1# Copyright (C) 2006-2012, 2016 Canonical Ltd
3# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6# (at your option) any later version.
8# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11# GNU General Public License for more details.
13# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
17"""Tests for the formatting and construction of errors."""
19import inspect
20import re
21import socket
22import sys
24from .. import (
25    controldir,
26    errors,
27    osutils,
28    tests,
29    urlutils,
30    )
33class TestErrors(tests.TestCase):
35    def test_no_arg_named_message(self):
36        """Ensure the __init__ and _fmt in errors do not have "message" arg.
38        This test fails if __init__ or _fmt in errors has an argument
39        named "message" as this can cause errors in some Python versions.
40        Python 2.5 uses a slot for StandardError.message.
41        See bug #603461
42        """
43        fmt_pattern = re.compile("%\\(message\\)[sir]")
44        for c in errors.BzrError.__subclasses__():
45            init = getattr(c, '__init__', None)
46            fmt = getattr(c, '_fmt', None)
47            if init:
48                args = inspect.getfullargspec(init)[0]
49                self.assertFalse('message' in args,
50                                 ('Argument name "message" not allowed for '
51                                  '"errors.%s.__init__"' % c.__name__))
52            if fmt and fmt_pattern.search(fmt):
53                self.assertFalse(True, ('"message" not allowed in '
54                                        '"errors.%s._fmt"' % c.__name__))
56    def test_bad_filename_encoding(self):
57        error = errors.BadFilenameEncoding(b'bad/filen\xe5me', 'UTF-8')
58        self.assertContainsRe(
59            str(error),
60            "^Filename b?'bad/filen\\\\xe5me' is not valid in your current"
61            " filesystem encoding UTF-8$")
63    def test_duplicate_help_prefix(self):
64        error = errors.DuplicateHelpPrefix('foo')
65        self.assertEqualDiff('The prefix foo is in the help search path twice.',
66                             str(error))
68    def test_ghost_revisions_have_no_revno(self):
69        error = errors.GhostRevisionsHaveNoRevno('target', 'ghost_rev')
70        self.assertEqualDiff("Could not determine revno for {target} because"
71                             " its ancestry shows a ghost at {ghost_rev}",
72                             str(error))
74    def test_incompatibleVersion(self):
75        error = errors.IncompatibleVersion("module", [(4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9)],
76                                           (1, 2, 3))
77        self.assertEqualDiff(
78            'API module is not compatible; one of versions '
79            '[(4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9)] is required, but current version is '
80            '(1, 2, 3).',
81            str(error))
83    def test_inconsistent_delta(self):
84        error = errors.InconsistentDelta('path', 'file-id', 'reason for foo')
85        self.assertEqualDiff(
86            "An inconsistent delta was supplied involving 'path', 'file-id'\n"
87            "reason: reason for foo",
88            str(error))
90    def test_inconsistent_delta_delta(self):
91        error = errors.InconsistentDeltaDelta([], 'reason')
92        self.assertEqualDiff(
93            "An inconsistent delta was supplied: []\nreason: reason",
94            str(error))
96    def test_in_process_transport(self):
97        error = errors.InProcessTransport('fpp')
98        self.assertEqualDiff(
99            "The transport 'fpp' is only accessible within this process.",
100            str(error))
102    def test_invalid_http_range(self):
103        error = errors.InvalidHttpRange('path',
104                                        'Content-Range: potatoes 0-00/o0oo0',
105                                        'bad range')
106        self.assertEqual("Invalid http range"
107                         " 'Content-Range: potatoes 0-00/o0oo0'"
108                         " for path: bad range",
109                         str(error))
111    def test_invalid_range(self):
112        error = errors.InvalidRange('path', 12, 'bad range')
113        self.assertEqual("Invalid range access in path at 12: bad range",
114                         str(error))
116    def test_jail_break(self):
117        error = errors.JailBreak("some url")
118        self.assertEqualDiff("An attempt to access a url outside the server"
119                             " jail was made: 'some url'.",
120                             str(error))
122    def test_lock_active(self):
123        error = errors.LockActive("lock description")
124        self.assertEqualDiff("The lock for 'lock description' is in use and "
125                             "cannot be broken.",
126                             str(error))
128    def test_lock_corrupt(self):
129        error = errors.LockCorrupt("corruption info")
130        self.assertEqualDiff("Lock is apparently held, but corrupted: "
131                             "corruption info\n"
132                             "Use 'brz break-lock' to clear it",
133                             str(error))
135    def test_medium_not_connected(self):
136        error = errors.MediumNotConnected("a medium")
137        self.assertEqualDiff(
138            "The medium 'a medium' is not connected.", str(error))
140    def test_no_smart_medium(self):
