1 #ifndef _ECORE_WL2_H_
2 # define _ECORE_WL2_H_
4 # include <Eina.h>
5 # include <Ecore.h>
6 # include <wayland-client.h>
7 # include <wayland-cursor.h>
8 # include <xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h>
11 # include <wayland-server.h>
13 # ifdef EAPI
14 #  undef EAPI
15 # endif
17 # ifdef __GNUC__
18 #  if __GNUC__ >= 4
19 #   define EAPI __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
20 #  else
21 #   define EAPI
22 #  endif
23 # else
24 #  define EAPI
25 # endif
27 /* # ifdef __cplusplus */
28 /* extern "C" { */
29 /* # endif */
35 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Subsurface Ecore_Wl2_Subsurface;
38 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Window Ecore_Wl2_Window;
39 #  endif
41 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Display Ecore_Wl2_Display;
42 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Output Ecore_Wl2_Output;
43 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Input Ecore_Wl2_Input;
44 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Seat Ecore_Wl2_Seat;
45 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Pointer Ecore_Wl2_Pointer;
46 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Keyboard Ecore_Wl2_Keyboard;
47 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Touch Ecore_Wl2_Touch;
48 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Offer Ecore_Wl2_Offer;
49 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Surface Ecore_Wl2_Surface;
51 /* matches protocol values */
52 typedef enum
53 {
59 } Ecore_Wl2_Drag_Action;
61 typedef enum
62 {
67 } Ecore_Wl2_Seat_Capabilities;
69 struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Connection
70 {
71    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
72 };
74 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Connection Ecore_Wl2_Event_Connect;
75 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Connection Ecore_Wl2_Event_Disconnect;
77 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Global
78 {
79    Eina_Stringshare *interface;
80    unsigned int id, version;
81    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
82 } Ecore_Wl2_Global;
84 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Global
85 {
86    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
87    Eina_Stringshare *interface;
88    unsigned int id, version;
89 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Global;
91 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Focus_In
92 {
93    Ecore_Wl2_Window *window;
94    unsigned int timestamp;
95    Eo *dev; //The seat device
96    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
97 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Focus_In;
99 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Focus_Out
100 {
101    Ecore_Wl2_Window *window;
102    unsigned int timestamp;
103    Eo *dev; //The seat device
104    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
105 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Focus_Out;
107 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Dnd_Enter
108 {
109    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win, *source;
110    Ecore_Wl2_Offer *offer;
111    int x, y;
112    unsigned int seat;
113    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
114 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Dnd_Enter;
116 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Dnd_Leave
117 {
118    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win, *source;
119    Ecore_Wl2_Offer *offer;
120    unsigned int seat;
121    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
122 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Dnd_Leave;
124 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Dnd_Motion
125 {
126    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win, *source;
127    Ecore_Wl2_Offer *offer;
128    int x, y;
129    unsigned int seat;
130    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
131 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Dnd_Motion;
133 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Dnd_Drop
134 {
135    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win, *source;
136    int x, y;
137    Ecore_Wl2_Offer *offer;
138    unsigned int seat;
139    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
140 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Dnd_Drop;
142 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Dnd_End
143 {
144    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win, *source;
145    unsigned int seat;
146    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
147 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Dnd_End;
149 struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Data_Source_Event
150 {
151    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win, *source;
152    Ecore_Wl2_Drag_Action action;
153    unsigned int seat;
154    uint32_t serial;
155    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
156 };
158 typedef struct Ecore_Wl2_Event_Data_Source_End
159 {
160    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win, *source;
161    Ecore_Wl2_Drag_Action action;
162    unsigned int seat;
163    uint32_t serial;
164    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
165    Eina_Bool cancelled;
166 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Data_Source_End;
167 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Data_Source_Event Ecore_Wl2_Event_Data_Source_Drop;
168 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Data_Source_Event Ecore_Wl2_Event_Data_Source_Action;
170 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Data_Source_Target
171 {
172    char *type;
173    unsigned int seat;
174    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
175 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Data_Source_Target;
177 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Data_Source_Send
178 {
179    char *type;
180    int fd;
181    unsigned int seat;
182    uint32_t serial;
183    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
184 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Data_Source_Send;
186 typedef struct Ecore_Wl2_Event_Seat_Selection
187 {
188    unsigned int seat;
189    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
190 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Seat_Selection;
192 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Seat_Name
193 {
194    Eina_Stringshare *name;
195    unsigned int id;
196    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
197 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Seat_Name;
199 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Seat_Capabilities
200 {
201    unsigned int id;
202    Eina_Bool pointer_enabled : 1;
203    Eina_Bool keyboard_enabled : 1;
204    Eina_Bool touch_enabled : 1;
205    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
206 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Seat_Capabilities;
208 typedef enum
209 {
214 } Ecore_Wl2_Device_Type;
216 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Device
217 {
218    Eo *dev;
219    Ecore_Wl2_Window *window;
220    unsigned int seat_id;
221    Ecore_Wl2_Device_Type type;
222 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Device;
224 typedef enum
225 {
228 } Ecore_Wl2_Selection_Type;
230 typedef enum
231 {
235 } Ecore_Wl2_Window_States;
237 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Configure
238 {
239    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win, *event_win;
240    unsigned int edges;
241    unsigned int w, h;
242    unsigned int states;
243 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Configure;
245 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Configure_Complete
246 {
247    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win;
248 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Configure_Complete;
250 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Input_Keymap_Changed
