1 /*
2  * Fast, portable, and easy-to-use Twofish implementation,
3  * Version 0.3.
4  * Copyright (c) 2002 by Niels Ferguson.
5  * (See further down for the almost-unrestricted licensing terms.)
6  *
7  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  * There are two files for this implementation:
9  * - twofish.h, the header file.
10  * - twofish.c, the code file.
11  *
12  * To incorporate this code into your program you should:
13  * - Check the licensing terms further down in this comment.
14  * - Fix the two type definitions in twofish.h to suit your platform.
15  * - Fix a few definitions in twofish.c in the section marked
16  *   PLATFORM FIXES. There is one important ones that affects
17  *   functionality, and then a few definitions that you can optimise
18  *   for efficiency but those have no effect on the functionality.
19  *   Don't change anything else.
20  * - Put the code in your project and compile it.
21  *
22  * To use this library you should:
23  * - Call Twofish_initialise() in your program before any other function in
24  *   this library.
25  * - Use Twofish_prepare_key(...) to convert a key to internal form.
26  * - Use Twofish_encrypt(...) and Twofish_decrypt(...) to encrypt and decrypt
27  *   data.
28  * See the comments in the header file for details on these functions.
29  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
30  *
31  * There are many Twofish implementation available for free on the web.
32  * Most of them are hard to integrate into your own program.
33  * As we like people to use our cipher, I thought I would make it easier.
34  * Here is a free and easy-to-integrate Twofish implementation in C.
35  * The latest version is always available from my personal home page at
36  *    http://niels.ferguson.net/
37  *
38  * Integrating library code into a project is difficult because the library
39  * header files interfere with the project's header files and code.
40  * And of course the project's header files interfere with the library code.
41  * I've tried to resolve these problems here.
42  * The header file of this implementation is very light-weight.
43  * It contains two typedefs, a structure, and a few function declarations.
44  * All names it defines start with "Twofish_".
45  * The header file is therefore unlikely to cause problems in your project.
46  * The code file of this implementation doesn't need to include the header
47  * files of the project. There is thus no danger of the project interfering
48  * with all the definitions and macros of the Twofish code.
49  * In most situations, all you need to do is fill in a few platform-specific
50  * definitions in the header file and code file,
51  * and you should be able to run the Twofish code in your project.
52  * I estimate it should take you less than an hour to integrate this code
53  * into your project, most of it spent reading the comments telling you what
54  * to do.
55  *
56  * For people using C++: it is very easy to wrap this library into a
57  * TwofishKey class. One of the big advantages is that you can automate the
58  * wiping of the key material in the destructor. I have not provided a C++
59  * class because the interface depends too much on the abstract base class
60  * you use for block ciphers in your program, which I don't know about.
61  *
62  * This implementation is designed for use on PC-class machines. It uses the
63  * Twofish 'full' keying option which uses large tables. Total table size is
64  * around 5-6 kB for static tables plus 4.5 kB for each pre-processed key.
65  * If you need an implementation that uses less memory,
66  * take a look at Brian Gladman's code on his web site:
67  *     http://fp.gladman.plus.com/cryptography_technology/aes/
68  * He has code for all AES candidates.
69  * His Twofish code has lots of options trading off table size vs. speed.
70  * You can also take a look at the optimised code by Doug Whiting on the
71  * Twofish web site
72  *      http://www.counterpane.com/twofish.html
73  * which has loads of options.
74  * I believe these existing implementations are harder to re-use because they
75  * are not clean libraries and they impose requirements on the environment.
76  * This implementation is very careful to minimise those,
77  * and should be easier to integrate into any larger program.
78  *
79  * The default mode of this implementation is fully portable as it uses no
80  * behaviour not defined in the C standard. (This is harder than you think.)
81  * If you have any problems porting the default mode, please let me know
82  * so that I can fix the problem. (But only if this code is at fault, I
83  * don't fix compilers.)
84  * Most of the platform fixes are related to non-portable but faster ways
85  * of implementing certain functions.
86  *
87  * In general I've tried to make the code as fast as possible, at the expense
88  * of memory and code size. However, C does impose limits, and this
89  * implementation will be slower than an optimised assembler implementation.
90  * But beware of assembler implementations: a good Pentium implementation
91  * uses completely different code than a good Pentium II implementation.
92  * You basically have to re-write the assembly code for every generation of
93  * processor. Unless you are severely pressed for speed, stick with C.
94  *
95  * The initialisation routine of this implementation contains a self-test.
96  * If initialisation succeeds without calling the fatal routine, then
97  * the implementation works. I don't think you can break the implementation
98  * in such a way that it still passes the tests, unless you are malicious.
99  * In other words: if the initialisation routine returns,
100  * you have successfully ported the implementation.
101  * (Or not implemented the fatal routine properly, but that is your problem.)
102  *
103  * I'm indebted to many people who helped me in one way or another to write
104  * this code. During the design of Twofish and the AES process I had very
105  * extensive discussions of all implementation issues with various people.
106  * Doug Whiting in particular provided a wealth of information. The Twofish
107  * team spent untold hours discussion various cipher features, and their
108  * implementation. Brian Gladman implemented all AES candidates in C,
109  * and we had some fruitful discussions on how to implement Twofish in C.
110  * Jan Nieuwenhuizen tested this code on Linux using GCC.
111  *
112  * Now for the license:
113  * The author hereby grants a perpetual license to everybody to
114  * use this code for any purpose as long as the copyright message is included
115  * in the source code of this or any derived work.
116  *
117  * Yes, this means that you, your company, your club, and anyone else
118  * can use this code anywhere you want. You can change it and distribute it
119  * under the GPL, include it in your commercial product without releasing
120  * the source code, put it on the web, etc.
121  * The only thing you cannot do is remove my copyright message,
122  * or distribute any source code based on this implementation that does not
123  * include my copyright message.
124  *
125  * I appreciate a mention in the documentation or credits,
126  * but I understand if that is difficult to do.
127  * I also appreciate it if you tell me where and why you used my code.
128  *
129  * Please send any questions or comments to niels@ferguson.net
130  *
131  * Have Fun!
132  *
133  * Niels
134  */
136 /*
137  * DISCLAIMER: As I'm giving away my work for free, I'm of course not going
138  * to accept any liability of any form. This code, or the Twofish cipher,
139  * might very well be flawed; you have been warned.
140  * This software is provided as-is, without any kind of warrenty or
141  * guarantee. And that is really all you can expect when you download
142  * code for free from the Internet.
143  *
144  * I think it is really sad that disclaimers like this seem to be necessary.
145  * If people only had a little bit more common sense, and didn't come
146  * whining like little children every time something happens....
147  */
149 /*
150  * Version history:
151  * Version 0.0, 2002-08-30
152  *      First written.
153  * Version 0.1, 2002-09-03
154  *      Added disclaimer. Improved self-tests.
155  * Version 0.2, 2002-09-09
156  *      Removed last non-portabilities. Default now works completely within
157  *      the C standard. UInt32 can be larger than 32 bits without problems.
158  * Version 0.3, 2002-09-28
159  *      Bugfix: use  instead of  to adhere to ANSI/ISO.
160  *      Rename BIG_ENDIAN macro to CPU_IS_BIG_ENDIAN. The gcc library
161  *      header  already defines BIG_ENDIAN, even though it is not
162  *      supposed to.
163  */
166 /*
167  * Minimum set of include files.
168  * You should not need any application-specific include files for this code.
169  * In fact, adding you own header files could break one of the many macros or
170  * functions in this file. Be very careful.
171  * Standard include files will probably be ok.
172  */
173 #include <stdio.h>
174 #include <string.h>
175 #include <stdlib.h>
176 /* #include      * for memset(), memcpy(), and memcmp() */
177 #include "twofish.h"
180 /*
182  * ==============
183  *
184  * Fix the type definitions in twofish.h first!
185  *
186  * The following definitions have to be fixed for each particular platform
187  * you work on. If you have a multi-platform program, you no doubt have
188  * portable definitions that you can substitute here without changing the
189  * rest of the code.
190  */
193 /*
194  * Function called if something is fatally wrong with the implementation.
195  * This fatal function is called when a coding error is detected in the
196  * Twofish implementation, or when somebody passes an obviously erroneous
197  * parameter to this implementation. There is not much you can do when
198  * the code contains bugs, so we just stop.
199  *
200  * The argument is a string. Ideally the fatal function prints this string
201  * as an error message. Whatever else this function does, it should never
202  * return. A typical implementation would stop the program completely after
203  * printing the error message.
204  *
205  * This default implementation is not very useful,
206  * but does not assume anything about your environment.
207  * It will at least let you know something is wrong....
208  * I didn't want to include any libraries to print and error or so,
209  * as this makes the code much harder to integrate in a project.
210  *
211  * Note that the Twofish_fatal function may not return to the caller.
212  * Unfortunately this is not something the self-test can test for,
213  * so you have to make sure of this yourself.
214  *
215  * If you want to call an external function, be careful about including
216  * your own header files here. This code uses a lot of macros, and your
217  * header file could easily break it. Maybe the best solution is to use
218  * a separate extern statement for your fatal function.