141        error = errors.NoSmartMedium("a transport")
142        self.assertEqualDiff("The transport 'a transport' cannot tunnel the "
143                             "smart protocol.",
144                             str(error))
146    def test_no_such_id(self):
147        error = errors.NoSuchId("atree", "anid")
148        self.assertEqualDiff("The file id \"anid\" is not present in the tree "
149                             "atree.",
150                             str(error))
152    def test_no_such_revision_in_tree(self):
153        error = errors.NoSuchRevisionInTree("atree", "anid")
154        self.assertEqualDiff("The revision id {anid} is not present in the"
155                             " tree atree.", str(error))
156        self.assertIsInstance(error, errors.NoSuchRevision)
158    def test_not_stacked(self):
159        error = errors.NotStacked('a branch')
160        self.assertEqualDiff("The branch 'a branch' is not stacked.",
161                             str(error))
163    def test_not_write_locked(self):
164        error = errors.NotWriteLocked('a thing to repr')
165        self.assertEqualDiff("'a thing to repr' is not write locked but needs "
166                             "to be.",
167                             str(error))
169    def test_lock_failed(self):
170        error = errors.LockFailed(
171            'http://canonical.com/', 'readonly transport')
172        self.assertEqualDiff("Cannot lock http://canonical.com/: readonly transport",
173                             str(error))
174        self.assertFalse(error.internal_error)
176    def test_too_many_concurrent_requests(self):
177        error = errors.TooManyConcurrentRequests("a medium")
178        self.assertEqualDiff("The medium 'a medium' has reached its concurrent "
179                             "request limit. Be sure to finish_writing and finish_reading on "
180                             "the currently open request.",
181                             str(error))
183    def test_unstackable_location(self):
184        error = errors.UnstackableLocationError('foo', 'bar')
185        self.assertEqualDiff("The branch 'foo' cannot be stacked on 'bar'.",
186                             str(error))
188    def test_unstackable_repository_format(self):
189        format = u'foo'
190        url = "/foo"
191        error = errors.UnstackableRepositoryFormat(format, url)
192        self.assertEqualDiff(
193            "The repository '/foo'(foo) is not a stackable format. "
194            "You will need to upgrade the repository to permit branch stacking.",
195            str(error))
197    def test_up_to_date(self):
198        error = errors.UpToDateFormat("someformat")
199        self.assertEqualDiff(
200            "The branch format someformat is already at the most "
201            "recent format.", str(error))
203    def test_read_error(self):
204        # a unicode path to check that %r is being used.
205        path = u'a path'
206        error = errors.ReadError(path)
207        self.assertContainsRe(str(error), "^Error reading from u?'a path'.$")
209    def test_bzrerror_from_literal_string(self):
210        # Some code constructs BzrError from a literal string, in which case
211        # no further formatting is done.  (I'm not sure raising the base class
212        # is a great idea, but if the exception is not intended to be caught
213        # perhaps no more is needed.)
214        try:
215            raise errors.BzrError('this is my errors; %d is not expanded')
216        except errors.BzrError as e:
217            self.assertEqual('this is my errors; %d is not expanded', str(e))
219    def test_reading_completed(self):
220        error = errors.ReadingCompleted("a request")
221        self.assertEqualDiff("The MediumRequest 'a request' has already had "
222                             "finish_reading called upon it - the request has been completed and"
223                             " no more data may be read.",
224                             str(error))
226    def test_writing_completed(self):
227        error = errors.WritingCompleted("a request")
228        self.assertEqualDiff("The MediumRequest 'a request' has already had "
229                             "finish_writing called upon it - accept bytes may not be called "
230                             "anymore.",
231                             str(error))
233    def test_writing_not_completed(self):
234        error = errors.WritingNotComplete("a request")
235        self.assertEqualDiff("The MediumRequest 'a request' has not has "
236                             "finish_writing called upon it - until the write phase is complete"
237                             " no data may be read.",
238                             str(error))
240    def test_transport_not_possible(self):
241        error = errors.TransportNotPossible('readonly', 'original error')
242        self.assertEqualDiff('Transport operation not possible:'
243                             ' readonly original error', str(error))
245    def assertSocketConnectionError(self, expected, *args, **kwargs):
246        """Check the formatting of a SocketConnectionError exception"""
247        e = errors.SocketConnectionError(*args, **kwargs)
248        self.assertEqual(expected, str(e))
250    def test_socket_connection_error(self):
251        """Test the formatting of SocketConnectionError"""
253        # There should be a default msg about failing to connect
254        # we only require a host name.
