1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name:        pdfdocument.h
3 // Purpose:
4 // Author:      Ulrich Telle
5 // Created:     2005-08-04
6 // Copyright:   (c) Ulrich Telle
7 // Licence:     wxWindows licence
8 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10 /// \file pdfdocument.h Interface of the wxPdfDocument class
12 #ifndef _PDF_DOCUMENT_H_
13 #define _PDF_DOCUMENT_H_
15 // wxWidgets headers
16 #include <wx/dynarray.h>
17 #include <wx/hashmap.h>
18 #include <wx/mstream.h>
19 #include <wx/string.h>
20 #include <wx/xml/xml.h>
22 // wxPdfDocument headers
23 #include "wx/pdfdocdef.h"
24 #include "wx/pdfarraytypes.h"
25 #include "wx/pdfarraydouble.h"
26 #include "wx/pdfcolour.h"
27 #include "wx/pdfencrypt.h"
28 #include "wx/pdfimage.h"
29 #include "wx/pdflinestyle.h"
30 #include "wx/pdflinks.h"
31 #include "wx/pdfproperties.h"
32 #include "wx/pdfdoc_version.h"
36 #define wxPDF_EPSILON        1e-6
38 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_PDFDOC wxPdfCoonsPatchMesh;
41 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_PDFDOC wxPdfFontDescription;
42 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_PDFDOC wxPdfFontDetails;
45 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_PDFDOC wxPdfGradient;
50 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_PDFDOC wxPdfSpotColour;
51 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_PDFDOC wxPdfPattern;
53 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_PDFDOC wxPdfCellContext;
55 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_PDFDOC wxPdfIndirectObject;
56 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_PDFDOC wxPdfAnnotationWidget;
57 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_PDFDOC wxPdfTemplate;
58 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_PDFDOC wxPdfParser;
59 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_PDFDOC wxPdfObject;
61 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_PDFDOC wxPdfArrayLayer;
64 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_PDFDOC wxPdfLayerMembership;
65 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_PDFDOC wxPdfLayerGroup;
67 /// Hashmap class for offset values
68 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, int, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfOffsetHashMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
70 /// Hashmap class for document pages
71 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, wxMemoryOutputStream*, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfPageHashMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
73 /// Hashmap class for document pages
74 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, wxSize, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfPageSizeMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
76 /// Hashmap class for boolean values
77 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, bool, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfBoolHashMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
79 /// Hashmap class for double values
80 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, double, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfDoubleHashMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
82 /// Hashmap class for document links
83 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, wxPdfLink*, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfLinkHashMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
85 /// Hashmap class for page links
86 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, wxArrayPtrVoid*, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfPageLinksMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
88 /// Hashmap class for document annotations
89 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, wxArrayPtrVoid*, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfAnnotationsMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
91 /// Hashmap class for document annotations
92 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, wxArrayPtrVoid*, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfFormAnnotsMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
94 /// Hashmap class for form fields
95 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, wxPdfIndirectObject*, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfFormFieldsMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
97 /// Hashmap class for templates
98 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, wxPdfTemplate*, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfTemplatesMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
100 /// Hashmap class for font encoding differences
101 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, wxString*, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfStringHashMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
103 /// Hashmap class for extended graphics states
104 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, wxPdfExtGState*, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfExtGStateMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
105 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, int, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfExtGSLookupMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
107 /// Hashmap class for gradients
108 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, wxPdfGradient*, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfGradientMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
110 /// Hashmap class for optional content groups
111 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, wxPdfOcg*, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfOcgMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
113 /// Hashmap class for optional content groups
114 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, wxPdfLayerGroup*, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfLayerRGMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
116 /// Hashmap class for file attachments
117 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(long, wxArrayString*, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxPdfAttachmentMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
119 /// Hashmap class for core fonts
122 /// Hashmap class for core fonts
125 /// Hash map class for used/embedded fonts
128 /// Hash map class for embedded images
131 /// Hash map class for spot colours
134 /// Hash map class for spot colours
137 /// Hash map class for spot colours
138 WX_DECLARE_STRING_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL(wxPdfIndirectObject*, wxPdfRadioGroupMap, class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC);
140 /// Hash map class for parsers
143 /// Class representing a PDF document.
145 class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC wxPdfDocument : public wxObject
146 #else
147 class WXDLLIMPEXP_PDFDOC wxPdfDocument
148 #endif
149 {
150 public:
151   /// Constructor
152   /**
153   * \param orientation Defines the default page orientation. Possible values are:
154   *   \li wxPORTRAIT portrait layout (default)
155   *   \li wxLANDSCAPE landscape layout
156   *
157   * \param unit Defines the user units. Possible values are:
158   *   \li "mm" millimeter (1 mm = 0.0394 in = 2.833 pt = 0.1 cm) (default)
159   *   \li "cm" centimeter (1 cm = 0.394 in = 28.33 pt = 10 mm)
160   *   \li "pt" points (1 pt = 1/72 in = 0.0353 cm = 0.353 mm)
161   *   \li "in" inch   (1 in = 72 pt = 2.54 cm = 25.4 mm)
162   * \param format Defines the page format. All known wxWidgets paper types are allowed. (Default: wxPAPER_A4)
163   */
164   wxPdfDocument(int orientation = wxPORTRAIT,
165                 const wxString& unit = wxString(wxS("mm")),
166                 wxPaperSize format = wxPAPER_A4);
168   wxPdfDocument(int orientation, double pageWidth, double pageHeight,
169                 const wxString& unit = wxString(wxS("mm")));
171   virtual ~wxPdfDocument();
173   /// Set permissions as well as user and owner passwords.
174   /**
175   * \param permissions flag indicating permissions.
176   *                    Flags from the following list may be combined as needed
177   *                    If a value is present it means that the permission is granted
178   * \param userPassword user password if applicable.
179   *                     If a user password is set, user will be prompted before document is opened
180   * \param ownerPassword owner password.if applicable
181   *                      If an owner password is set, the document can be opened
182   *                      in privilege mode with no restriction if that password is entered
183   * \param encryptionMethod selects the encryption method. Possible values are:
184   *   \li wxPDF_ENCRYPTION_RC4V1 RC4 method, version 1, with 40 bit encryption key (default)
185   *   \li wxPDF_ENCRYPTION_RC4V2 RC4 method, version 2, with 40..128 bit encryption key
186   *   \li wxPDF_ENCRYPTION_AESV2 AES method, with 128 bit encryption key
187   * \param keyLength Length of the key used for encryption (Default: 0)
188   *                  The default value selects the standard encryption method revision 2 with a key length of 40 bits.
189   *                  Specifying a value > 0 selects the standard encryption method revision 3 with the given key length,
190   *                  the key length has to be in the range 40..128 and has to be dividable by 8.
191   *                  The key length is adjusted accordingly if these conditions are not met.
192   * NOTE: Adobe Reader supports only 40- and 128-bit encryption keys.
193   */
194   virtual void SetProtection(int permissions,
195                              const wxString& userPassword = wxEmptyString,
196                              const wxString& ownerPassword = wxEmptyString,
197                              wxPdfEncryptionMethod encryptionMethod = wxPDF_ENCRYPTION_RC4V1,
198                              int keyLength = 0);
200   /// Set the image scale.
201   /**
202   * \param[in] scale image scale.
203   */
204   virtual void SetImageScale(double scale);
206   /// Returns the image scale.
207   /**
208   * \return image scale.
209   */
210   virtual double GetImageScale();
212   /// Returns the page width in units.
213   /**
214   * \return int page width.
215   */
216   virtual double GetPageWidth();
218   /// Returns the page height in units.
219   /**
220   * \return int page height.
221   */
222   virtual double GetPageHeight();
224   /// Returns the page break margin.
225   /**
226   * \return int page break margin.
227   */
228   virtual double GetBreakMargin();
230   /// Returns the scale factor (number of points in user unit).
231   /**
232   * \return int scale factor.
233   */
234   virtual double GetScaleFactor();
236   /// Defines the left, top and right margins.
237   /**
238   * By default, they equal 1 cm.
239   * Call this method to change them.
240   * \param left Left margin.
241   * \param top Top margin.
242   * \param right Right margin. Default value is the left one.
243   * \see SetLeftMargin(), SetTopMargin(), SetRightMargin(), SetAutoPageBreak()
244   */
245   virtual void SetMargins(double left, double top, double right = -1);
247   /// Defines the left margin.
248   /**
249   * The method can be called before creating the first page.
250   * If the current abscissa gets out of page, it is brought back to the margin.
251   * \param margin The margin.
252   * \see SetTopMargin(), SetRightMargin(), SetAutoPageBreak(), SetMargins()
253   */
254   virtual void SetLeftMargin(double margin);
256   /// Returns the left margin.
257   /**
258   * \return double left margin.
259   */
260   virtual double GetLeftMargin();
262   /// Defines the top margin.
263   /**
264   * The method can be called before creating the first page.
265   * \param margin The margin.
266   * \see SetLeftMargin(), SetRightMargin(), SetAutoPageBreak(), SetMargins()
267   */
268   virtual void SetTopMargin(double margin);
270   /// Returns the top margin.
271   /**
272   * \return double top margin.
273   */
274   virtual double GetTopMargin();
276   /// Defines the right margin.
277   /**
278   * The method can be called before creating the first page.
279   * \param margin The margin.
280   * \see SetLeftMargin(), SetTopMargin(), SetAutoPageBreak(), SetMargins()
281   */
282   virtual void SetRightMargin(double margin);
284   /// Returns the right margin.
285   /**
286   * \return double right margin.
287   */
288   virtual double GetRightMargin();
290   /// Defines the cell margin.
291   /**
292   * The method can be called before creating the first page.
293   * \param margin The margin.
294   */
295   virtual void SetCellMargin(double margin);
297   /// Returns the cell margin.
298   /**
299   * \return double cell margin.
300   */
301   virtual double GetCellMargin();
303   /// Sets the height of a text line
304   /**
305   * \param height The line height.
306   */
307   virtual void SetLineHeight(double height);
309   /// Returns the height of a text line
310   /**
311   * \return double line height
312   */
313   virtual double GetLineHeight();
315   /// Enables or disables the automatic page breaking mode.
316   /**
317   * When enabling, the second parameter
318   * is the distance from the bottom of the page that defines the triggering limit.
319   * By default, the mode is on and the margin is 2 cm.
320   * \param autoPageBreak Boolean indicating if mode should be on or off.
321   * \param margin Distance from the bottom of the page.
322   * \see Cell(), MultiCell(), AcceptPageBreak()
323   */
324   virtual void SetAutoPageBreak(bool autoPageBreak, double margin = 0);
326   /// Defines the way the document is to be displayed by the viewer.
327   /**
328   * The zoom level can be set:pages can be displayed entirely on screen, occupy the full width
329   * of the window, use real size, be scaled by a specific zooming factor or use viewer default
330   * (configured in the Preferences menu of Acrobat). The page layout can be specified too:
331   * single at once, continuous display, two columns or viewer default. By default, documents
332   * use the full width mode with continuous display.
333   * \param zoom The zoom to use. It can be one of the following string values or a number
334   * indicating the zooming factor to use.
335   *   \li wxPDF_ZOOM_FULLPAGE: displays the entire page on screen
336   *   \li wxPDF_ZOOM_FULLWIDTH: uses maximum width of window
337   *   \li wxPDF_ZOOM_REAL: uses real size (equivalent to 100% zoom)
338   *   \li wxPDF_ZOOM_DEFAULT: uses viewer default mode
339   *   \li wxPDF_ZOOM_FACTOR: uses viewer default mode
340   * \param layout The page layout. Possible values are:
341   *   \li wxPDF_LAYOUT_SINGLE: displays one page at once
342   *   \li wxPDF_LAYOUT_CONTINUOUS: displays pages continuously (default)
343   *   \li wxPDF_LAYOUT_TWO: displays two pages on two columns
344   *   \li wxPDF_LAYOUT_DEFAULT: uses viewer default mode
345   * \param zoomFactor specifies the zoom factor in percent if layout is wxPDF_ZOOM_FACTOR
346   */
347   virtual void SetDisplayMode(wxPdfZoom zoom,
348                               wxPdfLayout layout = wxPDF_LAYOUT_CONTINUOUS,
349                               double zoomFactor = 100.);
351   /// Enable or disable kerning.
352   /**
353   * When enabled, kerning is applied to text output.
354   * Kerning is disabled by default.
355   * \param kerning Boolean indicating if kerning should be enabled.
356   */
357   virtual void SetKerning(bool kerning);
359   /// Activates or deactivates page compression.
360   /**
361   * When activated, the internal representation of each
362   * page is compressed, which leads to a compression ratio of about 2 for the resulting document.
363   * Compression is on by default.
364   * \param compress Boolean indicating if compression must be enabled.
365   */
366   virtual void SetCompression(bool compress);
368   /// Defines the viewer preferences.
369   /**
370   * \param preferences A set of viewer preferences options.
371   *   \li wxPDF_VIEWER_HIDETOOLBAR:     Hide tool bar
372   *   \li wxPDF_VIEWER_HIDEMENUBAR:     Hide menu bar
373   *   \li wxPDF_VIEWER_HIDEWINDOWUI:    Hide user interface
374   *   \li wxPDF_VIEWER_FITWINDOW:       Fit window to page size
375   *   \li wxPDF_VIEWER_CENTERWINDOW:    Center window on screen
376   *   \li wxPDF_VIEWER_DISPLAYDOCTITLE: Display document title in title bar
377   */
378   virtual void SetViewerPreferences(int preferences = 0);
380   /// Defines the title of the document.
381   /**
382   * \param title The title.
383   * \see SetAuthor(), SetCreator(), SetKeywords(), SetSubject()
384   */
385   virtual void SetTitle(const wxString& title);
387   /// Defines the subject of the document.
388   /**
389   * \param subject The subject.
390   * \see SetAuthor(), SetCreator(), SetKeywords(), SetTitle()
391   */
392   virtual void SetSubject(const wxString& subject);
394   /// Defines the author of the document.
395   /**
396   * \param author The name of the author.
397   * \see SetCreator(), SetKeywords(), SetSubject(), SetTitle()
398   */
399   virtual void SetAuthor(const wxString& author);
401   /// Associates keywords with the document,
402   /**
403   * Generally keywords are in the form 'keyword1 keyword2 ...'.
404   * \param keywords The list of keywords.
405   * \see SetAuthor(), SetCreator(), SetSubject(), SetTitle()
406   */
407   virtual void SetKeywords(const wxString& keywords);
409   /// Defines the creator of the document.
410   /**
411   * This is typically the name of the application that generates the PDF.
412   * \param creator The name of the creator.
413   * \see SetAuthor(), SetKeywords(), SetSubject(), SetTitle()
414   */
415   virtual void SetCreator(const wxString& creator);
417   /// Defines the creation timestamp of the document.