251 {
252    unsigned int id;
253    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
254 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Seat_Keymap_Changed;
256 typedef struct Ecore_Wl2_Event_Seat_Keyboard_Repeat_Changed
257 {
258    unsigned int id;
259    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
260 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Seat_Keyboard_Repeat_Changed;
262 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Sync_Done
263 {
264    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
265 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Sync_Done;
267 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Offer_Data_Ready
268 {
269    Ecore_Wl2_Offer *offer;
270    char *data;
271    int len;
272    const char *mimetype;
273    unsigned int seat;
274    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
275 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Offer_Data_Ready;
277 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Output_Transform
278 {
279    Ecore_Wl2_Output *output;
280    int transform, old_transform;
281 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Output_Transform;
283 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Rotation
284 {
285    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win;
286    int rotation, w, h, angle;
287    Eina_Bool resize : 1;
288 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Rotation;
290 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Rotation Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Rotation_Change_Prepare;
291 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Rotation Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Rotation_Change_Prepare_Done;
292 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Rotation Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Rotation_Change_Request;
293 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Rotation Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Rotation_Change_Done;
295 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Show
296 {
297    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win;
298    Ecore_Wl2_Window *parent_win;
299    Ecore_Wl2_Window *event_win;
300 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Show;
302 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Hide
303 {
304    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win;
305    Ecore_Wl2_Window *parent_win;
306    Ecore_Wl2_Window *event_win;
307 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Hide;
309 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Activate
310 {
311    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win;
312    Ecore_Wl2_Window *parent_win;
313    Ecore_Wl2_Window *event_win;
314 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Activate;
316 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Deactivate
317 {
318    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win;
319    Ecore_Wl2_Window *parent_win;
320    Ecore_Wl2_Window *event_win;
321 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Deactivate;
323 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Common
324 {
325    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win;
326    Ecore_Wl2_Window *parent_win;
327    Ecore_Wl2_Window *event_win;
328 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Common;
330 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Iconify_State_Change
331 {
332    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win;
333    unsigned int iconified;
334    unsigned int force;
335 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Iconify_State_Change;
337 typedef enum _Ecore_Wl2_Window_Type
338 {
344    ECORE_WL2_WINDOW_TYPE_NOTIFICATION, /** @since 1.20 */
345    ECORE_WL2_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY, /** @since 1.20 */
346    ECORE_WL2_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG, /** @since 1.20 */
347    ECORE_WL2_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK, /** @since 1.20 */
348    ECORE_WL2_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH, /** @since 1.20 */
350 } Ecore_Wl2_Window_Type;
352 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Aux_Hint_Allowed
353 {
354    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win;
355    int id;
356    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
357 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Aux_Hint_Allowed;
359 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Event_Aux_Hint_Supported
360 {
361    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win;
362    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
363 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Aux_Hint_Supported;
365 typedef struct Ecore_Wl2_Event_Aux_Message
366 {
367    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win;
368    Eina_Stringshare *key;
369    Eina_Stringshare *val;
370    Eina_List *options;
371    Ecore_Wl2_Display *display;
372 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Aux_Message;
374 typedef struct Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Offscreen
375 {
376    Ecore_Wl2_Window *win;
377 } Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Offscreen;
379 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Buffer Ecore_Wl2_Buffer;
381 typedef enum _Ecore_Wl2_Buffer_Type Ecore_Wl2_Buffer_Type;
382 enum _Ecore_Wl2_Buffer_Type
383 {
385    ECORE_WL2_BUFFER_SHM = 1,
387 };
389 typedef void (*Ecore_Wl2_Bind_Cb)(struct wl_client *client, void *data, uint32_t version, uint32_t id);
390 typedef void (*Ecore_Wl2_Unbind_Cb)(struct wl_resource *resource);
391 typedef void (*Ecore_Wl2_Frame_Cb)(Ecore_Wl2_Window *win, uint32_t timestamp, void *data);
392 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Frame_Cb_Handle Ecore_Wl2_Frame_Cb_Handle;
394 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DISCONNECT; /** @since 1.18 */
395 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_CONNECT; /** @since 1.18 */
396 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_GLOBAL_ADDED; /** @since 1.17 */
397 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_GLOBAL_REMOVED; /** @since 1.17 */
398 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_FOCUS_IN; /** @since 1.17 */
399 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_FOCUS_OUT; /** @since 1.17 */
400 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DND_ENTER; /** @since 1.17 */
401 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DND_LEAVE; /** @since 1.17 */
402 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DND_MOTION; /** @since 1.17 */
403 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DND_DROP; /** @since 1.17 */
404 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DND_END; /** @since 1.17 */
405 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DATA_SOURCE_END; /** @since 1.18 */
406 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DATA_SOURCE_DROP; /** @since 1.18 */
407 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DATA_SOURCE_ACTION; /** @since 1.18 */
408 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DATA_SOURCE_TARGET; /** @since 1.17 */
409 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DATA_SOURCE_SEND; /** @since 1.17 */
410 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_WINDOW_CONFIGURE; /** @since 1.17 */
411 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_SYNC_DONE; /** @since 1.17 */
412 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_OFFER_DATA_READY; /** @since 1.19 */
413 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_SEAT_NAME_CHANGED; /** @since 1.19 */
414 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_SEAT_CAPABILITIES_CHANGED; /** @since 1.19 */
415 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED; /** @since 1.19 */
416 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DEVICE_REMOVED; /** @since 1.19 */
