1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# pylint: disable=protected-access, unused-variable, locally-disabled, len-as-condition
3"""Lint helper to generate lint summary of source.
5Copyright by Contributors
7from __future__ import print_function
8import argparse
9import codecs
10import sys
11import re
12import os
13import cpplint
14from cpplint import _cpplint_state
15from pylint import epylint
17CXX_SUFFIX = set(['cc', 'c', 'cpp', 'h', 'cu', 'hpp'])
18PYTHON_SUFFIX = set(['py'])
20def filepath_enumerate(paths):
21    """Enumerate the file paths of all subfiles of the list of paths"""
22    out = []
23    for path in paths:
24        if os.path.isfile(path):
25            out.append(path)
26        else:
27            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
28                for name in files:
29                    out.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root, name)))
30    return out
32# pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance
33class LintHelper(object):
34    """Class to help runing the lint and records summary"""
36    @staticmethod
37    def _print_summary_map(strm, result_map, ftype):
38        """Print summary of certain result map."""
39        if len(result_map) == 0:
40            return 0
41        npass = len([x for k, x in result_map.items() if len(x) == 0])
42        strm.write('=====%d/%d %s files passed check=====\n' % (npass, len(result_map), ftype))
43        for fname, emap in result_map.items():
44            if len(emap) == 0:
45                continue
46            strm.write('%s: %d Errors of %d Categories map=%s\n' % (
47                fname, sum(emap.values()), len(emap), str(emap)))
48        return len(result_map) - npass
50    def __init__(self):
51        self.project_name = None
52        self.cpp_header_map = {}
53        self.cpp_src_map = {}
54        self.python_map = {}
55        pylint_disable = ['superfluous-parens',
56                          'too-many-instance-attributes',
57                          'too-few-public-methods']
58        # setup pylint
59        self.pylint_opts = ['--extension-pkg-whitelist=numpy',
60                            '--disable=' + ','.join(pylint_disable)]
62        self.pylint_cats = set(['error', 'warning', 'convention', 'refactor'])
63        # setup cpp lint
64        cpplint_args = ['.', '--extensions=' + (','.join(CXX_SUFFIX))]
65        _ = cpplint.ParseArguments(cpplint_args)
66        cpplint._SetFilters(','.join(['-build/c++11',
67                                      '-build/namespaces',
68                                      '-build/include,',
69                                      '+build/include_what_you_use',
70                                      '+build/include_order']))
71        cpplint._SetCountingStyle('toplevel')
72        cpplint._line_length = 100
74    def process_cpp(self, path, suffix):
75        """Process a cpp file."""
76        _cpplint_state.ResetErrorCounts()
77        cpplint.ProcessFile(str(path), _cpplint_state.verbose_level)
78        _cpplint_state.PrintErrorCounts()
79        errors = _cpplint_state.errors_by_category.copy()
81        if suffix == 'h':
82            self.cpp_header_map[str(path)] = errors
83        else:
84            self.cpp_src_map[str(path)] = errors
86    def process_python(self, path):
87        """Process a python file."""
88        (pylint_stdout, pylint_stderr) = epylint.py_run(
89            ' '.join([str(path)] + self.pylint_opts), return_std=True)
90        emap = {}
91        err = pylint_stderr.read()
92        if len(err):
93            print(err)
94        for line in pylint_stdout:
95            sys.stderr.write(line)
96            key = line.split(':')[-1].split('(')[0].strip()
97            if key not in self.pylint_cats:
98                continue
99            if key not in emap:
100                emap[key] = 1
101            else:
102                emap[key] += 1
103        self.python_map[str(path)] = emap
105    def print_summary(self, strm):
106        """Print summary of lint."""