418   /**
419   * Optionally the creation date can be specified with this method.
420   * If this method is not called the default is the current date and time.
421   * \param creationDate The date and time to be used as the creation timestamp.
422   * \see SetAuthor(), SetKeywords(), SetSubject(), SetTitle()
423   */
424   virtual void SetCreationDate(const wxDateTime& creationDate);
426   /// Defines an alias for the total number of pages.
427   /**
428   * It will be substituted as the document is closed.
429   * \param alias The alias. Default value: {nb}.
430   * \see PageNo(), Footer()
431   */
432   virtual void AliasNbPages(const wxString& alias = wxString(wxS("{nb}")));
434   /// This method begins the generation of the PDF document.
435   /**
436   * It is not necessary to call it explicitly
437   * because AddPage() does it automatically.
438   * Note: no page is created by this method
439   * \see AddPage(), Close()
440   */
441   virtual void Open();
443   /// Terminates the PDF document.
444   /**
445   * It is not necessary to call this method explicitly because SaveAsFile()
446   * does it automatically. If the document contains no page, AddPage() is called to prevent from getting
447   * an invalid document.
448   * \see Open(), SaveAsFile()
449   */
450   virtual void Close();
452   /// Adds a new page to the document.
453   /**
454   * If a page is already present, the Footer() method is called first
455   * to output the footer. Then the page is added, the current position set to the top-left corner according
456   * to the left and top margins, and Header() is called to display the header.
457   * The font which was set before calling is automatically restored. There is no need to call SetFont()
458   * again if you want to continue with the same font. The same is true for colours and line width.
459   * The origin of the coordinate system is at the top-left corner and increasing ordinates go downwards.
460   * \param orientation Page orientation. Possible values are:
461   *   \li wxPORTRAIT
462   *   \li wxLANDSCAPE
463   * The default value is the one passed to the constructor.
464   * \see FPDF(), Header(), Footer(), SetMargins()
465   */
466   virtual void AddPage(int orientation = -1);
468   virtual void AddPage(int orientation, wxPaperSize format);
470   virtual void AddPage(int orientation, double pageWidth, double pageHeight);
472   /// This method is used to render the page header.
473   /**
474   * It is automatically called by AddPage() and should not be called directly by the application.
475   * The implementation in wxPdfDocument is empty, so you have to subclass it and override the method
476   * if you want a specific processing.
477   * \see Footer()
478   */
479   virtual void Header();
481   /// This method is used to render the page footer.
482   /**
483   * It is automatically called by AddPage() and Close() and should not be called directly by
484   * the application. The implementation in wxPdfDocument is empty, so you have to subclass it
485   * and override the method if you want a specific processing.
486   * \see Header()
487   */
488   virtual void Footer();
490   /// Returns whether footer output is in progress
491   /**
492   * \return true if footer output is in progress, false otherwise
493   * \see Header()
494   */
495   virtual bool IsInFooter();
497   /// Returns the current page number.
498   /**
499   * \return page number
500   * \see AliasNbPages()
501   */
502   virtual int  PageNo();
504   /// Add spot colour
505   /**
506   * Add a spot colour which can be referenced in colour setting methods
507   * \param name the name of the spot colour (case sensitive)
508   * \param cyan indicates the cyan level. Value between 0 and 100
509   * \param magenta indicates the magenta level. Value between 0 and 100
510   * \param yellow indicates the yellow level. Value between 0 and 100
511   * \param black indicates the black level. Value between 0 and 100
512   * \see SetDrawColour(), SetFillColour(), SetTextColour(), Line(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()
513   */
514   virtual void AddSpotColour(const wxString& name, double cyan, double magenta, double yellow, double black);
516   /// Add an image pattern
517   /**
518   * Add a pattern which can be reference in draw or fill pattern methods
519   * \param patternName the name of the pattern (case sensitive)
520   * \param image the image to use for the pattern
521   * \param width the display width
522   * \param height the display height
523   */
524   virtual bool AddPattern(const wxString& patternName, const wxImage& image, double width, double height);
526   /// Defines the colour used for all drawing operations.
527   /**
528   * Affected drawing operations are: lines, rectangles and cell borders. It can be expressed in RGB
529   * components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value
530   * is retained from page to page.
531   * \param grayscale indicates the gray level. Value between 0 and 255
532   * \see SetFillColour(), SetTextColour(), Line(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()
533   */
534   virtual void SetDrawColour(const unsigned char grayscale);
536   /// Defines the colour used for all drawing operations.
537   /**
538   * Affected drawing operations are: lines, rectangles and cell borders. It can be expressed in RGB
539   * components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value
540   * is retained from page to page.
541   * \param colour defines a colour composed of a red, green and blue component
542   * \see SetFillColour(), SetTextColour(), Line(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()
543   */
544   virtual void SetDrawColour(const wxColour& colour);
546   /// Defines the colour used for all drawing operations.
547   /**
548   * Affected drawing operations are: lines, rectangles and cell borders. It can be expressed in RGB
549   * components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value
550   * is retained from page to page.
551   * \param colour defines a colour using the class wxPdfColour
552   * \see SetFillColour(), SetTextColour(), Line(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()
553   */
554   virtual void SetDrawColour(const wxPdfColour& colour);
556   /// Defines the colour used for all drawing operations.
557   /**
558   * Affected drawing operations are: lines, rectangles and cell borders. It can be expressed in RGB
559   * components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value
560   * is retained from page to page.
561   * \param red indicates the red level. Value between 0 and 255
562   * \param green indicates the green level. Value between 0 and 255
563   * \param blue indicates the blue level. Value between 0 and 255
564   * \see SetFillColour(), SetTextColour(), Line(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()
565   */
566   virtual void SetDrawColour(const unsigned char red, const unsigned char green, const unsigned char blue);
568   /// Defines the colour used for all drawing operations.
569   /**
570   * Affected drawing operations are: lines, rectangles and cell borders. It can be expressed in RGB
571   * components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value
572   * is retained from page to page.
573   * \param cyan indicates the cyan level. Value between 0 and 100
574   * \param magenta indicates the magenta level. Value between 0 and 100
575   * \param yellow indicates the yellow level. Value between 0 and 100
576   * \param black indicates the black level. Value between 0 and 100
577   * \see SetFillColour(), SetTextColour(), Line(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()
578   */
579   virtual void SetDrawColour(double cyan, double magenta, double yellow, double black);
581   /// Defines the <b>spot colour</b> used for all drawing operations.
582   /**
583   * Affected drawing operations are: lines, rectangles and cell borders. It can be expressed in RGB
584   * components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value
585   * is retained from page to page.
586   * \param name the name of the spot colour
587   * \param tint indicates the tint level. Value between 0 and 100. Default: 100.
588   * \see SetFillColour(), SetTextColour(), Line(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()
589   */
590   virtual void SetDrawColour(const wxString& name, double tint = 100);
592   /// Defines the <b>pattern</b> used for all drawing operations.
593   /**
594   * The given pattern is used for all drawing operations instead of a colour.
595   * Affected drawing operations are: lines, rectangles and cell borders.
596   * The method can be called before the first page is created and the value
597   * is retained from page to page.
598   * \param name the name of the pattern
599   * \see SetFillPattern()
600   */
601   virtual void SetDrawPattern(const wxString& name);
603   /// Gets the colour used for all drawing operations.
604   /**
605   * \see SetDrawColour()
606   */
607   virtual const wxPdfColour GetDrawColour();
609   /// Defines the colour used for all filling operations.
610   /**
611   * Affected filling operations are: filled rectangles and cell backgrounds. It can be expressed in RGB
612   * components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value is
613   * retained from page to page.
614   * \param grayscale indicates the gray level. Value between 0 and 255
615   * \see SetDrawColour(), SetTextColour(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()
616   */
617   virtual void SetFillColour(const unsigned char grayscale);
619   /// Defines the colour used for all filling operations.
620   /**
621   * Affected filling operations are: filled rectangles and cell backgrounds. It can be expressed in RGB
622   * components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value is
623   * retained from page to page.
624   * \param colour defines a colour composed of a red, green and blue component
625   * \see SetDrawColour(), SetTextColour(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()
626   */
627   virtual void SetFillColour(const wxColour& colour);
629   /// Defines the colour used for all filling operations.
630   /**
631   * Affected filling operations are: filled rectangles and cell backgrounds. It can be expressed in RGB
632   * components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value is
633   * retained from page to page.
634   * \param colour defines a colour using the class wxPdfColour
635   * \see SetDrawColour(), SetTextColour(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()
636   */
637   virtual void SetFillColour(const wxPdfColour& colour);
639   /// Defines the colour used for all filling operations.
640   /**
641   * Affected filling operations are: filled rectangles and cell backgrounds. It can be expressed in RGB
642   * components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value is
643   * retained from page to page.
644   * \param red indicates the red level. Value between 0 and 255
645   * \param green indicates the green level. Value between 0 and 255
646   * \param blue indicates the blue level. Value between 0 and 255
647   * \see SetDrawColour(), SetTextColour(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()
648   */
649   virtual void SetFillColour(const unsigned char red, const unsigned char green, const unsigned char blue);
651   /// Defines the colour used for all filling operations.
652   /**
653   * Affected filling operations are: filled rectangles and cell backgrounds. It can be expressed in RGB
654   * components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value is
655   * retained from page to page.
656   * \param cyan indicates the cyan level. Value between 0 and 100
657   * \param magenta indicates the magenta level. Value between 0 and 100
658   * \param yellow indicates the yellow level. Value between 0 and 100
659   * \param black indicates the black level. Value between 0 and 100
660   * \see SetDrawColour(), SetTextColour(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()
661   */
662   virtual void SetFillColour(double cyan, double magenta, double yellow, double black);
664   /// Defines the <b>spot colour</b> used for all filling operations.
665   /**
666   * Affected filling operations are: filled rectangles and cell backgrounds. It can be expressed in RGB
667   * components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value is
668   * retained from page to page.
669   * \param name is the name of the spot colour
670   * \param tint indicates the tint level. Value between 0 and 100. Default: 100.
671   * \see SetDrawColour(), SetTextColour(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()
672   */
673   virtual void SetFillColour(const wxString& name, double tint = 100);
675   /// Defines the <b>pattern</b> used for all filling operations.
676   /**
677   * The given pattern is used for all filling operations instead of a colour.
678   * Affected filling operations are: filled rectangles and cell backgrounds.
679   * The method can be called before the first page is created and the value
680   * is retained from page to page.
681   * \param name the name of the pattern
682   * \see SetDrawPattern()
683   */
684   virtual void SetFillPattern(const wxString& name);
686   /// Gets the named pattern as a colour.
687   /**
688   * \param patternName the name of the pattern
689   * \see SetDrawPattern(), SetFillPattern(), AddPattern()
690   */
691   virtual const wxPdfColour GetPatternColour(const wxString& patternName);
693   /// Gets the colour used for all filling operations.
694   /**
695   * \see SetFillColour()
696   */
697   virtual const wxPdfColour GetFillColour();
699   /// Defines the colour used for text.
700   /**
701   * It can be expressed in RGB components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is
702   * created and the value is retained from page to page.
703   * \param grayscale indicates the gray level. Value between 0 and 255
704   * \see SetDrawColour(), SetFillColour(), Text(), Cell(), MultiCell()
705   */
706   virtual void SetTextColour(const unsigned char grayscale);
708   /// Defines the colour used for text.
709   /**
710   * It can be expressed in RGB components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is
711   * created and the value is retained from page to page.
712   * \param colour defines a colour composed of a red, green and blue component
713   * \see SetDrawColour(), SetFillColour(), Text(), Cell(), MultiCell()
714   */
715   virtual void SetTextColour(const wxColour& colour);
717   /// Defines the colour used for text.
718   /**
719   * It can be expressed in RGB components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is
720   * created and the value is retained from page to page.
721   * \param colour defines a colour using the class wxPdfColour
722   * \see SetDrawColour(), SetFillColour(), Text(), Cell(), MultiCell()
723   */
724   virtual void SetTextColour(const wxPdfColour& colour);
726   /// Defines the colour used for text.
727   /**
728   * It can be expressed in RGB components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is
729   * created and the value is retained from page to page.
730   * \param red indicates the red level. Value between 0 and 255
731   * \param green indicates the green level. Value between 0 and 255
732   * \param blue indicates the blue level. Value between 0 and 255
733   * \see SetDrawColour(), SetFillColour(), Text(), Cell(), MultiCell()
734   */
735   virtual void SetTextColour(const unsigned char red, const unsigned char green, const unsigned char blue);
737   /// Defines the colour used for text.
738   /**
739   * It can be expressed in RGB components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is
740   * created and the value is retained from page to page.
741   * \param cyan indicates the cyan level. Value between 0 and 100
742   * \param magenta indicates the magenta level. Value between 0 and 100
743   * \param yellow indicates the yellow level. Value between 0 and 100
744   * \param black indicates the black level. Value between 0 and 100
745   * \see SetDrawColour(), SetFillColour(), Text(), Cell(), MultiCell()
746   */
747   virtual void SetTextColour(double cyan, double magenta, double yellow, double black);
749   /// Defines the <b>spot colour</b> used for text.
750   /**
751   * It can be expressed in RGB components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is
752   * created and the value is retained from page to page.
753   * \param name the name of the spot colour
754   * \param tint indicates the tint level. Value between 0 and 100. Default: 100.
755   * \see SetDrawColour(), SetFillColour(), Text(), Cell(), MultiCell()
756   */
757   virtual void SetTextColour(const wxString& name, double tint = 100);
759   /// Defines the <b>pattern</b> used for text output.
760   /**
761   * The given pattern is used for text output instead of a colour.
762   * The method can be called before the first page is created and the value
763   * is retained from page to page.
764   * \param name the name of the pattern
765   * \see SetDrawPattern()
766   */
767   virtual void SetTextPattern(const wxString& name);
769   /// Gets the colour used for text output.
770   /**
771   * \see SetTextColour()
772   */
773   virtual const wxPdfColour GetTextColour();
775   /// Sets the text render mode
776   /**
777   * \param mode the text render mode
778   */
779   virtual void SetTextRenderMode(wxPdfTextRenderMode mode = wxPDF_TEXT_RENDER_FILL);
781   /// Returns the text render mode
782   /**
783   */
784   virtual wxPdfTextRenderMode GetTextRenderMode() const;
786   /// Returns the length of a string in user unit.
787   /**
788   * A font must be selected.
789   * \param s The string whose length is to be computed
790   * \return int
791   */
792   virtual double GetStringWidth(const wxString& s);
794   /// Defines the line width.
795   /**
796   * By default, the value equals 0.2 mm. The method can be called before the first page is created
797   * and the value is retained from page to page.
798   * \param width The width.