417 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_WINDOW_CONFIGURE_COMPLETE; /** @since 1.19 */
418 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_SEAT_KEYMAP_CHANGED; /** @since 1.20 */
419 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_SEAT_KEYBOARD_REPEAT_CHANGED; /** @since 1.20 */
420 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_SEAT_SELECTION; /** @since 1.20 */
421 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM; /** @since 1.20 */
422 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_WINDOW_ROTATE; /** @since 1.20 */
423 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_AUX_HINT_ALLOWED; /** @since 1.20 */
424 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_AUX_HINT_SUPPORTED; /** @since 1.20 */
425 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_AUX_MESSAGE; /** @since 1.20 */
426 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_WINDOW_SHOW; /** @since 1.20 */
427 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_WINDOW_HIDE; /** @since 1.20 */
428 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_WINDOW_ACTIVATE; /** @since 1.20 */
429 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_WINDOW_DEACTIVATE; /** @since 1.20 */
430 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_WINDOW_ICONIFY_STATE_CHANGE; /** @since 1.21 */
431 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_WINDOW_OFFSCREEN; /** @since 1.21 */
432 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_WINDOW_CREATE; /** @since 1.25 */
433 EAPI extern int ECORE_WL2_EVENT_WINDOW_DESTROY; /** @since 1.25 */
435 typedef struct _Ecore_Wl2_Surface_Interface
436 {
437    int id;
438    int version;
440    void *(*setup)(Ecore_Wl2_Window *win);
441    void (*destroy)(Ecore_Wl2_Surface *surface, void *priv_data);
442    void (*reconfigure)(Ecore_Wl2_Surface *surface, void *priv_data, int w, int h, uint32_t flags, Eina_Bool alpha);
443    void *(*data_get)(Ecore_Wl2_Surface *surface, void *priv_data, int *w, int *h);
444    int  (*assign)(Ecore_Wl2_Surface *surface, void *priv_data);
445    void (*post)(Ecore_Wl2_Surface *surface, void *priv_data, Eina_Rectangle *rects, unsigned int count);
446    void (*flush)(Ecore_Wl2_Surface *surface, void *priv_data, Eina_Bool purge);
447 } Ecore_Wl2_Surface_Interface;
449 /**
450  * @file
451  * @brief Ecore functions for dealing with the Wayland display protocol
452  *
453  * @defgroup Ecore_Wl2_Group Ecore_Wl2 - Wayland integration
454  * @ingroup Ecore
455  *
456  * Ecore_Wl2 provides a wrapper and convenience functions for using the
457  * Wayland protocol in implementing a window system. Function groups for
458  * this part of the library include the following:
459  *
460  * @li @ref Ecore_Wl2_Init_Group
461  * @li @ref Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
462  * @li @ref Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
463  * @li @ref Ecore_Wl2_Output_Group
464  * @li @ref Ecore_Wl2_Input_Group
465  */
467 /**
468  * @defgroup Ecore_Wl2_Init_Group Wayland Library Init and Shutdown Functions
469  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Group
470  *
471  * Functions that start and shutdown the Ecore Wl2 Library.
472  */
474 /**
475  * Initialize the Ecore_Wl2 library
476  *
477  * @return  The number of times the library has been initialized without being
478  *          shutdown. 0 is returned if an error occurs.
479  *
480  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Init_Group
481  * @since 1.17
482  */
483 EAPI int ecore_wl2_init(void);
485 /**
486  * Shutdown the Ecore_Wl2 Library
487  *
488  * @return  The number of times the library has been initialized without
489  *          being shutdown.
490  *
491  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Init_Group
492  * @since 1.17
493  */
494 EAPI int ecore_wl2_shutdown(void);
496 /**
497  * @defgroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group Wayland Library Display Functions
498  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Group
499  *
500  * Functions that deal with creating, connecting, or interacting with
501  * Wayland displays
502  */
504 /**
505  * Create a new Wayland display
506  *
507  * @brief This function is typically used to create a new display for
508  * use with compositors, or to create a new display for use in nested
509  * compositors.
510  *
511  * @param name The display target name to create. If @c NULL, a default
512  *             display name will be assigned.
513  * @return The newly created Ecore_Wl2_Display
514  *
515  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
516  * @since 1.17
517  */
518 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Display *ecore_wl2_display_create(const char *name);
520 /**
521  * Destroy an existing Wayland display
522  *
523  * @brief This function is typically used by servers to terminate an
524  * existing Wayland display.
525  *
526  * @param display The display to terminate
527  *
528  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
529  * @since 1.17
530  */
531 EAPI void ecore_wl2_display_destroy(Ecore_Wl2_Display *display);
533 /**
534  * Connect to an existing Wayland display
535  *
536  * @brief This function is typically used by clients to connect to an
537  * existing Wayland display.
538  *
539  * @param name The display target name to connect to. If @c NULL, the default
540  *             display is assumed.
541  *
542  * @return The Ecore_Wl2_Display which was connected to
543  *
544  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
545  * @since 1.17
546  */
547 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Display *ecore_wl2_display_connect(const char *name);
549 /**
550  * Disconnect an existing Wayland display
551  *
552  * @brief This function is typically used by clients to disconnect from an
553  * existing Wayland display.
554  *
555  * @param display The display to disconnect from
556  *
557  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
558  * @since 1.17
559  */
560 EAPI void ecore_wl2_display_disconnect(Ecore_Wl2_Display *display);
562 /**
563  * Retrieve the existing Wayland display
564  *
565  * @param display The Ecore_Wl2_Display for which to retrieve the existing
566  *                Wayland display from
567  *
568  * @return The wl_display which this Ecore_Wl2_Display is using
569  *
570  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
571  * @since 1.17
572  */
573 EAPI struct wl_display *ecore_wl2_display_get(Ecore_Wl2_Display *display);
575 /**
576  * Retrieve the wl_shm from a given Ecore_Wl2_Display
577  *
578  * @param display The Ecore_Wl2_Display for which to retrieve the existing
579  *                Wayland shm interface from
580  *
581  * @return The wl_shm which this Ecore_Wl2_Display is using
582  *
583  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
584  * @since 1.17
585  */
586 EAPI struct wl_shm *ecore_wl2_display_shm_get(Ecore_Wl2_Display *display);
588 /**
589  * Retrieve the wl_dmabuf from a given Ecore_Wl2_Display
590  *
591  *
592  * @param display The Ecore_Wl2_Display for which to retrieve the existing
593  *                Wayland dmabuf interface from
594  *
595  * @return The wl_dmabuf which this Ecore_Wl2_Display is using
596  *
597  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
598  *
599  * @note This is intended for client use only and should be used only
600  *       after ecore_wl2_display_connect().  Also, the return type is
601  *       void * instead of zpw_linux_dmabuf_v1 * since we don't want
602  *       to change our public API every time the version changes in
603  *       wayland-protocols.
604  *
605  * @since 1.18
606  */
607 EAPI void *ecore_wl2_display_dmabuf_get(Ecore_Wl2_Display *display);
609 /**
610  * Return an Eina_Iterator that can be used to iterate through globals
611  *
612  * @param display The Ecore_Wl2_Display for which to return a global iterator
613  *
614  * @note The caller of this function should free the returned Eina_Iterator
615  * when finished with it.
