2# # Standalone file for better error handling ----------------------------
4# If can allow package dependencies, then you are probably better off
5# using rlang's functions for errors.
7# The canonical location of this file is in the processx package:
8# https://github.com/r-lib/processx/master/R/errors.R
10# ## Features
12# - Throw conditions and errors with the same API.
13# - Automatically captures the right calls and adds them to the conditions.
14# - Sets `.Last.error`, so you can easily inspect the errors, even if they
15#   were not caught.
16# - It only sets `.Last.error` for the errors that are not caught.
17# - Hierarchical errors, to allow higher level error messages, that are
18#   more meaningful for the users, while also keeping the lower level
19#   details in the error object. (So in `.Last.error` as well.)
20# - `.Last.error` always includes a stack trace. (The stack trace is
21#   common for the whole error hierarchy.) The trace is accessible within
22#   the error, e.g. `.Last.error$trace`. The trace of the last error is
23#   also at `.Last.error.trace`.
24# - Can merge errors and traces across multiple processes.
25# - Pretty-print errors and traces, if the cli package is loaded.
26# - Automatically hides uninformative parts of the stack trace when
27#   printing.
29# ## API
31# ```
32# new_cond(..., call. = TRUE, domain = NULL)
33# new_error(..., call. = TRUE, domain = NULL)
34# throw(cond, parent = NULL)
35# catch_rethrow(expr, ...)
36# rethrow(expr, cond)
37# rethrow_call(.NAME, ...)
38# add_trace_back(cond)
39# ```
41# ## Roadmap:
42# - better printing of anonymous function in the trace
44# ## NEWS:
46# ### 1.0.0 -- 2019-06-18
48# * First release.
50# ### 1.0.1 -- 2019-06-20
52# * Add `rlib_error_always_trace` option to always add a trace
54# ### 1.0.2 -- 2019-06-27
56# * Internal change: change topenv of the functions to baseenv()
58# ### 1.1.0 -- 2019-10-26
60# * Register print methods via onload_hook() function, call from .onLoad()
61# * Print the error manually, and the trace in non-interactive sessions
63# ### 1.1.1 -- 2019-11-10
65# * Only use `trace` in parent errors if they are `rlib_error`s.
66#   Because e.g. `rlang_error`s also have a trace, with a slightly
67#   different format.
69# ### 1.2.0 -- 2019-11-13
71# * Fix the trace if a non-thrown error is re-thrown.
72# * Provide print_this() and print_parents() to make it easier to define
73#   custom print methods.
74# * Fix annotating our throw() methods with the incorrect `base::`.
76# ### 1.2.1 -- 2020-01-30
78# * Update wording of error printout to be less intimidating, avoid jargon
79# * Use default printing in interactive mode, so RStudio can detect the
80#   error and highlight it.
81# * Add the rethrow_call_with_cleanup function, to work with embedded
82#   cleancall.
84# ### 1.2.2 -- 2020-11-19
86# * Add the `call` argument to `catch_rethrow()` and `rethrow()`, to be
87#   able to omit calls.
89# ### 1.2.3 -- 2021-03-06
91# * Use cli instead of crayon
93# ### 1.2.4 -- 2021-04-01
95# * Allow omitting the call with call. = FALSE in `new_cond()`, etc.
97# ### 1.3.0 -- 2021-04-19
99# * Avoid embedding calls in trace with embed = FALSE.
101# ### 2.0.0 -- 2021-04-19
103# * Versioned classes and print methods
105err <- local({
107  # -- condition constructors -------------------------------------------
109  #' Create a new condition
110  #'
111  #' @noRd
112  #' @param ... Parts of the error message, they will be converted to
113  #'   character and then concatenated, like in [stop()].
114  #' @param call. A call object to include in the condition, or `TRUE`
115  #'   or `NULL`, meaning that [throw()] should add a call object
116  #'   automatically. If `FALSE`, then no call is added.
117  #' @param domain Translation domain, see [stop()].
118  #' @return Condition object. Currently a list, but you should not rely
119  #'   on that.