255        self.assertSocketConnectionError(
256            'Failed to connect to ahost',
257            'ahost')
259        # If port is None, we don't put :None
260        self.assertSocketConnectionError(
261            'Failed to connect to ahost',
262            'ahost', port=None)
263        # But if port is supplied we include it
264        self.assertSocketConnectionError(
265            'Failed to connect to ahost:22',
266            'ahost', port=22)
268        # We can also supply extra information about the error
269        # with or without a port
270        self.assertSocketConnectionError(
271            'Failed to connect to ahost:22; bogus error',
272            'ahost', port=22, orig_error='bogus error')
273        self.assertSocketConnectionError(
274            'Failed to connect to ahost; bogus error',
275            'ahost', orig_error='bogus error')
276        # An exception object can be passed rather than a string
277        orig_error = ValueError('bad value')
278        self.assertSocketConnectionError(
279            'Failed to connect to ahost; %s' % (str(orig_error),),
280            host='ahost', orig_error=orig_error)
282        # And we can supply a custom failure message
283        self.assertSocketConnectionError(
284            'Unable to connect to ssh host ahost:444; my_error',
285            host='ahost', port=444, msg='Unable to connect to ssh host',
286            orig_error='my_error')
288    def test_target_not_branch(self):
289        """Test the formatting of TargetNotBranch."""
290        error = errors.TargetNotBranch('foo')
291        self.assertEqual(
292            "Your branch does not have all of the revisions required in "
293            "order to merge this merge directive and the target "
294            "location specified in the merge directive is not a branch: "
295            "foo.", str(error))
297    def test_unexpected_smart_server_response(self):
298        e = errors.UnexpectedSmartServerResponse(('not yes',))
299        self.assertEqual(
300            "Could not understand response from smart server: ('not yes',)",
301            str(e))
303    def test_unknown_container_format(self):
304        """Test the formatting of UnknownContainerFormatError."""
305        e = errors.UnknownContainerFormatError('bad format string')
306        self.assertEqual(
307            "Unrecognised container format: 'bad format string'",
308            str(e))
310    def test_unexpected_end_of_container(self):
311        """Test the formatting of UnexpectedEndOfContainerError."""
312        e = errors.UnexpectedEndOfContainerError()
313        self.assertEqual(
314            "Unexpected end of container stream", str(e))
316    def test_unknown_record_type(self):
317        """Test the formatting of UnknownRecordTypeError."""
318        e = errors.UnknownRecordTypeError("X")
319        self.assertEqual(
320            "Unknown record type: 'X'",
321            str(e))
323    def test_invalid_record(self):
324        """Test the formatting of InvalidRecordError."""
325        e = errors.InvalidRecordError("xxx")
326        self.assertEqual(
327            "Invalid record: xxx",
328            str(e))
330    def test_container_has_excess_data(self):
331        """Test the formatting of ContainerHasExcessDataError."""
332        e = errors.ContainerHasExcessDataError("excess bytes")
333        self.assertEqual(
334            "Container has data after end marker: 'excess bytes'",
335            str(e))
337    def test_duplicate_record_name_error(self):
338        """Test the formatting of DuplicateRecordNameError."""
339        e = errors.DuplicateRecordNameError(b"n\xc3\xa5me")
340        self.assertEqual(
341            u"Container has multiple records with the same name: n\xe5me",
342            str(e))
344    def test_check_error(self):
345        e = errors.BzrCheckError('example check failure')
346        self.assertEqual(
347            "Internal check failed: example check failure",
348            str(e))
349        self.assertTrue(e.internal_error)
351    def test_repository_data_stream_error(self):
352        """Test the formatting of RepositoryDataStreamError."""