799   * \see Line(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()
800   */
801   virtual void SetLineWidth(double width);
803   /// Gets the current line width.
804   /**
805   * \return current line width
806   * \see Line(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()
807   */
808   virtual double GetLineWidth();
810   /// Sets line style
811   /**
812   * \param linestyle: Line style. \see wxPdfLineStale
813   */
814   virtual void SetLineStyle(const wxPdfLineStyle& linestyle);
816   /// Get current line style
817   /**
818   * \return current line style.
819   */
820   virtual const wxPdfLineStyle& GetLineStyle();
822   /// Set the filling rule
823   /**
824   * \param rule The filling rule to be used in complex filling operations. Possible values are:
825   *   \li wxWINDING_RULE (default)
826   *   \li wxODDEVEN_RULE
827   */
828   virtual void SetFillingRule(int rule = wxWINDING_RULE);
830   /// Get the current filling rule
831   /**
832   * \return the current filling rule
833   */
834   virtual int GetFillingRule();
836   /// Draws a line between two points.
837   /**
838   * \param x1 Abscissa of first point
839   * \param y1 Ordinate of first point
840   * \param x2 Abscissa of second point
841   * \param y2 Ordinate of second point
842   * \see SetLineWidth(), SetDrawColour()
843   */
844   virtual void Line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
846   /// Draws an arrow line between two points.
847   /**
848   * \param x1 Abscissa of first point
849   * \param y1 Ordinate of first point
850   * \param x2 Abscissa of second point
851   * \param y2 Ordinate of second point
852   * \param linewidth line width
853   * \param height height of the arrow head
854   * \param width width of the arrow head
855   * \see SetLineWidth(), SetDrawColour(), SetFillColour()
856   */
857   virtual void Arrow(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double linewidth, double height, double width);
859   /// Outputs a rectangle.
860   /**
861   * It can be drawn (border only), filled (with no border) or both.
862   * \param x Abscissa of upper-left corner
863   * \param y Ordinate of upper-left corner
864   * \param w Width
865   * \param h Height
866   * \param style Style of rendering. Possible values are:
867   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW (default)
868   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_FILL: fill
869   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_FILLDRAW: draw and fill
870   * \see SetLineWidth(), SetDrawColour(), SetFillColour()
871   */
872   virtual void Rect(double x, double y, double w, double h, int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW);
874   /// Draws a rounded rectangle
875   /**
876   * \param x Abscissa of upper-left corner
877   * \param y Ordinate of upper-left corner
878   * \param w Width
879   * \param h Height
880   * \param r: Radius of the rounded corners
881   * \param roundCorner: Draws rounded corner or not.
882   *   \li wxPDF_CORNER_NONE          no rounded corners
883   *   \li wxPDF_CORNER_TOP_LEFT      top left corner
884   *   \li wxPDF_CORNER_TOP_RIGHT     top right corner
885   *   \li wxPDF_CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT   bottom left corner
886   *   \li wxPDF_CORNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT  bottom right corner
887   *   \li wxPDF_CORNER_ALL           all corners
888   * \param style: Style of rectangle (draw and/or fill)
889   */
890   virtual void RoundedRect(double x, double y, double w, double h,
891                            double r, int roundCorner = wxPDF_CORNER_ALL, int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW);
893   /// Draws a Bezier curve
894   /**
895   * A Bezier curve is tangent to the line between the control points at either end of the curve.
896   * \param x0: Abscissa of start point
897   * \param y0: Ordinate of start point
898   * \param x1: Abscissa of control point 1
899   * \param y1: Ordinate of control point 1
900   * \param x2: Abscissa of control point 2
901   * \param y2: Ordinate of control point 2
902   * \param x3: Abscissa of end point
903   * \param y3: Ordinate of end point
904   * \param style: Style of rectangle (draw and/or fill)
905   */
906   virtual void Curve(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1,
907                      double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3,
908                      int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW);
910   /// Draws an ellipse
911   /**
912   * \param x0: Abscissa of Center point
913   * \param y0: Ordinate of Center point
914   * \param rx: Horizontal radius
915   * \param ry: Vertical radius (if ry = 0, draws a circle)
916   * \param angle: Orientation angle (anti-clockwise)
917   * \param astart: Start angle
918   * \param afinish: Finish angle
919   * \param style: Style of rectangle (draw and/or fill)
920   * \param nSeg: Ellipse is made up of nSeg Bezier curves
921   * \param doSector: connect end points of elliptic arc with center point
922   */
923   virtual void Ellipse(double x0, double y0, double rx, double ry = 0,
924                        double angle = 0, double astart = 0, double afinish = 360,
925                        int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW, int nSeg = 8, bool doSector = false);
927   /// Draws a circle
928   /**
929   * \param x0: Abscissa of Center point
930   * \param y0: Ordinate of Center point
931   * \param r: Radius
932   * \param astart: Start angle
933   * \param afinish: Finish angle
934   * \param style: Style of rectangle (draw and/or fill)
935   * \param nSeg: Circle is made up of nSeg Bezier curves
936   */
937   virtual void Circle(double x0, double y0, double r,
938                       double astart = 0, double afinish = 360,
939                       int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW, int nSeg = 8);
941   /// Draws a sector
942   /**
943   * \param x0: Abscissa of Center point
944   * \param y0: Ordinate of Center point
945   * \param r: Radius
946   * \param astart: Start angle
947   * \param afinish: Finish angle
948   * \param style: Style of rectangle (draw and/or fill, default: fill&draw)
949   * \param clockwise: indicates whether to go clockwise (default: true)
950   * \param origin: origin of angles (0 for 3 o'clock, 90 for noon, 180 for 9 o'clock, 270 for 6 o'clock; default: 90)
951   */
952   virtual void Sector(double x0, double y0, double r, double astart, double afinish,
953                       int style = wxPDF_STYLE_FILLDRAW, bool clockwise = true, double origin = 90.);
955   /// Draws a polygon
956   /**
957   * \param x Array with abscissa values
958   * \param y Array with ordinate values
959   * \param style: Style of polygon (draw and/or fill)
960   */
961   virtual void Polygon(const wxPdfArrayDouble& x, const wxPdfArrayDouble& y,
962                        int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW);
964    /// Draws a regular polygon
965   /**
966   * \param x0: Abscissa of Center point
967   * \param y0: Ordinate of Center point
968   * \param r: Radius of circumscribed circle
969   * \param ns: Number of sides
970   * \param angle: Orientation angle (anti-clockwise)
971   * \param circle: Flag whether to draw circumscribed circle or not
972   * \param style: Style of polygon (draw and/or fill)
973   * \param circleStyle: Style of circumscribed circle (draw and/or fill) (if draw)
974   * \param circleLineStyle: Line style for circumscribed circle. (if draw)
975   * \param circleFillColour: Fill colour for circumscribed circle. (if draw fill circle)
976   */
977   virtual void RegularPolygon(double x0, double y0, double r, int ns, double angle = 0, bool circle = false,
978                               int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW,
979                               int circleStyle = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW,
980                               const wxPdfLineStyle& circleLineStyle = wxPdfLineStyle(),
981                               const wxPdfColour& circleFillColour = wxPdfColour());
983   /// Draws a star polygon
984   /**
985   * \param x0: Abscissa of Center point
986   * \param y0: Ordinate of Center point
987   * \param r: Radius of circumscribed circle
988   * \param nv: Number of vertices
989   * \param ng: Number of gaps (ng % nv = 1 => regular polygon)
990   * \param angle: Orientation angle (anti-clockwise)
991   * \param circle: Flag whether to draw circumscribed circle or not
992   * \param style: Style of polygon (draw and/or fill)
993   * \param circleStyle: Style of circumscribed circle (draw and/or fill) (if draw)
994   * \param circleLineStyle: Line style for circumscribed circle. (if draw)
995   * \param circleFillColour: Fill colour for circumscribed circle. (if draw fill circle)
996   */
997   virtual void StarPolygon(double x0, double y0, double r, int nv, int ng, double angle = 0, bool circle = false,
998                            int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW,
999                            int circleStyle = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW,
1000                            const wxPdfLineStyle& circleLineStyle = wxPdfLineStyle(),
1001                            const wxPdfColour& circleFillColour = wxPdfColour());
1003   /// Draws a Bezier spline through a list of points
1004   /**
1005   * \param x Array with abscissa values
1006   * \param y Array with ordinate values
1007   * \param style: Style of the spline (draw and/or fill)
1008   */
1009   virtual void BezierSpline(const wxPdfArrayDouble& x, const wxPdfArrayDouble& y, int style);
1011   /// Draws a closed Bezier spline through a list of points
1012   /**
1013   * \param x Array with abscissa values
1014   * \param y Array with ordinate values
1015   * \param style: Style of the spline (draw and/or fill)
1016   */
1017   virtual void ClosedBezierSpline(const wxPdfArrayDouble& x, const wxPdfArrayDouble& y, int style);
1019   /// Draws a shape
1020   /**
1021   * \param shape: shape to be drawn
1022   * \param style Style of rendering. Possible values are:
1023   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW (default)
1024   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_FILL: fill
1025   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_FILLDRAW: draw and fill
1026   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_DRAWCLOSE: close path and draw (can be combined with wxPDF_STYLE_FILL
1027   */
1028   virtual void Shape(const wxPdfShape& shape, int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW);
1030   /// Performs a rotation around a given center.
1031   /**
1032   * \param angle angle in degrees.
1033   * \param x abscissa of the rotation center. Default value: current position.
1034   * \param y ordinate of the rotation center. Default value: current position.
1035   *
1036   * The rotation affects all elements which are printed after the method call
1037   * (with the exception of the clickable areas).
1038   *
1039   * Remarks:
1040   * \li Only the display is altered. The GetX() and GetY() methods are not affected,
1041   *  nor the automatic page break mechanism.
1042   * \li Rotation is not kept from page to page. Each page begins with a null rotation.
1043   */
1044   virtual void Rotate(double angle, double x = -1, double y = -1);
1046   /// Sets the font embedding mode
1047   /**
1048   * If other fonts than the 14 Adobe core fonts are used in a document, they are usually
1049   * embedded into the PDF file, often resulting in rather large PDF files. This is
1050   * especially true for Unicode fonts with thousands of glyphs. To reduce the size of
1051   * the resulting PDF file fonts may be subsetted, that is, only those glyphs actually
1052   * used in the document are embedded.
1053   *
1054   * Currently wxPdfDocument supports font subsetting for TrueType Unicode fonts only.
1055   *
1056   * \param fontSubsetting Boolean indicating whether font subsetting should be used or not.
1057   */
1058   virtual void SetFontSubsetting(bool fontSubsetting = true) { m_fontSubsetting = fontSubsetting; }
1060   /// Returns the font embedding mode
1061   /**
1062   * \return true if font subsetting is enabled, false otherwise
1063   */
GetFontSubsetting()1064   virtual bool GetFontSubsetting() const { return m_fontSubsetting; }
1066   /// Imports a TrueType, TrueTypeUnicode or Type1 font and makes it available.
1067   /**
1068   * It is necessary to generate a font definition file first with the makefont utility.
1069   * The definition file (and the font file itself when embedding) must be present either
1070   * in the subdirectory 'fonts' of the current working directory or in the one indicated
1071   * by WXPDF_FONTPATH if this environment variable is defined.
1072   * \param family Font family. The name can be chosen arbitrarily. If it is a standard family name,
1073   * it will override the corresponding font.
1074   * \param style Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive):
1075   *   \li empty string: regular (default)
1076   *   \li B: bold
1077   *   \li I: italic
1078   *   \li BI or IB: bold italic
1079   * \param file The font definition file. By default, the name is built from the family and style,
1080   *  in lower case with no space.
1081   * \see SetFont()
1082   * \deprecated use the wxPdfFontManager to register fonts for use in creating PDF documents
1083   */
1084   virtual bool AddFont(const wxString& family,
1085                        const wxString& style = wxEmptyString,
1086                        const wxString& file = wxEmptyString);
1088   /// Imports a CJK (Chinese, Japanese or Korean) font and makes it available.
1089   /**
1090   * It is necessary to generate a font definition file first with the makefont utility.
1091   * The definition file (and the font file itself when embedding) must be present either
1092   * in the current directory or in the one indicated by WXPDF_FONTPATH if the constant is
1093   * defined.
1094   * \param family Font family. The name can be chosen arbitrarily. If it is a standard family name,
1095   * it will override the corresponding font.
1096   *
1097   * All font styles (regular, bold, italic and bold-italic) are made available
1098   * The font definition file name is built from the family in lower case with no space.
1099   * There are several predefined font definition files available:
1100   * \li BIG5 Chinese (traditional)
1101   * \li BIG5-HW  Chinese (traditional) half-width ASCII characters
1102   * \li GB Chinese (simplified)
1103   * \li GB-HW Chinese (simplified) half-width ASCII characters
1104   * \li SJIS Japanese
1105   * \li SJIS-HW Japanese, half-width ASCII characters
1106   * \li UHC Korean
1107   * \li UHC-HW Korean, half-width ASCII characters
1108   *
1109   * These fonts require that the Adobe CJK font support is installed
1110   * \see SetFont()
1111   * \deprecated use the wxPdfFontManager to register fonts for use in creating PDF documents
1112   */
1113 #if wxUSE_UNICODE
1114   virtual bool AddFontCJK(const wxString& family);
1115 #else
AddFontCJK(const wxString & family)1116   virtual bool AddFontCJK(const wxString& family)
1117   {
1118     wxUnusedVar(family);
1119     return false;
1120   }
1121 #endif
1123   /// Sets the font used to print character strings.
1124   /**
1125   * It is mandatory to call a variant of this method at least once before printing text or the
1126   * resulting document would not be valid.
1127   * The font can be either a standard one or a font added via the AddFont() method.
1128   * Standard fonts use Windows encoding cp1252 (Western Europe).
1129   * The method can be called before the first page is created and the font is retained from page to page.
1130   * If you just wish to change the current font size, it is simpler to call SetFontSize().
1131   *
1132   * \param family Family font. It can be either a name defined by AddFont() or one of the standard
1133   * families (case insensitive):
1134   *  \li Courier (fixed-width)
1135   *  \li Helvetica or Arial (synonymous; sans serif)
1136   *  \li Times (serif)
1137   *  \li Symbol (symbolic)
1138   *  \li ZapfDingbats (symbolic)
1139   *
1140   * It is also possible to pass an empty string. In that case, the current family is retained.