121  new_cond <- function(..., call. = TRUE, domain = NULL) {
122    message <- .makeMessage(..., domain = domain)
123    structure(
124      list(message = message, call = call.),
125      class = c("condition"))
126  }
128  #' Create a new error condition
129  #'
130  #' It also adds the `rlib_error` class.
131  #'
132  #' @noRd
133  #' @param ... Passed to [new_cond()].
134  #' @param call. Passed to [new_cond()].
135  #' @param domain Passed to [new_cond()].
136  #' @return Error condition object with classes `rlib_error`, `error`
137  #'   and `condition`.
139  new_error <- function(..., call. = TRUE, domain = NULL) {
140    cond <- new_cond(..., call. = call., domain = domain)
141    class(cond) <- c("rlib_error_2_0", "rlib_error", "error", "condition")
142    cond
143  }
145  # -- throwing conditions ----------------------------------------------
147  #' Throw a condition
148  #'
149  #' If the condition is an error, it will also call [stop()], after
150  #' signalling the condition first. This means that if the condition is
151  #' caught by an exiting handler, then [stop()] is not called.
152  #'
153  #' @noRd
154  #' @param cond Condition object to throw. If it is an error condition,
155  #'   then it calls [stop()].
156  #' @param parent Parent condition. Use this within [rethrow()] and
157  #'   [catch_rethrow()].
159  throw <- function(cond, parent = NULL) {
160    if (!inherits(cond, "condition")) {
161      throw(new_error("You can only throw conditions"))
162    }
163    if (!is.null(parent) && !inherits(parent, "condition")) {
164      throw(new_error("Parent condition must be a condition object"))
165    }
167    if (isTRUE(cond$call)) {
168      cond$call <- sys.call(-1) %||% sys.call()
169    } else if (identical(cond$call, FALSE)) {
170      cond$call <- NULL
171    }
173    # Eventually the nframe numbers will help us print a better trace
174    # When a child condition is created, the child will use the parent
175    # error object to make note of its own nframe. Here we copy that back
176    # to the parent.
177    if (is.null(cond$`_nframe`)) cond$`_nframe` <- sys.nframe()
178    if (!is.null(parent)) {
179      cond$parent <- parent
180      cond$call <- cond$parent$`_childcall`
181      cond$`_nframe` <- cond$parent$`_childframe`
182      cond$`_ignore` <- cond$parent$`_childignore`
183    }
185    # We can set an option to always add the trace to the thrown
186    # conditions. This is useful for example in context that always catch
187    # errors, e.g. in testthat tests or knitr. This options is usually not
188    # set and we signal the condition here
189    always_trace <- isTRUE(getOption("rlib_error_always_trace"))
190    if (!always_trace) signalCondition(cond)
192    # If this is not an error, then we'll just return here. This allows
193    # throwing interrupt conditions for example, with the same UI.
194    if (! inherits(cond, "error")) return(invisible())
196    if (is.null(cond$`_pid`)) cond$`_pid` <- Sys.getpid()
197    if (is.null(cond$`_timestamp`)) cond$`_timestamp` <- Sys.time()
199    # If we get here that means that the condition was not caught by
200    # an exiting handler. That means that we need to create a trace.
201    # If there is a hand-constructed trace already in the error object,
202    # then we'll just leave it there.
203    if (is.null(cond$trace)) cond <- add_trace_back(cond)
205    # Set up environment to store .Last.error, it will be just before
206    # baseenv(), so it is almost as if it was in baseenv() itself, like
207    # .Last.value. We save the print methos here as well, and then they
208    # will be found automatically.
209    if (! "org:r-lib" %in% search()) {
210      do.call("attach", list(new.env(), pos = length(search()),
211                             name = "org:r-lib"))
212    }
213    env <- as.environment("org:r-lib")
214    env$.Last.error <- cond
215    env$.Last.error.trace <- cond$trace
217    # If we always wanted a trace, then we signal the condition here
218    if (always_trace) signalCondition(cond)
220    # Top-level handler, this is intended for testing only for now,
221    # and its design might change.