219  */
220 /* #define Twofish_fatal(pmsgx) { fprintf(stderr, pmsgx); exit(1); } */
221 #define Twofish_fatal(pmsgx, code) { return(code); }
224 /*
225  * The rest of the settings are not important for the functionality
226  * of this Twofish implementation. That is, their default settings
227  * work on all platforms. You can change them to improve the
228  * speed of the implementation on your platform. Erroneous settings
229  * will result in erroneous implementations, but the self-test should
230  * catch those.
231  */
234 /*
235  * Macros to rotate a Twofish_UInt32 value left or right by the
236  * specified number of bits. This should be a 32-bit rotation,
237  * and not rotation of, say, 64-bit values.
238  *
239  * Every encryption or decryption operation uses 32 of these rotations,
240  * so it is a good idea to make these macros efficient.
241  *
242  * This fully portable definition has one piece of tricky stuff.
243  * The UInt32 might be larger than 32 bits, so we have to mask
244  * any higher bits off. The simplest way to do this is to 'and' the
245  * value first with 0xffffffff and then shift it right. An optimising
246  * compiler that has a 32-bit type can optimise this 'and' away.
247  *
248  * Unfortunately there is no portable way of writing the constant
249  * 0xffffffff. You don't know which suffix to use (U, or UL?)
250  * The UINT32_MASK definition uses a bit of trickery. Shift-left
251  * is only defined if the shift amount is strictly less than the size
252  * of the UInt32, so we can't use (1<<32). The answer it to take the value
253  * 2, cast it to a UInt32, shift it left 31 positions, and subtract one.
254  * Another example of how to make something very simple extremely difficult.
255  * I hate C.
256  *
257  * The rotation macros are straightforward.
258  * They are only applied to UInt32 values, which are _unsigned_
259  * so the >> operator must do a logical shift that brings in zeroes.
260  * On most platforms you will only need to optimise the ROL32 macro; the
261  * ROR32 macro is not inefficient on an optimising compiler as all rotation
262  * amounts in this code are known at compile time.
263  *
264  * On many platforms there is a faster solution.
265  * For example, MS compilers have the __rotl and __rotr functions
266  * that generate x86 rotation instructions.
267  */
268 #define UINT32_MASK    ( (((Twofish_UInt32)2)<<31) - 1 )
270 #ifndef _MSC_VER
271 #define ROL32(x,n) ( (x)<<(n) | ((x) & UINT32_MASK) >> (32-(n)) )
272 #define ROR32(x,n) ( (x)>>(n) | ((x) & UINT32_MASK) << (32-(n)) )
273 #else
274 #define ROL32(x,n) (_lrotl((x), (n)))
275 #define ROR32(x,n) (_lrotr((x), (n)))
276 #endif
278 /*
279  * Select data type for q-table entries.
280  *
281  * Larger entry types cost more memory (1.5 kB), and might be faster
282  * or slower depending on the CPU and compiler details.
283  *
284  * This choice only affects the static data size and the key setup speed.
285  * Functionality, expanded key size, or encryption speed are not affected.
286  * Define to 1 to get large q-table entries.
287  */
288 #define LARGE_Q_TABLE   0    /* default = 0 */
291 /*
292  * Method to select a single byte from a UInt32.
293  * WARNING: non-portable code if set; might not work on all platforms.
294  *
295  * Inside the inner loop of Twofish it is necessary to access the 4
296  * individual bytes of a UInt32. This can be done using either shifts
297  * and masks, or memory accesses.
298  *
299  * Set to 0 to use shift and mask operations for the byte selection.
300  * This is more ALU intensive. It is also fully portable.
301  *
302  * Set to 1 to use memory accesses. The UInt32 is stored in memory and
303  * the individual bytes are read from memory one at a time.
304  * This solution is more memory-intensive, and not fully portable.
305  * It might be faster on your platform, or not. If you use this option,
306  * make sure you set the CPU_IS_BIG_ENDIAN flag appropriately.
307  *
308  * This macro does not affect the conversion of the inputs and outputs
309  * of the cipher. See the CONVERT_USING_CASTS macro for that.
310  */
311 #define SELECT_BYTE_FROM_UINT32_IN_MEMORY    0    /* default = 0 */
314 /*
315  * Method used to read the input and write the output.
316  * WARNING: non-portable code if set; might not work on all platforms.
317  *
318  * Twofish operates on 32-bit words. The input to the cipher is
319  * a byte array, as is the output. The portable method of doing the
320  * conversion is a bunch of rotate and mask operations, but on many
321  * platforms it can be done faster using a cast.
322  * This only works if your CPU allows UInt32 accesses to arbitrary Byte
323  * addresses.
324  *
325  * Set to 0 to use the shift and mask operations. This is fully
326  * portable. .
327  *
328  * Set to 1 to use a cast. The Byte * is cast to a UInt32 *, and a
329  * UInt32 is read. If necessary (as indicated by the CPU_IS_BIG_ENDIAN
330  * macro) the byte order in the UInt32 is swapped. The reverse is done
331  * to write the output of the encryption/decryption. Make sure you set
332  * the CPU_IS_BIG_ENDIAN flag appropriately.
333  * This option does not work unless a UInt32 is exactly 32 bits.
334  *
335  * This macro only changes the reading/writing of the plaintext/ciphertext.
336  * See the SELECT_BYTE_FROM_UINT32_IN_MEMORY to affect the way in which
337  * a UInt32 is split into 4 bytes for the S-box selection.
338  */
339 #define CONVERT_USING_CASTS    0    /* default = 0 */
342 /*
343  * Endianness switch.
344  * Only relevant if SELECT_BYTE_FROM_UINT32_IN_MEMORY or
345  * CONVERT_USING_CASTS is set.
346  *
347  * Set to 1 on a big-endian machine, and to 0 on a little-endian machine.
348  * Twofish uses the little-endian convention (least significant byte first)
349  * and big-endian machines (using most significant byte first)
350  * have to do a few conversions.
351  *
352  * CAUTION: This code has never been tested on a big-endian machine,
353  * because I don't have access to one. Feedback appreciated.
354  */
355 #define CPU_IS_BIG_ENDIAN    0
358 /*
359  * Macro to reverse the order of the bytes in a UInt32.
360  * Used to convert to little-endian on big-endian machines.
361  * This macro is always tested, but only used in the encryption and
362  * decryption if CONVERT_USING_CASTS, and CPU_IS_BIG_ENDIAN
363  * are both set. In other words: this macro is only speed-critical if
364  * both these flags have been set.
365  *
366  * This default definition of SWAP works, but on many platforms there is a
367  * more efficient implementation.
368  */
369 #define BSWAP(x) ((ROL32((x),8)&0x00ff00ff) | (ROR32((x),8) & 0xff00ff00))
372 /*
374  * =====================
375  *
376  * You should not have to touch the rest of this file.
377  */
380 /*
381  * Convert the external type names to some that are easier to use inside
382  * this file. I didn't want to use the names Byte and UInt32 in the
383  * header file, because many programs already define them and using two
384  * conventions at once can be very difficult.
385  * Don't change these definitions! Change the originals
386  * in twofish.h instead.
387  */
388 /* A Byte must be an unsigned integer, 8 bits long. */
389 /* typedef Twofish_Byte    Byte; */
390 /* A UInt32 must be an unsigned integer at least 32 bits long. */
391 /* typedef Twofish_UInt32  UInt32; */
394 /*
395  * Define a macro ENDIAN_CONVERT.
396  *
397  * We define a macro ENDIAN_CONVERT that performs a BSWAP on big-endian
398  * machines, and is the identity function on little-endian machines.
399  * The code then uses this macro without considering the endianness.
400  */
403 #define ENDIAN_CONVERT(x)    BSWAP(x)
404 #else
405 #define ENDIAN_CONVERT(x)    (x)
406 #endif
409 /*
410  * Compute byte offset within a UInt32 stored in memory.
411  *
412  * This is only used when SELECT_BYTE_FROM_UINT32_IN_MEMORY is set.
413  *
414  * The input is the byte number 0..3, 0 for least significant.
415  * Note the use of sizeof() to support UInt32 types that are larger
416  * than 4 bytes.
417  */
419 #define BYTE_OFFSET( n )  (sizeof(Twofish_UInt32) - 1 - (n) )
420 #else
421 #define BYTE_OFFSET( n )  (n)
422 #endif
425 /*
426  * Macro to get Byte no. b from UInt32 value X.
427  * We use two different definition, depending on the settings.
428  */
430     /* Pick the byte from the memory in which X is stored. */
431 #define SELECT_BYTE( X, b ) (((Twofish_Byte *)(&(X)))[BYTE_OFFSET(b)])
432 #else
433     /* Portable solution: Pick the byte directly from the X value. */
434 #define SELECT_BYTE( X, b ) (((X) >> (8*(b))) & 0xff)
435 #endif
438 /* Some shorthands because we use byte selection in large formulae. */
439 #define b0(X)   SELECT_BYTE((X),0)
440 #define b1(X)   SELECT_BYTE((X),1)
441 #define b2(X)   SELECT_BYTE((X),2)
442 #define b3(X)   SELECT_BYTE((X),3)
445 /*
446  * We need macros to load and store UInt32 from/to byte arrays
447  * using the least-significant-byte-first convention.
