos_list,
206                       function(x) if(length(x[[1]]) > 4) x[[1]][5] else x[[1]][2]  )
207        p <- order(starts, ends, decreasing = TRUE)
209        dec_pos_list <- pos_list[p]
210        for(pos in dec_pos_list)
211            res <- .rdo_replace_at(res, pos)
212    }
213    res
216.without_duplicates <- function(x){
217    x[!(x %in% unique(x[duplicated(x)]))]