1WidGet file, version 1.1, created:  Tue Jul 29 17:07:08 PDT 1997
2Widget button#1
3	geometry row 2
4	other error {}
5	other type button
6	other master {}
7	configure default disabled
8	configure text hello
9	other pathname button#1
10	other tags {}
11	configure font {interface user,14,Bold}
12	other level {}
13	other help {}
14	configure borderwidth 4
15	geometry column 2
16	other comments {}
17	configure command ShowGreeting
18	other tabbing {}
19	other item_name button#1
20Widget f
21	other generic_options {button {
22		} canvas {
23		} checkbutton {
24		} entry {
25		} frame {
26		} label {
27		} listbox {
28		} menubutton {
29		} message {
30		} radiobutton {
31		} scale {
32		} scrollbar {
33		} text {
34		}
35	}
36	other panel {}
37	other resize_row {0 0 0}
38	other type frame
39	other code {# The exHello.ui example shows how to call a proc from
40# a button's command property
42proc ShowGreeting {} {
43   tk_messageBox -message "Hello, world!" -type ok
48	other min_row {15 64 10}
49	other master {}
50	other pathname f
51	other resize_column {0 0 0}
52	other tags {}
53	other level 0
54	configure background #e9e9e9
55	other min_column {10 196 10}
56	other help {}
57	other Colors {black white bisque grey red green blue magenta yellow #AE00B200C300}
58	other comments {}
59	other item_name f
60	other tabbing {}