353        e = errors.RepositoryDataStreamError(u"my reason")
354        self.assertEqual(
355            "Corrupt or incompatible data stream: my reason", str(e))
357    def test_immortal_pending_deletion_message(self):
358        err = errors.ImmortalPendingDeletion('foo')
359        self.assertEqual(
360            "Unable to delete transform temporary directory foo.  "
361            "Please examine foo to see if it contains any files "
362            "you wish to keep, and delete it when you are done.",
363            str(err))
365    def test_invalid_url_join(self):
366        """Test the formatting of InvalidURLJoin."""
367        e = urlutils.InvalidURLJoin('Reason', 'base path', ('args',))
368        self.assertEqual(
369            "Invalid URL join request: Reason: 'base path' + ('args',)",
370            str(e))
372    def test_unable_encode_path(self):
373        err = errors.UnableEncodePath('foo', 'executable')
374        self.assertEqual("Unable to encode executable path 'foo' in "
375                         "user encoding " + osutils.get_user_encoding(),
376                         str(err))
378    def test_unknown_format(self):
379        err = errors.UnknownFormatError('bar', kind='foo')
380        self.assertEqual("Unknown foo format: 'bar'", str(err))
382    def test_tip_change_rejected(self):
383        err = errors.TipChangeRejected(u'Unicode message\N{INTERROBANG}')
384        self.assertEqual(
385            u'Tip change rejected: Unicode message\N{INTERROBANG}',
386            str(err))
388    def test_error_from_smart_server(self):
389        error_tuple = ('error', 'tuple')
390        err = errors.ErrorFromSmartServer(error_tuple)
391        self.assertEqual(
392            "Error received from smart server: ('error', 'tuple')", str(err))
394    def test_untranslateable_error_from_smart_server(self):
395        error_tuple = ('error', 'tuple')
396        orig_err = errors.ErrorFromSmartServer(error_tuple)
397        err = errors.UnknownErrorFromSmartServer(orig_err)
398        self.assertEqual(
399            "Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'tuple')", str(err))
401    def test_smart_message_handler_error(self):
402        # Make an exc_info tuple.
403        try:
404            raise Exception("example error")
405        except Exception:
406            err = errors.SmartMessageHandlerError(sys.exc_info())
407        # GZ 2010-11-08: Should not store exc_info in exception instances.
408        try:
409            self.assertStartsWith(
410                str(err), "The message handler raised an exception:\n")
411            self.assertEndsWith(str(err), "Exception: example error\n")
412        finally:
413            del err
415    def test_unresumable_write_group(self):
416        repo = "dummy repo"
417        wg_tokens = ['token']
418        reason = "a reason"
419        err = errors.UnresumableWriteGroup(repo, wg_tokens, reason)
420        self.assertEqual(
421            "Repository dummy repo cannot resume write group "
422            "['token']: a reason", str(err))
424    def test_unsuspendable_write_group(self):
425        repo = "dummy repo"
426        err = errors.UnsuspendableWriteGroup(repo)
427        self.assertEqual(
428            'Repository dummy repo cannot suspend a write group.', str(err))
430    def test_not_branch_no_args(self):
431        err = errors.NotBranchError('path')
432        self.assertEqual('Not a branch: "path".', str(err))
434    def test_not_branch_bzrdir_with_recursive_not_branch_error(self):
435        class FakeBzrDir(object):
436            def open_repository(self):
437                # str() on the NotBranchError will trigger a call to this,
438                # which in turn will another, identical NotBranchError.
439                raise errors.NotBranchError('path', controldir=FakeBzrDir())
440        err = errors.NotBranchError('path', controldir=FakeBzrDir())
441        self.assertEqual('Not a branch: "path": NotBranchError.', str(err))
443    def test_recursive_bind(self):
444        error = errors.RecursiveBind('foo_bar_branch')
445        msg = ('Branch "foo_bar_branch" appears to be bound to itself. '
446               'Please use `brz unbind` to fix.')