222    if (!is.null(th <- getOption("rlib_error_handler")) &&
223        is.function(th)) {
224      th(cond)
226    } else {
228      if (is_interactive()) {
229        # In interactive mode, we print the error message through
230        # conditionMessage() and also add a note about .Last.error.trace.
231        # R will potentially truncate the error message, so we make sure
232        # that the note is shown. Ideally we would print the error
233        # ourselves, but then RStudio would not highlight it.
234        max_msg_len <- as.integer(getOption("warning.length"))
235        if (is.na(max_msg_len)) max_msg_len <- 1000
236        msg <- conditionMessage(cond)
237        adv <- style_advice(
238          "\nType .Last.error.trace to see where the error occurred"
239        )
240        dots <- "\033[0m\n[...]"
241        if (bytes(msg) + bytes(adv) + bytes(dots) + 5L> max_msg_len) {
242          msg <- paste0(
243            substr(msg, 1, max_msg_len - bytes(dots) - bytes(adv) - 5L),
244            dots
245          )
246        }
247        cond$message <- paste0(msg, adv)
249      } else {
250        # In non-interactive mode, we print the error + the traceback
251        # manually, to make sure that it won't be truncated by R's error
252        # message length limit.
253        cat("\n", file = stderr())
254        cat(style_error(gettext("Error: ")), file = stderr())
255        out <- capture_output(print(cond))
256        cat(out, file = stderr(), sep = "\n")
257        out <- capture_output(print(cond$trace))
258        cat(out, file = stderr(), sep = "\n")
260        # Turn off the regular error printing to avoid printing
261        # the error twice.
262        opts <- options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
263        on.exit(options(opts), add = TRUE)
264      }
266      # Dropping the classes and adding "duplicate_condition" is a workaround
267      # for the case when we have non-exiting handlers on throw()-n
268      # conditions. These would get the condition twice, because stop()
269      # will also signal it. If we drop the classes, then only handlers
270      # on "condition" objects (i.e. all conditions) get duplicate signals.
271      # This is probably quite rare, but for this rare case they can also
272      # recognize the duplicates from the "duplicate_condition" extra class.
273      class(cond) <- c("duplicate_condition", "condition")
275      stop(cond)
276    }
277  }
279  # -- rethrowing conditions --------------------------------------------
281  #' Catch and re-throw conditions
282  #'
283  #' See [rethrow()] for a simpler interface that handles `error`
284  #' conditions automatically.
285  #'
286  #' @noRd
287  #' @param expr Expression to evaluate.
288  #' @param ... Condition handler specification, the same way as in
289  #'   [withCallingHandlers()]. You are supposed to call [throw()] from
290  #'   the error handler, with a new error object, setting the original
291  #'   error object as parent. See examples below.
292  #' @param call Logical flag, whether to add the call to
293  #'   `catch_rethrow()` to the error.
294  #' @examples
295  #' f <- function() {
296  #'   ...
297  #'   err$catch_rethrow(
298  #'     ... code that potentially errors ...,
299  #'     error = function(e) {
300  #'       throw(new_error("This will be the child error"), parent = e)
301  #'     }
302  #'   )
303  #' }
305  catch_rethrow <- function(expr, ..., call = TRUE) {
306    realcall <- if (isTRUE(call)) sys.call(-1) %||% sys.call()
307    realframe <- sys.nframe()
308    parent <- parent.frame()
310    cl <- match.call()
311    cl[[1]] <- quote(withCallingHandlers)
312    handlers <- list(...)
313    for (h in names(handlers)) {
314      cl[[h]] <- function(e) {
315        # This will be NULL if the error is not throw()-n
316        if (is.null(e$`_nframe`)) e$`_nframe` <- length(sys.calls())
317        e$`_childcall` <- realcall
318        e$`_childframe` <- realframe
319        # We drop after realframe, until the first withCallingHandlers
320        wch <- find_call(sys.calls(), quote(withCallingHandlers))
321        if (!is.na(wch)) e$`_childignore` <- list(c(realframe + 1L, wch))
322        handlers[[h]](e)
323      }
324    }
325    eval(cl, envir = parent)
326  }
328  find_call <- function(calls, call) {
329    which(vapply(
330      calls, function(x) length(x) >= 1 && identical(x[[1]], call),
331      logical(1)))[1]
332  }
334  #' Catch and re-throw conditions
335  #'
336  #' `rethrow()` is similar to [catch_rethrow()], but it has a simpler
337  #' interface. It catches conditions with class `error`, and re-throws
338  #' `cond` instead, using the original condition as the parent.
