1 /**
2  * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
4  */
6 #pragma once
7 #include <aws/chime/Chime_EXPORTS.h>
8 #include <aws/chime/ChimeErrors.h>
9 #include <aws/core/client/AWSError.h>
10 #include <aws/core/client/ClientConfiguration.h>
11 #include <aws/core/client/AWSClient.h>
12 #include <aws/core/utils/memory/stl/AWSString.h>
13 #include <aws/core/utils/json/JsonSerializer.h>
14 #include <aws/chime/model/AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserResult.h>
15 #include <aws/chime/model/AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorResult.h>
16 #include <aws/chime/model/AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupResult.h>
17 #include <aws/chime/model/AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountResult.h>
18 #include <aws/chime/model/BatchCreateAttendeeResult.h>
19 #include <aws/chime/model/BatchCreateChannelMembershipResult.h>
20 #include <aws/chime/model/BatchCreateRoomMembershipResult.h>
21 #include <aws/chime/model/BatchDeletePhoneNumberResult.h>
22 #include <aws/chime/model/BatchSuspendUserResult.h>
23 #include <aws/chime/model/BatchUnsuspendUserResult.h>
24 #include <aws/chime/model/BatchUpdatePhoneNumberResult.h>
25 #include <aws/chime/model/BatchUpdateUserResult.h>
26 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateAccountResult.h>
27 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateAppInstanceResult.h>
28 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateAppInstanceAdminResult.h>
29 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateAppInstanceUserResult.h>
30 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateAttendeeResult.h>
31 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateBotResult.h>
32 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateChannelResult.h>
33 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateChannelBanResult.h>
34 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateChannelMembershipResult.h>
35 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateChannelModeratorResult.h>
36 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateMediaCapturePipelineResult.h>
37 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateMeetingResult.h>
38 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateMeetingDialOutResult.h>
39 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateMeetingWithAttendeesResult.h>
40 #include <aws/chime/model/CreatePhoneNumberOrderResult.h>
41 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateProxySessionResult.h>
42 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateRoomResult.h>
43 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateRoomMembershipResult.h>
44 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateSipMediaApplicationResult.h>
45 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateSipMediaApplicationCallResult.h>
46 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateSipRuleResult.h>
47 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateUserResult.h>
48 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateVoiceConnectorResult.h>
49 #include <aws/chime/model/CreateVoiceConnectorGroupResult.h>
50 #include <aws/chime/model/DeleteAccountResult.h>
51 #include <aws/chime/model/DescribeAppInstanceResult.h>
52 #include <aws/chime/model/DescribeAppInstanceAdminResult.h>
53 #include <aws/chime/model/DescribeAppInstanceUserResult.h>
54 #include <aws/chime/model/DescribeChannelResult.h>
55 #include <aws/chime/model/DescribeChannelBanResult.h>
56 #include <aws/chime/model/DescribeChannelMembershipResult.h>
57 #include <aws/chime/model/DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserResult.h>
58 #include <aws/chime/model/DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserResult.h>
59 #include <aws/chime/model/DescribeChannelModeratorResult.h>
60 #include <aws/chime/model/DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserResult.h>
61 #include <aws/chime/model/DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorResult.h>
62 #include <aws/chime/model/DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupResult.h>
63 #include <aws/chime/model/DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountResult.h>
64 #include <aws/chime/model/GetAccountResult.h>
65 #include <aws/chime/model/GetAccountSettingsResult.h>
66 #include <aws/chime/model/GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResult.h>
67 #include <aws/chime/model/GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResult.h>
68 #include <aws/chime/model/GetAttendeeResult.h>
69 #include <aws/chime/model/GetBotResult.h>
70 #include <aws/chime/model/GetChannelMessageResult.h>
71 #include <aws/chime/model/GetEventsConfigurationResult.h>
72 #include <aws/chime/model/GetGlobalSettingsResult.h>
73 #include <aws/chime/model/GetMediaCapturePipelineResult.h>
74 #include <aws/chime/model/GetMeetingResult.h>
75 #include <aws/chime/model/GetMessagingSessionEndpointResult.h>
76 #include <aws/chime/model/GetPhoneNumberResult.h>
77 #include <aws/chime/model/GetPhoneNumberOrderResult.h>
78 #include <aws/chime/model/GetPhoneNumberSettingsResult.h>
79 #include <aws/chime/model/GetProxySessionResult.h>
80 #include <aws/chime/model/GetRetentionSettingsResult.h>
81 #include <aws/chime/model/GetRoomResult.h>
82 #include <aws/chime/model/GetSipMediaApplicationResult.h>
83 #include <aws/chime/model/GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationResult.h>
84 #include <aws/chime/model/GetSipRuleResult.h>
85 #include <aws/chime/model/GetUserResult.h>
86 #include <aws/chime/model/GetUserSettingsResult.h>
87 #include <aws/chime/model/GetVoiceConnectorResult.h>
88 #include <aws/chime/model/GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResult.h>
89 #include <aws/chime/model/GetVoiceConnectorGroupResult.h>
90 #include <aws/chime/model/GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationResult.h>
91 #include <aws/chime/model/GetVoiceConnectorOriginationResult.h>
92 #include <aws/chime/model/GetVoiceConnectorProxyResult.h>
93 #include <aws/chime/model/GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResult.h>
94 #include <aws/chime/model/GetVoiceConnectorTerminationResult.h>
95 #include <aws/chime/model/GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthResult.h>
96 #include <aws/chime/model/InviteUsersResult.h>
97 #include <aws/chime/model/ListAccountsResult.h>
98 #include <aws/chime/model/ListAppInstanceAdminsResult.h>
99 #include <aws/chime/model/ListAppInstanceUsersResult.h>
100 #include <aws/chime/model/ListAppInstancesResult.h>
101 #include <aws/chime/model/ListAttendeeTagsResult.h>
102 #include <aws/chime/model/ListAttendeesResult.h>
103 #include <aws/chime/model/ListBotsResult.h>
104 #include <aws/chime/model/ListChannelBansResult.h>
105 #include <aws/chime/model/ListChannelMembershipsResult.h>
106 #include <aws/chime/model/ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserResult.h>
107 #include <aws/chime/model/ListChannelMessagesResult.h>
108 #include <aws/chime/model/ListChannelModeratorsResult.h>
109 #include <aws/chime/model/ListChannelsResult.h>
110 #include <aws/chime/model/ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserResult.h>
111 #include <aws/chime/model/ListMediaCapturePipelinesResult.h>
112 #include <aws/chime/model/ListMeetingTagsResult.h>
113 #include <aws/chime/model/ListMeetingsResult.h>
114 #include <aws/chime/model/ListPhoneNumberOrdersResult.h>
115 #include <aws/chime/model/ListPhoneNumbersResult.h>
116 #include <aws/chime/model/ListProxySessionsResult.h>
117 #include <aws/chime/model/ListRoomMembershipsResult.h>
118 #include <aws/chime/model/ListRoomsResult.h>
119 #include <aws/chime/model/ListSipMediaApplicationsResult.h>
120 #include <aws/chime/model/ListSipRulesResult.h>
121 #include <aws/chime/model/ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesResult.h>
122 #include <aws/chime/model/ListTagsForResourceResult.h>
123 #include <aws/chime/model/ListUsersResult.h>
124 #include <aws/chime/model/ListVoiceConnectorGroupsResult.h>
125 #include <aws/chime/model/ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsResult.h>
126 #include <aws/chime/model/ListVoiceConnectorsResult.h>
127 #include <aws/chime/model/LogoutUserResult.h>
128 #include <aws/chime/model/PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResult.h>
129 #include <aws/chime/model/PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResult.h>
130 #include <aws/chime/model/PutEventsConfigurationResult.h>
131 #include <aws/chime/model/PutRetentionSettingsResult.h>
132 #include <aws/chime/model/PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationResult.h>
133 #include <aws/chime/model/PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResult.h>
134 #include <aws/chime/model/PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationResult.h>
135 #include <aws/chime/model/PutVoiceConnectorOriginationResult.h>
136 #include <aws/chime/model/PutVoiceConnectorProxyResult.h>
137 #include <aws/chime/model/PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResult.h>
138 #include <aws/chime/model/PutVoiceConnectorTerminationResult.h>
139 #include <aws/chime/model/RedactChannelMessageResult.h>
140 #include <aws/chime/model/RedactConversationMessageResult.h>
141 #include <aws/chime/model/RedactRoomMessageResult.h>
142 #include <aws/chime/model/RegenerateSecurityTokenResult.h>
143 #include <aws/chime/model/ResetPersonalPINResult.h>
144 #include <aws/chime/model/RestorePhoneNumberResult.h>
145 #include <aws/chime/model/SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResult.h>
146 #include <aws/chime/model/SendChannelMessageResult.h>
147 #include <aws/chime/model/StartMeetingTranscriptionResult.h>
148 #include <aws/chime/model/StopMeetingTranscriptionResult.h>
149 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateAccountResult.h>
150 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateAccountSettingsResult.h>
151 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateAppInstanceResult.h>
152 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateAppInstanceUserResult.h>
153 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateBotResult.h>
154 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateChannelResult.h>
155 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateChannelMessageResult.h>
156 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateChannelReadMarkerResult.h>
157 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdatePhoneNumberResult.h>
158 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateProxySessionResult.h>
159 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateRoomResult.h>
160 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateRoomMembershipResult.h>
161 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateSipMediaApplicationResult.h>
162 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallResult.h>
163 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateSipRuleResult.h>
164 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateUserResult.h>
165 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateVoiceConnectorResult.h>
166 #include <aws/chime/model/UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupResult.h>
167 #include <aws/core/NoResult.h>
168 #include <aws/core/client/AsyncCallerContext.h>
169 #include <aws/core/http/HttpTypes.h>
170 #include <future>
171 #include <functional>
173 namespace Aws
174 {
176 namespace Http
177 {
178   class HttpClient;
179   class HttpClientFactory;
180 } // namespace Http
182 namespace Utils
183 {
184   template< typename R, typename E> class Outcome;
185 namespace Threading
186 {
187   class Executor;
188 } // namespace Threading
189 } // namespace Utils
191 namespace Auth
192 {
193   class AWSCredentials;
194   class AWSCredentialsProvider;
195 } // namespace Auth
197 namespace Client
198 {
199   class RetryStrategy;
200 } // namespace Client
202 namespace Chime
203 {
205 namespace Model
206 {
207         class AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserRequest;
208         class AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorRequest;
209         class AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupRequest;
210         class AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountRequest;
211         class BatchCreateAttendeeRequest;
212         class BatchCreateChannelMembershipRequest;
213         class BatchCreateRoomMembershipRequest;
214         class BatchDeletePhoneNumberRequest;
215         class BatchSuspendUserRequest;
216         class BatchUnsuspendUserRequest;
217         class BatchUpdatePhoneNumberRequest;
218         class BatchUpdateUserRequest;
219         class CreateAccountRequest;
220         class CreateAppInstanceRequest;
221         class CreateAppInstanceAdminRequest;
222         class CreateAppInstanceUserRequest;
223         class CreateAttendeeRequest;
224         class CreateBotRequest;
225         class CreateChannelRequest;
226         class CreateChannelBanRequest;
227         class CreateChannelMembershipRequest;
228         class CreateChannelModeratorRequest;
229         class CreateMediaCapturePipelineRequest;
230         class CreateMeetingRequest;
231         class CreateMeetingDialOutRequest;
232         class CreateMeetingWithAttendeesRequest;
233         class CreatePhoneNumberOrderRequest;
234         class CreateProxySessionRequest;
235         class CreateRoomRequest;
236         class CreateRoomMembershipRequest;
237         class CreateSipMediaApplicationRequest;
238         class CreateSipMediaApplicationCallRequest;
239         class CreateSipRuleRequest;
240         class CreateUserRequest;
241         class CreateVoiceConnectorRequest;
242         class CreateVoiceConnectorGroupRequest;
243         class DeleteAccountRequest;
244         class DeleteAppInstanceRequest;
245         class DeleteAppInstanceAdminRequest;
246         class DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest;
247         class DeleteAppInstanceUserRequest;
248         class DeleteAttendeeRequest;
249         class DeleteChannelRequest;
250         class DeleteChannelBanRequest;
251         class DeleteChannelMembershipRequest;
252         class DeleteChannelMessageRequest;
253         class DeleteChannelModeratorRequest;
254         class DeleteEventsConfigurationRequest;
255         class DeleteMediaCapturePipelineRequest;
256         class DeleteMeetingRequest;
257         class DeletePhoneNumberRequest;
258         class DeleteProxySessionRequest;
259         class DeleteRoomRequest;
260         class DeleteRoomMembershipRequest;
261         class DeleteSipMediaApplicationRequest;
262         class DeleteSipRuleRequest;
263         class DeleteVoiceConnectorRequest;
264         class DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest;
265         class DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupRequest;
266         class DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest;
267         class DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyRequest;
268         class DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest;
269         class DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest;
270         class DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest;
271         class DescribeAppInstanceRequest;
272         class DescribeAppInstanceAdminRequest;
273         class DescribeAppInstanceUserRequest;
274         class DescribeChannelRequest;
275         class DescribeChannelBanRequest;
276         class DescribeChannelMembershipRequest;
277         class DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserRequest;
278         class DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest;
279         class DescribeChannelModeratorRequest;
280         class DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserRequest;
281         class DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorRequest;
282         class DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupRequest;
283         class DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountRequest;
284         class GetAccountRequest;
285         class GetAccountSettingsRequest;
286         class GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsRequest;
287         class GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest;
288         class GetAttendeeRequest;
289         class GetBotRequest;
290         class GetChannelMessageRequest;
291         class GetEventsConfigurationRequest;
292         class GetMediaCapturePipelineRequest;
293         class GetMeetingRequest;
294         class GetMessagingSessionEndpointRequest;
295         class GetPhoneNumberRequest;
296         class GetPhoneNumberOrderRequest;
297         class GetProxySessionRequest;
298         class GetRetentionSettingsRequest;
299         class GetRoomRequest;
300         class GetSipMediaApplicationRequest;
301         class GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationRequest;
302         class GetSipRuleRequest;
303         class GetUserRequest;
304         class GetUserSettingsRequest;
305         class GetVoiceConnectorRequest;
306         class GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest;
307         class GetVoiceConnectorGroupRequest;
308         class GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationRequest;
309         class GetVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest;
310         class GetVoiceConnectorProxyRequest;
311         class GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest;
312         class GetVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest;
313         class GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthRequest;
314         class InviteUsersRequest;
315         class ListAccountsRequest;
316         class ListAppInstanceAdminsRequest;
317         class ListAppInstanceUsersRequest;
318         class ListAppInstancesRequest;
319         class ListAttendeeTagsRequest;
320         class ListAttendeesRequest;
321         class ListBotsRequest;
322         class ListChannelBansRequest;
323         class ListChannelMembershipsRequest;
324         class ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserRequest;
325         class ListChannelMessagesRequest;
326         class ListChannelModeratorsRequest;
327         class ListChannelsRequest;
328         class ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest;
329         class ListMediaCapturePipelinesRequest;
330         class ListMeetingTagsRequest;
331         class ListMeetingsRequest;
332         class ListPhoneNumberOrdersRequest;
333         class ListPhoneNumbersRequest;
334         class ListProxySessionsRequest;
335         class ListRoomMembershipsRequest;
336         class ListRoomsRequest;
337         class ListSipMediaApplicationsRequest;
338         class ListSipRulesRequest;
339         class ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesRequest;
340         class ListTagsForResourceRequest;
341         class ListUsersRequest;
342         class ListVoiceConnectorGroupsRequest;
343         class ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest;
344         class ListVoiceConnectorsRequest;
345         class LogoutUserRequest;
346         class PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsRequest;
347         class PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest;
348         class PutEventsConfigurationRequest;
349         class PutRetentionSettingsRequest;
350         class PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationRequest;
351         class PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest;
352         class PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationRequest;
353         class PutVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest;
354         class PutVoiceConnectorProxyRequest;
355         class PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest;
356         class PutVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest;
357         class PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest;
358         class RedactChannelMessageRequest;
359         class RedactConversationMessageRequest;
360         class RedactRoomMessageRequest;
361         class RegenerateSecurityTokenRequest;
362         class ResetPersonalPINRequest;
363         class RestorePhoneNumberRequest;
364         class SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersRequest;
365         class SendChannelMessageRequest;
366         class StartMeetingTranscriptionRequest;
367         class StopMeetingTranscriptionRequest;
368         class TagAttendeeRequest;
369         class TagMeetingRequest;
370         class TagResourceRequest;
371         class UntagAttendeeRequest;
372         class UntagMeetingRequest;
373         class UntagResourceRequest;
374         class UpdateAccountRequest;
375         class UpdateAccountSettingsRequest;
376         class UpdateAppInstanceRequest;
377         class UpdateAppInstanceUserRequest;
378         class UpdateBotRequest;
379         class UpdateChannelRequest;
380         class UpdateChannelMessageRequest;
381         class UpdateChannelReadMarkerRequest;
382         class UpdateGlobalSettingsRequest;
383         class UpdatePhoneNumberRequest;
384         class UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsRequest;
385         class UpdateProxySessionRequest;
386         class UpdateRoomRequest;
387         class UpdateRoomMembershipRequest;
388         class UpdateSipMediaApplicationRequest;
389         class UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallRequest;
390         class UpdateSipRuleRequest;
391         class UpdateUserRequest;
392         class UpdateUserSettingsRequest;
393         class UpdateVoiceConnectorRequest;
394         class UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupRequest;
396         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserResult, ChimeError> AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserOutcome;
397         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorResult, ChimeError> AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorOutcome;
398         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupResult, ChimeError> AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome;
399         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountResult, ChimeError> AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountOutcome;
400         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<BatchCreateAttendeeResult, ChimeError> BatchCreateAttendeeOutcome;
401         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<BatchCreateChannelMembershipResult, ChimeError> BatchCreateChannelMembershipOutcome;
402         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<BatchCreateRoomMembershipResult, ChimeError> BatchCreateRoomMembershipOutcome;
403         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<BatchDeletePhoneNumberResult, ChimeError> BatchDeletePhoneNumberOutcome;
404         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<BatchSuspendUserResult, ChimeError> BatchSuspendUserOutcome;
405         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<BatchUnsuspendUserResult, ChimeError> BatchUnsuspendUserOutcome;
406         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<BatchUpdatePhoneNumberResult, ChimeError> BatchUpdatePhoneNumberOutcome;
407         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<BatchUpdateUserResult, ChimeError> BatchUpdateUserOutcome;
408         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateAccountResult, ChimeError> CreateAccountOutcome;
409         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateAppInstanceResult, ChimeError> CreateAppInstanceOutcome;
410         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateAppInstanceAdminResult, ChimeError> CreateAppInstanceAdminOutcome;
411         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateAppInstanceUserResult, ChimeError> CreateAppInstanceUserOutcome;
412         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateAttendeeResult, ChimeError> CreateAttendeeOutcome;
413         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateBotResult, ChimeError> CreateBotOutcome;
414         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateChannelResult, ChimeError> CreateChannelOutcome;
415         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateChannelBanResult, ChimeError> CreateChannelBanOutcome;
416         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateChannelMembershipResult, ChimeError> CreateChannelMembershipOutcome;
417         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateChannelModeratorResult, ChimeError> CreateChannelModeratorOutcome;
418         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateMediaCapturePipelineResult, ChimeError> CreateMediaCapturePipelineOutcome;
419         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateMeetingResult, ChimeError> CreateMeetingOutcome;
420         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateMeetingDialOutResult, ChimeError> CreateMeetingDialOutOutcome;
421         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateMeetingWithAttendeesResult, ChimeError> CreateMeetingWithAttendeesOutcome;
422         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreatePhoneNumberOrderResult, ChimeError> CreatePhoneNumberOrderOutcome;
423         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateProxySessionResult, ChimeError> CreateProxySessionOutcome;
424         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateRoomResult, ChimeError> CreateRoomOutcome;
425         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateRoomMembershipResult, ChimeError> CreateRoomMembershipOutcome;
426         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateSipMediaApplicationResult, ChimeError> CreateSipMediaApplicationOutcome;
427         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateSipMediaApplicationCallResult, ChimeError> CreateSipMediaApplicationCallOutcome;
428         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateSipRuleResult, ChimeError> CreateSipRuleOutcome;
429         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateUserResult, ChimeError> CreateUserOutcome;
430         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateVoiceConnectorResult, ChimeError> CreateVoiceConnectorOutcome;
431         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<CreateVoiceConnectorGroupResult, ChimeError> CreateVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome;
432         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<DeleteAccountResult, ChimeError> DeleteAccountOutcome;
433         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteAppInstanceOutcome;
434         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteAppInstanceAdminOutcome;
435         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcome;
436         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteAppInstanceUserOutcome;
437         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteAttendeeOutcome;
438         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteChannelOutcome;
439         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteChannelBanOutcome;
440         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteChannelMembershipOutcome;
441         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteChannelMessageOutcome;
442         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteChannelModeratorOutcome;
443         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteEventsConfigurationOutcome;
444         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteMediaCapturePipelineOutcome;
445         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteMeetingOutcome;
446         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeletePhoneNumberOutcome;
447         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteProxySessionOutcome;
448         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteRoomOutcome;
449         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteRoomMembershipOutcome;
450         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteSipMediaApplicationOutcome;
451         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteSipRuleOutcome;
452         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteVoiceConnectorOutcome;
453         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcome;
454         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome;
455         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcome;
456         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyOutcome;
457         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcome;
458         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcome;
459         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcome;
460         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<DescribeAppInstanceResult, ChimeError> DescribeAppInstanceOutcome;
461         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<DescribeAppInstanceAdminResult, ChimeError> DescribeAppInstanceAdminOutcome;
462         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<DescribeAppInstanceUserResult, ChimeError> DescribeAppInstanceUserOutcome;
463         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<DescribeChannelResult, ChimeError> DescribeChannelOutcome;
464         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<DescribeChannelBanResult, ChimeError> DescribeChannelBanOutcome;
465         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<DescribeChannelMembershipResult, ChimeError> DescribeChannelMembershipOutcome;
466         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserResult, ChimeError> DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserOutcome;
467         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserResult, ChimeError> DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserOutcome;
468         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<DescribeChannelModeratorResult, ChimeError> DescribeChannelModeratorOutcome;
469         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserResult, ChimeError> DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserOutcome;
470         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorResult, ChimeError> DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorOutcome;
471         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupResult, ChimeError> DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome;
472         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountResult, ChimeError> DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountOutcome;
473         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetAccountResult, ChimeError> GetAccountOutcome;
474         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetAccountSettingsResult, ChimeError> GetAccountSettingsOutcome;
475         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResult, ChimeError> GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsOutcome;
476         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResult, ChimeError> GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcome;
477         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetAttendeeResult, ChimeError> GetAttendeeOutcome;
478         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetBotResult, ChimeError> GetBotOutcome;
479         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetChannelMessageResult, ChimeError> GetChannelMessageOutcome;
480         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetEventsConfigurationResult, ChimeError> GetEventsConfigurationOutcome;
481         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetGlobalSettingsResult, ChimeError> GetGlobalSettingsOutcome;
482         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetMediaCapturePipelineResult, ChimeError> GetMediaCapturePipelineOutcome;
483         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetMeetingResult, ChimeError> GetMeetingOutcome;
484         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetMessagingSessionEndpointResult, ChimeError> GetMessagingSessionEndpointOutcome;
485         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetPhoneNumberResult, ChimeError> GetPhoneNumberOutcome;
486         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetPhoneNumberOrderResult, ChimeError> GetPhoneNumberOrderOutcome;
487         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetPhoneNumberSettingsResult, ChimeError> GetPhoneNumberSettingsOutcome;
488         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetProxySessionResult, ChimeError> GetProxySessionOutcome;
489         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetRetentionSettingsResult, ChimeError> GetRetentionSettingsOutcome;
490         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetRoomResult, ChimeError> GetRoomOutcome;
491         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetSipMediaApplicationResult, ChimeError> GetSipMediaApplicationOutcome;
492         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationResult, ChimeError> GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationOutcome;
493         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetSipRuleResult, ChimeError> GetSipRuleOutcome;
494         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetUserResult, ChimeError> GetUserOutcome;
495         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetUserSettingsResult, ChimeError> GetUserSettingsOutcome;
496         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetVoiceConnectorResult, ChimeError> GetVoiceConnectorOutcome;
497         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResult, ChimeError> GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcome;
498         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetVoiceConnectorGroupResult, ChimeError> GetVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome;
499         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationResult, ChimeError> GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationOutcome;
500         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetVoiceConnectorOriginationResult, ChimeError> GetVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcome;
501         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetVoiceConnectorProxyResult, ChimeError> GetVoiceConnectorProxyOutcome;
502         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResult, ChimeError> GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcome;
503         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetVoiceConnectorTerminationResult, ChimeError> GetVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcome;
504         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthResult, ChimeError> GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthOutcome;
505         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<InviteUsersResult, ChimeError> InviteUsersOutcome;
506         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListAccountsResult, ChimeError> ListAccountsOutcome;
507         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListAppInstanceAdminsResult, ChimeError> ListAppInstanceAdminsOutcome;
508         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListAppInstanceUsersResult, ChimeError> ListAppInstanceUsersOutcome;
509         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListAppInstancesResult, ChimeError> ListAppInstancesOutcome;
510         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListAttendeeTagsResult, ChimeError> ListAttendeeTagsOutcome;
511         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListAttendeesResult, ChimeError> ListAttendeesOutcome;
512         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListBotsResult, ChimeError> ListBotsOutcome;
513         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListChannelBansResult, ChimeError> ListChannelBansOutcome;
514         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListChannelMembershipsResult, ChimeError> ListChannelMembershipsOutcome;
515         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserResult, ChimeError> ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserOutcome;
516         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListChannelMessagesResult, ChimeError> ListChannelMessagesOutcome;
517         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListChannelModeratorsResult, ChimeError> ListChannelModeratorsOutcome;
518         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListChannelsResult, ChimeError> ListChannelsOutcome;
519         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserResult, ChimeError> ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserOutcome;
520         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListMediaCapturePipelinesResult, ChimeError> ListMediaCapturePipelinesOutcome;
521         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListMeetingTagsResult, ChimeError> ListMeetingTagsOutcome;
522         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListMeetingsResult, ChimeError> ListMeetingsOutcome;
523         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListPhoneNumberOrdersResult, ChimeError> ListPhoneNumberOrdersOutcome;
524         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListPhoneNumbersResult, ChimeError> ListPhoneNumbersOutcome;
525         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListProxySessionsResult, ChimeError> ListProxySessionsOutcome;
526         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListRoomMembershipsResult, ChimeError> ListRoomMembershipsOutcome;
527         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListRoomsResult, ChimeError> ListRoomsOutcome;
528         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListSipMediaApplicationsResult, ChimeError> ListSipMediaApplicationsOutcome;
529         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListSipRulesResult, ChimeError> ListSipRulesOutcome;
530         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesResult, ChimeError> ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesOutcome;
531         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListTagsForResourceResult, ChimeError> ListTagsForResourceOutcome;
532         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListUsersResult, ChimeError> ListUsersOutcome;
533         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListVoiceConnectorGroupsResult, ChimeError> ListVoiceConnectorGroupsOutcome;
534         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsResult, ChimeError> ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcome;
535         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ListVoiceConnectorsResult, ChimeError> ListVoiceConnectorsOutcome;
536         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<LogoutUserResult, ChimeError> LogoutUserOutcome;
537         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResult, ChimeError> PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsOutcome;
538         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResult, ChimeError> PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcome;
539         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<PutEventsConfigurationResult, ChimeError> PutEventsConfigurationOutcome;
540         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<PutRetentionSettingsResult, ChimeError> PutRetentionSettingsOutcome;
541         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationResult, ChimeError> PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationOutcome;
542         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResult, ChimeError> PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcome;
543         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationResult, ChimeError> PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationOutcome;
544         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<PutVoiceConnectorOriginationResult, ChimeError> PutVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcome;
545         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<PutVoiceConnectorProxyResult, ChimeError> PutVoiceConnectorProxyOutcome;
546         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResult, ChimeError> PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcome;
547         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<PutVoiceConnectorTerminationResult, ChimeError> PutVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcome;
548         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcome;
549         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<RedactChannelMessageResult, ChimeError> RedactChannelMessageOutcome;
550         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<RedactConversationMessageResult, ChimeError> RedactConversationMessageOutcome;
551         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<RedactRoomMessageResult, ChimeError> RedactRoomMessageOutcome;
552         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<RegenerateSecurityTokenResult, ChimeError> RegenerateSecurityTokenOutcome;
553         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<ResetPersonalPINResult, ChimeError> ResetPersonalPINOutcome;
554         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<RestorePhoneNumberResult, ChimeError> RestorePhoneNumberOutcome;
555         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResult, ChimeError> SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersOutcome;
556         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<SendChannelMessageResult, ChimeError> SendChannelMessageOutcome;
557         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<StartMeetingTranscriptionResult, ChimeError> StartMeetingTranscriptionOutcome;
558         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<StopMeetingTranscriptionResult, ChimeError> StopMeetingTranscriptionOutcome;
559         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> TagAttendeeOutcome;
560         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> TagMeetingOutcome;
561         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> TagResourceOutcome;
562         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> UntagAttendeeOutcome;
563         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> UntagMeetingOutcome;
564         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> UntagResourceOutcome;
565         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateAccountResult, ChimeError> UpdateAccountOutcome;
566         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateAccountSettingsResult, ChimeError> UpdateAccountSettingsOutcome;
567         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateAppInstanceResult, ChimeError> UpdateAppInstanceOutcome;
568         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateAppInstanceUserResult, ChimeError> UpdateAppInstanceUserOutcome;
569         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateBotResult, ChimeError> UpdateBotOutcome;
570         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateChannelResult, ChimeError> UpdateChannelOutcome;
571         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateChannelMessageResult, ChimeError> UpdateChannelMessageOutcome;
572         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateChannelReadMarkerResult, ChimeError> UpdateChannelReadMarkerOutcome;
573         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> UpdateGlobalSettingsOutcome;
574         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdatePhoneNumberResult, ChimeError> UpdatePhoneNumberOutcome;
575         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsOutcome;
576         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateProxySessionResult, ChimeError> UpdateProxySessionOutcome;
577         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateRoomResult, ChimeError> UpdateRoomOutcome;
578         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateRoomMembershipResult, ChimeError> UpdateRoomMembershipOutcome;
579         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateSipMediaApplicationResult, ChimeError> UpdateSipMediaApplicationOutcome;
580         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallResult, ChimeError> UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallOutcome;
581         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateSipRuleResult, ChimeError> UpdateSipRuleOutcome;
582         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateUserResult, ChimeError> UpdateUserOutcome;
583         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<Aws::NoResult, ChimeError> UpdateUserSettingsOutcome;
584         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateVoiceConnectorResult, ChimeError> UpdateVoiceConnectorOutcome;
585         typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupResult, ChimeError> UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome;
587         typedef std::future<AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserOutcome> AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserOutcomeCallable;
588         typedef std::future<AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorOutcome> AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorOutcomeCallable;
589         typedef std::future<AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome> AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupOutcomeCallable;
590         typedef std::future<AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountOutcome> AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountOutcomeCallable;
591         typedef std::future<BatchCreateAttendeeOutcome> BatchCreateAttendeeOutcomeCallable;
592         typedef std::future<BatchCreateChannelMembershipOutcome> BatchCreateChannelMembershipOutcomeCallable;
593         typedef std::future<BatchCreateRoomMembershipOutcome> BatchCreateRoomMembershipOutcomeCallable;
594         typedef std::future<BatchDeletePhoneNumberOutcome> BatchDeletePhoneNumberOutcomeCallable;
595         typedef std::future<BatchSuspendUserOutcome> BatchSuspendUserOutcomeCallable;
596         typedef std::future<BatchUnsuspendUserOutcome> BatchUnsuspendUserOutcomeCallable;
597         typedef std::future<BatchUpdatePhoneNumberOutcome> BatchUpdatePhoneNumberOutcomeCallable;
598         typedef std::future<BatchUpdateUserOutcome> BatchUpdateUserOutcomeCallable;
599         typedef std::future<CreateAccountOutcome> CreateAccountOutcomeCallable;
600         typedef std::future<CreateAppInstanceOutcome> CreateAppInstanceOutcomeCallable;
601         typedef std::future<CreateAppInstanceAdminOutcome> CreateAppInstanceAdminOutcomeCallable;
602         typedef std::future<CreateAppInstanceUserOutcome> CreateAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable;
603         typedef std::future<CreateAttendeeOutcome> CreateAttendeeOutcomeCallable;
604         typedef std::future<CreateBotOutcome> CreateBotOutcomeCallable;
605         typedef std::future<CreateChannelOutcome> CreateChannelOutcomeCallable;
606         typedef std::future<CreateChannelBanOutcome> CreateChannelBanOutcomeCallable;
607         typedef std::future<CreateChannelMembershipOutcome> CreateChannelMembershipOutcomeCallable;
608         typedef std::future<CreateChannelModeratorOutcome> CreateChannelModeratorOutcomeCallable;
609         typedef std::future<CreateMediaCapturePipelineOutcome> CreateMediaCapturePipelineOutcomeCallable;
610         typedef std::future<CreateMeetingOutcome> CreateMeetingOutcomeCallable;
611         typedef std::future<CreateMeetingDialOutOutcome> CreateMeetingDialOutOutcomeCallable;
612         typedef std::future<CreateMeetingWithAttendeesOutcome> CreateMeetingWithAttendeesOutcomeCallable;
613         typedef std::future<CreatePhoneNumberOrderOutcome> CreatePhoneNumberOrderOutcomeCallable;
614         typedef std::future<CreateProxySessionOutcome> CreateProxySessionOutcomeCallable;
615         typedef std::future<CreateRoomOutcome> CreateRoomOutcomeCallable;
616         typedef std::future<CreateRoomMembershipOutcome> CreateRoomMembershipOutcomeCallable;
617         typedef std::future<CreateSipMediaApplicationOutcome> CreateSipMediaApplicationOutcomeCallable;
618         typedef std::future<CreateSipMediaApplicationCallOutcome> CreateSipMediaApplicationCallOutcomeCallable;
619         typedef std::future<CreateSipRuleOutcome> CreateSipRuleOutcomeCallable;
620         typedef std::future<CreateUserOutcome> CreateUserOutcomeCallable;
621         typedef std::future<CreateVoiceConnectorOutcome> CreateVoiceConnectorOutcomeCallable;
622         typedef std::future<CreateVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome> CreateVoiceConnectorGroupOutcomeCallable;
623         typedef std::future<DeleteAccountOutcome> DeleteAccountOutcomeCallable;
624         typedef std::future<DeleteAppInstanceOutcome> DeleteAppInstanceOutcomeCallable;
625         typedef std::future<DeleteAppInstanceAdminOutcome> DeleteAppInstanceAdminOutcomeCallable;
626         typedef std::future<DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcome> DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcomeCallable;
627         typedef std::future<DeleteAppInstanceUserOutcome> DeleteAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable;
628         typedef std::future<DeleteAttendeeOutcome> DeleteAttendeeOutcomeCallable;
629         typedef std::future<DeleteChannelOutcome> DeleteChannelOutcomeCallable;
630         typedef std::future<DeleteChannelBanOutcome> DeleteChannelBanOutcomeCallable;
631         typedef std::future<DeleteChannelMembershipOutcome> DeleteChannelMembershipOutcomeCallable;
632         typedef std::future<DeleteChannelMessageOutcome> DeleteChannelMessageOutcomeCallable;
633         typedef std::future<DeleteChannelModeratorOutcome> DeleteChannelModeratorOutcomeCallable;
634         typedef std::future<DeleteEventsConfigurationOutcome> DeleteEventsConfigurationOutcomeCallable;
635         typedef std::future<DeleteMediaCapturePipelineOutcome> DeleteMediaCapturePipelineOutcomeCallable;
636         typedef std::future<DeleteMeetingOutcome> DeleteMeetingOutcomeCallable;
637         typedef std::future<DeletePhoneNumberOutcome> DeletePhoneNumberOutcomeCallable;
638         typedef std::future<DeleteProxySessionOutcome> DeleteProxySessionOutcomeCallable;
639         typedef std::future<DeleteRoomOutcome> DeleteRoomOutcomeCallable;
640         typedef std::future<DeleteRoomMembershipOutcome> DeleteRoomMembershipOutcomeCallable;
641         typedef std::future<DeleteSipMediaApplicationOutcome> DeleteSipMediaApplicationOutcomeCallable;
642         typedef std::future<DeleteSipRuleOutcome> DeleteSipRuleOutcomeCallable;
643         typedef std::future<DeleteVoiceConnectorOutcome> DeleteVoiceConnectorOutcomeCallable;
644         typedef std::future<DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcome> DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcomeCallable;
645         typedef std::future<DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome> DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupOutcomeCallable;
646         typedef std::future<DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcome> DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcomeCallable;
647         typedef std::future<DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyOutcome> DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyOutcomeCallable;
648         typedef std::future<DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcome> DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcomeCallable;
649         typedef std::future<DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcome> DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcomeCallable;
650         typedef std::future<DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcome> DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcomeCallable;
651         typedef std::future<DescribeAppInstanceOutcome> DescribeAppInstanceOutcomeCallable;
652         typedef std::future<DescribeAppInstanceAdminOutcome> DescribeAppInstanceAdminOutcomeCallable;
653         typedef std::future<DescribeAppInstanceUserOutcome> DescribeAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable;
654         typedef std::future<DescribeChannelOutcome> DescribeChannelOutcomeCallable;
655         typedef std::future<DescribeChannelBanOutcome> DescribeChannelBanOutcomeCallable;
656         typedef std::future<DescribeChannelMembershipOutcome> DescribeChannelMembershipOutcomeCallable;
657         typedef std::future<DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserOutcome> DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable;
658         typedef std::future<DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserOutcome> DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable;
659         typedef std::future<DescribeChannelModeratorOutcome> DescribeChannelModeratorOutcomeCallable;
660         typedef std::future<DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserOutcome> DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserOutcomeCallable;
661         typedef std::future<DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorOutcome> DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorOutcomeCallable;
662         typedef std::future<DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome> DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupOutcomeCallable;
663         typedef std::future<DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountOutcome> DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountOutcomeCallable;
664         typedef std::future<GetAccountOutcome> GetAccountOutcomeCallable;
665         typedef std::future<GetAccountSettingsOutcome> GetAccountSettingsOutcomeCallable;
666         typedef std::future<GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsOutcome> GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsOutcomeCallable;
667         typedef std::future<GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcome> GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcomeCallable;
668         typedef std::future<GetAttendeeOutcome> GetAttendeeOutcomeCallable;
669         typedef std::future<GetBotOutcome> GetBotOutcomeCallable;
670         typedef std::future<GetChannelMessageOutcome> GetChannelMessageOutcomeCallable;
671         typedef std::future<GetEventsConfigurationOutcome> GetEventsConfigurationOutcomeCallable;
672         typedef std::future<GetGlobalSettingsOutcome> GetGlobalSettingsOutcomeCallable;
673         typedef std::future<GetMediaCapturePipelineOutcome> GetMediaCapturePipelineOutcomeCallable;
674         typedef std::future<GetMeetingOutcome> GetMeetingOutcomeCallable;
675         typedef std::future<GetMessagingSessionEndpointOutcome> GetMessagingSessionEndpointOutcomeCallable;
676         typedef std::future<GetPhoneNumberOutcome> GetPhoneNumberOutcomeCallable;
677         typedef std::future<GetPhoneNumberOrderOutcome> GetPhoneNumberOrderOutcomeCallable;
678         typedef std::future<GetPhoneNumberSettingsOutcome> GetPhoneNumberSettingsOutcomeCallable;
679         typedef std::future<GetProxySessionOutcome> GetProxySessionOutcomeCallable;
680         typedef std::future<GetRetentionSettingsOutcome> GetRetentionSettingsOutcomeCallable;
681         typedef std::future<GetRoomOutcome> GetRoomOutcomeCallable;
682         typedef std::future<GetSipMediaApplicationOutcome> GetSipMediaApplicationOutcomeCallable;
683         typedef std::future<GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationOutcome> GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationOutcomeCallable;
684         typedef std::future<GetSipRuleOutcome> GetSipRuleOutcomeCallable;
685         typedef std::future<GetUserOutcome> GetUserOutcomeCallable;
686         typedef std::future<GetUserSettingsOutcome> GetUserSettingsOutcomeCallable;
687         typedef std::future<GetVoiceConnectorOutcome> GetVoiceConnectorOutcomeCallable;
688         typedef std::future<GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcome> GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcomeCallable;
689         typedef std::future<GetVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome> GetVoiceConnectorGroupOutcomeCallable;
690         typedef std::future<GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationOutcome> GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationOutcomeCallable;
691         typedef std::future<GetVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcome> GetVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcomeCallable;
692         typedef std::future<GetVoiceConnectorProxyOutcome> GetVoiceConnectorProxyOutcomeCallable;
693         typedef std::future<GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcome> GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcomeCallable;
694         typedef std::future<GetVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcome> GetVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcomeCallable;
695         typedef std::future<GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthOutcome> GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthOutcomeCallable;
696         typedef std::future<InviteUsersOutcome> InviteUsersOutcomeCallable;
697         typedef std::future<ListAccountsOutcome> ListAccountsOutcomeCallable;
698         typedef std::future<ListAppInstanceAdminsOutcome> ListAppInstanceAdminsOutcomeCallable;
699         typedef std::future<ListAppInstanceUsersOutcome> ListAppInstanceUsersOutcomeCallable;
700         typedef std::future<ListAppInstancesOutcome> ListAppInstancesOutcomeCallable;
701         typedef std::future<ListAttendeeTagsOutcome> ListAttendeeTagsOutcomeCallable;
702         typedef std::future<ListAttendeesOutcome> ListAttendeesOutcomeCallable;
703         typedef std::future<ListBotsOutcome> ListBotsOutcomeCallable;
704         typedef std::future<ListChannelBansOutcome> ListChannelBansOutcomeCallable;
705         typedef std::future<ListChannelMembershipsOutcome> ListChannelMembershipsOutcomeCallable;
706         typedef std::future<ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserOutcome> ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable;
707         typedef std::future<ListChannelMessagesOutcome> ListChannelMessagesOutcomeCallable;
708         typedef std::future<ListChannelModeratorsOutcome> ListChannelModeratorsOutcomeCallable;
709         typedef std::future<ListChannelsOutcome> ListChannelsOutcomeCallable;
710         typedef std::future<ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserOutcome> ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable;
711         typedef std::future<ListMediaCapturePipelinesOutcome> ListMediaCapturePipelinesOutcomeCallable;
712         typedef std::future<ListMeetingTagsOutcome> ListMeetingTagsOutcomeCallable;
713         typedef std::future<ListMeetingsOutcome> ListMeetingsOutcomeCallable;
714         typedef std::future<ListPhoneNumberOrdersOutcome> ListPhoneNumberOrdersOutcomeCallable;
715         typedef std::future<ListPhoneNumbersOutcome> ListPhoneNumbersOutcomeCallable;
716         typedef std::future<ListProxySessionsOutcome> ListProxySessionsOutcomeCallable;
717         typedef std::future<ListRoomMembershipsOutcome> ListRoomMembershipsOutcomeCallable;
718         typedef std::future<ListRoomsOutcome> ListRoomsOutcomeCallable;
719         typedef std::future<ListSipMediaApplicationsOutcome> ListSipMediaApplicationsOutcomeCallable;
720         typedef std::future<ListSipRulesOutcome> ListSipRulesOutcomeCallable;
721         typedef std::future<ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesOutcome> ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesOutcomeCallable;
722         typedef std::future<ListTagsForResourceOutcome> ListTagsForResourceOutcomeCallable;
723         typedef std::future<ListUsersOutcome> ListUsersOutcomeCallable;
724         typedef std::future<ListVoiceConnectorGroupsOutcome> ListVoiceConnectorGroupsOutcomeCallable;
725         typedef std::future<ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcome> ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcomeCallable;
726         typedef std::future<ListVoiceConnectorsOutcome> ListVoiceConnectorsOutcomeCallable;
727         typedef std::future<LogoutUserOutcome> LogoutUserOutcomeCallable;
728         typedef std::future<PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsOutcome> PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsOutcomeCallable;
729         typedef std::future<PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcome> PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcomeCallable;
730         typedef std::future<PutEventsConfigurationOutcome> PutEventsConfigurationOutcomeCallable;
731         typedef std::future<PutRetentionSettingsOutcome> PutRetentionSettingsOutcomeCallable;
732         typedef std::future<PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationOutcome> PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationOutcomeCallable;
733         typedef std::future<PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcome> PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcomeCallable;
734         typedef std::future<PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationOutcome> PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationOutcomeCallable;
735         typedef std::future<PutVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcome> PutVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcomeCallable;
736         typedef std::future<PutVoiceConnectorProxyOutcome> PutVoiceConnectorProxyOutcomeCallable;
737         typedef std::future<PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcome> PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcomeCallable;
738         typedef std::future<PutVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcome> PutVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcomeCallable;
739         typedef std::future<PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcome> PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcomeCallable;
740         typedef std::future<RedactChannelMessageOutcome> RedactChannelMessageOutcomeCallable;
741         typedef std::future<RedactConversationMessageOutcome> RedactConversationMessageOutcomeCallable;
742         typedef std::future<RedactRoomMessageOutcome> RedactRoomMessageOutcomeCallable;
743         typedef std::future<RegenerateSecurityTokenOutcome> RegenerateSecurityTokenOutcomeCallable;
744         typedef std::future<ResetPersonalPINOutcome> ResetPersonalPINOutcomeCallable;
745         typedef std::future<RestorePhoneNumberOutcome> RestorePhoneNumberOutcomeCallable;
746         typedef std::future<SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersOutcome> SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersOutcomeCallable;
747         typedef std::future<SendChannelMessageOutcome> SendChannelMessageOutcomeCallable;
748         typedef std::future<StartMeetingTranscriptionOutcome> StartMeetingTranscriptionOutcomeCallable;
749         typedef std::future<StopMeetingTranscriptionOutcome> StopMeetingTranscriptionOutcomeCallable;
750         typedef std::future<TagAttendeeOutcome> TagAttendeeOutcomeCallable;
751         typedef std::future<TagMeetingOutcome> TagMeetingOutcomeCallable;
752         typedef std::future<TagResourceOutcome> TagResourceOutcomeCallable;
753         typedef std::future<UntagAttendeeOutcome> UntagAttendeeOutcomeCallable;
754         typedef std::future<UntagMeetingOutcome> UntagMeetingOutcomeCallable;
755         typedef std::future<UntagResourceOutcome> UntagResourceOutcomeCallable;
756         typedef std::future<UpdateAccountOutcome> UpdateAccountOutcomeCallable;
757         typedef std::future<UpdateAccountSettingsOutcome> UpdateAccountSettingsOutcomeCallable;
758         typedef std::future<UpdateAppInstanceOutcome> UpdateAppInstanceOutcomeCallable;
759         typedef std::future<UpdateAppInstanceUserOutcome> UpdateAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable;
760         typedef std::future<UpdateBotOutcome> UpdateBotOutcomeCallable;
761         typedef std::future<UpdateChannelOutcome> UpdateChannelOutcomeCallable;
