1%% The MIT License
3%% Copyright (c) 2010-2013 alisdair sullivan <alisdairsullivan@yahoo.ca>
5%% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
6%% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
7%% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
8%% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
9%% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
10%% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
12%% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
13%% all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
26%% inline handle_event, format_number and maybe_replace
27-compile({inline, [handle_event/3]}).
28-compile({inline, [format_number/1]}).
29-compile({inline, [maybe_replace/2]}).
30-compile({inline, [doublequote/5, singlequote/5]}).
32-export([decoder/3, resume/6]).
35-spec decoder(Handler::module(), State::any(), Config::list()) -> jsx:decoder().
37decoder(Handler, State, Config) ->
38    fun(JSON) -> start(JSON, {Handler, Handler:init(State)}, [], jsx_config:parse_config(Config)) end.
41%% resume allows continuation from interrupted decoding without having to explicitly export
42%%  all states
43-spec resume(
44        Rest::binary(),
45        State::atom(),
46        Handler::{atom(), any()},
47        Acc::any(),
48        Stack::list(atom()),
49        Config::jsx:config()
50    ) -> jsx:decoder() | {incomplete, jsx:decoder()}.
52resume(Rest, State, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
53    case State of
54        start -> start(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
55        value -> value(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
56        object -> object(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
57        array -> array(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
58        colon -> colon(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
59        key -> key(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
60        string -> string(Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
61        number -> number(Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
62        true -> true(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
63        false -> false(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
64        null -> null(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
65        comment -> comment(Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
66        maybe_done -> maybe_done(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
67        done -> done(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config)
68    end.
74%% whitespace
75-define(space, 16#20).
76-define(tab, 16#09).
77-define(cr, 16#0D).
78-define(newline, 16#0A).
80%% object delimiters
81-define(start_object, 16#7B).
82-define(end_object, 16#7D).
84%% array delimiters
85-define(start_array, 16#5B).
86-define(end_array, 16#5D).
88%% kv seperator
89-define(comma, 16#2C).
90-define(doublequote, 16#22).
91-define(singlequote, 16#27).
92-define(colon, 16#3A).
94%% string escape sequences
95-define(rsolidus, 16#5C).
96-define(solidus, 16#2F).
98%% math
99-define(zero, 16#30).
100-define(decimalpoint, 16#2E).
101-define(negative, 16#2D).
102-define(positive, 16#2B).
104%% comments
105-define(star, 16#2A).
108%% some useful guards
110    (Symbol >= $a andalso Symbol =< $f) orelse
111    (Symbol >= $A andalso Symbol =< $F) orelse
112    (Symbol >= $0 andalso Symbol =< $9)
116    Symbol >= $1 andalso Symbol =< $9
120%% error is a macro so the stack trace shows the error site when possible
122-define(error(State, Bin, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config),
123    case Config#config.error_handler of
124        false -> erlang:error(badarg);
125        F -> F(Bin, {decoder, State, Handler, Acc, Stack}, jsx_config:config_to_list(Config))
126    end
128-define(error(State, Bin, Handler, Stack, Config),
129    ?error(State, Bin, Handler, null, Stack, Config)
134incomplete(State, Rest, Handler, Stack, Config = #config{stream=false}) ->
135    ?error(State, Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
136incomplete(State, Rest, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
137    incomplete(State, Rest, Handler, unused, Stack, Config).
140incomplete(State, Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config = #config{stream=false}) ->
141    ?error(State, Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
142incomplete(State, Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config = #config{incomplete_handler=false}) ->
143    {incomplete, fun(Stream) when is_binary(Stream) ->
144                resume(<<Rest/binary, Stream/binary>>, State, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
145            (End) when End == end_stream; End == end_json ->
146                case resume(<<Rest/binary, ?space/utf8>>, State, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config#config{stream=false}) of
147                    {incomplete, _} -> ?error(State, Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
148                    Else -> Else
149                end
150        end
151    };
152incomplete(State, Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config = #config{incomplete_handler=F}) ->
153    F(Rest, {decoder, State, Handler, Acc, Stack}, jsx_config:config_to_list(Config)).
156handle_event(Event, {Handler, State}, _Config) -> {Handler, Handler:handle_event(Event, State)}.
159start(<<16#ef, 16#bb, 16#bf, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
160    value(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
161start(<<16#ef, 16#bb>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
162    incomplete(start, <<16#ef, 16#bb>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
163start(<<16#ef>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
164    incomplete(start, <<16#ef>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
165start(<<>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
166    incomplete(start, <<>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
167start(Bin, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
168    value(Bin, Handler, Stack, Config).
171value(<<?doublequote, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
172    string(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
173value(<<?space, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
174    value(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
175value(<<?start_object, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
176    object(Rest, handle_event(start_object, Handler, Config), [key|Stack], Config);
177value(<<?start_array, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
178    array(Rest, handle_event(start_array, Handler, Config), [array|Stack], Config);
179value(<<$t, $r, $u, $e, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
180    maybe_done(Rest, handle_event({literal, true}, Handler, Config), Stack, Config);
181value(<<$f, $a, $l, $s, $e, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
182    maybe_done(Rest, handle_event({literal, false}, Handler, Config), Stack, Config);
183value(<<$n, $u, $l, $l, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
184    maybe_done(Rest, handle_event({literal, null}, Handler, Config), Stack, Config);
185value(<<?zero, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
186    number(Rest, Handler, [?zero], [zero|Stack], Config);
187value(<<$1, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
188    number(Rest, Handler, [$1], [integer|Stack], Config);
189value(<<$2, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
190    number(Rest, Handler, [$2], [integer|Stack], Config);
191value(<<$3, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
192    number(Rest, Handler, [$3], [integer|Stack], Config);
193value(<<$4, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
194    number(Rest, Handler, [$4], [integer|Stack], Config);
195value(<<$5, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
196    number(Rest, Handler, [$5], [integer|Stack], Config);
197value(<<$6, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
198    number(Rest, Handler, [$6], [integer|Stack], Config);
199value(<<$7, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
200    number(Rest, Handler, [$7], [integer|Stack], Config);
201value(<<$8, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
202    number(Rest, Handler, [$8], [integer|Stack], Config);
203value(<<$9, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
204    number(Rest, Handler, [$9], [integer|Stack], Config);
205value(<<?negative, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
206    number(Rest, Handler, [$-], [negative|Stack], Config);
207value(<<?newline, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
208    value(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
209value(<<$t, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
210    true(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
211value(<<$f, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
212    false(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
213value(<<$n, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
214    null(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
215value(<<?tab, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
216    value(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
217value(<<?cr, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
218    value(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
219value(<<?singlequote, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config=#config{strict_single_quotes=false}) ->
220    string(Rest, Handler, [singlequote|Stack], Config);
221value(<<?end_array, _/binary>> = Rest, Handler, Stack, Config=#config{strict_commas=false}) ->
222    maybe_done(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
223value(<<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config=#config{strict_comments=true}) ->
224    ?error(value, <<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
225value(<<?solidus, ?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
226    comment(Rest, Handler, value, [comment|Stack], Config);
227value(<<?solidus, ?star, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
228    comment(Rest, Handler, value, [multicomment|Stack], Config);
229value(<<?solidus>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
230    incomplete(value, <<?solidus>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
231value(<<>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
232    incomplete(value, <<>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
233value(Bin, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
234    ?error(value, Bin, Handler, Stack, Config).
