3# Original shell script version:
4# Copyright 1998,1999 Yann Dirson <dirson@debian.org>
5# Perl version:
6# Copyright 1999,2000,2001 by Julian Gilbey <jdg@debian.org>
8# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 ONLY,
10# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
12# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15# GNU General Public License for more details.
17use 5.006_000;
18use strict;
19use warnings;
20use Cwd;
21use Dpkg::IPC;
22use File::Copy qw(cp move);
23use File::Basename;
24use File::Spec;
25use File::Path qw/ rmtree /;
26use File::Temp qw/ tempdir tempfile /;
27use Devscripts::Compression;
28use Devscripts::Versort;
30# Predeclare functions
31sub wdiff_control_files($$$$$);
32sub process_debc($$);
33sub process_debI($);
34sub mktmpdirs();
35sub fatal(@);
37my $progname = basename($0);
38my $modified_conf_msg;
39my $exit_status = 0;
40my $dummyname   = "---DUMMY---";
42my $compression_re = compression_get_file_extension_regex();
44sub usage {
45    print <<"EOF";
46Usage: $progname [option]
47   or: $progname [option] ... deb1 deb2
48   or: $progname [option] ... changes1 changes2
49   or: $progname [option] ... dsc1 dsc2
50   or: $progname [option] ... --from deb1a deb1b ... --to deb2a deb2b ...
51Valid options are:
52    --no-conf, --noconf
53                          Don\'t read devscripts config files;
54                          must be the first option given
55   --help, -h             Display this message
56   --version, -v          Display version and copyright info
57   --move FROM TO,        The prefix FROM in first packages has
58     -m FROM TO             been renamed TO in the new packages
59                            only affects comparing binary packages
60                            (multiple permitted)
61   --move-regex FROM TO,  The prefix FROM in first packages has
62                            been renamed TO in the new packages
63                            only affects comparing binary packages
64                            (multiple permitted), using regexp substitution
65   --dirs, -d             Note changes in directories as well as files
66   --nodirs               Do not note changes in directories (default)
67   --nocontrol            Skip comparing control files
68   --control              Do compare control files
69   --controlfiles FILE,FILE,...
70                          Which control files to compare; default is just
71                            control; could include preinst, etc, config or
72                            ALL to compare all control files present
73   --wp, --wl, --wt       Pass the option -p, -l, -t respectively to wdiff
74                            (only one should be used)
75   --wdiff-source-control When processing source packages, compare control
76                            files as with --control for binary packages
77   --no-wdiff-source-control
78                          Do not do so (default)
79   --show-moved           Indicate also all files which have moved
80                            between packages
81   --noshow-moved         Do not also indicate all files which have moved
82                            between packages (default)
83   --renamed FROM TO      The package formerly called FROM has been
84                            renamed TO; only of interest with --show-moved
85                            (multiple permitted)
86   --quiet, -q            Be quiet if no differences were found
87   --exclude PATTERN      Exclude files whose basenames match PATTERN
88   --ignore-space, -w     Ignore whitespace in diffs
89   --diffstat             Include the result of diffstat before the diff
90   --no-diffstat          Do not do so (default)
91   --auto-ver-sort        When comparing source packages, ensure the
92                          comparison is performed in version order
93   --no-auto-ver-sort     Do not do so (default)
94   --unpack-tarballs      Unpack tarballs found in the top level source
95                          directory (default)
96   --no-unpack-tarballs   Do not do so
98Default settings modified by devscripts configuration files:
101Use the diffoscope package for deeper comparisons of .deb files.
105my $version = <<"EOF";
106This is $progname, from the Debian devscripts package, version ###VERSION###
107This code is copyright 1999,2000,2001 by Julian Gilbey <jdg\@debian.org>,
108based on original code which is copyright 1998,1999 by
109Yann Dirson <dirson\@debian.org>
110This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
111You are free to redistribute this code under the terms of the
112GNU General Public License, version 2 ONLY.