762         typedef std::future<UpdateChannelMessageOutcome> UpdateChannelMessageOutcomeCallable;
763         typedef std::future<UpdateChannelReadMarkerOutcome> UpdateChannelReadMarkerOutcomeCallable;
764         typedef std::future<UpdateGlobalSettingsOutcome> UpdateGlobalSettingsOutcomeCallable;
765         typedef std::future<UpdatePhoneNumberOutcome> UpdatePhoneNumberOutcomeCallable;
766         typedef std::future<UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsOutcome> UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsOutcomeCallable;
767         typedef std::future<UpdateProxySessionOutcome> UpdateProxySessionOutcomeCallable;
768         typedef std::future<UpdateRoomOutcome> UpdateRoomOutcomeCallable;
769         typedef std::future<UpdateRoomMembershipOutcome> UpdateRoomMembershipOutcomeCallable;
770         typedef std::future<UpdateSipMediaApplicationOutcome> UpdateSipMediaApplicationOutcomeCallable;
771         typedef std::future<UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallOutcome> UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallOutcomeCallable;
772         typedef std::future<UpdateSipRuleOutcome> UpdateSipRuleOutcomeCallable;
773         typedef std::future<UpdateUserOutcome> UpdateUserOutcomeCallable;
774         typedef std::future<UpdateUserSettingsOutcome> UpdateUserSettingsOutcomeCallable;
775         typedef std::future<UpdateVoiceConnectorOutcome> UpdateVoiceConnectorOutcomeCallable;
776         typedef std::future<UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome> UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupOutcomeCallable;
777 } // namespace Model
779   class ChimeClient;
781     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserRequest&, const Model::AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserResponseReceivedHandler;
782     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorRequest&, const Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler;
783     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupRequest&, const Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler;
784     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountRequest&, const Model::AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountResponseReceivedHandler;
785     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::BatchCreateAttendeeRequest&, const Model::BatchCreateAttendeeOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > BatchCreateAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler;
786     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::BatchCreateChannelMembershipRequest&, const Model::BatchCreateChannelMembershipOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > BatchCreateChannelMembershipResponseReceivedHandler;
787     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::BatchCreateRoomMembershipRequest&, const Model::BatchCreateRoomMembershipOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > BatchCreateRoomMembershipResponseReceivedHandler;
788     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::BatchDeletePhoneNumberRequest&, const Model::BatchDeletePhoneNumberOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > BatchDeletePhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler;
789     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::BatchSuspendUserRequest&, const Model::BatchSuspendUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > BatchSuspendUserResponseReceivedHandler;
790     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::BatchUnsuspendUserRequest&, const Model::BatchUnsuspendUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > BatchUnsuspendUserResponseReceivedHandler;
791     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::BatchUpdatePhoneNumberRequest&, const Model::BatchUpdatePhoneNumberOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > BatchUpdatePhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler;
792     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::BatchUpdateUserRequest&, const Model::BatchUpdateUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > BatchUpdateUserResponseReceivedHandler;
793     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateAccountRequest&, const Model::CreateAccountOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateAccountResponseReceivedHandler;
794     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateAppInstanceRequest&, const Model::CreateAppInstanceOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateAppInstanceResponseReceivedHandler;
795     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateAppInstanceAdminRequest&, const Model::CreateAppInstanceAdminOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateAppInstanceAdminResponseReceivedHandler;
796     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateAppInstanceUserRequest&, const Model::CreateAppInstanceUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler;
797     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateAttendeeRequest&, const Model::CreateAttendeeOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler;
798     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateBotRequest&, const Model::CreateBotOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateBotResponseReceivedHandler;
799     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateChannelRequest&, const Model::CreateChannelOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateChannelResponseReceivedHandler;
800     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateChannelBanRequest&, const Model::CreateChannelBanOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateChannelBanResponseReceivedHandler;
801     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateChannelMembershipRequest&, const Model::CreateChannelMembershipOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateChannelMembershipResponseReceivedHandler;
802     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateChannelModeratorRequest&, const Model::CreateChannelModeratorOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateChannelModeratorResponseReceivedHandler;
803     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateMediaCapturePipelineRequest&, const Model::CreateMediaCapturePipelineOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateMediaCapturePipelineResponseReceivedHandler;
804     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateMeetingRequest&, const Model::CreateMeetingOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateMeetingResponseReceivedHandler;
805     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateMeetingDialOutRequest&, const Model::CreateMeetingDialOutOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateMeetingDialOutResponseReceivedHandler;
806     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateMeetingWithAttendeesRequest&, const Model::CreateMeetingWithAttendeesOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateMeetingWithAttendeesResponseReceivedHandler;
807     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreatePhoneNumberOrderRequest&, const Model::CreatePhoneNumberOrderOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreatePhoneNumberOrderResponseReceivedHandler;
808     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateProxySessionRequest&, const Model::CreateProxySessionOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateProxySessionResponseReceivedHandler;
809     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateRoomRequest&, const Model::CreateRoomOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateRoomResponseReceivedHandler;
810     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateRoomMembershipRequest&, const Model::CreateRoomMembershipOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateRoomMembershipResponseReceivedHandler;
811     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationRequest&, const Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateSipMediaApplicationResponseReceivedHandler;
812     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationCallRequest&, const Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationCallOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateSipMediaApplicationCallResponseReceivedHandler;
813     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateSipRuleRequest&, const Model::CreateSipRuleOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateSipRuleResponseReceivedHandler;
814     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateUserRequest&, const Model::CreateUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateUserResponseReceivedHandler;
815     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateVoiceConnectorRequest&, const Model::CreateVoiceConnectorOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler;
816     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::CreateVoiceConnectorGroupRequest&, const Model::CreateVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > CreateVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler;
817     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteAccountRequest&, const Model::DeleteAccountOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteAccountResponseReceivedHandler;
818     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteAppInstanceRequest&, const Model::DeleteAppInstanceOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteAppInstanceResponseReceivedHandler;
819     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteAppInstanceAdminRequest&, const Model::DeleteAppInstanceAdminOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteAppInstanceAdminResponseReceivedHandler;
820     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest&, const Model::DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResponseReceivedHandler;
821     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteAppInstanceUserRequest&, const Model::DeleteAppInstanceUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler;
822     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteAttendeeRequest&, const Model::DeleteAttendeeOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler;
823     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteChannelRequest&, const Model::DeleteChannelOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteChannelResponseReceivedHandler;
824     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteChannelBanRequest&, const Model::DeleteChannelBanOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteChannelBanResponseReceivedHandler;
825     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteChannelMembershipRequest&, const Model::DeleteChannelMembershipOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteChannelMembershipResponseReceivedHandler;
826     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteChannelMessageRequest&, const Model::DeleteChannelMessageOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteChannelMessageResponseReceivedHandler;
827     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteChannelModeratorRequest&, const Model::DeleteChannelModeratorOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteChannelModeratorResponseReceivedHandler;
828     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteEventsConfigurationRequest&, const Model::DeleteEventsConfigurationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteEventsConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler;
829     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteMediaCapturePipelineRequest&, const Model::DeleteMediaCapturePipelineOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteMediaCapturePipelineResponseReceivedHandler;
830     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteMeetingRequest&, const Model::DeleteMeetingOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteMeetingResponseReceivedHandler;
831     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeletePhoneNumberRequest&, const Model::DeletePhoneNumberOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeletePhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler;
832     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteProxySessionRequest&, const Model::DeleteProxySessionOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteProxySessionResponseReceivedHandler;
833     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteRoomRequest&, const Model::DeleteRoomOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteRoomResponseReceivedHandler;
834     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteRoomMembershipRequest&, const Model::DeleteRoomMembershipOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteRoomMembershipResponseReceivedHandler;
835     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteSipMediaApplicationRequest&, const Model::DeleteSipMediaApplicationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteSipMediaApplicationResponseReceivedHandler;
836     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteSipRuleRequest&, const Model::DeleteSipRuleOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteSipRuleResponseReceivedHandler;
837     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorRequest&, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler;
838     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest&, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler;
839     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupRequest&, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler;
840     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest&, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationResponseReceivedHandler;
841     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyRequest&, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyResponseReceivedHandler;
842     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest&, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler;
843     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest&, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationResponseReceivedHandler;
844     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest&, const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsResponseReceivedHandler;
845     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DescribeAppInstanceRequest&, const Model::DescribeAppInstanceOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DescribeAppInstanceResponseReceivedHandler;
846     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DescribeAppInstanceAdminRequest&, const Model::DescribeAppInstanceAdminOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DescribeAppInstanceAdminResponseReceivedHandler;
847     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DescribeAppInstanceUserRequest&, const Model::DescribeAppInstanceUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DescribeAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler;
848     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DescribeChannelRequest&, const Model::DescribeChannelOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DescribeChannelResponseReceivedHandler;
849     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DescribeChannelBanRequest&, const Model::DescribeChannelBanOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DescribeChannelBanResponseReceivedHandler;
850     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DescribeChannelMembershipRequest&, const Model::DescribeChannelMembershipOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DescribeChannelMembershipResponseReceivedHandler;
851     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserRequest&, const Model::DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler;
852     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest&, const Model::DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler;
853     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DescribeChannelModeratorRequest&, const Model::DescribeChannelModeratorOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DescribeChannelModeratorResponseReceivedHandler;
854     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserRequest&, const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserResponseReceivedHandler;
855     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorRequest&, const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler;
856     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupRequest&, const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler;
857     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountRequest&, const Model::DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountResponseReceivedHandler;
858     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetAccountRequest&, const Model::GetAccountOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetAccountResponseReceivedHandler;
859     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetAccountSettingsRequest&, const Model::GetAccountSettingsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetAccountSettingsResponseReceivedHandler;
860     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsRequest&, const Model::GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResponseReceivedHandler;
861     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest&, const Model::GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResponseReceivedHandler;
862     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetAttendeeRequest&, const Model::GetAttendeeOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler;
863     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetBotRequest&, const Model::GetBotOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetBotResponseReceivedHandler;
864     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetChannelMessageRequest&, const Model::GetChannelMessageOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetChannelMessageResponseReceivedHandler;
865     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetEventsConfigurationRequest&, const Model::GetEventsConfigurationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetEventsConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler;
866     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetGlobalSettingsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetGlobalSettingsResponseReceivedHandler;
867     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetMediaCapturePipelineRequest&, const Model::GetMediaCapturePipelineOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetMediaCapturePipelineResponseReceivedHandler;
868     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetMeetingRequest&, const Model::GetMeetingOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetMeetingResponseReceivedHandler;
869     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetMessagingSessionEndpointRequest&, const Model::GetMessagingSessionEndpointOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetMessagingSessionEndpointResponseReceivedHandler;
870     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetPhoneNumberRequest&, const Model::GetPhoneNumberOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetPhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler;
871     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetPhoneNumberOrderRequest&, const Model::GetPhoneNumberOrderOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetPhoneNumberOrderResponseReceivedHandler;
872     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetPhoneNumberSettingsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetPhoneNumberSettingsResponseReceivedHandler;
873     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetProxySessionRequest&, const Model::GetProxySessionOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetProxySessionResponseReceivedHandler;
874     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetRetentionSettingsRequest&, const Model::GetRetentionSettingsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetRetentionSettingsResponseReceivedHandler;
875     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetRoomRequest&, const Model::GetRoomOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetRoomResponseReceivedHandler;
876     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetSipMediaApplicationRequest&, const Model::GetSipMediaApplicationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetSipMediaApplicationResponseReceivedHandler;
877     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationRequest&, const Model::GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler;
878     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetSipRuleRequest&, const Model::GetSipRuleOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetSipRuleResponseReceivedHandler;
879     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetUserRequest&, const Model::GetUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetUserResponseReceivedHandler;
880     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetUserSettingsRequest&, const Model::GetUserSettingsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetUserSettingsResponseReceivedHandler;
881     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorRequest&, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler;
882     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest&, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler;
883     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorGroupRequest&, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler;
884     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationRequest&, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler;
885     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest&, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetVoiceConnectorOriginationResponseReceivedHandler;
886     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorProxyRequest&, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorProxyOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetVoiceConnectorProxyResponseReceivedHandler;
887     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest&, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler;
888     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest&, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetVoiceConnectorTerminationResponseReceivedHandler;
889     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthRequest&, const Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthResponseReceivedHandler;
890     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::InviteUsersRequest&, const Model::InviteUsersOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > InviteUsersResponseReceivedHandler;
891     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListAccountsRequest&, const Model::ListAccountsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListAccountsResponseReceivedHandler;
892     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListAppInstanceAdminsRequest&, const Model::ListAppInstanceAdminsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListAppInstanceAdminsResponseReceivedHandler;
893     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListAppInstanceUsersRequest&, const Model::ListAppInstanceUsersOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListAppInstanceUsersResponseReceivedHandler;
894     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListAppInstancesRequest&, const Model::ListAppInstancesOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListAppInstancesResponseReceivedHandler;
895     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListAttendeeTagsRequest&, const Model::ListAttendeeTagsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListAttendeeTagsResponseReceivedHandler;
896     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListAttendeesRequest&, const Model::ListAttendeesOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListAttendeesResponseReceivedHandler;
897     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListBotsRequest&, const Model::ListBotsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListBotsResponseReceivedHandler;
898     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListChannelBansRequest&, const Model::ListChannelBansOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListChannelBansResponseReceivedHandler;
899     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListChannelMembershipsRequest&, const Model::ListChannelMembershipsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListChannelMembershipsResponseReceivedHandler;
900     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserRequest&, const Model::ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler;
901     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListChannelMessagesRequest&, const Model::ListChannelMessagesOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListChannelMessagesResponseReceivedHandler;
902     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListChannelModeratorsRequest&, const Model::ListChannelModeratorsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListChannelModeratorsResponseReceivedHandler;
903     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListChannelsRequest&, const Model::ListChannelsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListChannelsResponseReceivedHandler;
904     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest&, const Model::ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler;
905     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListMediaCapturePipelinesRequest&, const Model::ListMediaCapturePipelinesOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListMediaCapturePipelinesResponseReceivedHandler;
906     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListMeetingTagsRequest&, const Model::ListMeetingTagsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListMeetingTagsResponseReceivedHandler;
907     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListMeetingsRequest&, const Model::ListMeetingsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListMeetingsResponseReceivedHandler;
908     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListPhoneNumberOrdersRequest&, const Model::ListPhoneNumberOrdersOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListPhoneNumberOrdersResponseReceivedHandler;
909     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListPhoneNumbersRequest&, const Model::ListPhoneNumbersOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListPhoneNumbersResponseReceivedHandler;
910     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListProxySessionsRequest&, const Model::ListProxySessionsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListProxySessionsResponseReceivedHandler;
911     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListRoomMembershipsRequest&, const Model::ListRoomMembershipsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListRoomMembershipsResponseReceivedHandler;
912     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListRoomsRequest&, const Model::ListRoomsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListRoomsResponseReceivedHandler;
913     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListSipMediaApplicationsRequest&, const Model::ListSipMediaApplicationsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListSipMediaApplicationsResponseReceivedHandler;
914     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListSipRulesRequest&, const Model::ListSipRulesOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListSipRulesResponseReceivedHandler;
915     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesRequest&, const Model::ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesResponseReceivedHandler;
916     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListTagsForResourceRequest&, const Model::ListTagsForResourceOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListTagsForResourceResponseReceivedHandler;
917     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListUsersRequest&, const Model::ListUsersOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListUsersResponseReceivedHandler;
918     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListVoiceConnectorGroupsRequest&, const Model::ListVoiceConnectorGroupsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListVoiceConnectorGroupsResponseReceivedHandler;
919     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest&, const Model::ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsResponseReceivedHandler;
920     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ListVoiceConnectorsRequest&, const Model::ListVoiceConnectorsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ListVoiceConnectorsResponseReceivedHandler;
921     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::LogoutUserRequest&, const Model::LogoutUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > LogoutUserResponseReceivedHandler;
922     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsRequest&, const Model::PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResponseReceivedHandler;
923     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest&, const Model::PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResponseReceivedHandler;
924     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::PutEventsConfigurationRequest&, const Model::PutEventsConfigurationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > PutEventsConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler;
925     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::PutRetentionSettingsRequest&, const Model::PutRetentionSettingsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > PutRetentionSettingsResponseReceivedHandler;
926     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationRequest&, const Model::PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler;
927     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest&, const Model::PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler;
928     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationRequest&, const Model::PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler;
929     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::PutVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest&, const Model::PutVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > PutVoiceConnectorOriginationResponseReceivedHandler;
930     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::PutVoiceConnectorProxyRequest&, const Model::PutVoiceConnectorProxyOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > PutVoiceConnectorProxyResponseReceivedHandler;
931     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest&, const Model::PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler;
932     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest&, const Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > PutVoiceConnectorTerminationResponseReceivedHandler;
933     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest&, const Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsResponseReceivedHandler;
934     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::RedactChannelMessageRequest&, const Model::RedactChannelMessageOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > RedactChannelMessageResponseReceivedHandler;
935     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::RedactConversationMessageRequest&, const Model::RedactConversationMessageOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > RedactConversationMessageResponseReceivedHandler;
936     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::RedactRoomMessageRequest&, const Model::RedactRoomMessageOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > RedactRoomMessageResponseReceivedHandler;
937     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::RegenerateSecurityTokenRequest&, const Model::RegenerateSecurityTokenOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > RegenerateSecurityTokenResponseReceivedHandler;
938     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::ResetPersonalPINRequest&, const Model::ResetPersonalPINOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > ResetPersonalPINResponseReceivedHandler;
939     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::RestorePhoneNumberRequest&, const Model::RestorePhoneNumberOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > RestorePhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler;
940     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersRequest&, const Model::SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponseReceivedHandler;
941     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::SendChannelMessageRequest&, const Model::SendChannelMessageOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > SendChannelMessageResponseReceivedHandler;
942     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::StartMeetingTranscriptionRequest&, const Model::StartMeetingTranscriptionOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > StartMeetingTranscriptionResponseReceivedHandler;
943     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::StopMeetingTranscriptionRequest&, const Model::StopMeetingTranscriptionOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > StopMeetingTranscriptionResponseReceivedHandler;
944     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::TagAttendeeRequest&, const Model::TagAttendeeOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > TagAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler;
945     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::TagMeetingRequest&, const Model::TagMeetingOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > TagMeetingResponseReceivedHandler;
946     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::TagResourceRequest&, const Model::TagResourceOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > TagResourceResponseReceivedHandler;
947     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UntagAttendeeRequest&, const Model::UntagAttendeeOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UntagAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler;
948     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UntagMeetingRequest&, const Model::UntagMeetingOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UntagMeetingResponseReceivedHandler;
949     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UntagResourceRequest&, const Model::UntagResourceOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UntagResourceResponseReceivedHandler;
950     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateAccountRequest&, const Model::UpdateAccountOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateAccountResponseReceivedHandler;
951     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateAccountSettingsRequest&, const Model::UpdateAccountSettingsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateAccountSettingsResponseReceivedHandler;
952     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateAppInstanceRequest&, const Model::UpdateAppInstanceOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateAppInstanceResponseReceivedHandler;
953     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateAppInstanceUserRequest&, const Model::UpdateAppInstanceUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler;
954     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateBotRequest&, const Model::UpdateBotOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateBotResponseReceivedHandler;
955     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateChannelRequest&, const Model::UpdateChannelOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateChannelResponseReceivedHandler;
956     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateChannelMessageRequest&, const Model::UpdateChannelMessageOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateChannelMessageResponseReceivedHandler;
957     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateChannelReadMarkerRequest&, const Model::UpdateChannelReadMarkerOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateChannelReadMarkerResponseReceivedHandler;
958     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateGlobalSettingsRequest&, const Model::UpdateGlobalSettingsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateGlobalSettingsResponseReceivedHandler;
959     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdatePhoneNumberRequest&, const Model::UpdatePhoneNumberOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdatePhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler;
960     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsRequest&, const Model::UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsResponseReceivedHandler;
961     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateProxySessionRequest&, const Model::UpdateProxySessionOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateProxySessionResponseReceivedHandler;
962     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateRoomRequest&, const Model::UpdateRoomOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateRoomResponseReceivedHandler;
963     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateRoomMembershipRequest&, const Model::UpdateRoomMembershipOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateRoomMembershipResponseReceivedHandler;
964     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationRequest&, const Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateSipMediaApplicationResponseReceivedHandler;
965     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallRequest&, const Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallResponseReceivedHandler;
966     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateSipRuleRequest&, const Model::UpdateSipRuleOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateSipRuleResponseReceivedHandler;
967     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateUserRequest&, const Model::UpdateUserOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateUserResponseReceivedHandler;
968     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateUserSettingsRequest&, const Model::UpdateUserSettingsOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateUserSettingsResponseReceivedHandler;
969     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorRequest&, const Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler;
970     typedef std::function<void(const ChimeClient*, const Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupRequest&, const Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome&, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>&) > UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler;
972   /**
973    * <p>The Amazon Chime API (application programming interface) is designed for
974    * developers to perform key tasks, such as creating and managing Amazon Chime
975    * accounts, users, and Voice Connectors. This guide provides detailed information
976    * about the Amazon Chime API, including operations, types, inputs and outputs, and
977    * error codes. It also includes some server-side API actions to use with the
978    * Amazon Chime SDK. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
979    * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html"> Using the
980    * Amazon Chime SDK </a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>.</p> <p>You can
981    * use an AWS SDK, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or the REST API to
982    * make API calls. We recommend using an AWS SDK or the AWS CLI. Each API operation
983    * includes links to information about using it with a language-specific AWS SDK or
984    * the AWS CLI.</p> <dl> <dt>Using an AWS SDK</dt> <dd> <p> You don't need to write
985    * code to calculate a signature for request authentication. The SDK clients
986    * authenticate your requests by using access keys that you provide. For more
987    * information about AWS SDKs, see the <a
988    * href="http://aws.amazon.com/developer/">AWS Developer Center</a>. </p> </dd>
989    * <dt>Using the AWS CLI</dt> <dd> <p>Use your access keys with the AWS CLI to make
990    * API calls. For information about setting up the AWS CLI, see <a
991    * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/installing.html">Installing
992    * the AWS Command Line Interface</a> in the <i>AWS Command Line Interface User
993    * Guide</i>. For a list of available Amazon Chime commands, see the <a
994    * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/chime/index.html">Amazon
995    * Chime commands</a> in the <i>AWS CLI Command Reference</i>. </p> </dd> <dt>Using
996    * REST APIs</dt> <dd> <p>If you use REST to make API calls, you must authenticate
997    * your request by providing a signature. Amazon Chime supports signature version
998    * 4. For more information, see <a
999    * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-4.html">Signature
1000    * Version 4 Signing Process</a> in the <i>Amazon Web Services General
1001    * Reference</i>.</p> <p>When making REST API calls, use the service name
1002    * <code>chime</code> and REST endpoint
1003    * <code>https://service.chime.aws.amazon.com</code>.</p> </dd> </dl>
1004    * <p>Administrative permissions are controlled using AWS Identity and Access
1005    * Management (IAM). For more information, see <a
1006    * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/security-iam.html">Identity
1007    * and Access Management for Amazon Chime</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration
1008    * Guide</i>.</p>
1009    */
1010   class AWS_CHIME_API ChimeClient : public Aws::Client::AWSJsonClient
1011   {
1012     public:
1013       typedef Aws::Client::AWSJsonClient BASECLASS;
1015        /**
1016         * Initializes client to use DefaultCredentialProviderChain, with default http client factory, and optional client config. If client config
1017         * is not specified, it will be initialized to default values.
1018         */
1019         ChimeClient(const Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration& clientConfiguration = Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration());
1021        /**
1022         * Initializes client to use SimpleAWSCredentialsProvider, with default http client factory, and optional client config. If client config
1023         * is not specified, it will be initialized to default values.
1024         */
1025         ChimeClient(const Aws::Auth::AWSCredentials& credentials, const Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration& clientConfiguration = Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration());
1027        /**
1028         * Initializes client to use specified credentials provider with specified client config. If http client factory is not supplied,
1029         * the default http client factory will be used
1030         */
1031         ChimeClient(const std::shared_ptr<Aws::Auth::AWSCredentialsProvider>& credentialsProvider,
1032             const Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration& clientConfiguration = Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration());
1034         virtual ~ChimeClient();
1037         /**
1038          * <p>Associates a phone number with the specified Amazon Chime user.</p><p><h3>See
1039          * Also:</h3>   <a
1040          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/AssociatePhoneNumberWithUser">AWS
1041          * API Reference</a></p>
1042          */
1043         virtual Model::AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserOutcome AssociatePhoneNumberWithUser(const Model::AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserRequest& request) const;
1045         /**
1046          * <p>Associates a phone number with the specified Amazon Chime user.</p><p><h3>See
1047          * Also:</h3>   <a
1048          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/AssociatePhoneNumberWithUser">AWS
1049          * API Reference</a></p>
1050          *
1051          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1052          */
1053         virtual Model::AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserOutcomeCallable AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserCallable(const Model::AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserRequest& request) const;
1055         /**
1056          * <p>Associates a phone number with the specified Amazon Chime user.</p><p><h3>See
1057          * Also:</h3>   <a
1058          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/AssociatePhoneNumberWithUser">AWS
1059          * API Reference</a></p>
1060          *
1061          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1062          */
1063         virtual void AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserAsync(const Model::AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserRequest& request, const AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1065         /**
1066          * <p>Associates phone numbers with the specified Amazon Chime Voice
1067          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1068          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnector">AWS
1069          * API Reference</a></p>
1070          */
1071         virtual Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorOutcome AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnector(const Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorRequest& request) const;
1073         /**
1074          * <p>Associates phone numbers with the specified Amazon Chime Voice
1075          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1076          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnector">AWS
1077          * API Reference</a></p>
1078          *
1079          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1080          */
1081         virtual Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorOutcomeCallable AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorCallable(const Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorRequest& request) const;
1083         /**
1084          * <p>Associates phone numbers with the specified Amazon Chime Voice
1085          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1086          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnector">AWS
1087          * API Reference</a></p>
1088          *
1089          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1090          */
1091         virtual void AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorAsync(const Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorRequest& request, const AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1093         /**
1094          * <p>Associates phone numbers with the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector
1095          * group.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1096          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
1097          * API Reference</a></p>
1098          */
1099         virtual Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroup(const Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request) const;
1101         /**
1102          * <p>Associates phone numbers with the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector
1103          * group.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1104          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
1105          * API Reference</a></p>
1106          *
1107          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1108          */
1109         virtual Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupOutcomeCallable AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupCallable(const Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request) const;
1111         /**
1112          * <p>Associates phone numbers with the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector
1113          * group.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1114          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
1115          * API Reference</a></p>
1116          *
1117          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1118          */
1119         virtual void AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupAsync(const Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request, const AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1121         /**
1122          * <p>Associates the specified sign-in delegate groups with the specified Amazon
1123          * Chime account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1124          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccount">AWS
1125          * API Reference</a></p>
1126          */
1127         virtual Model::AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountOutcome AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccount(const Model::AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountRequest& request) const;
1129         /**
1130          * <p>Associates the specified sign-in delegate groups with the specified Amazon
1131          * Chime account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1132          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccount">AWS
1133          * API Reference</a></p>
1134          *
1135          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1136          */
1137         virtual Model::AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountOutcomeCallable AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountCallable(const Model::AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountRequest& request) const;
1139         /**
1140          * <p>Associates the specified sign-in delegate groups with the specified Amazon
1141          * Chime account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1142          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccount">AWS
1143          * API Reference</a></p>
1144          *
1145          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1146          */
1147         virtual void AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountAsync(const Model::AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountRequest& request, const AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1149         /**
1150          * <p> Creates up to 100 new attendees for an active Amazon Chime SDK meeting. For
1151          * more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
1152          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
1153          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>. </p><p><h3>See
1154          * Also:</h3>   <a
1155          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchCreateAttendee">AWS
1156          * API Reference</a></p>
1157          */
1158         virtual Model::BatchCreateAttendeeOutcome BatchCreateAttendee(const Model::BatchCreateAttendeeRequest& request) const;
1160         /**
1161          * <p> Creates up to 100 new attendees for an active Amazon Chime SDK meeting. For
1162          * more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
1163          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
1164          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>. </p><p><h3>See
1165          * Also:</h3>   <a
1166          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchCreateAttendee">AWS
1167          * API Reference</a></p>
1168          *
1169          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1170          */
1171         virtual Model::BatchCreateAttendeeOutcomeCallable BatchCreateAttendeeCallable(const Model::BatchCreateAttendeeRequest& request) const;
1173         /**
1174          * <p> Creates up to 100 new attendees for an active Amazon Chime SDK meeting. For
1175          * more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
1176          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
1177          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>. </p><p><h3>See
1178          * Also:</h3>   <a
1179          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchCreateAttendee">AWS
1180          * API Reference</a></p>
1181          *
1182          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1183          */
1184         virtual void BatchCreateAttendeeAsync(const Model::BatchCreateAttendeeRequest& request, const BatchCreateAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1186         /**
1187          * <p>Adds a specified number of users to a channel.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1188          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchCreateChannelMembership">AWS
1189          * API Reference</a></p>
1190          */
1191         virtual Model::BatchCreateChannelMembershipOutcome BatchCreateChannelMembership(const Model::BatchCreateChannelMembershipRequest& request) const;
1193         /**
1194          * <p>Adds a specified number of users to a channel.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1195          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchCreateChannelMembership">AWS
1196          * API Reference</a></p>
1197          *
1198          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1199          */
1200         virtual Model::BatchCreateChannelMembershipOutcomeCallable BatchCreateChannelMembershipCallable(const Model::BatchCreateChannelMembershipRequest& request) const;
1202         /**
1203          * <p>Adds a specified number of users to a channel.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1204          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchCreateChannelMembership">AWS
1205          * API Reference</a></p>
1206          *
1207          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1208          */
1209         virtual void BatchCreateChannelMembershipAsync(const Model::BatchCreateChannelMembershipRequest& request, const BatchCreateChannelMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1211         /**
1212          * <p>Adds up to 50 members to a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
1213          * Members can be users or bots. The member role designates whether the member is a
1214          * chat room administrator or a general chat room member.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>
1215          * <a
1216          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchCreateRoomMembership">AWS
1217          * API Reference</a></p>
1218          */
1219         virtual Model::BatchCreateRoomMembershipOutcome BatchCreateRoomMembership(const Model::BatchCreateRoomMembershipRequest& request) const;
1221         /**
1222          * <p>Adds up to 50 members to a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
1223          * Members can be users or bots. The member role designates whether the member is a
1224          * chat room administrator or a general chat room member.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>
1225          * <a
1226          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchCreateRoomMembership">AWS
1227          * API Reference</a></p>
1228          *
1229          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1230          */
1231         virtual Model::BatchCreateRoomMembershipOutcomeCallable BatchCreateRoomMembershipCallable(const Model::BatchCreateRoomMembershipRequest& request) const;
1233         /**
1234          * <p>Adds up to 50 members to a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
1235          * Members can be users or bots. The member role designates whether the member is a
1236          * chat room administrator or a general chat room member.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>
1237          * <a
1238          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchCreateRoomMembership">AWS
1239          * API Reference</a></p>
1240          *
1241          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1242          */
1243         virtual void BatchCreateRoomMembershipAsync(const Model::BatchCreateRoomMembershipRequest& request, const BatchCreateRoomMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1245         /**
1246          * <p> Moves phone numbers into the <b>Deletion queue</b>. Phone numbers must be
1247          * disassociated from any users or Amazon Chime Voice Connectors before they can be
1248          * deleted. </p> <p> Phone numbers remain in the <b>Deletion queue</b> for 7 days
1249          * before they are deleted permanently. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1250          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchDeletePhoneNumber">AWS
1251          * API Reference</a></p>
1252          */
1253         virtual Model::BatchDeletePhoneNumberOutcome BatchDeletePhoneNumber(const Model::BatchDeletePhoneNumberRequest& request) const;
1255         /**
1256          * <p> Moves phone numbers into the <b>Deletion queue</b>. Phone numbers must be
1257          * disassociated from any users or Amazon Chime Voice Connectors before they can be
1258          * deleted. </p> <p> Phone numbers remain in the <b>Deletion queue</b> for 7 days
1259          * before they are deleted permanently. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1260          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchDeletePhoneNumber">AWS
1261          * API Reference</a></p>
1262          *
1263          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1264          */
1265         virtual Model::BatchDeletePhoneNumberOutcomeCallable BatchDeletePhoneNumberCallable(const Model::BatchDeletePhoneNumberRequest& request) const;
1267         /**
1268          * <p> Moves phone numbers into the <b>Deletion queue</b>. Phone numbers must be
1269          * disassociated from any users or Amazon Chime Voice Connectors before they can be
1270          * deleted. </p> <p> Phone numbers remain in the <b>Deletion queue</b> for 7 days
1271          * before they are deleted permanently. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1272          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchDeletePhoneNumber">AWS
1273          * API Reference</a></p>
1274          *
1275          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1276          */
1277         virtual void BatchDeletePhoneNumberAsync(const Model::BatchDeletePhoneNumberRequest& request, const BatchDeletePhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1279         /**
1280          * <p>Suspends up to 50 users from a <code>Team</code> or
1281          * <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> Amazon Chime account. For more information about
1282          * different account types, see <a
1283          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/manage-chime-account.html">Managing
1284          * Your Amazon Chime Accounts</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration
1285          * Guide</i>.</p> <p>Users suspended from a <code>Team</code> account are
1286          * disassociated from the account,but they can continue to use Amazon Chime as free
1287          * users. To remove the suspension from suspended <code>Team</code> account users,
1288          * invite them to the <code>Team</code> account again. You can use the
1289          * <a>InviteUsers</a> action to do so.</p> <p>Users suspended from an
1290          * <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> account are immediately signed out of Amazon Chime
1291          * and can no longer sign in. To remove the suspension from suspended
1292          * <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> account users, use the <a>BatchUnsuspendUser</a>
1293          * action.</p> <p> To sign out users without suspending them, use the
1294          * <a>LogoutUser</a> action. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1295          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchSuspendUser">AWS
1296          * API Reference</a></p>
1297          */
1298         virtual Model::BatchSuspendUserOutcome BatchSuspendUser(const Model::BatchSuspendUserRequest& request) const;
1300         /**
1301          * <p>Suspends up to 50 users from a <code>Team</code> or
1302          * <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> Amazon Chime account. For more information about
1303          * different account types, see <a
1304          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/manage-chime-account.html">Managing
1305          * Your Amazon Chime Accounts</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration
1306          * Guide</i>.</p> <p>Users suspended from a <code>Team</code> account are
1307          * disassociated from the account,but they can continue to use Amazon Chime as free
1308          * users. To remove the suspension from suspended <code>Team</code> account users,
1309          * invite them to the <code>Team</code> account again. You can use the
1310          * <a>InviteUsers</a> action to do so.</p> <p>Users suspended from an
1311          * <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> account are immediately signed out of Amazon Chime
1312          * and can no longer sign in. To remove the suspension from suspended
1313          * <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> account users, use the <a>BatchUnsuspendUser</a>
1314          * action.</p> <p> To sign out users without suspending them, use the
1315          * <a>LogoutUser</a> action. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1316          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchSuspendUser">AWS
1317          * API Reference</a></p>
1318          *
1319          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1320          */
1321         virtual Model::BatchSuspendUserOutcomeCallable BatchSuspendUserCallable(const Model::BatchSuspendUserRequest& request) const;
1323         /**
1324          * <p>Suspends up to 50 users from a <code>Team</code> or
1325          * <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> Amazon Chime account. For more information about
1326          * different account types, see <a
1327          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/manage-chime-account.html">Managing
1328          * Your Amazon Chime Accounts</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration
1329          * Guide</i>.</p> <p>Users suspended from a <code>Team</code> account are
1330          * disassociated from the account,but they can continue to use Amazon Chime as free
1331          * users. To remove the suspension from suspended <code>Team</code> account users,
1332          * invite them to the <code>Team</code> account again. You can use the
1333          * <a>InviteUsers</a> action to do so.</p> <p>Users suspended from an
1334          * <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> account are immediately signed out of Amazon Chime
1335          * and can no longer sign in. To remove the suspension from suspended
1336          * <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> account users, use the <a>BatchUnsuspendUser</a>
1337          * action.</p> <p> To sign out users without suspending them, use the
1338          * <a>LogoutUser</a> action. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1339          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchSuspendUser">AWS
1340          * API Reference</a></p>
1341          *
1342          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1343          */
1344         virtual void BatchSuspendUserAsync(const Model::BatchSuspendUserRequest& request, const BatchSuspendUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1346         /**
1347          * <p>Removes the suspension from up to 50 previously suspended users for the
1348          * specified Amazon Chime <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> account. Only users on
1349          * <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> accounts can be unsuspended using this action. For
1350          * more information about different account types, see <a
1351          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/manage-chime-account.html">
1352          * Managing Your Amazon Chime Accounts </a> in the account types, in the <i>Amazon
1353          * Chime Administration Guide</i>. </p> <p> Previously suspended users who are
1354          * unsuspended using this action are returned to <code>Registered</code> status.
