1--  Copyright 1994 Grady Booch
2--  Copyright 1998-2014 Simon Wright <simon@pushface.org>
4--  This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5--  modify it under terms of the GNU General Public License as
6--  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
7--  (at your option) any later version. This package is distributed in
8--  the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
9--  even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
10--  PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
11--  details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
12--  License distributed with this package; see file COPYING.  If not,
13--  write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite
14--  330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
16--  As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
17--  this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
18--  executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
19--  executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.  This
20--  exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
21--  executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
24package BC.Containers.Rings is
26   pragma Preelaborate;
28   type Abstract_Ring is abstract new Container with private;
30   --  A ring denotes a sequence in which items may be added and
31   --  removed from the top of a circular structure. Since this
32   --  structure has no beginning or ending, a client can mark one
33   --  particular item to designate a point of reference in the
34   --  structure.
36   type Direction is (Forward, Backward);
38   function Are_Equal (Left, Right : Abstract_Ring'Class) return Boolean;
39   --  Return True if and only if both rings have the same extent and
40   --  the same items in the same order; return False otherwise. The
41   --  identity of the top and mark of both rings does not participate
42   --  in this test of equality.
43   --  Can't call this "=" because of the standard one for Ring.
45   procedure Copy (From : Abstract_Ring'Class;
46                   To : in out Abstract_Ring'Class);
47   --  This operation MUST be called for dissimilar Rings in place of
48   --  assignment.
50   procedure Clear (R : in out Abstract_Ring) is abstract;
51   --  Empty the ring of all items. The mark is cleared.
53   procedure Insert (R : in out Abstract_Ring; Elem : Item) is abstract;
54   --  If the ring was empty, set the ring's mark and top to designate
55   --  this item.
56   --  Otherwise,
57   --    this item becomes the new top;
58   --    the previous top is located one place forward of the new top;
59   --    the mark remains on the previously marked item.
61   procedure Pop (R : in out Abstract_Ring) is abstract;
62   --  Remove the top item from the ring.
63   --  If the ring is still not empty, the new top is the item that was
64   --  previously one place forward from the top.
65   --  If the removed item was the marked item, the mark now designates
66   --  the new top.
68   procedure Rotate (R : in out Abstract_Ring; Dir : Direction := Forward);
69   --  Rotate the top of the ring in the given direction. The ring's
70   --  mark is unaffected. If there is exactly one item in the ring,
71   --  rotating either direction always returns to the same item.
73   procedure Mark (R : in out Abstract_Ring);
74   --  Designate the item at the top of the ring (if not empty) as
75   --  marked.
77   procedure Rotate_To_Mark (R : in out Abstract_Ring);
78   --  Rotate the ring so that the ring's mark is at the top.
80   function Available (R : in Abstract_Ring) return Natural;
81   --  Indicates number of empty "Item slots" left in Ring
83   function Extent (R : Abstract_Ring) return Natural is abstract;
84   --  Return the number of items in the ring.
86   function Is_Empty (R : Abstract_Ring) return Boolean is abstract;
87   --  Return True if and only if there are no items in the ring.
89   function Top (R : Abstract_Ring) return Item is abstract;
90   --  Return a copy of the item at the top of the ring.
92   function At_Mark (R : Abstract_Ring) return Boolean;
93   --  Return True if and only if the item at the top of the ring is
94   --  marked; otherwise, return False. This member function will
95   --  return True if the ring is empty, since the ring's top and mark
96   --  both do not designate any item.
100   type Abstract_Ring is abstract new Container with record
101      Top : Natural := 0;      --  0 implies not set
102      Mark : Natural := 0;     --  0 implies not set
103   end record;
105   procedure Add (R : in out Abstract_Ring; Elem : Item);
107   type Ring_Iterator is new Iterator with record
108      Index : Natural;
109   end record;
111   --  Overriding primitive supbrograms of the concrete actual
112   --  Iterator.
114   procedure Reset (It : in out Ring_Iterator);
116   procedure Next (It : in out Ring_Iterator);
118   function Is_Done (It : Ring_Iterator) return Boolean;
120   function Current_Item (It : Ring_Iterator) return Item;
122   function Current_Item_Ptr (It : Ring_Iterator) return Item_Ptr;
124   procedure Delete_Item_At (It : in out Ring_Iterator);
126end BC.Containers.Rings;