2--  util-serialize-io-xml -- XML Serialization Driver
3--  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 Stephane Carrez
4--  Written by Stephane Carrez (Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com)
6--  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7--  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8--  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10--      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12--  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13--  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14--  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15--  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16--  limitations under the License.
19with Unicode;
20with Unicode.CES.Utf8;
22with Util.Log.Loggers;
23with Util.Strings;
24package body Util.Serialize.IO.XML is
26   use Sax.Readers;
27   use Sax.Exceptions;
28   use Sax.Locators;
29   use Sax.Attributes;
30   use Unicode;
31   use Unicode.CES;
32   use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
34   --  The logger
35   Log : constant Util.Log.Loggers.Logger := Util.Log.Loggers.Create ("Util.Serialize.IO.XML", Util.Log.ERROR_LEVEL);
37   --  Return the location where the exception was raised.
38   function Get_Location (Except : Sax.Exceptions.Sax_Parse_Exception'Class)
39                          return String is separate;
41   --  ------------------------------
42   --  Warning
43   --  ------------------------------
44   overriding
45   procedure Warning (Handler : in out Xhtml_Reader;
46                      Except  : Sax.Exceptions.Sax_Parse_Exception'Class) is
47      pragma Warnings (Off, Handler);
48   begin
49      Log.Warn ("{0}", Get_Message (Except));
50   end Warning;
52   --  ------------------------------
53   --  Error
54   --  ------------------------------
55   overriding
56   procedure Error (Handler : in out Xhtml_Reader;
57                    Except  : in Sax.Exceptions.Sax_Parse_Exception'Class) is
58      Msg : constant String := Get_Message (Except);
59      Pos : constant Natural := Util.Strings.Index (Msg, ' ');
60   begin
61      --  The SAX error message contains the line+file name.  Remove it because this part
62      --  will be added by the <b>Error</b> procedure.
63      if Pos > Msg'First and then Msg (Pos - 1) = ':' then
64         Handler.Handler.Error (Msg (Pos + 1 .. Msg'Last));
65      else
66         Handler.Handler.Error (Msg);
67      end if;
68   end Error;
70   --  ------------------------------
71   --  Fatal_Error
72   --  ------------------------------
73   overriding
74   procedure Fatal_Error (Handler : in out Xhtml_Reader;
75                          Except  : in Sax.Exceptions.Sax_Parse_Exception'Class) is
76   begin
77      Handler.Error (Except);
78   end Fatal_Error;
80   --  ------------------------------
81   --  Set_Document_Locator
82   --  ------------------------------
83   overriding
84   procedure Set_Document_Locator (Handler : in out Xhtml_Reader;
85                                   Loc     : in out Sax.Locators.Locator) is
86   begin
87      Handler.Handler.Locator := Loc;
88   end Set_Document_Locator;
90   --  ------------------------------
91   --  Start_Document
92   --  ------------------------------
93   overriding
94   procedure Start_Document (Handler : in out Xhtml_Reader) is
95   begin
96      null;
97   end Start_Document;
99   --  ------------------------------
100   --  End_Document
101   --  ------------------------------
102   overriding
103   procedure End_Document (Handler : in out Xhtml_Reader) is
104   begin
105      null;
106   end End_Document;
108   --  ------------------------------
109   --  Start_Prefix_Mapping
110   --  ------------------------------
111   overriding
112   procedure Start_Prefix_Mapping (Handler : in out Xhtml_Reader;
113                                   Prefix  : in Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence;
114                                   URI     : in Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is
115   begin
116      null;
117   end Start_Prefix_Mapping;
119   --  ------------------------------
120   --  End_Prefix_Mapping
121   --  ------------------------------
122   overriding
123   procedure End_Prefix_Mapping (Handler : in out Xhtml_Reader;
124                                 Prefix  : in Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is
125   begin
126      null;
127   end End_Prefix_Mapping;
129   --  ------------------------------
130   --  Start_Element
131   --  ------------------------------
132   overriding
133   procedure Start_Element (Handler       : in out Xhtml_Reader;
134                            Namespace_URI : in Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";
135                            Local_Name    : in Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";
136                            Qname         : in Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";
137                            Atts          : in Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is
138      pragma Unreferenced (Namespace_URI, Qname);
140      Attr_Count : Natural;
141   begin
142      Log.Debug ("Start object {0}", Local_Name);
144      Handler.Handler.Start_Object (Local_Name);
145      Attr_Count := Get_Length (Atts);
146      for I in 0 .. Attr_Count - 1 loop
147         declare
148            Name  : constant String := Get_Qname (Atts, I);
149            Value : constant String := Get_Value (Atts, I);
150         begin
151            Handler.Handler.Set_Member (Name      => Name,
152                                        Value     => Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Value),
153                                        Attribute => True);
154         end;
155      end loop;
156   end Start_Element;
158   --  ------------------------------
159   --  End_Element
160   --  ------------------------------
161   overriding
162   procedure End_Element (Handler       : in out Xhtml_Reader;
163                          Namespace_URI : in Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";
164                          Local_Name    : in Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";
165                          Qname         : in Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is
166      pragma Unreferenced (Namespace_URI, Qname);
168      Len : constant Natural := Length (Handler.Text);
169   begin
170      Handler.Handler.Finish_Object (Local_Name);
171      if Len > 0 then
173         --  Add debug message only when it is active (saves the To_String conversion).