115# Start by setting default values
117my $debsdir;
118my $debsdir_warning;
119my $ignore_dirs          = 1;
120my $compare_control      = 1;
121my $controlfiles         = 'control';
122my $show_moved           = 0;
123my $wdiff_opt            = '';
124my @diff_opts            = ();
125my $show_diffstat        = 0;
126my $wdiff_source_control = 0;
127my $auto_ver_sort        = 0;
128my $unpack_tarballs      = 1;
130my $quiet = 0;
132# Next, read read configuration files and then command line
133# The next stuff is boilerplate
135if (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^--no-?conf$/) {
136    $modified_conf_msg = "  (no configuration files read)";
137    shift;
138} else {
139    my @config_files = ('/etc/devscripts.conf', '~/.devscripts');
140    my %config_vars  = (
141        'DEBDIFF_DIRS'                 => 'no',
142        'DEBDIFF_CONTROL'              => 'yes',
143        'DEBDIFF_CONTROLFILES'         => 'control',
144        'DEBDIFF_SHOW_MOVED'           => 'no',
145        'DEBDIFF_WDIFF_OPT'            => '',
146        'DEBDIFF_SHOW_DIFFSTAT'        => 'no',
147        'DEBDIFF_WDIFF_SOURCE_CONTROL' => 'no',
148        'DEBDIFF_AUTO_VER_SORT'        => 'no',
149        'DEBDIFF_UNPACK_TARBALLS'      => 'yes',
150        'DEBRELEASE_DEBS_DIR'          => '..',
151    );
152    my %config_default = %config_vars;
154    my $shell_cmd;
155    # Set defaults
156    foreach my $var (keys %config_vars) {
157        $shell_cmd .= "$var='$config_vars{$var}';\n";
158    }
159    $shell_cmd .= 'for file in ' . join(" ", @config_files) . "; do\n";
160    $shell_cmd .= '[ -f $file ] && . $file; done;' . "\n";
161    # Read back values
162    foreach my $var (keys %config_vars) { $shell_cmd .= "echo \$$var;\n" }
163    my $shell_out = `/bin/bash -c '$shell_cmd'`;
164    @config_vars{ keys %config_vars } = split /\n/, $shell_out, -1;
166    # Check validity
167    $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_DIRS'} =~ /^(yes|no)$/
168      or $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_DIRS'} = 'no';
169    $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_CONTROL'} =~ /^(yes|no)$/
170      or $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_CONTROL'} = 'yes';
171    $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_SHOW_MOVED'} =~ /^(yes|no)$/
172      or $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_SHOW_MOVED'} = 'no';
173    $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_SHOW_DIFFSTAT'} =~ /^(yes|no)$/
174      or $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_SHOW_DIFFSTAT'} = 'no';
175    $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_WDIFF_SOURCE_CONTROL'} =~ /^(yes|no)$/
176      or $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_WDIFF_SOURCE_CONTROL'} = 'no';
177    $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_AUTO_VER_SORT'} =~ /^(yes|no)$/
178      or $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_AUTO_VER_SORT'} = 'no';
179    $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_UNPACK_TARBALLS'} =~ /^(yes|no)$/
180      or $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_UNPACK_TARBALLS'} = 'yes';
181    # We do not replace this with a default directory to avoid accidentally
182    # installing a broken package
183    $config_vars{'DEBRELEASE_DEBS_DIR'} =~ s%/+%/%;
184    $config_vars{'DEBRELEASE_DEBS_DIR'} =~ s%(.)/$%$1%;
185    $debsdir_warning
186      = "config file specified DEBRELEASE_DEBS_DIR directory $config_vars{'DEBRELEASE_DEBS_DIR'} does not exist!";
188    foreach my $var (sort keys %config_vars) {
189        if ($config_vars{$var} ne $config_default{$var}) {
190            $modified_conf_msg .= "  $var=$config_vars{$var}\n";
191        }
192    }
193    $modified_conf_msg ||= "  (none)\n";
194    chomp $modified_conf_msg;
196    $debsdir         = $config_vars{'DEBRELEASE_DEBS_DIR'};
197    $ignore_dirs     = $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_DIRS'} eq 'yes' ? 0 : 1;
198    $compare_control = $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_CONTROL'} eq 'no' ? 0 : 1;
199    $controlfiles    = $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_CONTROLFILES'};
200    $show_moved      = $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_SHOW_MOVED'} eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0;
201    $wdiff_opt = $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_WDIFF_OPT'} =~ /^-([plt])$/ ? $1 : '';
202    $show_diffstat = $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_SHOW_DIFFSTAT'} eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0;
203    $wdiff_source_control
204      = $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_WDIFF_SOURCE_CONTROL'} eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0;
205    $auto_ver_sort = $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_AUTO_VER_SORT'} eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0;
206    $unpack_tarballs
207      = $config_vars{'DEBDIFF_UNPACK_TARBALLS'} eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0;
211# Are they a pair of debs, changes or dsc files, or a list of debs?
212my $type     = '';
213my @excludes = ();
214my @move     = ();
215my %renamed  = ();
216my $opt_debsdir;
218# handle command-line options
220while (@ARGV) {
221    if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^(--help|-h)$/)    { usage();        exit 0; }
222    if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^(--version|-v)$/) { print $version; exit 0; }
223    if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^(--move(-regex)?|-m)$/) {
224        fatal
225"Malformed command-line option $ARGV[0]; run $progname --help for more info"
226          unless @ARGV >= 3;
228        my $regex = $ARGV[0] eq '--move-regex' ? 1 : 0;
229        shift @ARGV;
231        # Ensure from and to values all begin with a slash
232        # dpkg -c produces filenames such as ./usr/lib/filename
233        my $from = shift;
234        my $to   = shift;
235        $from =~ s%^\./%/%;
236        $to   =~ s%^\./%/%;
238        if ($regex) {
239            # quote ':' in the from and to patterns;
240            # used later as a pattern delimiter
241            $from =~ s/:/\\:/g;
242            $to   =~ s/:/\\:/g;
243        }
244        push @move, [$regex, $from, $to];
245    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--renamed') {
246        fatal
247"Malformed command-line option $ARGV[0]; run $progname --help for more info"
248          unless @ARGV >= 3;
249        shift @ARGV;
251        my $from = shift;
252        my $to   = shift;
253        $renamed{$from} = $to;
254    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--exclude') {
255        fatal
256"Malformed command-line option $ARGV[0]; run $progname --help for more info"
257          unless @ARGV >= 2;
258        shift @ARGV;
260        my $exclude = shift;
261        push @excludes, $exclude;
262    } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ s/^--exclude=//) {
263        my $exclude = shift;
264        push @excludes, $exclude;
265    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--controlfiles') {
266        fatal
267"Malformed command-line option $ARGV[0]; run $progname --help for more info"