448  *
449  * GET32( p ) gets a UInt32 in lsb-first form from four bytes pointed to
450  * by p.
451  * PUT32( v, p ) writes the UInt32 value v at address p in lsb-first form.
452  */
455     /* Get UInt32 from four bytes pointed to by p. */
456 #define GET32( p )    ENDIAN_CONVERT( *((Twofish_UInt32 *)(p)) )
457     /* Put UInt32 into four bytes pointed to by p */
458 #define PUT32( v, p ) *((Twofish_UInt32 *)(p)) = ENDIAN_CONVERT(v)
460 #else
462     /* Get UInt32 from four bytes pointed to by p. */
463 #define GET32( p ) \
464     ( \
465       (Twofish_UInt32)((p)[0])     \
466     | (Twofish_UInt32)((p)[1])<< 8 \
467     | (Twofish_UInt32)((p)[2])<<16 \
468     | (Twofish_UInt32)((p)[3])<<24 \
469     )
470     /* Put UInt32 into four bytes pointed to by p */
471 #define PUT32( v, p ) \
472     (p)[0] = (Twofish_Byte)(((v)      ) & 0xff); \
473     (p)[1] = (Twofish_Byte)(((v) >>  8) & 0xff); \
474     (p)[2] = (Twofish_Byte)(((v) >> 16) & 0xff); \
475     (p)[3] = (Twofish_Byte)(((v) >> 24) & 0xff)
477 #endif
480 /*
481  * Test the platform-specific macros.
482  * This function tests the macros defined so far to make sure the
483  * definitions are appropriate for this platform.
484  * If you make any mistake in the platform configuration, this should detect
485  * that and inform you what went wrong.
486  * Somewhere, someday, this is going to save somebody a lot of time,
487  * because misbehaving macros are hard to debug.
488  */
test_platform()489 static int test_platform()
490     {
491     /* Buffer with test values. */
492     Twofish_Byte buf[] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x9a, 0xbc, 0xde, 0};
493     Twofish_UInt32 C;
494     Twofish_UInt32 x,y;
495     int i;
497     /*
498      * Some sanity checks on the types that can't be done in compile time.
499      * A smart compiler will just optimise these tests away.
500      * The pre-processor doesn't understand different types, so we cannot
501      * do these checks in compile-time.
502      *
503      * I hate C.
504      *
505      * The first check in each case is to make sure the size is correct.
506      * The second check is to ensure that it is an unsigned type.
507      */
508     if( ((Twofish_UInt32)((Twofish_UInt32)1 << 31) == 0) || ((Twofish_UInt32)-1 < 0 ))
509         {
510 	  Twofish_fatal( "Twofish code: Twofish_UInt32 type not suitable", ERR_UINT32 );
511         }
512     if( (sizeof( Twofish_Byte ) != 1) || (((Twofish_Byte)-1) < 0) )
513         {
514 	  Twofish_fatal( "Twofish code: Twofish_Byte type not suitable", ERR_BYTE );
515         }
517     /*
518      * Sanity-check the endianness conversions.
519      * This is just an aid to find problems. If you do the endianness
520      * conversion macros wrong you will fail the full cipher test,
521      * but that does not help you find the error.
522      * Always make it easy to find the bugs!
523      *
524      * Detail: There is no fully portable way of writing UInt32 constants,
525      * as you don't know whether to use the U or UL suffix. Using only U you
526      * might only be allowed 16-bit constants. Using UL you might get 64-bit
527      * constants which cannot be stored in a UInt32 without warnings, and
528      * which generally behave subtly different from a true UInt32.
529      * As long as we're just comparing with the constant,
530      * we can always use the UL suffix and at worst lose some efficiency.
531      * I use a separate '32-bit constant' macro in most of my other code.
532      *
533      * I hate C.
534      *
535      * Start with testing GET32. We test it on all positions modulo 4
536      * to make sure we can handly any position of inputs. (Some CPUs
537      * do not allow non-aligned accesses which we would do if you used
538      * the CONVERT_USING_CASTS option.
539      */
540     if( (GET32( buf ) != 0x78563412UL) || (GET32(buf+1) != 0x9a785634UL)
541         || (GET32( buf+2 ) != 0xbc9a7856UL) || (GET32(buf+3) != 0xdebc9a78UL) )
542         {
543 	  Twofish_fatal( "Twofish code: GET32 not implemented properly", ERR_GET32 );
544         }
546     /*
547      * We can now use GET32 to test PUT32.
548      * We don't test the shifted versions. If GET32 can do that then
549      * so should PUT32.
550      */
551     C = GET32( buf );
552     PUT32( 3*C, buf );
553     if( GET32( buf ) != 0x69029c36UL )
554         {
555 	  Twofish_fatal( "Twofish code: PUT32 not implemented properly", ERR_PUT32 );
556         }
559     /* Test ROL and ROR */
560     for( i=1; i<32; i++ )
561         {
562         /* Just a simple test. */
563         x = ROR32( C, i );
564         y = ROL32( C, i );
565         x ^= (C>>i) ^ (C<<(32-i));
566         /*y ^= (C<>(32-i));  */
567         y ^= (C<<i) ^ (C>>(32-i));
568         x |= y;
569         /*
570          * Now all we check is that x is zero in the least significant
571          * 32 bits. Using the UL suffix is safe here, as it doesn't matter
572          * if we get a larger type.
573          */
574 	if( (x & 0xffffffffUL) != 0 )
575             {
576 	      Twofish_fatal( "Twofish ROL or ROR not properly defined.", ERR_ROLR );
577             }
578         }
580     /* Test the BSWAP macro */
581     if( BSWAP(C) != 0x12345678UL )
582         {
583         /*
584          * The BSWAP macro should always work, even if you are not using it.
585          * A smart optimising compiler will just remove this entire test.
586          */
587 	  Twofish_fatal( "BSWAP not properly defined.", ERR_BSWAP );
588         }
590     /* And we can test the b macros which use SELECT_BYTE. */
591     if( (b0(C)!=0x12) || (b1(C) != 0x34) || (b2(C) != 0x56) || (b3(C) != 0x78) )
592         {
593         /*
594          * There are many reasons why this could fail.
595          * Most likely is that CPU_IS_BIG_ENDIAN has the wrong value.
596          */
597 	  Twofish_fatal( "Twofish code: SELECT_BYTE not implemented properly", ERR_SELECTB );
598         }
599     return SUCCESS;
600     }
603 /*
604  * Finally, we can start on the Twofish-related code.
605  * You really need the Twofish specifications to understand this code. The
606  * best source is the Twofish book:
607  *     "The Twofish Encryption Algorithm", by Bruce Schneier, John Kelsey,
608  *     Doug Whiting, David Wagner, Chris Hall, and Niels Ferguson.
609  * you can also use the AES submission document of Twofish, which is
610  * available from my list of publications on my personal web site at
611  *    http://niels.ferguson.net/.
612  *
613  * The first thing we do is write the testing routines. This is what the
614  * implementation has to satisfy in the end. We only test the external
615  * behaviour of the implementation of course.
616  */
619 /*
620  * Perform a single self test on a (plaintext,ciphertext,key) triple.
621  * Arguments:
622  *  key     array of key bytes
623  *  key_len length of key in bytes
624  *  p       plaintext
625  *  c       ciphertext
626  */
test_vector(Twofish_Byte key[],int key_len,Twofish_Byte p[16],Twofish_Byte c[16])627 static int test_vector( Twofish_Byte key[], int key_len, Twofish_Byte p[16], Twofish_Byte c[16] )
628     {
629     Twofish_Byte tmp[16];               /* scratch pad. */
630     Twofish_key xkey;           /* The expanded key */
631     int i;
634     /* Prepare the key */
635     if ((i = Twofish_prepare_key( key, key_len, &xkey)) < 0)
636 	return i;
638     /*
639      * We run the test twice to ensure that the xkey structure
640      * is not damaged by the first encryption.
641      * Those are hideous bugs to find if you get them in an application.
642      */
643     for( i=0; i<2; i++ )
644         {
645         /* Encrypt and test */
646         Twofish_encrypt( &xkey, p, tmp );
647         if( memcmp( c, tmp, 16 ) != 0 )
648             {
649 	      Twofish_fatal( "Twofish encryption failure", ERR_TEST_ENC );
650             }
652         /* Decrypt and test */
653         Twofish_decrypt( &xkey, c, tmp );
654         if( memcmp( p, tmp, 16 ) != 0 )
655             {
656 	      Twofish_fatal( "Twofish decryption failure", ERR_TEST_DEC );
657             }
658         }
660     /* The test keys are not secret, so we don't need to wipe xkey. */
661     return SUCCESS;
662     }
665 /*
666  * Check implementation using three (key,plaintext,ciphertext)
667  * test vectors, one for each major key length.
668  *
669  * This is an absolutely minimal self-test.
670  * This routine does not test odd-sized keys.
671  */
test_vectors()672 static int test_vectors()
673     {
674     /*
675      * We run three tests, one for each major key length.
676      * These test vectors come from the Twofish specification.