1141   * \param style Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive):
1142   *   \li empty string: regular (default)
1143   *   \li B: bold
1144   *   \li I: italic
1145   *   \li BI or IB: bold italic
1146   *   \li U: underline
1147   * or any combination. The default value is regular. Bold and italic styles do not apply to Symbol and ZapfDingbats
1148   * \param size Font size in points. The default value is the current size. If no size has been
1149   * specified since the beginning of the document, the value taken is 12
1150   * \see AddFont(), SetFontSize(), Cell(), MultiCell(), Write()
1151   */
1152   virtual bool SetFont(const wxString& family,
1153                        const wxString& style = wxEmptyString,
1154                        double size = 0);
1156   /// Sets the font used to print character strings.
1157   /**
1158   * It is mandatory to call a variant of this method at least once before printing text or the
1159   * resulting document would not be valid.
1160   * The font can be either a standard one or a font added via the AddFont() method.
1161   * Standard fonts use Windows encoding cp1252 (Western Europe).
1162   * The method can be called before the first page is created and the font is retained from page to page.
1163   * If you just wish to change the current font size, it is simpler to call SetFontSize().
1164   *
1165   * \param family Family font. It can be either a name defined by AddFont() or one of the standard
1166   * families (case insensitive):
1167   *  \li Courier (fixed-width)
1168   *  \li Helvetica or Arial (synonymous; sans serif)
1169   *  \li Times (serif)
1170   *  \li Symbol (symbolic)
1171   *  \li ZapfDingbats (symbolic)
1172   *
1173   * It is also possible to pass an empty string. In that case, the current family is retained.
1174   * \param style Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive):
1175   *   \li wxPDF_FONTSTYLE_REGULAR    : regular (default)
1176   *   \li wxPDF_FONTSTYLE_ITALIC     : italic
1177   *   \li wxPDF_FONTSTYLE_BOLD       : bold
1178   *   \li wxPDF_FONTSTYLE_UNDERLINE  : underline
1179   *   \li wxPDF_FONTSTYLE_OVERLINE   : overline
1180   *   \li wxPDF_FONTSTYLE_STRIKEOUT  : strike through
1181   * or any combination.
1182   * \param size Font size in points. The default value is the current size. If no size has been
1183   * specified since the beginning of the document, the value taken is 12
1184   * \see AddFont(), SetFontSize(), Cell(), MultiCell(), Write()
1185   */
1186   virtual bool SetFont(const wxString& family, int style, double size = 0);
1188   /// Sets the font used to print character strings based on a wxFont object.
1189   /**
1190   * The font referenced by the wxFont object will be added to the document if necessary.
1191   *
1192   * \param font The font to be set.
1193   * \param style Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive):
1194   *   \li empty string: regular (default)
1195   *   \li B: bold
1196   *   \li I: italic
1197   *   \li BI or IB: bold italic
1198   *   \li U: underline
1199   * or any combination. The default value is regular. Bold and italic styles do not apply to Symbol and ZapfDingbats
1200   * \param size Font size in points. The default value is the current size. If no size has been
1201   * \see AddFont(), SetFont(), SetFontSize(), Cell(), MultiCell(), Write()
1202   */
1203   virtual bool SetFont(const wxPdfFont& font, int style = wxPDF_FONTSTYLE_REGULAR, double size = 0);
1205   /// Sets the font used to print character strings based on a wxFont object.
1206   /**
1207   * The font referenced by the wxFont object will be added to the document if necessary.
1208   *
1209   * \param font The font to be set.
1210   * \see AddFont(), SetFont(), SetFontSize(), Cell(), MultiCell(), Write()
1211   */
1212   virtual bool SetFont(const wxFont& font);
1214   /// Defines the size of the current font.
1215   /**
1216   * \param size The size (in points)
1217   * \see SetFont()
1218   */
1219   virtual void SetFontSize(double size);
1221   /// Returns the current font.
1222   /**
1223   * \return The current font.
1224   * \see SetFont()
1225   */
1226   virtual wxPdfFont GetCurrentFont() const;
1228   /// Returns the current font description instance.
1229   /**
1230   * \return The current font description.
1231   * \see SetFont()
1232   */
1233   virtual const wxPdfFontDescription& GetFontDescription() const;
1235   /// Gets the font family of the current font.
1236   /**
1237   * \return The font family of the current font
1238   * \see SetFont()
1239   */
1240   virtual const wxString GetFontFamily();
1242   /// Gets the style of the current font.
1243   /**
1244   * \return The style of the current font as a string
1245   * \see SetFont()
1246   */
1247   virtual const wxString GetFontStyle() const;
1249   /// Gets the style of the current font.
1250   /**
1251   * \return The style of the current font
1252   * \see SetFont()
1253   */
1254   virtual int GetFontStyles() const;
1256   /// Gets the size of the current font.
1257   /**
1258   * \return The size (in points) of the current font
1259   * \see SetFont()
1260   */
1261   virtual double GetFontSize() const;
1263   /// Creates a new internal link and returns its identifier.
1264   /**
1265   * An internal link is a clickable area which directs to another place within the document.
1266   * The identifier can then be passed to Cell(), Write(), Image() or Link().
1267   * The destination is defined with SetLink().
1268   * \see Cell(), Write(), Image(), Link(), SetLink()
1269   */
1270   virtual int AddLink();
1272   /// Defines the page and position a link points to.
1273   /**
1274   * \param link The link identifier returned by AddLink()
1275   * \param y Ordinate of target position; -1 indicates the current position. The default value is 0 (top of page)
1276   * \param page Number of target page; -1 indicates the current page. This is the default value
1277   * \see AddLink()
1278   */
1279   virtual bool SetLink(int link, double y = 0., int page = -1);
1281   /// Puts a link on a rectangular area of the page.
1282   /**
1283   * Text or image links are generally put via Cell(), Write() or Image(), but this method can be useful
1284   * for instance to define a clickable area inside an image.
1285   * \param x Abscissa of the upper-left corner of the rectangle
1286   * \param y Ordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle
1287   * \param w Width of the rectangle
1288   * \param h Height of the rectangle
1289   * \param link URL or identifier returned by AddLink()
1290   * \see AddLink(), Cell(), Write(), Image()
1291   */
1292   virtual void Link(double x, double y, double w, double h, const wxPdfLink& link);
1294   /// Adds a bookmark to the document outline
1295   /**
1296   * \param txt: the bookmark title.
1297   * \param level: the bookmark level (0 is top level, 1 is just below, and so on).
1298   * \param y: the y position of the bookmark destination in the current page.
1299   *   -1 means the current position. Default value: 0.
1300   */
1301   virtual void Bookmark(const wxString& txt, int  level = 0, double y = 0);
1303   /// Prints a character string.
1304   /**
1305   * The origin is on the left of the first charcter, on the baseline.
1306   * This method allows to place a string precisely on the page, but it is usually easier to use Cell(),
1307   * MultiCell() or Write() which are the standard methods to print text.
1308   * \param x Abscissa of the origin
1309   * \param y Ordinate of the origin
1310   * \param txt String to print
1311   * \see SetFont(), SetTextColour(), Cell(), MultiCell(), Write()
1312   */
1313   virtual void Text(double x, double y, const wxString& txt);
1315   /// Prints a rotated text string
1316   /**
1317   * \param x: abscissa of the rotation center.
1318   * \param y: ordinate of the rotation center.
1319   * \param txt String to print
1320   * \param angle: angle in degrees.
1321   */
1322   virtual void RotatedText(double x, double y, const wxString& txt, double angle);
1324   /// Prints a rotated text string with explicit rotation center
1325   /**
1326   * \param textX Abscissa of the origin
1327   * \param textY Ordinate of the origin
1328   * \param rotationX: abscissa of the rotation center.
1329   * \param rotationY: ordinate of the rotation center.
1330   * \param txt String to print
1331   * \param angle: angle in degrees.
1332   */
1333   virtual void RotatedText(double textX, double textY, double rotationX, double rotationY, const wxString& txt, double angle);
1335   /// Whenever a page break condition is met,
1336   /**
1337   * Whenever a page break condition is met, the method is called, and the break is issued or not
1338   * depending on the returned value. The default implementation returns a value according to the
1339   * mode selected by SetAutoPageBreak()
1340   *
1341   * This method is called automatically and should not be called directly by the application.
1342   * \return boolean
1343   * \see SetAutoPageBreak()
1344   */
1345   virtual bool AcceptPageBreak();
1347   /// Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background colour and character string.
1348   /**
1349   * The upper-left corner of the cell corresponds to the current position. The text can be aligned
1350   * or centered. After the call, the current position moves to the right or to the next line.
1351   * It is possible to put a link on the text.
1352   * If automatic page breaking is enabled and the cell goes beyond the limit, a page break is done
1353   * before outputting.
1354   * \param w Cell width. If 0, the cell extends up to the right margin.
1355   * \param h Cell height. Default value: 0.
1356   * \param txt String to print. Default value: empty string.
1357   * \param border Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell. The value can be
1358   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_NONE no border
1359   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_LEFT left border
1360   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_RIGHT right border
1361   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_TOP top border
1362   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_BOTTOM bottom border
1363   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_FRAME border on all sides
1364   *
1365   * or a combination of them.
1366   * \param ln Indicates where the current position should go after the call. Possible values are:
1367   *   \li 0: to the right
1368   *   \li 1: to the beginning of the next line
1369   *   \li 2: below
1370   *
1371   * Putting 1 is equivalent to putting 0 and calling Ln() just after. Default value: 0.
1372   * \param align Allows to center or align the text. Possible values are:<ul><li>L or empty string: left align (default value)</li><li>C: center</li><li>R: right align</li></ul>
1373   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_LEFT align the text at the left margin
1374   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_CENTER center the text
1375   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_RIGHT align the text at the right margin
1376   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY justify the text
1377   *
1378   * \param fill Indicates if the cell background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 0.
1379   * \param link URL or identifier returned by AddLink().
1380   * \see SetFont(), SetDrawColour(), SetFillColour(), SetTextColour(), SetLineWidth(), AddLink(), Ln(), MultiCell(), Write(), SetAutoPageBreak()
1381   */
1382   virtual void Cell(double w, double h = 0., const wxString& txt = wxEmptyString,
1383                     int border = wxPDF_BORDER_NONE, int ln = 0,
1384                     int align = wxPDF_ALIGN_LEFT, int fill = 0,
1385                     const wxPdfLink& link = wxPdfLink(-1));
1387   /// This method allows printing text with line breaks.
1388   /**
1389   * They can be automatic (as soon as the text reaches the right border of the cell) or explicit
1390   * (via the \n character). As many cells as necessary are output, one below the other.
1391   * Text can be aligned, centered or justified. The cell block can be framed and the background painted.
1392   * \param w Width of cells. If 0, they extend up to the right margin of the page.
1393   * \param h Height of cells.
1394   * \param txt String to print
1395   * \param border Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell. The value can be
1396   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_NONE no border
1397   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_LEFT left border
1398   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_RIGHT right border
1399   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_TOP top border
1400   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_BOTTOM bottom border
1401   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_FRAME border on all sides
1402   *
1403   * or a combination of them.
1404   * \param align Allows to center or align the text. Possible values are:
1405   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_LEFT align the text at the left margin
1406   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_CENTER center the text
1407   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_RIGHT align the text at the right margin
1408   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY justify the text (default)
1409   *
1410   * \param fill Indicates if the cell background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 0.
1411   * \param maxline Defines the maximum number of lines which should be printed.
1412   *        If maxline is 0 then the number of lines is not restricted. Default value: 0.
1413   * \return position in text string txt where output ended due to reaching the maximum number of lines
1414   * \see SetFont(), SetDrawColour(), SetFillColour(), SetTextColour(), SetLineWidth(), Cell(), Write(), SetAutoPageBreak()
1415   */
1416   virtual int MultiCell(double w, double h, const wxString& txt,
1417                         int border = 0, int align = wxPDF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY,
1418                         int fill = 0, int maxline = 0);
1420   /// This method counts the number of lines a text would occupy in respect to a given maximal width
1421   /**
1422   * \param w Width of cells. If 0, they extend up to the right margin of the page.
1423   * \param txt String for which the number of lines is to be counted
1424   * \return Number of lines this text would occupy
1425   */
1426   virtual int LineCount(double w, const wxString& txt);
1428   /// This method counts the number of lines a text will occupy in respect to a given maximal width
1429   /**
1430   * \param w Width of cells. If 0, they extend up to the right margin of the page.
1431   * \param h Height of cells.
1432   * \param txt String to print
1433   * \param halign Allows to center or align the text. Possible values are:
1434   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_LEFT align the text at the left margin
1435   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_CENTER center the text
1436   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_RIGHT align the text at the right margin
1437   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY justify the text (default)
1438   *
1439   * \param valign Allows to vertical align the text. Possible values are:
1440   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_TOP align the text at the top of the box
1441   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_MIDDLE center the text vertically in the box
1442   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_BOTTOM align the text at the bottom of the box
1443   *
1444   * \param border Indicates if borders must be drawn around the text box. The value can be
1445   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_NONE no border
1446   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_LEFT left border
1447   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_RIGHT right border
1448   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_TOP top border
1449   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_BOTTOM bottom border
1450   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_FRAME border on all sides
1451   *
1452   * or a combination of them.
1453   * \param fill Indicates if the cell background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 0.
1454   */
1455   virtual int TextBox(double w, double h, const wxString& txt,
1456                       int halign = wxPDF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY, int valign = wxPDF_ALIGN_TOP,
1457                       int border = 0, int fill = 0);
1459   /// This method prints text from the current position.
1460   /**
1461   * When the right margin is reached (or the \n character is met) a line break occurs and text continues
1462   * from the left margin. Upon method exit, the current position is left just at the end of the text.
1463   * It is possible to put a link on the text.
1464   * \param h Line height
1465   * \param txt String to print
1466   * \param link URL or identifier returned by AddLink()
1467   * \see SetFont(), SetTextColour(), AddLink(), MultiCell(), SetAutoPageBreak()
1468   */
1469   virtual void Write(double h, const wxString& txt, const wxPdfLink& link = wxPdfLink(-1));
1471   /// This method prints text with cell attributes from the current position.
1472   /**
1473   * When the right margin is reached (or the \n character is met) a line break occurs and text continues
1474   * from the left margin. Upon method exit, the current position is left just at the end of the text.
1475   * It is possible to put a link on the text.
1476   * \param h Line height
1477   * \param txt String to print
1478   * \param border Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell. The value can be
1479   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_NONE no border
1480   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_LEFT left border
1481   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_RIGHT right border
1482   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_TOP top border
1483   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_BOTTOM bottom border
1484   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_FRAME border on all sides
1485   *
1486   * or a combination of them.
1487   * \param fill Indicates if the cell background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 0.
1488   * \param link URL or identifier returned by AddLink()
1489   * \see SetFont(), SetTextColour(), AddLink(), MultiCell(), SetAutoPageBreak()
1490   */
1491   virtual void WriteCell(double h, const wxString& txt, int border = wxPDF_BORDER_NONE, int fill = 0, const wxPdfLink& link = wxPdfLink(-1));
1493   /// Prints an array of glyphs identified by glyph numbers from the current position.
