1 /**
2  * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
4  */
6 #pragma once
7 #include <aws/dms/DatabaseMigrationService_EXPORTS.h>
8 #include <aws/core/utils/memory/stl/AWSString.h>
9 #include <aws/dms/model/MessageFormatValue.h>
10 #include <utility>
12 namespace Aws
13 {
14 namespace Utils
15 {
16 namespace Json
17 {
18   class JsonValue;
19   class JsonView;
20 } // namespace Json
21 } // namespace Utils
22 namespace DatabaseMigrationService
23 {
24 namespace Model
25 {
27   /**
28    * <p>Provides information that describes an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream endpoint.
29    * This information includes the output format of records applied to the endpoint
30    * and details of transaction and control table data information.</p><p><h3>See
31    * Also:</h3>   <a
32    * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/dms-2016-01-01/KinesisSettings">AWS
33    * API Reference</a></p>
34    */
36   {
37   public:
38     KinesisSettings();
39     KinesisSettings(Aws::Utils::Json::JsonView jsonValue);
40     KinesisSettings& operator=(Aws::Utils::Json::JsonView jsonValue);
41     Aws::Utils::Json::JsonValue Jsonize() const;
44     /**
45      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
46      * endpoint.</p>
47      */
GetStreamArn()48     inline const Aws::String& GetStreamArn() const{ return m_streamArn; }
50     /**
51      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
52      * endpoint.</p>
53      */
StreamArnHasBeenSet()54     inline bool StreamArnHasBeenSet() const { return m_streamArnHasBeenSet; }
56     /**
57      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
58      * endpoint.</p>
59      */
SetStreamArn(const Aws::String & value)60     inline void SetStreamArn(const Aws::String& value) { m_streamArnHasBeenSet = true; m_streamArn = value; }
62     /**
63      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
64      * endpoint.</p>
65      */
SetStreamArn(Aws::String && value)66     inline void SetStreamArn(Aws::String&& value) { m_streamArnHasBeenSet = true; m_streamArn = std::move(value); }
68     /**
69      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
70      * endpoint.</p>
71      */
SetStreamArn(const char * value)72     inline void SetStreamArn(const char* value) { m_streamArnHasBeenSet = true; m_streamArn.assign(value); }
74     /**
75      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
76      * endpoint.</p>
77      */
WithStreamArn(const Aws::String & value)78     inline KinesisSettings& WithStreamArn(const Aws::String& value) { SetStreamArn(value); return *this;}
80     /**
81      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
82      * endpoint.</p>
83      */
WithStreamArn(Aws::String && value)84     inline KinesisSettings& WithStreamArn(Aws::String&& value) { SetStreamArn(std::move(value)); return *this;}
86     /**
87      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
88      * endpoint.</p>
89      */
WithStreamArn(const char * value)90     inline KinesisSettings& WithStreamArn(const char* value) { SetStreamArn(value); return *this;}
93     /**
94      * <p>The output format for the records created on the endpoint. The message format
95      * is <code>JSON</code> (default) or <code>JSON_UNFORMATTED</code> (a single line
96      * with no tab).</p>
97      */
GetMessageFormat()98     inline const MessageFormatValue& GetMessageFormat() const{ return m_messageFormat; }
100     /**
101      * <p>The output format for the records created on the endpoint. The message format
102      * is <code>JSON</code> (default) or <code>JSON_UNFORMATTED</code> (a single line
103      * with no tab).</p>
104      */
MessageFormatHasBeenSet()105     inline bool MessageFormatHasBeenSet() const { return m_messageFormatHasBeenSet; }
107     /**
108      * <p>The output format for the records created on the endpoint. The message format
109      * is <code>JSON</code> (default) or <code>JSON_UNFORMATTED</code> (a single line
110      * with no tab).</p>
111      */
SetMessageFormat(const MessageFormatValue & value)112     inline void SetMessageFormat(const MessageFormatValue& value) { m_messageFormatHasBeenSet = true; m_messageFormat = value; }
114     /**
115      * <p>The output format for the records created on the endpoint. The message format
116      * is <code>JSON</code> (default) or <code>JSON_UNFORMATTED</code> (a single line
117      * with no tab).</p>
118      */
SetMessageFormat(MessageFormatValue && value)119     inline void SetMessageFormat(MessageFormatValue&& value) { m_messageFormatHasBeenSet = true; m_messageFormat = std::move(value); }
121     /**