677      * One encryption and one decryption using randomish data and key
678      * will detect almost any error, especially since we generate the
679      * tables ourselves, so we don't have the problem of a single
680      * damaged table entry in the source.
681      */
683     /* 128-bit test is the I=3 case of section B.2 of the Twofish book. */
684     static Twofish_Byte k128[] = {
685         0x9F, 0x58, 0x9F, 0x5C, 0xF6, 0x12, 0x2C, 0x32,
686         0xB6, 0xBF, 0xEC, 0x2F, 0x2A, 0xE8, 0xC3, 0x5A,
687         };
688     static Twofish_Byte p128[] = {
689         0xD4, 0x91, 0xDB, 0x16, 0xE7, 0xB1, 0xC3, 0x9E,
690         0x86, 0xCB, 0x08, 0x6B, 0x78, 0x9F, 0x54, 0x19
691         };
692     static Twofish_Byte c128[] = {
693         0x01, 0x9F, 0x98, 0x09, 0xDE, 0x17, 0x11, 0x85,
694         0x8F, 0xAA, 0xC3, 0xA3, 0xBA, 0x20, 0xFB, 0xC3
695         };
697     /* 192-bit test is the I=4 case of section B.2 of the Twofish book. */
698     static Twofish_Byte k192[] = {
699         0x88, 0xB2, 0xB2, 0x70, 0x6B, 0x10, 0x5E, 0x36,
700         0xB4, 0x46, 0xBB, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x1A, 0x1E, 0x88,
701         0xEF, 0xA7, 0x1F, 0x78, 0x89, 0x65, 0xBD, 0x44
702         };
703     static Twofish_Byte p192[] = {
704         0x39, 0xDA, 0x69, 0xD6, 0xBA, 0x49, 0x97, 0xD5,
705         0x85, 0xB6, 0xDC, 0x07, 0x3C, 0xA3, 0x41, 0xB2
706         };
707     static Twofish_Byte c192[] = {
708         0x18, 0x2B, 0x02, 0xD8, 0x14, 0x97, 0xEA, 0x45,
709         0xF9, 0xDA, 0xAC, 0xDC, 0x29, 0x19, 0x3A, 0x65
710         };
712     /* 256-bit test is the I=4 case of section B.2 of the Twofish book. */
713     static Twofish_Byte k256[] = {
714         0xD4, 0x3B, 0xB7, 0x55, 0x6E, 0xA3, 0x2E, 0x46,
715         0xF2, 0xA2, 0x82, 0xB7, 0xD4, 0x5B, 0x4E, 0x0D,
716         0x57, 0xFF, 0x73, 0x9D, 0x4D, 0xC9, 0x2C, 0x1B,
717         0xD7, 0xFC, 0x01, 0x70, 0x0C, 0xC8, 0x21, 0x6F
718         };
719     static Twofish_Byte p256[] = {
720         0x90, 0xAF, 0xE9, 0x1B, 0xB2, 0x88, 0x54, 0x4F,
721         0x2C, 0x32, 0xDC, 0x23, 0x9B, 0x26, 0x35, 0xE6
722         };
723     static Twofish_Byte c256[] = {
724         0x6C, 0xB4, 0x56, 0x1C, 0x40, 0xBF, 0x0A, 0x97,
725         0x05, 0x93, 0x1C, 0xB6, 0xD4, 0x08, 0xE7, 0xFA
726         };
728     int ret;
730     /* Run the actual tests. */
731     if ((ret = test_vector( k128, 16, p128, c128 )) < 0)
732       return ret;
733     if ((ret = test_vector( k192, 24, p192, c192 )) < 0)
734       return ret;
735     if ((ret = test_vector( k256, 32, p256, c256 )) < 0)
736       return ret;
737     return SUCCESS;
738     }
741 /*
742  * Perform extensive test for a single key size.
743  *
744  * Test a single key size against the test vectors from section
745  * B.2 in the Twofish book. This is a sequence of 49 encryptions
746  * and decryptions. Each plaintext is equal to the ciphertext of
747  * the previous encryption. The key is made up from the ciphertext
748  * two and three encryptions ago. Both plaintext and key start
749  * at the zero value.
750  * We should have designed a cleaner recurrence relation for
751  * these tests, but it is too late for that now. At least we learned
752  * how to do it better next time.
753  * For details see appendix B of the book.
754  *
755  * Arguments:
756  * key_len      Number of bytes of key
757  * final_value  Final plaintext value after 49 iterations
758  */
test_sequence(int key_len,Twofish_Byte final_value[])759 static int test_sequence( int key_len, Twofish_Byte final_value[] )
760     {
761     Twofish_Byte buf[ (50+3)*16 ];      /* Buffer to hold our computation values. */
762     Twofish_Byte tmp[16];               /* Temp for testing the decryption. */
763     Twofish_key xkey;           /* The expanded key */
764     int i, ret;
765     Twofish_Byte * p;
767     /* Wipe the buffer */
768     memset( buf, 0, sizeof( buf ) );
770     /*
771      * Because the recurrence relation is done in an inconvenient manner
772      * we end up looping backwards over the buffer.
773      */
775     /* Pointer in buffer points to current plaintext. */
776     p = &buf[50*16];
777     for( i=1; i<50; i++ )
778         {
779         /*
780          * Prepare a key.
781          * This automatically checks that key_len is valid.
782          */
783 	  if ((ret = Twofish_prepare_key( p+16, key_len, &xkey)) < 0)
784 	    return ret;
786         /* Compute the next 16 bytes in the buffer */
787         Twofish_encrypt( &xkey, p, p-16 );
789         /* Check that the decryption is correct. */
790         Twofish_decrypt( &xkey, p-16, tmp );
791         if( memcmp( tmp, p, 16 ) != 0 )
792             {
793 	      Twofish_fatal( "Twofish decryption failure in sequence", ERR_SEQ_DEC );
794             }
795         /* Move on to next 16 bytes in the buffer. */
796         p -= 16;
797         }
799     /* And check the final value. */
800     if( memcmp( p, final_value, 16 ) != 0 )
801         {
802 	  Twofish_fatal( "Twofish encryption failure in sequence", ERR_SEQ_ENC );
803         }
805     /* None of the data was secret, so there is no need to wipe anything. */
806     return SUCCESS;
807     }
810 /*
811  * Run all three sequence tests from the Twofish test vectors.
812  *
813  * This checks the most extensive test vectors currently available
814  * for Twofish. The data is from the Twofish book, appendix B.2.
815  */
test_sequences()816 static int test_sequences()
817     {
818     static Twofish_Byte r128[] = {
819         0x5D, 0x9D, 0x4E, 0xEF, 0xFA, 0x91, 0x51, 0x57,
820         0x55, 0x24, 0xF1, 0x15, 0x81, 0x5A, 0x12, 0xE0
821         };
822     static Twofish_Byte r192[] = {
823         0xE7, 0x54, 0x49, 0x21, 0x2B, 0xEE, 0xF9, 0xF4,
824         0xA3, 0x90, 0xBD, 0x86, 0x0A, 0x64, 0x09, 0x41
825         };
826     static Twofish_Byte r256[] = {
827         0x37, 0xFE, 0x26, 0xFF, 0x1C, 0xF6, 0x61, 0x75,
828         0xF5, 0xDD, 0xF4, 0xC3, 0x3B, 0x97, 0xA2, 0x05
829         };
831     /* Run the three sequence test vectors */
832     int ret;
833     if ((ret = test_sequence( 16, r128)) < 0)
834       return ret;
835     if ((ret = test_sequence( 24, r192)) < 0)
836       return ret;
837     if ((ret = test_sequence( 32, r256)) < 0)
838       return ret;
839     return SUCCESS;
840     }
843 /*
844  * Test the odd-sized keys.
845  *
846  * Every odd-sized key is equivalent to a one of 128, 192, or 256 bits.
847  * The equivalent key is found by padding at the end with zero bytes
848  * until a regular key size is reached.
849  *
850  * We just test that the key expansion routine behaves properly.
851  * If the expanded keys are identical, then the encryptions and decryptions
852  * will behave the same.
853  */
test_odd_sized_keys()854 static int test_odd_sized_keys()
855     {
856     Twofish_Byte buf[32];
857     Twofish_key xkey;
858     Twofish_key xkey_two;
859     int i, ret;
861     /*
862      * We first create an all-zero key to use as PRNG key.
863      * Normally we would not have to fill the buffer with zeroes, as we could
864      * just pass a zero key length to the Twofish_prepare_key function.
865      * However, this relies on using odd-sized keys, and those are just the
866      * ones we are testing here. We can't use an untested function to test
867      * itself.