616  *
617  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
618  * @since 1.17
619  */
620 EAPI Eina_Iterator *ecore_wl2_display_globals_get(Ecore_Wl2_Display *display);
622 /**
623  * Retrieves the size of the current screen.
624  *
625  * @param display The display to get the screen size of
626  * @param w where to return the width. May be NULL. Returns 0 on error.
627  * @param h where to return the height. May be NULL. Returns 0 on error.
628  *
629  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
630  * @since 1.17
631  */
632 EAPI void ecore_wl2_display_screen_size_get(Ecore_Wl2_Display *display, int *w, int *h);
634 /**
635  * Get all the Ecore_Wl2_Input from the display.
636  *
637  * @param display The display
638  *
639  * @return A Eina_Iterator of Ecore_Wl2_Input or @c NULL on error
640  *
641  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
642  * @since 1.19
643  */
644 EAPI Eina_Iterator *ecore_wl2_display_inputs_get(Ecore_Wl2_Display *display);
646 /**
647  * Find a seat for a given display object using the seat id
648  *
649  * @param display The display
650  * @param id The seat id
651  *
652  * @return The corresponding Ecore_Wl2_Input object or @c NULL if no match is found
653  *
654  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
655  * @since 1.20
656  */
657 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Input *ecore_wl2_display_input_find(const Ecore_Wl2_Display *display, unsigned int id);
659 /**
660  * Find a seat for a given display object using the seat id
661  *
662  * @param display The display
663  * @param name The seat name
664  *
665  * @return The corresponding Ecore_Wl2_Input object or @c NULL if no match is found
666  *
667  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
668  * @since 1.20
669  */
670 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Input *ecore_wl2_display_input_find_by_name(const Ecore_Wl2_Display *display, const char *name);
672 /**
673  * Retrieves the Wayland Registry used for the current Wayland display.
674  *
675  * @param display The display to get the registry of
676  *
677  * @return The current wayland registry, or NULL on error
678  *
679  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
680  * @since 1.17
681  */
682 EAPI struct wl_registry *ecore_wl2_display_registry_get(Ecore_Wl2_Display *display);
684 /**
685  * Check if the display has performed a sync
686  *
687  * @param display The display
688  *
689  * @return True if the display sync has occurred
691  *
692  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
693  * @since 1.20
694  */
695 EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_wl2_display_sync_is_done(const Ecore_Wl2_Display *display);
697 /**
698  * Get the name of the display object
699  *
700  * @param display The display
701  *
702  * @return The name of the display object
703  *
704  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
705  * @since 1.20
706  */
707 EAPI const char *ecore_wl2_display_name_get(const Ecore_Wl2_Display *display);
709 /**
710  * Finds an Ecore_Wl2_Window based on wl_surface
711  *
712  * @param display The display to search for the window
713  * @param surface The wl_surface of the window to find
714  *
715  * @return The Ecore_Wl2_Window if found, or NULL if no such window exists
716  *
717  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
718  * @since 1.24
719  */
720 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Window *ecore_wl2_display_window_find_by_surface(Ecore_Wl2_Display *display, struct wl_surface *surface);
722 /**
723  * Gets the connected display object
724  *
725  * @brief This function is typically used by clients to get an
726  *        existing Wayland display.
727  *
728  * @param name The display target name. If @c NULL, the default
729  *        display is assumed.
730  *
731  * @return The Ecore_Wl2_Display which was connected to
732  *
733  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
734  * @since 1.24
735  */
736 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Display *ecore_wl2_connected_display_get(const char *name);
738 /**
739  * Gets the wl_compositor which belongs to this display
740  *
741  * @param display The Ecore_Wl2_Display to get the compositor of
742  *
743  * @return The wl_compositor associated with this display
744  *
745  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
746  * @since 1.24
747  */
748 EAPI struct wl_compositor *ecore_wl2_display_compositor_get(Ecore_Wl2_Display *display);
750 /**
751  * @defgroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group Wayland Library Window Functions
752  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Group
753  *
754  * Functions that deal with creating, destroying, or interacting with
755  * Wayland windows
756  */
758 /**
759  * Create a new Ecore_Wl2_Window
760  *
761  * @param display The Ecore_Wl2_Display on which to create this new window
762  * @param parent The Ecore_Wl2_Window which is the parent of this window
763  * @param x Initial x position of window
764  * @param y Initial y position of window
765  * @param w Initial width of window
766  * @param h Initial height of window
767  *
768  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
769  * @since 1.17
770  */
771 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Window *ecore_wl2_window_new(Ecore_Wl2_Display *display, Ecore_Wl2_Window *parent, int x, int y, int w, int h);
773 /**
774  * Set a callback to be caleld just before the window is closed and freed
775  *
776  * @param window The window to listen to for a xdg toplevel close callback
777  * @param cb The callback function to call being passed data and window
778  * @param data The Data pointer to pass as data to the callback
779  *
780  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
781  * @since 1.24
782  */
783 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_close_callback_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, void (*cb) (void *data, Ecore_Wl2_Window *win), void *data);
785 /**
786  * Get the wl_surface which belongs to this window
787  *
788  * @param window The Ecore_Wl2_Window to get the surface of
789  *
790  * @return The wl_surface associated with this window.