237object(<<?doublequote, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
238    string(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
239object(<<?space, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
240    object(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
241object(<<?end_object, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [key|Stack], Config) ->
242    maybe_done(Rest, handle_event(end_object, Handler, Config), Stack, Config);
243object(<<?newline, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
244    object(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
245object(<<?tab, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
246    object(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
247object(<<?cr, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
248    object(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
249object(<<?singlequote, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config=#config{strict_single_quotes=false}) ->
250    string(Rest, Handler, [singlequote|Stack], Config);
251object(<<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config=#config{strict_comments=true}) ->
252    ?error(object, <<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
253object(<<?solidus, ?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
254    comment(Rest, Handler, object, [comment|Stack], Config);
255object(<<?solidus, ?star, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
256    comment(Rest, Handler, object, [multicomment|Stack], Config);
257object(<<?solidus>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
258    incomplete(object, <<?solidus>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
259object(<<>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
260    incomplete(object, <<>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
261object(Bin, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
262    ?error(object, Bin, Handler, Stack, Config).
265array(<<?end_array, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [array|Stack], Config) ->
266    maybe_done(Rest, handle_event(end_array, Handler, Config), Stack, Config);
267array(<<?space, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
268    array(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
269array(<<?newline, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
270    array(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
271array(<<?tab, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
272    array(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
273array(<<?cr, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
274    array(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
275array(<<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config=#config{strict_comments=true}) ->
276    value(<<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
277array(<<?solidus, ?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
278    comment(Rest, Handler, array, [comment|Stack], Config);
279array(<<?solidus, ?star, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
280    comment(Rest, Handler, array, [multicomment|Stack], Config);
281array(<<?solidus>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
282    incomplete(array, <<?solidus>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
283array(<<>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
284    incomplete(array, <<>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
285array(Bin, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
286    value(Bin, Handler, Stack, Config).
289colon(<<?colon, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [key|Stack], Config) ->
290    value(Rest, Handler, [object|Stack], Config);
291colon(<<?space, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
292    colon(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
293colon(<<?newline, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
294    colon(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
295colon(<<?tab, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
296    colon(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
297colon(<<?cr, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
298    colon(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
299colon(<<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config=#config{strict_comments=true}) ->
300    ?error(colon, <<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
301colon(<<?solidus, ?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
302    comment(Rest, Handler, colon, [comment|Stack], Config);
303colon(<<?solidus, ?star, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
304    comment(Rest, Handler, colon, [multicomment|Stack], Config);
305colon(<<?solidus>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
306    incomplete(colon, <<?solidus>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
307colon(<<>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
308    incomplete(colon, <<>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
309colon(Bin, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
310    ?error(colon, Bin, Handler, Stack, Config).
313key(<<?doublequote, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
314    string(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
315key(<<?space, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
316    key(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
317key(<<?end_object, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [key|Stack], Config=#config{strict_commas=false}) ->
318    maybe_done(<<?end_object, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [object|Stack], Config);
319key(<<?newline, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
320    key(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
321key(<<?tab, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
322    key(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
323key(<<?cr, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
324    key(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
325key(<<?singlequote, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config=#config{strict_single_quotes=false}) ->
326    string(Rest, Handler, [singlequote|Stack], Config);
327key(<<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config=#config{strict_comments=true}) ->
328    ?error(key, <<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
329key(<<?solidus, ?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
330    comment(Rest, Handler, key, [comment|Stack], Config);
331key(<<?solidus, ?star, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
332    comment(Rest, Handler, key, [multicomment|Stack], Config);
333key(<<?solidus>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
334    incomplete(key, <<?solidus>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
335key(<<>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
336    incomplete(key, <<>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
337key(Bin, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
338    ?error(key, Bin, Handler, Stack, Config).
341%% note that if you encounter an error from string and you can't find the clause that
342%%  caused it here, it might be in unescape below
343string(Bin, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
344    string(Bin, Handler, [], Stack, Config).
347string(<<?doublequote, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
348    doublequote(Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
349string(<<?singlequote, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
350    singlequote(Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
351string(<<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
352    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, maybe_replace(?solidus, Config)], Stack, Config);
353string(<<?rsolidus/utf8, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
354    unescape(Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
355%% TODO this is pretty gross and i don't like it
356string(<<X/utf8, Rest/binary>> = Bin, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config=#config{uescape=true}) ->
357    case X of
358        X when X < 16#80 -> count(Bin, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
359        X -> string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, json_escape_sequence(X)], Stack, Config)
360    end;
361%% u+2028
362string(<<226, 128, 168, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
363    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, maybe_replace(16#2028, Config)], Stack, Config);
364%% u+2029
365string(<<226, 128, 169, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
366    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, maybe_replace(16#2029, Config)], Stack, Config);
367string(<<X/utf8, _/binary>> = Bin, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config=#config{strict_control_codes=true}) when X > 16#1f ->
368    count(Bin, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
369string(<<_/utf8, _/binary>> = Bin, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config=#config{strict_control_codes=false}) ->
370    count(Bin, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
371%% necessary for bytes that are badly formed utf8 that won't match in `count`
372string(<<X, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config=#config{dirty_strings=true}) ->
373    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, X], Stack, Config);
374%% u+fffe and u+ffff for R14BXX (subsequent runtimes will happily match with /utf8
375string(<<239, 191, 190, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
376    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, <<16#fffe/utf8>>], Stack, Config);
377string(<<239, 191, 191, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
378    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, <<16#ffff/utf8>>], Stack, Config);
379string(<<>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
380    incomplete(string, <<>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
381string(<<X>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) when X >= 2#11000000 ->
382    incomplete(string, <<X>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
383string(<<X, Y>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) when X >= 2#11100000, Y >= 2#10000000 ->
384    incomplete(string, <<X, Y>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
385string(<<X, Y, Z>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config)
386        when X >= 2#11100000, Y >= 2#10000000, Z >= 2#10000000 ->
387    incomplete(string, <<X, Y, Z>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
388%% surrogates
389string(<<237, X, _, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config=#config{strict_utf8=false})
390        when X >= 160 ->
391    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, <<16#fffd/utf8>>], Stack, Config);
392%% overlong encodings and missing continuations of a 2 byte sequence
393string(<<X, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config=#config{strict_utf8=false})
394        when X >= 192, X =< 223 ->
395    strip_continuations(Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config, 1);
396%% overlong encodings and missing continuations of a 3 byte sequence
397string(<<X, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config=#config{strict_utf8=false})
398        when X >= 224, X =< 239 ->
399    strip_continuations(Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config, 2);
400%% overlong encodings and missing continuations of a 4 byte sequence
401string(<<X, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config=#config{strict_utf8=false})
402        when X >= 240, X =< 247 ->
403    strip_continuations(Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config, 3);
404%% incompletes and unexpected bytes, including orphan continuations
405string(<<_, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config=#config{strict_utf8=false}) ->
406    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, <<16#fffd/utf8>>], Stack, Config);
407string(Bin, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) -> ?error(string, Bin, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config).