868      */
869     memset( buf, 0, sizeof( buf ) );
870     if ((ret = Twofish_prepare_key( buf, 16, &xkey)) < 0)
871       return ret;
873     /* Fill buffer with pseudo-random data derived from two encryptions */
874     Twofish_encrypt( &xkey, buf, buf );
875     Twofish_encrypt( &xkey, buf, buf+16 );
877     /* Create all possible shorter keys that are prefixes of the buffer. */
878     for( i=31; i>=0; i-- )
879         {
880         /* Set a byte to zero. This is the new padding byte */
881         buf[i] = 0;
883         /* Expand the key with only i bytes of length */
884         if ((ret = Twofish_prepare_key( buf, i, &xkey)) < 0)
885 	  return ret;
887         /* Expand the corresponding padded key of regular length */
888         if ((ret = Twofish_prepare_key( buf, i<=16 ? 16 : (i<= 24 ? 24 : 32), &xkey_two )) < 0)
889 	  return ret;
891         /* Compare the two */
892         if( memcmp( &xkey, &xkey_two, sizeof( xkey ) ) != 0 )
893             {
894 	      Twofish_fatal( "Odd sized keys do not expand properly", ERR_ODD_KEY );
895             }
896         }
898     /* None of the key values are secret, so we don't need to wipe them. */
899     return SUCCESS;
900     }
903 /*
904  * Test the Twofish implementation.
905  *
906  * This routine runs all the self tests, in order of importance.
907  * It is called by the Twofish_initialise routine.
908  *
909  * In almost all applications the cost of running the self tests during
910  * initialisation is insignificant, especially
911  * compared to the time it takes to load the application from disk.
912  * If you are very pressed for initialisation performance,
913  * you could remove some of the tests. Make sure you did run them
914  * once in the software and hardware configuration you are using.
915  */
self_test()916 static int self_test()
917     {
918       int ret;
919     /* The three test vectors form an absolute minimal test set. */
920       if ((ret = test_vectors()) < 0)
921 	return ret;
923     /*
924      * If at all possible you should run these tests too. They take
925      * more time, but provide a more thorough coverage.
926      */
927       if ((ret = test_sequences()) < 0)
928 	return ret;
930     /* Test the odd-sized keys. */
931       if ((ret = test_odd_sized_keys()) < 0)
932 	return ret;
933       return SUCCESS;
934     }
937 /*
938  * And now, the actual Twofish implementation.
939  *
940  * This implementation generates all the tables during initialisation.
941  * I don't like large tables in the code, especially since they are easily
942  * damaged in the source without anyone noticing it. You need code to
943  * generate them anyway, and this way all the code is close together.
944  * Generating them in the application leads to a smaller executable
945  * (the code is smaller than the tables it generates) and a
946  * larger static memory footprint.
947  *
948  * Twofish can be implemented in many ways. I have chosen to
949  * use large tables with a relatively long key setup time.
950  * If you encrypt more than a few blocks of data it pays to pre-compute
951  * as much as possible. This implementation is relatively inefficient for
952  * applications that need to re-key every block or so.
953  */
955 /*
956  * We start with the t-tables, directly from the Twofish definition.
957  * These are nibble-tables, but merging them and putting them two nibbles
958  * in one byte is more work than it is worth.
959  */
960 static Twofish_Byte t_table[2][4][16] = {
961     {
962         {0x8,0x1,0x7,0xD,0x6,0xF,0x3,0x2,0x0,0xB,0x5,0x9,0xE,0xC,0xA,0x4},
963         {0xE,0xC,0xB,0x8,0x1,0x2,0x3,0x5,0xF,0x4,0xA,0x6,0x7,0x0,0x9,0xD},
964         {0xB,0xA,0x5,0xE,0x6,0xD,0x9,0x0,0xC,0x8,0xF,0x3,0x2,0x4,0x7,0x1},
965         {0xD,0x7,0xF,0x4,0x1,0x2,0x6,0xE,0x9,0xB,0x3,0x0,0x8,0x5,0xC,0xA}
966     },
967     {
968         {0x2,0x8,0xB,0xD,0xF,0x7,0x6,0xE,0x3,0x1,0x9,0x4,0x0,0xA,0xC,0x5},
969         {0x1,0xE,0x2,0xB,0x4,0xC,0x3,0x7,0x6,0xD,0xA,0x5,0xF,0x9,0x0,0x8},
970         {0x4,0xC,0x7,0x5,0x1,0x6,0x9,0xA,0x0,0xE,0xD,0x8,0x2,0xB,0x3,0xF},
971         {0xB,0x9,0x5,0x1,0xC,0x3,0xD,0xE,0x6,0x4,0x7,0xF,0x2,0x0,0x8,0xA}
972     }
973 };
976 /* A 1-bit rotation of 4-bit values. Input must be in range 0..15 */
977 #define ROR4BY1( x ) (((x)>>1) | (((x)<<3) & 0x8) )
979 /*
980  * The q-boxes are only used during the key schedule computations.
981  * These are 8->8 bit lookup tables. Some CPUs prefer to have 8->32 bit
982  * lookup tables as it is faster to load a 32-bit value than to load an
983  * 8-bit value and zero the rest of the register.
984  * The LARGE_Q_TABLE switch allows you to choose 32-bit entries in
985  * the q-tables. Here we just define the Qtype which is used to store
986  * the entries of the q-tables.
987  */
989 typedef Twofish_UInt32      Qtype;
990 #else
991 typedef Twofish_Byte        Qtype;
992 #endif
994 /*
995  * The actual q-box tables.
996  * There are two q-boxes, each having 256 entries.
997  */
998 static Qtype q_table[2][256];
1001 /*
1002  * Now the function that converts a single t-table into a q-table.
1003  *
1004  * Arguments:
1005  * t[4][16] : four 4->4bit lookup tables that define the q-box
1006  * q[256]   : output parameter: the resulting q-box as a lookup table.
1007  */
make_q_table(Twofish_Byte t[4][16],Qtype q[256])1008 static void make_q_table( Twofish_Byte t[4][16], Qtype q[256] )
1009     {
1010     int ae,be,ao,bo;        /* Some temporaries. */
1011     int i;
1012     /* Loop over all input values and compute the q-box result. */
1013     for( i=0; i<256; i++ ) {
1014         /*
1015          * This is straight from the Twofish specifications.
1016          *
1017          * The ae variable is used for the a_i values from the specs
1018          * with even i, and ao for the odd i's. Similarly for the b's.
1019          */
1020         ae = i>>4; be = i&0xf;
1021         ao = ae ^ be; bo = ae ^ ROR4BY1(be) ^ ((ae<<3)&8);
1022         ae = t[0][ao]; be = t[1][bo];
1023         ao = ae ^ be; bo = ae ^ ROR4BY1(be) ^ ((ae<<3)&8);
1024         ae = t[2][ao]; be = t[3][bo];
1026         /* Store the result in the q-box table, the cast avoids a warning. */
1027         q[i] = (Qtype) ((be<<4) | ae);
1028         }
1029     }
1032 /*
1033  * Initialise both q-box tables.
1034  */
initialise_q_boxes()1035 static void initialise_q_boxes() {
1036     /* Initialise each of the q-boxes using the t-tables */
1037     make_q_table( t_table[0], q_table[0] );
1038     make_q_table( t_table[1], q_table[1] );
1039     }
1042 /*
1043  * Next up is the MDS matrix multiplication.
1044  * The MDS matrix multiplication operates in the field
1045  * GF(2)[x]/p(x) with p(x)=x^8+x^6+x^5+x^3+1.
1046  * If you don't understand this, read a book on finite fields. You cannot
1047  * follow the finite-field computations without some background.
1048  *
1049  * In this field, multiplication by x is easy: shift left one bit
1050  * and if bit 8 is set then xor the result with 0x169.
1051  *
1052  * The MDS coefficients use a multiplication by 1/x,
1053  * or rather a division by x. This is easy too: first make the
1054  * value 'even' (i.e. bit 0 is zero) by xorring with 0x169 if necessary,
1055  * and then shift right one position.
1056  * Even easier: shift right and xor with 0xb4 if the lsbit was set.
1057  *
1058  * The MDS coefficients are 1, EF, and 5B, and we use the fact that
1059  *   EF = 1 + 1/x + 1/x^2
1060  *   5B = 1       + 1/x^2
1061  * in this field. This makes multiplication by EF and 5B relatively easy.
1062  *
1063  * This property is no accident, the MDS matrix was designed to allow
1064  * this implementation technique to be used.
1065  *
1066  * We have four MDS tables, each mapping 8 bits to 32 bits.
1067  * Each table performs one column of the matrix multiplication.
1068  * As the MDS is always preceded by q-boxes, each of these tables
1069  * also implements the q-box just previous to that column.
1070  */
1072 /* The actual MDS tables. */
1073 static Twofish_UInt32 MDS_table[4][256];
1075 /* A small table to get easy conditional access to the 0xb4 constant. */
1076 static Twofish_UInt32 mds_poly_divx_const[] = {0,0xb4};
1078 /* Function to initialise the MDS tables. */
initialise_mds_tables()1079 static void initialise_mds_tables()
1080     {
1081     int i;
1082     Twofish_UInt32 q,qef,q5b;       /* Temporary variables. */
1084     /* Loop over all 8-bit input values */
1085     for( i=0; i<256; i++ )
1086         {
1087         /*
1088          * To save some work during the key expansion we include the last
1089          * of the q-box layers from the h() function in these MDS tables.
1090          */
1092         /* We first do the inputs that are mapped through the q0 table. */
1093         q = q_table[0][i];
1094         /*
1095          * Here we divide by x, note the table to get 0xb4 only if the
1096          * lsbit is set.
