1package semver
3import (
4	"fmt"
5	"regexp"
6	"sort"
7	"strings"
8	"sync"
11var constraintRegex *regexp.Regexp
12var constraintRangeRegex *regexp.Regexp
14const cvRegex string = `v?([0-9|x|X|\*]+)(\.[0-9|x|X|\*]+)?(\.[0-9|x|X|\*]+)?` +
15	`(-([0-9A-Za-z\-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z\-]+)*))?` +
16	`(\+([0-9A-Za-z\-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z\-]+)*))?`
18func init() {
19	constraintOps := []string{
20		"",
21		"=",
22		"!=",
23		">",
24		"<",
25		">=",
26		"=>",
27		"<=",
28		"=<",
29		"~",
30		"~>",
31		"^",
32	}
34	ops := make([]string, 0, len(constraintOps))
35	for _, op := range constraintOps {
36		ops = append(ops, regexp.QuoteMeta(op))
37	}
39	constraintRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(
40		`^\s*(%s)\s*(%s)\s*$`,
41		strings.Join(ops, "|"),
42		cvRegex))
44	constraintRangeRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(
45		`\s*(%s)\s* - \s*(%s)\s*`,
46		cvRegex, cvRegex))
49// Constraint is the interface that wraps checking a semantic version against
50// one or more constraints to find a match.
51type Constraint interface {
52	// Constraints compose the fmt.Stringer interface. This method is the
53	// bijective inverse of NewConstraint(): if a string yielded from this
54	// method is passed to NewConstraint(), a byte-identical instance of the
55	// original Constraint will be returend.
56	fmt.Stringer
58	// ImpliedCaretString converts the Constraint to a string in the same manner
59	// as String(), but treats the empty operator as equivalent to ^, rather
60	// than =.
61	//
62	// In the same way that String() is the inverse of NewConstraint(), this
63	// method is the inverse of to NewConstraintIC().
64	ImpliedCaretString() string
66	// Matches checks that a version satisfies the constraint. If it does not,
67	// an error is returned indcating the problem; if it does, the error is nil.
68	Matches(v Version) error
70	// Intersect computes the intersection between the receiving Constraint and
71	// passed Constraint, and returns a new Constraint representing the result.
72	Intersect(Constraint) Constraint
74	// Union computes the union between the receiving Constraint and the passed
75	// Constraint, and returns a new Constraint representing the result.
76	Union(Constraint) Constraint
78	// MatchesAny returns a bool indicating whether there exists any version that
79	// satisfies both the receiver constraint, and the passed Constraint.
80	//
81	// In other words, this reports whether an intersection would be non-empty.
82	MatchesAny(Constraint) bool
84	// Restrict implementation of this interface to this package. We need the
85	// flexibility of an interface, but we cover all possibilities here; closing
86	// off the interface to external implementation lets us safely do tricks
87	// with types for magic types (none and any)
88	_private()
91// realConstraint is used internally to differentiate between any, none, and
92// unionConstraints, vs. Version and rangeConstraints.
93type realConstraint interface {
94	Constraint
95	_real()
98// CacheConstraints controls whether or not parsed constraints are cached
99var CacheConstraints = true
100var constraintCache = make(map[string]ccache)
101var constraintCacheIC = make(map[string]ccache)
102var constraintCacheLock sync.RWMutex
104type ccache struct {
105	c   Constraint
106	err error
109// NewConstraint takes a string representing a set of semver constraints, and
110// returns a corresponding Constraint object. Constraints are suitable
111// for checking Versions for admissibility, or combining with other Constraint
112// objects.
114// If an invalid constraint string is passed, more information is provided in
115// the returned error string.
116func NewConstraint(in string) (Constraint, error) {
117	return newConstraint(in, false, constraintCache)
120// NewConstraintIC ("Implied Caret") is the same as NewConstraint, except that
121// it treats an absent operator as being equivalent to ^ instead of =.
122func NewConstraintIC(in string) (Constraint, error) {
123	return newConstraint(in, true, constraintCacheIC)
126func newConstraint(in string, ic bool, cache map[string]ccache) (Constraint, error) {
127	if CacheConstraints {
128		constraintCacheLock.RLock()
129		if final, exists := cache[in]; exists {
130			constraintCacheLock.RUnlock()
131			return final.c, final.err
132		}
133		constraintCacheLock.RUnlock()
134	}
136	// Rewrite - ranges into a comparison operation.
137	c := rewriteRange(in)
139	ors := strings.Split(c, "||")
140	or := make([]Constraint, len(ors))
141	for k, v := range ors {
142		cs := strings.Split(v, ",")
143		result := make([]Constraint, len(cs))
144		for i, s := range cs {
145			pc, err := parseConstraint(s, ic)
146			if err != nil {
147				if CacheConstraints {
148					constraintCacheLock.Lock()
149					cache[in] = ccache{err: err}
150					constraintCacheLock.Unlock()
151				}
152				return nil, err
153			}
155			result[i] = pc
156		}
157		or[k] = Intersection(result...)