1494   /**
1495   * The glyphs are positioned according to the given offsets in horizontal (x) and vertical (y) direction.
1496   * \note This method only works for dynamically loaded TrueType and OpenType Unicode fonts.
1497   */
1498   virtual bool WriteGlyphArray(wxPdfArrayDouble& x, wxPdfArrayDouble& y, wxPdfArrayUint32& glyphs);
1500   /// Puts an image in the page.
1501   /**
1502   * The upper-left corner must be given. The dimensions can be specified in different ways:
1503   *   \li explicit width and height (expressed in user unit)
1504   *   \li one explicit dimension, the other being calculated automatically in order to keep the original proportions
1505   *   \li no explicit dimension, in which case the image is put at 72 dpi
1506   *
1507   * Supported formats are JPEG, PNG, GIF and WMF.
1508   * For JPEG, all flavors are allowed:
1509   *   \li gray scales,
1510   *   \li true colours (24 bits),
1511   *   \li CMYK (32 bits)
1512   *
1513   * For PNG, the following flavors are allowed:
1514   *   \li gray scales on at most 8 bits (256 levels)
1515   *   \li indexed colours
1516   *   \li true colours (24 bits)
1517   *
1518   * but the following options are not supported:
1519   *   \li Interlacing
1520   *   \li Alpha channel
1521   *
1522   * If a transparent colour is defined, it will be taken into account (but will be only interpreted
1523   * by Acrobat 4 and above).
1524   *
1525   * For GIF, all flavors the wxWidgets GIF decoder is able to handle are supported
1526   *
1527   * For WMF: WMF files contain vector data described in terms of Windows Graphics Device Interface
1528   * (GDI) commands. There are approximately 80 different GDI commands allowed for in the WMF standard.
1529   * This method interprets only a small subset of these, but is sufficient to display most WMF images.
1530   * Please feel free to add further functionality.
1531   *
1532   * The format can be specified explicitly or inferred from the file extension.
1533   *
1534   * It is possible to put a link on the image.
1535   *
1536   * Remark: if an image is used several times, only one copy will be embedded in the file.
1537   *
1538   * \param file Name of the file containing the image.
1539   * \param x Abscissa of the upper-left corner.
1540   * \param y Ordinate of the upper-left corner.
1541   * \param w Width of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.
1542   * \param h Height of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.
1543   * \param mimeType Image format. Possible values are: image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, image/wmf.
1544   * If not specified, the type is inferred from the file extension.
1545   * \param link URL or identifier returned by AddLink().
1546   * \param maskImage Id of an image mask created previously by ImageMask().
1547   * \see AddLink()
1548   */
1549   virtual bool Image(const wxString& file, double x, double y, double w = 0, double h = 0,
1550                      const wxString& mimeType = wxEmptyString,
1551                      const wxPdfLink& link = wxPdfLink(-1),
1552                      int maskImage = 0);
1554   /**
1555   * Puts an image in the page
1556   * The image is given by an wxImage-Object
1557   * \param name Name of the image to be used as an identifier for this image object.
1558   * \param image wxImage object which will be embedded as PNG
1559   * \param x Abscissa of the upper-left corner.
1560   * \param y Ordinate of the upper-left corner.
1561   * \param w Width of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.
1562   * \param h Height of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.
1563   * \param link URL or identifier returned by AddLink().
1564   * \param maskImage Id of an image mask created previously by ImageMask().
1565   * \param jpegFormat Switch whether to save image as JPEG (true) or PNG (false, default).
1566   * \param jpegQuality Quality in case of JPEG format (0 = poor, 100 = best, default 75).
1567   */
1568   virtual bool Image(const wxString& name, const wxImage& image,
1569                      double x, double y, double w = 0, double h = 0,
1570                      const wxPdfLink& link = wxPdfLink(-1),
1571                      int maskImage = 0, bool jpegFormat = false, int jpegQuality = 75);
1573   /**
1574   * Puts an image in the page
1575   * The image is given by an wxInputStream-Object containing the raw image data.
1576   * \param name Name of the image to be used as an identifier for this image object.
1577   * \param stream wxInputStream object containing the raw image data
1578   * \param mimeType Image format. Possible values are: image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, image/wmf.
1579   * \param x Abscissa of the upper-left corner.
1580   * \param y Ordinate of the upper-left corner.
1581   * \param w Width of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.
1582   * \param h Height of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.
1583   * \param link URL or identifier returned by AddLink().
1584   * \param maskImage Id of an image mask created previously by ImageMask().
1585   */
1586   virtual bool Image(const wxString& name, wxInputStream& stream,
1587                      const wxString& mimeType,
1588                      double x, double y, double w = 0, double h = 0,
1589                      const wxPdfLink& link = wxPdfLink(-1),
1590                      int maskImage = 0);
1592   /**
1593   * Prepares an image for use as an image mask
1594   * The image is given as the name of the file containing the image
1595   * \param file Name of the file containing the image.
1596   * \param mimeType Image format. Possible values are: image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, image/wmf.
1597   * \return id of the image mask, or 0 in case of an error
1598   */
1599   virtual int ImageMask(const wxString& file, const wxString& mimeType = wxEmptyString);
1601   /**
1602   * Prepares an image for use as an image mask
1603   * The image is given by an wxImage-Object
1604   * \param name Name of the image.
1605   * \param image wxImage object.
1606   * \return id of the image mask, or 0 in case of an error
1607   */
1608   virtual int ImageMask(const wxString& name, const wxImage& image);
1610   /**
1611   * Prepares an image for use as an image mask
1612   * The image is given by an wxInputStream-Object containing the raw image data.
1613   * \param name Name of the image.
1614   * \param stream wxInputStream object containing the raw image data
1615   * \param mimeType Image format. Possible values are: image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, image/wmf.
1616   * \return id of the image mask, or 0 in case of an error
1617   */
1618   virtual int ImageMask(const wxString& name, wxInputStream& stream, const wxString& mimeType);
1620   /// Puts a rotated image in the page.
1621   /**
1622   * The upper-left corner must be given.
1623   *
1624   * The format can be specified explicitly or inferred from the file extension.
1625   *
1626   * It is possible to put a link on the image.
1627   *
1628   * Remark: if an image is used several times, only one copy will be embedded in the file.
1629   *
1630   * \param file Name of the file containing the image.
1631   * \param x Abscissa of the upper-left corner.
1632   * \param y Ordinate of the upper-left corner.
1633   * \param w Width of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.
1634   * \param h Height of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.
1635   * \param angle Angle of rotation
1636   * \param type Image format. Possible values are (case insensitive): JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WMF.
1637   * If not specified, the type is inferred from the file extension.
1638   * \param link URL or identifier returned by AddLink().
1639   * \param maskImage Id of an image mask created previously by ImageMask().
1640   * \see Image(), AddLink()
1641   */
1642   virtual void RotatedImage(const wxString& file, double x, double y, double w, double h,
1643                             double angle,
1644                             const wxString& type = wxEmptyString,
1645                             const wxPdfLink& link = wxPdfLink(-1),
1646                             int maskImage = 0);
1648   /// Get x coordinate of bottom right corner of last inserted image
1649   /**
1650   */
GetLastImageBottomRightX()1651   virtual double GetLastImageBottomRightX() { return m_img_rb_x; }
1653   /// Get y coordinate of bottom right corner of last inserted image
1654   /**
1655   */
GetLastImageBottomRightY()1656   virtual double GetLastImageBottomRightY() { return m_img_rb_y; }
1658   /// Performs a line break.
1659   /**
1660   * The current abscissa goes back to the left margin and the ordinate increases by the amount passed in parameter.
1661   * \param h The height of the break. By default, the value equals the height of the last printed cell.
1662   * \see Cell()
1663   */
1664   virtual void Ln(double h = -1);
1666   /// Returns the abscissa of the current position.
1667   /**
1668   * \return float
1669   * \see SetX(), GetY(), SetY()
1670   */
1671   virtual double GetX();
1673   /// Defines the abscissa of the current position.
1674   /**
1675   * If the passed value is negative, it is relative to the right of the page.
1676   * \param x The value of the abscissa.
1677   * \see GetX(), GetY(), SetY(), SetXY()
1678   */
1679   virtual void SetX(double x);
1681   /// Returns the ordinate of the current position.
1682   /**
1683   * \return float
1684   * \see SetY(), GetX(), SetX()
1685   */
1686   virtual double GetY();
1688   /// Moves the current abscissa back to the left margin and sets the ordinate.
1689   /**
1690   * If the passed value is negative, it is relative to the bottom of the page.
1691   * \param y The value of the ordinate.
1692   * \see GetX(), GetY(), SetY(), SetXY()
1693   */
1694   virtual void SetY(double y);
1696   /// Defines the abscissa and ordinate of the current position.
1697   /**
1698   * If the passed values are negative, they are relative respectively to the right and bottom of the page.
1699   * \param x The value of the abscissa
1700   * \param y The value of the ordinate
1701   * \see SetX(), SetY()
1702   */
1703   virtual void SetXY(double x, double y);
1705   /// Saves the document to a file on disk
1706   /**
1707   * The method first calls Close() if necessary to terminate the document.
1708   * \param name The name of the file. If not given, the document will be named 'doc.pdf'
1709   * \return true if successful, false otherwise
1710   * \see Close()
1711   */
1712   virtual bool SaveAsFile(const wxString& name = wxEmptyString);
1714   /// Closes the document and returns the memory buffer containing the document
1715   /**
1716   * The method first calls Close() if necessary to terminate the document.
1717   * \return const wxMemoryOutputStream reference to the buffer containing the PDF document.
1718   * \see Close()
1719   */
1720   virtual const wxMemoryOutputStream& CloseAndGetBuffer();
1722   /// Define text as clipping area
1723   /**
1724   * A clipping area restricts the display and prevents any elements from showing outside of it.
1725   * \param x Abscissa of the origin
1726   * \param y Ordinate of the origin
1727   * \param txt String to print
1728   * \param outline Draw the outline or not.
1729   */
1730   virtual void ClippingText(double x, double y, const wxString& txt, bool outline = false);
1732   /// Define rectangle as clipping area
1733   /**
1734   * A clipping area restricts the display and prevents any elements from showing outside of it.
1735   * \param x Abscissa of the upper-left corner
1736   * \param y Ordinate of the upper-left corner
1737   * \param w Width of the rectangle
1738   * \param h Height of the rectangle
1739   * \param outline Draw the outline or not.
1740   */
1741   virtual void ClippingRect(double x, double y, double w, double h, bool outline = false);
1743   /// Define ellipse as clipping area
1744   /**
1745   * A clipping area restricts the display and prevents any elements from showing outside of it.
1746   * \param x Abscissa of the Center point
1747   * \param y Ordinate of the Center point
1748   * \param rx: Horizontal radius
1749   * \param ry: Vertical radius (if ry = 0, draws a circle)
1750   * \param outline Draw the outline or not. (Default false)
1751   */
1752   virtual void ClippingEllipse(double x, double y, double rx, double ry = 0, bool outline = false);
1754   /// Define polygon as clipping area
1755   /**
1756   * A clipping area restricts the display and prevents any elements from showing outside of it.
1757   * \param x Array with abscissa values
1758   * \param y Array with ordinate values
1759   * \param outline Draw the outline or not. (Default false)
1760   */
1761   virtual void ClippingPolygon(const wxPdfArrayDouble& x, const wxPdfArrayDouble& y, bool outline = false);
1763   /// Start defining a clipping path
1764   /**
1765   * A clipping area restricts the display and prevents any elements from showing outside of it.
1766   * The clipping path may consist of one or more subpaths.
1767   */
1768   virtual void ClippingPath();
1770   /// Begin a new subpath
1771   /**
1772   * Move to the starting point of a new (sub)path.
1773   * The new current point is (x, y).
1774   * \param x abscissa value
1775   * \param y ordinate value
1776   * \remark This must be the first operation after ClippingPath().
1777   */
1778   virtual void MoveTo(double x, double y);
1780   /// Append a straight line segment to the current (sub)path
1781   /**
1782   * Append a straight line segment from the current point to the point (x, y).
1783   * The new current point is (x, y).
1784   * \param x abscissa value
1785   * \param y ordinate value
1786   */
1787   virtual void LineTo(double x, double y);
1789   /// Append a cubic Bezier curve to the current (sub)path
1790   /**
1791   * Append a cubic Bezier curve to the current path. The curve extends
1792   * from the current point to the point (x3, y3), using (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
1793   * as the B�zier control points. The new current point is (x3, y3).
1794   * \param x1: Abscissa of control point 1
1795   * \param y1: Ordinate of control point 1
1796   * \param x2: Abscissa of control point 2
1797   * \param y2: Ordinate of control point 2
1798   * \param x3: Abscissa of end point
1799   * \param y3: Ordinate of end point
1800   */
1801   virtual void CurveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3);
1803   /// End a graphics path
1804   /**
1805   * \param style Style of rendering. Possible values are:
1806   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_NOOP
1807   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW: draw the outline of the path  (default)
1808   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_FILL: fill the area enclosed by the path
1809   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_FILLDRAW: draw and fill
1810   */
1811   virtual void EndPath(int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW);
1813   /// Close the clipping path
1814   /**
1815   * A clipping area restricts the display and prevents any elements from showing outside of it.
1816   * \param style Style of rendering. Possible values are:
1817   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_NOOP (default)
1818   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW: draw the outline of the clipping path
1819   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_FILL: fill the area enclosed by the clipping path
1820   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_FILLDRAW: draw and fill
1821   */
1822   virtual void ClosePath(int style = wxPDF_STYLE_NOOP);
1824   /// Define clipping area using a shape
1825   /**
1826   * A clipping area restricts the display and prevents any elements from showing outside of it.
1827   * \param shape shape defining the clipping path
1828   * \param style Style of rendering. Possible values are:
1829   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_NOOP (default)
1830   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW: draw the outline of the clipping path
1831   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_FILL: fill the area enclosed by the clipping path
1832   *   \li wxPDF_STYLE_FILLDRAW: draw and fill
1833   */
1834   virtual void ClippingPath(const wxPdfShape& shape, int style = wxPDF_STYLE_NOOP);
1836   /// Remove clipping area
1837   /**
1838   * Once you have finished using the clipping, you must remove it with UnsetClipping().
1839   */
1840   virtual void UnsetClipping();
1842   /// Prints a cell clipped to a rectangular area
1843   /**
1844   * The upper-left corner of the cell corresponds to the current position. The text can be aligned
1845   * or centered. After the call, the current position moves to the right or to the next line.
1846   * It is possible to put a link on the text.
1847   * If automatic page breaking is enabled and the cell goes beyond the limit, a page break is done
1848   * before outputting.