1097          * This sets qef = (1/x)*q in the finite field
1098          */
1099         qef = (q >> 1) ^ mds_poly_divx_const[ q & 1 ];
1100         /*
1101          * Divide by x again, and add q to get (1+1/x^2)*q.
1102          * Note that (1+1/x^2) =  5B in the field, and addition in the field
1103          * is exclusive or on the bits.
1104          */
1105         q5b = (qef >> 1) ^ mds_poly_divx_const[ qef & 1 ] ^ q;
1106         /*
1107          * Add q5b to qef to set qef = (1+1/x+1/x^2)*q.
1108          * Again, (1+1/x+1/x^2) = EF in the field.
1109          */
1110         qef ^= q5b;
1112         /*
1113          * Now that we have q5b = 5B * q and qef = EF * q
1114          * we can fill two of the entries in the MDS matrix table.
1115          * See the Twofish specifications for the order of the constants.
1116          */
1117         MDS_table[1][i] = (q  <<24) | (q5b<<16) | (qef<<8) | qef;
1118         MDS_table[3][i] = (q5b<<24) | (qef<<16) | (q  <<8) | q5b;
1120         /* Now we do it all again for the two columns that have a q1 box. */
1121         q = q_table[1][i];
1122         qef = (q >> 1) ^ mds_poly_divx_const[ q & 1 ];
1123         q5b = (qef >> 1) ^ mds_poly_divx_const[ qef & 1 ] ^ q;
1124         qef ^= q5b;
1126         /* The other two columns use the coefficient in a different order. */
1127         MDS_table[0][i] = (qef<<24) | (qef<<16) | (q5b<<8) | q  ;
1128         MDS_table[2][i] = (qef<<24) | (q  <<16) | (qef<<8) | q5b;
1129         }
1130     }
1133 /*
1134  * The h() function is the heart of the Twofish cipher.
1135  * It is a complicated sequence of q-box lookups, key material xors,
1136  * and finally the MDS matrix.
1137  * We use lots of macros to make this reasonably fast.
1138  */
1140 /* First a shorthand for the two q-tables */
1141 #define q0  q_table[0]
1142 #define q1  q_table[1]
1144 /*
1145  * Each macro computes one column of the h for either 2, 3, or 4 stages.
1146  * As there are 4 columns, we have 12 macros in all.
1147  *
1148  * The key bytes are stored in the Byte array L at offset
1149  * 0,1,2,3,  8,9,10,11,  [16,17,18,19,   [24,25,26,27]] as this is the
1150  * order we get the bytes from the user. If you look at the Twofish
1151  * specs, you'll see that h() is applied to the even key words or the
1152  * odd key words. The bytes of the even words appear in this spacing,
1153  * and those of the odd key words too.
1154  *
1155  * These macros are the only place where the q-boxes and the MDS table
1156  * are used.
1157  */
1158 #define H02( y, L )  MDS_table[0][q0[q0[y]^L[ 8]]^L[0]]
1159 #define H12( y, L )  MDS_table[1][q0[q1[y]^L[ 9]]^L[1]]
1160 #define H22( y, L )  MDS_table[2][q1[q0[y]^L[10]]^L[2]]
1161 #define H32( y, L )  MDS_table[3][q1[q1[y]^L[11]]^L[3]]
1162 #define H03( y, L )  H02( q1[y]^L[16], L )
1163 #define H13( y, L )  H12( q1[y]^L[17], L )
1164 #define H23( y, L )  H22( q0[y]^L[18], L )
1165 #define H33( y, L )  H32( q0[y]^L[19], L )
1166 #define H04( y, L )  H03( q1[y]^L[24], L )
1167 #define H14( y, L )  H13( q0[y]^L[25], L )
1168 #define H24( y, L )  H23( q0[y]^L[26], L )
1169 #define H34( y, L )  H33( q1[y]^L[27], L )
1171 /*
1172  * Now we can define the h() function given an array of key bytes.
1173  * This function is only used in the key schedule, and not to pre-compute
1174  * the keyed S-boxes.
1175  *
1176  * In the key schedule, the input is always of the form k*(1+2^8+2^16+2^24)
1177  * so we only provide k as an argument.
1178  *
1179  * Arguments:
1180  * k        input to the h() function.
1181  * L        pointer to array of key bytes at
1182  *          offsets 0,1,2,3, ... 8,9,10,11, [16,17,18,19, [24,25,26,27]]
1183  * kCycles  # key cycles, 2, 3, or 4.
1184  */
h(int k,Twofish_Byte L[],int kCycles)1185 static Twofish_UInt32 h( int k, Twofish_Byte L[], int kCycles )
1186     {
1187     switch( kCycles ) {
1188         /* We code all 3 cases separately for speed reasons. */
1189     case 2:
1190         return H02(k,L) ^ H12(k,L) ^ H22(k,L) ^ H32(k,L);
1191     case 3:
1192         return H03(k,L) ^ H13(k,L) ^ H23(k,L) ^ H33(k,L);
1193     case 4:
1194         return H04(k,L) ^ H14(k,L) ^ H24(k,L) ^ H34(k,L);
1195     default:
1196         /* This is always a coding error, which is fatal. */
1197       Twofish_fatal( "Twofish h(): Illegal argument", ERR_ILL_ARG );
1198       return ERR_ILL_ARG;
1199         }
1200     }
1203 /*
1204  * Pre-compute the keyed S-boxes.
1205  * Fill the pre-computed S-box array in the expanded key structure.
1206  * Each pre-computed S-box maps 8 bits to 32 bits.
1207  *
1208  * The S argument contains half the number of bytes of the full key, but is
1209  * derived from the full key. (See Twofish specifications for details.)
1210  * S has the weird byte input order used by the Hxx macros.
1211  *
1212  * This function takes most of the time of a key expansion.
1213  *
1214  * Arguments:
1215  * S        pointer to array of 8*kCycles Bytes containing the S vector.
1216  * kCycles  number of key words, must be in the set {2,3,4}
1217  * xkey     pointer to Twofish_key structure that will contain the S-boxes.
1218  */
fill_keyed_sboxes(Twofish_Byte S[],int kCycles,Twofish_key * xkey)1219 static int fill_keyed_sboxes( Twofish_Byte S[], int kCycles, Twofish_key * xkey )
1220     {
1221     int i;
1222     switch( kCycles ) {
1223         /* We code all 3 cases separately for speed reasons. */
1224     case 2:
1225         for( i=0; i<256; i++ )
1226             {
1227             xkey->s[0][i]= H02( i, S );
1228             xkey->s[1][i]= H12( i, S );
1229             xkey->s[2][i]= H22( i, S );
1230             xkey->s[3][i]= H32( i, S );
1231             }
1232         break;
1233     case 3:
1234         for( i=0; i<256; i++ )
1235             {
1236             xkey->s[0][i]= H03( i, S );
1237             xkey->s[1][i]= H13( i, S );
1238             xkey->s[2][i]= H23( i, S );
1239             xkey->s[3][i]= H33( i, S );
1240             }
1241         break;
1242     case 4:
1243         for( i=0; i<256; i++ )
1244             {
1245             xkey->s[0][i]= H04( i, S );
1246             xkey->s[1][i]= H14( i, S );
1247             xkey->s[2][i]= H24( i, S );
1248             xkey->s[3][i]= H34( i, S );
1249             }
1250         break;
1251     default:
1252         /* This is always a coding error, which is fatal. */
1253       Twofish_fatal( "Twofish fill_keyed_sboxes(): Illegal argument", ERR_ILL_ARG );
1254         }
1255     return SUCCESS;
1256     }
1259 /* A flag to keep track of whether we have been initialised or not. */
1260 static int Twofish_initialised = 0;
1262 /*
1263  * Initialise the Twofish implementation.
1264  * This function must be called before any other function in the
1265  * Twofish implementation is called.
1266  * This routine also does some sanity checks, to make sure that
1267  * all the macros behave, and it tests the whole cipher.
1268  */
Twofish_initialise()1269 int Twofish_initialise()
1270     {
1271       int ret;
1272     /* First test the various platform-specific definitions. */
1273       if ((ret = test_platform()) < 0)
1274 	return ret;
1276     /* We can now generate our tables, in the right order of course. */
1277     initialise_q_boxes();
1278     initialise_mds_tables();
1280     /* We're finished with the initialisation itself. */
1281     Twofish_initialised = 1;
1283     /*
1284      * And run some tests on the whole cipher.
1285      * Yes, you need to do this every time you start your program.
1286      * It is called assurance; you have to be certain that your program
1287      * still works properly.
1288      */
1289     return self_test();
1290     }
1293 /*
1294  * The Twofish key schedule uses an Reed-Solomon code matrix multiply.
1295  * Just like the MDS matrix, the RS-matrix is designed to be easy
1296  * to implement. Details are below in the code.
1297  *
1298  * These constants make it easy to compute in the finite field used
1299  * for the RS code.
1300  *
1301  * We use Bytes for the RS computation, but these are automatically
1302  * widened to unsigned integers in the expressions. Having unsigned
1303  * ints in these tables therefore provides the fastest access.