122      * <p>The output format for the records created on the endpoint. The message format
123      * is <code>JSON</code> (default) or <code>JSON_UNFORMATTED</code> (a single line
124      * with no tab).</p>
125      */
WithMessageFormat(const MessageFormatValue & value)126     inline KinesisSettings& WithMessageFormat(const MessageFormatValue& value) { SetMessageFormat(value); return *this;}
128     /**
129      * <p>The output format for the records created on the endpoint. The message format
130      * is <code>JSON</code> (default) or <code>JSON_UNFORMATTED</code> (a single line
131      * with no tab).</p>
132      */
WithMessageFormat(MessageFormatValue && value)133     inline KinesisSettings& WithMessageFormat(MessageFormatValue&& value) { SetMessageFormat(std::move(value)); return *this;}
136     /**
137      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that DMS uses to write to the
138      * Kinesis data stream. The role must allow the <code>iam:PassRole</code>
139      * action.</p>
140      */
GetServiceAccessRoleArn()141     inline const Aws::String& GetServiceAccessRoleArn() const{ return m_serviceAccessRoleArn; }
143     /**
144      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that DMS uses to write to the
145      * Kinesis data stream. The role must allow the <code>iam:PassRole</code>
146      * action.</p>
147      */
ServiceAccessRoleArnHasBeenSet()148     inline bool ServiceAccessRoleArnHasBeenSet() const { return m_serviceAccessRoleArnHasBeenSet; }
150     /**
151      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that DMS uses to write to the
152      * Kinesis data stream. The role must allow the <code>iam:PassRole</code>
153      * action.</p>
154      */
SetServiceAccessRoleArn(const Aws::String & value)155     inline void SetServiceAccessRoleArn(const Aws::String& value) { m_serviceAccessRoleArnHasBeenSet = true; m_serviceAccessRoleArn = value; }
157     /**
158      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that DMS uses to write to the
159      * Kinesis data stream. The role must allow the <code>iam:PassRole</code>
160      * action.</p>
161      */
SetServiceAccessRoleArn(Aws::String && value)162     inline void SetServiceAccessRoleArn(Aws::String&& value) { m_serviceAccessRoleArnHasBeenSet = true; m_serviceAccessRoleArn = std::move(value); }
164     /**
165      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that DMS uses to write to the
166      * Kinesis data stream. The role must allow the <code>iam:PassRole</code>
167      * action.</p>
168      */
SetServiceAccessRoleArn(const char * value)169     inline void SetServiceAccessRoleArn(const char* value) { m_serviceAccessRoleArnHasBeenSet = true; m_serviceAccessRoleArn.assign(value); }
171     /**
172      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that DMS uses to write to the
173      * Kinesis data stream. The role must allow the <code>iam:PassRole</code>
174      * action.</p>
175      */
WithServiceAccessRoleArn(const Aws::String & value)176     inline KinesisSettings& WithServiceAccessRoleArn(const Aws::String& value) { SetServiceAccessRoleArn(value); return *this;}
178     /**
179      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that DMS uses to write to the
180      * Kinesis data stream. The role must allow the <code>iam:PassRole</code>
181      * action.</p>
182      */
WithServiceAccessRoleArn(Aws::String && value)183     inline KinesisSettings& WithServiceAccessRoleArn(Aws::String&& value) { SetServiceAccessRoleArn(std::move(value)); return *this;}
185     /**
186      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that DMS uses to write to the
187      * Kinesis data stream. The role must allow the <code>iam:PassRole</code>
188      * action.</p>
189      */
WithServiceAccessRoleArn(const char * value)190     inline KinesisSettings& WithServiceAccessRoleArn(const char* value) { SetServiceAccessRoleArn(value); return *this;}
193     /**
194      * <p>Provides detailed transaction information from the source database. This
195      * information includes a commit timestamp, a log position, and values for
196      * <code>transaction_id</code>, previous <code>transaction_id</code>, and
197      * <code>transaction_record_id</code> (the record offset within a transaction). The
198      * default is <code>false</code>.</p>
199      */
GetIncludeTransactionDetails()200     inline bool GetIncludeTransactionDetails() const{ return m_includeTransactionDetails; }
202     /**
203      * <p>Provides detailed transaction information from the source database. This
204      * information includes a commit timestamp, a log position, and values for
