7 typedef Eo Elm_Flipselector;
9 #endif
15 #endif
16 /** Elementary flipselector class
17  *
18  * @ingroup Elm_Flipselector
19  */
20 #define ELM_FLIPSELECTOR_CLASS elm_flipselector_class_get()
22 EWAPI const Efl_Class *elm_flipselector_class_get(void) EINA_CONST;
24 /**
25  * @brief Get the internal list of items in a given flip selector widget.
26  *
27  * This list is not to be modified in any way and must not be freed. Use the
28  * list members with functions like @ref elm_object_item_text_set, @ref
29  * elm_object_item_text_get, @ref elm_object_item_del, @ref
30  * elm_flipselector_item_selected_get, @ref elm_flipselector_item_selected_set.
31  *
32  * @warning This list is only valid until @c obj object's internal items list
33  * is changed. It should be fetched again with another call to this function
34  * when changes happen.
35  *
36  * @param[in] obj The object.
37  *
38  * @return List of items
39  *
40  * @ingroup Elm_Flipselector
41  */
42 EOAPI const Eina_List *elm_obj_flipselector_items_get(const Eo *obj);
44 /**
45  * @brief Get the first item in the given flip selector widget's list of items.
46  *
47  * See also @ref elm_obj_flipselector_item_append,
48  * @ref elm_obj_flipselector_last_item_get.
49  *
50  * @param[in] obj The object.
51  *
52  * @return The first item or @c null, if it has no items (and on errors).
53  *
54  * @ingroup Elm_Flipselector
55  */
56 EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_flipselector_first_item_get(const Eo *obj);
58 /**
59  * @brief Get the last item in the given flip selector widget's list of items.
60  *
61  * See also @ref elm_obj_flipselector_item_prepend,
62  * @ref elm_obj_flipselector_first_item_get.
63  *
64  * @param[in] obj The object.
65  *
66  * @return The last item or @c null, if it has no items (and on errors).
67  *
68  * @ingroup Elm_Flipselector
69  */
70 EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_flipselector_last_item_get(const Eo *obj);
72 /**
73  * @brief Get the currently selected item in a flip selector widget.
74  *
75  * @param[in] obj The object.
76  *
77  * @return The selected item or @c null, if the widget has no items (and on
78  * errors).
79  *
80  * @ingroup Elm_Flipselector
81  */
82 EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_flipselector_selected_item_get(const Eo *obj);
84 /**
85  * @brief Set the interval on time updates for a user mouse button hold on a
86  * flip selector widget.
87  *
88  * This interval value is decreased while the user holds the mouse pointer
89  * either flipping up or flipping down a given flip selector.
90  *
91  * This helps the user to get to a given item distant from the current one
92  * easier/faster, as it will start to flip quicker and quicker on mouse button
93  * holds.
94  *
95  * The calculation for the next flip interval value, starting from the one set
96  * with this call, is the previous interval divided by 1.05, so it decreases a
97  * little bit.
98  *
99  * The default starting interval value for automatic flips is 0.85 seconds.
100  *
101  * See also @ref elm_obj_flipselector_first_interval_get.
102  *
103  * @param[in] obj The object.
104  * @param[in] interval The (first) interval value in seconds.
105  *
106  * @ingroup Elm_Flipselector
107  */
108 EOAPI void elm_obj_flipselector_first_interval_set(Eo *obj, double interval);
110 /**
111  * @brief Get the interval on time updates for a user mouse button hold on a
112  * flip selector widget.
113  *
114  * See also @ref elm_obj_flipselector_first_interval_set for more details.
115  *
116  * @param[in] obj The object.
117  *
118  * @return The (first) interval value in seconds.
119  *
120  * @ingroup Elm_Flipselector
121  */
122 EOAPI double elm_obj_flipselector_first_interval_get(const Eo *obj);
124 /**
125  * @brief Prepend a (text) item to a flip selector widget
126  *
127  * The widget's list of labels to show will be prepended with the given value.
128  * If the user wishes so, a callback function pointer can be passed, which will
129  * get called when this same item is selected.
130  *
131  * @note The current selection won't be modified by prepending an element to
132  * the list.
133  *
134  * @note The maximum length of the text label is going to be determined by the
135  * widget's theme. Strings larger than that value are going to be truncated.
136  *
137  * @param[in] obj The object.
138  * @param[in] label The (text) label of the new item.
139  * @param[in] func Convenience callback function to take place when item is
140  * selected.
141  * @param[in] data Data passed to @c func, above.
142  *
143  * @return New widget item
144  *
145  * @ingroup Elm_Flipselector
146  */
147 EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_flipselector_item_prepend(Eo *obj, const char *label, Evas_Smart_Cb func, void *data);
149 /**
150  * @brief Programmatically select the next item of a flip selector widget
151  *
152  * @note The selection will be animated. Also, if it reaches the end of its
153  * list of member items, it will continue with the first one onwards.
154  * @param[in] obj The object.
155  *
156  * @ingroup Elm_Flipselector
157  */
158 EOAPI void elm_obj_flipselector_flip_next(Eo *obj);
160 /**
161  * @brief Append a (text) item to a flip selector widget
162  *
163  * The widget's list of labels to show will be appended with the given value.
164  * If the user wishes so, a callback function pointer can be passed, which will
165  * get called when this same item is selected.
166  *
167  * @note The current selection won't be modified by appending an element to the
168  * list.
169  *
170  * @note The maximum length of the text label is going to be determined by the
171  * widget's theme. Strings larger than that value are going to be truncated.
172  *
173  * @param[in] obj The object.
174  * @param[in] label The (text) label of the new item.
175  * @param[in] func Convenience callback function to take place when item is
176  * selected.
177  * @param[in] data Data passed to @c func, above.
178  *
179  * @return New widget item
180  *
181  * @ingroup Elm_Flipselector
182  */
183 EOAPI Elm_Widget_Item *elm_obj_flipselector_item_append(Eo *obj, const char *label, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data);
185 /**
186  * @brief Programmatically select the previous item of a flip selector widget
187  *
188  * @note The selection will be animated. Also, if it reaches the beginning of
189  * its list of member items, it will continue with the last one backwards.
190  * @param[in] obj The object.
191  *
192  * @ingroup Elm_Flipselector
193  */
194 EOAPI void elm_obj_flipselector_flip_prev(Eo *obj);
196 EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_FLIPSELECTOR_EVENT_UNDERFLOWED;
198 /** Called when flipselector is underflowed
199  *
200  * @ingroup Elm_Flipselector
201  */
204 EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_FLIPSELECTOR_EVENT_OVERFLOWED;
206 /** Called when flipselector is overflowed
207  *
208  * @ingroup Elm_Flipselector
209  */
212 #endif