410count(Bin, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
411    Size = count(Bin, 0, Config),
412    <<Clean:Size/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin,
413    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, Clean], Stack, Config).
416%% explicitly whitelist ascii set for faster parsing. really? really. someone should
417%%  submit a patch that unrolls simple guards
418count(<<32, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
419    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
420count(<<33, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
421    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
422count(<<?doublequote, _/binary>>, N, _) -> N;
423count(<<35, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
424    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
425count(<<36, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
426    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
427count(<<37, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
428    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
429count(<<38, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
430    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
431count(<<?singlequote, _/binary>>, N, _) -> N;
432count(<<40, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
433    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
434count(<<41, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
435    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
436count(<<42, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
437    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
438count(<<43, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
439    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
440count(<<44, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
441    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
442count(<<45, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
443    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
444count(<<46, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
445    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
446count(<<?solidus, _/binary>>, N, _) -> N;
447count(<<48, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
448    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
449count(<<49, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
450    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
451count(<<50, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
452    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
453count(<<51, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
454    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
455count(<<52, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
456    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
457count(<<53, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
458    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
459count(<<54, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
460    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
461count(<<55, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
462    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
463count(<<56, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
464    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
465count(<<57, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
466    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
467count(<<58, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
468    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
469count(<<59, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
470    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
471count(<<60, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
472    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
473count(<<61, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
474    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
475count(<<62, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
476    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
477count(<<63, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
478    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
479count(<<64, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
480    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
481count(<<65, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
482    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
483count(<<66, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
484    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
485count(<<67, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
486    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
487count(<<68, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
488    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
489count(<<69, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
490    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
491count(<<70, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
492    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
493count(<<71, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
494    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
495count(<<72, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
496    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
497count(<<73, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
498    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
499count(<<74, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
500    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
501count(<<75, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
502    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
503count(<<76, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
504    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
505count(<<77, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
506    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
507count(<<78, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
508    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
509count(<<79, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
510    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
511count(<<80, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
512    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
513count(<<81, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
514    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
515count(<<82, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
516    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
517count(<<83, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
518    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
519count(<<84, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
520    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
521count(<<85, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
522    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
523count(<<86, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
524    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
525count(<<87, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
526    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
527count(<<88, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
528    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
529count(<<89, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
530    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
531count(<<90, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
532    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
533count(<<91, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
534    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
535count(<<?rsolidus, _/binary>>, N, _) -> N;
536count(<<93, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
537    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
538count(<<94, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
539    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
540count(<<95, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
541    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
542count(<<96, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
543    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
544count(<<97, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
545    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
546count(<<98, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
547    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
548count(<<99, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
549    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
550count(<<100, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
551    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
552count(<<101, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
553    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
554count(<<102, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
555    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
556count(<<103, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
557    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
558count(<<104, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
559    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
560count(<<105, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
561    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
562count(<<106, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
563    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
564count(<<107, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
565    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
566count(<<108, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
567    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
568count(<<109, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
569    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
570count(<<110, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
571    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
572count(<<111, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
573    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
574count(<<112, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
575    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
576count(<<113, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
577    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
578count(<<114, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
579    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
580count(<<115, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
581    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
582count(<<116, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
583    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
584count(<<117, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
585    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
586count(<<118, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
587    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
588count(<<119, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
589    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
590count(<<120, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
591    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
592count(<<121, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
593    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
594count(<<122, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
595    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
596count(<<123, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
597    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
598count(<<124, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
599    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
600count(<<125, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
601    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
602count(<<126, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
603    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
604count(<<127, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
605    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
606count(<<_, Rest/binary>>, N, Config=#config{dirty_strings=true}) ->
607    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
608count(<<_/utf8, _/binary>>, N, #config{uescape=true}) -> N;
609count(<<X/utf8, Rest/binary>>, N, Config=#config{strict_control_codes=false}) when X < 32 ->
610    count(Rest, N + 1, Config);
611count(<<X/utf8, _/binary>>, N, #config{strict_control_codes=true}) when X < 32 -> N;
612count(<<X/utf8, Rest/binary>>, N, Config) ->
613    case X of
614        X when X < 16#800 -> count(Rest, N + 2, Config);
615        %% jsonp escaping
616        16#2028 -> N;
617        16#2029 -> N;
618        X when X < 16#10000 -> count(Rest, N + 3, Config);
619        _ -> count(Rest, N + 4, Config)
620    end;
621count(_, N, _) -> N.
624doublequote(Rest, Handler, Acc, [key|_] = Stack, Config) ->
625    colon(Rest, handle_event({key, iolist_to_binary(Acc)}, Handler, Config), Stack, Config);
626doublequote(Rest, Handler, Acc, [singlequote|_] = Stack, Config) ->
627    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, maybe_replace(?doublequote, Config)], Stack, Config);
628doublequote(<<>>, Handler, Acc, [singlequote|_] = Stack, Config) ->
629    incomplete(string, <<?doublequote>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
630doublequote(Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
631    maybe_done(Rest, handle_event({string, iolist_to_binary(Acc)}, Handler, Config), Stack, Config).
634singlequote(Rest, Handler, Acc, [singlequote, key|Stack], Config) ->
635    colon(Rest, handle_event({key, iolist_to_binary(Acc)}, Handler, Config), [key|Stack], Config);
636singlequote(Rest, Handler, Acc, [singlequote|Stack], Config) ->
637    maybe_done(Rest, handle_event({string, iolist_to_binary(Acc)}, Handler, Config), Stack, Config);
638singlequote(Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
639    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, ?singlequote], Stack, Config).
642%% strips continuation bytes after bad utf bytes, guards against both too short
643%%  and overlong sequences. N is the maximum number of bytes to strip
644strip_continuations(<<Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config, 0) ->
645    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, <<16#fffd/utf8>>], Stack, Config);
646strip_continuations(<<X, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config, N) when X >= 128, X =< 191 ->
647    strip_continuations(Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config, N - 1);
648%% if end of input is reached before stripping the max number of continuations
649%%  possible magic numbers are reinserted into the stream that get us back to
650%%  the same state without complicated machinery
651strip_continuations(<<>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config, N) ->
652    case N of
653        1 -> incomplete(string, <<192>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
654        2 -> incomplete(string, <<224>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
655        3 -> incomplete(string, <<240>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config)
656    end;
657%% not a continuation byte, insert a replacement character for sequence thus
658%%  far and dispatch back to string
659strip_continuations(<<Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config, _) ->
660    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, <<16#fffd/utf8>>], Stack, Config).