205      * <code>transaction_id</code>, previous <code>transaction_id</code>, and
206      * <code>transaction_record_id</code> (the record offset within a transaction). The
207      * default is <code>false</code>.</p>
208      */
IncludeTransactionDetailsHasBeenSet()209     inline bool IncludeTransactionDetailsHasBeenSet() const { return m_includeTransactionDetailsHasBeenSet; }
211     /**
212      * <p>Provides detailed transaction information from the source database. This
213      * information includes a commit timestamp, a log position, and values for
214      * <code>transaction_id</code>, previous <code>transaction_id</code>, and
215      * <code>transaction_record_id</code> (the record offset within a transaction). The
216      * default is <code>false</code>.</p>
217      */
SetIncludeTransactionDetails(bool value)218     inline void SetIncludeTransactionDetails(bool value) { m_includeTransactionDetailsHasBeenSet = true; m_includeTransactionDetails = value; }
220     /**
221      * <p>Provides detailed transaction information from the source database. This
222      * information includes a commit timestamp, a log position, and values for
223      * <code>transaction_id</code>, previous <code>transaction_id</code>, and
224      * <code>transaction_record_id</code> (the record offset within a transaction). The
225      * default is <code>false</code>.</p>
226      */
WithIncludeTransactionDetails(bool value)227     inline KinesisSettings& WithIncludeTransactionDetails(bool value) { SetIncludeTransactionDetails(value); return *this;}
230     /**
231      * <p>Shows the partition value within the Kinesis message output, unless the
232      * partition type is <code>schema-table-type</code>. The default is
233      * <code>false</code>.</p>
234      */
GetIncludePartitionValue()235     inline bool GetIncludePartitionValue() const{ return m_includePartitionValue; }
237     /**
238      * <p>Shows the partition value within the Kinesis message output, unless the
239      * partition type is <code>schema-table-type</code>. The default is
240      * <code>false</code>.</p>
241      */
IncludePartitionValueHasBeenSet()242     inline bool IncludePartitionValueHasBeenSet() const { return m_includePartitionValueHasBeenSet; }
244     /**
245      * <p>Shows the partition value within the Kinesis message output, unless the
246      * partition type is <code>schema-table-type</code>. The default is
247      * <code>false</code>.</p>
248      */
SetIncludePartitionValue(bool value)249     inline void SetIncludePartitionValue(bool value) { m_includePartitionValueHasBeenSet = true; m_includePartitionValue = value; }
251     /**
252      * <p>Shows the partition value within the Kinesis message output, unless the
253      * partition type is <code>schema-table-type</code>. The default is
254      * <code>false</code>.</p>
255      */
WithIncludePartitionValue(bool value)256     inline KinesisSettings& WithIncludePartitionValue(bool value) { SetIncludePartitionValue(value); return *this;}
259     /**
260      * <p>Prefixes schema and table names to partition values, when the partition type
261      * is <code>primary-key-type</code>. Doing this increases data distribution among
262      * Kinesis shards. For example, suppose that a SysBench schema has thousands of
263      * tables and each table has only limited range for a primary key. In this case,
264      * the same primary key is sent from thousands of tables to the same shard, which
265      * causes throttling. The default is <code>false</code>.</p>
266      */
GetPartitionIncludeSchemaTable()267     inline bool GetPartitionIncludeSchemaTable() const{ return m_partitionIncludeSchemaTable; }
269     /**
270      * <p>Prefixes schema and table names to partition values, when the partition type
271      * is <code>primary-key-type</code>. Doing this increases data distribution among
272      * Kinesis shards. For example, suppose that a SysBench schema has thousands of
273      * tables and each table has only limited range for a primary key. In this case,
274      * the same primary key is sent from thousands of tables to the same shard, which
275      * causes throttling. The default is <code>false</code>.</p>
276      */
PartitionIncludeSchemaTableHasBeenSet()277     inline bool PartitionIncludeSchemaTableHasBeenSet() const { return m_partitionIncludeSchemaTableHasBeenSet; }
279     /**
280      * <p>Prefixes schema and table names to partition values, when the partition type
281      * is <code>primary-key-type</code>. Doing this increases data distribution among
282      * Kinesis shards. For example, suppose that a SysBench schema has thousands of