158	}
160	final := Union(or...)
162	if CacheConstraints {
163		constraintCacheLock.Lock()
164		cache[in] = ccache{c: final}
165		constraintCacheLock.Unlock()
166	}
168	return final, nil
171// Intersection computes the intersection between N Constraints, returning as
172// compact a representation of the intersection as possible.
174// No error is indicated if all the sets are collectively disjoint; you must inspect the
175// return value to see if the result is the empty set (by calling IsNone() on
176// it).
177func Intersection(cg ...Constraint) Constraint {
178	// If there's zero or one constraints in the group, we can quit fast
179	switch len(cg) {
180	case 0:
181		// Zero members, only sane thing to do is return none
182		return None()
183	case 1:
184		// Just one member means that's our final constraint
185		return cg[0]
186	}
188	car, cdr := cg[0], cg[1:]
189	for _, c := range cdr {
190		if IsNone(car) {
191			return None()
192		}
193		car = car.Intersect(c)
194	}
196	return car
199// Union takes a variable number of constraints, and returns the most compact
200// possible representation of those constraints.
202// This effectively ORs together all the provided constraints. If any of the
203// included constraints are the set of all versions (any), that supercedes
204// everything else.
205func Union(cg ...Constraint) Constraint {
206	// If there's zero or one constraints in the group, we can quit fast
207	switch len(cg) {
208	case 0:
209		// Zero members, only sane thing to do is return none
210		return None()
211	case 1:
212		// One member, so the result will just be that
213		return cg[0]
214	}
216	// Preliminary pass to look for 'any' in the current set (and bail out early
217	// if found), but also construct a []realConstraint for everything else
218	var real constraintList
220	for _, c := range cg {
221		switch tc := c.(type) {
222		case any:
223			return c
224		case none:
225			continue
226		case Version:
227			//heap.Push(&real, tc)
228			real = append(real, tc)
229		case rangeConstraint:
230			//heap.Push(&real, tc)
231			real = append(real, tc)
232		case unionConstraint:
233			real = append(real, tc...)
234			//for _, c2 := range tc {
235			//heap.Push(&real, c2)
236			//}
237		default:
238			panic("unknown constraint type")
239		}
240	}
241	// TODO wtf why isn't heap working...so, ugh, have to do this
243	// Sort both the versions and ranges into ascending order
244	sort.Sort(real)
246	// Iteratively merge the constraintList elements
247	var nuc unionConstraint
248	for _, c := range real {
249		if len(nuc) == 0 {
250			nuc = append(nuc, c)
251			continue
252		}
254		last := nuc[len(nuc)-1]
255		switch lt := last.(type) {
256		case Version:
257			switch ct := c.(type) {
258			case Version:
259				// Two versions in a row; only append if they're not equal
260				if !lt.Equal(ct) {
261					nuc = append(nuc, ct)
262				}
263			case rangeConstraint:
264				// Last was version, current is range. constraintList sorts by
265				// min version, so it's guaranteed that the version will be less
266				// than the range's min, guaranteeing that these are disjoint.
267				//
268				// ...almost. If the min of the range is the same as the
269				// version, then a union should merge the two by making the
270				// range inclusive at the bottom.
271				if lt.Equal(ct.min) {
272					ct.includeMin = true
273					nuc[len(nuc)-1] = ct
274				} else {
275					nuc = append(nuc, c)
276				}
277			}
278		case rangeConstraint:
279			switch ct := c.(type) {
280			case Version:
281				// Last was range, current is version. constraintList sort invariants guarantee
282				// that the version will be greater than the min, so we have to
283				// determine if the version is less than the max. If it is, we
284				// subsume it into the range with a Union call.
285				//
286				// Lazy version: just union them and let rangeConstraint figure
287				// it out, then switch on the result type.
288				c2 := lt.Union(ct)
289				if crc, ok := c2.(realConstraint); ok {
290					nuc[len(nuc)-1] = crc
291				} else {
292					// Otherwise, all it can be is a union constraint. First
293					// item in the union will be the same range, second will be the
294					// version, so append onto nuc from one back from the end
295					nuc = append(nuc[:len(nuc)-1], c2.(unionConstraint)...)
296				}
297			case rangeConstraint:
298				if lt.MatchesAny(ct) || areAdjacent(lt, ct) {
299					// If the previous range overlaps or is adjacent to the
300					// current range, we know they'll be able to merge together,
301					// so overwrite the last item in nuc with the result of that
302					// merge (which is what Union will produce)
303					nuc[len(nuc)-1] = lt.Union(ct).(realConstraint)
304				} else {
305					nuc = append(nuc, c)
306				}
307			}
308		}
309	}
311	if len(nuc) == 1 {
312		return nuc[0]
313	}
314	return nuc