663%% this all gets really gross and should probably eventually be folded into
664%%  but for now it fakes being part of string on incompletes and errors
665unescape(<<?rsolidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config=#config{dirty_strings=true}) ->
666    string(<<?rsolidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [Acc, <<?rsolidus>>], Stack, Config);
667unescape(<<C, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config=#config{dirty_strings=true}) ->
668    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, <<?rsolidus, C>>], Stack, Config);
669unescape(<<$b, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
670    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, maybe_replace($\b, Config)], Stack, Config);
671unescape(<<$f, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
672    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, maybe_replace($\f, Config)], Stack, Config);
673unescape(<<$n, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
674    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, maybe_replace($\n, Config)], Stack, Config);
675unescape(<<$r, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
676    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, maybe_replace($\r, Config)], Stack, Config);
677unescape(<<$t, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
678    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, maybe_replace($\t, Config)], Stack, Config);
679unescape(<<?doublequote, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
680    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, maybe_replace($\", Config)], Stack, Config);
681unescape(<<?singlequote, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config=#config{strict_single_quotes=false}) ->
682    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, <<?singlequote>>], Stack, Config);
683unescape(<<?rsolidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
684    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, maybe_replace($\\, Config)], Stack, Config);
685unescape(<<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
686    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, maybe_replace($/, Config)], Stack, Config);
687unescape(<<$u, F, A, B, C, ?rsolidus, $u, G, X, Y, Z, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config)
688        when (A == $8 orelse A == $9 orelse A == $a orelse A == $b orelse A == $A orelse A == $B),
689            (X == $c orelse X == $d orelse X == $e orelse X == $f orelse X == $C orelse X == $D orelse X == $E orelse X == $F),
690            (F == $d orelse F == $D),
691            (G == $d orelse G == $D),
692            ?is_hex(B), ?is_hex(C), ?is_hex(Y), ?is_hex(Z)
693        ->
694    High = erlang:list_to_integer([$d, A, B, C], 16),
695    Low = erlang:list_to_integer([$d, X, Y, Z], 16),
696    Codepoint = (High - 16#d800) * 16#400 + (Low - 16#dc00) + 16#10000,
697    string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, <<Codepoint/utf8>>], Stack, Config);
698unescape(<<$u, F, A, B, C, ?rsolidus, $u, W, X, Y, Z, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config)
699        when (A == $8 orelse A == $9 orelse A == $a orelse A == $b orelse A == $A orelse A == $B),
700            (F == $d orelse F == $D),
701            ?is_hex(B), ?is_hex(C), ?is_hex(W), ?is_hex(X), ?is_hex(Y), ?is_hex(Z)
702        ->
703    case Config#config.strict_utf8 of
704        true -> ?error(<<$u, $d, A, B, C, ?rsolidus, $u, W, X, Y, Z, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
705        false -> string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, <<16#fffd/utf8>>, <<16#fffd/utf8>>], Stack, Config)
706    end;
707unescape(<<$u, F, A, B, C, ?rsolidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config)
708        when (A == $8 orelse A == $9 orelse A == $a orelse A == $b orelse A == $A orelse A == $B),
709            (F == $d orelse F == $D),
710            ?is_hex(B), ?is_hex(C)
711        ->
712    incomplete(string, <<?rsolidus, $u, $d, A, B, C, ?rsolidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
713unescape(<<$u, F, A, B, C>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config)
714        when (A == $8 orelse A == $9 orelse A == $a orelse A == $b orelse A == $A orelse A == $B),
715            (F == $d orelse F == $D),
716            ?is_hex(B), ?is_hex(C)
717        ->
718    incomplete(string, <<?rsolidus, $u, $d, A, B, C>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
719unescape(<<$u, A, B, C, D, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config)
720        when ?is_hex(A), ?is_hex(B), ?is_hex(C), ?is_hex(D) ->
721    case erlang:list_to_integer([A, B, C, D], 16) of
722        Codepoint when Codepoint < 16#d800; Codepoint > 16#dfff ->
723            string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, maybe_replace(Codepoint, Config)], Stack, Config);
724        _ when Config#config.strict_utf8 ->
725            ?error(string, <<?rsolidus, $u, A, B, C, D, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
726        _ -> string(Rest, Handler, [Acc, <<16#fffd/utf8>>], Stack, Config)
727    end;
728unescape(Bin, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
729    case is_partial_escape(Bin) of
730        true -> incomplete(string, <<?rsolidus/utf8, Bin/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
731        false -> case Config#config.strict_escapes of
732                true -> ?error(string, <<?rsolidus, Bin/binary>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
733                false -> string(Bin, Handler, [Acc, <<?rsolidus>>], Stack, Config)
734            end
735    end.
738is_partial_escape(<<$u, A, B, C>>) when ?is_hex(A), ?is_hex(B), ?is_hex(C) -> true;
739is_partial_escape(<<$u, A, B>>) when ?is_hex(A), ?is_hex(B) -> true;
740is_partial_escape(<<$u, A>>) when ?is_hex(A) -> true;
741is_partial_escape(<<$u>>) -> true;
742is_partial_escape(<<>>) -> true;
743is_partial_escape(_) -> false.
746maybe_replace(C, #config{dirty_strings=true}) -> <<C>>;
747maybe_replace($\b, #config{escaped_strings=true}) -> <<$\\, $b>>;
748maybe_replace($\t, #config{escaped_strings=true}) -> <<$\\, $t>>;
749maybe_replace($\n, #config{escaped_strings=true}) -> <<$\\, $n>>;
750maybe_replace($\f, #config{escaped_strings=true}) -> <<$\\, $f>>;
751maybe_replace($\r, #config{escaped_strings=true}) -> <<$\\, $r>>;
752maybe_replace($\", #config{escaped_strings=true}) -> <<$\\, $\">>;
753maybe_replace($/, Config=#config{escaped_strings=true}) ->
754    case Config#config.escaped_forward_slashes of
755        true -> <<$\\, $/>>
756        ; false -> <<$/>>
757    end;
758maybe_replace($\\, #config{escaped_strings=true}) -> <<$\\, $\\>>;
759maybe_replace(X, Config=#config{escaped_strings=true})  when X == 16#2028; X == 16#2029 ->
760    case Config#config.unescaped_jsonp of
761        true -> <<X/utf8>>
762        ; false -> json_escape_sequence(X)
763    end;
764maybe_replace(X, #config{escaped_strings=true}) when X < 32 ->
765    json_escape_sequence(X);
766maybe_replace(X, _Config) -> <<X/utf8>>.
769%% convert a codepoint to it's \uXXXX equiv.
770json_escape_sequence(X) when X < 65536 ->
771    <<A:4, B:4, C:4, D:4>> = <<X:16>>,
772    <<$\\, $u, (to_hex(A)), (to_hex(B)), (to_hex(C)), (to_hex(D))>>;
773json_escape_sequence(X) ->
774    Adjusted = X - 16#10000,
775    <<A:10, B:10>> = <<Adjusted:20>>,
776    [json_escape_sequence(A + 16#d800), json_escape_sequence(B + 16#dc00)].
779%% ascii "1" is [49], "2" is [50], etc...
780to_hex(10) -> $a;
781to_hex(11) -> $b;
782to_hex(12) -> $c;
783to_hex(13) -> $d;
784to_hex(14) -> $e;
785to_hex(15) -> $f;
786to_hex(X) -> X + 48.