339  #'
340  #' @noRd
341  #' @param expr Expression to evaluate.
342  #' @param ... Condition handler specification, the same way as in
343  #'   [withCallingHandlers()].
344  #' @param call Logical flag, whether to add the call to
345  #'   `rethrow()` to the error.
347  rethrow <- function(expr, cond, call = TRUE) {
348    realcall <- if (isTRUE(call)) sys.call(-1) %||% sys.call()
349    realframe <- sys.nframe()
350    withCallingHandlers(
351      expr,
352      error = function(e) {
353        # This will be NULL if the error is not throw()-n
354        if (is.null(e$`_nframe`)) e$`_nframe` <- length(sys.calls())
355        e$`_childcall` <- realcall
356        e$`_childframe` <- realframe
357        # We just ignore the withCallingHandlers call, and the tail
358        e$`_childignore` <- list(
359          c(realframe + 1L, realframe + 1L),
360          c(e$`_nframe` + 1L, sys.nframe() + 1L))
361        throw(cond, parent = e)
362      }
363    )
364  }
366  #' Version of .Call that throw()s errors
367  #'
368  #' It re-throws error from interpreted code. If the error had class
369  #' `simpleError`, like all errors, thrown via `error()` in C do, it also
370  #' adds the `c_error` class.
371  #'
372  #' @noRd
373  #' @param .NAME Compiled function to call, see [.Call()].
374  #' @param ... Function arguments, see [.Call()].
375  #' @return Result of the call.
377  rethrow_call <- function(.NAME, ...) {
378    call <- sys.call()
379    nframe <- sys.nframe()
380    withCallingHandlers(
381      # do.call to work around an R CMD check issue
382      do.call(".Call", list(.NAME, ...)),
383      error = function(e) {
384        e$`_nframe` <- nframe
385        e$call <- call
386        if (inherits(e, "simpleError")) {
387          class(e) <- c("c_error", "rlib_error_2_0", "rlib_error", "error", "condition")
388        }
389        e$`_ignore` <- list(c(nframe + 1L, sys.nframe() + 1L))
390        throw(e)
391      }
392    )
393  }
395  package_env <- topenv()
397  #' Version of rethrow_call that supports cleancall
398  #'
399  #' This function is the same as [rethrow_call()], except that it
400  #' uses cleancall's [.Call()] wrapper, to enable resource cleanup.
401  #' See https://github.com/r-lib/cleancall#readme for more about
402  #' resource cleanup.
403  #'
404  #' @noRd
405  #' @param .NAME Compiled function to call, see [.Call()].
406  #' @param ... Function arguments, see [.Call()].
407  #' @return Result of the call.
409  rethrow_call_with_cleanup <- function(.NAME, ...) {
410    call <- sys.call()
411    nframe <- sys.nframe()
412    withCallingHandlers(
413      package_env$call_with_cleanup(.NAME, ...),
414      error = function(e) {
415        e$`_nframe` <- nframe
416        e$call <- call
417        if (inherits(e, "simpleError")) {
418          class(e) <- c("c_error", "rlib_error_2_0", "rlib_error", "error", "condition")
419        }
420        e$`_ignore` <- list(c(nframe + 1L, sys.nframe() + 1L))
421        throw(e)
422      }
423    )
424  }
426  # -- create traceback -------------------------------------------------
428  #' Create a traceback
429  #'
430  #' [throw()] calls this function automatically if an error is not caught,
431  #' so there is currently not much use to call it directly.
432  #'
433  #' @param cond Condition to add the trace to
434  #' @param embed Whether to embed calls into the condition.
435  #'
436  #' @return A condition object, with the trace added.
