1 /**
2  * @defgroup Elm_Slider Slider
3  * @ingroup Elementary
4  *
5  * @image html slider_inheritance_tree.png
6  * @image latex slider_inheritance_tree.eps
7  *
8  * @image html img/widget/slider/preview-00.png
9  * @image latex img/widget/slider/preview-00.eps width=\textwidth
10  *
11  * The slider adds a draggable “slider” widget for selecting the value of
12  * something within a range.
13  *
14  * A slider can be horizontal or vertical. It can contain an Icon and has a
15  * primary label as well as a units label (that is formatted with floating
16  * point values and thus accepts a printf-style format string, like
17  * “%1.2f units”. There is also an indicator string that may be somewhere
18  * else (like on the slider itself) that also accepts a format string like
19  * units. Label, Icon Unit and Indicator strings/objects are optional.
20  *
21  * A slider may be inverted which means values invert, with high vales being
22  * on the left or top and low values on the right or bottom (as opposed to
23  * normally being low on the left or top and high on the bottom and right).
24  *
25  * The slider should have its minimum and maximum values set by the
26  * application with  elm_slider_min_max_set() and value should also be set by
27  * the application before use with  elm_slider_value_set(). The span of the
28  * slider is its length (horizontally or vertically). This will be scaled by
29  * the object or applications scaling factor. At any point code can query the
30  * slider for its value with elm_slider_value_get().
31  *
32  * This widget inherits from the @ref Elm_Layout one, so that all the
33  * functions acting on it also work for slider objects.
34  *
35  * This widget emits the following signals, besides the ones sent from
36  * @ref Elm_Layout :
37  * - @c "changed" - Whenever the slider value is changed by the user.
38  * - @c "slider,drag,start" - dragging the slider indicator around has started.
39  * - @c "slider,drag,stop" - dragging the slider indicator around has stopped.
40  * - @c "delay,changed" - A short time after the value is changed by the user.
41  * This will be called only when the user stops dragging for
42  * a very short period or when they release their
43  * finger/mouse, so it avoids possibly expensive reactions to
44  * the value change.
45  * - @c "focused" - When the slider has received focus. (since 1.8)
46  * - @c "unfocused" - When the slider has lost focus. (since 1.8)
47  * - @c "language,changed" - the program's language changed (since 1.9)
48  *
49  * Available styles for it:
50  * - @c "default"
51  *
52  * Default content parts of the slider widget that you can use for are:
53  * @li "icon" - An icon of the slider
54  * @li "end" - A end part content of the slider
55  *
56  * Default text parts of the slider widget that you can use for are:
57  * @li "default" - A label of the slider
58  *
59  * Supported elm_object common APIs.
60  * @li @ref elm_object_disabled_set
61  * @li @ref elm_object_disabled_get
62  * @li @ref elm_object_part_text_set
63  * @li @ref elm_object_part_text_get
64  * @li @ref elm_object_part_content_set
65  * @li @ref elm_object_part_content_get
66  * @li @ref elm_object_part_content_unset
67  *
68  * Here is an example on its usage:
69  * @li @ref slider_example
70  */
72 /**
73  * @addtogroup Elm_Slider
74  * @{
75  */
77 #include "elm_slider_common.h"
79 #include "elm_slider_legacy.h"
80 #endif
81 /**
82  * @}
83  */