268          unless @ARGV >= 2;
269        shift @ARGV;
271        $controlfiles = shift;
272    } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ s/^--controlfiles=//) {
273        $controlfiles = shift;
274    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--debs-dir') {
275        fatal
276"Malformed command-line option $ARGV[0]; run $progname --help for more info"
277          unless @ARGV >= 2;
278        shift @ARGV;
280        $opt_debsdir = shift;
281    } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ s/^--debs-dir=//) {
282        $opt_debsdir = shift;
283    } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^(--dirs|-d)$/) {
284        $ignore_dirs = 0;
285        shift;
286    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--nodirs') {
287        $ignore_dirs = 1;
288        shift;
289    } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^(--quiet|-q)$/) {
290        $quiet = 1;
291        shift;
292    } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^(--show-moved|-s)$/) {
293        $show_moved = 1;
294        shift;
295    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--noshow-moved') {
296        $show_moved = 0;
297        shift;
298    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--nocontrol') {
299        $compare_control = 0;
300        shift;
301    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--control') {
302        $compare_control = 1;
303        shift;
304    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--from') {
305        $type = 'debs';
306        last;
307    } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--w([plt])$/) {
308        $wdiff_opt = "-$1";
309        shift;
310    } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^(--ignore-space|-w)$/) {
311        push @diff_opts, "-w";
312        shift;
313    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--diffstat') {
314        $show_diffstat = 1;
315        shift;
316    } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--no-?diffstat$/) {
317        $show_diffstat = 0;
318        shift;
319    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--wdiff-source-control') {
320        $wdiff_source_control = 1;
321        shift;
322    } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--no-?wdiff-source-control$/) {
323        $wdiff_source_control = 0;
324        shift;
325    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--auto-ver-sort') {
326        $auto_ver_sort = 1;
327        shift;
328    } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--no-?auto-ver-sort$/) {
329        $auto_ver_sort = 0;
330        shift;
331    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--unpack-tarballs') {
332        $unpack_tarballs = 1;
333        shift;
334    } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--no-?unpack-tarballs$/) {
335        $unpack_tarballs = 0;
336        shift;
337    } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--no-?conf$/) {
338        fatal "--no-conf is only acceptable as the first command-line option!";
339    }
341    # Not a recognised option
342    elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
343        fatal
344"Unrecognised command-line option $ARGV[0]; run $progname --help for more info";
345    } else {
346        # End of command line options
347        last;
348    }
351for my $exclude (@excludes) {
352    if ($exclude =~ m{/}) {
353        print STDERR
354"$progname: warning: --exclude patterns are matched against the basename, so --exclude='$exclude' will not exclude anything\n";
355    }
358my $guessed_version = 0;
360if ($opt_debsdir) {
361    $opt_debsdir =~ s%^/+%/%;
362    $opt_debsdir =~ s%(.)/$%$1%;
363    $debsdir_warning = "--debs-dir directory $opt_debsdir does not exist!";
364    $debsdir         = $opt_debsdir;
367# If no file is given, assume that we are in a source directory
368# and try to create a diff with the previous version
369if (@ARGV == 0) {
370    my $namepat = qr/[-+0-9a-z.]/i;
372    fatal $debsdir_warning unless -d $debsdir;
374    fatal "Can't read file: debian/changelog" unless -r "debian/changelog";
375    open CHL, "debian/changelog";
376    while (<CHL>) {
377        if (/^(\w$namepat*)\s\((\d+:)?(.+)\)((\s+$namepat+)+)\;\surgency=.+$/)
378        {
379            unshift @ARGV, $debsdir . "/" . $1 . "_" . $3 . ".dsc";
380            $guessed_version++;
381        }
382        last if $guessed_version > 1;
383    }
384    close CHL;
387if (!$type) {
388    # we need 2 deb files or changes files to compare
389    fatal "Need exactly two deb files or changes files to compare"
390      unless @ARGV == 2;
392    foreach my $i (0, 1) {
393        fatal "Can't read file: $ARGV[$i]" unless -r $ARGV[$i];
394    }
396    if    ($ARGV[0] =~ /\.deb$/)     { $type = 'deb'; }
397    elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /\.udeb$/)    { $type = 'deb'; }
398    elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /\.changes$/) { $type = 'changes'; }
399    elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /\.dsc$/)     { $type = 'dsc'; }
400    else {
401        fatal
402"Could not recognise files; the names should end .deb, .udeb, .changes or .dsc";
403    }
404    if ($ARGV[1] !~ /\.$type$/ && ($type ne 'deb' || $ARGV[1] !~ /\.udeb$/)) {
405        fatal
406"The two filenames must have the same suffix, either .deb, .udeb, .changes or .dsc";
407    }
410# We collect up the individual deb information in the hashes
411# %debs1 and %debs2, each key of which is a .deb name and each value is
412# a list ref.  Note we need to use our, not my, as we will be symbolically
413# referencing these variables
414my @CommonDebs = ();
415my @singledeb;
416our (
417    %debs1, %debs2, %files1, %files2,    @D1,
418    @D2,    $dir1,  $dir2,   %DebPaths1, %DebPaths2
421if ($type eq 'deb') {
422    no strict 'refs';
423    foreach my $i (1, 2) {
424        my $deb = shift;
425        my ($debc, $debI) = ('', '');
426        my %dpkg_env = (LC_ALL => 'C');
427        eval {
428            spawn(
429                exec       => ['dpkg-deb', '-c', $deb],
430                env        => \%dpkg_env,
431                to_string  => \$debc,
432                wait_child => 1
433            );
434        };
435        if ($@) {
436            fatal "dpkg-deb -c $deb failed!";
437        }
439        eval {
440            spawn(
441                exec       => ['dpkg-deb', '-I', $deb],
442                env        => \%dpkg_env,
443                to_string  => \$debI,
444                wait_child => 1
445            );
446        };
447        if ($@) {
448            fatal "dpkg-deb -I $deb failed!";
449        }
450        # Store the name for later
451        $singledeb[$i] = $deb;
452        # get package name itself
453        $deb =~ s,.*/,,;
454        $deb =~ s/_.*//;
455        @{"D$i"} = @{ process_debc($debc, $i) };
456        push @{"D$i"}, @{ process_debI($debI) };
457    }
458} elsif ($type eq 'changes' or $type eq 'debs') {
459    # Have to parse .changes files or remaining arguments
460    my $pwd = cwd;
461    foreach my $i (1, 2) {
462        my (@debs) = ();
463        if ($type eq 'debs') {
464            if (@ARGV < 2) {
465                # Oops!  There should be at least --from|--to deb ...
