2title = "`basic_result<T, E, NoValuePolicy>`"
3description = "A sum type carrying either a successful `T`, or a disappointment `E`, with `NoValuePolicy` specifying what to do if one tries to read state which isn't there."
6A sum type carrying either a `T` or an `E`, with `NoValuePolicy` specifying what to do if one tries to read state which isn't there. Either or both of `T` and `E` can be `void` to indicate no value for that state is present. Note that `E = void` makes basic result into effectively an `optional<T>`, but with `NoValuePolicy` configurable behaviour. Detectable using {{% api "is_basic_result<T>" %}}.
8*Requires*: Concept requirements if C++ 20, else static asserted:
10- That trait {{% api "type_can_be_used_in_basic_result<R>" %}} is true for both `T` and `E`.
11- That either `E` is `void` or `DefaultConstructible`.
15*Header*: `<boost/outcome/basic_result.hpp>`
17*Inclusions*: The very lightest weight of C and C++ header files:
191. `<cstdint>`
202. `<initializer_list>`
213. `<iosfwd>`
224. `<new>`
235. `<type_traits>`
246. If {{% api "BOOST_OUTCOME_USE_STD_IN_PLACE_TYPE" %}} is `1`, `<utility>` (defaults to `1` for C++ 17 or later only)
257. If C++ exceptions disabled and `BOOST_OUTCOME_DISABLE_EXECINFO` undefined only (used to print stack backtraces on "exception throw"):
26    1. `<sal.h>` (Windows only)
27    2. `<stddef.h>` (Windows only)
28    3. `<string.h>` (Windows only)
29    4. `<execinfo.h>` (POSIX only)
308. `<cstdio>`
319. `<cstdlib>`
3210. `<cassert>`
34This very light weight set of inclusion dependencies makes basic result suitable for use in global header files of very large C++ codebases.
36### Design rationale
38The basic result type is the main workhorse type of the Outcome library, providing a simple sum type with optional values representing success or disappointment. Unlike {{% api "std::expected<T, E>" %}}, Outcome's result type is designed specifically for convenience when implementing failure handling across very large codebases, and it has a number of API differences to facilitate that.
40The first major design difference is that basic result models its constructor design on {{% api "std::variant<...>" %}}, rather than modelling {{% api "std::optional<T>" %}}'s constructor design like `std::expected<T, E>` does. This means that basic result will implicitly construct either a `T` or an `E` if doing so is unambiguous, same as `variant` does. Where implicit construction is ambiguous, the implicit constructors disable and a `T` or `E` can be specified via {{% api "in_place_type_t<T>" %}}, or via {{% api "success_type<T>" %}} or {{% api "failure_type<T>" %}}. We implement a subset of variant's constructors for improved compile time impact, so the implicit and explicit constructor design is split into fixed subsets to reduce SFINAE execution.
42The second major design difference is that union storage is NOT used, as it is assumed that `sizeof(E)` will be small for failure handling. This very considerably reduces load on the compiler, and substantially improves compile times in very large C++ 14 codebases, because copies and moves do not need to jump through complex ceremony in order to implement the never-empty guarantees which would be required in a union storage based implementation (C++ 17 onwards does far fewer copy and move constructor instantiations, but it all adds up -- work avoided is always the fastest).
44### Public member type aliases
46- `value_type` is `T`.
47- `error_type` is `E`.
48- `value_type_if_enabled` is `T` if construction from `T` is available, else it is a usefully named unusable internal type.
49- `error_type_if_enabled` is `E` if construction from `E` is available, else it is a usefully named unusable internal type.
50- `rebind<A, B = E, C = NoValuePolicy>` is `basic_result<A, B, C>`.
52### Protected member predicate booleans
54- `predicate::constructors_enabled` is constexpr boolean true if decayed `value_type` and decayed `error_type` are not the same type.
56- `predicate::implicit_constructors_enabled` is constexpr boolean true if:
57    1. `predicate::constructors_enabled` is true.
58    2. Trait {{% api "is_error_type<E>" %}} is not true for both decayed `value_type` and decayed `error_type` at the same time.
59    3. `value_type` is not implicitly constructible from `error_type` and `error_type` is not implicitly constructible from `value_type`.<br>OR<br>trait {{% api "is_error_type<E>" %}} is true for decayed `error_type` and `error_type` is not implicitly constructible from `value_type` and `value_type` is an integral type.
61- `predicate::enable_value_converting_constructor<A>` is constexpr boolean true if:
62    1. `predicate::constructors_enabled` is true.
63    2. Decayed `A` is not this `basic_result` type.
64    3. `predicate::implicit_constructors_enabled` is true.
65    4. Decayed `A` is not an `in_place_type_t`.
66    5. Trait {{% api "is_error_type_enum<E, Enum>" %}} is false for `error_type` and decayed `A`.
67    6. `value_type` is implicitly constructible from `A` and `error_type` is not implicitly constructible from `A`.<br>OR<br>`value_type` is the exact same type as decayed `A` and `value_type` is implicitly constructible from `A`.
69- `predicate::enable_error_converting_constructor<A>` is constexpr boolean true if:
70    1. `predicate::constructors_enabled` is true.
71    2. Decayed `A` is not this `basic_result` type.
72    3. `predicate::implicit_constructors_enabled` is true.
73    4. Decayed `A` is not an `in_place_type_t`.
74    5. Trait {{% api "is_error_type_enum<E, Enum>" %}} is false for `error_type` and decayed `A`.
75    6. `value_type` is not implicitly constructible from `A` and `error_type` is implicitly constructible from `A`.<br>OR<br>`error_type` is the exact same type as decayed `A` and `error_type` is implicitly constructible from `A`.