789number(<<$e, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, [integer|Stack], Config) ->
790    number(Rest, Handler, [Acc, $., $0, $e], [e|Stack], Config);
791number(<<$E, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, [integer|Stack], Config) ->
792    number(Rest, Handler, [Acc, $., $0, $e], [e|Stack], Config);
793number(<<$e, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, [zero|Stack], Config) ->
794    number(Rest, Handler, [Acc, $., $0, $e], [e|Stack], Config);
795number(<<$E, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Acc, [zero|Stack], Config) ->
796    number(Rest, Handler, [Acc, $., $0, $e], [e|Stack], Config);
797number(<<>>, Handler, Acc, [State|Stack], Config=#config{stream=false}) ->
798    NumType = case State of
799        zero -> integer;
800        integer -> integer;
801        decimal -> float;
802        exp -> float
803    end,
804    finish_number(<<>>, Handler, {NumType, iolist_to_binary(Acc)}, Stack, Config);
805number(<<>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
806    incomplete(number, <<>>, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config);
807number(Bin, Handler, Acc, [State|Stack], Config) ->
808    Counted = case State of
809        zero -> zero(Bin, 0);
810        integer -> integer(Bin, 0);
811        negative -> negative(Bin, 0);
812        initialdecimal -> initialdecimal(Bin, 0);
813        decimal -> decimal(Bin, 0);
814        e -> e(Bin, 0);
815        ex -> ex(Bin, 0);
816        exp -> exp(Bin, 0)
817    end,
818    case Counted of
819        {finish_integer, Size} ->
820            <<Clean:Size/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin,
821            finish_number(Rest, Handler, {integer, iolist_to_binary([Acc, Clean])}, Stack, Config);
822        {finish_float, Size} ->
823            <<Clean:Size/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin,
824            finish_number(Rest, Handler, {float, iolist_to_binary([Acc, Clean])}, Stack, Config);
825        {error, Size} ->
826            <<Clean:Size/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin,
827            ?error(number, Rest, Handler, [Acc, Clean], Stack, Config);
828        {NewState, Size} ->
829            <<Clean:Size/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin,
830            number(Rest, Handler, [Acc, Clean], [NewState|Stack], Config)
831    end.
834zero(<<?decimalpoint, Rest/binary>>, N) -> initialdecimal(Rest, N + 1);
835zero(<<$e, _/binary>>, N) -> {integer, N};
836zero(<<$E, _/binary>>, N) -> {integer, N};
837zero(<<>>, N) -> {zero, N};
838zero(_, N) -> {finish_integer, N}.
841integer(<<$0, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
842integer(<<$1, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
843integer(<<$2, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
844integer(<<$3, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
845integer(<<$4, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
846integer(<<$5, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
847integer(<<$6, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
848integer(<<$7, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
849integer(<<$8, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
850integer(<<$9, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
851integer(<<?decimalpoint, Rest/binary>>, N) -> initialdecimal(Rest, N + 1);
852integer(<<$e, _/binary>>, N) -> {integer, N};
853integer(<<$E, _/binary>>, N) -> {integer, N};
854integer(<<>>, N) -> {integer, N};
855integer(_, N) -> {finish_integer, N}.
858negative(<<$0, Rest/binary>>, N) -> zero(Rest, N + 1);
859negative(<<$1, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
860negative(<<$2, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
861negative(<<$3, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
862negative(<<$4, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
863negative(<<$5, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
864negative(<<$6, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
865negative(<<$7, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
866negative(<<$8, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
867negative(<<$9, Rest/binary>>, N) -> integer(Rest, N + 1);
868negative(<<>>, N) -> {negative, N};
869negative(_, N) -> {error, N}.
872initialdecimal(<<$0, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
873initialdecimal(<<$1, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
874initialdecimal(<<$2, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
875initialdecimal(<<$3, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
876initialdecimal(<<$4, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
877initialdecimal(<<$5, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
878initialdecimal(<<$6, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
879initialdecimal(<<$7, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
880initialdecimal(<<$8, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
881initialdecimal(<<$9, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
882initialdecimal(<<>>, N) -> {initialdecimal, N};
883initialdecimal(_, N) -> {error, N}.
886decimal(<<$0, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
887decimal(<<$1, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
888decimal(<<$2, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
889decimal(<<$3, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
890decimal(<<$4, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
891decimal(<<$5, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
892decimal(<<$6, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
893decimal(<<$7, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
894decimal(<<$8, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
895decimal(<<$9, Rest/binary>>, N) -> decimal(Rest, N + 1);
896decimal(<<$e, Rest/binary>>, N) -> e(Rest, N + 1);
897decimal(<<$E, Rest/binary>>, N) -> e(Rest, N + 1);
898decimal(<<>>, N) -> {decimal, N};
899decimal(_, N) -> {finish_float, N}.
902e(<<$0, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
903e(<<$1, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
904e(<<$2, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
905e(<<$3, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
906e(<<$4, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
907e(<<$5, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
908e(<<$6, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
909e(<<$7, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
910e(<<$8, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
911e(<<$9, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
912e(<<?positive, Rest/binary>>, N) -> ex(Rest, N + 1);
913e(<<?negative, Rest/binary>>, N) -> ex(Rest, N + 1);
914e(<<>>, N) -> {e, N};
915e(_, N) -> {error, N}.
918ex(<<$0, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
919ex(<<$1, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
920ex(<<$2, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
921ex(<<$3, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
922ex(<<$4, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
923ex(<<$5, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
924ex(<<$6, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
925ex(<<$7, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
926ex(<<$8, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
927ex(<<$9, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
928ex(<<>>, N) -> {ex, N};
929ex(_, N) -> {error, N}.
932exp(<<$0, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
933exp(<<$1, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
934exp(<<$2, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
935exp(<<$3, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
936exp(<<$4, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
937exp(<<$5, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
938exp(<<$6, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
939exp(<<$7, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
940exp(<<$8, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
941exp(<<$9, Rest/binary>>, N) -> exp(Rest, N + 1);
942exp(<<>>, N) -> {exp, N};
943exp(_, N) -> {finish_float, N}.
946finish_number(Rest, Handler, Acc, Stack, Config) ->
947    maybe_done(Rest, handle_event(format_number(Acc), Handler, Config), Stack, Config).
951format_number({integer, Acc}) -> {integer, binary_to_integer(Acc)};
952format_number({float, Acc}) -> {float, binary_to_float(Acc)}.
954format_number({integer, Acc}) -> {integer, list_to_integer(unicode:characters_to_list(Acc))};
955format_number({float, Acc}) -> {float, list_to_float(unicode:characters_to_list(Acc))}.
959true(<<$r, $u, $e, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
960    maybe_done(Rest, handle_event({literal, true}, Handler, Config), Stack, Config);
961true(<<$r, $u>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
962    incomplete(true, <<$r, $u>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
963true(<<$r>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
964    incomplete(true, <<$r>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
965true(<<>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
966    incomplete(true, <<>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
967true(Bin, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
968    ?error(true, Bin, Handler, Stack, Config).
971false(<<$a, $l, $s, $e, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
972    maybe_done(Rest, handle_event({literal, false}, Handler, Config), Stack, Config);
973false(<<$a, $l, $s>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
974    incomplete(false, <<$a, $l, $s>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
975false(<<$a, $l>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
976    incomplete(false, <<$a, $l>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
977false(<<$a>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
978    incomplete(false, <<$a>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
979false(<<>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
980    incomplete(false, <<>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
981false(Bin, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
982    ?error(false, Bin, Handler, Stack, Config).