466                fatal
467"Missing .deb names or missing --to!  (Run debdiff -h for help)\n";
468            }
469            shift;    # get rid of --from or --to
470            while (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] ne '--to') {
471                push @debs, shift;
472            }
474            # Is there only one .deb listed?
475            if (@debs == 1) {
476                $singledeb[$i] = $debs[0];
477            }
478        } else {
479            my $changes = shift;
480            open CHANGES, $changes
481              or fatal "Couldn't open $changes: $!";
482            my $infiles = 0;
483            while (<CHANGES>) {
484                last if $infiles and /^[^ ]/;
485                /^Files:/ and $infiles = 1, next;
486                next unless $infiles;
487                if (/ (\S*.u?deb)$/) {
488                    my $file = $1;
489                    $file !~ m,[/\x00],
490                      or fatal "File name contains invalid characters: $file";
491                    push @debs, dirname($changes) . '/' . $file;
492                }
493            }
494            close CHANGES
495              or fatal "Problem reading $changes: $!";
497            # Is there only one .deb listed?
498            if (@debs == 1) {
499                $singledeb[$i] = $debs[0];
500            }
501        }
503        foreach my $deb (@debs) {
504            no strict 'refs';
505            fatal "Can't read file: $deb" unless -r $deb;
506            my ($debc, $debI) = ('', '');
507            my %dpkg_env = (LC_ALL => 'C');
508            eval {
509                spawn(
510                    exec       => ['dpkg-deb', '-c', $deb],
511                    to_string  => \$debc,
512                    env        => \%dpkg_env,
513                    wait_child => 1
514                );
515            };
516            if ($@) {
517                fatal "dpkg-deb -c $deb failed!";
518            }
519            eval {
520                spawn(
521                    exec       => ['dpkg-deb', '-I', $deb],
522                    to_string  => \$debI,
523                    env        => \%dpkg_env,
524                    wait_child => 1
525                );
526            };
527            if ($@) {
528                fatal "dpkg-deb -I $deb failed!";
529            }
530            my $debpath = $deb;
531            # get package name itself
532            $deb =~ s,.*/,,;
533            $deb =~ s/_.*//;
534            $deb = $renamed{$deb} if $i == 1 and exists $renamed{$deb};
535            if (exists ${"debs$i"}{$deb}) {
536                warn
537"Same package name appears more than once (possibly due to renaming): $deb\n";
538            } else {
539                ${"debs$i"}{$deb} = 1;
540            }
541            ${"DebPaths$i"}{$deb} = $debpath;
542            foreach my $file (@{ process_debc($debc, $i) }) {
543                ${"files$i"}{$file} ||= "";
544                ${"files$i"}{$file} .= "$deb:";
545            }
546            foreach my $control (@{ process_debI($debI) }) {
547                ${"files$i"}{$control} ||= "";
548                ${"files$i"}{$control} .= "$deb:";
549            }
550        }
551        no strict 'refs';
552        @{"D$i"} = keys %{"files$i"};
553        # Go back again
554        chdir $pwd or fatal "Couldn't chdir $pwd: $!";
555    }
556} elsif ($type eq 'dsc') {
557    # Compare source packages
558    my $pwd = cwd;
560    my (@origs, @diffs, @dscs, @dscformats, @versions);
561    foreach my $i (1, 2) {
562        my $dsc = shift;
563        chdir dirname($dsc)
564          or fatal "Couldn't chdir ", dirname($dsc), ": $!";
566        $dscs[$i] = cwd() . '/' . basename($dsc);
568        open DSC, basename($dsc) or fatal "Couldn't open $dsc: $!";
570        my $infiles = 0;
571        while (<DSC>) {
572            if (/^Files:/) {
573                $infiles = 1;
574                next;
575            } elsif (/^Format: (.*)$/) {
576                $dscformats[$i] = $1;
577            } elsif (/^Version: (.*)$/) {
578                $versions[$i - 1] = [$1, $i];
579            }
580            next unless $infiles;
581            last if /^\s*$/;
582            last if /^[-\w]+:/;    # don't expect this, but who knows?
583            chomp;
585            # This had better match
586            if (/^\s+[0-9a-f]{32}\s+\d+\s+(\S+)$/) {
587                my $file = $1;
588                $file !~ m,[/\x00],
589                  or fatal "File name contains invalid characters: $file";
590                if ($file =~ /\.diff\.gz$/) {
591                    $diffs[$i] = cwd() . '/' . $file;
592                } elsif ($file =~ /((?:\.orig)?\.tar\.$compression_re|\.git)$/)
593                {
594                    $origs[$i] = $file;
595                }
596            } else {
597                warn "Unrecognised file line in .dsc:\n$_\n";
598            }
599        }
601        close DSC or fatal "Problem closing $dsc: $!";
602        # Go back again
603        chdir $pwd or fatal "Couldn't chdir $pwd: $!";
604    }
606    @versions = Devscripts::Versort::versort(@versions);
607    # If the versions are currently out of order, should we swap them?