1355          * Users who are not previously suspended are ignored. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>
1356          * <a
1357          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchUnsuspendUser">AWS
1358          * API Reference</a></p>
1359          */
1360         virtual Model::BatchUnsuspendUserOutcome BatchUnsuspendUser(const Model::BatchUnsuspendUserRequest& request) const;
1362         /**
1363          * <p>Removes the suspension from up to 50 previously suspended users for the
1364          * specified Amazon Chime <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> account. Only users on
1365          * <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> accounts can be unsuspended using this action. For
1366          * more information about different account types, see <a
1367          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/manage-chime-account.html">
1368          * Managing Your Amazon Chime Accounts </a> in the account types, in the <i>Amazon
1369          * Chime Administration Guide</i>. </p> <p> Previously suspended users who are
1370          * unsuspended using this action are returned to <code>Registered</code> status.
1371          * Users who are not previously suspended are ignored. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>
1372          * <a
1373          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchUnsuspendUser">AWS
1374          * API Reference</a></p>
1375          *
1376          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1377          */
1378         virtual Model::BatchUnsuspendUserOutcomeCallable BatchUnsuspendUserCallable(const Model::BatchUnsuspendUserRequest& request) const;
1380         /**
1381          * <p>Removes the suspension from up to 50 previously suspended users for the
1382          * specified Amazon Chime <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> account. Only users on
1383          * <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> accounts can be unsuspended using this action. For
1384          * more information about different account types, see <a
1385          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/manage-chime-account.html">
1386          * Managing Your Amazon Chime Accounts </a> in the account types, in the <i>Amazon
1387          * Chime Administration Guide</i>. </p> <p> Previously suspended users who are
1388          * unsuspended using this action are returned to <code>Registered</code> status.
1389          * Users who are not previously suspended are ignored. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>
1390          * <a
1391          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchUnsuspendUser">AWS
1392          * API Reference</a></p>
1393          *
1394          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1395          */
1396         virtual void BatchUnsuspendUserAsync(const Model::BatchUnsuspendUserRequest& request, const BatchUnsuspendUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1398         /**
1399          * <p>Updates phone number product types or calling names. You can update one
1400          * attribute at a time for each <code>UpdatePhoneNumberRequestItem</code>. For
1401          * example, you can update the product type or the calling name.</p> <p>For
1402          * toll-free numbers, you cannot use the Amazon Chime Business Calling product
1403          * type. For numbers outside the U.S., you must use the Amazon Chime SIP Media
1404          * Application Dial-In product type.</p> <p>Updates to outbound calling names can
1405          * take up to 72 hours to complete. Pending updates to outbound calling names must
1406          * be complete before you can request another update.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1407          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchUpdatePhoneNumber">AWS
1408          * API Reference</a></p>
1409          */
1410         virtual Model::BatchUpdatePhoneNumberOutcome BatchUpdatePhoneNumber(const Model::BatchUpdatePhoneNumberRequest& request) const;
1412         /**
1413          * <p>Updates phone number product types or calling names. You can update one
1414          * attribute at a time for each <code>UpdatePhoneNumberRequestItem</code>. For
1415          * example, you can update the product type or the calling name.</p> <p>For
1416          * toll-free numbers, you cannot use the Amazon Chime Business Calling product
1417          * type. For numbers outside the U.S., you must use the Amazon Chime SIP Media
1418          * Application Dial-In product type.</p> <p>Updates to outbound calling names can
1419          * take up to 72 hours to complete. Pending updates to outbound calling names must
1420          * be complete before you can request another update.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1421          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchUpdatePhoneNumber">AWS
1422          * API Reference</a></p>
1423          *
1424          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1425          */
1426         virtual Model::BatchUpdatePhoneNumberOutcomeCallable BatchUpdatePhoneNumberCallable(const Model::BatchUpdatePhoneNumberRequest& request) const;
1428         /**
1429          * <p>Updates phone number product types or calling names. You can update one
1430          * attribute at a time for each <code>UpdatePhoneNumberRequestItem</code>. For
1431          * example, you can update the product type or the calling name.</p> <p>For
1432          * toll-free numbers, you cannot use the Amazon Chime Business Calling product
1433          * type. For numbers outside the U.S., you must use the Amazon Chime SIP Media
1434          * Application Dial-In product type.</p> <p>Updates to outbound calling names can
1435          * take up to 72 hours to complete. Pending updates to outbound calling names must
1436          * be complete before you can request another update.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1437          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchUpdatePhoneNumber">AWS
1438          * API Reference</a></p>
1439          *
1440          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1441          */
1442         virtual void BatchUpdatePhoneNumberAsync(const Model::BatchUpdatePhoneNumberRequest& request, const BatchUpdatePhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1444         /**
1445          * <p>Updates user details within the <a>UpdateUserRequestItem</a> object for up to
1446          * 20 users for the specified Amazon Chime account. Currently, only
1447          * <code>LicenseType</code> updates are supported for this action.</p><p><h3>See
1448          * Also:</h3>   <a
1449          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchUpdateUser">AWS
1450          * API Reference</a></p>
1451          */
1452         virtual Model::BatchUpdateUserOutcome BatchUpdateUser(const Model::BatchUpdateUserRequest& request) const;
1454         /**
1455          * <p>Updates user details within the <a>UpdateUserRequestItem</a> object for up to
1456          * 20 users for the specified Amazon Chime account. Currently, only
1457          * <code>LicenseType</code> updates are supported for this action.</p><p><h3>See
1458          * Also:</h3>   <a
1459          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchUpdateUser">AWS
1460          * API Reference</a></p>
1461          *
1462          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1463          */
1464         virtual Model::BatchUpdateUserOutcomeCallable BatchUpdateUserCallable(const Model::BatchUpdateUserRequest& request) const;
1466         /**
1467          * <p>Updates user details within the <a>UpdateUserRequestItem</a> object for up to
1468          * 20 users for the specified Amazon Chime account. Currently, only
1469          * <code>LicenseType</code> updates are supported for this action.</p><p><h3>See
1470          * Also:</h3>   <a
1471          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/BatchUpdateUser">AWS
1472          * API Reference</a></p>
1473          *
1474          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1475          */
1476         virtual void BatchUpdateUserAsync(const Model::BatchUpdateUserRequest& request, const BatchUpdateUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1478         /**
1479          * <p>Creates an Amazon Chime account under the administrator's AWS account. Only
1480          * <code>Team</code> account types are currently supported for this action. For
1481          * more information about different account types, see <a
1482          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/manage-chime-account.html">Managing
1483          * Your Amazon Chime Accounts</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration
1484          * Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1485          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateAccount">AWS
1486          * API Reference</a></p>
1487          */
1488         virtual Model::CreateAccountOutcome CreateAccount(const Model::CreateAccountRequest& request) const;
1490         /**
1491          * <p>Creates an Amazon Chime account under the administrator's AWS account. Only
1492          * <code>Team</code> account types are currently supported for this action. For
1493          * more information about different account types, see <a
1494          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/manage-chime-account.html">Managing
1495          * Your Amazon Chime Accounts</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration
1496          * Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1497          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateAccount">AWS
1498          * API Reference</a></p>
1499          *
1500          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1501          */
1502         virtual Model::CreateAccountOutcomeCallable CreateAccountCallable(const Model::CreateAccountRequest& request) const;
1504         /**
1505          * <p>Creates an Amazon Chime account under the administrator's AWS account. Only
1506          * <code>Team</code> account types are currently supported for this action. For
1507          * more information about different account types, see <a
1508          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/manage-chime-account.html">Managing
1509          * Your Amazon Chime Accounts</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration
1510          * Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1511          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateAccount">AWS
1512          * API Reference</a></p>
1513          *
1514          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1515          */
1516         virtual void CreateAccountAsync(const Model::CreateAccountRequest& request, const CreateAccountResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1518         /**
1519          * <p>Creates an Amazon Chime SDK messaging <code>AppInstance</code> under an AWS
1520          * account. Only SDK messaging customers use this API.
1521          * <code>CreateAppInstance</code> supports idempotency behavior as described in the
1522          * AWS API Standard.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1523          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateAppInstance">AWS
1524          * API Reference</a></p>
1525          */
1526         virtual Model::CreateAppInstanceOutcome CreateAppInstance(const Model::CreateAppInstanceRequest& request) const;
1528         /**
1529          * <p>Creates an Amazon Chime SDK messaging <code>AppInstance</code> under an AWS
1530          * account. Only SDK messaging customers use this API.
1531          * <code>CreateAppInstance</code> supports idempotency behavior as described in the
1532          * AWS API Standard.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1533          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateAppInstance">AWS
1534          * API Reference</a></p>
1535          *
1536          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1537          */
1538         virtual Model::CreateAppInstanceOutcomeCallable CreateAppInstanceCallable(const Model::CreateAppInstanceRequest& request) const;
1540         /**
1541          * <p>Creates an Amazon Chime SDK messaging <code>AppInstance</code> under an AWS
1542          * account. Only SDK messaging customers use this API.
1543          * <code>CreateAppInstance</code> supports idempotency behavior as described in the
1544          * AWS API Standard.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1545          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateAppInstance">AWS
1546          * API Reference</a></p>
1547          *
1548          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1549          */
1550         virtual void CreateAppInstanceAsync(const Model::CreateAppInstanceRequest& request, const CreateAppInstanceResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1552         /**
1553          * <p>Promotes an <code>AppInstanceUser</code> to an <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code>.
1554          * The promoted user can perform the following actions. </p> <ul> <li> <p>
1555          * <code>ChannelModerator</code> actions across all channels in the
1556          * <code>AppInstance</code>.</p> </li> <li> <p> <code>DeleteChannelMessage</code>
1557          * actions.</p> </li> </ul> <p>Only an <code>AppInstanceUser</code> can be promoted
1558          * to an <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code> role.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1559          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateAppInstanceAdmin">AWS
1560          * API Reference</a></p>
1561          */
1562         virtual Model::CreateAppInstanceAdminOutcome CreateAppInstanceAdmin(const Model::CreateAppInstanceAdminRequest& request) const;
1564         /**
1565          * <p>Promotes an <code>AppInstanceUser</code> to an <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code>.
1566          * The promoted user can perform the following actions. </p> <ul> <li> <p>
1567          * <code>ChannelModerator</code> actions across all channels in the
1568          * <code>AppInstance</code>.</p> </li> <li> <p> <code>DeleteChannelMessage</code>
1569          * actions.</p> </li> </ul> <p>Only an <code>AppInstanceUser</code> can be promoted
1570          * to an <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code> role.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1571          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateAppInstanceAdmin">AWS
1572          * API Reference</a></p>
1573          *
1574          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1575          */
1576         virtual Model::CreateAppInstanceAdminOutcomeCallable CreateAppInstanceAdminCallable(const Model::CreateAppInstanceAdminRequest& request) const;
1578         /**
1579          * <p>Promotes an <code>AppInstanceUser</code> to an <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code>.
1580          * The promoted user can perform the following actions. </p> <ul> <li> <p>
1581          * <code>ChannelModerator</code> actions across all channels in the
1582          * <code>AppInstance</code>.</p> </li> <li> <p> <code>DeleteChannelMessage</code>
1583          * actions.</p> </li> </ul> <p>Only an <code>AppInstanceUser</code> can be promoted
1584          * to an <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code> role.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1585          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateAppInstanceAdmin">AWS
1586          * API Reference</a></p>
1587          *
1588          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1589          */
1590         virtual void CreateAppInstanceAdminAsync(const Model::CreateAppInstanceAdminRequest& request, const CreateAppInstanceAdminResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1592         /**
1593          * <p>Creates a user under an Amazon Chime <code>AppInstance</code>. The request
1594          * consists of a unique <code>appInstanceUserId</code> and <code>Name</code> for
1595          * that user.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1596          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateAppInstanceUser">AWS
1597          * API Reference</a></p>
1598          */
1599         virtual Model::CreateAppInstanceUserOutcome CreateAppInstanceUser(const Model::CreateAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
1601         /**
1602          * <p>Creates a user under an Amazon Chime <code>AppInstance</code>. The request
1603          * consists of a unique <code>appInstanceUserId</code> and <code>Name</code> for
1604          * that user.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1605          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateAppInstanceUser">AWS
1606          * API Reference</a></p>
1607          *
1608          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1609          */
1610         virtual Model::CreateAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable CreateAppInstanceUserCallable(const Model::CreateAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
1612         /**
1613          * <p>Creates a user under an Amazon Chime <code>AppInstance</code>. The request
1614          * consists of a unique <code>appInstanceUserId</code> and <code>Name</code> for
1615          * that user.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1616          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateAppInstanceUser">AWS
1617          * API Reference</a></p>
1618          *
1619          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1620          */
1621         virtual void CreateAppInstanceUserAsync(const Model::CreateAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const CreateAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1623         /**
1624          * <p> Creates a new attendee for an active Amazon Chime SDK meeting. For more
1625          * information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
1626          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
1627          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>. </p><p><h3>See
1628          * Also:</h3>   <a
1629          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateAttendee">AWS
1630          * API Reference</a></p>
1631          */
1632         virtual Model::CreateAttendeeOutcome CreateAttendee(const Model::CreateAttendeeRequest& request) const;
1634         /**
1635          * <p> Creates a new attendee for an active Amazon Chime SDK meeting. For more
1636          * information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
1637          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
1638          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>. </p><p><h3>See
1639          * Also:</h3>   <a
1640          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateAttendee">AWS
1641          * API Reference</a></p>
1642          *
1643          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1644          */
1645         virtual Model::CreateAttendeeOutcomeCallable CreateAttendeeCallable(const Model::CreateAttendeeRequest& request) const;
1647         /**
1648          * <p> Creates a new attendee for an active Amazon Chime SDK meeting. For more
1649          * information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
1650          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
1651          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>. </p><p><h3>See
1652          * Also:</h3>   <a
1653          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateAttendee">AWS
1654          * API Reference</a></p>
1655          *
1656          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1657          */
1658         virtual void CreateAttendeeAsync(const Model::CreateAttendeeRequest& request, const CreateAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1660         /**
1661          * <p>Creates a bot for an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.</p><p><h3>See
1662          * Also:</h3>   <a
1663          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateBot">AWS API
1664          * Reference</a></p>
1665          */
1666         virtual Model::CreateBotOutcome CreateBot(const Model::CreateBotRequest& request) const;
1668         /**
1669          * <p>Creates a bot for an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.</p><p><h3>See
1670          * Also:</h3>   <a
1671          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateBot">AWS API
1672          * Reference</a></p>
1673          *
1674          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1675          */
1676         virtual Model::CreateBotOutcomeCallable CreateBotCallable(const Model::CreateBotRequest& request) const;
1678         /**
1679          * <p>Creates a bot for an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.</p><p><h3>See
1680          * Also:</h3>   <a
1681          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateBot">AWS API
1682          * Reference</a></p>
1683          *
1684          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1685          */
1686         virtual void CreateBotAsync(const Model::CreateBotRequest& request, const CreateBotResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1688         /**
1689          * <p>Creates a channel to which you can add users and send messages.</p> <p>
1690          * <b>Restriction</b>: You can't change a channel's privacy.</p>  <p>The
1691          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
1692          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
1693          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1694          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateChannel">AWS
1695          * API Reference</a></p>
1696          */
1697         virtual Model::CreateChannelOutcome CreateChannel(const Model::CreateChannelRequest& request) const;
1699         /**
1700          * <p>Creates a channel to which you can add users and send messages.</p> <p>
1701          * <b>Restriction</b>: You can't change a channel's privacy.</p>  <p>The
1702          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
1703          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
1704          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1705          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateChannel">AWS
1706          * API Reference</a></p>
1707          *
1708          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1709          */
1710         virtual Model::CreateChannelOutcomeCallable CreateChannelCallable(const Model::CreateChannelRequest& request) const;
1712         /**
1713          * <p>Creates a channel to which you can add users and send messages.</p> <p>
1714          * <b>Restriction</b>: You can't change a channel's privacy.</p>  <p>The
1715          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
1716          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
1717          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1718          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateChannel">AWS
1719          * API Reference</a></p>
1720          *
1721          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1722          */
1723         virtual void CreateChannelAsync(const Model::CreateChannelRequest& request, const CreateChannelResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1725         /**
1726          * <p>Permanently bans a member from a channel. Moderators can't add banned members
1727          * to a channel. To undo a ban, you first have to <code>DeleteChannelBan</code>,
1728          * and then <code>CreateChannelMembership</code>. Bans are cleaned up when you
1729          * delete users or channels.</p> <p>If you ban a user who is already part of a
1730          * channel, that user is automatically kicked from the channel.</p>  <p>The
1731          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
1732          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
1733          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1734          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateChannelBan">AWS
1735          * API Reference</a></p>
1736          */
1737         virtual Model::CreateChannelBanOutcome CreateChannelBan(const Model::CreateChannelBanRequest& request) const;
1739         /**
1740          * <p>Permanently bans a member from a channel. Moderators can't add banned members
1741          * to a channel. To undo a ban, you first have to <code>DeleteChannelBan</code>,
1742          * and then <code>CreateChannelMembership</code>. Bans are cleaned up when you
1743          * delete users or channels.</p> <p>If you ban a user who is already part of a
1744          * channel, that user is automatically kicked from the channel.</p>  <p>The
1745          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
1746          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
1747          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1748          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateChannelBan">AWS
1749          * API Reference</a></p>
1750          *
1751          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1752          */
1753         virtual Model::CreateChannelBanOutcomeCallable CreateChannelBanCallable(const Model::CreateChannelBanRequest& request) const;
1755         /**
1756          * <p>Permanently bans a member from a channel. Moderators can't add banned members
1757          * to a channel. To undo a ban, you first have to <code>DeleteChannelBan</code>,
1758          * and then <code>CreateChannelMembership</code>. Bans are cleaned up when you
1759          * delete users or channels.</p> <p>If you ban a user who is already part of a
1760          * channel, that user is automatically kicked from the channel.</p>  <p>The
1761          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
1762          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
1763          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1764          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateChannelBan">AWS
1765          * API Reference</a></p>
1766          *
1767          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1768          */
1769         virtual void CreateChannelBanAsync(const Model::CreateChannelBanRequest& request, const CreateChannelBanResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1771         /**
1772          * <p>Adds a user to a channel. The <code>InvitedBy</code> response field is
1773          * derived from the request header. A channel member can:</p> <ul> <li> <p>List
1774          * messages</p> </li> <li> <p>Send messages</p> </li> <li> <p>Receive messages</p>
1775          * </li> <li> <p>Edit their own messages</p> </li> <li> <p>Leave the channel</p>
1776          * </li> </ul> <p>Privacy settings impact this action as follows:</p> <ul> <li>
1777          * <p>Public Channels: You do not need to be a member to list messages, but you
1778          * must be a member to send messages.</p> </li> <li> <p>Private Channels: You must
1779          * be a member to list or send messages.</p> </li> </ul>  <p>The
1780          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
1781          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
1782          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1783          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateChannelMembership">AWS
1784          * API Reference</a></p>
1785          */
1786         virtual Model::CreateChannelMembershipOutcome CreateChannelMembership(const Model::CreateChannelMembershipRequest& request) const;
1788         /**
1789          * <p>Adds a user to a channel. The <code>InvitedBy</code> response field is
1790          * derived from the request header. A channel member can:</p> <ul> <li> <p>List
1791          * messages</p> </li> <li> <p>Send messages</p> </li> <li> <p>Receive messages</p>
1792          * </li> <li> <p>Edit their own messages</p> </li> <li> <p>Leave the channel</p>
1793          * </li> </ul> <p>Privacy settings impact this action as follows:</p> <ul> <li>
1794          * <p>Public Channels: You do not need to be a member to list messages, but you
1795          * must be a member to send messages.</p> </li> <li> <p>Private Channels: You must
1796          * be a member to list or send messages.</p> </li> </ul>  <p>The
1797          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
1798          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
1799          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1800          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateChannelMembership">AWS
1801          * API Reference</a></p>
1802          *
1803          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1804          */
1805         virtual Model::CreateChannelMembershipOutcomeCallable CreateChannelMembershipCallable(const Model::CreateChannelMembershipRequest& request) const;
1807         /**
1808          * <p>Adds a user to a channel. The <code>InvitedBy</code> response field is
1809          * derived from the request header. A channel member can:</p> <ul> <li> <p>List
1810          * messages</p> </li> <li> <p>Send messages</p> </li> <li> <p>Receive messages</p>
1811          * </li> <li> <p>Edit their own messages</p> </li> <li> <p>Leave the channel</p>
1812          * </li> </ul> <p>Privacy settings impact this action as follows:</p> <ul> <li>
1813          * <p>Public Channels: You do not need to be a member to list messages, but you
1814          * must be a member to send messages.</p> </li> <li> <p>Private Channels: You must
1815          * be a member to list or send messages.</p> </li> </ul>  <p>The
1816          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
1817          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
1818          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1819          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateChannelMembership">AWS
1820          * API Reference</a></p>
1821          *
1822          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1823          */
1824         virtual void CreateChannelMembershipAsync(const Model::CreateChannelMembershipRequest& request, const CreateChannelMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1826         /**
1827          * <p>Creates a new <code>ChannelModerator</code>. A channel moderator can:</p>
1828          * <ul> <li> <p>Add and remove other members of the channel.</p> </li> <li> <p>Add
1829          * and remove other moderators of the channel.</p> </li> <li> <p>Add and remove
1830          * user bans for the channel.</p> </li> <li> <p>Redact messages in the channel.</p>
1831          * </li> <li> <p>List messages in the channel.</p> </li> </ul>  <p>The
1832          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
1833          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
1834          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1835          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateChannelModerator">AWS
1836          * API Reference</a></p>
1837          */
1838         virtual Model::CreateChannelModeratorOutcome CreateChannelModerator(const Model::CreateChannelModeratorRequest& request) const;
1840         /**
1841          * <p>Creates a new <code>ChannelModerator</code>. A channel moderator can:</p>
1842          * <ul> <li> <p>Add and remove other members of the channel.</p> </li> <li> <p>Add
1843          * and remove other moderators of the channel.</p> </li> <li> <p>Add and remove
1844          * user bans for the channel.</p> </li> <li> <p>Redact messages in the channel.</p>
1845          * </li> <li> <p>List messages in the channel.</p> </li> </ul>  <p>The
1846          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
1847          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
1848          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1849          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateChannelModerator">AWS
1850          * API Reference</a></p>
1851          *
1852          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1853          */
1854         virtual Model::CreateChannelModeratorOutcomeCallable CreateChannelModeratorCallable(const Model::CreateChannelModeratorRequest& request) const;
1856         /**
1857          * <p>Creates a new <code>ChannelModerator</code>. A channel moderator can:</p>
1858          * <ul> <li> <p>Add and remove other members of the channel.</p> </li> <li> <p>Add
1859          * and remove other moderators of the channel.</p> </li> <li> <p>Add and remove
1860          * user bans for the channel.</p> </li> <li> <p>Redact messages in the channel.</p>
1861          * </li> <li> <p>List messages in the channel.</p> </li> </ul>  <p>The
1862          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
1863          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
1864          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1865          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateChannelModerator">AWS
1866          * API Reference</a></p>
1867          *
1868          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1869          */
1870         virtual void CreateChannelModeratorAsync(const Model::CreateChannelModeratorRequest& request, const CreateChannelModeratorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1872         /**
1873          * <p>Creates a media capture pipeline.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1874          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateMediaCapturePipeline">AWS
1875          * API Reference</a></p>
1876          */
1877         virtual Model::CreateMediaCapturePipelineOutcome CreateMediaCapturePipeline(const Model::CreateMediaCapturePipelineRequest& request) const;
1879         /**
1880          * <p>Creates a media capture pipeline.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1881          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateMediaCapturePipeline">AWS
1882          * API Reference</a></p>
1883          *
1884          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1885          */
1886         virtual Model::CreateMediaCapturePipelineOutcomeCallable CreateMediaCapturePipelineCallable(const Model::CreateMediaCapturePipelineRequest& request) const;
1888         /**
1889          * <p>Creates a media capture pipeline.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1890          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateMediaCapturePipeline">AWS
1891          * API Reference</a></p>
1892          *
1893          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1894          */
1895         virtual void CreateMediaCapturePipelineAsync(const Model::CreateMediaCapturePipelineRequest& request, const CreateMediaCapturePipelineResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1897         /**
1898          * <p> Creates a new Amazon Chime SDK meeting in the specified media Region with no
1899          * initial attendees. For more information about specifying media Regions, see <a
1900          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/chime-sdk-meetings-regions.html">Amazon
1901          * Chime SDK Media Regions</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . For
1902          * more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
1903          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
1904          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . </p><p><h3>See
1905          * Also:</h3>   <a
1906          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateMeeting">AWS
1907          * API Reference</a></p>
1908          */
1909         virtual Model::CreateMeetingOutcome CreateMeeting(const Model::CreateMeetingRequest& request) const;
1911         /**
1912          * <p> Creates a new Amazon Chime SDK meeting in the specified media Region with no
1913          * initial attendees. For more information about specifying media Regions, see <a
1914          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/chime-sdk-meetings-regions.html">Amazon
1915          * Chime SDK Media Regions</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . For
1916          * more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
1917          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
1918          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . </p><p><h3>See
1919          * Also:</h3>   <a
1920          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateMeeting">AWS
1921          * API Reference</a></p>
1922          *
1923          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1924          */
1925         virtual Model::CreateMeetingOutcomeCallable CreateMeetingCallable(const Model::CreateMeetingRequest& request) const;
1927         /**
1928          * <p> Creates a new Amazon Chime SDK meeting in the specified media Region with no
1929          * initial attendees. For more information about specifying media Regions, see <a
1930          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/chime-sdk-meetings-regions.html">Amazon
1931          * Chime SDK Media Regions</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . For
1932          * more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
1933          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
1934          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . </p><p><h3>See
1935          * Also:</h3>   <a
1936          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateMeeting">AWS
1937          * API Reference</a></p>
1938          *
1939          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1940          */
1941         virtual void CreateMeetingAsync(const Model::CreateMeetingRequest& request, const CreateMeetingResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1943         /**
1944          * <p>Uses the join token and call metadata in a meeting request (From number, To
1945          * number, and so forth) to initiate an outbound call to a public switched
1946          * telephone network (PSTN) and join them into a Chime meeting. Also ensures that
1947          * the From number belongs to the customer.</p> <p>To play welcome audio or
1948          * implement an interactive voice response (IVR), use the
1949          * <code>CreateSipMediaApplicationCall</code> action with the corresponding SIP
1950          * media application ID.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1951          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateMeetingDialOut">AWS
1952          * API Reference</a></p>
1953          */
1954         virtual Model::CreateMeetingDialOutOutcome CreateMeetingDialOut(const Model::CreateMeetingDialOutRequest& request) const;
1956         /**
1957          * <p>Uses the join token and call metadata in a meeting request (From number, To
1958          * number, and so forth) to initiate an outbound call to a public switched
1959          * telephone network (PSTN) and join them into a Chime meeting. Also ensures that
1960          * the From number belongs to the customer.</p> <p>To play welcome audio or
1961          * implement an interactive voice response (IVR), use the
1962          * <code>CreateSipMediaApplicationCall</code> action with the corresponding SIP
1963          * media application ID.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1964          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateMeetingDialOut">AWS
1965          * API Reference</a></p>
1966          *
1967          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
1968          */
1969         virtual Model::CreateMeetingDialOutOutcomeCallable CreateMeetingDialOutCallable(const Model::CreateMeetingDialOutRequest& request) const;
1971         /**
1972          * <p>Uses the join token and call metadata in a meeting request (From number, To
1973          * number, and so forth) to initiate an outbound call to a public switched
1974          * telephone network (PSTN) and join them into a Chime meeting. Also ensures that
1975          * the From number belongs to the customer.</p> <p>To play welcome audio or
1976          * implement an interactive voice response (IVR), use the
1977          * <code>CreateSipMediaApplicationCall</code> action with the corresponding SIP
1978          * media application ID.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
1979          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateMeetingDialOut">AWS
1980          * API Reference</a></p>
1981          *
1982          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
1983          */
1984         virtual void CreateMeetingDialOutAsync(const Model::CreateMeetingDialOutRequest& request, const CreateMeetingDialOutResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
1986         /**
1987          * <p> Creates a new Amazon Chime SDK meeting in the specified media Region, with
1988          * attendees. For more information about specifying media Regions, see <a
1989          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/chime-sdk-meetings-regions.html">Amazon
1990          * Chime SDK Media Regions</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . For
1991          * more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
1992          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
1993          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . </p><p><h3>See
1994          * Also:</h3>   <a
1995          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateMeetingWithAttendees">AWS
1996          * API Reference</a></p>
1997          */
1998         virtual Model::CreateMeetingWithAttendeesOutcome CreateMeetingWithAttendees(const Model::CreateMeetingWithAttendeesRequest& request) const;
2000         /**
2001          * <p> Creates a new Amazon Chime SDK meeting in the specified media Region, with
2002          * attendees. For more information about specifying media Regions, see <a
2003          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/chime-sdk-meetings-regions.html">Amazon
2004          * Chime SDK Media Regions</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . For
2005          * more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
2006          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
2007          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . </p><p><h3>See
2008          * Also:</h3>   <a
2009          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateMeetingWithAttendees">AWS
2010          * API Reference</a></p>
2011          *
2012          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2013          */
2014         virtual Model::CreateMeetingWithAttendeesOutcomeCallable CreateMeetingWithAttendeesCallable(const Model::CreateMeetingWithAttendeesRequest& request) const;
2016         /**
2017          * <p> Creates a new Amazon Chime SDK meeting in the specified media Region, with
2018          * attendees. For more information about specifying media Regions, see <a
2019          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/chime-sdk-meetings-regions.html">Amazon
2020          * Chime SDK Media Regions</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . For
2021          * more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
2022          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
2023          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . </p><p><h3>See
2024          * Also:</h3>   <a
2025          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateMeetingWithAttendees">AWS
2026          * API Reference</a></p>
2027          *
2028          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2029          */
2030         virtual void CreateMeetingWithAttendeesAsync(const Model::CreateMeetingWithAttendeesRequest& request, const CreateMeetingWithAttendeesResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2032         /**
2033          * <p>Creates an order for phone numbers to be provisioned. For toll-free numbers,
2034          * you cannot use the Amazon Chime Business Calling product type. For numbers
2035          * outside the U.S., you must use the Amazon Chime SIP Media Application Dial-In
2036          * product type.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2037          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreatePhoneNumberOrder">AWS
2038          * API Reference</a></p>
2039          */
2040         virtual Model::CreatePhoneNumberOrderOutcome CreatePhoneNumberOrder(const Model::CreatePhoneNumberOrderRequest& request) const;
2042         /**
2043          * <p>Creates an order for phone numbers to be provisioned. For toll-free numbers,
2044          * you cannot use the Amazon Chime Business Calling product type. For numbers
2045          * outside the U.S., you must use the Amazon Chime SIP Media Application Dial-In
2046          * product type.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2047          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreatePhoneNumberOrder">AWS
2048          * API Reference</a></p>
2049          *
2050          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2051          */
2052         virtual Model::CreatePhoneNumberOrderOutcomeCallable CreatePhoneNumberOrderCallable(const Model::CreatePhoneNumberOrderRequest& request) const;
2054         /**
2055          * <p>Creates an order for phone numbers to be provisioned. For toll-free numbers,
2056          * you cannot use the Amazon Chime Business Calling product type. For numbers
2057          * outside the U.S., you must use the Amazon Chime SIP Media Application Dial-In
2058          * product type.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2059          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreatePhoneNumberOrder">AWS
2060          * API Reference</a></p>
2061          *
2062          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2063          */
2064         virtual void CreatePhoneNumberOrderAsync(const Model::CreatePhoneNumberOrderRequest& request, const CreatePhoneNumberOrderResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2066         /**
2067          * <p>Creates a proxy session on the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector for the
2068          * specified participant phone numbers.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2069          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateProxySession">AWS
2070          * API Reference</a></p>
2071          */
2072         virtual Model::CreateProxySessionOutcome CreateProxySession(const Model::CreateProxySessionRequest& request) const;
2074         /**
2075          * <p>Creates a proxy session on the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector for the
2076          * specified participant phone numbers.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2077          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateProxySession">AWS
2078          * API Reference</a></p>
2079          *
2080          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2081          */
2082         virtual Model::CreateProxySessionOutcomeCallable CreateProxySessionCallable(const Model::CreateProxySessionRequest& request) const;
2084         /**
2085          * <p>Creates a proxy session on the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector for the
2086          * specified participant phone numbers.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2087          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateProxySession">AWS
2088          * API Reference</a></p>
2089          *
2090          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2091          */
2092         virtual void CreateProxySessionAsync(const Model::CreateProxySessionRequest& request, const CreateProxySessionResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2094         /**
2095          * <p>Creates a chat room for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise
2096          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2097          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateRoom">AWS
2098          * API Reference</a></p>
2099          */
2100         virtual Model::CreateRoomOutcome CreateRoom(const Model::CreateRoomRequest& request) const;
2102         /**
2103          * <p>Creates a chat room for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise
2104          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2105          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateRoom">AWS
2106          * API Reference</a></p>
2107          *
2108          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2109          */
2110         virtual Model::CreateRoomOutcomeCallable CreateRoomCallable(const Model::CreateRoomRequest& request) const;
2112         /**
2113          * <p>Creates a chat room for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise
2114          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2115          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateRoom">AWS
2116          * API Reference</a></p>
2117          *
2118          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2119          */
2120         virtual void CreateRoomAsync(const Model::CreateRoomRequest& request, const CreateRoomResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2122         /**
2123          * <p>Adds a member to a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account. A member
2124          * can be either a user or a bot. The member role designates whether the member is
2125          * a chat room administrator or a general chat room member.</p><p><h3>See
2126          * Also:</h3>   <a
2127          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateRoomMembership">AWS
2128          * API Reference</a></p>
2129          */
2130         virtual Model::CreateRoomMembershipOutcome CreateRoomMembership(const Model::CreateRoomMembershipRequest& request) const;
2132         /**
2133          * <p>Adds a member to a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account. A member
2134          * can be either a user or a bot. The member role designates whether the member is
2135          * a chat room administrator or a general chat room member.</p><p><h3>See
2136          * Also:</h3>   <a
2137          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateRoomMembership">AWS
2138          * API Reference</a></p>
2139          *
2140          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2141          */
2142         virtual Model::CreateRoomMembershipOutcomeCallable CreateRoomMembershipCallable(const Model::CreateRoomMembershipRequest& request) const;
2144         /**
2145          * <p>Adds a member to a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account. A member
2146          * can be either a user or a bot. The member role designates whether the member is
2147          * a chat room administrator or a general chat room member.</p><p><h3>See
2148          * Also:</h3>   <a
2149          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateRoomMembership">AWS
2150          * API Reference</a></p>
2151          *
2152          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2153          */
2154         virtual void CreateRoomMembershipAsync(const Model::CreateRoomMembershipRequest& request, const CreateRoomMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2156         /**
2157          * <p>Creates a SIP media application.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2158          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateSipMediaApplication">AWS
2159          * API Reference</a></p>
2160          */
2161         virtual Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationOutcome CreateSipMediaApplication(const Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationRequest& request) const;
2163         /**
2164          * <p>Creates a SIP media application.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2165          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateSipMediaApplication">AWS
2166          * API Reference</a></p>
2167          *
2168          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2169          */
2170         virtual Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationOutcomeCallable CreateSipMediaApplicationCallable(const Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationRequest& request) const;
2172         /**
2173          * <p>Creates a SIP media application.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2174          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateSipMediaApplication">AWS
2175          * API Reference</a></p>
2176          *
2177          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2178          */
2179         virtual void CreateSipMediaApplicationAsync(const Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationRequest& request, const CreateSipMediaApplicationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2181         /**
2182          * <p>Creates an outbound call to a phone number from the phone number specified in
2183          * the request, and it invokes the endpoint of the specified
2184          * <code>sipMediaApplicationId</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2185          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateSipMediaApplicationCall">AWS
2186          * API Reference</a></p>
2187          */
2188         virtual Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationCallOutcome CreateSipMediaApplicationCall(const Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationCallRequest& request) const;
2190         /**
2191          * <p>Creates an outbound call to a phone number from the phone number specified in
2192          * the request, and it invokes the endpoint of the specified
2193          * <code>sipMediaApplicationId</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2194          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateSipMediaApplicationCall">AWS
2195          * API Reference</a></p>
2196          *
2197          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2198          */
2199         virtual Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationCallOutcomeCallable CreateSipMediaApplicationCallCallable(const Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationCallRequest& request) const;
2201         /**
2202          * <p>Creates an outbound call to a phone number from the phone number specified in
2203          * the request, and it invokes the endpoint of the specified
2204          * <code>sipMediaApplicationId</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2205          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateSipMediaApplicationCall">AWS
2206          * API Reference</a></p>
2207          *
2208          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2209          */
2210         virtual void CreateSipMediaApplicationCallAsync(const Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationCallRequest& request, const CreateSipMediaApplicationCallResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2212         /**
2213          * <p>Creates a SIP rule which can be used to run a SIP media application as a
2214          * target for a specific trigger type.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2215          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateSipRule">AWS
2216          * API Reference</a></p>
2217          */
2218         virtual Model::CreateSipRuleOutcome CreateSipRule(const Model::CreateSipRuleRequest& request) const;
2220         /**
2221          * <p>Creates a SIP rule which can be used to run a SIP media application as a
2222          * target for a specific trigger type.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2223          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateSipRule">AWS
2224          * API Reference</a></p>
2225          *
2226          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2227          */
2228         virtual Model::CreateSipRuleOutcomeCallable CreateSipRuleCallable(const Model::CreateSipRuleRequest& request) const;
2230         /**
2231          * <p>Creates a SIP rule which can be used to run a SIP media application as a
2232          * target for a specific trigger type.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2233          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateSipRule">AWS
2234          * API Reference</a></p>
2235          *
2236          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2237          */
2238         virtual void CreateSipRuleAsync(const Model::CreateSipRuleRequest& request, const CreateSipRuleResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2240         /**
2241          * <p>Creates a user under the specified Amazon Chime account.</p><p><h3>See
2242          * Also:</h3>   <a
2243          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateUser">AWS
2244          * API Reference</a></p>
2245          */
2246         virtual Model::CreateUserOutcome CreateUser(const Model::CreateUserRequest& request) const;
2248         /**
2249          * <p>Creates a user under the specified Amazon Chime account.</p><p><h3>See
2250          * Also:</h3>   <a
2251          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateUser">AWS
2252          * API Reference</a></p>
2253          *
2254          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2255          */