985null(<<$u, $l, $l, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
986    maybe_done(Rest, handle_event({literal, null}, Handler, Config), Stack, Config);
987null(<<$u, $l>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
988    incomplete(null, <<$u, $l>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
989null(<<$u>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
990    incomplete(null, <<$u>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
991null(<<>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
992    incomplete(null, <<>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
993null(Bin, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
994    ?error(null, Bin, Handler, Stack, Config).
997comment(<<?newline, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Resume, [comment|Stack], Config) ->
998    resume(Rest, Resume, Handler, unused, Stack, Config);
999comment(<<?solidus, ?star, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Resume, Stack, Config) ->
1000    comment(Rest, Handler, Resume, [multicomment|Stack], Config);
1001comment(<<?solidus>>, Handler, Resume, [multicomment|_] = Stack, Config) ->
1002    incomplete(comment, <<?solidus>>, Handler, Resume, Stack, Config);
1003comment(<<?star, ?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Resume, [multicomment|Stack], Config) ->
1004    case Stack of
1005        [multicomment|_] -> comment(Rest, Handler, Resume, Stack, Config);
1006        _ -> resume(Rest, Resume, Handler, unused, Stack, Config)
1007    end;
1008comment(<<?star>>, Handler, Resume, [multicomment|_] = Stack, Config) ->
1009    incomplete(comment, <<?star>>, Handler, Resume, Stack, Config);
1010comment(<<_/utf8, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Resume, Stack, Config) ->
1011    comment(Rest, Handler, Resume, Stack, Config);
1012comment(<<_, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Resume, Stack, Config=#config{strict_utf8=false}) ->
1013    comment(Rest, Handler, Resume, Stack, Config);
1014comment(<<>>, Handler, done, [Comment], Config=#config{stream=false})
1015        when Comment == comment; Comment == multicomment ->
1016    resume(<<>>, done, Handler, unused, [], Config);
1017comment(<<>>, Handler, Resume, Stack, Config) ->
1018    incomplete(comment, <<>>, Handler, Resume, Stack, Config);
1019comment(Bin, Handler, Resume, Stack, Config) ->
1020    ?error(comment, Bin, Handler, Resume, Stack, Config).
1023maybe_done(<<Rest/binary>>, Handler, [], Config) ->
1024    done(Rest, handle_event(end_json, Handler, Config), [], Config);
1025maybe_done(<<?space, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
1026    maybe_done(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
1027maybe_done(<<?end_object, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [object|Stack], Config) ->
1028    maybe_done(Rest, handle_event(end_object, Handler, Config), Stack, Config);
1029maybe_done(<<?end_array, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [array|Stack], Config) ->
1030    maybe_done(Rest, handle_event(end_array, Handler, Config), Stack, Config);
1031maybe_done(<<?comma, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [object|Stack], Config) ->
1032    key(Rest, Handler, [key|Stack], Config);
1033maybe_done(<<?comma, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [array|_] = Stack, Config) ->
1034    value(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
1035maybe_done(<<?newline, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
1036    maybe_done(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
1037maybe_done(<<?tab, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
1038    maybe_done(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
1039maybe_done(<<?cr, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
1040    maybe_done(Rest, Handler, Stack, Config);
1041maybe_done(<<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config=#config{strict_comments=true}) ->
1042    ?error(maybe_done, <<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
1043maybe_done(<<?solidus, ?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
1044    comment(Rest, Handler, maybe_done, [comment|Stack], Config);
1045maybe_done(<<?solidus, ?star, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
1046    comment(Rest, Handler, maybe_done, [multicomment|Stack], Config);
1047maybe_done(<<?solidus>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
1048    incomplete(maybe_done, <<?solidus>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
1049maybe_done(<<>>, Handler, Stack, Config) when length(Stack) > 0 ->
1050    incomplete(maybe_done, <<>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
1051maybe_done(Bin, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
1052    ?error(maybe_done, Bin, Handler, Stack, Config).
1055done(<<?space, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [], Config) ->
1056    done(Rest, Handler, [], Config);
1057done(<<?newline, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [], Config) ->
1058    done(Rest, Handler, [], Config);
1059done(<<?tab, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [], Config) ->
1060    done(Rest, Handler, [], Config);
1061done(<<?cr, Rest/binary>>, Handler, [], Config) ->
1062    done(Rest, Handler, [], Config);
1063done(<<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config=#config{strict_comments=true}) ->
1064    ?error(done, <<?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
1065done(<<?solidus, ?solidus, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
1066    comment(Rest, Handler, done, [comment|Stack], Config);
1067done(<<?solidus, ?star, Rest/binary>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
1068    comment(Rest, Handler, done, [multicomment|Stack], Config);
1069done(<<?solidus>>, Handler, Stack, Config) ->
1070    incomplete(done, <<?solidus>>, Handler, Stack, Config);
1071done(Bin, {_Handler, State}, _Stack, #config{return_tail=true}) ->
1072     {with_tail,State, Bin};
1073done(<<>>, {Handler, State}, [], Config=#config{stream=true}) ->
1074    incomplete(done, <<>>, {Handler, State}, [], Config);
1075done(<<>>, {_Handler, State}, [], _Config) -> State;
1076done(Bin, {Handler, State}, _Stack, Config=#config{multi_term=true}) ->
1077     value(Bin, {Handler, Handler:reset(State)}, [], Config);
1078done(Bin, Handler, Stack, Config) -> ?error(done, Bin, Handler, Stack, Config).
1086json_to_bytes(JSON) -> json_to_bytes(JSON, []).
1088json_to_bytes(<<>>, Acc) -> [<<>>] ++ lists:reverse(Acc);
1089json_to_bytes(<<X, Rest/binary>>, Acc) -> json_to_bytes(Rest, [<<X>>] ++ Acc).
1092decode(JSON) -> decode(JSON, []).
1093decode(JSON, Config) -> (decoder(jsx, [], Config))(JSON).
1096incremental_decode(JSON) -> incremental_decode(JSON, []).
1097incremental_decode(JSON, Config) ->
1098    Final = lists:foldl(
1099        fun(Byte, Decoder) -> {incomplete, F} = Decoder(Byte), F end,
1100        decoder(jsx, [], [stream] ++ Config),
1101        json_to_bytes(JSON)
1102    ),
1103    Final(end_stream).
1106%% all these numbers have different representation in erlang than in javascript and
1107%%  do not roundtrip like most integers/floats
1108special_number_test_() ->
1109    Cases = [
1110        % {title, test form, json, opt flags}
1111        {"-0", [{integer, 0}, end_json], <<"-0">>},
1112        {"-0.0", [{float, 0.0}, end_json], <<"-0.0">>},
1113        {"0e0", [{float, 0.0}, end_json], <<"0e0">>},
1114        {"0e4", [{float, 0.0}, end_json], <<"0e4">>},
1115        {"1e0", [{float, 1.0}, end_json], <<"1e0">>},
1116        {"-1e0", [{float, -1.0}, end_json], <<"-1e0">>},
1117        {"-0e0", [{float, -0.0}, end_json], <<"-0e0">>},
1118        {"1e4", [{float, 1.0e4}, end_json], <<"1e4">>},
1119        {"number terminated by whitespace",
1120            [start_array, {integer, 1}, end_array, end_json],
1121            <<"[ 1 ]">>
1122        },
1123        {"number terminated by comma",
1124            [start_array, {integer, 1}, {integer, 1}, end_array, end_json],
1125            <<"[ 1, 1 ]">>
1126        },
1127        {"number terminated by comma in object",
1128            [start_object, {key, <<"x">>}, {integer, 1}, {key, <<"y">>}, {integer, 1}, end_object, end_json],
1129            <<"{\"x\": 1, \"y\": 1}">>
1130        }
1131    ],
1132    [{Title, ?_assertEqual(Events, decode(JSON))}
1133        || {Title, Events, JSON} <- Cases
1134    ] ++
1135    [{Title ++ " (incremental)", ?_assertEqual(Events, incremental_decode(JSON))}
1136        || {Title, Events, JSON} <- Cases
1137    ].
