1 //
2 //      aegis - project change supervisor
3 //      Copyright (C) 2003-2008, 2011, 2012 Peter Miller
4 //      Copyright (C) 2007 Walter Franzini
5 //
6 //      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 //      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 //      the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
9 //      (at your option) any later version.
10 //
11 //      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 //      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 //      GNU General Public License for more details.
15 //
16 //      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 //      along with this program. If not, see
18 //      <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 //
21 #ifndef AEGET_HTTP_H
22 #define AEGET_HTTP_H
24 #include <libaegis/change.h>
26 class nstring; // forward
27 struct project; // forward
28 struct string_ty; // forward
29 class nstring; // forward
30 struct string_list_ty; // forward
32 enum http_error_t
33 {
34     http_error_continue = 100,
35     http_error_switching_protocols = 101,
36     http_error_ok = 200,
37     http_error_created = 201,
38     http_error_accepted = 202,
39     http_error_non_authoritative_information = 203,
40     http_error_no_content = 204,
41     http_error_reset_content = 205,
42     http_error_partial_content = 206,
43     http_error_multiple_choices = 300,
44     http_error_moved_permanently = 301,
45     http_error_moved_temporarily = 302,
46     http_error_see_other = 303,
47     http_error_not_modified = 304,
48     http_error_use_proxy = 305,
49     http_error_bad_request = 400,
50     http_error_unauthorized = 401,
51     http_error_payment_required = 402,
52     http_error_forbidden = 403,
53     http_error_not_found = 404,
54     http_error_method_not_allowed = 405,
55     http_error_not_acceptable = 406,
56     http_error_proxy_authentication_required = 407,
57     http_error_request_time_out = 408,
58     http_error_conflict = 409,
59     http_error_gone = 410,
60     http_error_length_required = 411,
61     http_error_precondition_failed = 412,
62     http_error_request_entity_too_large = 413,
63     http_error_request_url_too_large = 414,
64     http_error_unsupported_media_type = 415,
65     http_error_internal_server = 500,
66     http_error_not_implemented = 501,
67     http_error_bad_gateway = 502,
68     http_error_out_of_resources = 503,
69     http_error_gateway_time_out = 504,
70     http_error_version_not_supported = 505,
71 };
73 extern bool http_fatal_noerror;
75 void http_fatal(http_error_t oops, const char *fmt, ...)      ATTR_PRINTF(2, 3);
76 const char *http_getenv(const char *);
77 void html_escape_string(string_ty *);
78 void html_escape_string(const nstring &);
79 void html_escape_charstar(const char *);
80 void html_encode_string(string_ty *);
81 void html_encode_string(const nstring &);
82 void html_encode_charstar(const char *);
83 void http_content_type_header(string_ty *);
85 /**
86   * The html_header function is used to emit the initial portion of a HTML
87   * file, for the necessary meta attrributes and style sheet information.
88   *
89   * The "html:meta" attributes are inserted at this point.
90   */
91 void html_header(project *, change::pointer);
93 /**
94   * The html_header_os function is used to emit the "html:body-begin"
95   * attributes.
96   */
97 void html_header_ps(project *, change::pointer);
99 /**
100   * The html_footer function is used to emit the final page footer,
101   * including date and version.
102   *
103   * The "html:body-end" attributes are inserted at this point.
104   */
105 void html_footer(project *, change::pointer);
107 /**
108   * The emit_change function is used to emit the project name and change
109   * number cross linked to all of the relevant pages.  This is used in
110   * web page headings.
111   */
112 void emit_change(change::pointer);
114 /**
115   * The emit_change function is used to emit the project name and change
116   * number cross linked to all of the relevant pages, except the last
117   * element.  This is used in web page headings.
118   */
119 void emit_change_but1(change::pointer);
121 void
122 emit_change_uuid_href(change::pointer, const nstring &, const nstring &,
123     const nstring &);
125 /**
126   * The http_script_name is used to obtainb the value sof the SCRIPT_NAME
127   * environment variable.  This is necessary for web pages which need
128   * to refer to other web pages generated by the same script.
129   */
130 const char *http_script_name(void);
132 /**
133   * The emit_project_href function is used to print the leading <a>
134   * portion of a project reference.