1304  */
1305 static unsigned int rs_poly_const[] = {0, 0x14d};
1306 static unsigned int rs_poly_div_const[] = {0, 0xa6 };
1309 /*
1310  * Prepare a key for use in encryption and decryption.
1311  * Like most block ciphers, Twofish allows the key schedule
1312  * to be pre-computed given only the key.
1313  * Twofish has a fairly 'heavy' key schedule that takes a lot of time
1314  * to compute. The main work is pre-computing the S-boxes used in the
1315  * encryption and decryption. We feel that this makes the cipher much
1316  * harder to attack. The attacker doesn't even know what the S-boxes
1317  * contain without including the entire key schedule in the analysis.
1318  *
1319  * Unlike most Twofish implementations, this one allows any key size from
1320  * 0 to 32 bytes. Odd key sizes are defined for Twofish (see the
1321  * specifications); the key is simply padded with zeroes to the next real
1322  * key size of 16, 24, or 32 bytes.
1323  * Each odd-sized key is thus equivalent to a single normal-sized key.
1324  *
1325  * Arguments:
1326  * key      array of key bytes
1327  * key_len  number of bytes in the key, must be in the range 0,...,32.
1328  * xkey     Pointer to an Twofish_key structure that will be filled
1329  *             with the internal form of the cipher key.
1330  */
Twofish_prepare_key(Twofish_Byte key[],int key_len,Twofish_key * xkey)1331 int Twofish_prepare_key( Twofish_Byte key[], int key_len, Twofish_key * xkey )
1332     {
1333     /* We use a single array to store all key material in,
1334      * to simplify the wiping of the key material at the end.
1335      * The first 32 bytes contain the actual (padded) cipher key.
1336      * The next 32 bytes contain the S-vector in its weird format,
1337      * and we have 4 bytes of overrun necessary for the RS-reduction.
1338      */
1339     Twofish_Byte K[32+32+4];
1341     int kCycles;        /* # key cycles, 2,3, or 4. */
1343     int i;
1344     Twofish_UInt32 A, B;        /* Used to compute the round keys. */
1346     Twofish_Byte * kptr;        /* Three pointers for the RS computation. */
1347     Twofish_Byte * sptr;
1348     Twofish_Byte * t;
1350     Twofish_Byte b,bx,bxx;      /* Some more temporaries for the RS computation. */
1352     /* Check that the Twofish implementation was initialised. */
1353     if( Twofish_initialised == 0 )
1354         {
1355         /*
1356          * You didn't call Twofish_initialise before calling this routine.
1357          * This is a programming error, and therefore we call the fatal
1358          * routine.
1359          *
1360          * I could of course call the initialisation routine here,
1361          * but there are a few reasons why I don't. First of all, the
1362          * self-tests have to be done at startup. It is no good to inform
1363          * the user that the cipher implementation fails when he wants to
1364          * write his data to disk in encrypted form. You have to warn him
1365          * before he spends time typing his data. Second, the initialisation
1366          * and self test are much slower than a single key expansion.
1367          * Calling the initialisation here makes the performance of the
1368          * cipher unpredictable. This can lead to really weird problems
1369          * if you use the cipher for a real-time task. Suddenly it fails
1370          * once in a while the first time you try to use it. Things like
1371          * that are almost impossible to debug.
1372          */
1373 	  /* Twofish_fatal( "Twofish implementation was not initialised.", ERR_INIT ); */
1375         /*
1376          * There is always a danger that the Twofish_fatal routine returns,
1377          * in spite of the specifications that it should not.
1378          * (A good programming rule: don't trust the rest of the code.)
1379          * This would be disasterous. If the q-tables and MDS-tables have
1380          * not been initialised, they are probably still filled with zeroes.
1381          * Suppose the MDS-tables are all zero. The key expansion would then
1382          * generate all-zero round keys, and all-zero s-boxes. The danger
1383          * is that nobody would notice as the encry
1384          * mangles the input, and the decryption still 'decrypts' it,
1385          * but now in a completely key-independent manner.
1386          * To stop such security disasters, we use blunt force.
1387          * If your program hangs here: fix the fatal routine!
1388          */
1389         for(;;);        /* Infinite loop, which beats being insecure. */
1390         }
1392     /* Check for valid key length. */
1393     if( key_len < 0 || key_len > 32 )
1394         {
1395         /*
1396          * This can only happen if a programmer didn't read the limitations
1397          * on the key size.
1398          */
1399 	  Twofish_fatal( "Twofish_prepare_key: illegal key length", ERR_KEY_LEN );
1400         /*
1401          * A return statement just in case the fatal macro returns.
1402          * The rest of the code assumes that key_len is in range, and would
1403          * buffer-overflow if it wasn't.
1404          *
1405          * Why do we still use a programming language that has problems like
1406          * buffer overflows, when these problems were solved in 1960 with
1407          * the development of Algol? Have we not leared anything?
1408          */
1409         return ERR_KEY_LEN;
1410         }
1412     /* Pad the key with zeroes to the next suitable key length. */
1413     memcpy( K, key, key_len );
1414     memset( K+key_len, 0, sizeof(K)-key_len );
1416     /*
1417      * Compute kCycles: the number of key cycles used in the cipher.
1418      * 2 for 128-bit keys, 3 for 192-bit keys, and 4 for 256-bit keys.
1419      */
1420     kCycles = (key_len + 7) >> 3;
1421     /* Handle the special case of very short keys: minimum 2 cycles. */
1422     if( kCycles < 2 )
1423         {
1424         kCycles = 2;
1425         }
1427     /*
1428      * From now on we just pretend to have 8*kCycles bytes of
1429      * key material in K. This handles all the key size cases.
1430      */
1432     /*
1433      * We first compute the 40 expanded key words,
1434      * formulas straight from the Twofish specifications.
1435      */
1436     for( i=0; i<40; i+=2 )
1437         {
1438         /*
1439          * Due to the byte spacing expected by the h() function
1440          * we can pick the bytes directly from the key K.
1441          * As we use bytes, we never have the little/big endian
1442          * problem.
1443          *
1444          * Note that we apply the rotation function only to simple
1445          * variables, as the rotation macro might evaluate its argument
1446          * more than once.
1447          */
1448         A = h( i  , K  , kCycles );
1449         B = h( i+1, K+4, kCycles );
1450         B = ROL32( B, 8 );
1452         /* Compute and store the round keys. */
1453         A += B;
1454         B += A;
1455         xkey->K[i]   = A;
1456         xkey->K[i+1] = ROL32( B, 9 );
1457         }
1459     /* Wipe variables that contained key material. */
1460     A=B=0;
1462     /*
1463      * And now the dreaded RS multiplication that few seem to understand.
1464      * The RS matrix is not random, and is specially designed to compute the
1465      * RS matrix multiplication in a simple way.
1466      *
1467      * We work in the field GF(2)[x]/x^8+x^6+x^3+x^2+1. Note that this is a
1468      * different field than used for the MDS matrix.
1469      * (At least, it is a different representation because all GF(2^8)
1470      * representations are equivalent in some form.)
1471      *
1472      * We take 8 consecutive bytes of the key and interpret them as
1473      * a polynomial k_0 + k_1 y + k_2 y^2 + ... + k_7 y^7 where
1474      * the k_i bytes are the key bytes and are elements of the finite field.
1475      * We multiply this polynomial by y^4 and reduce it modulo
1476      *     y^4 + (x + 1/x)y^3 + (x)y^2 + (x + 1/x)y + 1.
1477      * using straightforward polynomial modulo reduction.
1478      * The coefficients of the result are the result of the RS
1479      * matrix multiplication. When we wrote the Twofish specification,
1480      * the original RS definition used the polynomials,
1481      * but that requires much more mathematical knowledge.
1482      * We were already using matrix multiplication in a finite field for
1483      * the MDS matrix, so I re-wrote the RS operation as a matrix
1484      * multiplication to reduce the difficulty of understanding it.
1485      * Some implementors have not picked up on this simpler method of
1486      * computing the RS operation, even though it is mentioned in the
1487      * specifications.
1488      *
1489      * It is possible to perform these computations faster by using 32-bit
1490      * word operations, but that is not portable and this is not a speed-
1491      * critical area.
1492      *
1493      * We explained the 1/x computation when we did the MDS matrix.
1494      *
1495      * The S vector is stored in K[32..64].
1496      * The S vector has to be reversed, so we loop cross-wise.
1497      *
1498      * Note the weird byte spacing of the S-vector, to match the even
1499      * or odd key words arrays. See the discussion at the Hxx macros for
1500      * details.
1501      */
1502     kptr = K + 8*kCycles;           /* Start at end of key */
1503     sptr = K + 32;                  /* Start at start of S */
1505     /* Loop over all key material */
1506     while( kptr > K )
1507         {
1508         kptr -= 8;
1509         /*
1510          * Initialise the polynimial in sptr[0..12]
1511          * The first four coefficients are 0 as we have to multiply by y^4.
1512          * The next 8 coefficients are from the key material.
1513          */
1514         memset( sptr, 0, 4 );
1515         memcpy( sptr+4, kptr, 8 );
1517         /*
1518          * The 12 bytes starting at sptr are now the coefficients of
1519          * the polynomial we need to reduce.