438  add_trace_back <- function(
439      cond,
440      embed = getOption("rlib_error_embed_calls", FALSE)) {
442    idx <- seq_len(sys.parent(1L))
443    frames <- sys.frames()[idx]
445    parents <- sys.parents()[idx]
446    calls <- as.list(sys.calls()[idx])
447    envs <- lapply(frames, env_label)
448    topenvs <- lapply(
449      seq_along(frames),
450      function(i) env_label(topenvx(environment(sys.function(i)))))
451    nframes <- if (!is.null(cond$`_nframe`)) cond$`_nframe` else sys.parent()
452    messages <- list(conditionMessage(cond))
453    ignore <- cond$`_ignore`
454    classes <- class(cond)
455    pids <- rep(cond$`_pid` %||% Sys.getpid(), length(calls))
457    if (!embed) calls <- as.list(format_calls(calls, topenvs, nframes))
459    if (is.null(cond$parent)) {
460      # Nothing to do, no parent
462    } else if (is.null(cond$parent$trace) ||
463               !inherits(cond$parent, "rlib_error_2_0")) {
464      # If the parent does not have a trace, that means that it is using
465      # the same trace as us. We ignore traces from non-r-lib errors.
466      # E.g. rlang errors have a trace, but we do not use that.
467      parent <- cond
468      while (!is.null(parent <- parent$parent)) {
469        nframes <- c(nframes, parent$`_nframe`)
470        messages <- c(messages, list(conditionMessage(parent)))
471        ignore <- c(ignore, parent$`_ignore`)
472      }
474    } else {
475      # If it has a trace, that means that it is coming from another
476      # process or top level evaluation. In this case we'll merge the two
477      # traces.
478      pt <- cond$parent$trace
479      parents <- c(parents, pt$parents + length(calls))
480      nframes <- c(nframes, pt$nframes + length(calls))
481      ignore <- c(ignore, lapply(pt$ignore, function(x) x + length(calls)))
482      envs <- c(envs, pt$envs)
483      topenvs <- c(topenvs, pt$topenvs)
484      calls <- c(calls, pt$calls)
485      messages <- c(messages, pt$messages)
486      pids <- c(pids, pt$pids)
487    }
489    cond$trace <- new_trace(
490      calls, parents, envs, topenvs, nframes, messages, ignore, classes,
491      pids)
493    cond
494  }
496  topenvx <- function(x) {
497    topenv(x, matchThisEnv = err_env)
498  }
500  new_trace <- function (calls, parents, envs, topenvs, nframes, messages,
501                         ignore, classes, pids) {
502    indices <- seq_along(calls)
503    structure(
504      list(calls = calls, parents = parents, envs = envs, topenvs = topenvs,
505           indices = indices, nframes = nframes, messages = messages,
506           ignore = ignore, classes = classes, pids = pids),
507      class = c("rlib_trace_2_0", "rlib_trace"))
508  }
510  env_label <- function(env) {
511    nm <- env_name(env)
512    if (nzchar(nm)) {
513      nm
514    } else {
515      env_address(env)
516    }
517  }
519  env_address <- function(env) {
520    class(env) <- "environment"
521    sub("^.*(0x[0-9a-f]+)>$", "\\1", format(env), perl = TRUE)
522  }
524  env_name <- function(env) {
525    if (identical(env, err_env)) {
526      return("")
527    }
528    if (identical(env, globalenv())) {
529      return("global")
530    }
531    if (identical(env, baseenv())) {
532      return("namespace:base")
533    }
534    if (identical(env, emptyenv())) {
535      return("empty")
536    }
537    nm <- environmentName(env)
538    if (isNamespace(env)) {
539      return(paste0("namespace:", nm))
540    }
541    nm
542  }
544  # -- printing ---------------------------------------------------------
546  print_this <- function(x, ...) {
547    msg <- conditionMessage(x)
548    call <- conditionCall(x)
549    cl <- class(x)[1L]
550    if (!is.null(call)) {
551      cat("<", cl, " in ", format_call(call), ":\n ", msg, ">\n", sep = "")
552    } else {
553      cat("<", cl, ": ", msg, ">\n", sep = "")
554    }
556    print_srcref(x$call)
558    if (!identical(x$`_pid`, Sys.getpid())) {
559      cat(" in process", x$`_pid`, "\n")
560    }
562    invisible(x)
563  }
565  print_parents <- function(x, ...) {
566    if (!is.null(x$parent)) {
567      cat("-->\n")
568      print(x$parent)
569    }
570    invisible(x)
571  }
573  print_rlib_error_2_0 <- function(x, ...) {
574    print_this(x, ...)