107        nerr = 0
108        nerr += LintHelper._print_summary_map(strm, self.cpp_header_map, 'cpp-header')
109        nerr += LintHelper._print_summary_map(strm, self.cpp_src_map, 'cpp-source')
110        nerr += LintHelper._print_summary_map(strm, self.python_map, 'python')
111        if nerr == 0:
112            strm.write('All passed!\n')
113        else:
114            strm.write('%d files failed lint\n' % nerr)
115        return nerr
117# singleton helper for lint check
118_HELPER = LintHelper()
120def get_header_guard_dmlc(filename):
121    """Get Header Guard Convention for DMLC Projects.
123    For headers in include, directly use the path
124    For headers in src, use project name plus path
126    Examples: with project-name = dmlc
127        include/dmlc/timer.h -> DMLC_TIMTER_H_
128        src/io/libsvm_parser.h -> DMLC_IO_LIBSVM_PARSER_H_
129    """
130    fileinfo = cpplint.FileInfo(filename)
131    file_path_from_root = fileinfo.RepositoryName()
132    inc_list = ['include', 'api', 'wrapper', 'contrib']
133    if os.name == 'nt':
134        inc_list.append("mshadow")
136    if file_path_from_root.find('src/') != -1 and _HELPER.project_name is not None:
137        idx = file_path_from_root.find('src/')
138        file_path_from_root = _HELPER.project_name +  file_path_from_root[idx + 3:]
139    else:
140        idx = file_path_from_root.find("include/")
141        if idx != -1:
142            file_path_from_root = file_path_from_root[idx + 8:]
143        for spath in inc_list:
144            prefix = spath + '/'
145            if file_path_from_root.startswith(prefix):
146                file_path_from_root = re.sub('^' + prefix, '', file_path_from_root)
147                break
148    return re.sub(r'[-./\s]', '_', file_path_from_root).upper() + '_'
150cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable = get_header_guard_dmlc
152def process(fname, allow_type):
153    """Process a file."""
154    fname = str(fname)
155    arr = fname.rsplit('.', 1)
156    if fname.find('#') != -1 or arr[-1] not in allow_type:
157        return
158    if arr[-1] in CXX_SUFFIX:
159        _HELPER.process_cpp(fname, arr[-1])
160    if arr[-1] in PYTHON_SUFFIX:
161        _HELPER.process_python(fname)
163def main():
164    """Main entry function."""
165    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="lint source codes")
166    parser.add_argument('project', help='project name')
167    parser.add_argument('filetype', choices=['python', 'cpp', 'all'],
168                        help='source code type')
169    parser.add_argument('path', nargs='+', help='path to traverse')
170    parser.add_argument('--exclude_path', nargs='+', default=[],
171                        help='exclude this path, and all subfolders if path is a folder')
172    parser.add_argument('--pylint-rc', default=None,
173                        help='pylint rc file')
174    args = parser.parse_args()
176    _HELPER.project_name = args.project
177    if args.pylint_rc is not None:
178        _HELPER.pylint_opts = ['--rcfile='+args.pylint_rc,]
179    file_type = args.filetype
180    allow_type = []
181    if file_type in ('python', 'all'):
182        allow_type += PYTHON_SUFFIX
183    if file_type in ('cpp', 'all'):
184        allow_type += CXX_SUFFIX
185    allow_type = set(allow_type)
186    if sys.version_info.major == 2 and os.name != 'nt':
187        sys.stderr = codecs.StreamReaderWriter(sys.stderr,
188                                               codecs.getreader('utf8'),
189                                               codecs.getwriter('utf8'),
190                                               'replace')
191    # get excluded files
192    excluded_paths = filepath_enumerate(args.exclude_path)
193    for path in args.path:
194        if os.path.isfile(path):
195            normpath = os.path.normpath(path)
196            if normpath not in excluded_paths:
197                process(path, allow_type)
198        else:
199            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
200                for name in files:
201                    file_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root, name))
202                    if file_path not in excluded_paths:
203                        process(file_path, allow_type)
204    nerr = _HELPER.print_summary(sys.stderr)
205    sys.exit(nerr > 0)
207if __name__ == '__main__':
208    main()