1520          */
1522         /* Loop over the polynomial coefficients from high to low */
1523         t = sptr+11;
1524         /* Keep looping until polynomial is degree 3; */
1525         while( t > sptr+3 )
1526             {
1527             /* Pick up the highest coefficient of the poly. */
1528             b = *t;
1530             /*
1531              * Compute x and (x+1/x) times this coefficient.
1532              * See the MDS matrix implementation for a discussion of
1533              * multiplication by x and 1/x. We just use different
1534              * constants here as we are in a
1535              * different finite field representation.
1536              *
1537              * These two statements set
1538              * bx = (x) * b
1539              * bxx= (x + 1/x) * b
1540              */
1541             bx = (Twofish_Byte)((b<<1) ^ rs_poly_const[ b>>7 ]);
1542             bxx= (Twofish_Byte)((b>>1) ^ rs_poly_div_const[ b&1 ] ^ bx);
1544             /*
1545              * Subtract suitable multiple of
1546              * y^4 + (x + 1/x)y^3 + (x)y^2 + (x + 1/x)y + 1
1547              * from the polynomial, except that we don't bother
1548              * updating t[0] as it will become zero anyway.
1549              */
1550             t[-1] ^= bxx;
1551             t[-2] ^= bx;
1552             t[-3] ^= bxx;
1553             t[-4] ^= b;
1555             /* Go to the next coefficient. */
1556             t--;
1557             }
1559         /* Go to next S-vector word, obeying the weird spacing rules. */
1560         sptr += 8;
1561         }
1563     /* Wipe variables that contained key material. */
1564     b = bx = bxx = 0;
1566     /* And finally, we can compute the key-dependent S-boxes. */
1567     fill_keyed_sboxes( &K[32], kCycles, xkey );
1569     /* Wipe array that contained key material. */
1570     memset( K, 0, sizeof( K ) );
1571     return SUCCESS;
1572     }
1575 /*
1576  * We can now start on the actual encryption and decryption code.
1577  * As these are often speed-critical we will use a lot of macros.
1578  */
1580 /*
1581  * The g() function is the heart of the round function.
1582  * We have two versions of the g() function, one without an input
1583  * rotation and one with.
1584  * The pre-computed S-boxes make this pretty simple.
1585  */
1586 #define g0(X,xkey) \
1587  (xkey->s[0][b0(X)]^xkey->s[1][b1(X)]^xkey->s[2][b2(X)]^xkey->s[3][b3(X)])
1589 #define g1(X,xkey) \
1590  (xkey->s[0][b3(X)]^xkey->s[1][b0(X)]^xkey->s[2][b1(X)]^xkey->s[3][b2(X)])
1592 /*
1593  * A single round of Twofish. The A,B,C,D are the four state variables,
1594  * T0 and T1 are temporaries, xkey is the expanded key, and r the
1595  * round number.
1596  *
1597  * Note that this macro does not implement the swap at the end of the round.
1598  */
1599 #define ENCRYPT_RND( A,B,C,D, T0, T1, xkey, r ) \
1600     T0 = g0(A,xkey); T1 = g1(B,xkey);\
1601     C ^= T0+T1+xkey->K[8+2*(r)]; C = ROR32(C,1);\
1602     D = ROL32(D,1); D ^= T0+2*T1+xkey->K[8+2*(r)+1]
1604 /*
1605  * Encrypt a single cycle, consisting of two rounds.
1606  * This avoids the swapping of the two halves.
1607  * Parameter r is now the cycle number.
1608  */
1609 #define ENCRYPT_CYCLE( A, B, C, D, T0, T1, xkey, r ) \
1610     ENCRYPT_RND( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey,2*(r)   );\
1611     ENCRYPT_RND( C,D,A,B,T0,T1,xkey,2*(r)+1 )
1613 /* Full 16-round encryption */
1614 #define ENCRYPT( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey ) \
1615     ENCRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 0 );\
1616     ENCRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 1 );\
1617     ENCRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 2 );\
1618     ENCRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 3 );\
1619     ENCRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 4 );\
1620     ENCRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 5 );\
1621     ENCRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 6 );\
1622     ENCRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 7 )
1624 /*
1625  * A single round of Twofish for decryption. It differs from
1626  * ENCRYTP_RND only because of the 1-bit rotations.
1627  */
1628 #define DECRYPT_RND( A,B,C,D, T0, T1, xkey, r ) \
1629     T0 = g0(A,xkey); T1 = g1(B,xkey);\
1630     C = ROL32(C,1); C ^= T0+T1+xkey->K[8+2*(r)];\
1631     D ^= T0+2*T1+xkey->K[8+2*(r)+1]; D = ROR32(D,1)
1633 /*
1634  * Decrypt a single cycle, consisting of two rounds.
1635  * This avoids the swapping of the two halves.
1636  * Parameter r is now the cycle number.
1637  */
1638 #define DECRYPT_CYCLE( A, B, C, D, T0, T1, xkey, r ) \
1639     DECRYPT_RND( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey,2*(r)+1 );\
1640     DECRYPT_RND( C,D,A,B,T0,T1,xkey,2*(r)   )
1642 /* Full 16-round decryption. */
1643 #define DECRYPT( A,B,C,D,T0,T1, xkey ) \
1644     DECRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 7 );\
1645     DECRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 6 );\
1646     DECRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 5 );\
1647     DECRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 4 );\
1648     DECRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 3 );\
1649     DECRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 2 );\
1650     DECRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 1 );\
1651     DECRYPT_CYCLE( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey, 0 )
1653 /*
1654  * A macro to read the state from the plaintext and do the initial key xors.
1655  * The koff argument allows us to use the same macro
1656  * for the decryption which uses different key words at the start.
1657  */
1658 #define GET_INPUT( src, A,B,C,D, xkey, koff ) \
1659     A = GET32(src   )^xkey->K[  koff]; B = GET32(src+ 4)^xkey->K[1+koff]; \
1660     C = GET32(src+ 8)^xkey->K[2+koff]; D = GET32(src+12)^xkey->K[3+koff]
1662 /*
1663  * Similar macro to put the ciphertext in the output buffer.
1664  * We xor the keys into the state variables before we use the PUT32
1665  * macro as the macro might use its argument multiple times.
1666  */
1667 #define PUT_OUTPUT( A,B,C,D, dst, xkey, koff ) \
1668     A ^= xkey->K[  koff]; B ^= xkey->K[1+koff]; \
1669     C ^= xkey->K[2+koff]; D ^= xkey->K[3+koff]; \
1670     PUT32( A, dst   ); PUT32( B, dst+ 4 ); \
1671     PUT32( C, dst+8 ); PUT32( D, dst+12 )
1674 /*
1675  * Twofish block encryption
1676  *
1677  * Arguments:
1678  * xkey         expanded key array
1679  * p            16 bytes of plaintext
1680  * c            16 bytes in which to store the ciphertext
1681  */
Twofish_encrypt(Twofish_key * xkey,Twofish_Byte p[16],Twofish_Byte c[16])1682 void Twofish_encrypt( Twofish_key * xkey, Twofish_Byte p[16], Twofish_Byte c[16])
1683     {
1684     Twofish_UInt32 A,B,C,D,T0,T1;       /* Working variables */
1686     /* Get the four plaintext words xorred with the key */
1687     GET_INPUT( p, A,B,C,D, xkey, 0 );
1689     /* Do 8 cycles (= 16 rounds) */
1690     ENCRYPT( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey );
1692     /* Store them with the final swap and the output whitening. */
1693     PUT_OUTPUT( C,D,A,B, c, xkey, 4 );
1694     }
1697 /*
1698  * Twofish block decryption.
1699  *
1700  * Arguments:
1701  * xkey         expanded key array
1702  * p            16 bytes of plaintext
1703  * c            16 bytes in which to store the ciphertext
1704  */
Twofish_decrypt(Twofish_key * xkey,Twofish_Byte c[16],Twofish_Byte p[16])1705 void Twofish_decrypt( Twofish_key * xkey, Twofish_Byte c[16], Twofish_Byte p[16])
1706     {
1707     Twofish_UInt32 A,B,C,D,T0,T1;       /* Working variables */
1709     /* Get the four plaintext words xorred with the key */
1710     GET_INPUT( c, A,B,C,D, xkey, 4 );
1712     /* Do 8 cycles (= 16 rounds) */
1713     DECRYPT( A,B,C,D,T0,T1,xkey );
1715     /* Store them with the final swap and the output whitening. */
1716     PUT_OUTPUT( C,D,A,B, p, xkey, 0 );
1717     }
1719 /*
1720  * Using the macros it is easy to make special routines for
1721  * CBC mode, CTR mode etc. The only thing you might want to
1722  * add is a XOR_PUT_OUTPUT which xors the outputs into the
1723  * destinationa instead of overwriting the data. This requires
1724  * a XOR_PUT32 macro as well, but that should all be trivial.
1725  *
1726  * I thought about including routines for the separate cipher
1727  * modes here, but it is unclear which modes should be included,
1728  * and each encryption or decryption routine takes up a lot of code space.
1729  * Also, I don't have any test vectors for any cipher modes
1730  * with Twofish.
1731  */