1849   * \param w Cell width.
1850   * \param h Cell height.
1851   * \param txt String to print. Default value: empty string.
1852   * \param border Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell. The value can be
1853   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_NONE no border
1854   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_LEFT left border
1855   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_RIGHT right border
1856   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_TOP top border
1857   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_BOTTOM bottom border
1858   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_FRAME border on all sides
1859   *
1860   * or a combination of them.
1861   * \param ln Indicates where the current position should go after the call. Possible values are:
1862   *   \li 0: to the right
1863   *   \li 1: to the beginning of the next line
1864   *   \li 2: below
1865   *
1866   * Putting 1 is equivalent to putting 0 and calling Ln() just after. Default value: 0.
1867   * \param align Allows to center or align the text. Possible values are:<ul><li>L or empty string: left align (default value)</li><li>C: center</li><li>R: right align</li></ul>
1868   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_LEFT align the text at the left margin
1869   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_CENTER center the text
1870   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_RIGHT align the text at the right margin
1871   *   \li wxPDF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY justify the text
1872   *
1873   * \param fill Indicates if the cell background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 0.
1874   * \param link URL or identifier returned by AddLink().
1875   * \see SetFont(), SetDrawColour(), SetFillColour(), SetTextColour(), SetLineWidth(), AddLink(), Ln(), MultiCell(), Write(), SetAutoPageBreak()
1876   */
1877   virtual void ClippedCell(double w, double h = 0., const wxString& txt = wxEmptyString,
1878                            int border = wxPDF_BORDER_NONE, int ln = 0,
1879                            int align = wxPDF_ALIGN_LEFT, int fill = 0,
1880                            const wxPdfLink& link = wxPdfLink(-1));
1882   /// Enters a transformation environment
1883   /**
1884   * Before applying any transformation this method should be invoked.
1885   * All transformation method invoke it implicitly if necessary.
1886   * All open transformation environments are closed implicitly on page end.
1887   */
1888   virtual void StartTransform();
1890   /// Performs scaling in X direction only
1891   /**
1892   * A scaling transformation is applied for the X direction.
1893   * \param sx: scaling factor for width as percent. 0 is not allowed.
1894   * \param x: abscissa of the scaling center. Default is current x position
1895   * \param y: ordinate of the scaling center. Default is current y position
1896   */
1897   virtual bool ScaleX(double sx, double x = -1, double y = -1);
1899   /// Performs scaling in Y direction only
1900   /**
1901   * A scaling transformation is applied for the Y direction.
1902   * \param sy: scaling factor for height as percent. 0 is not allowed.
1903   * \param x: abscissa of the scaling center. Default is current x position
1904   * \param y: ordinate of the scaling center. Default is current y position
1905   */
1906   virtual bool ScaleY(double sy, double x = -1, double y = -1);
1908   /// Performs equal scaling in X and Y direction
1909   /**
1910   * A scaling transformation is applied for both - X and Y - directions.
1911   * \param s: scaling factor for width and height as percent. 0 is not allowed.
1912   * \param x: abscissa of the scaling center. Default is current x position
1913   * \param y: ordinate of the scaling center. Default is current y position
1914   */
1915   virtual bool ScaleXY(double s, double x = -1, double y = -1);
1917   /// Performs scaling in X and Y direction
1918   /**
1919   * A scaling transformation is applied independently for X and Y direction.
1920   * \param sx: scaling factor for width in percent. 0 is not allowed.
1921   * \param sy: scaling factor for height in percent. 0 is not allowed.
1922   * \param x: abscissa of the scaling center. Default is current x position
1923   * \param y: ordinate of the scaling center. Default is current y position
1924   */
1925   virtual bool Scale(double sx, double sy, double x = -1, double y = -1);
1927   /// Performs a horizontal mirroring transformation
1928   /**
1929   * Alias for scaling -100% in x-direction
1930   * \param x: abscissa of the axis of reflection
1931   */
1932   virtual void MirrorH(double x = -1);
1934   /// Performs a vertical mirroring transformation
1935   /**
1936   * Alias for scaling -100% in y-direction
1937   * \param y: abscissa of the axis of reflection
1938   */
1939   virtual void MirrorV(double y = -1);
1941   /// Moves the X origin
1942   /**
1943   * \param tx: movement to the right
1944   */
1945   virtual void TranslateX(double tx);
1947   /// Moves the Y origin
1948   /**
1949   * \param ty: movement to the bottom
1950   */
1951   virtual void TranslateY(double ty);
1953   /// Moves the origin
1954   /**
1955   * \param tx: movement to the right
1956   * \param ty: movement to the bottom
1957   */
1958   virtual void Translate(double tx, double ty);
1960   /// Performs a skewing in both X direction only
1961   /**
1962   * \param xAngle: angle in degrees between -90 (skew to the left) and 90 (skew to the right)
1963   * \param x: abscissa of the skewing center. default is current x position
1964   * \param y: ordinate of the skewing center. default is current y position
1965   */
1966   virtual bool SkewX(double xAngle, double x = -1, double y = -1);
1968   /// Performs a skewing in Y direction only
1969   /**
1970   * \param yAngle: angle in degrees between -90 (skew to the bottom) and 90 (skew to the top)
1971   * \param x: abscissa of the skewing center. default is current x position
1972   * \param y: ordinate of the skewing center. default is current y position
1973   */
1974   virtual bool SkewY(double yAngle, double x = -1, double y = -1);
1976   /// Performs a skewing in both X and Y directions
1977   /**
1978   * \param xAngle: angle in degrees between -90 (skew to the left) and 90 (skew to the right)
1979   * \param yAngle: angle in degrees between -90 (skew to the bottom) and 90 (skew to the top)
1980   * \param x: abscissa of the skewing center. default is current x position
1981   * \param y: ordinate of the skewing center. default is current y position
1982   */
1983   virtual bool Skew(double xAngle, double yAngle, double x = -1, double y = -1);
1985   virtual void Transform( double a, double b, double c, double d, double tx, double ty );
1987   /// Leaves a transformation environment
1988   /**
1989   * This method should be invoked to cancel a transformation environment
1990   * opened by StartTransform.
1991   * All open transformation environments are closed implicitly on page end.
1992   */
1993   virtual void StopTransform();
1995   /// Sets alpha values and blend mode
1996   /**
1997   * \param lineAlpha alpha value for stroking operations, from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque)
1998   * \param fillAlpha alpha value for non-stroking operations, from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque)
1999   * \param blendMode one of the following:
2000   *   Normal, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Darken, Lighten, ColorDodge, ColorBurn,
2001   *   HardLight, SoftLight, Difference, Exclusion, Hue, Saturation, Color, Luminosity
2002   */
2003   virtual int SetAlpha(double lineAlpha = 1, double fillAlpha = 1, wxPdfBlendMode blendMode = wxPDF_BLENDMODE_NORMAL);
2005   /// Sets a previously defined alpha state
2006   /**
2007   * \param alphaState id of alpha state
2008   */
2009   virtual void SetAlphaState(int alphaState);
2011   /// Defines a linear gradient shading
2012   /**
2013   * \param col1 first colour (RGB or CMYK).
2014   * \param col2 second colour (RGB or CMYK).
2015   * \param gradientType Type of the gradient
2016   */
2017   virtual int LinearGradient(const wxPdfColour& col1, const wxPdfColour& col2,
2018                              wxPdfLinearGradientType gradientType = wxPDF_LINEAR_GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL);
2020   /// Defines a axial gradient shading
2021   /**
2022   * \param col1 first colour (RGB or CMYK).
2023   * \param col2 second colour (RGB or CMYK).
2024   * \param x1 start point of gradient vector, default: 0 (range 0 .. 1)
2025   * \param y1 start point of gradient vector, default: 0 (range 0 .. 1)
2026   * \param x2 end point of gradient vector, default: 1 (range 0 .. 1)
2027   * \param y2 end point of gradient vector, default: 0 (range 0 .. 1)
2028   * \param intexp interpolation exponent, default: 1
2029   */
2030   virtual int AxialGradient(const wxPdfColour& col1, const wxPdfColour& col2,
2031                             double x1 = 0, double y1 = 0,
2032                             double x2 = 1, double y2 = 0,
2033                             double intexp = 1);
2035   /// Defines a axial gradient shading
2036   /**
2037   * \param col1 first colour (RGB or CMYK).
2038   * \param col2 second colour (RGB or CMYK).
2039   * \param x1 start point of gradient vector, default: 0 (range 0 .. 1)
2040   * \param y1 start point of gradient vector, default: 0 (range 0 .. 1)
2041   * \param x2 end point of gradient vector, default: 1 (range 0 .. 1)
2042   * \param y2 end point of gradient vector, default: 0 (range 0 .. 1)
2043   * \param midpoint position of the mirror point, default: 0.5 (range 0 .. 1)
2044   * \param intexp interpolation exponent, default: 1
2045   */
2046   virtual int MidAxialGradient(const wxPdfColour& col1, const wxPdfColour& col2,
2047                                double x1 = 0, double y1 = 0,
2048                                double x2 = 1, double y2 = 0,
2049                                double midpoint = 0.5, double intexp = 1);
2051   /// Defines a radial gradient shading
2052   /**
2053   * \param col1 first colour (RGB or CMYK).
2054   * \param col2 second colour (RGB or CMYK).
2055   * \param x1 center point of circle 1, default: 0.5 (range 0 .. 1)
2056   * \param y1 center point of circle 1, default: 0.5 (range 0 .. 1)
2057   * \param r1 radius of circle 1, default: 0
2058   * \param x2 center point of circle 2, default: 0.5 (range 0 .. 1)
2059   * \param y2 center point of circle 2, default: 0.5 (range 0 .. 1)
2060   * \param r2 radius of circle 2, default: 1
2061   * \param intexp interpolation exponent, default: 1
2062   */
2063   virtual int RadialGradient(const wxPdfColour& col1, const wxPdfColour& col2,
2064                               double x1 = 0.5, double y1 = 0.5, double r1 = 0,
2065                               double x2 = 0.5, double y2 = 0.5, double r2 = 1,
2066                               double intexp = 1);
2068   /// Defines a coons patch mesh gradient shading
2069   /**
2070   * \param mesh coons patch mesh to be used for the gradient
2071   * \param minCoord minimal coordinate of the mesh
2072   * \param maxCoord maximal coordinate of the mesh
2073   */
2074   virtual int CoonsPatchGradient(const wxPdfCoonsPatchMesh& mesh, double minCoord = 0, double maxCoord = 1);
2076   /// Paints a gradient shading to rectangular area
2077   /**
2078   * \param x abscissa of the top left corner of the rectangle.
2079   * \param y ordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle.
2080   * \param w width of the rectangle.
2081   * \param h height of the rectangle.
2082   * \param gradient id of the gradient.
2083   */
2084   virtual void SetFillGradient(double x, double y, double w, double h, int gradient);
2086   /// Draws a graphical marker symbol
2087   /**
2088   * \param x abscissa of the marker's center
2089   * \param y ordinate of the marker's center
2090   * \param markerType type of the marker
2091   * \param size size of the marker
2092   */
2093   virtual void Marker(double x, double y, wxPdfMarker markerType, double size);
2095   /// Adds a text annotation
2096   /**
2097   * \param x abscissa of the annotation symbol
2098   * \param y ordinate of the annotation symbol
2099   * \param text annotation text
2100   */
2101   virtual void Annotate(double x, double y, const wxString& text);
2103   /// Appends Javascript
2104   /**
2105   * Allows to append Javascript code to a Javascript object at the document level.
2106   * \param javascript Javascript code to be appended
2107   */
2108   virtual void AppendJavascript(const wxString& javascript);
2110   /// Prints a string containing simple XML markup
2111   /**
2112   * Output starts at the current position.
2113   * \param str string containing text with simple XML markup
2114   * \see \ref writexml
2115   */
2116   virtual void WriteXml(const wxString& str);
2118   /// Adds a check box field at the current position
2119   /**
2120   * Adds a check box to the list of form fields at the current position
2121   * \param name field name of the check box
2122   * \param width width of the check box
2123   * \param checked default value of the check box
2124   */
2125   virtual void CheckBox(const wxString& name, double width, bool checked = false);
2127   /// Adds a check box field
2128   /**
2129   * Adds a check box to the list of form fields
2130   * \param name field name of the check box
2131   * \param x abscissa of the check box position
2132   * \param y ordinate of the check box position
2133   * \param width width of the check box
2134   * \param checked default value of the check box
2135   */
2136   virtual void CheckBox(const wxString& name, double x, double y, double width, bool checked = false);
2138   /// Adds a combo box field at the current position
2139   /**
2140   * Adds a combo box to the list of form fields at the current position
2141   * \param name field name of the combo box
2142   * \param width width of the combo box
2143   * \param height height of the combo box
2144   * \param values array of option values of the combo box
2145   */
2146   virtual void ComboBox(const wxString& name, double width, double height, const wxArrayString& values);
2148   /// Adds a combo box field
2149   /**
2150   * Adds a combo box to the list of form fields
2151   * \param name field name of the combo box
2152   * \param x abscissa of the combo box position
2153   * \param y ordinate of the combo box position
2154   * \param width width of the combo box
2155   * \param height height of the combo box
2156   * \param values array of option values of the combo box
2157   */
2158   virtual void ComboBox(const wxString& name,
2159                         double x, double y, double width, double height,
2160                         const wxArrayString& values);
2162   /// Adds a push button at the current position
2163   /**
2164   * Adds a push button to the list of form fields at the current position
2165   * \param name field name of the push button
2166   * \param width width of the push button
2167   * \param height height of the push button
2168   * \param caption caption of the push button
2169   * \param action associated Javascript action
2170   */
2171   virtual void PushButton(const wxString& name, double width, double height,
2172                           const wxString& caption, const wxString& action);
2174   /// Adds a push button
2175   /**
2176   * Adds a push button to the list of form fields
2177   * \param name field name of the push button
2178   * \param x abscissa of the push button position
2179   * \param y ordinate of the push button position
2180   * \param width width of the push button
2181   * \param height height of the push button
2182   * \param caption caption of the push button
2183   * \param action associated Javascript action
2184   */
2185   virtual void PushButton(const wxString& name, double x, double y, double width, double height,
2186                           const wxString& caption, const wxString& action);
2188   /// Adds a radio button at the current position
2189   /**
2190   * Adds a radio button to the list of form fields at the current position
2191   * \param group name of the radio button group this radio button belongs to
2192   * \param name field name of the radio button
2193   * \param width width of the radio button
2194   */
2195   virtual void RadioButton(const wxString& group, const wxString& name, double width);
2197   /// Adds a radio button
2198   /**
2199   * Adds a radio button to the list of form fields
2200   * \param group name of the radio button group this radio button belongs to
2201   * \param name field name of the radio button
2202   * \param x abscissa of the radio button position
2203   * \param y ordinate of the radio button position
2204   * \param width width of the radio button
2205   */
2206   virtual void RadioButton(const wxString& group, const wxString& name,
2207                            double x, double y, double width);
2209   /// Adds a text field at the current position
2210   /**
2211   * Adds a text field to the list of form fields at the current position
2212   * \param name field name of the text field
2213   * \param width width of the text field
2214   * \param height height of the text field
2215   * \param value default value of the text field
2216   * \param multiline flag whether the text field is a multiline field or not
2217   */
2218   virtual void TextField(const wxString& name, double width, double height,
2219                          const wxString& value = wxEmptyString, bool multiline = false);
2221   /// Adds a text field
2222   /**
2223   * Adds a text field to the list of form fields
2224   * \param name field name of the text field
2225   * \param x abscissa of the text field position
2226   * \param y ordinate of the text field position
2227   * \param width width of the text field
2228   * \param height height of the text field
2229   * \param value default value of the text field
2230   * \param multiline flag whether the text field is a multiline field or not
2231   */
2232   virtual void TextField(const wxString& name,
2233                          double x, double y, double width, double height,
2234                          const wxString& value = wxEmptyString, bool multiline = false);
2236   /// Sets colours for form fields
2237   /**
2238   * Sets the border, background and text colour to be used
2239   * for all subsequent form field additions until this method is called again
2240   * with different values.