77- `predicate::enable_error_condition_converting_constructor<ErrorCondEnum>` is constexpr boolean true if:
78    1. `predicate::constructors_enabled` is true.
79    2. Decayed `ErrorCondEnum` is not this `basic_result` type.
80    3. Decayed `ErrorCondEnum` is not an `in_place_type_t`.
81    4. Trait {{% api "is_error_type_enum<E, Enum>" %}} is true for `error_type` and decayed `ErrorCondEnum`.
83- `predicate::enable_compatible_conversion<A, B, C>` is constexpr boolean true if:
84    1. `predicate::constructors_enabled` is true.
85    2. `basic_result<A, B, C>` is not this `basic_result` type.
86    3. `A` is `void` OR `value_type` is explicitly constructible from `A`.
87    4. `B` is `void` OR `error_type` is explicitly constructible from `B`.
89- `predicate::enable_make_error_code_compatible_conversion<A, B, C>` is constexpr boolean true if:
90    1. `predicate::constructors_enabled` is true.
91    2. `basic_result<A, B, C>` is not this `basic_result` type.
92    3. Trait {{% api "is_error_code_available<E>" %}} is true for decayed `error_type`.
93    4. `predicate::enable_compatible_conversion<A, B, C>` is not true.
94    5. `A` is `void` OR `value_type` is explicitly constructible from `A`.
95    6. `error_type` is explicitly constructible from `make_error_code(B)`.
97- `predicate::enable_make_exception_ptr_compatible_conversion<A, B, C>` is constexpr boolean true if:
98    1. `predicate::constructors_enabled` is true.
99    2. `basic_result<A, B, C>` is not this `basic_result` type.
100    3. Trait {{% api "is_exception_ptr_available<E>" %}} is true for decayed `error_type`.
101    4. `predicate::enable_compatible_conversion<A, B, C>` is not true.
102    5. `A` is `void` OR `value_type` is explicitly constructible from `A`.
103    6. `error_type` is explicitly constructible from `make_exception_ptr(B)`.
105- `predicate::enable_inplace_value_constructor<Args...>` is constexpr boolean true if:
106    1. `predicate::constructors_enabled` is true.
107    2. `value_type` is `void` OR `value_type` is explicitly constructible from `Args...`.
109- `predicate::enable_inplace_error_constructor<Args...>` is constexpr boolean true if:
110    1. `predicate::constructors_enabled` is true.
111    2. `error_type` is `void` OR `error_type` is explicitly constructible from `Args...`.
113- `predicate::enable_inplace_value_error_constructor<Args...>` is constexpr boolean true if:
114    1. `predicate::constructors_enabled` is true.
115    2. `predicate::implicit_constructors_enabled` is true.
116    3. Either, but not both, of `value_type` is explicitly constructible from `Args...` or `error_type` is explicitly constructible from `Args...`.
118#### Summary of [standard requirements provided](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/named_req)
120- ~~`DefaultConstructible`~~, always deleted to force user to choose valued or errored for every result instanced.
121- `MoveConstructible`, if both `value_type` and `error_type` implement move constructors.
122- `CopyConstructible`, if both `value_type` and `error_type` implement copy constructors.
123- `MoveAssignable`, if both `value_type` and `error_type` implement move constructors and move assignment.
124- `CopyAssignable`, if both `value_type` and `error_type` implement copy constructors and copy assignment.
125- `Destructible`.
126- `TriviallyCopyable`, if both `value_type` and `error_type` are trivially copyable.
127- `TrivialType`, if both `value_type` and `error_type` are trivial types.
128- `LiteralType`, if both `value_type` and `error_type` are literal types.
129- `StandardLayoutType`, if both `value_type` and `error_type` are standard layout types. If so, layout of `basic_result` in C is guaranteed to be:
131    ```c++
132    struct result_layout {
133      value_type value;
134      unsigned int flags;
135      error_type error;
136    };
137    ```
138- `EqualityComparable`, if both `value_type` and `error_type` implement equality comparisons with one another.
139- ~~`LessThanComparable`~~, not implemented due to availability of implicit conversions from `value_type` and `error_type`, this can cause major surprise (i.e. hard to diagnose bugs), so we don't implement these at all.
140~ `Swappable`
141- ~~`Hash`~~, not implemented as a generic implementation of a unique hash for non-valued items which are unequal would require a dependency on RTTI being enabled.
143Thus `basic_result` meets the `Regular` concept if both `value_type` and `error_type` are `Regular`, except for the lack of a default constructor. Often where one needs a default constructor, wrapping `basic_result` into {{% api "std::optional<T>" %}} will suffice.
145### Public member functions
147#### Disabling constructors
149{{% children description="true" depth="2" categories="disabling-constructors" %}}
151#### Copy and move constructors and assignment, and destructor
153{{% children description="true" depth="2" categories="default-constructors,copy-constructors,move-constructors,copy-assignment,move-assignment,destructors" %}}
155#### Converting constructors
157{{% children description="true" depth="2" categories="converting-constructors" %}}
159#### Inplace constructors
161{{% children description="true" depth="2" categories="inplace-constructors" %}}
163#### Tagged constructors
165{{% children description="true" depth="2" categories="tagged-constructors" %}}
167#### Observers
169{{% children description="true" depth="2" categories="observers" %}}
171#### Modifiers
173{{% children description="true" depth="2" categories="modifiers" %}}
175#### Comparisons
177See above for why `LessThanComparable` is not implemented.
179{{% children description="true" depth="2" categories="comparisons" %}}