575    print_parents(x, ...)
576  }
578  format_calls <- function(calls, topenv, nframes, messages = NULL) {
579    calls <- map2(calls, topenv, namespace_calls)
580    callstr <- vapply(calls, format_call_src, character(1))
581    if (!is.null(messages)) {
582      callstr[nframes] <-
583        paste0(callstr[nframes], "\n", style_error_msg(messages), "\n")
584    }
585    callstr
586  }
588  print_rlib_trace_2_0 <- function(x, ...) {
589    cl <- paste0(" Stack trace:")
590    cat(sep = "", "\n", style_trace_title(cl), "\n\n")
591    callstr <- enumerate(
592      format_calls(x$calls, x$topenv, x$nframes, x$messages)
593    )
595    # Ignore what we were told to ignore
596    ign <- integer()
597    for (iv in x$ignore) {
598      if (iv[2] == Inf) iv[2] <- length(callstr)
599      ign <- c(ign, iv[1]:iv[2])
600    }
602    # Plus always ignore the tail. This is not always good for
603    # catch_rethrow(), but should be good otherwise
604    last_err_frame <- x$nframes[length(x$nframes)]
605    if (!is.na(last_err_frame) && last_err_frame < length(callstr)) {
606      ign <- c(ign, (last_err_frame+1):length(callstr))
607    }
609    ign <- unique(ign)
610    if (length(ign)) callstr <- callstr[-ign]
612    # Add markers for subprocesses
613    if (length(unique(x$pids)) >= 2) {
614      pids <- x$pids[-ign]
615      pid_add <- which(!duplicated(pids))
616      pid_str <- style_process(paste0("Process ", pids[pid_add], ":"))
617      callstr[pid_add] <- paste0(" ", pid_str, "\n", callstr[pid_add])
618    }
620    cat(callstr, sep = "\n")
621    invisible(x)
622  }
624  capture_output <- function(expr) {
625    if (has_cli()) {
626      opts <- options(cli.num_colors = cli::num_ansi_colors())
627      on.exit(options(opts), add = TRUE)
628    }
630    out <- NULL
631    file <- textConnection("out", "w", local = TRUE)
632    sink(file)
633    on.exit(sink(NULL), add = TRUE)
635    expr
636    if (is.null(out)) invisible(NULL) else out
637  }
639  is_interactive <- function() {
640    opt <- getOption("rlib_interactive")
641    if (isTRUE(opt)) {
642      TRUE
643    } else if (identical(opt, FALSE)) {
644      FALSE
645    } else if (tolower(getOption("knitr.in.progress", "false")) == "true") {
646      FALSE
647    } else if (tolower(getOption("rstudio.notebook.executing", "false")) == "true") {
648      FALSE
649    } else if (identical(Sys.getenv("TESTTHAT"), "true")) {
650      FALSE
651    } else {
652      interactive()
653    }
654  }
656  onload_hook <- function() {
657    reg_env <- Sys.getenv("R_LIB_ERROR_REGISTER_PRINT_METHODS", "TRUE")
658    if (tolower(reg_env) != "false") {
659      registerS3method("print", "rlib_error_2_0", print_rlib_error_2_0, baseenv())
660      registerS3method("print", "rlib_trace_2_0", print_rlib_trace_2_0, baseenv())
661    }
662  }
664  namespace_calls <- function(call, env) {
665    if (length(call) < 1) return(call)
666    if (typeof(call[[1]]) != "symbol") return(call)
667    pkg <- strsplit(env, "^namespace:")[[1]][2]
668    if (is.na(pkg)) return(call)
669    call[[1]] <- substitute(p:::f, list(p = as.symbol(pkg), f = call[[1]]))
670    call
671  }
673  print_srcref <- function(call) {
674    src <- format_srcref(call)
675    if (length(src)) cat(sep = "", " ", src, "\n")
676  }
678  `%||%` <- function(l, r) if (is.null(l)) r else l
680  format_srcref <- function(call) {
681    if (is.null(call)) return(NULL)
682    file <- utils::getSrcFilename(call)
683    if (!length(file)) return(NULL)
684    dir <- utils::getSrcDirectory(call)
685    if (length(dir) && nzchar(dir) && nzchar(file)) {
686      srcfile <- attr(utils::getSrcref(call), "srcfile")
687      if (isTRUE(srcfile$isFile)) {
688        file <- file.path(dir, file)
689      } else {
690        file <- file.path("R", file)
691      }
692    } else {
693      file <- "??"