2256         virtual Model::CreateUserOutcomeCallable CreateUserCallable(const Model::CreateUserRequest& request) const;
2258         /**
2259          * <p>Creates a user under the specified Amazon Chime account.</p><p><h3>See
2260          * Also:</h3>   <a
2261          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateUser">AWS
2262          * API Reference</a></p>
2263          *
2264          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2265          */
2266         virtual void CreateUserAsync(const Model::CreateUserRequest& request, const CreateUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2268         /**
2269          * <p>Creates an Amazon Chime Voice Connector under the administrator's AWS
2270          * account. You can choose to create an Amazon Chime Voice Connector in a specific
2271          * AWS Region.</p> <p> Enabling
2272          * <a>CreateVoiceConnectorRequest$RequireEncryption</a> configures your Amazon
2273          * Chime Voice Connector to use TLS transport for SIP signaling and Secure RTP
2274          * (SRTP) for media. Inbound calls use TLS transport, and unencrypted outbound
2275          * calls are blocked. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2276          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateVoiceConnector">AWS
2277          * API Reference</a></p>
2278          */
2279         virtual Model::CreateVoiceConnectorOutcome CreateVoiceConnector(const Model::CreateVoiceConnectorRequest& request) const;
2281         /**
2282          * <p>Creates an Amazon Chime Voice Connector under the administrator's AWS
2283          * account. You can choose to create an Amazon Chime Voice Connector in a specific
2284          * AWS Region.</p> <p> Enabling
2285          * <a>CreateVoiceConnectorRequest$RequireEncryption</a> configures your Amazon
2286          * Chime Voice Connector to use TLS transport for SIP signaling and Secure RTP
2287          * (SRTP) for media. Inbound calls use TLS transport, and unencrypted outbound
2288          * calls are blocked. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2289          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateVoiceConnector">AWS
2290          * API Reference</a></p>
2291          *
2292          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2293          */
2294         virtual Model::CreateVoiceConnectorOutcomeCallable CreateVoiceConnectorCallable(const Model::CreateVoiceConnectorRequest& request) const;
2296         /**
2297          * <p>Creates an Amazon Chime Voice Connector under the administrator's AWS
2298          * account. You can choose to create an Amazon Chime Voice Connector in a specific
2299          * AWS Region.</p> <p> Enabling
2300          * <a>CreateVoiceConnectorRequest$RequireEncryption</a> configures your Amazon
2301          * Chime Voice Connector to use TLS transport for SIP signaling and Secure RTP
2302          * (SRTP) for media. Inbound calls use TLS transport, and unencrypted outbound
2303          * calls are blocked. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2304          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateVoiceConnector">AWS
2305          * API Reference</a></p>
2306          *
2307          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2308          */
2309         virtual void CreateVoiceConnectorAsync(const Model::CreateVoiceConnectorRequest& request, const CreateVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2311         /**
2312          * <p>Creates an Amazon Chime Voice Connector group under the administrator's AWS
2313          * account. You can associate Amazon Chime Voice Connectors with the Amazon Chime
2314          * Voice Connector group by including <code>VoiceConnectorItems</code> in the
2315          * request.</p> <p>You can include Amazon Chime Voice Connectors from different AWS
2316          * Regions in your group. This creates a fault tolerant mechanism for fallback in
2317          * case of availability events.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2318          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
2319          * API Reference</a></p>
2320          */
2321         virtual Model::CreateVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome CreateVoiceConnectorGroup(const Model::CreateVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request) const;
2323         /**
2324          * <p>Creates an Amazon Chime Voice Connector group under the administrator's AWS
2325          * account. You can associate Amazon Chime Voice Connectors with the Amazon Chime
2326          * Voice Connector group by including <code>VoiceConnectorItems</code> in the
2327          * request.</p> <p>You can include Amazon Chime Voice Connectors from different AWS
2328          * Regions in your group. This creates a fault tolerant mechanism for fallback in
2329          * case of availability events.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2330          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
2331          * API Reference</a></p>
2332          *
2333          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2334          */
2335         virtual Model::CreateVoiceConnectorGroupOutcomeCallable CreateVoiceConnectorGroupCallable(const Model::CreateVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request) const;
2337         /**
2338          * <p>Creates an Amazon Chime Voice Connector group under the administrator's AWS
2339          * account. You can associate Amazon Chime Voice Connectors with the Amazon Chime
2340          * Voice Connector group by including <code>VoiceConnectorItems</code> in the
2341          * request.</p> <p>You can include Amazon Chime Voice Connectors from different AWS
2342          * Regions in your group. This creates a fault tolerant mechanism for fallback in
2343          * case of availability events.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2344          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/CreateVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
2345          * API Reference</a></p>
2346          *
2347          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2348          */
2349         virtual void CreateVoiceConnectorGroupAsync(const Model::CreateVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request, const CreateVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2351         /**
2352          * <p>Deletes the specified Amazon Chime account. You must suspend all users before
2353          * deleting <code>Team</code> account. You can use the <a>BatchSuspendUser</a>
2354          * action to dodo.</p> <p>For <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> and
2355          * <code>EnterpriseAD</code> accounts, you must release the claimed domains for
2356          * your Amazon Chime account before deletion. As soon as you release the domain,
2357          * all users under that account are suspended.</p> <p>Deleted accounts appear in
2358          * your <code>Disabled</code> accounts list for 90 days. To restore deleted account
2359          * from your <code>Disabled</code> accounts list, you must contact AWS Support.</p>
2360          * <p>After 90 days, deleted accounts are permanently removed from your
2361          * <code>Disabled</code> accounts list.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2362          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAccount">AWS
2363          * API Reference</a></p>
2364          */
2365         virtual Model::DeleteAccountOutcome DeleteAccount(const Model::DeleteAccountRequest& request) const;
2367         /**
2368          * <p>Deletes the specified Amazon Chime account. You must suspend all users before
2369          * deleting <code>Team</code> account. You can use the <a>BatchSuspendUser</a>
2370          * action to dodo.</p> <p>For <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> and
2371          * <code>EnterpriseAD</code> accounts, you must release the claimed domains for
2372          * your Amazon Chime account before deletion. As soon as you release the domain,
2373          * all users under that account are suspended.</p> <p>Deleted accounts appear in
2374          * your <code>Disabled</code> accounts list for 90 days. To restore deleted account
2375          * from your <code>Disabled</code> accounts list, you must contact AWS Support.</p>
2376          * <p>After 90 days, deleted accounts are permanently removed from your
2377          * <code>Disabled</code> accounts list.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2378          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAccount">AWS
2379          * API Reference</a></p>
2380          *
2381          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2382          */
2383         virtual Model::DeleteAccountOutcomeCallable DeleteAccountCallable(const Model::DeleteAccountRequest& request) const;
2385         /**
2386          * <p>Deletes the specified Amazon Chime account. You must suspend all users before
2387          * deleting <code>Team</code> account. You can use the <a>BatchSuspendUser</a>
2388          * action to dodo.</p> <p>For <code>EnterpriseLWA</code> and
2389          * <code>EnterpriseAD</code> accounts, you must release the claimed domains for
2390          * your Amazon Chime account before deletion. As soon as you release the domain,
2391          * all users under that account are suspended.</p> <p>Deleted accounts appear in
2392          * your <code>Disabled</code> accounts list for 90 days. To restore deleted account
2393          * from your <code>Disabled</code> accounts list, you must contact AWS Support.</p>
2394          * <p>After 90 days, deleted accounts are permanently removed from your
2395          * <code>Disabled</code> accounts list.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2396          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAccount">AWS
2397          * API Reference</a></p>
2398          *
2399          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2400          */
2401         virtual void DeleteAccountAsync(const Model::DeleteAccountRequest& request, const DeleteAccountResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2403         /**
2404          * <p>Deletes an <code>AppInstance</code> and all associated data
2405          * asynchronously.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2406          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAppInstance">AWS
2407          * API Reference</a></p>
2408          */
2409         virtual Model::DeleteAppInstanceOutcome DeleteAppInstance(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceRequest& request) const;
2411         /**
2412          * <p>Deletes an <code>AppInstance</code> and all associated data
2413          * asynchronously.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2414          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAppInstance">AWS
2415          * API Reference</a></p>
2416          *
2417          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2418          */
2419         virtual Model::DeleteAppInstanceOutcomeCallable DeleteAppInstanceCallable(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceRequest& request) const;
2421         /**
2422          * <p>Deletes an <code>AppInstance</code> and all associated data
2423          * asynchronously.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2424          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAppInstance">AWS
2425          * API Reference</a></p>
2426          *
2427          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2428          */
2429         virtual void DeleteAppInstanceAsync(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceRequest& request, const DeleteAppInstanceResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2431         /**
2432          * <p>Demotes an <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code> to an <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.
2433          * This action does not delete the user.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2434          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAppInstanceAdmin">AWS
2435          * API Reference</a></p>
2436          */
2437         virtual Model::DeleteAppInstanceAdminOutcome DeleteAppInstanceAdmin(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceAdminRequest& request) const;
2439         /**
2440          * <p>Demotes an <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code> to an <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.
2441          * This action does not delete the user.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2442          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAppInstanceAdmin">AWS
2443          * API Reference</a></p>
2444          *
2445          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2446          */
2447         virtual Model::DeleteAppInstanceAdminOutcomeCallable DeleteAppInstanceAdminCallable(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceAdminRequest& request) const;
2449         /**
2450          * <p>Demotes an <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code> to an <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.
2451          * This action does not delete the user.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2452          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAppInstanceAdmin">AWS
2453          * API Reference</a></p>
2454          *
2455          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2456          */
2457         virtual void DeleteAppInstanceAdminAsync(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceAdminRequest& request, const DeleteAppInstanceAdminResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2459         /**
2460          * <p>Deletes the streaming configurations of an
2461          * <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2462          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurations">AWS
2463          * API Reference</a></p>
2464          */
2465         virtual Model::DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcome DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurations(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest& request) const;
2467         /**
2468          * <p>Deletes the streaming configurations of an
2469          * <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2470          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurations">AWS
2471          * API Reference</a></p>
2472          *
2473          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2474          */
2475         virtual Model::DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcomeCallable DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsCallable(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest& request) const;
2477         /**
2478          * <p>Deletes the streaming configurations of an
2479          * <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2480          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurations">AWS
2481          * API Reference</a></p>
2482          *
2483          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2484          */
2485         virtual void DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsAsync(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest& request, const DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2487         /**
2488          * <p>Deletes an <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2489          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAppInstanceUser">AWS
2490          * API Reference</a></p>
2491          */
2492         virtual Model::DeleteAppInstanceUserOutcome DeleteAppInstanceUser(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
2494         /**
2495          * <p>Deletes an <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2496          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAppInstanceUser">AWS
2497          * API Reference</a></p>
2498          *
2499          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2500          */
2501         virtual Model::DeleteAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable DeleteAppInstanceUserCallable(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
2503         /**
2504          * <p>Deletes an <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2505          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAppInstanceUser">AWS
2506          * API Reference</a></p>
2507          *
2508          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2509          */
2510         virtual void DeleteAppInstanceUserAsync(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const DeleteAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2512         /**
2513          * <p>Deletes an attendee from the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting and deletes
2514          * their <code>JoinToken</code>. Attendees are automatically deleted when a Amazon
2515          * Chime SDK meeting is deleted. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK,
2516          * see <a
2517          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
2518          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See
2519          * Also:</h3>   <a
2520          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAttendee">AWS
2521          * API Reference</a></p>
2522          */
2523         virtual Model::DeleteAttendeeOutcome DeleteAttendee(const Model::DeleteAttendeeRequest& request) const;
2525         /**
2526          * <p>Deletes an attendee from the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting and deletes
2527          * their <code>JoinToken</code>. Attendees are automatically deleted when a Amazon
2528          * Chime SDK meeting is deleted. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK,
2529          * see <a
2530          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
2531          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See
2532          * Also:</h3>   <a
2533          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAttendee">AWS
2534          * API Reference</a></p>
2535          *
2536          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2537          */
2538         virtual Model::DeleteAttendeeOutcomeCallable DeleteAttendeeCallable(const Model::DeleteAttendeeRequest& request) const;
2540         /**
2541          * <p>Deletes an attendee from the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting and deletes
2542          * their <code>JoinToken</code>. Attendees are automatically deleted when a Amazon
2543          * Chime SDK meeting is deleted. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK,
2544          * see <a
2545          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
2546          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See
2547          * Also:</h3>   <a
2548          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteAttendee">AWS
2549          * API Reference</a></p>
2550          *
2551          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2552          */
2553         virtual void DeleteAttendeeAsync(const Model::DeleteAttendeeRequest& request, const DeleteAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2555         /**
2556          * <p>Immediately makes a channel and its memberships inaccessible and marks them
2557          * for deletion. This is an irreversible process.</p>  <p>The
2558          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
2559          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
2560          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2561          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteChannel">AWS
2562          * API Reference</a></p>
2563          */
2564         virtual Model::DeleteChannelOutcome DeleteChannel(const Model::DeleteChannelRequest& request) const;
2566         /**
2567          * <p>Immediately makes a channel and its memberships inaccessible and marks them
2568          * for deletion. This is an irreversible process.</p>  <p>The
2569          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
2570          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
2571          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2572          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteChannel">AWS
2573          * API Reference</a></p>
2574          *
2575          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2576          */
2577         virtual Model::DeleteChannelOutcomeCallable DeleteChannelCallable(const Model::DeleteChannelRequest& request) const;
2579         /**
2580          * <p>Immediately makes a channel and its memberships inaccessible and marks them
2581          * for deletion. This is an irreversible process.</p>  <p>The
2582          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
2583          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
2584          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2585          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteChannel">AWS
2586          * API Reference</a></p>
2587          *
2588          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2589          */
2590         virtual void DeleteChannelAsync(const Model::DeleteChannelRequest& request, const DeleteChannelResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2592         /**
2593          * <p>Removes a user from a channel's ban list.</p>  <p>The
2594          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
2595          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
2596          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2597          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteChannelBan">AWS
2598          * API Reference</a></p>
2599          */
2600         virtual Model::DeleteChannelBanOutcome DeleteChannelBan(const Model::DeleteChannelBanRequest& request) const;
2602         /**
2603          * <p>Removes a user from a channel's ban list.</p>  <p>The
2604          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
2605          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
2606          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2607          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteChannelBan">AWS
2608          * API Reference</a></p>
2609          *
2610          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2611          */
2612         virtual Model::DeleteChannelBanOutcomeCallable DeleteChannelBanCallable(const Model::DeleteChannelBanRequest& request) const;
2614         /**
2615          * <p>Removes a user from a channel's ban list.</p>  <p>The
2616          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
2617          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
2618          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2619          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteChannelBan">AWS
2620          * API Reference</a></p>
2621          *
2622          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2623          */
2624         virtual void DeleteChannelBanAsync(const Model::DeleteChannelBanRequest& request, const DeleteChannelBanResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2626         /**
2627          * <p>Removes a member from a channel.</p>  <p>The
2628          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
2629          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
2630          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2631          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteChannelMembership">AWS
2632          * API Reference</a></p>
2633          */
2634         virtual Model::DeleteChannelMembershipOutcome DeleteChannelMembership(const Model::DeleteChannelMembershipRequest& request) const;
2636         /**
2637          * <p>Removes a member from a channel.</p>  <p>The
2638          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
2639          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
2640          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2641          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteChannelMembership">AWS
2642          * API Reference</a></p>
2643          *
2644          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2645          */
2646         virtual Model::DeleteChannelMembershipOutcomeCallable DeleteChannelMembershipCallable(const Model::DeleteChannelMembershipRequest& request) const;
2648         /**
2649          * <p>Removes a member from a channel.</p>  <p>The
2650          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
2651          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
2652          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2653          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteChannelMembership">AWS
2654          * API Reference</a></p>
2655          *
2656          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2657          */
2658         virtual void DeleteChannelMembershipAsync(const Model::DeleteChannelMembershipRequest& request, const DeleteChannelMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2660         /**
2661          * <p>Deletes a channel message. Only admins can perform this action. Deletion
2662          * makes messages inaccessible immediately. A background process deletes any
2663          * revisions created by <code>UpdateChannelMessage</code>.</p>  <p>The
2664          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
2665          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
2666          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2667          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteChannelMessage">AWS
2668          * API Reference</a></p>
2669          */
2670         virtual Model::DeleteChannelMessageOutcome DeleteChannelMessage(const Model::DeleteChannelMessageRequest& request) const;
2672         /**
2673          * <p>Deletes a channel message. Only admins can perform this action. Deletion
2674          * makes messages inaccessible immediately. A background process deletes any
2675          * revisions created by <code>UpdateChannelMessage</code>.</p>  <p>The
2676          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
2677          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
2678          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2679          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteChannelMessage">AWS
2680          * API Reference</a></p>
2681          *
2682          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2683          */
2684         virtual Model::DeleteChannelMessageOutcomeCallable DeleteChannelMessageCallable(const Model::DeleteChannelMessageRequest& request) const;
2686         /**
2687          * <p>Deletes a channel message. Only admins can perform this action. Deletion
2688          * makes messages inaccessible immediately. A background process deletes any
2689          * revisions created by <code>UpdateChannelMessage</code>.</p>  <p>The
2690          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
2691          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
2692          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2693          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteChannelMessage">AWS
2694          * API Reference</a></p>
2695          *
2696          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2697          */
2698         virtual void DeleteChannelMessageAsync(const Model::DeleteChannelMessageRequest& request, const DeleteChannelMessageResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2700         /**
2701          * <p>Deletes a channel moderator.</p>  <p>The
2702          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
2703          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
2704          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2705          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteChannelModerator">AWS
2706          * API Reference</a></p>
2707          */
2708         virtual Model::DeleteChannelModeratorOutcome DeleteChannelModerator(const Model::DeleteChannelModeratorRequest& request) const;
2710         /**
2711          * <p>Deletes a channel moderator.</p>  <p>The
2712          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
2713          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
2714          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2715          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteChannelModerator">AWS
2716          * API Reference</a></p>
2717          *
2718          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2719          */
2720         virtual Model::DeleteChannelModeratorOutcomeCallable DeleteChannelModeratorCallable(const Model::DeleteChannelModeratorRequest& request) const;
2722         /**
2723          * <p>Deletes a channel moderator.</p>  <p>The
2724          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
2725          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
2726          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2727          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteChannelModerator">AWS
2728          * API Reference</a></p>
2729          *
2730          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2731          */
2732         virtual void DeleteChannelModeratorAsync(const Model::DeleteChannelModeratorRequest& request, const DeleteChannelModeratorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2734         /**
2735          * <p>Deletes the events configuration that allows a bot to receive outgoing
2736          * events.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2737          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteEventsConfiguration">AWS
2738          * API Reference</a></p>
2739          */
2740         virtual Model::DeleteEventsConfigurationOutcome DeleteEventsConfiguration(const Model::DeleteEventsConfigurationRequest& request) const;
2742         /**
2743          * <p>Deletes the events configuration that allows a bot to receive outgoing
2744          * events.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2745          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteEventsConfiguration">AWS
2746          * API Reference</a></p>
2747          *
2748          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2749          */
2750         virtual Model::DeleteEventsConfigurationOutcomeCallable DeleteEventsConfigurationCallable(const Model::DeleteEventsConfigurationRequest& request) const;
2752         /**
2753          * <p>Deletes the events configuration that allows a bot to receive outgoing
2754          * events.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2755          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteEventsConfiguration">AWS
2756          * API Reference</a></p>
2757          *
2758          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2759          */
2760         virtual void DeleteEventsConfigurationAsync(const Model::DeleteEventsConfigurationRequest& request, const DeleteEventsConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2762         /**
2763          * <p>Deletes the media capture pipeline.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2764          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteMediaCapturePipeline">AWS
2765          * API Reference</a></p>
2766          */
2767         virtual Model::DeleteMediaCapturePipelineOutcome DeleteMediaCapturePipeline(const Model::DeleteMediaCapturePipelineRequest& request) const;
2769         /**
2770          * <p>Deletes the media capture pipeline.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2771          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteMediaCapturePipeline">AWS
2772          * API Reference</a></p>
2773          *
2774          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2775          */
2776         virtual Model::DeleteMediaCapturePipelineOutcomeCallable DeleteMediaCapturePipelineCallable(const Model::DeleteMediaCapturePipelineRequest& request) const;
2778         /**
2779          * <p>Deletes the media capture pipeline.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2780          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteMediaCapturePipeline">AWS
2781          * API Reference</a></p>
2782          *
2783          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2784          */
2785         virtual void DeleteMediaCapturePipelineAsync(const Model::DeleteMediaCapturePipelineRequest& request, const DeleteMediaCapturePipelineResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2787         /**
2788          * <p>Deletes the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting. The operation deletes all
2789          * attendees, disconnects all clients, and prevents new clients from joining the
2790          * meeting. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
2791          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
2792          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See
2793          * Also:</h3>   <a
2794          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteMeeting">AWS
2795          * API Reference</a></p>
2796          */
2797         virtual Model::DeleteMeetingOutcome DeleteMeeting(const Model::DeleteMeetingRequest& request) const;
2799         /**
2800          * <p>Deletes the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting. The operation deletes all
2801          * attendees, disconnects all clients, and prevents new clients from joining the
2802          * meeting. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
2803          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
2804          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See
2805          * Also:</h3>   <a
2806          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteMeeting">AWS
2807          * API Reference</a></p>
2808          *
2809          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2810          */
2811         virtual Model::DeleteMeetingOutcomeCallable DeleteMeetingCallable(const Model::DeleteMeetingRequest& request) const;
2813         /**
2814          * <p>Deletes the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting. The operation deletes all
2815          * attendees, disconnects all clients, and prevents new clients from joining the
2816          * meeting. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
2817          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
2818          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See
2819          * Also:</h3>   <a
2820          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteMeeting">AWS
2821          * API Reference</a></p>
2822          *
2823          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2824          */
2825         virtual void DeleteMeetingAsync(const Model::DeleteMeetingRequest& request, const DeleteMeetingResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2827         /**
2828          * <p>Moves the specified phone number into the <b>Deletion queue</b>. A phone
2829          * number must be disassociated from any users or Amazon Chime Voice Connectors
2830          * before it can be deleted.</p> <p>Deleted phone numbers remain in the <b>Deletion
2831          * queue</b> for 7 days before they are deleted permanently.</p><p><h3>See
2832          * Also:</h3>   <a
2833          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeletePhoneNumber">AWS
2834          * API Reference</a></p>
2835          */
2836         virtual Model::DeletePhoneNumberOutcome DeletePhoneNumber(const Model::DeletePhoneNumberRequest& request) const;
2838         /**
2839          * <p>Moves the specified phone number into the <b>Deletion queue</b>. A phone
2840          * number must be disassociated from any users or Amazon Chime Voice Connectors
2841          * before it can be deleted.</p> <p>Deleted phone numbers remain in the <b>Deletion
2842          * queue</b> for 7 days before they are deleted permanently.</p><p><h3>See
2843          * Also:</h3>   <a
2844          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeletePhoneNumber">AWS
2845          * API Reference</a></p>
2846          *
2847          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2848          */
2849         virtual Model::DeletePhoneNumberOutcomeCallable DeletePhoneNumberCallable(const Model::DeletePhoneNumberRequest& request) const;
2851         /**
2852          * <p>Moves the specified phone number into the <b>Deletion queue</b>. A phone
2853          * number must be disassociated from any users or Amazon Chime Voice Connectors
2854          * before it can be deleted.</p> <p>Deleted phone numbers remain in the <b>Deletion
2855          * queue</b> for 7 days before they are deleted permanently.</p><p><h3>See
2856          * Also:</h3>   <a
2857          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeletePhoneNumber">AWS
2858          * API Reference</a></p>
2859          *
2860          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2861          */
2862         virtual void DeletePhoneNumberAsync(const Model::DeletePhoneNumberRequest& request, const DeletePhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2864         /**
2865          * <p>Deletes the specified proxy session from the specified Amazon Chime Voice
2866          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2867          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteProxySession">AWS
2868          * API Reference</a></p>
2869          */
2870         virtual Model::DeleteProxySessionOutcome DeleteProxySession(const Model::DeleteProxySessionRequest& request) const;
2872         /**
2873          * <p>Deletes the specified proxy session from the specified Amazon Chime Voice
2874          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2875          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteProxySession">AWS
2876          * API Reference</a></p>
2877          *
2878          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2879          */
2880         virtual Model::DeleteProxySessionOutcomeCallable DeleteProxySessionCallable(const Model::DeleteProxySessionRequest& request) const;
2882         /**
2883          * <p>Deletes the specified proxy session from the specified Amazon Chime Voice
2884          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2885          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteProxySession">AWS
2886          * API Reference</a></p>
2887          *
2888          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2889          */
2890         virtual void DeleteProxySessionAsync(const Model::DeleteProxySessionRequest& request, const DeleteProxySessionResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2892         /**
2893          * <p>Deletes a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.</p><p><h3>See
2894          * Also:</h3>   <a
2895          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteRoom">AWS
2896          * API Reference</a></p>
2897          */
2898         virtual Model::DeleteRoomOutcome DeleteRoom(const Model::DeleteRoomRequest& request) const;
2900         /**
2901          * <p>Deletes a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.</p><p><h3>See
2902          * Also:</h3>   <a
2903          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteRoom">AWS
2904          * API Reference</a></p>
2905          *
2906          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2907          */
2908         virtual Model::DeleteRoomOutcomeCallable DeleteRoomCallable(const Model::DeleteRoomRequest& request) const;
2910         /**
2911          * <p>Deletes a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.</p><p><h3>See
2912          * Also:</h3>   <a
2913          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteRoom">AWS
2914          * API Reference</a></p>
2915          *
2916          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2917          */
2918         virtual void DeleteRoomAsync(const Model::DeleteRoomRequest& request, const DeleteRoomResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2920         /**
2921          * <p>Removes a member from a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise
2922          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2923          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteRoomMembership">AWS
2924          * API Reference</a></p>
2925          */
2926         virtual Model::DeleteRoomMembershipOutcome DeleteRoomMembership(const Model::DeleteRoomMembershipRequest& request) const;
2928         /**
2929          * <p>Removes a member from a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise
2930          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2931          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteRoomMembership">AWS
2932          * API Reference</a></p>
2933          *
2934          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2935          */
2936         virtual Model::DeleteRoomMembershipOutcomeCallable DeleteRoomMembershipCallable(const Model::DeleteRoomMembershipRequest& request) const;
2938         /**
2939          * <p>Removes a member from a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise
2940          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2941          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteRoomMembership">AWS
2942          * API Reference</a></p>
2943          *
2944          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2945          */
2946         virtual void DeleteRoomMembershipAsync(const Model::DeleteRoomMembershipRequest& request, const DeleteRoomMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2948         /**
2949          * <p>Deletes a SIP media application.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2950          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteSipMediaApplication">AWS
2951          * API Reference</a></p>
2952          */
2953         virtual Model::DeleteSipMediaApplicationOutcome DeleteSipMediaApplication(const Model::DeleteSipMediaApplicationRequest& request) const;
2955         /**
2956          * <p>Deletes a SIP media application.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2957          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteSipMediaApplication">AWS
2958          * API Reference</a></p>
2959          *
2960          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2961          */
2962         virtual Model::DeleteSipMediaApplicationOutcomeCallable DeleteSipMediaApplicationCallable(const Model::DeleteSipMediaApplicationRequest& request) const;
2964         /**
2965          * <p>Deletes a SIP media application.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2966          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteSipMediaApplication">AWS
2967          * API Reference</a></p>
2968          *
2969          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2970          */
2971         virtual void DeleteSipMediaApplicationAsync(const Model::DeleteSipMediaApplicationRequest& request, const DeleteSipMediaApplicationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
2973         /**
2974          * <p>Deletes a SIP rule. You must disable a SIP rule before you can delete
2975          * it.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2976          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteSipRule">AWS
2977          * API Reference</a></p>
2978          */
2979         virtual Model::DeleteSipRuleOutcome DeleteSipRule(const Model::DeleteSipRuleRequest& request) const;
2981         /**
2982          * <p>Deletes a SIP rule. You must disable a SIP rule before you can delete
2983          * it.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2984          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteSipRule">AWS
2985          * API Reference</a></p>
2986          *
2987          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
2988          */
2989         virtual Model::DeleteSipRuleOutcomeCallable DeleteSipRuleCallable(const Model::DeleteSipRuleRequest& request) const;
2991         /**
2992          * <p>Deletes a SIP rule. You must disable a SIP rule before you can delete
2993          * it.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
2994          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteSipRule">AWS
2995          * API Reference</a></p>
2996          *
2997          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
2998          */
2999         virtual void DeleteSipRuleAsync(const Model::DeleteSipRuleRequest& request, const DeleteSipRuleResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3001         /**
3002          * <p>Deletes the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector. Any phone numbers
3003          * associated with the Amazon Chime Voice Connector must be disassociated from it
3004          * before it can be deleted.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3005          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnector">AWS
3006          * API Reference</a></p>
3007          */
3008         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorOutcome DeleteVoiceConnector(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorRequest& request) const;
3010         /**
3011          * <p>Deletes the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector. Any phone numbers
3012          * associated with the Amazon Chime Voice Connector must be disassociated from it
3013          * before it can be deleted.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3014          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnector">AWS
3015          * API Reference</a></p>
3016          *
3017          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3018          */
3019         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorOutcomeCallable DeleteVoiceConnectorCallable(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorRequest& request) const;
3021         /**
3022          * <p>Deletes the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector. Any phone numbers
3023          * associated with the Amazon Chime Voice Connector must be disassociated from it
3024          * before it can be deleted.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3025          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnector">AWS
3026          * API Reference</a></p>
3027          *
3028          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3029          */
3030         virtual void DeleteVoiceConnectorAsync(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3032         /**
3033          * <p>Deletes the emergency calling configuration details from the specified Amazon
3034          * Chime Voice Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3035          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfiguration">AWS
3036          * API Reference</a></p>
3037          */
3038         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcome DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfiguration(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
3040         /**
3041          * <p>Deletes the emergency calling configuration details from the specified Amazon
3042          * Chime Voice Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3043          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfiguration">AWS
3044          * API Reference</a></p>
3045          *
3046          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3047          */
3048         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcomeCallable DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationCallable(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
3050         /**
3051          * <p>Deletes the emergency calling configuration details from the specified Amazon
3052          * Chime Voice Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3053          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfiguration">AWS
3054          * API Reference</a></p>
3055          *
3056          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3057          */
3058         virtual void DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationAsync(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3060         /**
3061          * <p>Deletes the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector group. Any
3062          * <code>VoiceConnectorItems</code> and phone numbers associated with the group
3063          * must be removed before it can be deleted.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3064          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
3065          * API Reference</a></p>
3066          */
3067         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome DeleteVoiceConnectorGroup(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request) const;
3069         /**
3070          * <p>Deletes the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector group. Any
3071          * <code>VoiceConnectorItems</code> and phone numbers associated with the group
3072          * must be removed before it can be deleted.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3073          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
3074          * API Reference</a></p>
3075          *
3076          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3077          */
3078         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupOutcomeCallable DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupCallable(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request) const;
3080         /**
3081          * <p>Deletes the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector group. Any
3082          * <code>VoiceConnectorItems</code> and phone numbers associated with the group
3083          * must be removed before it can be deleted.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3084          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
3085          * API Reference</a></p>
3086          *
3087          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3088          */
3089         virtual void DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupAsync(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3091         /**
3092          * <p>Deletes the origination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
3093          * Connector.</p>  <p>If emergency calling is configured for the Amazon Chime
3094          * Voice Connector, it must be deleted prior to deleting the origination
3095          * settings.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3096          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorOrigination">AWS
3097          * API Reference</a></p>
3098          */
3099         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcome DeleteVoiceConnectorOrigination(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest& request) const;
3101         /**
3102          * <p>Deletes the origination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
3103          * Connector.</p>  <p>If emergency calling is configured for the Amazon Chime
3104          * Voice Connector, it must be deleted prior to deleting the origination
3105          * settings.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3106          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorOrigination">AWS
3107          * API Reference</a></p>
3108          *
3109          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3110          */
3111         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcomeCallable DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationCallable(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest& request) const;
3113         /**
3114          * <p>Deletes the origination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
3115          * Connector.</p>  <p>If emergency calling is configured for the Amazon Chime
3116          * Voice Connector, it must be deleted prior to deleting the origination
3117          * settings.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3118          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorOrigination">AWS
3119          * API Reference</a></p>
3120          *
3121          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3122          */
3123         virtual void DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationAsync(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3125         /**
3126          * <p>Deletes the proxy configuration from the specified Amazon Chime Voice
3127          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3128          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorProxy">AWS
3129          * API Reference</a></p>
3130          */
3131         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyOutcome DeleteVoiceConnectorProxy(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyRequest& request) const;
3133         /**
3134          * <p>Deletes the proxy configuration from the specified Amazon Chime Voice
3135          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3136          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorProxy">AWS
3137          * API Reference</a></p>
3138          *
3139          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3140          */
3141         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyOutcomeCallable DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyCallable(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyRequest& request) const;
3143         /**
3144          * <p>Deletes the proxy configuration from the specified Amazon Chime Voice
3145          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3146          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorProxy">AWS
3147          * API Reference</a></p>
3148          *
3149          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3150          */
3151         virtual void DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyAsync(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3153         /**
3154          * <p>Deletes the streaming configuration for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
3155          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3156          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfiguration">AWS
3157          * API Reference</a></p>
3158          */
3159         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcome DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfiguration(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
3161         /**
3162          * <p>Deletes the streaming configuration for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
3163          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3164          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfiguration">AWS
3165          * API Reference</a></p>
3166          *
3167          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3168          */
3169         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcomeCallable DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationCallable(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
3171         /**
3172          * <p>Deletes the streaming configuration for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
3173          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3174          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfiguration">AWS
3175          * API Reference</a></p>
3176          *
3177          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3178          */
3179         virtual void DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationAsync(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3181         /**
3182          * <p>Deletes the termination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
3183          * Connector.</p>  <p>If emergency calling is configured for the Amazon Chime
3184          * Voice Connector, it must be deleted prior to deleting the termination
3185          * settings.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3186          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorTermination">AWS
3187          * API Reference</a></p>
3188          */
3189         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcome DeleteVoiceConnectorTermination(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest& request) const;
3191         /**
3192          * <p>Deletes the termination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
3193          * Connector.</p>  <p>If emergency calling is configured for the Amazon Chime
3194          * Voice Connector, it must be deleted prior to deleting the termination
3195          * settings.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3196          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorTermination">AWS
3197          * API Reference</a></p>
3198          *
3199          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3200          */
3201         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcomeCallable DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCallable(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest& request) const;
3203         /**
3204          * <p>Deletes the termination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
3205          * Connector.</p>  <p>If emergency calling is configured for the Amazon Chime
3206          * Voice Connector, it must be deleted prior to deleting the termination