2241   * \param borderColour colour of the form field's border
2242   * \param backgroundColour colour of the form field's background
2243   * \param textColour colour of the form field's font
2244   */
2245   virtual void SetFormColours(const wxPdfColour& borderColour = wxPdfColour(),
2246                      const wxPdfColour& backgroundColour = wxPdfColour(250),
2247                      const wxPdfColour& textColour = wxPdfColour());
2249   /// Sets the border style for form fields
2250   /**
2251   * Sets the border width and style to be used
2252   * for all subsequent form field additions until this method is called again
2253   * with different values.
2254   * \param borderStyle style of the form field's border
2255   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_SOLID - solid border
2256   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_DASHED - dashed border
2257   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_BEVELED - beveled border
2258   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_INSET - inset border
2259   *   \li wxPDF_BORDER_UNDERLINE - border on the bottom side only
2260   * \param borderWidth width of the form field's border
2261   */
2262   virtual void SetFormBorderStyle(wxPdfBorderStyle borderStyle = wxPDF_BORDER_SOLID,
2263                                   double borderWidth = -1);
2265   /// Starts a new Template
2266   /**
2267   * Starts a new template, optionally with own dimensions.
2268   * The margins have to adapted to the new template size.
2269   * For writing outside the template, for example to build a clipped template,
2270   * the margins and "cursor" position have to be set manually after
2271   * the call to BeginTemplate().
2272   *
2273   * If no dimensions are given, the template uses the current page size.
2274   * The method returns the ID of the current template.
2275   * The ID is used to reference a template in the UseTemplate() method.
2276   * Warning: A template once created is embedded in the resulting PDF document
2277   * at all events, even if it is not used.
2278   *
2279   * \param x The x-coordinate given in user units
2280   * \param y The y-coordinate given in user units
2281   * \param width The width given in user units
2282   * \param height The height given in user units
2283   * \return int The ID of the created template
2284   * \see EndTemplate(), UseTemplate()
2285   *
2286   * Attention: Calls to BeginTemplate can not be nested!
2287   */
2288   virtual int BeginTemplate(double x = 0, double y = 0, double width = 0, double height = 0);
2290   /// Terminates a template
2291   /**
2292   * Terminates the creation of a template and reset initiated variables on beginTemplate.
2293   *
2294   * \return If a template was under construction, its ID is returned, otherwise a 0 is returned.
2295   * \see BeginTemplate(), UseTemplate()
2296   */
2297   virtual int EndTemplate();
2299   /// Get the calculated size of a template
2300   /**
2301   * Retrieves the size of a template.
2302   *
2303   * \param templateId A valid template ID
2304   * \param width The width of the template
2305   * \param height The height of the template
2306   * \see BeginTemplate(), EndTemplate(), UseTemplate(), ImportPage()
2307   *
2308   * Attention: The width and/or height parameters have to be set to a value <= 0
2309   * prior to calling this method, otherwise they will not be calculated.
2310   * If one dimension, i.e. width, is passed with a value > 0,
2311   * the other one, i.e. height, is calculated accordingly.
2312   */
2313   virtual void GetTemplateSize(int templateId, double& width, double& height);
2315   /// Uses a template in current page or in another template
2316   /**
2317   * Uses the specified template just like an image in the current page or
2318   * in another template.
2319   *
2320   * All parameters are optional. The width or height is calculated using
2321   * GetTemplateSize internally.
2322   * By default the size as defined by BeginTemplate is used.
2323   *
2324   * \param templateId A valid template ID
2325   * \param x The x coordinate
2326   * \param y The y coordinate
2327   * \param width The new width of the template
2328   * \param height The new height of the template
2329   * \see BeginTemplate(), EndTemplate(), ImportPage()
2330   *
2331   * Attention: The template may be displayed distorted, if both width and height
2332   * are given with values > 0 and do not correspond to the dimensions of the template.
2333   */
2334   virtual void UseTemplate(int templateId, double x = -1, double y = -1, double width = 0, double height = 0);
2336   /// Sets a source file for the external template feature.
2337   /**
2338   * Selects the source for the external template feature.
2339   * A parser is setup for importing pages from the PDF document.
2340   * Although wxPdfDocument usually creates PDF documents conforming to version 1.3
2341   * of the PDF standard, parsing of documents conforming to versions up to 1.6 is
2342   * supported. If pages are aimported from documents conforming to a higher version
2343   * than 1.3 the version used by wxPdDocument is updated accordingly.
2344   *
2345   * \param filename a valid filename
2346   * \param password a valid user or owner password if the PDF document is encrypted
2347   * \return the number of available pages, or 0 if the document could not be opened
2348   * \see ImportPage(), UseTemplate()
2349   *
2350   * Attention: Access permissions for printing, copying and extracting text or graphics
2351   * are required. If a PDF document does not have these access permissions, it cannot
2352   * be used as a source for the external template feature.
2353   */
2354   virtual int SetSourceFile(const wxString& filename, const wxString& password = wxEmptyString);
2356   /// Gets the document information dictionary of the current external PDF document.
2357   /**
2358   * Gets the values of the Info dictionary of the current external document, if available.
2359   *
2360   * \param info the info dictionary object receiving the document information
2361   * \return true if the info dictionary was available, false otherwise
2362   * \see SetSourceFile()
2363   */
2364   virtual bool GetSourceInfo(wxPdfInfo& info);
2366   /// Imports a page from an external PDF document
2367   /**
2368   * Imports a page from the current external PDF document. As the bounding box of the
2369   * template the ArtBox of the imported page is used. If the page does not have an
2370   * explicit ArtBox, the CropBox will be used instead; if there is no explicit CropBox
2371   * then the MediaBox will be used.
2372   *
2373   * \param pageno page number of the page to be imported
2374   * \param pageBox page box which should be used (default: ArtBox)
2375   * \return Index of imported page - for use in UseTemplate().
2376   * A value of 0 is returned if the page number is out of range or no source was selected.
2377   * \see SetSourceFile()
2378   */
2379   virtual int ImportPage(unsigned int pageno, wxPdfPageBox pageBox = wxPDF_PAGEBOX_ARTBOX);
2381   /// Gets the bounding box of a template
2382   /**
2383   * Especially for pages imported from an external PDF document the size of the bounding
2384   * box might be of interest. The values returned correspond to the coordinates of the
2385   * lower left corner and the width and height of the template.
2386   *
2387   * \param templateId A valid template ID
2388   * \param x The x coordinate of the lower left corner
2389   * \param y The y coordinate of the lower left corner
2390   * \param width The width of the template
2391   * \param height The height of the template
2392   * \see SetTemplateBBox(), BeginTemplate(), ImportPage()
2393   */
2394   virtual void GetTemplateBBox(int templateId, double& x, double& y, double& width, double& height);
2396   /// Sets the bounding box of a template
2397   /**
2398   * As long as a template hasn't been used it is possible to change the bounding box of
2399   * the template. This may be useful for pages imported from an external PDF document
2400   * allowing to set the visible portion of the template.
2401   * \b Note: Setting the bounding box influences only the visible area of the template,
2402   * not the real size it occupies.
2403   *
2404   * \param templateId A valid template ID
2405   * \param x The x coordinate of the lower left corner
2406   * \param y The y coordinate of the lower left corner
2407   * \param width The width of the template
2408   * \param height The height of the template
2409   * \see GetTemplateBBox(), BeginTemplate(), ImportPage()
2410   */
2411   virtual void SetTemplateBBox(int templateId, double x, double y, double width, double height);
2413   /// Prints a text string along a path defined by a shape
2414   /**
2415   * \param shape shape defining a path along which the text is printed
2416   * \param text text string to be printed
2417   * \param mode flag how to handle the text string
2418   *   \li wxPDF_SHAPEDTEXTMODE_ONETIME: the text should be printed at most one time depending on the path length
2419   *   \li wxPDF_SHAPEDTEXTMODE_STRETCHTOFIT: the text should be stretched to fit exactly along the given path (default)
2420   *   \li wxPDF_SHAPEDTEXTMODE_REPEAT: the text should be repeated if the text length is shorter than the path length
2421   */
2422   virtual void ShapedText(const wxPdfShape& shape, const wxString& text, wxPdfShapedTextMode mode = wxPDF_SHAPEDTEXTMODE_STRETCHTOFIT);
2424   /// Add a layer
2425   /**
2426   * An optional content group represents a collection of graphics
2427   * that can be made visible or invisible dynamically by users of viewer applications.
2428   * In wxPdfDocument they are referenced as layers.
2429   * \param layerName the name of the layer
2430   * \return a reference to the new layer
2431   */
2432   virtual wxPdfLayer* AddLayer(const wxString& layerName);
2434   /// Add a title layer
2435   /**
2436   * Creates a title layer. A title layer is not really a layer but a collection of layers
2437   * under the same title heading.
2438   * \param layerTitle the title text
2439   * \return a reference to the title layer
2440   */
2441   virtual wxPdfLayer* AddLayerTitle(const wxString& layerTitle);
2443   /// Add a layer membership container
2444   /**
2445   * Content typically belongs to a single optional content group,
2446   * and is visible when the group is <B>ON</B> and invisible when it is <B>OFF</B>.
2447   * To express more complex visibility policies, content should not declare itself
2448   * to belong to an optional content group directly, but rather to an optional
2449   * content membership container.
2450   * \return a reference to the new layer membership container
2451   */
2452   virtual wxPdfLayerMembership* AddLayerMembership();
2454   /// Lock a layer
2455   /**
2456   * Use this method to lock an optional content group.
2457   * The state of a locked group cannot be changed through the user interface
2458   * of a viewer application. Producers can use this entry to prevent the visibility
2459   * of content that depends on these groups from being changed by users.
2460   * \param layer the layer that needs to be added to the array of locked OCGs
2461   */
2462   virtual void LockLayer(wxPdfLayer* layer);
2464   /// Add a radio group of layers
2465   /**
2466   * Use this method to set a collection of optional content groups
2467   * whose states are intended to follow a "radio button" paradigm.
2468   * That is, the state of at most one optional content group
2469   * in the array should be ON at a time: if one group is turned
2470   * ON, all others must be turned OFF.
2471   * \param radioGroup the radio group
2472   */
2473   virtual void AddLayerRadioGroup(const wxPdfLayerGroup& radioGroup);
2475   /// Enter a layer
2476   /**
2477   * Begins a graphic block whose visibility is controlled by the <CODE>layer</CODE>.
2478   * Blocks can be nested. Each block must be terminated by LeaveLayer().<p>
2479   * Note that nested layers only require a single
2480   * call to this method and a single call to LeaveLayer(); all the nesting control
2481   * is built in.
2482   * \param layer the layer
2483   */
2484   virtual void EnterLayer(wxPdfLayer* layer);
2485   virtual void EnterLayer(wxPdfLayerMembership* layer);
2487   /// Leave a layer
2488   /**
2489   * Ends a layer controlled graphic block. It will end the most recent open block.
2490   */
2491   virtual void LeaveLayer();
2493   /// Attach file
2494   /**
2495   * Attaches a file to the PDF document.
2496   * \param fileName path to the file to attach
2497   * \param attachName the name under which the file will be attached (dfeault: filename)
2498   * \param description an optional description
2499   */
2500   virtual bool AttachFile(const wxString& fileName,
2501                           const wxString& attachName = wxEmptyString,
2502                           const wxString& description = wxEmptyString);
2504   /// Set message translation mode
2505   /**
2506   * Sets the message translation mode which controls the handling of msg tags in XML output
2507   * \param translate flag specifying whether messages translation should be enabled
2508   */
SetMessageTranslateMode(bool translate)2509   void SetMessageTranslateMode(bool translate) { m_translate = translate; }
2511   /// Get message translation mode
2512   /**
2513   * Gets the message translation mode which controls the handling of msg tags in XML output
2514   * \return TRUE if messages are translated, FALSE otherwise
2515   */
GetMessageTranslateMode()2516   bool GetMessageTranslateMode() { return m_translate; }
2518 protected:
2519   /// Initialize
2520   virtual void Initialize(int orientation);
2522   /// Save graphic state
2523   virtual void SaveGraphicState();
2525   /// Restore graphic state
2526   virtual void RestoreGraphicState();
2528   /// Clear graphic state
2529   virtual void ClearGraphicState();
2531   /// Select font
2532   virtual bool SelectFont(const wxString& family,
2533                           const wxString& style = wxEmptyString,
2534                           double size = 0, bool setFont = true);
2536   /// Select font
2537   virtual bool SelectFont(const wxString& family, int style,
2538                           double size = 0, bool setFont = true);
2540   /// Select font based on wxFont object
2541   virtual bool SelectFont(const wxFont& font, bool setFont = true);
2543   /// Select font based on wxFont object
2544   virtual bool SelectFont(const wxPdfFont& font, int style, double size = 0, bool setFont = true);
2546   /// Force selecting the current font
2547   virtual void ForceCurrentFont();
2549   /// Defines the size of the current font.
2550   /**
2551   * \param size The size (in points)
2552   * \param setSize flag whether to actually set the font size in PDF output
2553   * \see SetFont()
2554   */
2555   virtual void SetFontSize(double size, bool setSize);
2557   /// Apply visual ordering
2558   virtual wxString ApplyVisualOrdering(const wxString& txt);
2560   /// Returns the length of a string in user unit.
2561   /**
2562   * A font must be selected.