447        self.assertEqualDiff(msg, str(error))
449    def test_retry_with_new_packs(self):
450        fake_exc_info = ('{exc type}', '{exc value}', '{exc traceback}')
451        error = errors.RetryWithNewPacks(
452            '{context}', reload_occurred=False, exc_info=fake_exc_info)
453        self.assertEqual(
454            'Pack files have changed, reload and retry. context: '
455            '{context} {exc value}', str(error))
458class PassThroughError(errors.BzrError):
460    _fmt = """Pass through %(foo)s and %(bar)s"""
462    def __init__(self, foo, bar):
463        errors.BzrError.__init__(self, foo=foo, bar=bar)
466class ErrorWithBadFormat(errors.BzrError):
468    _fmt = """One format specifier: %(thing)s"""
471class ErrorWithNoFormat(errors.BzrError):
472    __doc__ = """This class has a docstring but no format string."""
475class TestErrorFormatting(tests.TestCase):
477    def test_always_str(self):
478        e = PassThroughError(u'\xb5', 'bar')
479        self.assertIsInstance(e.__str__(), str)
480        # In Python 2 str(foo) *must* return a real byte string
481        # not a Unicode string. The following line would raise a
482        # Unicode error, because it tries to call str() on the string
483        # returned from e.__str__(), and it has non ascii characters
484        s = str(e)
485        self.assertEqual('Pass through \xb5 and bar', s)
487    def test_missing_format_string(self):
488        e = ErrorWithNoFormat(param='randomvalue')
489        self.assertStartsWith(str(e),
490                              "Unprintable exception ErrorWithNoFormat")
492    def test_mismatched_format_args(self):
493        # Even though ErrorWithBadFormat's format string does not match the
494        # arguments we constructing it with, we can still stringify an instance
495        # of this exception. The resulting string will say its unprintable.
496        e = ErrorWithBadFormat(not_thing='x')
497        self.assertStartsWith(
498            str(e), 'Unprintable exception ErrorWithBadFormat')
500    def test_cannot_bind_address(self):
501        # see <https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/286871>
502        e = errors.CannotBindAddress('example.com', 22,
503                                     socket.error(13, 'Permission denied'))
504        self.assertContainsRe(
505            str(e),
506            r'Cannot bind address "example\.com:22":.*Permission denied')
509class TestErrorsUsingTransport(tests.TestCaseWithMemoryTransport):
510    """Tests for errors that need to use a branch or repo."""
512    def test_no_public_branch(self):
513        b = self.make_branch('.')
514        error = errors.NoPublicBranch(b)
515        url = urlutils.unescape_for_display(b.base, 'ascii')
516        self.assertEqualDiff(
517            'There is no public branch set for "%s".' % url, str(error))
519    def test_no_repo(self):
520        dir = controldir.ControlDir.create(self.get_url())
521        error = errors.NoRepositoryPresent(dir)
522        self.assertNotEqual(-1,
523                            str(error).find((dir.transport.clone('..').base)))
524        self.assertEqual(-1, str(error).find((dir.transport.base)))
526    def test_corrupt_repository(self):
527        repo = self.make_repository('.')
528        error = errors.CorruptRepository(repo)
529        self.assertEqualDiff("An error has been detected in the repository %s.\n"
530                             "Please run brz reconcile on this repository." %
531                             repo.controldir.root_transport.base,
532                             str(error))
534    def test_not_branch_bzrdir_with_repo(self):
535        controldir = self.make_repository('repo').controldir
536        err = errors.NotBranchError('path', controldir=controldir)
537        self.assertEqual(
538            'Not a branch: "path": location is a repository.', str(err))
540    def test_not_branch_bzrdir_without_repo(self):
541        controldir = self.make_controldir('bzrdir')
542        err = errors.NotBranchError('path', controldir=controldir)
543        self.assertEqual('Not a branch: "path".', str(err))
545    def test_not_branch_laziness(self):
546        real_bzrdir = self.make_controldir('path')
548        class FakeBzrDir(object):
549            def __init__(self):
550                self.calls = []
552            def open_repository(self):
553                self.calls.append('open_repository')
554                raise errors.NoRepositoryPresent(real_bzrdir)
555        fake_bzrdir = FakeBzrDir()
556        err = errors.NotBranchError('path', controldir=fake_bzrdir)
557        self.assertEqual([], fake_bzrdir.calls)
558        str(err)
559        self.assertEqual(['open_repository'], fake_bzrdir.calls)
560        # Stringifying twice doesn't try to open a repository twice.
561        str(err)
562        self.assertEqual(['open_repository'], fake_bzrdir.calls)