791  *
792  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
793  * @since 1.17
794  */
795 EAPI struct wl_surface *ecore_wl2_window_surface_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
797 /**
798  * Get the id of a given Ecore_Wl2_Window
799  *
800  * @param window The window to return the id of
801  *
802  * @return The id of the given window, or -1 on failure
803  *
804  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
805  * @since 1.17
806  */
807 EAPI int ecore_wl2_window_surface_id_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
809 /**
810  * @see evas_object_size_hint_aspect_set
811  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
812  * @since 1.21
813  */
814 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_aspect_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, int w, int h, unsigned int aspect);
816 /**
817  * @see evas_object_size_hint_aspect_get
818  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
819  * @since 1.24
820  */
821 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_aspect_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, int *w, int *h, unsigned int *aspect);
823 /**
824  * Show a given Ecore_Wl2_Window
825  *
826  * @param window The Ecore_Wl2_Window to show
827  *
828  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
829  * @since 1.17
830  */
831 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_show(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
833 /**
834  * Hide a given Ecore_Wl2_Window
835  *
836  * @param window The Ecore_Wl2_Window to hide
837  *
838  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
839  * @since 1.17
840  */
841 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_hide(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
843 /**
844  * Free a given Ecore_Wl2_Window
845  *
846  * @param window The Ecore_Wl2_Window to free
847  *
848  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
849  * @since 1.17
850  */
851 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_free(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
853 /**
854  * @brief Begin moving a given Ecore_Wl2_Window
855  *
856  * @param window The Ecore_Wl2_Window which to move
857  * @param input The seat on which the move is active on
858  *
859  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
860  * @since 1.20
861  */
862 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_move(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, Ecore_Wl2_Input *input);
864 /**
865  * @brief Begin resizing a given window
866  *
867  * @param window The Ecore_Wl2_Window which to resize
868  * @param input The seat on which the resize is active
869  * @param location The edge of the window from which the resize should start
870  *
871  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
872  * @since 1.20
873  */
874 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_resize(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, Ecore_Wl2_Input *input, int location);
876 /**
877  * Get if a given window is alpha
878  *
879  * @param window The window to get if is alpha
880  *
881  * @return EINA_TRUE if window is alpha, EINA_FALSE otherwise
882  *
883  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
884  * @since 1.17
885  */
886 EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_wl2_window_alpha_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
888 /**
889  * Set a given window's alpha property
890  *
891  * @param window The window on which to set the alpha property
892  * @param alpha EINA_TRUE to set window as alpha, EINA_FALSE otherwise
893  *
894  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
895  * @since 1.17
896  */
897 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_alpha_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, Eina_Bool alpha);
899 /**
900  * Set the opaque region of the Ecore_Wl2_Window
901  *
902  * @param window The window
903  * @param x The left point of the region.
904  * @param y The top point of the region.
905  * @param w The width of the region.
906  * @param h The height of the region.
907  *
908  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
909  * @since 1.17
910  */
911 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_opaque_region_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, int x, int y, int w, int h);
913 /**
914  * Get the opaque region of the Ecore_Wl2_Window
915  *
916  * @param window The window
917  * @param x The left point of the region.
918  * @param y The top point of the region.
919  * @param w The width of the region.
920  * @param h The height of the region.
921  *
922  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
923  * @since 1.24
924  */
925 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_opaque_region_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
927 /**
928  * Set the input region of the Ecore_Wl2_Window.
929  *
930  * To set an empty region, pass width and height as 0.
931  *
932  * An empty input region means the entire window surface will accept input.
933  *
934  * @param window The window to set the input region of
935  * @param x The left point of the region.
936  * @param y The top point of the region.
937  * @param w The width of the region.
938  * @param h The height of the region.
939  *
940  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
941  * @since 1.17
942  */
943 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_input_region_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, int x, int y, int w, int h);
945 /**
946  * Get the input region of the Ecore_Wl2_Window.
947  *
948  * @param window The window to set the input region of
949  * @param x The left point of the region.
950  * @param y The top point of the region.
951  * @param w The width of the region.
952  * @param h The height of the region.
953  *
954  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
955  * @since 1.24
956  */
957 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_input_region_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
959 /**
960  * Get if a given window is maximized
961  *
962  * @param window The window to get the maximized state of
963  *
964  * @return EINA_TRUE if window is maximized, EINA_FALSE otherwise
965  *
966  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
967  * @since 1.17
968  */
969 EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_wl2_window_maximized_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
971 /**
972  * Set the maximized state of a given window
973  *
974  * @param window The window to set the maximized state of
975  * @param maximized EINA_TRUE to set maximized, EINA_FALSE to unset
976  *
977  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
978  * @since 1.17
979  */
980 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_maximized_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, Eina_Bool maximized);
982 /**
983  * Get if a given window is fullscreen
984  *
985  * @param window The window to get the fullscreen state of
986  *
987  * @return EINA_TRUE if window is fullscreen, EINA_FALSE otherwise
988  *
989  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
990  * @since 1.17
991  */
992 EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_wl2_window_fullscreen_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
994 /**
995  * Set the fullscreen state of a given window
996  *
997  * @param window The window to set the fullscreen state of
998  * @param fullscreen EINA_TRUE to set fullscreen, EINA_FALSE to unset
999  *
1000  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1001  * @since 1.17
1002  */
1003 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_fullscreen_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, Eina_Bool fullscreen);
1005 /**
1006  * Get if a given window is rotated
1007  *
1008  * @param window The window to get the rotation of
1009  *
1010  * @return The amount of rotation for this window, or -1 on failure
1011  *
1012  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1013  * @since 1.17
1014  */
1015 EAPI int ecore_wl2_window_rotation_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1017 /**
1018  * Set the rotation of a given window
1019  *
1020  * @param window The window to set the rotation of
1021  * @param rotation The amount of rotation
1022  *
1023  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1024  * @since 1.17
1025  */
1026 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_rotation_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, int rotation);
1028 /**
1029  * Set the title of a given window
1030  *
1031  * @param window The window to set the title of
1032  * @param title The title of the window
1033  *
1034  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1035  * @since 1.17
1036  */
1037 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_title_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, const char *title);
1039 /**
1040  * Get the title of a given window
1041  *
1042  * @param window The window to set the title of
1043  *
1044  * @return A string if found, or NULL otherwise
1045  *
1046  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1047  * @since 1.24
1048  */
1049 EAPI const char *ecore_wl2_window_title_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1051 /**
1052  * Set the class of a given window
1053  *
1054  * @param window The window to set the class of
1055  * @param clas The class of the window
1056  *
1057  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1058  * @since 1.17
1059  */
1060 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_class_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, const char *clas);
1063 /**
1064  * Get the class of a given window
1065  *
1066  * @param window The window to set the class of
1067  *
1068  * @return A string if found, or NULL otherwise
1069  *
1070  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1071  * @since 1.24
1072  */
1073 EAPI const char *ecore_wl2_window_class_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1075 /**
1076  * Get the geometry of a given window
1077  *
1078  * @brief The window geometry returned here is the window geometry as
1079  * recognized by xdg_surface_set_window_geometry. As such, it represents the
1080  * "visible bounds" of a window from the user's perspective.