608    if (    $auto_ver_sort
609        and !$guessed_version
610        and $versions[0][1] == 1
611        and $versions[0][0] ne $versions[1][0]) {
612        foreach my $var ((\@origs, \@diffs, \@dscs, \@dscformats)) {
613            my $temp = @{$var}[1];
614            @{$var}[1] = @{$var}[2];
615            @{$var}[2] = $temp;
616        }
617    }
619    # Do we have interdiff?
620    system("command -v interdiff >/dev/null 2>&1");
621    my $use_interdiff = ($? == 0) ? 1 : 0;
622    system("command -v diffstat >/dev/null 2>&1");
623    my $have_diffstat = ($? == 0) ? 1 : 0;
624    system("command -v wdiff >/dev/null 2>&1");
625    my $have_wdiff = ($? == 0) ? 1 : 0;
627    my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(
628        "debdiffXXXXXX",
629        SUFFIX => ".diff",
630        DIR    => File::Spec->tmpdir,
631        UNLINK => 1
632    );
634    # When wdiffing source control files we always fully extract both source
635    # packages as it's the easiest way of getting the debian/control file,
636    # particularly if the orig tar ball contains one which is patched in the
637    # diffs
638    if (    $origs[1] eq $origs[2]
639        and defined $diffs[1]
640        and defined $diffs[2]
641        and scalar(@excludes) == 0
642        and $use_interdiff
643        and !$wdiff_source_control) {
644        # same orig tar ball, interdiff exists and not wdiffing
646        my $tmpdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
647        eval {
648            spawn(
649                exec => ['interdiff', '-z', @diff_opts, $diffs[1], $diffs[2]],
650                to_file    => $filename,
651                wait_child => 1,
652                # Make interdiff put its tempfiles in $tmpdir, so they're
653                # automatically cleaned up
654                env => { TMPDIR => $tmpdir });
655        };
657        # If interdiff fails for some reason, we'll fall back to our manual
658        # diffing.
659        unless ($@) {
660            if ($have_diffstat and $show_diffstat) {
661                my $header
662                  = "diffstat for "
663                  . basename($diffs[1]) . " "
664                  . basename($diffs[2]) . "\n\n";
665                $header =~ s/\.diff\.gz//g;
666                print $header;
667                spawn(
668                    exec       => ['diffstat', $filename],
669                    wait_child => 1
670                );
671                print "\n";
672            }
674            if (-s $filename) {
675                open(INTERDIFF, '<', $filename);
676                while (<INTERDIFF>) {
677                    print $_;
678                }
679                close INTERDIFF;
681                $exit_status = 1;
682            }
683            exit $exit_status;
684        }
685    }
687    # interdiff ran and failed, or any other situation
688    if (!$use_interdiff) {
689        warn
690"Warning: You do not seem to have interdiff (in the patchutils package)\ninstalled; this program would use it if it were available.\n";
691    }
692    # possibly different orig tarballs, or no interdiff installed,
693    # or wdiffing debian/control
694    our ($sdir1, $sdir2);
695    mktmpdirs();
696    for my $i (1, 2) {
697        no strict 'refs';
698        my @opts = ('-x');
699        push(@opts, '--skip-patches') if $dscformats[$i] eq '3.0 (quilt)';
700        my $diri = ${"dir$i"};
701        eval {
702            spawn(
703                exec       => ['dpkg-source', @opts, $dscs[$i]],
704                to_file    => '/dev/null',
705                chdir      => $diri,
706                wait_child => 1
707            );
708        };
709        if ($@) {
710            my $dir = dirname $dscs[1] if $i == 2;
711            $dir = dirname $dscs[2] if $i == 1;
712            cp "$dir/$origs[$i]",
713              $diri || fatal "copy $dir/$origs[$i] $diri: $!";
714            my $dscx = basename $dscs[$i];
715            cp $diffs[$i], $diri || fatal "copy $diffs[$i] $diri: $!";
716            cp $dscs[$i],  $diri || fatal "copy $dscs[$i] $diri: $!";
717            spawn(
718                exec       => ['dpkg-source', @opts, $dscx],
719                to_file    => '/dev/null',
720                chdir      => $diri,
721                wait_child => 1
722            );
723        }
724        opendir DIR, $diri;
725        while ($_ = readdir(DIR)) {
726            next if $_ eq '.' || $_ eq '..' || !-d "$diri/$_";
727            ${"sdir$i"} = $_;
728            last;
729        }
730        closedir(DIR);
731        my $sdiri = ${"sdir$i"};
733# also unpack tarballs found in the top level source directory so we can compare their contents too
734        next unless $unpack_tarballs;
735        opendir DIR, $diri . '/' . $sdiri;
737        my $tarballs = 1;
738        while ($_ = readdir(DIR)) {
739            my $unpacked = "=unpacked-tar" . $tarballs . "=";
740            my $filename = $_;
741            if ($filename =~ s/\.tar\.$compression_re$//) {
742                my $comp = compression_guess_from_filename($_);
743                $tarballs++;
744                spawn(
745                    exec       => ['tar', "--$comp", '-xf', $_],
746                    to_file    => '/dev/null',
747                    wait_child => 1,