3207          * settings.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3208          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorTermination">AWS
3209          * API Reference</a></p>
3210          *
3211          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3212          */
3213         virtual void DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationAsync(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3215         /**
3216          * <p>Deletes the specified SIP credentials used by your equipment to authenticate
3217          * during call termination.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3218          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials">AWS
3219          * API Reference</a></p>
3220          */
3221         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcome DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest& request) const;
3223         /**
3224          * <p>Deletes the specified SIP credentials used by your equipment to authenticate
3225          * during call termination.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3226          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials">AWS
3227          * API Reference</a></p>
3228          *
3229          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3230          */
3231         virtual Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcomeCallable DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsCallable(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest& request) const;
3233         /**
3234          * <p>Deletes the specified SIP credentials used by your equipment to authenticate
3235          * during call termination.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3236          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials">AWS
3237          * API Reference</a></p>
3238          *
3239          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3240          */
3241         virtual void DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsAsync(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3243         /**
3244          * <p>Returns the full details of an <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See
3245          * Also:</h3>   <a
3246          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeAppInstance">AWS
3247          * API Reference</a></p>
3248          */
3249         virtual Model::DescribeAppInstanceOutcome DescribeAppInstance(const Model::DescribeAppInstanceRequest& request) const;
3251         /**
3252          * <p>Returns the full details of an <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See
3253          * Also:</h3>   <a
3254          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeAppInstance">AWS
3255          * API Reference</a></p>
3256          *
3257          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3258          */
3259         virtual Model::DescribeAppInstanceOutcomeCallable DescribeAppInstanceCallable(const Model::DescribeAppInstanceRequest& request) const;
3261         /**
3262          * <p>Returns the full details of an <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See
3263          * Also:</h3>   <a
3264          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeAppInstance">AWS
3265          * API Reference</a></p>
3266          *
3267          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3268          */
3269         virtual void DescribeAppInstanceAsync(const Model::DescribeAppInstanceRequest& request, const DescribeAppInstanceResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3271         /**
3272          * <p>Returns the full details of an <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code>.</p><p><h3>See
3273          * Also:</h3>   <a
3274          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeAppInstanceAdmin">AWS
3275          * API Reference</a></p>
3276          */
3277         virtual Model::DescribeAppInstanceAdminOutcome DescribeAppInstanceAdmin(const Model::DescribeAppInstanceAdminRequest& request) const;
3279         /**
3280          * <p>Returns the full details of an <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code>.</p><p><h3>See
3281          * Also:</h3>   <a
3282          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeAppInstanceAdmin">AWS
3283          * API Reference</a></p>
3284          *
3285          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3286          */
3287         virtual Model::DescribeAppInstanceAdminOutcomeCallable DescribeAppInstanceAdminCallable(const Model::DescribeAppInstanceAdminRequest& request) const;
3289         /**
3290          * <p>Returns the full details of an <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code>.</p><p><h3>See
3291          * Also:</h3>   <a
3292          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeAppInstanceAdmin">AWS
3293          * API Reference</a></p>
3294          *
3295          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3296          */
3297         virtual void DescribeAppInstanceAdminAsync(const Model::DescribeAppInstanceAdminRequest& request, const DescribeAppInstanceAdminResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3299         /**
3300          * <p>Returns the full details of an <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.</p><p><h3>See
3301          * Also:</h3>   <a
3302          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeAppInstanceUser">AWS
3303          * API Reference</a></p>
3304          */
3305         virtual Model::DescribeAppInstanceUserOutcome DescribeAppInstanceUser(const Model::DescribeAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
3307         /**
3308          * <p>Returns the full details of an <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.</p><p><h3>See
3309          * Also:</h3>   <a
3310          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeAppInstanceUser">AWS
3311          * API Reference</a></p>
3312          *
3313          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3314          */
3315         virtual Model::DescribeAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable DescribeAppInstanceUserCallable(const Model::DescribeAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
3317         /**
3318          * <p>Returns the full details of an <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.</p><p><h3>See
3319          * Also:</h3>   <a
3320          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeAppInstanceUser">AWS
3321          * API Reference</a></p>
3322          *
3323          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3324          */
3325         virtual void DescribeAppInstanceUserAsync(const Model::DescribeAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const DescribeAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3327         /**
3328          * <p>Returns the full details of a channel in an Amazon Chime
3329          * <code>AppInstance</code>.</p>  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code>
3330          * request header is mandatory. Use the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user
3331          * that makes the API call as the value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See
3332          * Also:</h3>   <a
3333          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannel">AWS
3334          * API Reference</a></p>
3335          */
3336         virtual Model::DescribeChannelOutcome DescribeChannel(const Model::DescribeChannelRequest& request) const;
3338         /**
3339          * <p>Returns the full details of a channel in an Amazon Chime
3340          * <code>AppInstance</code>.</p>  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code>
3341          * request header is mandatory. Use the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user
3342          * that makes the API call as the value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See
3343          * Also:</h3>   <a
3344          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannel">AWS
3345          * API Reference</a></p>
3346          *
3347          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3348          */
3349         virtual Model::DescribeChannelOutcomeCallable DescribeChannelCallable(const Model::DescribeChannelRequest& request) const;
3351         /**
3352          * <p>Returns the full details of a channel in an Amazon Chime
3353          * <code>AppInstance</code>.</p>  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code>
3354          * request header is mandatory. Use the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user
3355          * that makes the API call as the value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See
3356          * Also:</h3>   <a
3357          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannel">AWS
3358          * API Reference</a></p>
3359          *
3360          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3361          */
3362         virtual void DescribeChannelAsync(const Model::DescribeChannelRequest& request, const DescribeChannelResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3364         /**
3365          * <p>Returns the full details of a channel ban.</p>  <p>The
3366          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
3367          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
3368          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3369          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannelBan">AWS
3370          * API Reference</a></p>
3371          */
3372         virtual Model::DescribeChannelBanOutcome DescribeChannelBan(const Model::DescribeChannelBanRequest& request) const;
3374         /**
3375          * <p>Returns the full details of a channel ban.</p>  <p>The
3376          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
3377          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
3378          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3379          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannelBan">AWS
3380          * API Reference</a></p>
3381          *
3382          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3383          */
3384         virtual Model::DescribeChannelBanOutcomeCallable DescribeChannelBanCallable(const Model::DescribeChannelBanRequest& request) const;
3386         /**
3387          * <p>Returns the full details of a channel ban.</p>  <p>The
3388          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
3389          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
3390          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3391          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannelBan">AWS
3392          * API Reference</a></p>
3393          *
3394          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3395          */
3396         virtual void DescribeChannelBanAsync(const Model::DescribeChannelBanRequest& request, const DescribeChannelBanResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3398         /**
3399          * <p>Returns the full details of a user's channel membership.</p>  <p>The
3400          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
3401          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
3402          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3403          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannelMembership">AWS
3404          * API Reference</a></p>
3405          */
3406         virtual Model::DescribeChannelMembershipOutcome DescribeChannelMembership(const Model::DescribeChannelMembershipRequest& request) const;
3408         /**
3409          * <p>Returns the full details of a user's channel membership.</p>  <p>The
3410          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
3411          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
3412          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3413          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannelMembership">AWS
3414          * API Reference</a></p>
3415          *
3416          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3417          */
3418         virtual Model::DescribeChannelMembershipOutcomeCallable DescribeChannelMembershipCallable(const Model::DescribeChannelMembershipRequest& request) const;
3420         /**
3421          * <p>Returns the full details of a user's channel membership.</p>  <p>The
3422          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
3423          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
3424          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3425          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannelMembership">AWS
3426          * API Reference</a></p>
3427          *
3428          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3429          */
3430         virtual void DescribeChannelMembershipAsync(const Model::DescribeChannelMembershipRequest& request, const DescribeChannelMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3432         /**
3433          * <p> Returns the details of a channel based on the membership of the specified
3434          * <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.</p>  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code>
3435          * request header is mandatory. Use the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user
3436          * that makes the API call as the value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See
3437          * Also:</h3>   <a
3438          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUser">AWS
3439          * API Reference</a></p>
3440          */
3441         virtual Model::DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserOutcome DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUser(const Model::DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
3443         /**
3444          * <p> Returns the details of a channel based on the membership of the specified
3445          * <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.</p>  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code>
3446          * request header is mandatory. Use the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user
3447          * that makes the API call as the value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See
3448          * Also:</h3>   <a
3449          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUser">AWS
3450          * API Reference</a></p>
3451          *
3452          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3453          */
3454         virtual Model::DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserCallable(const Model::DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
3456         /**
3457          * <p> Returns the details of a channel based on the membership of the specified
3458          * <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.</p>  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code>
3459          * request header is mandatory. Use the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user
3460          * that makes the API call as the value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See
3461          * Also:</h3>   <a
3462          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUser">AWS
3463          * API Reference</a></p>
3464          *
3465          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3466          */
3467         virtual void DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserAsync(const Model::DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3469         /**
3470          * <p>Returns the full details of a channel moderated by the specified
3471          * <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.</p>  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code>
3472          * request header is mandatory. Use the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user
3473          * that makes the API call as the value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See
3474          * Also:</h3>   <a
3475          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUser">AWS
3476          * API Reference</a></p>
3477          */
3478         virtual Model::DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserOutcome DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUser(const Model::DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
3480         /**
3481          * <p>Returns the full details of a channel moderated by the specified
3482          * <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.</p>  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code>
3483          * request header is mandatory. Use the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user
3484          * that makes the API call as the value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See
3485          * Also:</h3>   <a
3486          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUser">AWS
3487          * API Reference</a></p>
3488          *
3489          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3490          */
3491         virtual Model::DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserCallable(const Model::DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
3493         /**
3494          * <p>Returns the full details of a channel moderated by the specified
3495          * <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.</p>  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code>
3496          * request header is mandatory. Use the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user
3497          * that makes the API call as the value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See
3498          * Also:</h3>   <a
3499          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUser">AWS
3500          * API Reference</a></p>
3501          *
3502          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3503          */
3504         virtual void DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserAsync(const Model::DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3506         /**
3507          * <p>Returns the full details of a single ChannelModerator.</p>  <p>The
3508          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
3509          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
3510          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3511          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannelModerator">AWS
3512          * API Reference</a></p>
3513          */
3514         virtual Model::DescribeChannelModeratorOutcome DescribeChannelModerator(const Model::DescribeChannelModeratorRequest& request) const;
3516         /**
3517          * <p>Returns the full details of a single ChannelModerator.</p>  <p>The
3518          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
3519          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
3520          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3521          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannelModerator">AWS
3522          * API Reference</a></p>
3523          *
3524          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3525          */
3526         virtual Model::DescribeChannelModeratorOutcomeCallable DescribeChannelModeratorCallable(const Model::DescribeChannelModeratorRequest& request) const;
3528         /**
3529          * <p>Returns the full details of a single ChannelModerator.</p>  <p>The
3530          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
3531          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
3532          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3533          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DescribeChannelModerator">AWS
3534          * API Reference</a></p>
3535          *
3536          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3537          */
3538         virtual void DescribeChannelModeratorAsync(const Model::DescribeChannelModeratorRequest& request, const DescribeChannelModeratorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3540         /**
3541          * <p>Disassociates the primary provisioned phone number from the specified Amazon
3542          * Chime user.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3543          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUser">AWS
3544          * API Reference</a></p>
3545          */
3546         virtual Model::DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserOutcome DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUser(const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserRequest& request) const;
3548         /**
3549          * <p>Disassociates the primary provisioned phone number from the specified Amazon
3550          * Chime user.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3551          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUser">AWS
3552          * API Reference</a></p>
3553          *
3554          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3555          */
3556         virtual Model::DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserOutcomeCallable DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserCallable(const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserRequest& request) const;
3558         /**
3559          * <p>Disassociates the primary provisioned phone number from the specified Amazon
3560          * Chime user.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3561          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUser">AWS
3562          * API Reference</a></p>
3563          *
3564          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3565          */
3566         virtual void DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserAsync(const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserRequest& request, const DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3568         /**
3569          * <p>Disassociates the specified phone numbers from the specified Amazon Chime
3570          * Voice Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3571          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnector">AWS
3572          * API Reference</a></p>
3573          */
3574         virtual Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorOutcome DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnector(const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorRequest& request) const;
3576         /**
3577          * <p>Disassociates the specified phone numbers from the specified Amazon Chime
3578          * Voice Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3579          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnector">AWS
3580          * API Reference</a></p>
3581          *
3582          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3583          */
3584         virtual Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorOutcomeCallable DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorCallable(const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorRequest& request) const;
3586         /**
3587          * <p>Disassociates the specified phone numbers from the specified Amazon Chime
3588          * Voice Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3589          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnector">AWS
3590          * API Reference</a></p>
3591          *
3592          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3593          */
3594         virtual void DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorAsync(const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorRequest& request, const DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3596         /**
3597          * <p>Disassociates the specified phone numbers from the specified Amazon Chime
3598          * Voice Connector group.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3599          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
3600          * API Reference</a></p>
3601          */
3602         virtual Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroup(const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request) const;
3604         /**
3605          * <p>Disassociates the specified phone numbers from the specified Amazon Chime
3606          * Voice Connector group.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3607          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
3608          * API Reference</a></p>
3609          *
3610          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3611          */
3612         virtual Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupOutcomeCallable DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupCallable(const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request) const;
3614         /**
3615          * <p>Disassociates the specified phone numbers from the specified Amazon Chime
3616          * Voice Connector group.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3617          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
3618          * API Reference</a></p>
3619          *
3620          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3621          */
3622         virtual void DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupAsync(const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request, const DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3624         /**
3625          * <p>Disassociates the specified sign-in delegate groups from the specified Amazon
3626          * Chime account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3627          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccount">AWS
3628          * API Reference</a></p>
3629          */
3630         virtual Model::DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountOutcome DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccount(const Model::DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountRequest& request) const;
3632         /**
3633          * <p>Disassociates the specified sign-in delegate groups from the specified Amazon
3634          * Chime account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3635          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccount">AWS
3636          * API Reference</a></p>
3637          *
3638          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3639          */
3640         virtual Model::DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountOutcomeCallable DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountCallable(const Model::DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountRequest& request) const;
3642         /**
3643          * <p>Disassociates the specified sign-in delegate groups from the specified Amazon
3644          * Chime account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3645          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccount">AWS
3646          * API Reference</a></p>
3647          *
3648          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3649          */
3650         virtual void DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountAsync(const Model::DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountRequest& request, const DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3652         /**
3653          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified Amazon Chime account, such as account
3654          * type and supported licenses.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3655          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetAccount">AWS
3656          * API Reference</a></p>
3657          */
3658         virtual Model::GetAccountOutcome GetAccount(const Model::GetAccountRequest& request) const;
3660         /**
3661          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified Amazon Chime account, such as account
3662          * type and supported licenses.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3663          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetAccount">AWS
3664          * API Reference</a></p>
3665          *
3666          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3667          */
3668         virtual Model::GetAccountOutcomeCallable GetAccountCallable(const Model::GetAccountRequest& request) const;
3670         /**
3671          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified Amazon Chime account, such as account
3672          * type and supported licenses.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3673          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetAccount">AWS
3674          * API Reference</a></p>
3675          *
3676          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3677          */
3678         virtual void GetAccountAsync(const Model::GetAccountRequest& request, const GetAccountResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3680         /**
3681          * <p>Retrieves account settings for the specified Amazon Chime account ID, such as
3682          * remote control and dialout settings. For more information about these settings,
3683          * see <a href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/policies.html">Use the
3684          * Policies Page</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration Guide</i>.
3685          * </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3686          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetAccountSettings">AWS
3687          * API Reference</a></p>
3688          */
3689         virtual Model::GetAccountSettingsOutcome GetAccountSettings(const Model::GetAccountSettingsRequest& request) const;
3691         /**
3692          * <p>Retrieves account settings for the specified Amazon Chime account ID, such as
3693          * remote control and dialout settings. For more information about these settings,
3694          * see <a href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/policies.html">Use the
3695          * Policies Page</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration Guide</i>.
3696          * </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3697          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetAccountSettings">AWS
3698          * API Reference</a></p>
3699          *
3700          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3701          */
3702         virtual Model::GetAccountSettingsOutcomeCallable GetAccountSettingsCallable(const Model::GetAccountSettingsRequest& request) const;
3704         /**
3705          * <p>Retrieves account settings for the specified Amazon Chime account ID, such as
3706          * remote control and dialout settings. For more information about these settings,
3707          * see <a href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/policies.html">Use the
3708          * Policies Page</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration Guide</i>.
3709          * </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3710          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetAccountSettings">AWS
3711          * API Reference</a></p>
3712          *
3713          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3714          */
3715         virtual void GetAccountSettingsAsync(const Model::GetAccountSettingsRequest& request, const GetAccountSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3717         /**
3718          * <p>Gets the retention settings for an <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See
3719          * Also:</h3>   <a
3720          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetAppInstanceRetentionSettings">AWS
3721          * API Reference</a></p>
3722          */
3723         virtual Model::GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsOutcome GetAppInstanceRetentionSettings(const Model::GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsRequest& request) const;
3725         /**
3726          * <p>Gets the retention settings for an <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See
3727          * Also:</h3>   <a
3728          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetAppInstanceRetentionSettings">AWS
3729          * API Reference</a></p>
3730          *
3731          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3732          */
3733         virtual Model::GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsOutcomeCallable GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsCallable(const Model::GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsRequest& request) const;
3735         /**
3736          * <p>Gets the retention settings for an <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See
3737          * Also:</h3>   <a
3738          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetAppInstanceRetentionSettings">AWS
3739          * API Reference</a></p>
3740          *
3741          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3742          */
3743         virtual void GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsAsync(const Model::GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsRequest& request, const GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3745         /**
3746          * <p>Gets the streaming settings for an <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See
3747          * Also:</h3>   <a
3748          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurations">AWS
3749          * API Reference</a></p>
3750          */
3751         virtual Model::GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcome GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurations(const Model::GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest& request) const;
3753         /**
3754          * <p>Gets the streaming settings for an <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See
3755          * Also:</h3>   <a
3756          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurations">AWS
3757          * API Reference</a></p>
3758          *
3759          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3760          */
3761         virtual Model::GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcomeCallable GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsCallable(const Model::GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest& request) const;
3763         /**
3764          * <p>Gets the streaming settings for an <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See
3765          * Also:</h3>   <a
3766          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurations">AWS
3767          * API Reference</a></p>
3768          *
3769          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3770          */
3771         virtual void GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsAsync(const Model::GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest& request, const GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3773         /**
3774          * <p> Gets the Amazon Chime SDK attendee details for a specified meeting ID and
3775          * attendee ID. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
3776          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
3777          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . </p><p><h3>See
3778          * Also:</h3>   <a
3779          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetAttendee">AWS
3780          * API Reference</a></p>
3781          */
3782         virtual Model::GetAttendeeOutcome GetAttendee(const Model::GetAttendeeRequest& request) const;
3784         /**
3785          * <p> Gets the Amazon Chime SDK attendee details for a specified meeting ID and
3786          * attendee ID. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
3787          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
3788          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . </p><p><h3>See
3789          * Also:</h3>   <a
3790          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetAttendee">AWS
3791          * API Reference</a></p>
3792          *
3793          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3794          */
3795         virtual Model::GetAttendeeOutcomeCallable GetAttendeeCallable(const Model::GetAttendeeRequest& request) const;
3797         /**
3798          * <p> Gets the Amazon Chime SDK attendee details for a specified meeting ID and
3799          * attendee ID. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
3800          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
3801          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . </p><p><h3>See
3802          * Also:</h3>   <a
3803          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetAttendee">AWS
3804          * API Reference</a></p>
3805          *
3806          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3807          */
3808         virtual void GetAttendeeAsync(const Model::GetAttendeeRequest& request, const GetAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3810         /**
3811          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified bot, such as bot email address, bot type,
3812          * status, and display name.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3813          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetBot">AWS API
3814          * Reference</a></p>
3815          */
3816         virtual Model::GetBotOutcome GetBot(const Model::GetBotRequest& request) const;
3818         /**
3819          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified bot, such as bot email address, bot type,
3820          * status, and display name.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3821          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetBot">AWS API
3822          * Reference</a></p>
3823          *
3824          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3825          */
3826         virtual Model::GetBotOutcomeCallable GetBotCallable(const Model::GetBotRequest& request) const;
3828         /**
3829          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified bot, such as bot email address, bot type,
3830          * status, and display name.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3831          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetBot">AWS API
3832          * Reference</a></p>
3833          *
3834          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3835          */
3836         virtual void GetBotAsync(const Model::GetBotRequest& request, const GetBotResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3838         /**
3839          * <p>Gets the full details of a channel message.</p>  <p>The
3840          * x-amz-chime-bearer request header is mandatory. Use the
3841          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
3842          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3843          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetChannelMessage">AWS
3844          * API Reference</a></p>
3845          */
3846         virtual Model::GetChannelMessageOutcome GetChannelMessage(const Model::GetChannelMessageRequest& request) const;
3848         /**
3849          * <p>Gets the full details of a channel message.</p>  <p>The
3850          * x-amz-chime-bearer request header is mandatory. Use the
3851          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
3852          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3853          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetChannelMessage">AWS
3854          * API Reference</a></p>
3855          *
3856          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3857          */
3858         virtual Model::GetChannelMessageOutcomeCallable GetChannelMessageCallable(const Model::GetChannelMessageRequest& request) const;
3860         /**
3861          * <p>Gets the full details of a channel message.</p>  <p>The
3862          * x-amz-chime-bearer request header is mandatory. Use the
3863          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
3864          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3865          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetChannelMessage">AWS
3866          * API Reference</a></p>
3867          *
3868          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3869          */
3870         virtual void GetChannelMessageAsync(const Model::GetChannelMessageRequest& request, const GetChannelMessageResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3872         /**
3873          * <p>Gets details for an events configuration that allows a bot to receive
3874          * outgoing events, such as an HTTPS endpoint or Lambda function ARN.</p><p><h3>See
3875          * Also:</h3>   <a
3876          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetEventsConfiguration">AWS
3877          * API Reference</a></p>
3878          */
3879         virtual Model::GetEventsConfigurationOutcome GetEventsConfiguration(const Model::GetEventsConfigurationRequest& request) const;
3881         /**
3882          * <p>Gets details for an events configuration that allows a bot to receive
3883          * outgoing events, such as an HTTPS endpoint or Lambda function ARN.</p><p><h3>See
3884          * Also:</h3>   <a
3885          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetEventsConfiguration">AWS
3886          * API Reference</a></p>
3887          *
3888          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3889          */
3890         virtual Model::GetEventsConfigurationOutcomeCallable GetEventsConfigurationCallable(const Model::GetEventsConfigurationRequest& request) const;
3892         /**
3893          * <p>Gets details for an events configuration that allows a bot to receive
3894          * outgoing events, such as an HTTPS endpoint or Lambda function ARN.</p><p><h3>See
3895          * Also:</h3>   <a
3896          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetEventsConfiguration">AWS
3897          * API Reference</a></p>
3898          *
3899          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3900          */
3901         virtual void GetEventsConfigurationAsync(const Model::GetEventsConfigurationRequest& request, const GetEventsConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3903         /**
3904          * <p>Retrieves global settings for the administrator's AWS account, such as Amazon
3905          * Chime Business Calling and Amazon Chime Voice Connector settings.</p><p><h3>See
3906          * Also:</h3>   <a
3907          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetGlobalSettings">AWS
3908          * API Reference</a></p>
3909          */
3910         virtual Model::GetGlobalSettingsOutcome GetGlobalSettings() const;
3912         /**
3913          * <p>Retrieves global settings for the administrator's AWS account, such as Amazon
3914          * Chime Business Calling and Amazon Chime Voice Connector settings.</p><p><h3>See
3915          * Also:</h3>   <a
3916          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetGlobalSettings">AWS
3917          * API Reference</a></p>
3918          *
3919          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3920          */
3921         virtual Model::GetGlobalSettingsOutcomeCallable GetGlobalSettingsCallable() const;
3923         /**
3924          * <p>Retrieves global settings for the administrator's AWS account, such as Amazon
3925          * Chime Business Calling and Amazon Chime Voice Connector settings.</p><p><h3>See
3926          * Also:</h3>   <a
3927          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetGlobalSettings">AWS
3928          * API Reference</a></p>
3929          *
3930          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3931          */
3932         virtual void GetGlobalSettingsAsync(const GetGlobalSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3933         /**
3934          * <p>Gets an existing media capture pipeline.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3935          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetMediaCapturePipeline">AWS
3936          * API Reference</a></p>
3937          */
3938         virtual Model::GetMediaCapturePipelineOutcome GetMediaCapturePipeline(const Model::GetMediaCapturePipelineRequest& request) const;
3940         /**
3941          * <p>Gets an existing media capture pipeline.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3942          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetMediaCapturePipeline">AWS
3943          * API Reference</a></p>
3944          *
3945          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3946          */
3947         virtual Model::GetMediaCapturePipelineOutcomeCallable GetMediaCapturePipelineCallable(const Model::GetMediaCapturePipelineRequest& request) const;
3949         /**
3950          * <p>Gets an existing media capture pipeline.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
3951          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetMediaCapturePipeline">AWS
3952          * API Reference</a></p>
3953          *
3954          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3955          */
3956         virtual void GetMediaCapturePipelineAsync(const Model::GetMediaCapturePipelineRequest& request, const GetMediaCapturePipelineResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3958         /**
3959          * <p> Gets the Amazon Chime SDK meeting details for the specified meeting ID. For
3960          * more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
3961          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
3962          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . </p><p><h3>See
3963          * Also:</h3>   <a
3964          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetMeeting">AWS
3965          * API Reference</a></p>
3966          */
3967         virtual Model::GetMeetingOutcome GetMeeting(const Model::GetMeetingRequest& request) const;
3969         /**
3970          * <p> Gets the Amazon Chime SDK meeting details for the specified meeting ID. For
3971          * more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
3972          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
3973          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . </p><p><h3>See
3974          * Also:</h3>   <a
3975          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetMeeting">AWS
3976          * API Reference</a></p>
3977          *
3978          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
3979          */
3980         virtual Model::GetMeetingOutcomeCallable GetMeetingCallable(const Model::GetMeetingRequest& request) const;
3982         /**
3983          * <p> Gets the Amazon Chime SDK meeting details for the specified meeting ID. For
3984          * more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
3985          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
3986          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i> . </p><p><h3>See
3987          * Also:</h3>   <a
3988          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetMeeting">AWS
3989          * API Reference</a></p>
3990          *
3991          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
3992          */
3993         virtual void GetMeetingAsync(const Model::GetMeetingRequest& request, const GetMeetingResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
3995         /**
3996          * <p>The details of the endpoint for the messaging session.</p><p><h3>See
3997          * Also:</h3>   <a
3998          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetMessagingSessionEndpoint">AWS
3999          * API Reference</a></p>
4000          */
4001         virtual Model::GetMessagingSessionEndpointOutcome GetMessagingSessionEndpoint(const Model::GetMessagingSessionEndpointRequest& request) const;
4003         /**
4004          * <p>The details of the endpoint for the messaging session.</p><p><h3>See
4005          * Also:</h3>   <a
4006          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetMessagingSessionEndpoint">AWS
4007          * API Reference</a></p>
4008          *
4009          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4010          */
4011         virtual Model::GetMessagingSessionEndpointOutcomeCallable GetMessagingSessionEndpointCallable(const Model::GetMessagingSessionEndpointRequest& request) const;
4013         /**
4014          * <p>The details of the endpoint for the messaging session.</p><p><h3>See
4015          * Also:</h3>   <a
4016          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetMessagingSessionEndpoint">AWS
4017          * API Reference</a></p>
4018          *
4019          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4020          */
4021         virtual void GetMessagingSessionEndpointAsync(const Model::GetMessagingSessionEndpointRequest& request, const GetMessagingSessionEndpointResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4023         /**
4024          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified phone number ID, such as associations,
4025          * capabilities, and product type.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4026          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetPhoneNumber">AWS
4027          * API Reference</a></p>
4028          */
4029         virtual Model::GetPhoneNumberOutcome GetPhoneNumber(const Model::GetPhoneNumberRequest& request) const;
4031         /**
4032          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified phone number ID, such as associations,
4033          * capabilities, and product type.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4034          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetPhoneNumber">AWS
4035          * API Reference</a></p>
4036          *
4037          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4038          */
4039         virtual Model::GetPhoneNumberOutcomeCallable GetPhoneNumberCallable(const Model::GetPhoneNumberRequest& request) const;
4041         /**
4042          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified phone number ID, such as associations,
4043          * capabilities, and product type.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4044          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetPhoneNumber">AWS
4045          * API Reference</a></p>
4046          *
4047          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4048          */
4049         virtual void GetPhoneNumberAsync(const Model::GetPhoneNumberRequest& request, const GetPhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4051         /**
4052          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified phone number order, such as the order
4053          * creation timestamp, phone numbers in E.164 format, product type, and order
4054          * status.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4055          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetPhoneNumberOrder">AWS
4056          * API Reference</a></p>
4057          */
4058         virtual Model::GetPhoneNumberOrderOutcome GetPhoneNumberOrder(const Model::GetPhoneNumberOrderRequest& request) const;
4060         /**
4061          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified phone number order, such as the order
4062          * creation timestamp, phone numbers in E.164 format, product type, and order
4063          * status.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4064          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetPhoneNumberOrder">AWS
4065          * API Reference</a></p>
4066          *
4067          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4068          */
4069         virtual Model::GetPhoneNumberOrderOutcomeCallable GetPhoneNumberOrderCallable(const Model::GetPhoneNumberOrderRequest& request) const;
4071         /**
4072          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified phone number order, such as the order
4073          * creation timestamp, phone numbers in E.164 format, product type, and order
4074          * status.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4075          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetPhoneNumberOrder">AWS
4076          * API Reference</a></p>
4077          *
4078          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4079          */
4080         virtual void GetPhoneNumberOrderAsync(const Model::GetPhoneNumberOrderRequest& request, const GetPhoneNumberOrderResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4082         /**
4083          * <p>Retrieves the phone number settings for the administrator's AWS account, such
4084          * as the default outbound calling name.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4085          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetPhoneNumberSettings">AWS
4086          * API Reference</a></p>
4087          */
4088         virtual Model::GetPhoneNumberSettingsOutcome GetPhoneNumberSettings() const;
4090         /**
4091          * <p>Retrieves the phone number settings for the administrator's AWS account, such
4092          * as the default outbound calling name.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4093          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetPhoneNumberSettings">AWS
4094          * API Reference</a></p>
4095          *
4096          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4097          */
4098         virtual Model::GetPhoneNumberSettingsOutcomeCallable GetPhoneNumberSettingsCallable() const;
4100         /**
4101          * <p>Retrieves the phone number settings for the administrator's AWS account, such
4102          * as the default outbound calling name.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4103          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetPhoneNumberSettings">AWS
4104          * API Reference</a></p>
4105          *
4106          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4107          */
4108         virtual void GetPhoneNumberSettingsAsync(const GetPhoneNumberSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4109         /**
4110          * <p>Gets the specified proxy session details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
4111          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4112          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetProxySession">AWS
4113          * API Reference</a></p>
4114          */
4115         virtual Model::GetProxySessionOutcome GetProxySession(const Model::GetProxySessionRequest& request) const;
4117         /**
4118          * <p>Gets the specified proxy session details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
4119          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4120          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetProxySession">AWS
4121          * API Reference</a></p>
4122          *
4123          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4124          */
4125         virtual Model::GetProxySessionOutcomeCallable GetProxySessionCallable(const Model::GetProxySessionRequest& request) const;
4127         /**
4128          * <p>Gets the specified proxy session details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
4129          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4130          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetProxySession">AWS
4131          * API Reference</a></p>
4132          *
4133          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4134          */
4135         virtual void GetProxySessionAsync(const Model::GetProxySessionRequest& request, const GetProxySessionResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4137         /**
4138          * <p> Gets the retention settings for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise
4139          * account. For more information about retention settings, see <a
4140          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/chat-retention.html">Managing
4141          * Chat Retention Policies</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration Guide</i>.
4142          * </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4143          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetRetentionSettings">AWS
4144          * API Reference</a></p>
4145          */
4146         virtual Model::GetRetentionSettingsOutcome GetRetentionSettings(const Model::GetRetentionSettingsRequest& request) const;
4148         /**
4149          * <p> Gets the retention settings for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise
4150          * account. For more information about retention settings, see <a
4151          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/chat-retention.html">Managing
4152          * Chat Retention Policies</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration Guide</i>.
4153          * </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4154          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetRetentionSettings">AWS
4155          * API Reference</a></p>
4156          *
4157          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4158          */
4159         virtual Model::GetRetentionSettingsOutcomeCallable GetRetentionSettingsCallable(const Model::GetRetentionSettingsRequest& request) const;
4161         /**
4162          * <p> Gets the retention settings for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise
4163          * account. For more information about retention settings, see <a
4164          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/chat-retention.html">Managing
4165          * Chat Retention Policies</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration Guide</i>.