694    }
695    line <- utils::getSrcLocation(call) %||% "??"
696    col <- utils::getSrcLocation(call, which = "column") %||% "??"
697    style_srcref(paste0(file, ":", line, ":", col))
698  }
700  format_call <- function(call) {
701    width <- getOption("width")
702    str <- format(call)
703    callstr <- if (length(str) > 1 || nchar(str[1]) > width) {
704      paste0(substr(str[1], 1, width - 5), " ...")
705    } else {
706      str[1]
707    }
708    style_call(callstr)
709  }
711  format_call_src <- function(call) {
712    callstr <- format_call(call)
713    src <- format_srcref(call)
714    if (length(src)) callstr <- paste0(callstr, "\n    ", src)
715    callstr
716  }
718  enumerate <- function(x) {
719    paste0(style_numbers(paste0(" ", seq_along(x), ". ")), x)
720  }
722  map2 <- function (.x, .y, .f, ...) {
723    mapply(.f, .x, .y, MoreArgs = list(...), SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
724           USE.NAMES = FALSE)
725  }
727  bytes <- function(x) {
728    nchar(x, type = "bytes")
729  }
731  # -- printing, styles -------------------------------------------------
733  has_cli <- function() "cli" %in% loadedNamespaces()
735  style_numbers <- function(x) {
736    if (has_cli()) cli::col_silver(x) else x
737  }
739  style_advice <- function(x) {
740    if (has_cli()) cli::col_silver(x) else x
741  }
743  style_srcref <- function(x) {
744    if (has_cli()) cli::style_italic(cli::col_cyan(x))
745  }
747  style_error <- function(x) {
748    if (has_cli()) cli::style_bold(cli::col_red(x)) else x
749  }
751  style_error_msg <- function(x) {
752    sx <- paste0("\n x ", x, " ")
753    style_error(sx)
754  }
756  style_trace_title <- function(x) {
757    x
758  }
760  style_process <- function(x) {
761    if (has_cli()) cli::style_bold(x) else x
762  }
764  style_call <- function(x) {
765    if (!has_cli()) return(x)
766    call <- sub("^([^(]+)[(].*$", "\\1", x)
767    rest <- sub("^[^(]+([(].*)$", "\\1", x)
768    if (call == x || rest == x) return(x)
769    paste0(cli::col_yellow(call), rest)
770  }
772  err_env <- environment()
773  parent.env(err_env) <- baseenv()
775  structure(
776    list(
777      .internal      = err_env,
778      new_cond       = new_cond,
779      new_error      = new_error,
780      throw          = throw,
781      rethrow        = rethrow,
782      catch_rethrow  = catch_rethrow,
783      rethrow_call   = rethrow_call,
784      add_trace_back = add_trace_back,
785      onload_hook    = onload_hook,
786      print_this     = print_this,
787      print_parents  = print_parents
788    ),
789    class = c("standalone_errors", "standalone"))
792# These are optional, and feel free to remove them if you prefer to
793# call them through the `err` object.
795new_cond  <- err$new_cond
796new_error <- err$new_error
797throw     <- err$throw
798rethrow   <- err$rethrow
799rethrow_call <- err$rethrow_call
800rethrow_call_with_cleanup <- err$.internal$rethrow_call_with_cleanup