748                    chdir      => "$diri/$sdiri",
749                    nocheck    => 1
750                );
751                if (-d "$diri/$sdiri/$filename") {
752                    move "$diri/$sdiri/$filename", "$diri/$sdiri/$unpacked";
753                }
754            }
755        }
756        closedir(DIR);
757    }
759    my @command = ("diff", "-Nru", @diff_opts);
760    for my $exclude (@excludes) {
761        push @command, ("--exclude", $exclude);
762    }
763    push @command, ("$dir1/$sdir1", "$dir2/$sdir2");
765# Execute diff and remove the common prefixes $dir1/$dir2, so the patch can be used with -p1,
766# as if when interdiff would have been used:
767    spawn(
768        exec       => \@command,
769        to_file    => $filename,
770        wait_child => 1,
771        nocheck    => 1
772    );
774    if ($have_diffstat and $show_diffstat) {
775        print "diffstat for $sdir1 $sdir2\n\n";
776        spawn(
777            exec       => ['diffstat', $filename],
778            wait_child => 1
779        );
780        print "\n";
781    }
783    if ($have_wdiff and $wdiff_source_control) {
784        # Abuse global variables slightly to create some temporary directories
785        my $tempdir1 = $dir1;
786        my $tempdir2 = $dir2;
787        mktmpdirs();
788        our $wdiffdir1 = $dir1;
789        our $wdiffdir2 = $dir2;
790        $dir1 = $tempdir1;
791        $dir2 = $tempdir2;
792        our @cf;
794        if ($controlfiles eq 'ALL') {
795            @cf = ('control');
796        } else {
797            @cf = split /,/, $controlfiles;
798        }
800        no strict 'refs';
801        for my $i (1, 2) {
802            foreach my $file (@cf) {
803                cp ${"dir$i"} . '/' . ${"sdir$i"} . "/debian/$file",
804                  ${"wdiffdir$i"};
805            }
806        }
807        use strict 'refs';
809        # We don't support "ALL" for source packages as that would
810        # wdiff debian/*
811        $exit_status = wdiff_control_files($wdiffdir1, $wdiffdir2, $dummyname,
812            $controlfiles eq 'ALL' ? 'control' : $controlfiles, $exit_status);
813        print "\n";
815        # Clean up
816        rmtree([$wdiffdir1, $wdiffdir2]);
817    }
819    if (!-f $filename) {
820        fatal "Creation of diff file $filename failed!";
821    } elsif (-s $filename) {
822        open(DIFF, '<', $filename)
823          or fatal "Opening diff file $filename failed!";
825        while (<DIFF>) {
826            s/^--- $dir1\//--- /;
827            s/^\+\+\+ $dir2\//+++ /;
828            s/^(diff .*) $dir1\/\Q$sdir1\E/$1 $sdir1/;
829            s/^(diff .*) $dir2\/\Q$sdir2\E/$1 $sdir2/;
830            print;
831        }
832        close DIFF;
834        $exit_status = 1;
835    }
837    exit $exit_status;
838} else {
839    fatal "Internal error: \$type = $type unrecognised";
842# Compare
843# Start by a piece of common code to set up the @CommonDebs list and the like
845my (@deblosses, @debgains);
848    my %debs;
849    grep $debs{$_}--, keys %debs1;
850    grep $debs{$_}++, keys %debs2;
852    @deblosses  = sort grep $debs{$_} < 0, keys %debs;
853    @debgains   = sort grep $debs{$_} > 0, keys %debs;
854    @CommonDebs = sort grep $debs{$_} == 0, keys %debs;
857if ($show_moved and $type ne 'deb') {
858    if (@debgains) {
859        my $msg
860          = "Warning: these package names were in the second list but not in the first:";
861        print $msg, "\n", '-' x length $msg, "\n";
862        print join("\n", @debgains), "\n\n";
863    }
865    if (@deblosses) {
866        print "\n" if @debgains;
867        my $msg
868          = "Warning: these package names were in the first list but not in the second:";
869        print $msg, "\n", '-' x length $msg, "\n";
870        print join("\n", @deblosses), "\n\n";
871    }
873    # We start by determining which files are in the first set of debs, the
874    # second set of debs or both.
875    my %files;
876    grep $files{$_}--, @D1;
877    grep $files{$_}++, @D2;
879    my @old  = sort grep $files{$_} < 0, keys %files;
880    my @new  = sort grep $files{$_} > 0, keys %files;
881    my @same = sort grep $files{$_} == 0, keys %files;
883    # We store any changed files in a hash of hashes %changes, where
884    # $changes{$from}{$to} is an array of files which have moved
885    # from package $from to package $to; $from or $to is '-' if
886    # the files have appeared or disappeared
888    my %changes;
889    my @funny;    # for storing changed files which appear in multiple debs
891    foreach my $file (@old) {
892        my @firstdebs = split /:/, $files1{$file};
893        foreach my $firstdeb (@firstdebs) {
894            push @{ $changes{$firstdeb}{'-'} }, $file;
895        }
896    }
898    foreach my $file (@new) {
899        my @seconddebs = split /:/, $files2{$file};
900        foreach my $seconddeb (@seconddebs) {
901            push @{ $changes{'-'}{$seconddeb} }, $file;
902        }
903    }
905    foreach my $file (@same) {
906        # Are they identical?
907        next if $files1{$file} eq $files2{$file};
909        # Ah, they're not the same.  If the file has moved from one deb
910        # to another, we'll put a note in that pair.  But if the file
911        # was in more than one deb or ends up in more than one deb, we'll
912        # list it separately.