4166          * </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4167          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetRetentionSettings">AWS
4168          * API Reference</a></p>
4169          *
4170          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4171          */
4172         virtual void GetRetentionSettingsAsync(const Model::GetRetentionSettingsRequest& request, const GetRetentionSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4174         /**
4175          * <p>Retrieves room details, such as the room name, for a room in an Amazon Chime
4176          * Enterprise account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4177          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetRoom">AWS API
4178          * Reference</a></p>
4179          */
4180         virtual Model::GetRoomOutcome GetRoom(const Model::GetRoomRequest& request) const;
4182         /**
4183          * <p>Retrieves room details, such as the room name, for a room in an Amazon Chime
4184          * Enterprise account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4185          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetRoom">AWS API
4186          * Reference</a></p>
4187          *
4188          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4189          */
4190         virtual Model::GetRoomOutcomeCallable GetRoomCallable(const Model::GetRoomRequest& request) const;
4192         /**
4193          * <p>Retrieves room details, such as the room name, for a room in an Amazon Chime
4194          * Enterprise account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4195          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetRoom">AWS API
4196          * Reference</a></p>
4197          *
4198          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4199          */
4200         virtual void GetRoomAsync(const Model::GetRoomRequest& request, const GetRoomResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4202         /**
4203          * <p>Retrieves the information for a SIP media application, including name, AWS
4204          * Region, and endpoints.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4205          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetSipMediaApplication">AWS
4206          * API Reference</a></p>
4207          */
4208         virtual Model::GetSipMediaApplicationOutcome GetSipMediaApplication(const Model::GetSipMediaApplicationRequest& request) const;
4210         /**
4211          * <p>Retrieves the information for a SIP media application, including name, AWS
4212          * Region, and endpoints.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4213          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetSipMediaApplication">AWS
4214          * API Reference</a></p>
4215          *
4216          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4217          */
4218         virtual Model::GetSipMediaApplicationOutcomeCallable GetSipMediaApplicationCallable(const Model::GetSipMediaApplicationRequest& request) const;
4220         /**
4221          * <p>Retrieves the information for a SIP media application, including name, AWS
4222          * Region, and endpoints.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4223          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetSipMediaApplication">AWS
4224          * API Reference</a></p>
4225          *
4226          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4227          */
4228         virtual void GetSipMediaApplicationAsync(const Model::GetSipMediaApplicationRequest& request, const GetSipMediaApplicationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4230         /**
4231          * <p>Returns the logging configuration for the specified SIP media
4232          * application.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4233          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfiguration">AWS
4234          * API Reference</a></p>
4235          */
4236         virtual Model::GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationOutcome GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfiguration(const Model::GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
4238         /**
4239          * <p>Returns the logging configuration for the specified SIP media
4240          * application.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4241          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfiguration">AWS
4242          * API Reference</a></p>
4243          *
4244          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4245          */
4246         virtual Model::GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationOutcomeCallable GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationCallable(const Model::GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
4248         /**
4249          * <p>Returns the logging configuration for the specified SIP media
4250          * application.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4251          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfiguration">AWS
4252          * API Reference</a></p>
4253          *
4254          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4255          */
4256         virtual void GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationAsync(const Model::GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationRequest& request, const GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4258         /**
4259          * <p>Retrieves the details of a SIP rule, such as the rule ID, name, triggers, and
4260          * target endpoints.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4261          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetSipRule">AWS
4262          * API Reference</a></p>
4263          */
4264         virtual Model::GetSipRuleOutcome GetSipRule(const Model::GetSipRuleRequest& request) const;
4266         /**
4267          * <p>Retrieves the details of a SIP rule, such as the rule ID, name, triggers, and
4268          * target endpoints.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4269          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetSipRule">AWS
4270          * API Reference</a></p>
4271          *
4272          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4273          */
4274         virtual Model::GetSipRuleOutcomeCallable GetSipRuleCallable(const Model::GetSipRuleRequest& request) const;
4276         /**
4277          * <p>Retrieves the details of a SIP rule, such as the rule ID, name, triggers, and
4278          * target endpoints.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4279          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetSipRule">AWS
4280          * API Reference</a></p>
4281          *
4282          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4283          */
4284         virtual void GetSipRuleAsync(const Model::GetSipRuleRequest& request, const GetSipRuleResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4286         /**
4287          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified user ID, such as primary email address,
4288          * license type,and personal meeting PIN.</p> <p> To retrieve user details with an
4289          * email address instead of a user ID, use the <a>ListUsers</a> action, and then
4290          * filter by email address. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4291          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetUser">AWS API
4292          * Reference</a></p>
4293          */
4294         virtual Model::GetUserOutcome GetUser(const Model::GetUserRequest& request) const;
4296         /**
4297          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified user ID, such as primary email address,
4298          * license type,and personal meeting PIN.</p> <p> To retrieve user details with an
4299          * email address instead of a user ID, use the <a>ListUsers</a> action, and then
4300          * filter by email address. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4301          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetUser">AWS API
4302          * Reference</a></p>
4303          *
4304          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4305          */
4306         virtual Model::GetUserOutcomeCallable GetUserCallable(const Model::GetUserRequest& request) const;
4308         /**
4309          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified user ID, such as primary email address,
4310          * license type,and personal meeting PIN.</p> <p> To retrieve user details with an
4311          * email address instead of a user ID, use the <a>ListUsers</a> action, and then
4312          * filter by email address. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4313          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetUser">AWS API
4314          * Reference</a></p>
4315          *
4316          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4317          */
4318         virtual void GetUserAsync(const Model::GetUserRequest& request, const GetUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4320         /**
4321          * <p>Retrieves settings for the specified user ID, such as any associated phone
4322          * number settings.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4323          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetUserSettings">AWS
4324          * API Reference</a></p>
4325          */
4326         virtual Model::GetUserSettingsOutcome GetUserSettings(const Model::GetUserSettingsRequest& request) const;
4328         /**
4329          * <p>Retrieves settings for the specified user ID, such as any associated phone
4330          * number settings.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4331          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetUserSettings">AWS
4332          * API Reference</a></p>
4333          *
4334          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4335          */
4336         virtual Model::GetUserSettingsOutcomeCallable GetUserSettingsCallable(const Model::GetUserSettingsRequest& request) const;
4338         /**
4339          * <p>Retrieves settings for the specified user ID, such as any associated phone
4340          * number settings.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4341          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetUserSettings">AWS
4342          * API Reference</a></p>
4343          *
4344          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4345          */
4346         virtual void GetUserSettingsAsync(const Model::GetUserSettingsRequest& request, const GetUserSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4348         /**
4349          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector, such as
4350          * timestamps,name, outbound host, and encryption requirements.</p><p><h3>See
4351          * Also:</h3>   <a
4352          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnector">AWS
4353          * API Reference</a></p>
4354          */
4355         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorOutcome GetVoiceConnector(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorRequest& request) const;
4357         /**
4358          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector, such as
4359          * timestamps,name, outbound host, and encryption requirements.</p><p><h3>See
4360          * Also:</h3>   <a
4361          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnector">AWS
4362          * API Reference</a></p>
4363          *
4364          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4365          */
4366         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorOutcomeCallable GetVoiceConnectorCallable(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorRequest& request) const;
4368         /**
4369          * <p>Retrieves details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector, such as
4370          * timestamps,name, outbound host, and encryption requirements.</p><p><h3>See
4371          * Also:</h3>   <a
4372          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnector">AWS
4373          * API Reference</a></p>
4374          *
4375          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4376          */
4377         virtual void GetVoiceConnectorAsync(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4379         /**
4380          * <p>Gets the emergency calling configuration details for the specified Amazon
4381          * Chime Voice Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4382          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfiguration">AWS
4383          * API Reference</a></p>
4384          */
4385         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcome GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfiguration(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
4387         /**
4388          * <p>Gets the emergency calling configuration details for the specified Amazon
4389          * Chime Voice Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4390          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfiguration">AWS
4391          * API Reference</a></p>
4392          *
4393          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4394          */
4395         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcomeCallable GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationCallable(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
4397         /**
4398          * <p>Gets the emergency calling configuration details for the specified Amazon
4399          * Chime Voice Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4400          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfiguration">AWS
4401          * API Reference</a></p>
4402          *
4403          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4404          */
4405         virtual void GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationAsync(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4407         /**
4408          * <p> Retrieves details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector group, such
4409          * as timestamps,name, and associated
4410          * <code>VoiceConnectorItems</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4411          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
4412          * API Reference</a></p>
4413          */
4414         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome GetVoiceConnectorGroup(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request) const;
4416         /**
4417          * <p> Retrieves details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector group, such
4418          * as timestamps,name, and associated
4419          * <code>VoiceConnectorItems</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4420          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
4421          * API Reference</a></p>
4422          *
4423          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4424          */
4425         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorGroupOutcomeCallable GetVoiceConnectorGroupCallable(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request) const;
4427         /**
4428          * <p> Retrieves details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector group, such
4429          * as timestamps,name, and associated
4430          * <code>VoiceConnectorItems</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4431          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
4432          * API Reference</a></p>
4433          *
4434          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4435          */
4436         virtual void GetVoiceConnectorGroupAsync(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4438         /**
4439          * <p>Retrieves the logging configuration details for the specified Amazon Chime
4440          * Voice Connector. Shows whether SIP message logs are enabled for sending to
4441          * Amazon CloudWatch Logs.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4442          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfiguration">AWS
4443          * API Reference</a></p>
4444          */
4445         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationOutcome GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfiguration(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
4447         /**
4448          * <p>Retrieves the logging configuration details for the specified Amazon Chime
4449          * Voice Connector. Shows whether SIP message logs are enabled for sending to
4450          * Amazon CloudWatch Logs.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4451          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfiguration">AWS
4452          * API Reference</a></p>
4453          *
4454          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4455          */
4456         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationOutcomeCallable GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationCallable(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
4458         /**
4459          * <p>Retrieves the logging configuration details for the specified Amazon Chime
4460          * Voice Connector. Shows whether SIP message logs are enabled for sending to
4461          * Amazon CloudWatch Logs.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4462          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfiguration">AWS
4463          * API Reference</a></p>
4464          *
4465          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4466          */
4467         virtual void GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationAsync(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4469         /**
4470          * <p>Retrieves origination setting details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
4471          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4472          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorOrigination">AWS
4473          * API Reference</a></p>
4474          */
4475         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcome GetVoiceConnectorOrigination(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest& request) const;
4477         /**
4478          * <p>Retrieves origination setting details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
4479          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4480          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorOrigination">AWS
4481          * API Reference</a></p>
4482          *
4483          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4484          */
4485         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcomeCallable GetVoiceConnectorOriginationCallable(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest& request) const;
4487         /**
4488          * <p>Retrieves origination setting details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
4489          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4490          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorOrigination">AWS
4491          * API Reference</a></p>
4492          *
4493          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4494          */
4495         virtual void GetVoiceConnectorOriginationAsync(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorOriginationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4497         /**
4498          * <p>Gets the proxy configuration details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
4499          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4500          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorProxy">AWS
4501          * API Reference</a></p>
4502          */
4503         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorProxyOutcome GetVoiceConnectorProxy(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorProxyRequest& request) const;
4505         /**
4506          * <p>Gets the proxy configuration details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
4507          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4508          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorProxy">AWS
4509          * API Reference</a></p>
4510          *
4511          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4512          */
4513         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorProxyOutcomeCallable GetVoiceConnectorProxyCallable(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorProxyRequest& request) const;
4515         /**
4516          * <p>Gets the proxy configuration details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
4517          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4518          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorProxy">AWS
4519          * API Reference</a></p>
4520          *
4521          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4522          */
4523         virtual void GetVoiceConnectorProxyAsync(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorProxyRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorProxyResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4525         /**
4526          * <p>Retrieves the streaming configuration details for the specified Amazon Chime
4527          * Voice Connector. Shows whether media streaming is enabled for sending to Amazon
4528          * Kinesis. It also shows the retention period, in hours, for the Amazon Kinesis
4529          * data.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4530          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfiguration">AWS
4531          * API Reference</a></p>
4532          */
4533         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcome GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfiguration(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
4535         /**
4536          * <p>Retrieves the streaming configuration details for the specified Amazon Chime
4537          * Voice Connector. Shows whether media streaming is enabled for sending to Amazon
4538          * Kinesis. It also shows the retention period, in hours, for the Amazon Kinesis
4539          * data.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4540          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfiguration">AWS
4541          * API Reference</a></p>
4542          *
4543          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4544          */
4545         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcomeCallable GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationCallable(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
4547         /**
4548          * <p>Retrieves the streaming configuration details for the specified Amazon Chime
4549          * Voice Connector. Shows whether media streaming is enabled for sending to Amazon
4550          * Kinesis. It also shows the retention period, in hours, for the Amazon Kinesis
4551          * data.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4552          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfiguration">AWS
4553          * API Reference</a></p>
4554          *
4555          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4556          */
4557         virtual void GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationAsync(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4559         /**
4560          * <p>Retrieves termination setting details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
4561          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4562          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorTermination">AWS
4563          * API Reference</a></p>
4564          */
4565         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcome GetVoiceConnectorTermination(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest& request) const;
4567         /**
4568          * <p>Retrieves termination setting details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
4569          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4570          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorTermination">AWS
4571          * API Reference</a></p>
4572          *
4573          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4574          */
4575         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcomeCallable GetVoiceConnectorTerminationCallable(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest& request) const;
4577         /**
4578          * <p>Retrieves termination setting details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
4579          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4580          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorTermination">AWS
4581          * API Reference</a></p>
4582          *
4583          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4584          */
4585         virtual void GetVoiceConnectorTerminationAsync(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorTerminationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4587         /**
4588          * <p>Retrieves information about the last time a SIP <code>OPTIONS</code> ping was
4589          * received from your SIP infrastructure for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
4590          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4591          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealth">AWS
4592          * API Reference</a></p>
4593          */
4594         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthOutcome GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealth(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthRequest& request) const;
4596         /**
4597          * <p>Retrieves information about the last time a SIP <code>OPTIONS</code> ping was
4598          * received from your SIP infrastructure for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
4599          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4600          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealth">AWS
4601          * API Reference</a></p>
4602          *
4603          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4604          */
4605         virtual Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthOutcomeCallable GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthCallable(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthRequest& request) const;
4607         /**
4608          * <p>Retrieves information about the last time a SIP <code>OPTIONS</code> ping was
4609          * received from your SIP infrastructure for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
4610          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4611          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealth">AWS
4612          * API Reference</a></p>
4613          *
4614          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4615          */
4616         virtual void GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthAsync(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4618         /**
4619          * <p>Sends email to a maximum of 50 users, inviting them to the specified Amazon
4620          * Chime <code>Team</code> account. Only <code>Team</code> account types are
4621          * currently supported for this action.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4622          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/InviteUsers">AWS
4623          * API Reference</a></p>
4624          */
4625         virtual Model::InviteUsersOutcome InviteUsers(const Model::InviteUsersRequest& request) const;
4627         /**
4628          * <p>Sends email to a maximum of 50 users, inviting them to the specified Amazon
4629          * Chime <code>Team</code> account. Only <code>Team</code> account types are
4630          * currently supported for this action.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4631          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/InviteUsers">AWS
4632          * API Reference</a></p>
4633          *
4634          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4635          */
4636         virtual Model::InviteUsersOutcomeCallable InviteUsersCallable(const Model::InviteUsersRequest& request) const;
4638         /**
4639          * <p>Sends email to a maximum of 50 users, inviting them to the specified Amazon
4640          * Chime <code>Team</code> account. Only <code>Team</code> account types are
4641          * currently supported for this action.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4642          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/InviteUsers">AWS
4643          * API Reference</a></p>
4644          *
4645          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4646          */
4647         virtual void InviteUsersAsync(const Model::InviteUsersRequest& request, const InviteUsersResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4649         /**
4650          * <p>Lists the Amazon Chime accounts under the administrator's AWS account. You
4651          * can filter accounts by account name prefix. To find out which Amazon Chime
4652          * account a user belongs to, you can filter by the user's email address, which
4653          * returns one account result.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4654          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAccounts">AWS
4655          * API Reference</a></p>
4656          */
4657         virtual Model::ListAccountsOutcome ListAccounts(const Model::ListAccountsRequest& request) const;
4659         /**
4660          * <p>Lists the Amazon Chime accounts under the administrator's AWS account. You
4661          * can filter accounts by account name prefix. To find out which Amazon Chime
4662          * account a user belongs to, you can filter by the user's email address, which
4663          * returns one account result.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4664          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAccounts">AWS
4665          * API Reference</a></p>
4666          *
4667          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4668          */
4669         virtual Model::ListAccountsOutcomeCallable ListAccountsCallable(const Model::ListAccountsRequest& request) const;
4671         /**
4672          * <p>Lists the Amazon Chime accounts under the administrator's AWS account. You
4673          * can filter accounts by account name prefix. To find out which Amazon Chime
4674          * account a user belongs to, you can filter by the user's email address, which
4675          * returns one account result.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4676          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAccounts">AWS
4677          * API Reference</a></p>
4678          *
4679          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4680          */
4681         virtual void ListAccountsAsync(const Model::ListAccountsRequest& request, const ListAccountsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4683         /**
4684          * <p>Returns a list of the administrators in the
4685          * <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4686          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAppInstanceAdmins">AWS
4687          * API Reference</a></p>
4688          */
4689         virtual Model::ListAppInstanceAdminsOutcome ListAppInstanceAdmins(const Model::ListAppInstanceAdminsRequest& request) const;
4691         /**
4692          * <p>Returns a list of the administrators in the
4693          * <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4694          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAppInstanceAdmins">AWS
4695          * API Reference</a></p>
4696          *
4697          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4698          */
4699         virtual Model::ListAppInstanceAdminsOutcomeCallable ListAppInstanceAdminsCallable(const Model::ListAppInstanceAdminsRequest& request) const;
4701         /**
4702          * <p>Returns a list of the administrators in the
4703          * <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4704          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAppInstanceAdmins">AWS
4705          * API Reference</a></p>
4706          *
4707          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4708          */
4709         virtual void ListAppInstanceAdminsAsync(const Model::ListAppInstanceAdminsRequest& request, const ListAppInstanceAdminsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4711         /**
4712          * <p>List all <code>AppInstanceUsers</code> created under a single
4713          * <code>AppInstance</code>. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4714          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAppInstanceUsers">AWS
4715          * API Reference</a></p>
4716          */
4717         virtual Model::ListAppInstanceUsersOutcome ListAppInstanceUsers(const Model::ListAppInstanceUsersRequest& request) const;
4719         /**
4720          * <p>List all <code>AppInstanceUsers</code> created under a single
4721          * <code>AppInstance</code>. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4722          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAppInstanceUsers">AWS
4723          * API Reference</a></p>
4724          *
4725          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4726          */
4727         virtual Model::ListAppInstanceUsersOutcomeCallable ListAppInstanceUsersCallable(const Model::ListAppInstanceUsersRequest& request) const;
4729         /**
4730          * <p>List all <code>AppInstanceUsers</code> created under a single
4731          * <code>AppInstance</code>. </p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4732          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAppInstanceUsers">AWS
4733          * API Reference</a></p>
4734          *
4735          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4736          */
4737         virtual void ListAppInstanceUsersAsync(const Model::ListAppInstanceUsersRequest& request, const ListAppInstanceUsersResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4739         /**
4740          * <p>Lists all Amazon Chime <code>AppInstance</code>s created under a single AWS
4741          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4742          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAppInstances">AWS
4743          * API Reference</a></p>
4744          */
4745         virtual Model::ListAppInstancesOutcome ListAppInstances(const Model::ListAppInstancesRequest& request) const;
4747         /**
4748          * <p>Lists all Amazon Chime <code>AppInstance</code>s created under a single AWS
4749          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4750          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAppInstances">AWS
4751          * API Reference</a></p>
4752          *
4753          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4754          */
4755         virtual Model::ListAppInstancesOutcomeCallable ListAppInstancesCallable(const Model::ListAppInstancesRequest& request) const;
4757         /**
4758          * <p>Lists all Amazon Chime <code>AppInstance</code>s created under a single AWS
4759          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4760          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAppInstances">AWS
4761          * API Reference</a></p>
4762          *
4763          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4764          */
4765         virtual void ListAppInstancesAsync(const Model::ListAppInstancesRequest& request, const ListAppInstancesResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4767         /**
4768          * <p>Lists the tags applied to an Amazon Chime SDK attendee
4769          * resource.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4770          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAttendeeTags">AWS
4771          * API Reference</a></p>
4772          */
4773         virtual Model::ListAttendeeTagsOutcome ListAttendeeTags(const Model::ListAttendeeTagsRequest& request) const;
4775         /**
4776          * <p>Lists the tags applied to an Amazon Chime SDK attendee
4777          * resource.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4778          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAttendeeTags">AWS
4779          * API Reference</a></p>
4780          *
4781          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4782          */
4783         virtual Model::ListAttendeeTagsOutcomeCallable ListAttendeeTagsCallable(const Model::ListAttendeeTagsRequest& request) const;
4785         /**
4786          * <p>Lists the tags applied to an Amazon Chime SDK attendee
4787          * resource.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4788          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAttendeeTags">AWS
4789          * API Reference</a></p>
4790          *
4791          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4792          */
4793         virtual void ListAttendeeTagsAsync(const Model::ListAttendeeTagsRequest& request, const ListAttendeeTagsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4795         /**
4796          * <p> Lists the attendees for the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting. For more
4797          * information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
4798          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
4799          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>. </p><p><h3>See
4800          * Also:</h3>   <a
4801          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAttendees">AWS
4802          * API Reference</a></p>
4803          */
4804         virtual Model::ListAttendeesOutcome ListAttendees(const Model::ListAttendeesRequest& request) const;
4806         /**
4807          * <p> Lists the attendees for the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting. For more
4808          * information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
4809          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
4810          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>. </p><p><h3>See
4811          * Also:</h3>   <a
4812          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAttendees">AWS
4813          * API Reference</a></p>
4814          *
4815          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4816          */
4817         virtual Model::ListAttendeesOutcomeCallable ListAttendeesCallable(const Model::ListAttendeesRequest& request) const;
4819         /**
4820          * <p> Lists the attendees for the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting. For more
4821          * information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
4822          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
4823          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>. </p><p><h3>See
4824          * Also:</h3>   <a
4825          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListAttendees">AWS
4826          * API Reference</a></p>
4827          *
4828          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4829          */
4830         virtual void ListAttendeesAsync(const Model::ListAttendeesRequest& request, const ListAttendeesResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4832         /**
4833          * <p>Lists the bots associated with the administrator's Amazon Chime Enterprise
4834          * account ID.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4835          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListBots">AWS API
4836          * Reference</a></p>
4837          */
4838         virtual Model::ListBotsOutcome ListBots(const Model::ListBotsRequest& request) const;
4840         /**
4841          * <p>Lists the bots associated with the administrator's Amazon Chime Enterprise
4842          * account ID.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4843          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListBots">AWS API
4844          * Reference</a></p>
4845          *
4846          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4847          */
4848         virtual Model::ListBotsOutcomeCallable ListBotsCallable(const Model::ListBotsRequest& request) const;
4850         /**
4851          * <p>Lists the bots associated with the administrator's Amazon Chime Enterprise
4852          * account ID.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4853          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListBots">AWS API
4854          * Reference</a></p>
4855          *
4856          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4857          */
4858         virtual void ListBotsAsync(const Model::ListBotsRequest& request, const ListBotsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4860         /**
4861          * <p>Lists all the users banned from a particular channel.</p>  <p>The
4862          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
4863          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
4864          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4865          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelBans">AWS
4866          * API Reference</a></p>
4867          */
4868         virtual Model::ListChannelBansOutcome ListChannelBans(const Model::ListChannelBansRequest& request) const;
4870         /**
4871          * <p>Lists all the users banned from a particular channel.</p>  <p>The
4872          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
4873          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
4874          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4875          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelBans">AWS
4876          * API Reference</a></p>
4877          *
4878          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4879          */
4880         virtual Model::ListChannelBansOutcomeCallable ListChannelBansCallable(const Model::ListChannelBansRequest& request) const;
4882         /**
4883          * <p>Lists all the users banned from a particular channel.</p>  <p>The
4884          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
4885          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
4886          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4887          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelBans">AWS
4888          * API Reference</a></p>
4889          *
4890          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4891          */
4892         virtual void ListChannelBansAsync(const Model::ListChannelBansRequest& request, const ListChannelBansResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4894         /**
4895          * <p>Lists all channel memberships in a channel.</p>  <p>The
4896          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
4897          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
4898          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4899          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelMemberships">AWS
4900          * API Reference</a></p>
4901          */
4902         virtual Model::ListChannelMembershipsOutcome ListChannelMemberships(const Model::ListChannelMembershipsRequest& request) const;
4904         /**
4905          * <p>Lists all channel memberships in a channel.</p>  <p>The
4906          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
4907          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
4908          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4909          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelMemberships">AWS
4910          * API Reference</a></p>
4911          *
4912          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4913          */
4914         virtual Model::ListChannelMembershipsOutcomeCallable ListChannelMembershipsCallable(const Model::ListChannelMembershipsRequest& request) const;
4916         /**
4917          * <p>Lists all channel memberships in a channel.</p>  <p>The
4918          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
4919          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
4920          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4921          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelMemberships">AWS
4922          * API Reference</a></p>
4923          *
4924          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4925          */
4926         virtual void ListChannelMembershipsAsync(const Model::ListChannelMembershipsRequest& request, const ListChannelMembershipsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4928         /**
4929          * <p> Lists all channels that a particular <code>AppInstanceUser</code> is a part
4930          * of. Only an <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code> can call the API with a user ARN that
4931          * is not their own. </p>  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request
4932          * header is mandatory. Use the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that
4933          * makes the API call as the value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>
4934          * <a
4935          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUser">AWS
4936          * API Reference</a></p>
4937          */
4938         virtual Model::ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserOutcome ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUser(const Model::ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
4940         /**
4941          * <p> Lists all channels that a particular <code>AppInstanceUser</code> is a part
4942          * of. Only an <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code> can call the API with a user ARN that
4943          * is not their own. </p>  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request
4944          * header is mandatory. Use the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that
4945          * makes the API call as the value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>
4946          * <a
4947          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUser">AWS
4948          * API Reference</a></p>
4949          *
4950          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4951          */
4952         virtual Model::ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserCallable(const Model::ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
4954         /**
4955          * <p> Lists all channels that a particular <code>AppInstanceUser</code> is a part
4956          * of. Only an <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code> can call the API with a user ARN that
4957          * is not their own. </p>  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request
4958          * header is mandatory. Use the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that
4959          * makes the API call as the value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>
4960          * <a
4961          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUser">AWS
4962          * API Reference</a></p>
4963          *
4964          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
4965          */
4966         virtual void ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserAsync(const Model::ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
4968         /**
4969          * <p>List all the messages in a channel. Returns a paginated list of
4970          * <code>ChannelMessages</code>. By default, sorted by creation timestamp in
4971          * descending order.</p>  <p>Redacted messages appear in the results as
4972          * empty, since they are only redacted, not deleted. Deleted messages do not appear
4973          * in the results. This action always returns the latest version of an edited
4974          * message.</p> <p>Also, the x-amz-chime-bearer request header is mandatory. Use
4975          * the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the
4976          * value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4977          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelMessages">AWS
4978          * API Reference</a></p>
4979          */
4980         virtual Model::ListChannelMessagesOutcome ListChannelMessages(const Model::ListChannelMessagesRequest& request) const;
4982         /**
4983          * <p>List all the messages in a channel. Returns a paginated list of
4984          * <code>ChannelMessages</code>. By default, sorted by creation timestamp in
4985          * descending order.</p>  <p>Redacted messages appear in the results as
4986          * empty, since they are only redacted, not deleted. Deleted messages do not appear
4987          * in the results. This action always returns the latest version of an edited
4988          * message.</p> <p>Also, the x-amz-chime-bearer request header is mandatory. Use
4989          * the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the
4990          * value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
4991          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelMessages">AWS
4992          * API Reference</a></p>
4993          *
4994          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
4995          */
4996         virtual Model::ListChannelMessagesOutcomeCallable ListChannelMessagesCallable(const Model::ListChannelMessagesRequest& request) const;
4998         /**
4999          * <p>List all the messages in a channel. Returns a paginated list of
5000          * <code>ChannelMessages</code>. By default, sorted by creation timestamp in
5001          * descending order.</p>  <p>Redacted messages appear in the results as
5002          * empty, since they are only redacted, not deleted. Deleted messages do not appear
5003          * in the results. This action always returns the latest version of an edited
5004          * message.</p> <p>Also, the x-amz-chime-bearer request header is mandatory. Use
5005          * the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the
5006          * value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5007          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelMessages">AWS
5008          * API Reference</a></p>
5009          *
5010          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5011          */
5012         virtual void ListChannelMessagesAsync(const Model::ListChannelMessagesRequest& request, const ListChannelMessagesResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5014         /**
5015          * <p>Lists all the moderators for a channel.</p>  <p>The
5016          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
5017          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
5018          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5019          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelModerators">AWS
5020          * API Reference</a></p>
5021          */
5022         virtual Model::ListChannelModeratorsOutcome ListChannelModerators(const Model::ListChannelModeratorsRequest& request) const;
5024         /**
5025          * <p>Lists all the moderators for a channel.</p>  <p>The
5026          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
5027          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
5028          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5029          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelModerators">AWS
5030          * API Reference</a></p>
5031          *
5032          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5033          */
5034         virtual Model::ListChannelModeratorsOutcomeCallable ListChannelModeratorsCallable(const Model::ListChannelModeratorsRequest& request) const;
5036         /**
5037          * <p>Lists all the moderators for a channel.</p>  <p>The
5038          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
5039          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
5040          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5041          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelModerators">AWS
5042          * API Reference</a></p>
5043          *
5044          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5045          */
5046         virtual void ListChannelModeratorsAsync(const Model::ListChannelModeratorsRequest& request, const ListChannelModeratorsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5048         /**
5049          * <p>Lists all Channels created under a single Chime App as a paginated list. You
5050          * can specify filters to narrow results.</p> <p class="title"> <b>Functionality
5051          * &amp; restrictions</b> </p> <ul> <li> <p>Use privacy = <code>PUBLIC</code> to
5052          * retrieve all public channels in the account.</p> </li> <li> <p>Only an
5053          * <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code> can set privacy = <code>PRIVATE</code> to list the
5054          * private channels in an account.</p> </li> </ul>  <p>The
5055          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
5056          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
5057          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5058          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannels">AWS
5059          * API Reference</a></p>
5060          */
5061         virtual Model::ListChannelsOutcome ListChannels(const Model::ListChannelsRequest& request) const;
5063         /**
5064          * <p>Lists all Channels created under a single Chime App as a paginated list. You
5065          * can specify filters to narrow results.</p> <p class="title"> <b>Functionality
5066          * &amp; restrictions</b> </p> <ul> <li> <p>Use privacy = <code>PUBLIC</code> to
5067          * retrieve all public channels in the account.</p> </li> <li> <p>Only an
5068          * <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code> can set privacy = <code>PRIVATE</code> to list the
5069          * private channels in an account.</p> </li> </ul>  <p>The
5070          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
5071          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
5072          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5073          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannels">AWS
5074          * API Reference</a></p>
5075          *
5076          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5077          */
5078         virtual Model::ListChannelsOutcomeCallable ListChannelsCallable(const Model::ListChannelsRequest& request) const;
5080         /**
5081          * <p>Lists all Channels created under a single Chime App as a paginated list. You
5082          * can specify filters to narrow results.</p> <p class="title"> <b>Functionality
5083          * &amp; restrictions</b> </p> <ul> <li> <p>Use privacy = <code>PUBLIC</code> to
5084          * retrieve all public channels in the account.</p> </li> <li> <p>Only an
5085          * <code>AppInstanceAdmin</code> can set privacy = <code>PRIVATE</code> to list the
5086          * private channels in an account.</p> </li> </ul>  <p>The
5087          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
5088          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
5089          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5090          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannels">AWS
5091          * API Reference</a></p>
5092          *
5093          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5094          */
5095         virtual void ListChannelsAsync(const Model::ListChannelsRequest& request, const ListChannelsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5097         /**
5098          * <p>A list of the channels moderated by an <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.</p>
5099          *  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use
5100          * the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the
5101          * value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5102          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUser">AWS
5103          * API Reference</a></p>
5104          */
5105         virtual Model::ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserOutcome ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUser(const Model::ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
5107         /**
5108          * <p>A list of the channels moderated by an <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.</p>
5109          *  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use
5110          * the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the
5111          * value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5112          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUser">AWS
5113          * API Reference</a></p>
5114          *
5115          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5116          */
5117         virtual Model::ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserCallable(const Model::ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
5119         /**
5120          * <p>A list of the channels moderated by an <code>AppInstanceUser</code>.</p>
5121          *  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use
5122          * the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the
5123          * value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5124          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUser">AWS
5125          * API Reference</a></p>
5126          *
5127          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5128          */
5129         virtual void ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserAsync(const Model::ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5131         /**
5132          * <p>Returns a list of media capture pipelines.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5133          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListMediaCapturePipelines">AWS
5134          * API Reference</a></p>
5135          */
5136         virtual Model::ListMediaCapturePipelinesOutcome ListMediaCapturePipelines(const Model::ListMediaCapturePipelinesRequest& request) const;
5138         /**
5139          * <p>Returns a list of media capture pipelines.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5140          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListMediaCapturePipelines">AWS
5141          * API Reference</a></p>
5142          *
5143          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5144          */
5145         virtual Model::ListMediaCapturePipelinesOutcomeCallable ListMediaCapturePipelinesCallable(const Model::ListMediaCapturePipelinesRequest& request) const;
5147         /**
5148          * <p>Returns a list of media capture pipelines.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5149          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListMediaCapturePipelines">AWS
5150          * API Reference</a></p>
5151          *
5152          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5153          */
5154         virtual void ListMediaCapturePipelinesAsync(const Model::ListMediaCapturePipelinesRequest& request, const ListMediaCapturePipelinesResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5156         /**
5157          * <p>Lists the tags applied to an Amazon Chime SDK meeting resource.</p><p><h3>See
5158          * Also:</h3>   <a
5159          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListMeetingTags">AWS
5160          * API Reference</a></p>
5161          */
5162         virtual Model::ListMeetingTagsOutcome ListMeetingTags(const Model::ListMeetingTagsRequest& request) const;
5164         /**
5165          * <p>Lists the tags applied to an Amazon Chime SDK meeting resource.</p><p><h3>See
5166          * Also:</h3>   <a
5167          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListMeetingTags">AWS
5168          * API Reference</a></p>
5169          *
5170          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5171          */
5172         virtual Model::ListMeetingTagsOutcomeCallable ListMeetingTagsCallable(const Model::ListMeetingTagsRequest& request) const;
5174         /**
5175          * <p>Lists the tags applied to an Amazon Chime SDK meeting resource.</p><p><h3>See
5176          * Also:</h3>   <a
5177          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListMeetingTags">AWS
5178          * API Reference</a></p>
5179          *
5180          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5181          */
5182         virtual void ListMeetingTagsAsync(const Model::ListMeetingTagsRequest& request, const ListMeetingTagsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5184         /**
5185          * <p> Lists up to 100 active Amazon Chime SDK meetings. For more information about
5186          * the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
5187          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
5188          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See
5189          * Also:</h3>   <a
5190          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListMeetings">AWS
5191          * API Reference</a></p>
5192          */
5193         virtual Model::ListMeetingsOutcome ListMeetings(const Model::ListMeetingsRequest& request) const;
5195         /**
5196          * <p> Lists up to 100 active Amazon Chime SDK meetings. For more information about
5197          * the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
5198          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
5199          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See
5200          * Also:</h3>   <a
5201          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListMeetings">AWS
5202          * API Reference</a></p>
5203          *
5204          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5205          */
5206         virtual Model::ListMeetingsOutcomeCallable ListMeetingsCallable(const Model::ListMeetingsRequest& request) const;
5208         /**
5209          * <p> Lists up to 100 active Amazon Chime SDK meetings. For more information about
5210          * the Amazon Chime SDK, see <a
5211          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/dg/meetings-sdk.html">Using the
5212          * Amazon Chime SDK</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Developer Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See
5213          * Also:</h3>   <a
5214          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListMeetings">AWS
5215          * API Reference</a></p>
5216          *
5217          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5218          */
5219         virtual void ListMeetingsAsync(const Model::ListMeetingsRequest& request, const ListMeetingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5221         /**
5222          * <p>Lists the phone number orders for the administrator's Amazon Chime
5223          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5224          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListPhoneNumberOrders">AWS
5225          * API Reference</a></p>
5226          */
5227         virtual Model::ListPhoneNumberOrdersOutcome ListPhoneNumberOrders(const Model::ListPhoneNumberOrdersRequest& request) const;
5229         /**
5230          * <p>Lists the phone number orders for the administrator's Amazon Chime
5231          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5232          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListPhoneNumberOrders">AWS
5233          * API Reference</a></p>
5234          *
5235          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5236          */
5237         virtual Model::ListPhoneNumberOrdersOutcomeCallable ListPhoneNumberOrdersCallable(const Model::ListPhoneNumberOrdersRequest& request) const;
5239         /**
5240          * <p>Lists the phone number orders for the administrator's Amazon Chime
5241          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5242          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListPhoneNumberOrders">AWS
5243          * API Reference</a></p>
5244          *
5245          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5246          */
5247         virtual void ListPhoneNumberOrdersAsync(const Model::ListPhoneNumberOrdersRequest& request, const ListPhoneNumberOrdersResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5249         /**
5250          * <p>Lists the phone numbers for the specified Amazon Chime account, Amazon Chime
5251          * user, Amazon Chime Voice Connector, or Amazon Chime Voice Connector
5252          * group.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5253          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListPhoneNumbers">AWS
5254          * API Reference</a></p>
5255          */
5256         virtual Model::ListPhoneNumbersOutcome ListPhoneNumbers(const Model::ListPhoneNumbersRequest& request) const;
5258         /**
5259          * <p>Lists the phone numbers for the specified Amazon Chime account, Amazon Chime
5260          * user, Amazon Chime Voice Connector, or Amazon Chime Voice Connector
5261          * group.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5262          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListPhoneNumbers">AWS
5263          * API Reference</a></p>
5264          *
5265          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5266          */
5267         virtual Model::ListPhoneNumbersOutcomeCallable ListPhoneNumbersCallable(const Model::ListPhoneNumbersRequest& request) const;
5269         /**
5270          * <p>Lists the phone numbers for the specified Amazon Chime account, Amazon Chime
5271          * user, Amazon Chime Voice Connector, or Amazon Chime Voice Connector
5272          * group.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5273          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListPhoneNumbers">AWS
5274          * API Reference</a></p>
5275          *
5276          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5277          */
5278         virtual void ListPhoneNumbersAsync(const Model::ListPhoneNumbersRequest& request, const ListPhoneNumbersResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5280         /**
5281          * <p>Lists the proxy sessions for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
5282          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5283          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListProxySessions">AWS
5284          * API Reference</a></p>
5285          */
5286         virtual Model::ListProxySessionsOutcome ListProxySessions(const Model::ListProxySessionsRequest& request) const;
5288         /**
5289          * <p>Lists the proxy sessions for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
5290          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5291          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListProxySessions">AWS
5292          * API Reference</a></p>
5293          *
5294          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5295          */
5296         virtual Model::ListProxySessionsOutcomeCallable ListProxySessionsCallable(const Model::ListProxySessionsRequest& request) const;
5298         /**
5299          * <p>Lists the proxy sessions for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
5300          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5301          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListProxySessions">AWS
5302          * API Reference</a></p>
5303          *
5304          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5305          */
5306         virtual void ListProxySessionsAsync(const Model::ListProxySessionsRequest& request, const ListProxySessionsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5308         /**
5309          * <p>Lists the membership details for the specified room in an Amazon Chime
5310          * Enterprise account, such as the members' IDs, email addresses, and
5311          * names.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5312          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListRoomMemberships">AWS
5313          * API Reference</a></p>
5314          */
5315         virtual Model::ListRoomMembershipsOutcome ListRoomMemberships(const Model::ListRoomMembershipsRequest& request) const;
5317         /**
5318          * <p>Lists the membership details for the specified room in an Amazon Chime
5319          * Enterprise account, such as the members' IDs, email addresses, and
5320          * names.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5321          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListRoomMemberships">AWS
5322          * API Reference</a></p>
5323          *
5324          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5325          */
5326         virtual Model::ListRoomMembershipsOutcomeCallable ListRoomMembershipsCallable(const Model::ListRoomMembershipsRequest& request) const;
5328         /**
5329          * <p>Lists the membership details for the specified room in an Amazon Chime
5330          * Enterprise account, such as the members' IDs, email addresses, and
5331          * names.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5332          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListRoomMemberships">AWS
5333          * API Reference</a></p>
5334          *
5335          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5336          */
5337         virtual void ListRoomMembershipsAsync(const Model::ListRoomMembershipsRequest& request, const ListRoomMembershipsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5339         /**
5340          * <p>Lists the room details for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
5341          * Optionally, filter the results by a member ID (user ID or bot ID) to see a list
5342          * of rooms that the member belongs to.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5343          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListRooms">AWS API
5344          * Reference</a></p>
5345          */
5346         virtual Model::ListRoomsOutcome ListRooms(const Model::ListRoomsRequest& request) const;
5348         /**
5349          * <p>Lists the room details for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
5350          * Optionally, filter the results by a member ID (user ID or bot ID) to see a list
5351          * of rooms that the member belongs to.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5352          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListRooms">AWS API
5353          * Reference</a></p>
5354          *
5355          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5356          */
5357         virtual Model::ListRoomsOutcomeCallable ListRoomsCallable(const Model::ListRoomsRequest& request) const;
5359         /**
5360          * <p>Lists the room details for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
5361          * Optionally, filter the results by a member ID (user ID or bot ID) to see a list
5362          * of rooms that the member belongs to.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5363          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListRooms">AWS API
5364          * Reference</a></p>
5365          *
5366          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5367          */
5368         virtual void ListRoomsAsync(const Model::ListRoomsRequest& request, const ListRoomsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5370         /**
5371          * <p>Lists the SIP media applications under the administrator's AWS
5372          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5373          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListSipMediaApplications">AWS
5374          * API Reference</a></p>
5375          */
5376         virtual Model::ListSipMediaApplicationsOutcome ListSipMediaApplications(const Model::ListSipMediaApplicationsRequest& request) const;
5378         /**
5379          * <p>Lists the SIP media applications under the administrator's AWS
5380          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5381          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListSipMediaApplications">AWS
5382          * API Reference</a></p>
5383          *
5384          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5385          */
5386         virtual Model::ListSipMediaApplicationsOutcomeCallable ListSipMediaApplicationsCallable(const Model::ListSipMediaApplicationsRequest& request) const;
5388         /**
5389          * <p>Lists the SIP media applications under the administrator's AWS
5390          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5391          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListSipMediaApplications">AWS
5392          * API Reference</a></p>
5393          *
5394          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5395          */
5396         virtual void ListSipMediaApplicationsAsync(const Model::ListSipMediaApplicationsRequest& request, const ListSipMediaApplicationsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5398         /**
5399          * <p>Lists the SIP rules under the administrator's AWS account.</p><p><h3>See
5400          * Also:</h3>   <a
5401          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListSipRules">AWS
5402          * API Reference</a></p>
5403          */
5404         virtual Model::ListSipRulesOutcome ListSipRules(const Model::ListSipRulesRequest& request) const;
5406         /**
5407          * <p>Lists the SIP rules under the administrator's AWS account.</p><p><h3>See
5408          * Also:</h3>   <a
5409          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListSipRules">AWS
5410          * API Reference</a></p>
5411          *
5412          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5413          */
5414         virtual Model::ListSipRulesOutcomeCallable ListSipRulesCallable(const Model::ListSipRulesRequest& request) const;
5416         /**
5417          * <p>Lists the SIP rules under the administrator's AWS account.</p><p><h3>See
5418          * Also:</h3>   <a
5419          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListSipRules">AWS
5420          * API Reference</a></p>
5421          *
5422          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5423          */
5424         virtual void ListSipRulesAsync(const Model::ListSipRulesRequest& request, const ListSipRulesResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5426         /**
5427          * <p>Lists supported phone number countries.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5428          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountries">AWS
5429          * API Reference</a></p>
5430          */
5431         virtual Model::ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesOutcome ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountries(const Model::ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesRequest& request) const;
5433         /**
5434          * <p>Lists supported phone number countries.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5435          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountries">AWS
5436          * API Reference</a></p>
5437          *
5438          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5439          */
5440         virtual Model::ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesOutcomeCallable ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesCallable(const Model::ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesRequest& request) const;
5442         /**
5443          * <p>Lists supported phone number countries.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5444          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountries">AWS
5445          * API Reference</a></p>
5446          *
5447          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5448          */
5449         virtual void ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesAsync(const Model::ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesRequest& request, const ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5451         /**
5452          * <p>Lists the tags applied to an Amazon Chime SDK meeting resource.</p><p><h3>See
5453          * Also:</h3>   <a
5454          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListTagsForResource">AWS
5455          * API Reference</a></p>
5456          */
5457         virtual Model::ListTagsForResourceOutcome ListTagsForResource(const Model::ListTagsForResourceRequest& request) const;
5459         /**
5460          * <p>Lists the tags applied to an Amazon Chime SDK meeting resource.</p><p><h3>See
5461          * Also:</h3>   <a
5462          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListTagsForResource">AWS
5463          * API Reference</a></p>
5464          *
5465          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5466          */
5467         virtual Model::ListTagsForResourceOutcomeCallable ListTagsForResourceCallable(const Model::ListTagsForResourceRequest& request) const;
5469         /**
5470          * <p>Lists the tags applied to an Amazon Chime SDK meeting resource.</p><p><h3>See
5471          * Also:</h3>   <a
5472          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListTagsForResource">AWS
5473          * API Reference</a></p>
5474          *
5475          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5476          */
5477         virtual void ListTagsForResourceAsync(const Model::ListTagsForResourceRequest& request, const ListTagsForResourceResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5479         /**
5480          * <p>Lists the users that belong to the specified Amazon Chime account. You can
5481          * specify an email address to list only the user that the email address belongs
5482          * to.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5483          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListUsers">AWS API
5484          * Reference</a></p>
5485          */
5486         virtual Model::ListUsersOutcome ListUsers(const Model::ListUsersRequest& request) const;
5488         /**
5489          * <p>Lists the users that belong to the specified Amazon Chime account. You can
5490          * specify an email address to list only the user that the email address belongs
5491          * to.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5492          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListUsers">AWS API
5493          * Reference</a></p>
5494          *
5495          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5496          */
5497         virtual Model::ListUsersOutcomeCallable ListUsersCallable(const Model::ListUsersRequest& request) const;
5499         /**
5500          * <p>Lists the users that belong to the specified Amazon Chime account. You can
5501          * specify an email address to list only the user that the email address belongs
5502          * to.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5503          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListUsers">AWS API
5504          * Reference</a></p>
5505          *
5506          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5507          */
5508         virtual void ListUsersAsync(const Model::ListUsersRequest& request, const ListUsersResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5510         /**
5511          * <p>Lists the Amazon Chime Voice Connector groups for the administrator's AWS
5512          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5513          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListVoiceConnectorGroups">AWS
5514          * API Reference</a></p>
5515          */
5516         virtual Model::ListVoiceConnectorGroupsOutcome ListVoiceConnectorGroups(const Model::ListVoiceConnectorGroupsRequest& request) const;
5518         /**
5519          * <p>Lists the Amazon Chime Voice Connector groups for the administrator's AWS
5520          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5521          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListVoiceConnectorGroups">AWS
5522          * API Reference</a></p>
5523          *
5524          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5525          */
5526         virtual Model::ListVoiceConnectorGroupsOutcomeCallable ListVoiceConnectorGroupsCallable(const Model::ListVoiceConnectorGroupsRequest& request) const;
5528         /**
5529          * <p>Lists the Amazon Chime Voice Connector groups for the administrator's AWS
5530          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5531          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListVoiceConnectorGroups">AWS
5532          * API Reference</a></p>
5533          *
5534          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5535          */
5536         virtual void ListVoiceConnectorGroupsAsync(const Model::ListVoiceConnectorGroupsRequest& request, const ListVoiceConnectorGroupsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5538         /**
5539          * <p>Lists the SIP credentials for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
5540          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5541          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials">AWS
5542          * API Reference</a></p>
5543          */
5544         virtual Model::ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcome ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials(const Model::ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest& request) const;
5546         /**
5547          * <p>Lists the SIP credentials for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
5548          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5549          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials">AWS
5550          * API Reference</a></p>
5551          *
5552          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5553          */
5554         virtual Model::ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcomeCallable ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsCallable(const Model::ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest& request) const;
5556         /**
5557          * <p>Lists the SIP credentials for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
5558          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5559          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials">AWS
5560          * API Reference</a></p>
5561          *
5562          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5563          */
5564         virtual void ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsAsync(const Model::ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest& request, const ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5566         /**
5567          * <p>Lists the Amazon Chime Voice Connectors for the administrator's AWS
5568          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5569          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListVoiceConnectors">AWS
5570          * API Reference</a></p>
5571          */
5572         virtual Model::ListVoiceConnectorsOutcome ListVoiceConnectors(const Model::ListVoiceConnectorsRequest& request) const;
5574         /**
5575          * <p>Lists the Amazon Chime Voice Connectors for the administrator's AWS
5576          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5577          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListVoiceConnectors">AWS
5578          * API Reference</a></p>
5579          *
5580          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5581          */
5582         virtual Model::ListVoiceConnectorsOutcomeCallable ListVoiceConnectorsCallable(const Model::ListVoiceConnectorsRequest& request) const;
5584         /**
5585          * <p>Lists the Amazon Chime Voice Connectors for the administrator's AWS
5586          * account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5587          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ListVoiceConnectors">AWS
5588          * API Reference</a></p>
5589          *
5590          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5591          */
5592         virtual void ListVoiceConnectorsAsync(const Model::ListVoiceConnectorsRequest& request, const ListVoiceConnectorsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5594         /**
5595          * <p>Logs out the specified user from all of the devices they are currently logged
5596          * into.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5597          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/LogoutUser">AWS
5598          * API Reference</a></p>
5599          */
5600         virtual Model::LogoutUserOutcome LogoutUser(const Model::LogoutUserRequest& request) const;
5602         /**
5603          * <p>Logs out the specified user from all of the devices they are currently logged
5604          * into.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5605          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/LogoutUser">AWS
5606          * API Reference</a></p>
5607          *
5608          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5609          */
5610         virtual Model::LogoutUserOutcomeCallable LogoutUserCallable(const Model::LogoutUserRequest& request) const;
5612         /**
5613          * <p>Logs out the specified user from all of the devices they are currently logged
5614          * into.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5615          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/LogoutUser">AWS
5616          * API Reference</a></p>
5617          *
5618          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5619          */
5620         virtual void LogoutUserAsync(const Model::LogoutUserRequest& request, const LogoutUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5622         /**
5623          * <p>Sets the amount of time in days that a given <code>AppInstance</code> retains
5624          * data.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5625          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutAppInstanceRetentionSettings">AWS
5626          * API Reference</a></p>
5627          */
5628         virtual Model::PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsOutcome PutAppInstanceRetentionSettings(const Model::PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsRequest& request) const;
5630         /**
5631          * <p>Sets the amount of time in days that a given <code>AppInstance</code> retains
5632          * data.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5633          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutAppInstanceRetentionSettings">AWS
5634          * API Reference</a></p>
5635          *
5636          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5637          */
5638         virtual Model::PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsOutcomeCallable PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsCallable(const Model::PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsRequest& request) const;
5640         /**
5641          * <p>Sets the amount of time in days that a given <code>AppInstance</code> retains
5642          * data.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5643          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutAppInstanceRetentionSettings">AWS
5644          * API Reference</a></p>
5645          *
5646          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5647          */
5648         virtual void PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsAsync(const Model::PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsRequest& request, const PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5650         /**
5651          * <p>The data streaming configurations of an
5652          * <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5653          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurations">AWS
5654          * API Reference</a></p>
5655          */
5656         virtual Model::PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcome PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurations(const Model::PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest& request) const;
5658         /**
5659          * <p>The data streaming configurations of an
5660          * <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5661          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurations">AWS
5662          * API Reference</a></p>
5663          *
5664          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5665          */
5666         virtual Model::PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsOutcomeCallable PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsCallable(const Model::PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest& request) const;
5668         /**
5669          * <p>The data streaming configurations of an
5670          * <code>AppInstance</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5671          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurations">AWS
5672          * API Reference</a></p>
5673          *
5674          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5675          */
5676         virtual void PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsAsync(const Model::PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest& request, const PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5678         /**
5679          * <p>Creates an events configuration that allows a bot to receive outgoing events
5680          * sent by Amazon Chime. Choose either an HTTPS endpoint or a Lambda function ARN.