1081  *
1082  * @param window The window to get the geometry of
1083  * @param x The left point of the window geometry
1084  * @param y The top point of the window geometry
1085  * @param w The width of the window geometry
1086  * @param h The height of the window geometry
1087  *
1088  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1089  * @since 1.17
1090  */
1091 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_geometry_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
1093 /**
1094  * Set the geometry of a given window
1095  *
1096  * @brief The window geometry referenced here is the window geometry as
1097  * recognized by xdg_surface_set_window_geometry. As such, it represents the
1098  * "visible bounds" of a window from the user's perspective.
1099  *
1100  * @param window The window to set the geometry of
1101  * @param x The left point of the window geometry
1102  * @param y The top point of the window geometry
1103  * @param w The width of the window geometry
1104  * @param h The height of the window geometry
1105  *
1106  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1107  * @since 1.17
1108  */
1109 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_geometry_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, int x, int y, int w, int h);
1111 /**
1112  * Set the type of a given window
1113  *
1114  * @param window The window to set the type of
1115  * @param type The Ecore_Wl2_Window_Type to set on the window
1116  *
1117  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1118  * @since 1.17
1119  */
1120 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_type_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, Ecore_Wl2_Window_Type type);
1122 /**
1123  * Get the type of a given window
1124  *
1125  * @see Ecore_Wl2_Window_Type
1126  *
1127  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1128  * @since 1.24
1129  */
1130 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Window_Type ecore_wl2_window_type_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1132 /**
1133  * Find the output that a given window is on
1134  *
1135  * @param window The window to find the output for
1136  *
1137  * @return An Ecore_Wl2_Output if found, or NULL otherwise
1138  *
1139  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1140  * @since 1.20
1141  */
1142 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Output *ecore_wl2_window_output_find(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1144 /**
1145  * Set if window rotation is supported by the window manager
1146  *
1147  * @param window
1148  * @param enabled
1149  *
1150  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1151  * @since 1.20
1152  */
1153 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_wm_rotation_supported_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, Eina_Bool enabled);
1155 /**
1156  * Get if window rotation is supported by the window manager
1157  *
1158  * @param window
1159  *
1160  * @return EINA_TRUE if supported, EINA_FALSE otherwise
1161  *
1162  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1163  * @since 1.20
1164  */
1165 EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_wl2_window_wm_rotation_supported_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1167 /**
1168  * Set if an application has set window rotation
1169  *
1170  * @param window
1171  * @param set
1172  *
1173  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1174  * @since 1.20
1175  */
1176 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_rotation_app_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, Eina_Bool set);
1178 /**
1179  * Get if an application has set window rotation
1180  *
1181  * @param window
1182  *
1183  * @return EINA_TRUE if set, EINA_FALSE otherwise
1184  *
1185  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1186  * @since 1.20
1187  */
1188 EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_wl2_window_rotation_app_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1190 /**
1191  * Set preferred rotation on a given window
1192  *
1193  * @param window The window to set preferred rotation on
1194  * @param rot The value of the preferred rotation to set
1195  *
1196  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1197  * @since 1.20
1198  */
1199 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_preferred_rotation_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, int rot);
1201 /**
1202  * Get preferred rotation for a given window
1203  *
1204  * @param window The window to get preferred rotation from
1205  *
1206  * @return Given windows preferred rotation
1207  *
1208  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window
1209  * @since 1.20
1210  */
1211 EAPI int ecore_wl2_window_preferred_rotation_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1213 /**
1214  * Set a windows available rotations
1215  *
1216  * @param window
1217  * @param rots
1218  * @param count
1219  *
1220  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1221  * @since 1.20
1222  */
1223 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_available_rotations_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, const int *rots, unsigned int count);
1225 /**
1226  * Get a windows available rotations
1227  *
1228  * @param window
1229  * @param rots
1230  * @param count
1231  *
1232  * @return EINA_TRUE on success, EINA_FALSE otherwise
1233  *
1234  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1235  * @since 1.20
1236  */
1237 EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_wl2_window_available_rotations_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, int **rots, unsigned int *count);
1239 /**
1240  * @brief Get the activated state of a window
1241  *
1242  * @param window The window to get activated state from
1243  *
1244  * @return @c EINA_TRUE if activated
1245  *
1246  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1247  * @since 1.20
1248  */
1249 EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_wl2_window_activated_get(const Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1251 /**
1252  * @brief Set the seat for a popup window to be used with grab
1253  *
1254  * @param window The window
1255  * @param input The seat
1256  *
1257  * Use this function for desktop shell requests involving popup grabs which require
1258  * a seat for the grab.
1259  *
1260  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1261  * @since 1.20
1262  */
1263 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_popup_input_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, Ecore_Wl2_Input *input);
1265 /**
1266  * @brief Get the seat for a popup window to be used with grab
1267  *
1268  * @param window The window
1269  *
1270  * @return Returns Ecore_Wl2_Input if the window has an input.
1271  *
1272  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1273  * @since 1.24
1274  */
1275 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Input *ecore_wl2_window_popup_input_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1277 /**
1278  * Check if a window has a shell surface - without one it can't be visible.
1279  *
1280  * @param win The window to check
1281  *
1282  * @return Returns true if the window has an associated shell surface.