174         if Log.Get_Level >= Util.Log.DEBUG_LEVEL then
175            Log.Debug ("Close object {0} -> {1}", Local_Name, To_String (Handler.Text));
176         end if;
177         Handler.Handler.Set_Member (Local_Name, Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Handler.Text));
179         --  Clear the string using Delete so that the buffer is kept.
180         Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Delete (Source => Handler.Text, From => 1, Through => Len);
181      else
182         Log.Debug ("Close object {0}", Local_Name);
183         Handler.Handler.Set_Member (Local_Name, Util.Beans.Objects.To_Object (Handler.Text));
184      end if;
185   end End_Element;
187   procedure Collect_Text (Handler : in out Xhtml_Reader;
188                           Content : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is
189   begin
190      Append (Handler.Text, Content);
191   end Collect_Text;
193   --  ------------------------------
194   --  Characters
195   --  ------------------------------
196   overriding
197   procedure Characters (Handler : in out Xhtml_Reader;
198                         Ch      : in Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is
199   begin
200      Collect_Text (Handler, Ch);
201   end Characters;
203   --  ------------------------------
204   --  Ignorable_Whitespace
205   --  ------------------------------
206   overriding
207   procedure Ignorable_Whitespace (Handler : in out Xhtml_Reader;
208                                   Ch      : in Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is
209   begin
210      if not Handler.Ignore_White_Spaces then
211         Collect_Text (Handler, Ch);
212      end if;
213   end Ignorable_Whitespace;
215   --  ------------------------------
216   --  Processing_Instruction
217   --  ------------------------------
218   overriding
219   procedure Processing_Instruction (Handler : in out Xhtml_Reader;
220                                     Target  : in Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence;
221                                     Data    : in Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is
222      pragma Unreferenced (Handler);
223   begin
224      Log.Error ("Processing instruction: {0}: {1}", Target, Data);
225   end Processing_Instruction;
227   --  ------------------------------
228   --  Skipped_Entity
229   --  ------------------------------
230   overriding
231   procedure Skipped_Entity (Handler : in out Xhtml_Reader;
232                             Name    : in Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is
233      pragma Unmodified (Handler);
234   begin
235      null;
236   end Skipped_Entity;
238   --  ------------------------------
239   --  Start_Cdata
240   --  ------------------------------
241   overriding
242   procedure Start_Cdata (Handler : in out Xhtml_Reader) is
243      pragma Unmodified (Handler);
244      pragma Unreferenced (Handler);
245   begin
246      Log.Info ("Start CDATA");
247   end Start_Cdata;
249   --  ------------------------------
250   --  End_Cdata
251   --  ------------------------------
252   overriding
253   procedure End_Cdata (Handler : in out Xhtml_Reader) is
254      pragma Unmodified (Handler);
255      pragma Unreferenced (Handler);
256   begin
257      Log.Info ("End CDATA");
258   end End_Cdata;
260   --  ------------------------------
261   --  Resolve_Entity
262   --  ------------------------------
263   overriding
264   function Resolve_Entity (Handler   : Xhtml_Reader;
265                            Public_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence;
266                            System_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence)
267                            return Input_Sources.Input_Source_Access is
268      pragma Unreferenced (Handler);
269   begin
270      Log.Error ("Cannot resolve entity {0} - {1}", Public_Id, System_Id);
271      return null;
272   end Resolve_Entity;
274   overriding
275   procedure Start_DTD (Handler   : in out Xhtml_Reader;
276                        Name      : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence;
277                        Public_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";
278                        System_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is
279   begin
280      null;
281   end Start_DTD;
283   --  ------------------------------
284   --  Set the XHTML reader to ignore or not the white spaces.
285   --  When set to True, the ignorable white spaces will not be kept.