5681          * For more information, see <a>Bot</a>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5682          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutEventsConfiguration">AWS
5683          * API Reference</a></p>
5684          */
5685         virtual Model::PutEventsConfigurationOutcome PutEventsConfiguration(const Model::PutEventsConfigurationRequest& request) const;
5687         /**
5688          * <p>Creates an events configuration that allows a bot to receive outgoing events
5689          * sent by Amazon Chime. Choose either an HTTPS endpoint or a Lambda function ARN.
5690          * For more information, see <a>Bot</a>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5691          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutEventsConfiguration">AWS
5692          * API Reference</a></p>
5693          *
5694          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5695          */
5696         virtual Model::PutEventsConfigurationOutcomeCallable PutEventsConfigurationCallable(const Model::PutEventsConfigurationRequest& request) const;
5698         /**
5699          * <p>Creates an events configuration that allows a bot to receive outgoing events
5700          * sent by Amazon Chime. Choose either an HTTPS endpoint or a Lambda function ARN.
5701          * For more information, see <a>Bot</a>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5702          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutEventsConfiguration">AWS
5703          * API Reference</a></p>
5704          *
5705          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5706          */
5707         virtual void PutEventsConfigurationAsync(const Model::PutEventsConfigurationRequest& request, const PutEventsConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5709         /**
5710          * <p> Puts retention settings for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
5711          * We recommend using AWS CloudTrail to monitor usage of this API for your account.
5712          * For more information, see <a
5713          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/cloudtrail.html">Logging
5714          * Amazon Chime API Calls with AWS CloudTrail</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime
5715          * Administration Guide</i>.</p> <p> To turn off existing retention settings,
5716          * remove the number of days from the corresponding <b>RetentionDays</b> field in
5717          * the <b>RetentionSettings</b> object. For more information about retention
5718          * settings, see <a
5719          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/chat-retention.html">Managing
5720          * Chat Retention Policies</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration
5721          * Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5722          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutRetentionSettings">AWS
5723          * API Reference</a></p>
5724          */
5725         virtual Model::PutRetentionSettingsOutcome PutRetentionSettings(const Model::PutRetentionSettingsRequest& request) const;
5727         /**
5728          * <p> Puts retention settings for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
5729          * We recommend using AWS CloudTrail to monitor usage of this API for your account.
5730          * For more information, see <a
5731          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/cloudtrail.html">Logging
5732          * Amazon Chime API Calls with AWS CloudTrail</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime
5733          * Administration Guide</i>.</p> <p> To turn off existing retention settings,
5734          * remove the number of days from the corresponding <b>RetentionDays</b> field in
5735          * the <b>RetentionSettings</b> object. For more information about retention
5736          * settings, see <a
5737          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/chat-retention.html">Managing
5738          * Chat Retention Policies</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration
5739          * Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5740          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutRetentionSettings">AWS
5741          * API Reference</a></p>
5742          *
5743          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5744          */
5745         virtual Model::PutRetentionSettingsOutcomeCallable PutRetentionSettingsCallable(const Model::PutRetentionSettingsRequest& request) const;
5747         /**
5748          * <p> Puts retention settings for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
5749          * We recommend using AWS CloudTrail to monitor usage of this API for your account.
5750          * For more information, see <a
5751          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/cloudtrail.html">Logging
5752          * Amazon Chime API Calls with AWS CloudTrail</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime
5753          * Administration Guide</i>.</p> <p> To turn off existing retention settings,
5754          * remove the number of days from the corresponding <b>RetentionDays</b> field in
5755          * the <b>RetentionSettings</b> object. For more information about retention
5756          * settings, see <a
5757          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/chat-retention.html">Managing
5758          * Chat Retention Policies</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration
5759          * Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5760          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutRetentionSettings">AWS
5761          * API Reference</a></p>
5762          *
5763          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5764          */
5765         virtual void PutRetentionSettingsAsync(const Model::PutRetentionSettingsRequest& request, const PutRetentionSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5767         /**
5768          * <p>Updates the logging configuration for the specified SIP media
5769          * application.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5770          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfiguration">AWS
5771          * API Reference</a></p>
5772          */
5773         virtual Model::PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationOutcome PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfiguration(const Model::PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
5775         /**
5776          * <p>Updates the logging configuration for the specified SIP media
5777          * application.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5778          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfiguration">AWS
5779          * API Reference</a></p>
5780          *
5781          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5782          */
5783         virtual Model::PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationOutcomeCallable PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationCallable(const Model::PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
5785         /**
5786          * <p>Updates the logging configuration for the specified SIP media
5787          * application.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5788          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfiguration">AWS
5789          * API Reference</a></p>
5790          *
5791          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5792          */
5793         virtual void PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationAsync(const Model::PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationRequest& request, const PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5795         /**
5796          * <p>Puts emergency calling configuration details to the specified Amazon Chime
5797          * Voice Connector, such as emergency phone numbers and calling countries.
5798          * Origination and termination settings must be enabled for the Amazon Chime Voice
5799          * Connector before emergency calling can be configured.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>
5800          * <a
5801          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfiguration">AWS
5802          * API Reference</a></p>
5803          */
5804         virtual Model::PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcome PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfiguration(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
5806         /**
5807          * <p>Puts emergency calling configuration details to the specified Amazon Chime
5808          * Voice Connector, such as emergency phone numbers and calling countries.
5809          * Origination and termination settings must be enabled for the Amazon Chime Voice
5810          * Connector before emergency calling can be configured.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>
5811          * <a
5812          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfiguration">AWS
5813          * API Reference</a></p>
5814          *
5815          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5816          */
5817         virtual Model::PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationOutcomeCallable PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationCallable(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
5819         /**
5820          * <p>Puts emergency calling configuration details to the specified Amazon Chime
5821          * Voice Connector, such as emergency phone numbers and calling countries.
5822          * Origination and termination settings must be enabled for the Amazon Chime Voice
5823          * Connector before emergency calling can be configured.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>
5824          * <a
5825          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfiguration">AWS
5826          * API Reference</a></p>
5827          *
5828          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5829          */
5830         virtual void PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationAsync(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest& request, const PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5832         /**
5833          * <p>Adds a logging configuration for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
5834          * The logging configuration specifies whether SIP message logs are enabled for
5835          * sending to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5836          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfiguration">AWS
5837          * API Reference</a></p>
5838          */
5839         virtual Model::PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationOutcome PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfiguration(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
5841         /**
5842          * <p>Adds a logging configuration for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
5843          * The logging configuration specifies whether SIP message logs are enabled for
5844          * sending to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5845          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfiguration">AWS
5846          * API Reference</a></p>
5847          *
5848          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5849          */
5850         virtual Model::PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationOutcomeCallable PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationCallable(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
5852         /**
5853          * <p>Adds a logging configuration for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
5854          * The logging configuration specifies whether SIP message logs are enabled for
5855          * sending to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5856          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfiguration">AWS
5857          * API Reference</a></p>
5858          *
5859          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5860          */
5861         virtual void PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationAsync(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationRequest& request, const PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5863         /**
5864          * <p>Adds origination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.</p>
5865          *  <p>If emergency calling is configured for the Amazon Chime Voice
5866          * Connector, it must be deleted prior to turning off origination settings.</p>
5867          * <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5868          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorOrigination">AWS
5869          * API Reference</a></p>
5870          */
5871         virtual Model::PutVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcome PutVoiceConnectorOrigination(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest& request) const;
5873         /**
5874          * <p>Adds origination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.</p>
5875          *  <p>If emergency calling is configured for the Amazon Chime Voice
5876          * Connector, it must be deleted prior to turning off origination settings.</p>
5877          * <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5878          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorOrigination">AWS
5879          * API Reference</a></p>
5880          *
5881          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5882          */
5883         virtual Model::PutVoiceConnectorOriginationOutcomeCallable PutVoiceConnectorOriginationCallable(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest& request) const;
5885         /**
5886          * <p>Adds origination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.</p>
5887          *  <p>If emergency calling is configured for the Amazon Chime Voice
5888          * Connector, it must be deleted prior to turning off origination settings.</p>
5889          * <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5890          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorOrigination">AWS
5891          * API Reference</a></p>
5892          *
5893          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5894          */
5895         virtual void PutVoiceConnectorOriginationAsync(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest& request, const PutVoiceConnectorOriginationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5897         /**
5898          * <p>Puts the specified proxy configuration to the specified Amazon Chime Voice
5899          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5900          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorProxy">AWS
5901          * API Reference</a></p>
5902          */
5903         virtual Model::PutVoiceConnectorProxyOutcome PutVoiceConnectorProxy(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorProxyRequest& request) const;
5905         /**
5906          * <p>Puts the specified proxy configuration to the specified Amazon Chime Voice
5907          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5908          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorProxy">AWS
5909          * API Reference</a></p>
5910          *
5911          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5912          */
5913         virtual Model::PutVoiceConnectorProxyOutcomeCallable PutVoiceConnectorProxyCallable(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorProxyRequest& request) const;
5915         /**
5916          * <p>Puts the specified proxy configuration to the specified Amazon Chime Voice
5917          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5918          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorProxy">AWS
5919          * API Reference</a></p>
5920          *
5921          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5922          */
5923         virtual void PutVoiceConnectorProxyAsync(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorProxyRequest& request, const PutVoiceConnectorProxyResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5925         /**
5926          * <p>Adds a streaming configuration for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
5927          * Connector. The streaming configuration specifies whether media streaming is
5928          * enabled for sending to Indonesians. It also sets the retention period, in hours,
5929          * for the Amazon Kinesis data.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5930          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfiguration">AWS
5931          * API Reference</a></p>
5932          */
5933         virtual Model::PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcome PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfiguration(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
5935         /**
5936          * <p>Adds a streaming configuration for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
5937          * Connector. The streaming configuration specifies whether media streaming is
5938          * enabled for sending to Indonesians. It also sets the retention period, in hours,
5939          * for the Amazon Kinesis data.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5940          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfiguration">AWS
5941          * API Reference</a></p>
5942          *
5943          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5944          */
5945         virtual Model::PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationOutcomeCallable PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationCallable(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest& request) const;
5947         /**
5948          * <p>Adds a streaming configuration for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
5949          * Connector. The streaming configuration specifies whether media streaming is
5950          * enabled for sending to Indonesians. It also sets the retention period, in hours,
5951          * for the Amazon Kinesis data.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5952          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfiguration">AWS
5953          * API Reference</a></p>
5954          *
5955          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5956          */
5957         virtual void PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationAsync(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest& request, const PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5959         /**
5960          * <p>Adds termination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.</p>
5961          *  <p>If emergency calling is configured for the Amazon Chime Voice
5962          * Connector, it must be deleted prior to turning off termination settings.</p>
5963          * <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5964          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorTermination">AWS
5965          * API Reference</a></p>
5966          */
5967         virtual Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcome PutVoiceConnectorTermination(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest& request) const;
5969         /**
5970          * <p>Adds termination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.</p>
5971          *  <p>If emergency calling is configured for the Amazon Chime Voice
5972          * Connector, it must be deleted prior to turning off termination settings.</p>
5973          * <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5974          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorTermination">AWS
5975          * API Reference</a></p>
5976          *
5977          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
5978          */
5979         virtual Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationOutcomeCallable PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCallable(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest& request) const;
5981         /**
5982          * <p>Adds termination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.</p>
5983          *  <p>If emergency calling is configured for the Amazon Chime Voice
5984          * Connector, it must be deleted prior to turning off termination settings.</p>
5985          * <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5986          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorTermination">AWS
5987          * API Reference</a></p>
5988          *
5989          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
5990          */
5991         virtual void PutVoiceConnectorTerminationAsync(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest& request, const PutVoiceConnectorTerminationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
5993         /**
5994          * <p>Adds termination SIP credentials for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
5995          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
5996          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials">AWS
5997          * API Reference</a></p>
5998          */
5999         virtual Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcome PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest& request) const;
6001         /**
6002          * <p>Adds termination SIP credentials for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
6003          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6004          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials">AWS
6005          * API Reference</a></p>
6006          *
6007          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6008          */
6009         virtual Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsOutcomeCallable PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsCallable(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest& request) const;
6011         /**
6012          * <p>Adds termination SIP credentials for the specified Amazon Chime Voice
6013          * Connector.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6014          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials">AWS
6015          * API Reference</a></p>
6016          *
6017          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6018          */
6019         virtual void PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsAsync(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest& request, const PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6021         /**
6022          * <p>Redacts message content, but not metadata. The message exists in the back
6023          * end, but the action returns null content, and the state shows as redacted.</p>
6024          *  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use
6025          * the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the
6026          * value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6027          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/RedactChannelMessage">AWS
6028          * API Reference</a></p>
6029          */
6030         virtual Model::RedactChannelMessageOutcome RedactChannelMessage(const Model::RedactChannelMessageRequest& request) const;
6032         /**
6033          * <p>Redacts message content, but not metadata. The message exists in the back
6034          * end, but the action returns null content, and the state shows as redacted.</p>
6035          *  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use
6036          * the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the
6037          * value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6038          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/RedactChannelMessage">AWS
6039          * API Reference</a></p>
6040          *
6041          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6042          */
6043         virtual Model::RedactChannelMessageOutcomeCallable RedactChannelMessageCallable(const Model::RedactChannelMessageRequest& request) const;
6045         /**
6046          * <p>Redacts message content, but not metadata. The message exists in the back
6047          * end, but the action returns null content, and the state shows as redacted.</p>
6048          *  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use
6049          * the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the
6050          * value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6051          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/RedactChannelMessage">AWS
6052          * API Reference</a></p>
6053          *
6054          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6055          */
6056         virtual void RedactChannelMessageAsync(const Model::RedactChannelMessageRequest& request, const RedactChannelMessageResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6058         /**
6059          * <p>Redacts the specified message from the specified Amazon Chime
6060          * conversation.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6061          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/RedactConversationMessage">AWS
6062          * API Reference</a></p>
6063          */
6064         virtual Model::RedactConversationMessageOutcome RedactConversationMessage(const Model::RedactConversationMessageRequest& request) const;
6066         /**
6067          * <p>Redacts the specified message from the specified Amazon Chime
6068          * conversation.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6069          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/RedactConversationMessage">AWS
6070          * API Reference</a></p>
6071          *
6072          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6073          */
6074         virtual Model::RedactConversationMessageOutcomeCallable RedactConversationMessageCallable(const Model::RedactConversationMessageRequest& request) const;
6076         /**
6077          * <p>Redacts the specified message from the specified Amazon Chime
6078          * conversation.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6079          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/RedactConversationMessage">AWS
6080          * API Reference</a></p>
6081          *
6082          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6083          */
6084         virtual void RedactConversationMessageAsync(const Model::RedactConversationMessageRequest& request, const RedactConversationMessageResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6086         /**
6087          * <p>Redacts the specified message from the specified Amazon Chime
6088          * channel.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6089          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/RedactRoomMessage">AWS
6090          * API Reference</a></p>
6091          */
6092         virtual Model::RedactRoomMessageOutcome RedactRoomMessage(const Model::RedactRoomMessageRequest& request) const;
6094         /**
6095          * <p>Redacts the specified message from the specified Amazon Chime
6096          * channel.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6097          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/RedactRoomMessage">AWS
6098          * API Reference</a></p>
6099          *
6100          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6101          */
6102         virtual Model::RedactRoomMessageOutcomeCallable RedactRoomMessageCallable(const Model::RedactRoomMessageRequest& request) const;
6104         /**
6105          * <p>Redacts the specified message from the specified Amazon Chime
6106          * channel.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6107          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/RedactRoomMessage">AWS
6108          * API Reference</a></p>
6109          *
6110          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6111          */
6112         virtual void RedactRoomMessageAsync(const Model::RedactRoomMessageRequest& request, const RedactRoomMessageResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6114         /**
6115          * <p>Regenerates the security token for a bot.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6116          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/RegenerateSecurityToken">AWS
6117          * API Reference</a></p>
6118          */
6119         virtual Model::RegenerateSecurityTokenOutcome RegenerateSecurityToken(const Model::RegenerateSecurityTokenRequest& request) const;
6121         /**
6122          * <p>Regenerates the security token for a bot.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6123          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/RegenerateSecurityToken">AWS
6124          * API Reference</a></p>
6125          *
6126          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6127          */
6128         virtual Model::RegenerateSecurityTokenOutcomeCallable RegenerateSecurityTokenCallable(const Model::RegenerateSecurityTokenRequest& request) const;
6130         /**
6131          * <p>Regenerates the security token for a bot.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6132          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/RegenerateSecurityToken">AWS
6133          * API Reference</a></p>
6134          *
6135          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6136          */
6137         virtual void RegenerateSecurityTokenAsync(const Model::RegenerateSecurityTokenRequest& request, const RegenerateSecurityTokenResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6139         /**
6140          * <p>Resets the personal meeting PIN for the specified user on an Amazon Chime
6141          * account. Returns the <a>User</a> object with the updated personal meeting
6142          * PIN.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6143          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ResetPersonalPIN">AWS
6144          * API Reference</a></p>
6145          */
6146         virtual Model::ResetPersonalPINOutcome ResetPersonalPIN(const Model::ResetPersonalPINRequest& request) const;
6148         /**
6149          * <p>Resets the personal meeting PIN for the specified user on an Amazon Chime
6150          * account. Returns the <a>User</a> object with the updated personal meeting
6151          * PIN.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6152          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ResetPersonalPIN">AWS
6153          * API Reference</a></p>
6154          *
6155          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6156          */
6157         virtual Model::ResetPersonalPINOutcomeCallable ResetPersonalPINCallable(const Model::ResetPersonalPINRequest& request) const;
6159         /**
6160          * <p>Resets the personal meeting PIN for the specified user on an Amazon Chime
6161          * account. Returns the <a>User</a> object with the updated personal meeting
6162          * PIN.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6163          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/ResetPersonalPIN">AWS
6164          * API Reference</a></p>
6165          *
6166          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6167          */
6168         virtual void ResetPersonalPINAsync(const Model::ResetPersonalPINRequest& request, const ResetPersonalPINResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6170         /**
6171          * <p>Moves a phone number from the <b>Deletion queue</b> back into the phone
6172          * number <b>Inventory</b>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6173          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/RestorePhoneNumber">AWS
6174          * API Reference</a></p>
6175          */
6176         virtual Model::RestorePhoneNumberOutcome RestorePhoneNumber(const Model::RestorePhoneNumberRequest& request) const;
6178         /**
6179          * <p>Moves a phone number from the <b>Deletion queue</b> back into the phone
6180          * number <b>Inventory</b>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6181          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/RestorePhoneNumber">AWS
6182          * API Reference</a></p>
6183          *
6184          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6185          */
6186         virtual Model::RestorePhoneNumberOutcomeCallable RestorePhoneNumberCallable(const Model::RestorePhoneNumberRequest& request) const;
6188         /**
6189          * <p>Moves a phone number from the <b>Deletion queue</b> back into the phone
6190          * number <b>Inventory</b>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6191          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/RestorePhoneNumber">AWS
6192          * API Reference</a></p>
6193          *
6194          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6195          */
6196         virtual void RestorePhoneNumberAsync(const Model::RestorePhoneNumberRequest& request, const RestorePhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6198         /**
6199          * <p>Searches for phone numbers that can be ordered. For US numbers, provide at
6200          * least one of the following search filters: <code>AreaCode</code>,
6201          * <code>City</code>, <code>State</code>, or <code>TollFreePrefix</code>. If you
6202          * provide <code>City</code>, you must also provide <code>State</code>. Numbers
6203          * outside the US only support the <code>PhoneNumberType</code> filter, which you
6204          * must use.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6205          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers">AWS
6206          * API Reference</a></p>
6207          */
6208         virtual Model::SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersOutcome SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers(const Model::SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersRequest& request) const;
6210         /**
6211          * <p>Searches for phone numbers that can be ordered. For US numbers, provide at
6212          * least one of the following search filters: <code>AreaCode</code>,
6213          * <code>City</code>, <code>State</code>, or <code>TollFreePrefix</code>. If you
6214          * provide <code>City</code>, you must also provide <code>State</code>. Numbers
6215          * outside the US only support the <code>PhoneNumberType</code> filter, which you
6216          * must use.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6217          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers">AWS
6218          * API Reference</a></p>
6219          *
6220          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6221          */
6222         virtual Model::SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersOutcomeCallable SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersCallable(const Model::SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersRequest& request) const;
6224         /**
6225          * <p>Searches for phone numbers that can be ordered. For US numbers, provide at
6226          * least one of the following search filters: <code>AreaCode</code>,
6227          * <code>City</code>, <code>State</code>, or <code>TollFreePrefix</code>. If you
6228          * provide <code>City</code>, you must also provide <code>State</code>. Numbers
6229          * outside the US only support the <code>PhoneNumberType</code> filter, which you
6230          * must use.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6231          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers">AWS
6232          * API Reference</a></p>
6233          *
6234          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6235          */
6236         virtual void SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersAsync(const Model::SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersRequest& request, const SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6238         /**
6239          * <p>Sends a message to a particular channel that the member is a part of.</p>
6240          *  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use
6241          * the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the
6242          * value in the header.</p> <p>Also, <code>STANDARD</code> messages can contain 4KB
6243          * of data and the 1KB of metadata. <code>CONTROL</code> messages can contain 30
6244          * bytes of data and no metadata.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6245          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/SendChannelMessage">AWS
6246          * API Reference</a></p>
6247          */
6248         virtual Model::SendChannelMessageOutcome SendChannelMessage(const Model::SendChannelMessageRequest& request) const;
6250         /**
6251          * <p>Sends a message to a particular channel that the member is a part of.</p>
6252          *  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use
6253          * the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the
6254          * value in the header.</p> <p>Also, <code>STANDARD</code> messages can contain 4KB
6255          * of data and the 1KB of metadata. <code>CONTROL</code> messages can contain 30
6256          * bytes of data and no metadata.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6257          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/SendChannelMessage">AWS
6258          * API Reference</a></p>
6259          *
6260          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6261          */
6262         virtual Model::SendChannelMessageOutcomeCallable SendChannelMessageCallable(const Model::SendChannelMessageRequest& request) const;
6264         /**
6265          * <p>Sends a message to a particular channel that the member is a part of.</p>
6266          *  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use
6267          * the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the
6268          * value in the header.</p> <p>Also, <code>STANDARD</code> messages can contain 4KB
6269          * of data and the 1KB of metadata. <code>CONTROL</code> messages can contain 30
6270          * bytes of data and no metadata.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6271          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/SendChannelMessage">AWS
6272          * API Reference</a></p>
6273          *
6274          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6275          */
6276         virtual void SendChannelMessageAsync(const Model::SendChannelMessageRequest& request, const SendChannelMessageResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6278         /**
6279          * <p>Starts transcription for the specified <code>meetingId</code>. </p><p><h3>See
6280          * Also:</h3>   <a
6281          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/StartMeetingTranscription">AWS
6282          * API Reference</a></p>
6283          */
6284         virtual Model::StartMeetingTranscriptionOutcome StartMeetingTranscription(const Model::StartMeetingTranscriptionRequest& request) const;
6286         /**
6287          * <p>Starts transcription for the specified <code>meetingId</code>. </p><p><h3>See
6288          * Also:</h3>   <a
6289          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/StartMeetingTranscription">AWS
6290          * API Reference</a></p>
6291          *
6292          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6293          */
6294         virtual Model::StartMeetingTranscriptionOutcomeCallable StartMeetingTranscriptionCallable(const Model::StartMeetingTranscriptionRequest& request) const;
6296         /**
6297          * <p>Starts transcription for the specified <code>meetingId</code>. </p><p><h3>See
6298          * Also:</h3>   <a
6299          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/StartMeetingTranscription">AWS
6300          * API Reference</a></p>
6301          *
6302          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6303          */
6304         virtual void StartMeetingTranscriptionAsync(const Model::StartMeetingTranscriptionRequest& request, const StartMeetingTranscriptionResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6306         /**
6307          * <p>Stops transcription for the specified <code>meetingId</code>.</p><p><h3>See
6308          * Also:</h3>   <a
6309          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/StopMeetingTranscription">AWS
6310          * API Reference</a></p>
6311          */
6312         virtual Model::StopMeetingTranscriptionOutcome StopMeetingTranscription(const Model::StopMeetingTranscriptionRequest& request) const;
6314         /**
6315          * <p>Stops transcription for the specified <code>meetingId</code>.</p><p><h3>See
6316          * Also:</h3>   <a
6317          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/StopMeetingTranscription">AWS
6318          * API Reference</a></p>
6319          *
6320          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6321          */
6322         virtual Model::StopMeetingTranscriptionOutcomeCallable StopMeetingTranscriptionCallable(const Model::StopMeetingTranscriptionRequest& request) const;
6324         /**
6325          * <p>Stops transcription for the specified <code>meetingId</code>.</p><p><h3>See
6326          * Also:</h3>   <a
6327          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/StopMeetingTranscription">AWS
6328          * API Reference</a></p>
6329          *
6330          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6331          */
6332         virtual void StopMeetingTranscriptionAsync(const Model::StopMeetingTranscriptionRequest& request, const StopMeetingTranscriptionResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6334         /**
6335          * <p>Applies the specified tags to the specified Amazon Chime SDK
6336          * attendee.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6337          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/TagAttendee">AWS
6338          * API Reference</a></p>
6339          */
6340         virtual Model::TagAttendeeOutcome TagAttendee(const Model::TagAttendeeRequest& request) const;
6342         /**
6343          * <p>Applies the specified tags to the specified Amazon Chime SDK
6344          * attendee.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6345          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/TagAttendee">AWS
6346          * API Reference</a></p>
6347          *
6348          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6349          */
6350         virtual Model::TagAttendeeOutcomeCallable TagAttendeeCallable(const Model::TagAttendeeRequest& request) const;
6352         /**
6353          * <p>Applies the specified tags to the specified Amazon Chime SDK
6354          * attendee.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6355          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/TagAttendee">AWS
6356          * API Reference</a></p>
6357          *
6358          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6359          */
6360         virtual void TagAttendeeAsync(const Model::TagAttendeeRequest& request, const TagAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6362         /**
6363          * <p>Applies the specified tags to the specified Amazon Chime SDK
6364          * meeting.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6365          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/TagMeeting">AWS
6366          * API Reference</a></p>
6367          */
6368         virtual Model::TagMeetingOutcome TagMeeting(const Model::TagMeetingRequest& request) const;
6370         /**
6371          * <p>Applies the specified tags to the specified Amazon Chime SDK
6372          * meeting.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6373          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/TagMeeting">AWS
6374          * API Reference</a></p>
6375          *
6376          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6377          */
6378         virtual Model::TagMeetingOutcomeCallable TagMeetingCallable(const Model::TagMeetingRequest& request) const;
6380         /**
6381          * <p>Applies the specified tags to the specified Amazon Chime SDK
6382          * meeting.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6383          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/TagMeeting">AWS
6384          * API Reference</a></p>
6385          *
6386          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6387          */
6388         virtual void TagMeetingAsync(const Model::TagMeetingRequest& request, const TagMeetingResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6390         /**
6391          * <p>Applies the specified tags to the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting
6392          * resource.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6393          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/TagResource">AWS
6394          * API Reference</a></p>
6395          */
6396         virtual Model::TagResourceOutcome TagResource(const Model::TagResourceRequest& request) const;
6398         /**
6399          * <p>Applies the specified tags to the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting
6400          * resource.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6401          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/TagResource">AWS
6402          * API Reference</a></p>
6403          *
6404          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6405          */
6406         virtual Model::TagResourceOutcomeCallable TagResourceCallable(const Model::TagResourceRequest& request) const;
6408         /**
6409          * <p>Applies the specified tags to the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting
6410          * resource.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6411          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/TagResource">AWS
6412          * API Reference</a></p>
6413          *
6414          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6415          */
6416         virtual void TagResourceAsync(const Model::TagResourceRequest& request, const TagResourceResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6418         /**
6419          * <p>Untags the specified tags from the specified Amazon Chime SDK
6420          * attendee.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6421          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UntagAttendee">AWS
6422          * API Reference</a></p>
6423          */
6424         virtual Model::UntagAttendeeOutcome UntagAttendee(const Model::UntagAttendeeRequest& request) const;
6426         /**
6427          * <p>Untags the specified tags from the specified Amazon Chime SDK
6428          * attendee.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6429          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UntagAttendee">AWS
6430          * API Reference</a></p>
6431          *
6432          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6433          */
6434         virtual Model::UntagAttendeeOutcomeCallable UntagAttendeeCallable(const Model::UntagAttendeeRequest& request) const;
6436         /**
6437          * <p>Untags the specified tags from the specified Amazon Chime SDK
6438          * attendee.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6439          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UntagAttendee">AWS
6440          * API Reference</a></p>
6441          *
6442          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6443          */
6444         virtual void UntagAttendeeAsync(const Model::UntagAttendeeRequest& request, const UntagAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6446         /**
6447          * <p>Untags the specified tags from the specified Amazon Chime SDK
6448          * meeting.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6449          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UntagMeeting">AWS
6450          * API Reference</a></p>
6451          */
6452         virtual Model::UntagMeetingOutcome UntagMeeting(const Model::UntagMeetingRequest& request) const;
6454         /**
6455          * <p>Untags the specified tags from the specified Amazon Chime SDK
6456          * meeting.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6457          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UntagMeeting">AWS
6458          * API Reference</a></p>
6459          *
6460          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6461          */
6462         virtual Model::UntagMeetingOutcomeCallable UntagMeetingCallable(const Model::UntagMeetingRequest& request) const;
6464         /**
6465          * <p>Untags the specified tags from the specified Amazon Chime SDK
6466          * meeting.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6467          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UntagMeeting">AWS
6468          * API Reference</a></p>
6469          *
6470          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6471          */
6472         virtual void UntagMeetingAsync(const Model::UntagMeetingRequest& request, const UntagMeetingResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6474         /**
6475          * <p>Untags the specified tags from the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting
6476          * resource.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6477          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UntagResource">AWS
6478          * API Reference</a></p>
6479          */
6480         virtual Model::UntagResourceOutcome UntagResource(const Model::UntagResourceRequest& request) const;
6482         /**
6483          * <p>Untags the specified tags from the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting
6484          * resource.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6485          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UntagResource">AWS
6486          * API Reference</a></p>
6487          *
6488          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6489          */
6490         virtual Model::UntagResourceOutcomeCallable UntagResourceCallable(const Model::UntagResourceRequest& request) const;
6492         /**
6493          * <p>Untags the specified tags from the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting
6494          * resource.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6495          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UntagResource">AWS
6496          * API Reference</a></p>
6497          *
6498          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6499          */
6500         virtual void UntagResourceAsync(const Model::UntagResourceRequest& request, const UntagResourceResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6502         /**
6503          * <p>Updates account details for the specified Amazon Chime account. Currently,
6504          * only account name and default license updates are supported for this
6505          * action.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6506          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateAccount">AWS
6507          * API Reference</a></p>
6508          */
6509         virtual Model::UpdateAccountOutcome UpdateAccount(const Model::UpdateAccountRequest& request) const;
6511         /**
6512          * <p>Updates account details for the specified Amazon Chime account. Currently,
6513          * only account name and default license updates are supported for this
6514          * action.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6515          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateAccount">AWS
6516          * API Reference</a></p>
6517          *
6518          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6519          */
6520         virtual Model::UpdateAccountOutcomeCallable UpdateAccountCallable(const Model::UpdateAccountRequest& request) const;
6522         /**
6523          * <p>Updates account details for the specified Amazon Chime account. Currently,
6524          * only account name and default license updates are supported for this
6525          * action.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6526          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateAccount">AWS
6527          * API Reference</a></p>
6528          *
6529          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6530          */
6531         virtual void UpdateAccountAsync(const Model::UpdateAccountRequest& request, const UpdateAccountResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6533         /**
6534          * <p>Updates the settings for the specified Amazon Chime account. You can update
6535          * settings for remote control of shared screens, or for the dial-out option. For
6536          * more information about these settings, see <a
6537          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/policies.html">Use the
6538          * Policies Page</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See
6539          * Also:</h3>   <a
6540          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateAccountSettings">AWS
6541          * API Reference</a></p>
6542          */
6543         virtual Model::UpdateAccountSettingsOutcome UpdateAccountSettings(const Model::UpdateAccountSettingsRequest& request) const;
6545         /**
6546          * <p>Updates the settings for the specified Amazon Chime account. You can update
6547          * settings for remote control of shared screens, or for the dial-out option. For
6548          * more information about these settings, see <a
6549          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/policies.html">Use the
6550          * Policies Page</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See
6551          * Also:</h3>   <a
6552          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateAccountSettings">AWS
6553          * API Reference</a></p>
6554          *
6555          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6556          */
6557         virtual Model::UpdateAccountSettingsOutcomeCallable UpdateAccountSettingsCallable(const Model::UpdateAccountSettingsRequest& request) const;
6559         /**
6560          * <p>Updates the settings for the specified Amazon Chime account. You can update
6561          * settings for remote control of shared screens, or for the dial-out option. For
6562          * more information about these settings, see <a
6563          * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/policies.html">Use the
6564          * Policies Page</a> in the <i>Amazon Chime Administration Guide</i>.</p><p><h3>See
6565          * Also:</h3>   <a
6566          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateAccountSettings">AWS
6567          * API Reference</a></p>
6568          *
6569          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6570          */
6571         virtual void UpdateAccountSettingsAsync(const Model::UpdateAccountSettingsRequest& request, const UpdateAccountSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6573         /**
6574          * <p>Updates <code>AppInstance</code> metadata.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6575          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateAppInstance">AWS
6576          * API Reference</a></p>
6577          */
6578         virtual Model::UpdateAppInstanceOutcome UpdateAppInstance(const Model::UpdateAppInstanceRequest& request) const;
6580         /**
6581          * <p>Updates <code>AppInstance</code> metadata.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6582          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateAppInstance">AWS
6583          * API Reference</a></p>
6584          *
6585          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6586          */
6587         virtual Model::UpdateAppInstanceOutcomeCallable UpdateAppInstanceCallable(const Model::UpdateAppInstanceRequest& request) const;
6589         /**
6590          * <p>Updates <code>AppInstance</code> metadata.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6591          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateAppInstance">AWS
6592          * API Reference</a></p>
6593          *
6594          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6595          */
6596         virtual void UpdateAppInstanceAsync(const Model::UpdateAppInstanceRequest& request, const UpdateAppInstanceResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6598         /**
6599          * <p>Updates the details of an <code>AppInstanceUser</code>. You can update names
6600          * and metadata.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6601          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateAppInstanceUser">AWS
6602          * API Reference</a></p>
6603          */
6604         virtual Model::UpdateAppInstanceUserOutcome UpdateAppInstanceUser(const Model::UpdateAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
6606         /**
6607          * <p>Updates the details of an <code>AppInstanceUser</code>. You can update names
6608          * and metadata.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6609          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateAppInstanceUser">AWS
6610          * API Reference</a></p>
6611          *
6612          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6613          */
6614         virtual Model::UpdateAppInstanceUserOutcomeCallable UpdateAppInstanceUserCallable(const Model::UpdateAppInstanceUserRequest& request) const;
6616         /**
6617          * <p>Updates the details of an <code>AppInstanceUser</code>. You can update names
6618          * and metadata.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6619          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateAppInstanceUser">AWS
6620          * API Reference</a></p>
6621          *
6622          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6623          */
6624         virtual void UpdateAppInstanceUserAsync(const Model::UpdateAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const UpdateAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6626         /**
6627          * <p>Updates the status of the specified bot, such as starting or stopping the bot
6628          * from running in your Amazon Chime Enterprise account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>
6629          * <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateBot">AWS
6630          * API Reference</a></p>
6631          */
6632         virtual Model::UpdateBotOutcome UpdateBot(const Model::UpdateBotRequest& request) const;
6634         /**
6635          * <p>Updates the status of the specified bot, such as starting or stopping the bot
6636          * from running in your Amazon Chime Enterprise account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>
6637          * <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateBot">AWS
6638          * API Reference</a></p>
6639          *
6640          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6641          */
6642         virtual Model::UpdateBotOutcomeCallable UpdateBotCallable(const Model::UpdateBotRequest& request) const;
6644         /**
6645          * <p>Updates the status of the specified bot, such as starting or stopping the bot
6646          * from running in your Amazon Chime Enterprise account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>
6647          * <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateBot">AWS
6648          * API Reference</a></p>
6649          *
6650          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6651          */
6652         virtual void UpdateBotAsync(const Model::UpdateBotRequest& request, const UpdateBotResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6654         /**
6655          * <p>Update a channel's attributes.</p> <p> <b>Restriction</b>: You can't change a
6656          * channel's privacy. </p>  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request
6657          * header is mandatory. Use the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that
6658          * makes the API call as the value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>
6659          * <a
6660          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateChannel">AWS
6661          * API Reference</a></p>
6662          */
6663         virtual Model::UpdateChannelOutcome UpdateChannel(const Model::UpdateChannelRequest& request) const;
6665         /**
6666          * <p>Update a channel's attributes.</p> <p> <b>Restriction</b>: You can't change a
6667          * channel's privacy. </p>  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request
6668          * header is mandatory. Use the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that
6669          * makes the API call as the value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>
6670          * <a
6671          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateChannel">AWS
6672          * API Reference</a></p>
6673          *
6674          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6675          */
6676         virtual Model::UpdateChannelOutcomeCallable UpdateChannelCallable(const Model::UpdateChannelRequest& request) const;
6678         /**
6679          * <p>Update a channel's attributes.</p> <p> <b>Restriction</b>: You can't change a
6680          * channel's privacy. </p>  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request
6681          * header is mandatory. Use the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that
6682          * makes the API call as the value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>
6683          * <a
6684          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateChannel">AWS
6685          * API Reference</a></p>
6686          *
6687          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6688          */
6689         virtual void UpdateChannelAsync(const Model::UpdateChannelRequest& request, const UpdateChannelResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6691         /**
6692          * <p>Updates the content of a message.</p>  <p>The
6693          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
6694          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
6695          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6696          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateChannelMessage">AWS
6697          * API Reference</a></p>
6698          */
6699         virtual Model::UpdateChannelMessageOutcome UpdateChannelMessage(const Model::UpdateChannelMessageRequest& request) const;
6701         /**
6702          * <p>Updates the content of a message.</p>  <p>The
6703          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
6704          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
6705          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6706          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateChannelMessage">AWS