1283  *
1284  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1285  * @since 1.19
1286  */
1287 EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_wl2_window_shell_surface_exists(Ecore_Wl2_Window *win);
1289 /**
1290  * Get which display a given window is using
1291  *
1292  * @param window The window to get the display of
1293  *
1294  * @return The Ecore_Wl2_Display that this window is using, or NULL otherwise
1295  *
1296  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1297  * @since 1.17
1298  */
1299 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Display *ecore_wl2_window_display_get(const Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1301 /**
1302  * Set if this window should ignore focus requests
1303  *
1304  * @param window The window to set ignore focus requests on
1305  * @param focus_skip EINA_TRUE if this window should skip focus requests, EINA_FALSE otherwise
1306  *
1307  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1308  * @since 1.20
1309  */
1310 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_focus_skip_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, Eina_Bool focus_skip);
1312 /**
1313  * Get if this window ignores focus requests
1314  *
1315  * @param window The window to get the focus skip value from
1316  *
1317  * @return EINA_TRUE if a window should skip focus requests, EINA_FALSE otherwise
1318  *
1319  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1320  * @since 1.20
1321  */
1322 EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_wl2_window_focus_skip_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1324 /**
1325  * Set the role of a given window
1326  *
1327  * @param window
1328  * @param role
1329  *
1330  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1331  * @since 1.20
1332  */
1333 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_role_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, const char *role);
1335 /**
1336  * Get the role of a given window
1337  *
1338  * @param window The window to set the class role
1339  *
1340  * @return A string if found, or NULL otherwise
1341  *
1342  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1343  * @since 1.24
1344  */
1345 EAPI const char *ecore_wl2_window_role_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1347 /**
1348  * Set if a given window is in floating mode
1349  *
1350  * @param window The window to set floating mode on
1351  * @param floating EINA_TRUE if this window should be in floating mode, EINA_FALSE otherwise
1352  *
1353  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1354  * @since 1.20
1355  */
1356 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_floating_mode_set(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, Eina_Bool floating);
1358 /**
1359  * Get if a given window is in floating mode
1360  *
1361  * @param window The window to get floating mode
1362  *
1363  * @return EINA_TRUE if floating, EINA_FALSE otherwise
1364  *
1365  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1366  * @since 1.20
1367  */
1368 EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_wl2_window_floating_mode_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1370 /**
1371  * Finds a window by surface
1372  *
1373  * @param surface The surface to find the window of
1374  *
1375  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1376  * @since 1.24
1377  */
1378 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Window *ecore_wl2_window_surface_find(struct wl_surface *surface);
1380 /**
1381  * @defgroup Ecore_Wl2_Input_Group Wayland Library Input Functions
1382  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Group
1383  *
1384  * Functions that deal with creating, destroying, or interacting with
1385  * Wayland Input
1386  */
1388 /**
1389  * Get the wl_seat that an input is using
1390  *
1391  * @param input The Ecore_Wl2_Input to get the seat of
1392  *
1393  * @return The wl_seat of this input, or NULL otherwise
1394  *
1395  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Input_Group
1396  * @since 1.17
1397  */
1398 EAPI struct wl_seat *ecore_wl2_input_seat_get(Ecore_Wl2_Input *input);
1400 /**
1401  * Get the seat capabilities for a given input.
1402  *
1403  * @param input The input
1404  *
1405  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Input_Group
1406  * @since 1.19
1407  */
1408 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Seat_Capabilities ecore_wl2_input_seat_capabilities_get(Ecore_Wl2_Input *input);
1410 /**
1411  * Get the wayland's seat id from an input.
1412  *
1413  * @param input The input
1414  *
1415  * @return The seat id
1416  *
1417  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Input_Group
1418  * @since 1.19
1419  */
1420 EAPI unsigned int ecore_wl2_input_seat_id_get(Ecore_Wl2_Input *input) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
1422 /**
1423  * Get the display object of an input
1424  *
1425  * @param input The input
1426  *
1427  * @return The display
1428  *
1429  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Input_Group
1430  * @since 1.20
1431  */
1432 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Display *ecore_wl2_input_display_get(const Ecore_Wl2_Input *input);
1434 /**
1435  * Get the xkb_keymap object of an input
1436  *
1437  * @param input The input
1438  *
1439  * @return The xkb_keymap object
1440  *
1441  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Input_Group
1442  * @since 1.20
1443  */
1444 EAPI struct xkb_keymap *ecore_wl2_input_keymap_get(const Ecore_Wl2_Input *input);
1446 /**
1447  * Get the name of an input
1448  *
1449  * @param input The input
1450  *
1451  * @return The name
1452  *
1453  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Input_Group
1454  * @since 1.20
1455  */
1456 EAPI Eina_Stringshare *ecore_wl2_input_name_get(Ecore_Wl2_Input *input);
1458 /**
1459  * Get the keyboard repeat rate and delay of an input
1460  *
1461  * @param input The input
1462  * @param rate Pointer to store the repeat rate (in seconds)
1463  * @param rate Pointer to store the repeat delay (in seconds)
1464  *
1465  * @return True if repeat is enabled
1466  *
1467  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Input_Group
1468  * @since 1.20
1469  */
1470 EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_wl2_input_keyboard_repeat_get(const Ecore_Wl2_Input *input, double *rate, double *delay);
1472 /**
1473  * Set the keyboard repeat rate and delay of an input
1474  * @param input The input
1475  * @param rate Pointer to store the repeat rate (in seconds)
1476  * @param rate Pointer to store the repeat delay (in seconds)
1477  * @return True if repeat is enabled
1478  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Input_Group
1479  * @since 1.24
1480  */
1481 EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_wl2_input_keyboard_repeat_set(Ecore_Wl2_Input *input, double rate, double delay);
1483 /**
1484  * Retrieves the mouse position of the seat
1485  *
1486  * @param input The seat
1487  * @param x where to return the horizontal position. May be NULL. Returns 0 on error.
1488  * @param y where to return the vertical position. May be NULL. Returns 0 on error.