286   --  ------------------------------
287   procedure Set_Ignore_White_Spaces (Reader : in out Parser;
288                                      Value  : in Boolean) is
289   begin
290      Reader.Ignore_White_Spaces := Value;
291   end Set_Ignore_White_Spaces;
293   --  ------------------------------
294   --  Set the XHTML reader to ignore empty lines.
295   --  ------------------------------
296   procedure Set_Ignore_Empty_Lines (Reader : in out Parser;
297                                     Value  : in Boolean) is
298   begin
299      Reader.Ignore_Empty_Lines := Value;
300   end Set_Ignore_Empty_Lines;
302   --  ------------------------------
303   --  Get the current location (file and line) to report an error message.
304   --  ------------------------------
305   function Get_Location (Handler : in Parser) return String is
306      File : constant String := Util.Serialize.IO.Parser (Handler).Get_Location;
307   begin
308      if Handler.Locator = Sax.Locators.No_Locator then
309         return File;
310      else
311         return File & Sax.Locators.To_String (Handler.Locator);
312      end if;
313   end Get_Location;
315   --  ------------------------------
316   --  Parse an XML stream, and calls the appropriate SAX callbacks for each
317   --  event.
318   --  This is not re-entrant: you can not call Parse with the same Parser
319   --  argument in one of the SAX callbacks. This has undefined behavior.
320   --  ------------------------------
322   --  Parse the stream using the JSON parser.
323   procedure Parse (Handler : in out Parser;
324                    Stream  : in out Util.Streams.Buffered.Buffered_Stream'Class) is
326      Buffer_Size : constant Positive := 256;
328      type String_Access is access all String (1 .. Buffer_Size);
330      type Stream_Input is new Input_Sources.Input_Source with record
331         Index    : Natural;
332         Last     : Natural;
333         Encoding : Unicode.CES.Encoding_Scheme;
334         Buffer   : String_Access;
335      end record;
337      --  Return the next character in the string.
338      procedure Next_Char (From : in out Stream_Input;
339                           C    : out Unicode.Unicode_Char);
341      --  True if From is past the last character in the string.
342      function Eof (From : in Stream_Input) return Boolean;
343      procedure Fill (From : in out Stream_Input'Class);
345      procedure Fill (From : in out Stream_Input'Class) is
346         Last : Natural := From.Last;
347      begin
348         --  Move to the buffer start
349         if Last > From.Index and From.Index > From.Buffer'First then
350            From.Buffer (From.Buffer'First .. Last - 1 - From.Index + From.Buffer'First) :=
351              From.Buffer (From.Index .. Last - 1);
352            Last  := Last - From.Index + From.Buffer'First;
353            From.Index := From.Buffer'First;
354         end if;
355         if From.Index > From.Last then
356            From.Index := From.Buffer'First;
357         end if;
358         begin
359            loop
360               Stream.Read (From.Buffer (Last));
361               Last := Last + 1;
362               exit when Last > From.Buffer'Last;
363            end loop;
364         exception
365            when others =>
366               null;
367         end;
368         From.Last := Last;
369      end Fill;
371      --  Return the next character in the string.
372      procedure Next_Char (From : in out Stream_Input;
373                           C    : out Unicode.Unicode_Char) is
374      begin
375         if From.Index + 6 >= From.Last then
376            Fill (From);
377         end if;
378         From.Encoding.Read (From.Buffer.all, From.Index, C);
379      end Next_Char;
381      --  True if From is past the last character in the string.
382      function Eof (From : in Stream_Input) return Boolean is
383      begin
384         if From.Index < From.Last then
385            return False;
386         end if;
387         return Stream.Is_Eof;
388      end Eof;
390      Input      : Stream_Input;
391      Xml_Parser : Xhtml_Reader;
392      Buf        : aliased String (1 .. Buffer_Size);
393   begin
394      Input.Buffer := Buf'Access;
395      Input.Index  := Buf'First + 1;
396      Input.Last   := Buf'First;
397      Input.Set_Encoding (Unicode.CES.Utf8.Utf8_Encoding);
398      Input.Encoding := Unicode.CES.Utf8.Utf8_Encoding;
399      Xml_Parser.Handler := Handler'Unchecked_Access;
400      Xml_Parser.Ignore_White_Spaces := Handler.Ignore_White_Spaces;
401      Xml_Parser.Ignore_Empty_Lines  := Handler.Ignore_Empty_Lines;
402      Sax.Readers.Reader (Xml_Parser).Parse (Input);
403      Handler.Locator := Sax.Locators.No_Locator;
405      --  Ignore the Program_Error exception that SAX could raise if we know that the
406      --  error was reported.