2563   * \param s The string whose length is to be computed
2564   * \return int
2565   * \note This method expects the text already to be preprocessed in respect to visual layout.
2566   */
2567   virtual double DoGetStringWidth(const wxString& s);
2569   /// Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background colour and character string.
2570   /**
2571   * \note This method expects the text already to be preprocessed in respect to visual layout.
2572   */
2573   virtual void DoCell(double w, double h = 0., const wxString& txt = wxEmptyString,
2574                       int border = wxPDF_BORDER_NONE, int ln = 0,
2575                       int align = wxPDF_ALIGN_LEFT, int fill = 0,
2576                       const wxPdfLink& link = wxPdfLink(-1));
2578   /// Get size of an image
2579   /**
2580   * The size of the image is determined from the given graphics file.
2581   *
2582   * \param file Name of the file containing the image.
2583   * \param mimeType Image format. Possible values are: image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, image/wmf.
2584   * \return width and height of the image
2585   */
2586   virtual wxSize GetImageSize(const wxString& file, const wxString& mimeType = wxEmptyString);
2588   /// Start document
2589   virtual void BeginPage(int orientation, wxSize pageSize);
2591   /// End of page contents
2592   virtual void EndPage();
2594   /// End dociment
2595   virtual void EndDoc();
2597   /// Add header
2598   virtual void PutHeader();
2600   /// Add pages.
2601   virtual void PutPages();
2603   /// Replace page number aliases
2604   virtual void ReplaceNbPagesAlias();
2606   /// Add resources
2607   virtual void PutResources();
2609   /// Add bookmarks
2610   virtual void PutBookmarks();
2612   /// Add extended graphics states
2613   virtual void PutExtGStates();
2615   /// Add shaders
2616   virtual void PutShaders();
2618   /// Adds fonts
2619   virtual void PutFonts();
2621   /// Add images
2622   virtual void PutImages();
2624   /// Add templates
2625   virtual void PutTemplates();
2627   /// Add imported objects
2628   virtual void PutImportedObjects();
2630   virtual void WriteObjectValue(wxPdfObject* value, bool newline = true);
2632   /// Add spot colours
2633   virtual void PutSpotColours();
2635   /// Add patterns
2636   virtual void PutPatterns();
2638   /// Add layers
2639   virtual void PutLayers();
2641   /// Add optional content properties
2642   void PutOCProperties();
2644   /// Add optional content order
2645   void PutOCGOrder(wxPdfLayer* layer);
2647   /// Add automatic state event
2648   void PutASEvent(const wxString& situation, const wxString& category, bool& first);
2650   /// Add Javascript (document level)
2651   virtual void PutJavaScript();
2653   /// Add attached files
2654   virtual void PutFiles();
2656   /// Add resource dictionary
2657   virtual void PutResourceDict();
2659   /// Add encryption info.
2660   virtual void PutEncryption();
2662   /// Add form fields
2663   virtual void PutFormFields();
2665   /// Add info.
2666   virtual void PutInfo();
2668   /// Addcatalog
2669   virtual void PutCatalog();
2671   /// Add object dictionary
2672   virtual void PutXObjectDict();
2674   /// Add trailer
2675   virtual void PutTrailer();
2677   /// Calculate stream size
2678   size_t CalculateStreamLength(size_t len);
2680   /// Calculate stream offset
2681   size_t CalculateStreamOffset();
2683   /// Get new object id
2684   int GetNewObjId();
2686   /// Begin a new object
2687   void NewObj(int objId = 0);
2689   /// Decorate text
2690   wxString DoDecoration(double x, double y, const wxString& txt);
2692   /// Show text string, with kerning if requested
2693   void ShowText(const wxString& txt);
2695   /// Show a single glyph
2696   void ShowGlyph(wxUint32 glyph);
2698   /// Format a text string
2699   void TextEscape(const wxString& s, bool newline = true);
2701   /// Add byte stream
2702   void PutStream(wxMemoryOutputStream& s);
2704   /// Add a text string to the document
2705   void OutTextstring(const wxString& s, bool newline = true);
2707   /// Add a raw text string to the document (without charset conversion)
2708   void OutRawTextstring(const wxString& s, bool newline = true);
2710   /// Add a hex text string to the document (without charset conversion)
2711   void OutHexTextstring(const wxString& s, bool newline = true);
2713   /// Add an ASCII text string to the document
2714   void OutAsciiTextstring(const wxString& s, bool newline = true);
2716   /// Add \ before \, ( and )
2717   void OutEscape(const char* s, size_t len);
2719   /// Add ASCII string
2720   void OutAscii(const wxString& s, bool newline = true);
2722   /// Add character string
2723   void Out(const char* s, bool newline = true);
2725   /// Add len characters
2726   void Out(const char* s, size_t len, bool newline = true);
2728   /// Sets a draw point
2729   void OutPoint(double x, double y);
2731   /// Sets a draw point relative to current position
2732   void OutPointRelative(double dx, double dy);
2734   /// Draws a line from last draw point
2735   void OutLine(double x, double y);
2737   /// Draws a line relative from last draw point
2738   void OutLineRelative(double dx, double dy);
2740   /// Draws a B�zier curve from last draw point
2741   void OutCurve(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3);
2743   /// Perform transformation
2744   void Transform(double tm[6]);
2746   /// Adds a form field to the document
2747   void AddFormField(wxPdfAnnotationWidget* field, bool setFormField = true);
2749   /// Add an indirect object to the document
2750   void OutIndirectObject(wxPdfIndirectObject* object);
2752   /// Add an image object to the document
2753   void OutImage(wxPdfImage* currentImage,
2754                 double x, double y, double w, double h, const wxPdfLink& link);
2756   /// Write XML using XML node
2757   void WriteXml(wxXmlNode* node);
2759   /// Prepare an XML cell for output
2760   void PrepareXmlCell(wxXmlNode* node, wxPdfCellContext& context);
2762   /// Output a prepared XML cell
2763   void WriteXmlCell(wxXmlNode* node, wxPdfCellContext& context);
2765   /// Take alignment of an XML cell into account
2766   void DoXmlAlign(wxPdfCellContext& context);
2768   /// Prepare an XML table for output
2769   void PrepareXmlTable(wxXmlNode* node, wxPdfCellContext& context);
2771   /// Output a prepared XML table
2772   void WriteXmlTable(wxPdfCellContext& context);
2774   /// Set internal scale factor
2775   void SetScaleFactor(const wxString& unit);
2777   wxSize CalculatePageSize(wxPaperSize format);
2779   wxSize CalculatePageSize(double pageWidth, double pageHeight);
2781   virtual void AddPage(int orientation, wxSize pageSize);
2783   void LoadZapfDingBats();
2785 private:
2786   /// Return a string key by a font name and a font encoding
2787   wxString MakeFontKey(const wxString& fontName, const wxString& fontEncoding);
2789 private:
2790   bool                 m_yAxisOriginTop;      ///< flag whether the origin of the y axis resides at the top (or bottom) of the page
2791   int                  m_page;                ///< current page number
2792   int                  m_n;                   ///< current object number
2793   int                  m_firstPageId;         ///< object id of the first page
2795   wxPdfOffsetHashMap*  m_offsets;             ///< array of object offsets
2797   wxOutputStream*      m_buffer;              ///< buffer holding in-memory PDF
2798   wxPdfPageHashMap*    m_pages;               ///< array containing pages
2799   int                  m_state;               ///< current document state
2801   bool                 m_kerning;             ///< kerning flag
2802   bool                 m_compress;            ///< compression flag
2803   int                  m_defOrientation;      ///< default orientation
2804   int                  m_curOrientation;      ///< current orientation
2805   wxPdfBoolHashMap*    m_orientationChanges;  ///< array indicating orientation changes
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2807   wxSize               m_curPageSize;         ///< current page width
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2811   double               m_fwPt;                ///< width of page format in points
2812   double               m_fhPt;                ///< height of page format in points
2813   double               m_fw;                  ///< width of page format in user unit
2814   double               m_fh;                  ///< height of page format in user unit
2815   double               m_wPt;                 ///< current width of page in points
2816   double               m_hPt;                 ///< current height of page in points
2817   double               m_w;                   ///< current width of page in user unit
2818   double               m_h;                   ///< current height of page in user unit
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2822   double               m_bMargin;             ///< page break margin
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2824   double               m_rMargin;             ///< right margin
2825   double               m_cMargin;             ///< cell margin
2827   double               m_x;                   ///< current x position in user unit for cell positioning
2828   double               m_y;                   ///< current y position in user unit for cell positioning
2829   double               m_angle;               ///< current rotation angle
2830   double               m_lasth;               ///< height of last cell printed
2831   double               m_lineWidth;           ///< line width in user units
2832   wxPdfLineStyle       m_lineStyle;           ///< current line style
2833   int                  m_fillRule;            ///< current filling rule
2835   int                  m_inTransform;         ///< flag for transformation state
2836   wxPdfFontHashMap*    m_fonts;               ///< array of used fonts
2837   wxPdfStringHashMap*  m_diffs;               ///> array of encoding differences
2838   wxPdfBoolHashMap*    m_winansi;             ///> array of flags whether encoding differences are based on WinAnsi
2839   wxPdfImageHashMap*   m_images;              ///< array of used images
2840   wxPdfPageLinksMap*   m_pageLinks;           ///< array of links in pages
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2842   wxPdfNamedLinksMap*  m_namedLinks;          ///< array of named internal links
2844   wxPdfExtGStateMap*   m_extGStates;          ///< array of extended graphics states
2845   wxPdfExtGSLookupMap* m_extGSLookup;         ///< array for fast lookup of extended graphics states
2846   int                  m_currentExtGState;    ///< current extended graphics state
2848   wxPdfGradientMap*    m_gradients;           ///< array of gradients
2849   wxPdfSpotColourMap*  m_spotColours;          ///< array of spot colours
2850   wxPdfPatternMap*     m_patterns;            ///< array of patterns
2852   wxPdfAnnotationsMap* m_annotations;         ///< array of text annotations
2854   wxArrayPtrVoid       m_outlines;            ///< array of bookmarks
2855   int                  m_outlineRoot;         ///< number of root node
2856   int                  m_maxOutlineLevel;     ///< max. occuring outline level
2858   wxArrayPtrVoid       m_graphicStates;       ///< array of graphic states
2859   wxString             m_fontPath;            ///< current default path for font files
2860   wxString             m_fontFamily;          ///< current font family
2861   int                  m_fontStyle;           ///< current font style
2862   int                  m_decoration;          ///< font decoration flags
2863   bool                 m_fontSubsetting;      ///< flag whether to use font subsetting
2865   wxPdfFontDetails*    m_currentFont;         ///< current font info
2867   double               m_fontSizePt;          ///< current font size in points
2868   double               m_fontSize;            ///< current font size in user unit
2869   wxPdfColour          m_drawColour;          ///< commands for drawing colour
2870   wxPdfColour          m_fillColour;          ///< commands for filling colour
2871   wxPdfColour          m_textColour;          ///< commands for text colour
2872   bool                 m_colourFlag;          ///< indicates whether fill and text colours are different
2873   bool                 m_wsApply;             ///< Flag whether to apply explicit word spacing
2874   double               m_ws;                  ///< word spacing
2875   wxPdfTextRenderMode  m_textRenderMode;      ///< text render mode
2877   bool                 m_autoPageBreak;       ///< automatic page breaking
2878   double               m_pageBreakTrigger;    ///< threshold used to trigger page breaks
2879   bool                 m_inFooter;            ///< flag set when processing footer
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2882   wxPdfLayout          m_layoutMode;          ///< layout display mode
2883   int                  m_viewerPrefs;         ///< viewer preferences
2885   wxString             m_title;               ///< title
2886   wxString             m_subject;             ///< subject
2887   wxString             m_author;              ///< author
2888   wxString             m_keywords;            ///< keywords
2889   wxString             m_creator;             ///< creator
2890   wxString             m_aliasNbPages;        ///< alias for total number of pages
2891   wxString             m_PDFVersion;          ///< PDF version number
2893   double               m_img_rb_x;            ///< right-bottom corner X coordinate of inserted image
2894   double               m_img_rb_y;            ///< right-bottom corner Y coordinate of inserted image
2896   // Encryption
2897   bool                 m_encrypted;           ///< flag whether document is protected
2898   wxPdfEncrypt*        m_encryptor;           ///< encryptor instance
2899   int                  m_encObjId;            ///< encrypted object id
2901   // Javascript
2902   int                  m_nJS;                 ///< Javascript object number
2903   wxString             m_javascript;          ///< Javascript string
2905   // Forms
2906   int                  m_zapfdingbats;        ///< index of font ZapfDingBats
2907   wxPdfFormFieldsMap*  m_formFields;          ///< array of form fields
2908   wxPdfFormAnnotsMap*  m_formAnnotations;     ///< array of form field annotations
2909   wxPdfRadioGroupMap*  m_radioGroups;         ///< array of radio button groups
2910   wxString             m_formBorderColour;     ///< form field border colour
2911   wxString             m_formBackgroundColour; ///< form field background colour
2912   wxString             m_formTextColour;       ///< form field text colour
2913   wxString             m_formBorderStyle;     ///< form field border style
2914   double               m_formBorderWidth;     ///< form field border width
2916   // Templates
2917   bool                 m_inTemplate;          ///< flag whether template mode is on
2918   wxPdfTemplatesMap*   m_templates;           ///< array of templates
2919   wxString             m_templatePrefix;      ///< prefix used for template object names
2920   int                  m_templateId;          ///< Id of current template
2921   wxPdfTemplate*       m_currentTemplate;     ///< current template
2923   wxPdfParserMap*      m_parsers;             ///< array of parsers
2924   wxPdfParser*         m_currentParser;       ///< current parser
2925   wxString             m_currentSource;       ///< current import source file name
2926   wxString             m_importVersion;       ///< highest PDF version of imported files
2928   // OCG / layer
2929   wxPdfOcgMap*         m_ocgs;                ///< array of OCGs
2930   wxPdfLayerRGMap*     m_rgLayers;            ///< array of radio group layers
2931   wxPdfLayerGroup*     m_lockedLayers;        ///< array of locked layers
2932   wxArrayInt           m_layerDepth;          ///< stack for nested layers
2934   // File attachments
2935   int                  m_nAttachments;        ///< attachments object number
2936   wxPdfAttachmentMap*  m_attachments;         ///< array of file attachments
2938   bool                 m_translate;           ///< flag whether messages in msg tags should be translated
2940 private:
2941   bool                 m_creationDateSet;     ///< flag whether the creation date was explicitly specified
2942   wxDateTime           m_creationDate;        ///< creation date for the final PDF document
2945   DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxPdfDocument)
2946 #endif
2947   DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxPdfDocument)
2949   friend class wxPdfImage;
2950   friend class wxPdfTable;
2951 };
2953 #endif