283      * tables and each table has only limited range for a primary key. In this case,
284      * the same primary key is sent from thousands of tables to the same shard, which
285      * causes throttling. The default is <code>false</code>.</p>
286      */
SetPartitionIncludeSchemaTable(bool value)287     inline void SetPartitionIncludeSchemaTable(bool value) { m_partitionIncludeSchemaTableHasBeenSet = true; m_partitionIncludeSchemaTable = value; }
289     /**
290      * <p>Prefixes schema and table names to partition values, when the partition type
291      * is <code>primary-key-type</code>. Doing this increases data distribution among
292      * Kinesis shards. For example, suppose that a SysBench schema has thousands of
293      * tables and each table has only limited range for a primary key. In this case,
294      * the same primary key is sent from thousands of tables to the same shard, which
295      * causes throttling. The default is <code>false</code>.</p>
296      */
WithPartitionIncludeSchemaTable(bool value)297     inline KinesisSettings& WithPartitionIncludeSchemaTable(bool value) { SetPartitionIncludeSchemaTable(value); return *this;}
300     /**
301      * <p>Includes any data definition language (DDL) operations that change the table
302      * in the control data, such as <code>rename-table</code>, <code>drop-table</code>,
303      * <code>add-column</code>, <code>drop-column</code>, and
304      * <code>rename-column</code>. The default is <code>false</code>.</p>
305      */
GetIncludeTableAlterOperations()306     inline bool GetIncludeTableAlterOperations() const{ return m_includeTableAlterOperations; }
308     /**
309      * <p>Includes any data definition language (DDL) operations that change the table
310      * in the control data, such as <code>rename-table</code>, <code>drop-table</code>,
311      * <code>add-column</code>, <code>drop-column</code>, and
312      * <code>rename-column</code>. The default is <code>false</code>.</p>
313      */
IncludeTableAlterOperationsHasBeenSet()314     inline bool IncludeTableAlterOperationsHasBeenSet() const { return m_includeTableAlterOperationsHasBeenSet; }
316     /**
317      * <p>Includes any data definition language (DDL) operations that change the table
318      * in the control data, such as <code>rename-table</code>, <code>drop-table</code>,
319      * <code>add-column</code>, <code>drop-column</code>, and
320      * <code>rename-column</code>. The default is <code>false</code>.</p>
321      */
SetIncludeTableAlterOperations(bool value)322     inline void SetIncludeTableAlterOperations(bool value) { m_includeTableAlterOperationsHasBeenSet = true; m_includeTableAlterOperations = value; }
324     /**
325      * <p>Includes any data definition language (DDL) operations that change the table
326      * in the control data, such as <code>rename-table</code>, <code>drop-table</code>,
327      * <code>add-column</code>, <code>drop-column</code>, and
328      * <code>rename-column</code>. The default is <code>false</code>.</p>
329      */
WithIncludeTableAlterOperations(bool value)330     inline KinesisSettings& WithIncludeTableAlterOperations(bool value) { SetIncludeTableAlterOperations(value); return *this;}
333     /**
334      * <p>Shows detailed control information for table definition, column definition,
335      * and table and column changes in the Kinesis message output. The default is
336      * <code>false</code>.</p>
337      */
GetIncludeControlDetails()338     inline bool GetIncludeControlDetails() const{ return m_includeControlDetails; }
340     /**
341      * <p>Shows detailed control information for table definition, column definition,
342      * and table and column changes in the Kinesis message output. The default is
343      * <code>false</code>.</p>
344      */
IncludeControlDetailsHasBeenSet()345     inline bool IncludeControlDetailsHasBeenSet() const { return m_includeControlDetailsHasBeenSet; }
347     /**
348      * <p>Shows detailed control information for table definition, column definition,
349      * and table and column changes in the Kinesis message output. The default is
350      * <code>false</code>.</p>
351      */
SetIncludeControlDetails(bool value)352     inline void SetIncludeControlDetails(bool value) { m_includeControlDetailsHasBeenSet = true; m_includeControlDetails = value; }
354     /**
355      * <p>Shows detailed control information for table definition, column definition,
356      * and table and column changes in the Kinesis message output. The default is
357      * <code>false</code>.</p>
358      */