6707          * API Reference</a></p>
6708          *
6709          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6710          */
6711         virtual Model::UpdateChannelMessageOutcomeCallable UpdateChannelMessageCallable(const Model::UpdateChannelMessageRequest& request) const;
6713         /**
6714          * <p>Updates the content of a message.</p>  <p>The
6715          * <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use the
6716          * <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the value
6717          * in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6718          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateChannelMessage">AWS
6719          * API Reference</a></p>
6720          *
6721          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6722          */
6723         virtual void UpdateChannelMessageAsync(const Model::UpdateChannelMessageRequest& request, const UpdateChannelMessageResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6725         /**
6726          * <p>The details of the time when a user last read messages in a channel.</p>
6727          *  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use
6728          * the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the
6729          * value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6730          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateChannelReadMarker">AWS
6731          * API Reference</a></p>
6732          */
6733         virtual Model::UpdateChannelReadMarkerOutcome UpdateChannelReadMarker(const Model::UpdateChannelReadMarkerRequest& request) const;
6735         /**
6736          * <p>The details of the time when a user last read messages in a channel.</p>
6737          *  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use
6738          * the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the
6739          * value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6740          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateChannelReadMarker">AWS
6741          * API Reference</a></p>
6742          *
6743          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6744          */
6745         virtual Model::UpdateChannelReadMarkerOutcomeCallable UpdateChannelReadMarkerCallable(const Model::UpdateChannelReadMarkerRequest& request) const;
6747         /**
6748          * <p>The details of the time when a user last read messages in a channel.</p>
6749          *  <p>The <code>x-amz-chime-bearer</code> request header is mandatory. Use
6750          * the <code>AppInstanceUserArn</code> of the user that makes the API call as the
6751          * value in the header.</p> <p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6752          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateChannelReadMarker">AWS
6753          * API Reference</a></p>
6754          *
6755          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6756          */
6757         virtual void UpdateChannelReadMarkerAsync(const Model::UpdateChannelReadMarkerRequest& request, const UpdateChannelReadMarkerResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6759         /**
6760          * <p>Updates global settings for the administrator's AWS account, such as Amazon
6761          * Chime Business Calling and Amazon Chime Voice Connector settings.</p><p><h3>See
6762          * Also:</h3>   <a
6763          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateGlobalSettings">AWS
6764          * API Reference</a></p>
6765          */
6766         virtual Model::UpdateGlobalSettingsOutcome UpdateGlobalSettings(const Model::UpdateGlobalSettingsRequest& request) const;
6768         /**
6769          * <p>Updates global settings for the administrator's AWS account, such as Amazon
6770          * Chime Business Calling and Amazon Chime Voice Connector settings.</p><p><h3>See
6771          * Also:</h3>   <a
6772          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateGlobalSettings">AWS
6773          * API Reference</a></p>
6774          *
6775          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6776          */
6777         virtual Model::UpdateGlobalSettingsOutcomeCallable UpdateGlobalSettingsCallable(const Model::UpdateGlobalSettingsRequest& request) const;
6779         /**
6780          * <p>Updates global settings for the administrator's AWS account, such as Amazon
6781          * Chime Business Calling and Amazon Chime Voice Connector settings.</p><p><h3>See
6782          * Also:</h3>   <a
6783          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateGlobalSettings">AWS
6784          * API Reference</a></p>
6785          *
6786          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6787          */
6788         virtual void UpdateGlobalSettingsAsync(const Model::UpdateGlobalSettingsRequest& request, const UpdateGlobalSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6790         /**
6791          * <p>Updates phone number details, such as product type or calling name, for the
6792          * specified phone number ID. You can update one phone number detail at a time. For
6793          * example, you can update either the product type or the calling name in one
6794          * action.</p> <p>For toll-free numbers, you cannot use the Amazon Chime Business
6795          * Calling product type. For numbers outside the U.S., you must use the Amazon
6796          * Chime SIP Media Application Dial-In product type.</p> <p>Updates to outbound
6797          * calling names can take 72 hours to complete. Pending updates to outbound calling
6798          * names must be complete before you can request another update.</p><p><h3>See
6799          * Also:</h3>   <a
6800          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdatePhoneNumber">AWS
6801          * API Reference</a></p>
6802          */
6803         virtual Model::UpdatePhoneNumberOutcome UpdatePhoneNumber(const Model::UpdatePhoneNumberRequest& request) const;
6805         /**
6806          * <p>Updates phone number details, such as product type or calling name, for the
6807          * specified phone number ID. You can update one phone number detail at a time. For
6808          * example, you can update either the product type or the calling name in one
6809          * action.</p> <p>For toll-free numbers, you cannot use the Amazon Chime Business
6810          * Calling product type. For numbers outside the U.S., you must use the Amazon
6811          * Chime SIP Media Application Dial-In product type.</p> <p>Updates to outbound
6812          * calling names can take 72 hours to complete. Pending updates to outbound calling
6813          * names must be complete before you can request another update.</p><p><h3>See
6814          * Also:</h3>   <a
6815          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdatePhoneNumber">AWS
6816          * API Reference</a></p>
6817          *
6818          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6819          */
6820         virtual Model::UpdatePhoneNumberOutcomeCallable UpdatePhoneNumberCallable(const Model::UpdatePhoneNumberRequest& request) const;
6822         /**
6823          * <p>Updates phone number details, such as product type or calling name, for the
6824          * specified phone number ID. You can update one phone number detail at a time. For
6825          * example, you can update either the product type or the calling name in one
6826          * action.</p> <p>For toll-free numbers, you cannot use the Amazon Chime Business
6827          * Calling product type. For numbers outside the U.S., you must use the Amazon
6828          * Chime SIP Media Application Dial-In product type.</p> <p>Updates to outbound
6829          * calling names can take 72 hours to complete. Pending updates to outbound calling
6830          * names must be complete before you can request another update.</p><p><h3>See
6831          * Also:</h3>   <a
6832          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdatePhoneNumber">AWS
6833          * API Reference</a></p>
6834          *
6835          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6836          */
6837         virtual void UpdatePhoneNumberAsync(const Model::UpdatePhoneNumberRequest& request, const UpdatePhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6839         /**
6840          * <p>Updates the phone number settings for the administrator's AWS account, such
6841          * as the default outbound calling name. You can update the default outbound
6842          * calling name once every seven days. Outbound calling names can take up to 72
6843          * hours to update.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6844          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdatePhoneNumberSettings">AWS
6845          * API Reference</a></p>
6846          */
6847         virtual Model::UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsOutcome UpdatePhoneNumberSettings(const Model::UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsRequest& request) const;
6849         /**
6850          * <p>Updates the phone number settings for the administrator's AWS account, such
6851          * as the default outbound calling name. You can update the default outbound
6852          * calling name once every seven days. Outbound calling names can take up to 72
6853          * hours to update.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6854          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdatePhoneNumberSettings">AWS
6855          * API Reference</a></p>
6856          *
6857          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6858          */
6859         virtual Model::UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsOutcomeCallable UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsCallable(const Model::UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsRequest& request) const;
6861         /**
6862          * <p>Updates the phone number settings for the administrator's AWS account, such
6863          * as the default outbound calling name. You can update the default outbound
6864          * calling name once every seven days. Outbound calling names can take up to 72
6865          * hours to update.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6866          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdatePhoneNumberSettings">AWS
6867          * API Reference</a></p>
6868          *
6869          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6870          */
6871         virtual void UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsAsync(const Model::UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsRequest& request, const UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6873         /**
6874          * <p>Updates the specified proxy session details, such as voice or SMS
6875          * capabilities.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6876          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateProxySession">AWS
6877          * API Reference</a></p>
6878          */
6879         virtual Model::UpdateProxySessionOutcome UpdateProxySession(const Model::UpdateProxySessionRequest& request) const;
6881         /**
6882          * <p>Updates the specified proxy session details, such as voice or SMS
6883          * capabilities.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6884          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateProxySession">AWS
6885          * API Reference</a></p>
6886          *
6887          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6888          */
6889         virtual Model::UpdateProxySessionOutcomeCallable UpdateProxySessionCallable(const Model::UpdateProxySessionRequest& request) const;
6891         /**
6892          * <p>Updates the specified proxy session details, such as voice or SMS
6893          * capabilities.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6894          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateProxySession">AWS
6895          * API Reference</a></p>
6896          *
6897          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6898          */
6899         virtual void UpdateProxySessionAsync(const Model::UpdateProxySessionRequest& request, const UpdateProxySessionResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6901         /**
6902          * <p>Updates room details, such as the room name, for a room in an Amazon Chime
6903          * Enterprise account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6904          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateRoom">AWS
6905          * API Reference</a></p>
6906          */
6907         virtual Model::UpdateRoomOutcome UpdateRoom(const Model::UpdateRoomRequest& request) const;
6909         /**
6910          * <p>Updates room details, such as the room name, for a room in an Amazon Chime
6911          * Enterprise account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6912          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateRoom">AWS
6913          * API Reference</a></p>
6914          *
6915          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6916          */
6917         virtual Model::UpdateRoomOutcomeCallable UpdateRoomCallable(const Model::UpdateRoomRequest& request) const;
6919         /**
6920          * <p>Updates room details, such as the room name, for a room in an Amazon Chime
6921          * Enterprise account.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6922          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateRoom">AWS
6923          * API Reference</a></p>
6924          *
6925          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6926          */
6927         virtual void UpdateRoomAsync(const Model::UpdateRoomRequest& request, const UpdateRoomResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6929         /**
6930          * <p>Updates room membership details, such as the member role, for a room in an
6931          * Amazon Chime Enterprise account. The member role designates whether the member
6932          * is a chat room administrator or a general chat room member. The member role can
6933          * be updated only for user IDs.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6934          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateRoomMembership">AWS
6935          * API Reference</a></p>
6936          */
6937         virtual Model::UpdateRoomMembershipOutcome UpdateRoomMembership(const Model::UpdateRoomMembershipRequest& request) const;
6939         /**
6940          * <p>Updates room membership details, such as the member role, for a room in an
6941          * Amazon Chime Enterprise account. The member role designates whether the member
6942          * is a chat room administrator or a general chat room member. The member role can
6943          * be updated only for user IDs.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6944          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateRoomMembership">AWS
6945          * API Reference</a></p>
6946          *
6947          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6948          */
6949         virtual Model::UpdateRoomMembershipOutcomeCallable UpdateRoomMembershipCallable(const Model::UpdateRoomMembershipRequest& request) const;
6951         /**
6952          * <p>Updates room membership details, such as the member role, for a room in an
6953          * Amazon Chime Enterprise account. The member role designates whether the member
6954          * is a chat room administrator or a general chat room member. The member role can
6955          * be updated only for user IDs.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6956          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateRoomMembership">AWS
6957          * API Reference</a></p>
6958          *
6959          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6960          */
6961         virtual void UpdateRoomMembershipAsync(const Model::UpdateRoomMembershipRequest& request, const UpdateRoomMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6963         /**
6964          * <p>Updates the details of the specified SIP media application.</p><p><h3>See
6965          * Also:</h3>   <a
6966          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateSipMediaApplication">AWS
6967          * API Reference</a></p>
6968          */
6969         virtual Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationOutcome UpdateSipMediaApplication(const Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationRequest& request) const;
6971         /**
6972          * <p>Updates the details of the specified SIP media application.</p><p><h3>See
6973          * Also:</h3>   <a
6974          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateSipMediaApplication">AWS
6975          * API Reference</a></p>
6976          *
6977          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
6978          */
6979         virtual Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationOutcomeCallable UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallable(const Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationRequest& request) const;
6981         /**
6982          * <p>Updates the details of the specified SIP media application.</p><p><h3>See
6983          * Also:</h3>   <a
6984          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateSipMediaApplication">AWS
6985          * API Reference</a></p>
6986          *
6987          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
6988          */
6989         virtual void UpdateSipMediaApplicationAsync(const Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationRequest& request, const UpdateSipMediaApplicationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
6991         /**
6992          * <p>Allows you to trigger a Lambda function at any time while a call is active,
6993          * and replace the current actions with new actions returned by the
6994          * invocation.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
6995          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateSipMediaApplicationCall">AWS
6996          * API Reference</a></p>
6997          */
6998         virtual Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallOutcome UpdateSipMediaApplicationCall(const Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallRequest& request) const;
7000         /**
7001          * <p>Allows you to trigger a Lambda function at any time while a call is active,
7002          * and replace the current actions with new actions returned by the
7003          * invocation.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
7004          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateSipMediaApplicationCall">AWS
7005          * API Reference</a></p>
7006          *
7007          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
7008          */
7009         virtual Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallOutcomeCallable UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallCallable(const Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallRequest& request) const;
7011         /**
7012          * <p>Allows you to trigger a Lambda function at any time while a call is active,
7013          * and replace the current actions with new actions returned by the
7014          * invocation.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
7015          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateSipMediaApplicationCall">AWS
7016          * API Reference</a></p>
7017          *
7018          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
7019          */
7020         virtual void UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallAsync(const Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallRequest& request, const UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
7022         /**
7023          * <p>Updates the details of the specified SIP rule.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
7024          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateSipRule">AWS
7025          * API Reference</a></p>
7026          */
7027         virtual Model::UpdateSipRuleOutcome UpdateSipRule(const Model::UpdateSipRuleRequest& request) const;
7029         /**
7030          * <p>Updates the details of the specified SIP rule.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
7031          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateSipRule">AWS
7032          * API Reference</a></p>
7033          *
7034          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
7035          */
7036         virtual Model::UpdateSipRuleOutcomeCallable UpdateSipRuleCallable(const Model::UpdateSipRuleRequest& request) const;
7038         /**
7039          * <p>Updates the details of the specified SIP rule.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
7040          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateSipRule">AWS
7041          * API Reference</a></p>
7042          *
7043          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
7044          */
7045         virtual void UpdateSipRuleAsync(const Model::UpdateSipRuleRequest& request, const UpdateSipRuleResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
7047         /**
7048          * <p>Updates user details for a specified user ID. Currently, only
7049          * <code>LicenseType</code> updates are supported for this action.</p><p><h3>See
7050          * Also:</h3>   <a
7051          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateUser">AWS
7052          * API Reference</a></p>
7053          */
7054         virtual Model::UpdateUserOutcome UpdateUser(const Model::UpdateUserRequest& request) const;
7056         /**
7057          * <p>Updates user details for a specified user ID. Currently, only
7058          * <code>LicenseType</code> updates are supported for this action.</p><p><h3>See
7059          * Also:</h3>   <a
7060          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateUser">AWS
7061          * API Reference</a></p>
7062          *
7063          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
7064          */
7065         virtual Model::UpdateUserOutcomeCallable UpdateUserCallable(const Model::UpdateUserRequest& request) const;
7067         /**
7068          * <p>Updates user details for a specified user ID. Currently, only
7069          * <code>LicenseType</code> updates are supported for this action.</p><p><h3>See
7070          * Also:</h3>   <a
7071          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateUser">AWS
7072          * API Reference</a></p>
7073          *
7074          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
7075          */
7076         virtual void UpdateUserAsync(const Model::UpdateUserRequest& request, const UpdateUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
7078         /**
7079          * <p>Updates the settings for the specified user, such as phone number
7080          * settings.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
7081          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateUserSettings">AWS
7082          * API Reference</a></p>
7083          */
7084         virtual Model::UpdateUserSettingsOutcome UpdateUserSettings(const Model::UpdateUserSettingsRequest& request) const;
7086         /**
7087          * <p>Updates the settings for the specified user, such as phone number
7088          * settings.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
7089          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateUserSettings">AWS
7090          * API Reference</a></p>
7091          *
7092          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
7093          */
7094         virtual Model::UpdateUserSettingsOutcomeCallable UpdateUserSettingsCallable(const Model::UpdateUserSettingsRequest& request) const;
7096         /**
7097          * <p>Updates the settings for the specified user, such as phone number
7098          * settings.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
7099          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateUserSettings">AWS
7100          * API Reference</a></p>
7101          *
7102          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
7103          */
7104         virtual void UpdateUserSettingsAsync(const Model::UpdateUserSettingsRequest& request, const UpdateUserSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
7106         /**
7107          * <p>Updates details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.</p><p><h3>See
7108          * Also:</h3>   <a
7109          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateVoiceConnector">AWS
7110          * API Reference</a></p>
7111          */
7112         virtual Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorOutcome UpdateVoiceConnector(const Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorRequest& request) const;
7114         /**
7115          * <p>Updates details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.</p><p><h3>See
7116          * Also:</h3>   <a
7117          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateVoiceConnector">AWS
7118          * API Reference</a></p>
7119          *
7120          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
7121          */
7122         virtual Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorOutcomeCallable UpdateVoiceConnectorCallable(const Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorRequest& request) const;
7124         /**
7125          * <p>Updates details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.</p><p><h3>See
7126          * Also:</h3>   <a
7127          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateVoiceConnector">AWS
7128          * API Reference</a></p>
7129          *
7130          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
7131          */
7132         virtual void UpdateVoiceConnectorAsync(const Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorRequest& request, const UpdateVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
7134         /**
7135          * <p>Updates details of the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector group, such as
7136          * the name and Amazon Chime Voice Connector priority ranking.</p><p><h3>See
7137          * Also:</h3>   <a
7138          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
7139          * API Reference</a></p>
7140          */
7141         virtual Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupOutcome UpdateVoiceConnectorGroup(const Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request) const;
7143         /**
7144          * <p>Updates details of the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector group, such as
7145          * the name and Amazon Chime Voice Connector priority ranking.</p><p><h3>See
7146          * Also:</h3>   <a
7147          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
7148          * API Reference</a></p>
7149          *
7150          * returns a future to the operation so that it can be executed in parallel to other requests.
7151          */
7152         virtual Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupOutcomeCallable UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupCallable(const Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request) const;
7154         /**
7155          * <p>Updates details of the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector group, such as
7156          * the name and Amazon Chime Voice Connector priority ranking.</p><p><h3>See
7157          * Also:</h3>   <a
7158          * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/chime-2018-05-01/UpdateVoiceConnectorGroup">AWS
7159          * API Reference</a></p>
7160          *
7161          * Queues the request into a thread executor and triggers associated callback when operation has finished.
7162          */
7163         virtual void UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupAsync(const Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request, const UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context = nullptr) const;
7166       void OverrideEndpoint(const Aws::String& endpoint);
7167     private:
7168       void init(const Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration& clientConfiguration);
7169         void AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserAsyncHelper(const Model::AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserRequest& request, const AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7170         void AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorAsyncHelper(const Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorRequest& request, const AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7171         void AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupAsyncHelper(const Model::AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request, const AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7172         void AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountAsyncHelper(const Model::AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountRequest& request, const AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7173         void BatchCreateAttendeeAsyncHelper(const Model::BatchCreateAttendeeRequest& request, const BatchCreateAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7174         void BatchCreateChannelMembershipAsyncHelper(const Model::BatchCreateChannelMembershipRequest& request, const BatchCreateChannelMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7175         void BatchCreateRoomMembershipAsyncHelper(const Model::BatchCreateRoomMembershipRequest& request, const BatchCreateRoomMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7176         void BatchDeletePhoneNumberAsyncHelper(const Model::BatchDeletePhoneNumberRequest& request, const BatchDeletePhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7177         void BatchSuspendUserAsyncHelper(const Model::BatchSuspendUserRequest& request, const BatchSuspendUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7178         void BatchUnsuspendUserAsyncHelper(const Model::BatchUnsuspendUserRequest& request, const BatchUnsuspendUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7179         void BatchUpdatePhoneNumberAsyncHelper(const Model::BatchUpdatePhoneNumberRequest& request, const BatchUpdatePhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7180         void BatchUpdateUserAsyncHelper(const Model::BatchUpdateUserRequest& request, const BatchUpdateUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7181         void CreateAccountAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateAccountRequest& request, const CreateAccountResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7182         void CreateAppInstanceAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateAppInstanceRequest& request, const CreateAppInstanceResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7183         void CreateAppInstanceAdminAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateAppInstanceAdminRequest& request, const CreateAppInstanceAdminResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7184         void CreateAppInstanceUserAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const CreateAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7185         void CreateAttendeeAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateAttendeeRequest& request, const CreateAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7186         void CreateBotAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateBotRequest& request, const CreateBotResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7187         void CreateChannelAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateChannelRequest& request, const CreateChannelResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7188         void CreateChannelBanAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateChannelBanRequest& request, const CreateChannelBanResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7189         void CreateChannelMembershipAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateChannelMembershipRequest& request, const CreateChannelMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7190         void CreateChannelModeratorAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateChannelModeratorRequest& request, const CreateChannelModeratorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7191         void CreateMediaCapturePipelineAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateMediaCapturePipelineRequest& request, const CreateMediaCapturePipelineResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7192         void CreateMeetingAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateMeetingRequest& request, const CreateMeetingResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7193         void CreateMeetingDialOutAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateMeetingDialOutRequest& request, const CreateMeetingDialOutResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7194         void CreateMeetingWithAttendeesAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateMeetingWithAttendeesRequest& request, const CreateMeetingWithAttendeesResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7195         void CreatePhoneNumberOrderAsyncHelper(const Model::CreatePhoneNumberOrderRequest& request, const CreatePhoneNumberOrderResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7196         void CreateProxySessionAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateProxySessionRequest& request, const CreateProxySessionResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7197         void CreateRoomAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateRoomRequest& request, const CreateRoomResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7198         void CreateRoomMembershipAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateRoomMembershipRequest& request, const CreateRoomMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7199         void CreateSipMediaApplicationAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationRequest& request, const CreateSipMediaApplicationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7200         void CreateSipMediaApplicationCallAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateSipMediaApplicationCallRequest& request, const CreateSipMediaApplicationCallResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7201         void CreateSipRuleAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateSipRuleRequest& request, const CreateSipRuleResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7202         void CreateUserAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateUserRequest& request, const CreateUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7203         void CreateVoiceConnectorAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateVoiceConnectorRequest& request, const CreateVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7204         void CreateVoiceConnectorGroupAsyncHelper(const Model::CreateVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request, const CreateVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7205         void DeleteAccountAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteAccountRequest& request, const DeleteAccountResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7206         void DeleteAppInstanceAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceRequest& request, const DeleteAppInstanceResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7207         void DeleteAppInstanceAdminAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceAdminRequest& request, const DeleteAppInstanceAdminResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7208         void DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest& request, const DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7209         void DeleteAppInstanceUserAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const DeleteAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7210         void DeleteAttendeeAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteAttendeeRequest& request, const DeleteAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7211         void DeleteChannelAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteChannelRequest& request, const DeleteChannelResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7212         void DeleteChannelBanAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteChannelBanRequest& request, const DeleteChannelBanResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7213         void DeleteChannelMembershipAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteChannelMembershipRequest& request, const DeleteChannelMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7214         void DeleteChannelMessageAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteChannelMessageRequest& request, const DeleteChannelMessageResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7215         void DeleteChannelModeratorAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteChannelModeratorRequest& request, const DeleteChannelModeratorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7216         void DeleteEventsConfigurationAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteEventsConfigurationRequest& request, const DeleteEventsConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7217         void DeleteMediaCapturePipelineAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteMediaCapturePipelineRequest& request, const DeleteMediaCapturePipelineResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7218         void DeleteMeetingAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteMeetingRequest& request, const DeleteMeetingResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7219         void DeletePhoneNumberAsyncHelper(const Model::DeletePhoneNumberRequest& request, const DeletePhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7220         void DeleteProxySessionAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteProxySessionRequest& request, const DeleteProxySessionResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7221         void DeleteRoomAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteRoomRequest& request, const DeleteRoomResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7222         void DeleteRoomMembershipAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteRoomMembershipRequest& request, const DeleteRoomMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7223         void DeleteSipMediaApplicationAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteSipMediaApplicationRequest& request, const DeleteSipMediaApplicationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7224         void DeleteSipRuleAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteSipRuleRequest& request, const DeleteSipRuleResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7225         void DeleteVoiceConnectorAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7226         void DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7227         void DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7228         void DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7229         void DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7230         void DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7231         void DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7232         void DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsAsyncHelper(const Model::DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest& request, const DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7233         void DescribeAppInstanceAsyncHelper(const Model::DescribeAppInstanceRequest& request, const DescribeAppInstanceResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7234         void DescribeAppInstanceAdminAsyncHelper(const Model::DescribeAppInstanceAdminRequest& request, const DescribeAppInstanceAdminResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7235         void DescribeAppInstanceUserAsyncHelper(const Model::DescribeAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const DescribeAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7236         void DescribeChannelAsyncHelper(const Model::DescribeChannelRequest& request, const DescribeChannelResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7237         void DescribeChannelBanAsyncHelper(const Model::DescribeChannelBanRequest& request, const DescribeChannelBanResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7238         void DescribeChannelMembershipAsyncHelper(const Model::DescribeChannelMembershipRequest& request, const DescribeChannelMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7239         void DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserAsyncHelper(const Model::DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7240         void DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserAsyncHelper(const Model::DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7241         void DescribeChannelModeratorAsyncHelper(const Model::DescribeChannelModeratorRequest& request, const DescribeChannelModeratorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7242         void DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserAsyncHelper(const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserRequest& request, const DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7243         void DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorAsyncHelper(const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorRequest& request, const DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7244         void DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupAsyncHelper(const Model::DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request, const DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7245         void DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountAsyncHelper(const Model::DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountRequest& request, const DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7246         void GetAccountAsyncHelper(const Model::GetAccountRequest& request, const GetAccountResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7247         void GetAccountSettingsAsyncHelper(const Model::GetAccountSettingsRequest& request, const GetAccountSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7248         void GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsAsyncHelper(const Model::GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsRequest& request, const GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7249         void GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsAsyncHelper(const Model::GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest& request, const GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7250         void GetAttendeeAsyncHelper(const Model::GetAttendeeRequest& request, const GetAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7251         void GetBotAsyncHelper(const Model::GetBotRequest& request, const GetBotResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7252         void GetChannelMessageAsyncHelper(const Model::GetChannelMessageRequest& request, const GetChannelMessageResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7253         void GetEventsConfigurationAsyncHelper(const Model::GetEventsConfigurationRequest& request, const GetEventsConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7254         void GetGlobalSettingsAsyncHelper(const GetGlobalSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7255         void GetMediaCapturePipelineAsyncHelper(const Model::GetMediaCapturePipelineRequest& request, const GetMediaCapturePipelineResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7256         void GetMeetingAsyncHelper(const Model::GetMeetingRequest& request, const GetMeetingResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7257         void GetMessagingSessionEndpointAsyncHelper(const Model::GetMessagingSessionEndpointRequest& request, const GetMessagingSessionEndpointResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7258         void GetPhoneNumberAsyncHelper(const Model::GetPhoneNumberRequest& request, const GetPhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7259         void GetPhoneNumberOrderAsyncHelper(const Model::GetPhoneNumberOrderRequest& request, const GetPhoneNumberOrderResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7260         void GetPhoneNumberSettingsAsyncHelper(const GetPhoneNumberSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7261         void GetProxySessionAsyncHelper(const Model::GetProxySessionRequest& request, const GetProxySessionResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7262         void GetRetentionSettingsAsyncHelper(const Model::GetRetentionSettingsRequest& request, const GetRetentionSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7263         void GetRoomAsyncHelper(const Model::GetRoomRequest& request, const GetRoomResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7264         void GetSipMediaApplicationAsyncHelper(const Model::GetSipMediaApplicationRequest& request, const GetSipMediaApplicationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7265         void GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationAsyncHelper(const Model::GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationRequest& request, const GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7266         void GetSipRuleAsyncHelper(const Model::GetSipRuleRequest& request, const GetSipRuleResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7267         void GetUserAsyncHelper(const Model::GetUserRequest& request, const GetUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7268         void GetUserSettingsAsyncHelper(const Model::GetUserSettingsRequest& request, const GetUserSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7269         void GetVoiceConnectorAsyncHelper(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7270         void GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationAsyncHelper(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7271         void GetVoiceConnectorGroupAsyncHelper(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7272         void GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationAsyncHelper(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7273         void GetVoiceConnectorOriginationAsyncHelper(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorOriginationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7274         void GetVoiceConnectorProxyAsyncHelper(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorProxyRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorProxyResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7275         void GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationAsyncHelper(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7276         void GetVoiceConnectorTerminationAsyncHelper(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorTerminationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7277         void GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthAsyncHelper(const Model::GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthRequest& request, const GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7278         void InviteUsersAsyncHelper(const Model::InviteUsersRequest& request, const InviteUsersResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7279         void ListAccountsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListAccountsRequest& request, const ListAccountsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7280         void ListAppInstanceAdminsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListAppInstanceAdminsRequest& request, const ListAppInstanceAdminsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7281         void ListAppInstanceUsersAsyncHelper(const Model::ListAppInstanceUsersRequest& request, const ListAppInstanceUsersResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7282         void ListAppInstancesAsyncHelper(const Model::ListAppInstancesRequest& request, const ListAppInstancesResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7283         void ListAttendeeTagsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListAttendeeTagsRequest& request, const ListAttendeeTagsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7284         void ListAttendeesAsyncHelper(const Model::ListAttendeesRequest& request, const ListAttendeesResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7285         void ListBotsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListBotsRequest& request, const ListBotsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7286         void ListChannelBansAsyncHelper(const Model::ListChannelBansRequest& request, const ListChannelBansResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7287         void ListChannelMembershipsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListChannelMembershipsRequest& request, const ListChannelMembershipsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7288         void ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserAsyncHelper(const Model::ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7289         void ListChannelMessagesAsyncHelper(const Model::ListChannelMessagesRequest& request, const ListChannelMessagesResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7290         void ListChannelModeratorsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListChannelModeratorsRequest& request, const ListChannelModeratorsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7291         void ListChannelsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListChannelsRequest& request, const ListChannelsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7292         void ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserAsyncHelper(const Model::ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7293         void ListMediaCapturePipelinesAsyncHelper(const Model::ListMediaCapturePipelinesRequest& request, const ListMediaCapturePipelinesResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7294         void ListMeetingTagsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListMeetingTagsRequest& request, const ListMeetingTagsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7295         void ListMeetingsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListMeetingsRequest& request, const ListMeetingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7296         void ListPhoneNumberOrdersAsyncHelper(const Model::ListPhoneNumberOrdersRequest& request, const ListPhoneNumberOrdersResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7297         void ListPhoneNumbersAsyncHelper(const Model::ListPhoneNumbersRequest& request, const ListPhoneNumbersResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7298         void ListProxySessionsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListProxySessionsRequest& request, const ListProxySessionsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7299         void ListRoomMembershipsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListRoomMembershipsRequest& request, const ListRoomMembershipsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7300         void ListRoomsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListRoomsRequest& request, const ListRoomsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7301         void ListSipMediaApplicationsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListSipMediaApplicationsRequest& request, const ListSipMediaApplicationsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7302         void ListSipRulesAsyncHelper(const Model::ListSipRulesRequest& request, const ListSipRulesResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7303         void ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesAsyncHelper(const Model::ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesRequest& request, const ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7304         void ListTagsForResourceAsyncHelper(const Model::ListTagsForResourceRequest& request, const ListTagsForResourceResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7305         void ListUsersAsyncHelper(const Model::ListUsersRequest& request, const ListUsersResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7306         void ListVoiceConnectorGroupsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListVoiceConnectorGroupsRequest& request, const ListVoiceConnectorGroupsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7307         void ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest& request, const ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7308         void ListVoiceConnectorsAsyncHelper(const Model::ListVoiceConnectorsRequest& request, const ListVoiceConnectorsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7309         void LogoutUserAsyncHelper(const Model::LogoutUserRequest& request, const LogoutUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7310         void PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsAsyncHelper(const Model::PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsRequest& request, const PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7311         void PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsAsyncHelper(const Model::PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest& request, const PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7312         void PutEventsConfigurationAsyncHelper(const Model::PutEventsConfigurationRequest& request, const PutEventsConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7313         void PutRetentionSettingsAsyncHelper(const Model::PutRetentionSettingsRequest& request, const PutRetentionSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7314         void PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationAsyncHelper(const Model::PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationRequest& request, const PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7315         void PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationAsyncHelper(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest& request, const PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7316         void PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationAsyncHelper(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationRequest& request, const PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7317         void PutVoiceConnectorOriginationAsyncHelper(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest& request, const PutVoiceConnectorOriginationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7318         void PutVoiceConnectorProxyAsyncHelper(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorProxyRequest& request, const PutVoiceConnectorProxyResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7319         void PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationAsyncHelper(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest& request, const PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7320         void PutVoiceConnectorTerminationAsyncHelper(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest& request, const PutVoiceConnectorTerminationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7321         void PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsAsyncHelper(const Model::PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest& request, const PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7322         void RedactChannelMessageAsyncHelper(const Model::RedactChannelMessageRequest& request, const RedactChannelMessageResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7323         void RedactConversationMessageAsyncHelper(const Model::RedactConversationMessageRequest& request, const RedactConversationMessageResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7324         void RedactRoomMessageAsyncHelper(const Model::RedactRoomMessageRequest& request, const RedactRoomMessageResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7325         void RegenerateSecurityTokenAsyncHelper(const Model::RegenerateSecurityTokenRequest& request, const RegenerateSecurityTokenResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7326         void ResetPersonalPINAsyncHelper(const Model::ResetPersonalPINRequest& request, const ResetPersonalPINResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7327         void RestorePhoneNumberAsyncHelper(const Model::RestorePhoneNumberRequest& request, const RestorePhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7328         void SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersAsyncHelper(const Model::SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersRequest& request, const SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7329         void SendChannelMessageAsyncHelper(const Model::SendChannelMessageRequest& request, const SendChannelMessageResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7330         void StartMeetingTranscriptionAsyncHelper(const Model::StartMeetingTranscriptionRequest& request, const StartMeetingTranscriptionResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7331         void StopMeetingTranscriptionAsyncHelper(const Model::StopMeetingTranscriptionRequest& request, const StopMeetingTranscriptionResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7332         void TagAttendeeAsyncHelper(const Model::TagAttendeeRequest& request, const TagAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7333         void TagMeetingAsyncHelper(const Model::TagMeetingRequest& request, const TagMeetingResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7334         void TagResourceAsyncHelper(const Model::TagResourceRequest& request, const TagResourceResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7335         void UntagAttendeeAsyncHelper(const Model::UntagAttendeeRequest& request, const UntagAttendeeResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7336         void UntagMeetingAsyncHelper(const Model::UntagMeetingRequest& request, const UntagMeetingResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7337         void UntagResourceAsyncHelper(const Model::UntagResourceRequest& request, const UntagResourceResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7338         void UpdateAccountAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateAccountRequest& request, const UpdateAccountResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7339         void UpdateAccountSettingsAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateAccountSettingsRequest& request, const UpdateAccountSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7340         void UpdateAppInstanceAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateAppInstanceRequest& request, const UpdateAppInstanceResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7341         void UpdateAppInstanceUserAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateAppInstanceUserRequest& request, const UpdateAppInstanceUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7342         void UpdateBotAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateBotRequest& request, const UpdateBotResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7343         void UpdateChannelAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateChannelRequest& request, const UpdateChannelResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7344         void UpdateChannelMessageAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateChannelMessageRequest& request, const UpdateChannelMessageResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7345         void UpdateChannelReadMarkerAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateChannelReadMarkerRequest& request, const UpdateChannelReadMarkerResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7346         void UpdateGlobalSettingsAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateGlobalSettingsRequest& request, const UpdateGlobalSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7347         void UpdatePhoneNumberAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdatePhoneNumberRequest& request, const UpdatePhoneNumberResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7348         void UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsRequest& request, const UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7349         void UpdateProxySessionAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateProxySessionRequest& request, const UpdateProxySessionResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7350         void UpdateRoomAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateRoomRequest& request, const UpdateRoomResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7351         void UpdateRoomMembershipAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateRoomMembershipRequest& request, const UpdateRoomMembershipResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7352         void UpdateSipMediaApplicationAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationRequest& request, const UpdateSipMediaApplicationResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7353         void UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallRequest& request, const UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7354         void UpdateSipRuleAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateSipRuleRequest& request, const UpdateSipRuleResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7355         void UpdateUserAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateUserRequest& request, const UpdateUserResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7356         void UpdateUserSettingsAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateUserSettingsRequest& request, const UpdateUserSettingsResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7357         void UpdateVoiceConnectorAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorRequest& request, const UpdateVoiceConnectorResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7358         void UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupAsyncHelper(const Model::UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupRequest& request, const UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupResponseReceivedHandler& handler, const std::shared_ptr<const Aws::Client::AsyncCallerContext>& context) const;
7360       Aws::String m_baseUri;
7361       Aws::String m_scheme;
7362       bool m_enableHostPrefixInjection;
7363       Aws::String m_configScheme;
7364       std::shared_ptr<Aws::Utils::Threading::Executor> m_executor;
7365   };
7367 } // namespace Chime
7368 } // namespace Aws