913        my @fdebs1 = split(/:/, $files1{$file});
914        my @fdebs2 = split(/:/, $files2{$file});
916        if (@fdebs1 == 1 && @fdebs2 == 1) {
917            push @{ $changes{ $fdebs1[0] }{ $fdebs2[0] } }, $file;
918        } else {
919            # two packages to one or vice versa, or something like that
920            push @funny, [$file, \@fdebs1, \@fdebs2];
921        }
922    }
924    # This is not a very efficient way of doing things if there are
925    # lots of debs involved, but since that is highly unlikely, it
926    # shouldn't be much of an issue
927    my $changed = 0;
929    for my $deb1 (sort(keys %debs1), '-') {
930        next unless exists $changes{$deb1};
931        for my $deb2 ('-', sort keys %debs2) {
932            next unless exists $changes{$deb1}{$deb2};
933            my $msg;
934            if (!$changed) {
935                print
936"[The following lists of changes regard files as different if they have\ndifferent names, permissions or owners.]\n\n";
937            }
938            if ($deb1 eq '-') {
939                $msg
940                  = "New files in second set of .debs, found in package $deb2";
941            } elsif ($deb2 eq '-') {
942                $msg
943                  = "Files only in first set of .debs, found in package $deb1";
944            } else {
945                $msg = "Files moved from package $deb1 to package $deb2";
946            }
947            print $msg, "\n", '-' x length $msg, "\n";
948            print join("\n", @{ $changes{$deb1}{$deb2} }), "\n\n";
949            $changed = 1;
950        }
951    }
953    if (@funny) {
954        my $msg
955          = "Files moved or copied from at least TWO packages or to at least TWO packages";
956        print $msg, "\n", '-' x length $msg, "\n";
957        for my $funny (@funny) {
958            print $$funny[0], "\n";    # filename and details
959            print "From package", (@{ $$funny[1] } > 1 ? "s" : ""), ": ";
960            print join(", ", @{ $$funny[1] }), "\n";
961            print "To package", (@{ $$funny[2] } > 1 ? "s" : ""), ": ";
962            print join(", ", @{ $$funny[2] }), "\n";
963        }
964        $changed = 1;
965    }
967    if (!$quiet && !$changed) {
968        print
969          "File lists identical on package level (after any substitutions)\n";
970    }
971    $exit_status = 1 if $changed;
972} else {
973    my %files;
974    grep $files{$_}--, @D1;
975    grep $files{$_}++, @D2;
977    my @losses = sort grep $files{$_} < 0, keys %files;
978    my @gains  = sort grep $files{$_} > 0, keys %files;
980    if (@losses == 0 && @gains == 0) {
981        print "File lists identical (after any substitutions)\n"
982          unless $quiet;
983    } else {
984        print
985"[The following lists of changes regard files as different if they have\ndifferent names, permissions or owners.]\n\n";
986    }
988    if (@gains) {
989        my $msg;
990        if ($type eq 'debs') {
991            $msg = "Files in second set of .debs but not in first";
992        } else {
993            $msg = sprintf "Files in second .%s but not in first",
994              $type eq 'deb' ? 'deb' : 'changes';
995        }
996        print $msg, "\n", '-' x length $msg, "\n";
997        print join("\n", @gains), "\n";
998        $exit_status = 1;
999    }
1001    if (@losses) {
1002        print "\n" if @gains;
1003        my $msg;
1004        if ($type eq 'debs') {
1005            $msg = "Files in first set of .debs but not in second";
1006        } else {
1007            $msg = sprintf "Files in first .%s but not in second",
1008              $type eq 'deb' ? 'deb' : 'changes';
1009        }
1010        print $msg, "\n", '-' x length $msg, "\n";
1011        print join("\n", @losses), "\n";
1012        $exit_status = 1;
1013    }
1016# We compare the control files (at least the dependency fields)
1017if (defined $singledeb[1] and defined $singledeb[2]) {
1018    @CommonDebs            = ($dummyname);
1019    $DebPaths1{$dummyname} = $singledeb[1];
1020    $DebPaths2{$dummyname} = $singledeb[2];
1023exit $exit_status unless (@CommonDebs > 0) and $compare_control;
1025unless (system("command -v wdiff >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0) {
1026    warn "Can't compare control files; wdiff package not installed\n";
1027    exit $exit_status;
1030for my $debname (@CommonDebs) {
1031    no strict 'refs';
1032    mktmpdirs();
1034    for my $i (1, 2) {
1035        my $debpath = "${\"DebPaths$i\"}{$debname}";
1036        my $diri    = ${"dir$i"};
1037        eval {
1038            spawn(
1039                exec       => ['dpkg-deb', '-e', $debpath, $diri],
1040                wait_child => 1
1041            );
1042        };
1043        if ($@) {
1044            my $msg = "dpkg-deb -e ${\"DebPaths$i\"}{$debname} failed!";
1045            rmtree([$dir1, $dir2]);
1046            fatal $msg;
1047        }
1048    }
1050    use strict 'refs';
1051    $exit_status = wdiff_control_files($dir1, $dir2, $debname, $controlfiles,
1052        $exit_status);
1054    # Clean up
1055    rmtree([$dir1, $dir2]);
1058exit $exit_status;
1060###### Subroutines
1062# This routine takes the output of dpkg-deb -c and returns
1063# a processed listref
1064sub process_debc($$) {
1065    my ($data, $number) = @_;
1066    my (@filelist);
1068    # Format of dpkg-deb -c output:
1069    # permissions owner/group size date time name ['->' link destination]
1070    $data =~ s/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+\s+){3}/$1  $2   /mg;
1071    $data =~ s,   \./,   /,mg;
1072    @filelist = grep !m|   /$|, split /\n/, $data;   # don't bother keeping '/'
1074    # Are we keeping directory names in our filelists?