1140comments_test_() ->
1141    Cases = [
1142        % {title, test form, json, opt flags}
1143        {"preceeding // comment",
1144            [start_array, end_array, end_json],
1145            <<"// comment ", ?newline, "[]">>
1146        },
1147        {"preceeding /**/ comment",
1148            [start_array, end_array, end_json],
1149            <<"/* comment */[]">>
1150        },
1151        {"trailing // comment",
1152            [start_array, end_array, end_json],
1153            <<"[]// comment", ?newline>>
1154        },
1155        {"trailing // comment (no newline)",
1156            [start_array, end_array, end_json],
1157            <<"[]// comment">>
1158        },
1159        {"trailing /**/ comment",
1160            [start_array, end_array, end_json],
1161            <<"[] /* comment */">>
1162        },
1163        {"// comment inside array",
1164            [start_array, end_array, end_json],
1165            <<"[ // comment", ?newline, "]">>
1166        },
1167        {"/**/ comment inside array",
1168            [start_array, end_array, end_json],
1169            <<"[ /* comment */ ]">>
1170        },
1171        {"// comment at beginning of array",
1172            [start_array, {literal, true}, end_array, end_json],
1173            <<"[ // comment", ?newline, "true", ?newline, "]">>
1174        },
1175        {"/**/ comment at beginning of array",
1176            [start_array, {literal, true}, end_array, end_json],
1177            <<"[ /* comment */ true ]">>
1178        },
1179        {"// comment at end of array",
1180            [start_array, {literal, true}, end_array, end_json],
1181            <<"[ true // comment", ?newline, "]">>
1182        },
1183        {"/**/ comment at end of array",
1184            [start_array, {literal, true}, end_array, end_json],
1185            <<"[ true /* comment */ ]">>
1186        },
1187        {"// comment midarray (post comma)",
1188            [start_array, {literal, true}, {literal, false}, end_array, end_json],
1189            <<"[ true, // comment", ?newline, "false ]">>
1190        },
1191        {"/**/ comment midarray (post comma)",
1192            [start_array, {literal, true}, {literal, false}, end_array, end_json],
1193            <<"[ true, /* comment */ false ]">>
1194        },
1195        {"// comment midarray (pre comma)",
1196            [start_array, {literal, true}, {literal, false}, end_array, end_json],
1197            <<"[ true// comment", ?newline, ", false ]">>
1198        },
1199        {"/**/ comment midarray (pre comma)",
1200            [start_array, {literal, true}, {literal, false}, end_array, end_json],
1201            <<"[ true/* comment */, false ]">>
1202        },
1203        {"// comment inside object",
1204            [start_object, end_object, end_json],
1205            <<"{ // comment", ?newline, "}">>
1206        },
1207        {"/**/ comment inside object",
1208            [start_object, end_object, end_json],
1209            <<"{ /* comment */ }">>
1210        },
1211        {"// comment at beginning of object",
1212            [start_object, {key, <<"key">>}, {literal, true}, end_object, end_json],
1213            <<"{ // comment", ?newline, " \"key\": true", ?newline, "}">>
1214        },
1215        {"/**/ comment at beginning of object",
1216            [start_object, {key, <<"key">>}, {literal, true}, end_object, end_json],
1217            <<"{ /* comment */ \"key\": true }">>
1218        },
1219        {"// comment at end of object",
1220            [start_object, {key, <<"key">>}, {literal, true}, end_object, end_json],
1221            <<"{ \"key\": true // comment", ?newline, "}">>
1222        },
1223        {"/**/ comment at end of object",
1224            [start_object, {key, <<"key">>}, {literal, true}, end_object, end_json],
1225            <<"{ \"key\": true /* comment */ }">>
1226        },
1227        {"// comment midobject (post comma)",
1228            [
1229                start_object,
1230                {key, <<"x">>},
1231                {literal, true},
1232                {key, <<"y">>},
1233                {literal, false},
1234                end_object,
1235                end_json
1236            ],
1237            <<"{ \"x\": true, // comment", ?newline, "\"y\": false }">>
1238        },
1239        {"/**/ comment midobject (post comma)",
1240            [
1241                start_object,
1242                {key, <<"x">>},
1243                {literal, true},
1244                {key, <<"y">>},
1245                {literal, false},
1246                end_object,
1247                end_json
1248            ],
1249            <<"{ \"x\": true, /* comment */", ?newline, "\"y\": false }">>
1250        },
1251        {"// comment midobject (pre comma)",
1252            [
1253                start_object,
1254                {key, <<"x">>},
1255                {literal, true},
1256                {key, <<"y">>},
1257                {literal, false},
1258                end_object,
1259                end_json
1260            ],
1261            <<"{ \"x\": true// comment", ?newline, ", \"y\": false }">>
1262        },
1263        {"/**/ comment midobject (pre comma)",
1264            [
1265                start_object,
1266                {key, <<"x">>},
1267                {literal, true},
1268                {key, <<"y">>},
1269                {literal, false},
1270                end_object,
1271                end_json
1272            ],
1273            <<"{ \"x\": true/* comment */", ?newline, ", \"y\": false }">>
1274        },
1275        {"// comment precolon",
1276            [start_object, {key, <<"key">>}, {literal, true}, end_object, end_json],
1277            <<"{ \"key\" // comment", ?newline, ": true }">>
1278        },
1279        {"/**/ comment precolon",
1280            [start_object, {key, <<"key">>}, {literal, true}, end_object, end_json],
1281            <<"{ \"key\"/* comment */: true }">>
1282        },
1283        {"// comment postcolon",
1284            [start_object, {key, <<"key">>}, {literal, true}, end_object, end_json],
1285            <<"{ \"key\": // comment", ?newline, " true }">>
1286        },
1287        {"/**/ comment postcolon",
1288            [start_object, {key, <<"key">>}, {literal, true}, end_object, end_json],
1289            <<"{ \"key\":/* comment */ true }">>
1290        },
1291        {"// comment terminating zero",
