1 #ifndef __EVIL_LOCALE_H__
2 #define __EVIL_LOCALE_H__
5 /**
6  * @file evil_locale.h
7  * @brief The file that provides functions ported from Unix in locale.h.
8  * @defgroup Evil_Locale_Group locale.h functions.
9  * @ingroup Evil
10  *
11  * This header provides functions ported from Unix in locale.h.
12  *
13  * @{
14  */
17 /**
18  * @def LC_MESSAGES
19  *
20  * New locale value, based on the one in libintl.h
21  *
22  * @since 1.16
23  */
24 #ifdef LC_MESSAGES
25 # undef LC_MESSAGES
26 #endif
27 #define LC_MESSAGES 1729
29 /**
30  * @brief Return the string associated to the given locale and category.
31  *
32  * @param category The category affected by locale.
33  * @param locale The locale specifier.
34  * @return The string associated to the specified locale and category.
35  *
36  * This function returns the string associated to @p locale and
37  * @p category. If @p category is LC_ALL, LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE,
38  * LC_MONETARY, LC_NUMERIC or LC_TIME, it just returns the standard
39  * setlocale() function. If @p category is #LC_MESSAGES, then if @p locale
40  * is not @c NULL, errno is set to EINVAL and @c NULL is returned, otherwise
41  * the string <language>_<country> is returned. This string is a static buffer
42  * and must not be freed. It will also be rewritten each time @p category is
43  * #LC_MESSAGES and @p locale is @c NULL.
44  *
45  * Conformity: Non applicable.
46  *
47  * Supported OS: Windows XP.
48  *
49  * @since 1.16
50  */
51 EAPI char *evil_setlocale(int category, const char *locale);
54 /**
55  * @}
56  */
59 #endif /*__EVIL_LOCALE_H__ */