1075    if ($ignore_dirs) {
1076        @filelist = grep !m|/$|, @filelist;
1077    }
1079    # Do the "move" substitutions in the order received for the first debs
1080    if ($number == 1 and @move) {
1081        my @split_filelist
1082          = map { m/^(\S+)  (\S+)   (.*)/ && [$1, $2, $3] } @filelist;
1083        for my $move (@move) {
1084            my $regex = $$move[0];
1085            my $from  = $$move[1];
1086            my $to    = $$move[2];
1087            map {
1088                if   ($regex) { eval "\$\$_[2] =~ s:$from:$to:g"; }
1089                else          { $$_[2] =~ s/\Q$from\E/$to/; }
1090            } @split_filelist;
1091        }
1092        @filelist = map { "$$_[0]  $$_[1]   $$_[2]" } @split_filelist;
1093    }
1095    return \@filelist;
1098# This does the same for dpkg-deb -I
1099sub process_debI($) {
1100    my ($data) = @_;
1101    my (@filelist);
1103    # Format of dpkg-deb -c output:
1104    # 2 (always?) header lines
1105    #   nnnn bytes,    nnn lines   [*]  filename    [interpreter]
1106    # Package: ...
1107    # rest of control file
1109    foreach (split /\n/, $data) {
1110        last if /^Package:/;
1111        next unless /^\s+\d+\s+bytes,\s+\d+\s+lines\s+(\*)?\s+([\-\w]+)/;
1112        my $control = $2;
1113        my $perms   = ($1 ? "-rwxr-xr-x" : "-rw-r--r--");
1114        push @filelist, "$perms  root/root   DEBIAN/$control";
1115    }
1117    return \@filelist;
1120sub wdiff_control_files($$$$$) {
1121    my ($dir1, $dir2, $debname, $controlfiles, $origstatus) = @_;
1122    return
1123          unless defined $dir1
1124      and defined $dir2
1125      and defined $debname
1126      and defined $controlfiles;
1127    my @cf;
1128    my $status = $origstatus;
1129    if ($controlfiles eq 'ALL') {
1130        # only need to list one directory as we are only comparing control
1131        # files in both packages
1132        @cf = grep { !/md5sums/ } map { basename($_); } glob("$dir1/*");
1133    } else {
1134        @cf = split /,/, $controlfiles;
1135    }
1137    foreach my $cf (@cf) {
1138        next unless -f "$dir1/$cf" and -f "$dir2/$cf";
1139        if ($cf eq 'control' or $cf eq 'conffiles' or $cf eq 'shlibs') {
1140            for my $file ("$dir1/$cf", "$dir2/$cf") {
1141                my ($fd, @hdrs);
1142                open $fd, '<', $file or fatal "Cannot read $file: $!";
1143                while (<$fd>) {
1144                    if (/^\s/ and @hdrs > 0) {
1145                        $hdrs[$#hdrs] .= $_;
1146                    } else {
1147                        push @hdrs, $_;
1148                    }
1149                }
1150                close $fd;
1151                chmod 0644, $file;
1152                open $fd, '>', $file or fatal "Cannot write $file: $!";
1153                print $fd sort @hdrs;
1154                close $fd;
1155            }
1156        }
1157        my $usepkgname = $debname eq $dummyname ? "" : " of package $debname";
1158        my @opts       = ('-n');
1159        push @opts, $wdiff_opt if $wdiff_opt;
1160        my ($wdiff, $wdiff_error) = ('', '');
1161        spawn(
1162            exec            => ['wdiff', @opts, "$dir1/$cf", "$dir2/$cf"],
1163            to_string       => \$wdiff,
1164            error_to_string => \$wdiff_error,
1165            wait_child      => 1,
1166            nocheck         => 1
1167        );
1168        if ($? && ($? >> 8) != 1) {
1169            print "$wdiff_error\n";
1170            warn "wdiff failed\n";
1171        } else {
1172            if (!$?) {
1173                if (!$quiet) {
1174                    print
1175"\nNo differences were encountered between the $cf files$usepkgname\n";
1176                }
1177            } elsif ($wdiff_opt) {
1178                # Don't try messing with control codes
1179                my $msg = ucfirst($cf) . " files$usepkgname: wdiff output";
1180                print "\n", $msg, "\n", '-' x length $msg, "\n";
1181                print $wdiff;
1182                $status = 1;
1183            } else {
1184                my @output;
1185                @output = split /\n/, $wdiff;
1186                @output = grep /(\[-|\{\+)/, @output;
1187                my $msg = ucfirst($cf)
1188                  . " files$usepkgname: lines which differ (wdiff format)";
1189                print "\n", $msg, "\n", '-' x length $msg, "\n";
1190                print join("\n", @output), "\n";
1191                $status = 1;
1192            }
1193        }
1194    }
1196    return $status;
1199sub mktmpdirs () {
1200    no strict 'refs';
1202    for my $i (1, 2) {
1203        ${"dir$i"} = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
1204        fatal "Couldn't create temp directory"
1205          if not defined ${"dir$i"};
1206    }
1209sub fatal(@) {
1210    my ($pack, $file, $line);
1211    ($pack, $file, $line) = caller();
1212    (my $msg = "$progname: fatal error at line $line:\n@_\n") =~ tr/\0//d;
1213    $msg =~ s/\n\n$/\n/;
1214    die $msg;