WithIncludeControlDetails(bool value)359     inline KinesisSettings& WithIncludeControlDetails(bool value) { SetIncludeControlDetails(value); return *this;}
362     /**
363      * <p>Include NULL and empty columns for records migrated to the endpoint. The
364      * default is <code>false</code>.</p>
365      */
GetIncludeNullAndEmpty()366     inline bool GetIncludeNullAndEmpty() const{ return m_includeNullAndEmpty; }
368     /**
369      * <p>Include NULL and empty columns for records migrated to the endpoint. The
370      * default is <code>false</code>.</p>
371      */
IncludeNullAndEmptyHasBeenSet()372     inline bool IncludeNullAndEmptyHasBeenSet() const { return m_includeNullAndEmptyHasBeenSet; }
374     /**
375      * <p>Include NULL and empty columns for records migrated to the endpoint. The
376      * default is <code>false</code>.</p>
377      */
SetIncludeNullAndEmpty(bool value)378     inline void SetIncludeNullAndEmpty(bool value) { m_includeNullAndEmptyHasBeenSet = true; m_includeNullAndEmpty = value; }
380     /**
381      * <p>Include NULL and empty columns for records migrated to the endpoint. The
382      * default is <code>false</code>.</p>
383      */
WithIncludeNullAndEmpty(bool value)384     inline KinesisSettings& WithIncludeNullAndEmpty(bool value) { SetIncludeNullAndEmpty(value); return *this;}
387     /**
388      * <p>Set this optional parameter to <code>true</code> to avoid adding a '0x'
389      * prefix to raw data in hexadecimal format. For example, by default, DMS adds a
390      * '0x' prefix to the LOB column type in hexadecimal format moving from an Oracle
391      * source to an Amazon Kinesis target. Use the <code>NoHexPrefix</code> endpoint
392      * setting to enable migration of RAW data type columns without adding the '0x'
393      * prefix.</p>
394      */
GetNoHexPrefix()395     inline bool GetNoHexPrefix() const{ return m_noHexPrefix; }
397     /**
398      * <p>Set this optional parameter to <code>true</code> to avoid adding a '0x'
399      * prefix to raw data in hexadecimal format. For example, by default, DMS adds a
400      * '0x' prefix to the LOB column type in hexadecimal format moving from an Oracle
401      * source to an Amazon Kinesis target. Use the <code>NoHexPrefix</code> endpoint
402      * setting to enable migration of RAW data type columns without adding the '0x'
403      * prefix.</p>
404      */
NoHexPrefixHasBeenSet()405     inline bool NoHexPrefixHasBeenSet() const { return m_noHexPrefixHasBeenSet; }
407     /**
408      * <p>Set this optional parameter to <code>true</code> to avoid adding a '0x'
409      * prefix to raw data in hexadecimal format. For example, by default, DMS adds a
410      * '0x' prefix to the LOB column type in hexadecimal format moving from an Oracle
411      * source to an Amazon Kinesis target. Use the <code>NoHexPrefix</code> endpoint
412      * setting to enable migration of RAW data type columns without adding the '0x'
413      * prefix.</p>
414      */
SetNoHexPrefix(bool value)415     inline void SetNoHexPrefix(bool value) { m_noHexPrefixHasBeenSet = true; m_noHexPrefix = value; }
417     /**
418      * <p>Set this optional parameter to <code>true</code> to avoid adding a '0x'
419      * prefix to raw data in hexadecimal format. For example, by default, DMS adds a
420      * '0x' prefix to the LOB column type in hexadecimal format moving from an Oracle
421      * source to an Amazon Kinesis target. Use the <code>NoHexPrefix</code> endpoint
422      * setting to enable migration of RAW data type columns without adding the '0x'
423      * prefix.</p>
424      */
WithNoHexPrefix(bool value)425     inline KinesisSettings& WithNoHexPrefix(bool value) { SetNoHexPrefix(value); return *this;}
427   private:
429     Aws::String m_streamArn;
430     bool m_streamArnHasBeenSet;
432     MessageFormatValue m_messageFormat;
433     bool m_messageFormatHasBeenSet;
435     Aws::String m_serviceAccessRoleArn;
436     bool m_serviceAccessRoleArnHasBeenSet;
438     bool m_includeTransactionDetails;
439     bool m_includeTransactionDetailsHasBeenSet;
441     bool m_includePartitionValue;
442     bool m_includePartitionValueHasBeenSet;
444     bool m_partitionIncludeSchemaTable;
445     bool m_partitionIncludeSchemaTableHasBeenSet;
447     bool m_includeTableAlterOperations;
448     bool m_includeTableAlterOperationsHasBeenSet;
450     bool m_includeControlDetails;
451     bool m_includeControlDetailsHasBeenSet;
453     bool m_includeNullAndEmpty;
454     bool m_includeNullAndEmptyHasBeenSet;
456     bool m_noHexPrefix;
457     bool m_noHexPrefixHasBeenSet;
458   };
460 } // namespace Model
461 } // namespace DatabaseMigrationService
462 } // namespace Aws