1 /**
2  * @defgroup Elm_Diskselector Diskselector
3  * @ingroup Elementary
4  *
5  * @image html diskselector_inheritance_tree.png
6  * @image latex diskselector_inheritance_tree.eps
7  *
8  * @image html img/widget/diskselector/preview-00.png
9  * @image latex img/widget/diskselector/preview-00.eps
10  *
11  * A diskselector is a kind of list widget. It scrolls horizontally,
12  * and can contain label and icon objects. Three items are displayed
13  * with the selected one in the middle.
14  *
15  * It can act like a circular list with round mode and labels can be
16  * reduced for a defined length for side items.
17  *
18  * This widget implements the @ref elm-scrollable-interface
19  * interface, so that all (non-deprecated) functions for the base @ref
20  * Scroller widget also work for diskselectors.
21  *
22  * Some calls on the diskselector's API are marked as @b deprecated,
23  * as they just wrap the scrollable widgets counterpart functions. Use
24  * the ones we point you to, for each case of deprecation here,
25  * instead -- eventually the deprecated ones will be discarded (next
26  * major release).
27  *
28  * This widget emits the following signals, besides the ones sent from
29  * @ref Elm_Layout :
30  * @li @c "selected" - when item is selected, i.e. scroller stops.
31  * @li @c "clicked" - This is called when a user clicks an item (since 1.8)
32  * @li @c "scroll,anim,start" - scrolling animation has started
33  * @li @c "scroll,anim,stop" - scrolling animation has stopped
34  * @li @c "scroll,drag,start" - dragging the diskselector has started
35  * @li @c "scroll,drag,stop" - dragging the diskselector has stopped
36  * @li @c "focused" - When the diskselector has received focus. (since 1.8)
37  * @li @c "unfocused" - When the diskselector has lost focus. (since 1.8)
38  * @li @c "language,changed" - the program's language changed (since 1.9)
39  *
40  * @note The "scroll,anim,*" and "scroll,drag,*" signals are only emitted by
41  * user intervention.
42  *
43  * Available styles for it:
44  * - @c "default"
45  *
46  * Default content parts of the diskselector items that you can use for are:
47  * @li "icon" - An icon in the diskselector item
48  *
49  * Default text parts of the diskselector items that you can use for are:
50  * @li "default" - A label of the diskselector item
51  *
52  * Supported elm_object_item common APIs.
53  * @li @ref elm_object_item_del
54  * @li @ref elm_object_item_part_text_set
55  * @li @ref elm_object_item_part_text_get
56  * @li @ref elm_object_item_part_content_set
57  * @li @ref elm_object_item_part_content_get
58  *
59  * List of examples:
60  * @li @ref diskselector_example_01
61  * @li @ref diskselector_example_02
62  */
64 /**
65  * @addtogroup Elm_Diskselector
66  * @{
67  */
69 #include "elm_diskselector_common.h"
71 #include "elm_diskselector_legacy.h"
72 #endif
73 /**
74  * @}
75  */