1# How to contribute to Boost.Test
3## Ticket
4We like having a ticket stating the bug you are experiencing or the feature you want to implement.
5We use the [GitHub issues](https://github.com/boostorg/test/issues) for raising bugs and feature requests,
6while older tickets may be found in our former bug tracking system at https://svn.boost.org/
7(`test` component).
9## Pull requests
10We welcome any contribution in the form of a pull request. Each PR is never integrated exactly as submitted,
11we first run our internal unit tests on several platforms, and work the PR if needed.
13To ease the work of the maintainer and make the integration of your changes faster, please
15- base all your PR on the latest develop, rebase if develop changed since you forked the library
16- ensure that your changes are not creating any regression in the current test bed (see below on how to run
17  the unit tests)
18- provide a test case that reproduces the problem you encountered
19- integrate your unit test into the `Jamfile.v2` of the test folder
21# Running the unit tests
22Please make sure that the current set of tests pass for the changes that you submit.
23To run the tests, see [this document](test/README.md).
25# Compile the documentation
26The instructions for compiling the documentation are provided in [this document](doc/README.md).