135   */
136 void emit_project_href(project *pp);
137 void emit_project_href(project *pp, const char *modifier, ...)
138                                                               ATTR_PRINTF(2, 3);
140 /**
141   * The emit_change_href function is used to print the leading <a>
142   * portion of a change reference.
143   */
144 void emit_change_href(change::pointer cp, const char *modifier);
147 /**
148   * The emit_change_href_n function is used to print the leading <a>
149   * portion of a change reference, with an explict change number.
150   */
151 void emit_change_href_n(project *pp, long change_number,
152     const char *modifier);
154 /**
155   * The emit_file_href function is used to print the leading <a> portion
156   * of a file reference.
157   *
158   * \param cp
159   *     The change to work within.
160   * \param filename
161   *     The name of the file being linked.
162   * \param modifier
163   *     extra equery elements
164   */
165 void emit_file_href(change::pointer cp, const nstring &filename,
166     const char *modifier);
168 /**
169   * The emit_file_href function is used to print the leading <a> portion
170   * of a file reference.
171   *
172   * \param cp
173   *     The change to work within.
174   * \param filename
175   *     The name of the file being linked.
176   * \param modifier
177   *     extra equery elements
178   * \note
179   *     This function will be DEPRECATED one day
180   */
181 void emit_file_href(change::pointer cp, string_ty *filename,
182     const char *modifier);
184 /**
185   * The emit_rect_image function is used to print an &lt;img&gt; of a
186   * rectangle, use for drawing histograms.
187   *
188   * @param width
189   *     The width of the image
190   * @param height
191   *     The height of the image
192   * @param label
193   *     The label to write on the rectangle
194   * @param hspace
195   *     The horizontal space desired around the image.
196   */
197 void emit_rect_image(int width, int height, const char *label, int hspace = -1);
199 /**
200   * The emit_rect_image_rgb function is used to print an &lt;img&gt; of a
201   * rectangle, use for drawing histograms, of s specific color.
202   *
203   * @param width
204   *     The width of the rectangle image
205   * @param height
206   *     The height of the rectangle image
207   * @param color
208   *     The color of the rectangle image
209   * @param hspace
210   *     The horizontal spacing to add around the rectangle image.
211   */
212 void emit_rect_image_rgb(int width, int height, const char *color,
213     int hspace = -1);
215 /**
216   * The modifier_test_and_clear function may be used to look for the
217   * named modifier in the modifier list.
218   *
219   * \param modifiers
220   *     The modifiers specified for this web page GET.
221   * \param name
222   *     The name of the modifier to look for.
223   * \returns
224   *     true if the modifier is present, false if not
225   */
226 bool modifier_test(string_list_ty *modifiers, const char *name);
228 /**
229   * The modifier_test_and_clear function may be used to look for the
230   * named modifier in the modifier list.  The modifier will be premoved
231   * if it is found.
232   *
233   * \param modifiers
234   *     The modifiers specified for this web page GET.
235   * \param name
236   *     The name of the modifier to look for.
237   * \returns
238   *     true if the modifier is present, false if not
239   */
240 bool modifier_test_and_clear(string_list_ty *modifiers, const char *name);
242 /**
243   * Insert an RSS icon image and link it to an RSS feed file.
244   *
245   * \param pp
246   *      The project details.
247   * \param rss_filename
248   *      The file name of the RSS feed file.  Not the full path.
249   */
250 void emit_rss_icon_with_link(project *pp, const nstring &rss_filename);
252 /**
253   * Print RSS-related meta data.
254   *
255   * \param pp
256   *      The project details.
257   * \param rss_filename
258   *      The file name of the RSS feed file.  Not the full path.
259   */
260 void emit_rss_meta_data(project *pp, const nstring &rss_filename);
262 #define HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT 12
263 #define HISTOGRAM_WIDTH 120
265 /**
266   * The http_sanitize_content_type function is used to turn
267   * "text/whatever" content types into "test/plain" content types,
268   * except "text/html".  Other content types are passed through
269   * unchanged.
270   *
271   * @param content_type
272   *     The content-type to clean up
273   * @returns
274   *     text/plain for most text types, otherwise unchanged
275   */
276 nstring http_sanitize_content_type(const nstring &content_type);
278 #endif // AEGET_HTTP_H
279 // vim: set ts=8 sw=4 et :