1489  * @return @c EINA_TRUE if coords were successfully retrieved
1490  *
1491  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Input_Group
1492  * @since 1.20
1493  */
1494 EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_wl2_input_pointer_xy_get(const Ecore_Wl2_Input *input, int *x, int *y);
1496 /**
1497  * Set a given wl_surface to use as the pointer on a seat
1498  *
1499  * @param input The seat to set this surface as the pointer on
1500  * @param surface The surface to use as the pointer
1501  * @param hot_x The x coordinate to use as the cursor hot spot
1502  * @param hot_y The y coordinate to use as the cursor hot spot
1503  *
1504  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Input_Group
1505  * @since 1.20
1506  */
1507 EAPI void ecore_wl2_input_pointer_set(Ecore_Wl2_Input *input, struct wl_surface *surface, int hot_x, int hot_y);
1509 /**
1510  * Set a specific cursor on a given seat
1511  *
1512  * @brief This function will try to find a matching cursor inside the existing
1513  * cursor theme and set the pointer for the specified seat to be
1514  * the specified cursor
1515  *
1516  * @param input The seat to set the cursor on
1517  * @param cursor The name of the cursor to try and set
1518  *
1519  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Input_Group
1520  * @since 1.20
1521  */
1522 EAPI void ecore_wl2_input_cursor_from_name_set(Ecore_Wl2_Input *input, const char *cursor);
1524 /**
1525  * Gets default input of a given display
1526  *
1527  * @param ewd The display
1528  *
1529  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Input_Group
1530  * @since 1.24
1531  */
1532 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Input *ecore_wl2_input_default_input_get(const Ecore_Wl2_Display *ewd);
1534 /**
1535  * @defgroup Ecore_Wl2_Output_Group Wayland Library Output Functions
1536  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Group
1537  *
1538  * Functions that deal with creating, destroying, or interacting with
1539  * Wayland Outputs
1540  */
1542 /**
1543  * Return the DPI of a given output
1544  *
1545  * This is a simplistic call to get DPI. It does not account for differing
1546  * DPI in the x and y axes nor does it account for multihead or xinerama and
1547  * xrandr where different parts of the screen may have different DPI etc.
1548  *
1549  * @param output The output to get the DPI of
1550  *
1551  * @return the general screen DPI (dots/pixels per inch).
1552  *
1553  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Output_Group
1554  * @since 1.17
1555  */
1556 EAPI int ecore_wl2_output_dpi_get(Ecore_Wl2_Output *output);
1558 /**
1559  * Get the current transform of a given output
1560  *
1561  * @param output The output to get the transform of
1562  *
1563  * @return The output's current transform value
1564  *
1565  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Output_Group
1566  * @since 1.20
1567  */
1568 EAPI int ecore_wl2_output_transform_get(Ecore_Wl2_Output *output);
1570 /**
1571  * Return the version of the display's compositor object
1572  *
1573  * @param disp the display to get the compositor object version from
1574  *
1575  * @return the version of the display's compositor object
1576  *
1577  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Display_Group
1578  * @since 1.17
1579  */
1580 EAPI int ecore_wl2_display_compositor_version_get(Ecore_Wl2_Display *disp);
1582 /**
1583  * Disable session recovery for any further connections.  Must be called
1584  * before connecting.  This is irreversible and not intended for general
1585  * use.
1586  *
1587  * @since 1.19
1588  */
1589 EAPI void ecore_wl2_session_recovery_disable(void);
1591 /**
1592  * Commit the surface of a wayland window.
1593  *
1594  * If flush is set this generates a wl_surface_commit(), otherwise it is
1595  * expected that some other call in the very near future (such as
1596  * eglSwapBuffers) will cause an implicit flush.
1597  *
1598  * A surface that has been commit will be in the "pending" state until
1599  * the compositor tells us it's time to draw again via a frame callback.
1600  *
1601  * @param window The window whose surface we want to commit
1602  * @param flush EINA_TRUE if we need to flush immediately.
1603  *
1604  * @since 1.21
1605  */
1606 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_commit(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, Eina_Bool flush);
1608 /**
1609  * Add a callback that fires when the window's surface_frame callback fires
1610  *
1611  * @param window The window to add a callback on
1612  * @param cb The callback
1613  * @param data User data to provide to the callback handler
1614  *
1615  * @since 1.21
1616  */
1617 EAPI Ecore_Wl2_Frame_Cb_Handle *ecore_wl2_window_frame_callback_add(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window, Ecore_Wl2_Frame_Cb cb, void *data);
1619 /**
1620  * Delete a callback that fires when the window's surface_frame callback fires
1621  *
1622  * @param handle The callback handle obtained through ecore_wl2_window_frame_callback_add().
1623  *
1624  * @since 1.21
1625  */
1626 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_frame_callback_del(Ecore_Wl2_Frame_Cb_Handle *handle);
1628 /**
1629  * Push buffered wayland protocol to compositor
1630  *
1631  * Wayland protocol is only actually sent when a flush occurs,
1632  * so the display should be flushed at appropriate times, such
1633  * as after a commit.
1634  *
1635  * @param display The display to flush
1636  *
1637  * @since 1.21
1638  */
1639 EAPI void ecore_wl2_display_flush(Ecore_Wl2_Display *display);
1641 /**
1642  * Get if a given window is resizing
1643  *
1644  * @param window The window to check for resizing
1645  *
1646  * @return EINA_TRUE if resizing, EINA_FALSE otherwise
1647  *
1648  * @ingroup Ecore_Wl2_Window_Group
1649  * @since 1.21
1650  */
1651 EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_wl2_window_resizing_get(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1653 /**
1654  * Latch window state at the start of an update
1655  *
1656  * When async render takes place we continue to dispatch wayland
1657  * events from the main loop. We need to defer any changes to
1658  * window state from those events until the update is complete.
1659  *
1660  * Events deferred during an update will automatically fire
1661  * immediately after the caller calls ecore_wl2_window_commit.
1662  *
1663  * @param window The window whose state we want to latch
1664  *
1665  * @since 1.21
1666  */
1667 EAPI void ecore_wl2_window_update_begin(Ecore_Wl2_Window *window);
1669 # endif
1671 # undef EAPI
1672 # define EAPI
1674 /* # ifdef __cplusplus */
1675 /* } */
1676 /* # endif */
1678 #endif