407   exception
408      when Program_Error =>
409         Handler.Locator := Sax.Locators.No_Locator;
410         if not Handler.Has_Error then
411            raise;
412         end if;
414      when others =>
415         Handler.Locator := Sax.Locators.No_Locator;
416         raise;
417   end Parse;
419   --  Close the current XML entity if an entity was started
420   procedure Close_Current (Stream : in out Output_Stream'Class);
422   --  ------------------------------
423   --  Close the current XML entity if an entity was started
424   --  ------------------------------
425   procedure Close_Current (Stream : in out Output_Stream'Class) is
426   begin
427      if Stream.Close_Start then
428         Stream.Write ('>');
429         Stream.Close_Start := False;
430      end if;
431   end Close_Current;
433   --  ------------------------------
434   --  Write the value as a XML string.  Special characters are escaped using the XML
435   --  escape rules.
436   --  ------------------------------
437   procedure Write_String (Stream : in out Output_Stream;
438                           Value  : in String) is
439   begin
440      Close_Current (Stream);
441      Stream.Write (Value);
442   end Write_String;
444   --  ------------------------------
445   --  Write the value as a XML string.  Special characters are escaped using the XML
446   --  escape rules.
447   --  ------------------------------
448   procedure Write_String (Stream : in out Output_Stream;
449                           Value  : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is
450      use Util.Beans.Objects;
451   begin
452      Close_Current (Stream);
453      case Util.Beans.Objects.Get_Type (Value) is
454         when TYPE_NULL =>
455            null;
457         when TYPE_BOOLEAN =>
458            if Util.Beans.Objects.To_Boolean (Value) then
459               Stream.Write ("true");
460            else
461               Stream.Write ("false");
462            end if;
464         when TYPE_INTEGER =>
465            Stream.Write (Util.Beans.Objects.To_Long_Long_Integer (Value));
467         when others =>
468            Stream.Write_String (Util.Beans.Objects.To_String (Value));
470      end case;
471   end Write_String;
473   --  ------------------------------
474   --  Start a new XML object.
475   --  ------------------------------
476   procedure Start_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream;
477                           Name   : in String) is
478   begin
479      Close_Current (Stream);
480      Stream.Close_Start := True;
481      Stream.Write ('<');
482      Stream.Write (Name);
483   end Start_Entity;
485   --  ------------------------------
486   --  Terminates the current XML object.
487   --  ------------------------------
488   procedure End_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream;
489                         Name   : in String) is
490   begin
491      Close_Current (Stream);
492      Stream.Write ("</");
493      Stream.Write (Name);
494      Stream.Write ('>');
495   end End_Entity;
497   --  ------------------------------
498   --  Write a XML name/value attribute.
499   --  ------------------------------
500   procedure Write_Attribute (Stream : in out Output_Stream;
501                              Name   : in String;
502                              Value  : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is
503      use Util.Beans.Objects;
504   begin
505      Stream.Write (' ');
506      Stream.Write (Name);
507      Stream.Write ("=""");
508      case Util.Beans.Objects.Get_Type (Value) is
509         when TYPE_NULL =>
510            null;
512         when TYPE_BOOLEAN =>
513            if Util.Beans.Objects.To_Boolean (Value) then
514               Stream.Write ("true");
515            else
516               Stream.Write ("false");
517            end if;
519         when TYPE_INTEGER =>
520            Stream.Write (Util.Beans.Objects.To_Long_Long_Integer (Value));
522         when others =>
523            Stream.Write (Util.Beans.Objects.To_String (Value));
525      end case;
526      Stream.Write ('"');
527   end Write_Attribute;
529   --  ------------------------------
530   --  Write a XML name/value entity (see Write_Attribute).
531   --  ------------------------------
532   procedure Write_Entity (Stream : in out Output_Stream;
533                           Name   : in String;
534                           Value  : in Util.Beans.Objects.Object) is
535      use Util.Beans.Objects;
536   begin
537      Close_Current (Stream);
538      Stream.Write ('<');
539      Stream.Write (Name);
540      Stream.Close_Start := True;
541      Stream.Write_String (Value);
542      Stream.Write ("</");
543      Stream.Write (Name);
544      Stream.Write ('>');
545   end Write_Entity;
547   --  ------------------------------
548   --  Starts a XML array.
549   --  ------------------------------
550   procedure Start_Array (Stream : in out Output_Stream;
551                          Length : in Ada.Containers.Count_Type) is
552   begin
553      null;
554   end Start_Array;
556   --  ------------------------------
557   --  Terminates a XML array.
558   --  ------------------------------
559   procedure End_Array (Stream : in out Output_Stream) is
560   begin
561      null;
562   end End_Array;
564end Util.Serialize.IO.XML;