1292            [start_array, {integer, 0}, end_array, end_json],
1293            <<"[ 0// comment", ?newline, "]">>
1294        },
1295        {"// comment terminating integer",
1296            [start_array, {integer, 1}, end_array, end_json],
1297            <<"[ 1// comment", ?newline, "]">>
1298        },
1299        {"// comment terminating float",
1300            [start_array, {float, 1.0}, end_array, end_json],
1301            <<"[ 1.0// comment", ?newline, "]">>
1302        },
1303        {"// comment terminating exp",
1304            [start_array, {float, 1.0e1}, end_array, end_json],
1305            <<"[ 1e1// comment", ?newline, "]">>
1306        },
1307        {"/**/ comment terminating zero",
1308            [start_array, {integer, 0}, end_array, end_json],
1309            <<"[ 0/* comment */ ]">>
1310        },
1311        {"/**/ comment terminating integer",
1312            [start_array, {integer, 1}, end_array, end_json],
1313            <<"[ 1/* comment */ ]">>
1314        },
1315        {"/**/ comment terminating float",
1316            [start_array, {float, 1.0}, end_array, end_json],
1317            <<"[ 1.0/* comment */ ]">>
1318        },
1319        {"/**/ comment terminating exp",
1320            [start_array, {float, 1.0e1}, end_array, end_json],
1321            <<"[ 1e1/* comment */ ]">>
1322        },
1323        {"/**/ comment following /**/ comment",
1324            [start_array, {literal, true}, end_array, end_json],
1325            <<"[/* comment *//* comment */true]">>
1326        },
1327        {"/**/ comment following // comment",
1328            [start_array, {literal, true}, end_array, end_json],
1329            <<"[// comment", ?newline, "/* comment */true]">>
1330        },
1331        {"// comment following /**/ comment",
1332            [start_array, {literal, true}, end_array, end_json],
1333            <<"[/* comment */// comment", ?newline, "true]">>
1334        },
1335        {"// comment following // comment",
1336            [start_array, {literal, true}, end_array, end_json],
1337            <<"[// comment", ?newline, "// comment", ?newline, "true]">>
1338        },
1339        {"/**/ comment inside /**/ comment",
1340            [start_array, {literal, true}, end_array, end_json],
1341            <<"[ /* /* comment */ */ true ]">>
1342        },
1343        {"/**/ comment with /",
1344            [start_array, {literal, true}, end_array, end_json],
1345            <<"[ /* / */ true ]">>
1346        },
1347        {"/**/ comment with *",
1348            [start_array, {literal, true}, end_array, end_json],
1349            <<"[ /* * */ true ]">>
1350        },
1351        {"// comment with badutf",
1352            [start_array, {literal, true}, end_array, end_json],
1353            <<"[ // comment ", 16#00c0, " ", ?newline, "true]">>
1354        },
1355        {"/**/ comment with badutf",
1356            [start_array, {literal, true}, end_array, end_json],
1357            <<"[ /* comment ", 16#00c0, " */ true]">>
1358        },
1359        {"/**/ comment with badutf preceeded by /",
1360            [start_array, {literal, true}, end_array, end_json],
1361            <<"[ /* comment /", 16#00c0, " */ true]">>
1362        }
1363    ],
1364    [{Title, ?_assertEqual(Events, decode(JSON))}
1365        || {Title, Events, JSON} <- Cases
1366    ] ++
1367    [{Title ++ " (incremental)", ?_assertEqual(Events, incremental_decode(JSON))}
1368        || {Title, Events, JSON} <- Cases
1369    ] ++
1370    % error when `{strict, [comments]}` is present
1371    [{Title, ?_assertError(badarg, decode(JSON, [{strict, [comments]}]))}
1372        || {Title, _Events, JSON} <- Cases
1373    ] ++
1374    [{Title ++ " (incremental)", ?_assertError(
1375            badarg,
1376            incremental_decode(JSON, [{strict, [comments]}])
1377        )} || {Title, _Events, JSON} <- Cases
1378    ].
1381no_comments_test_() ->
1382    Cases = [
1383        {"// comment with badutf",
1384            badarg,
1385            <<"[ // comment ", 16#00c0, " ", ?newline, "true]">>,
1386            [{strict, [utf8]}]
1387        },
1388        {"/**/ comment with badutf",
1389            badarg,
1390            <<"[ /* comment ", 16#00c0, " */ true]">>,
1391            [{strict, [utf8]}]
1392        },
1393        {"/**/ comment with badutf preceeded by /",
1394            badarg,
1395            <<"[ /* comment /", 16#00c0, " */ true]">>,
1396            [{strict, [utf8]}]
1397        }
1398    ],
1399    [{Title, ?_assertError(Error, decode(JSON, Config))}
1400        || {Title, Error, JSON, Config} <- Cases
1401    ] ++
1402    [{Title ++ " (incremental)", ?_assertError(Error, incremental_decode(JSON, Config))}
1403        || {Title, Error, JSON, Config} <- Cases
1404    ].
1407% doing the full unicode range takes foreverrrrrrr so just do boundaries
1408% excludes characters that may need escaping
1409codepoints() ->
1410    lists:seq(0, 32) ++
1411        [32, 33] ++
1412        lists:seq(35, 46) ++
1413        lists:seq(48, 91) ++
1414        lists:seq(93, 127) ++
1415        [16#2027, 16#202a, 16#d7ff, 16#e000] ++
1416        lists:seq(16#fdd0, 16#ffff) ++
1417        [16#10000, 16#20000, 16#30000, 16#40000, 16#50000] ++
1418        [16#60000, 16#70000, 16#80000, 16#90000, 16#a0000, 16#b0000] ++
1419    [16#c0000, 16#d0000, 16#e0000, 16#f0000, 16#100000].
1422surrogates() -> lists:seq(16#d800, 16#dfff).
1425%% erlang refuses to decode certain codepoints, so fake them all
1426to_fake_utf8(N) when N < 16#0080 -> <<34/utf8, N:8, 34/utf8>>;
1427to_fake_utf8(N) when N < 16#0800 ->
1428    <<0:5, Y:5, X:6>> = <<N:16>>,
1429    <<34/utf8, 2#110:3, Y:5, 2#10:2, X:6, 34/utf8>>;
1430to_fake_utf8(N) when N < 16#10000 ->
1431    <<Z:4, Y:6, X:6>> = <<N:16>>,
1432    <<34/utf8, 2#1110:4, Z:4, 2#10:2, Y:6, 2#10:2, X:6, 34/utf8>>;
1433to_fake_utf8(N) ->
1434    <<0:3, W:3, Z:6, Y:6, X:6>> = <<N:24>>,
1435    <<34/utf8, 2#11110:5, W:3, 2#10:2, Z:6, 2#10:2, Y:6, 2#10:2, X:6, 34/utf8>>.
1438clean_string_test_() ->
1439    Clean = codepoints(),
1440    Dirty = surrogates(),
1441    % clean codepoints
1442    [{"clean u+" ++ integer_to_list(Codepoint, 16), ?_assertEqual(
1443            [{string, <<Codepoint/utf8>>}, end_json],
1444            decode(<<34/utf8, Codepoint/utf8, 34/utf8>>)
1445        )} || Codepoint <- Clean
1446    ] ++
1447    % bad codepoints replaced by u+FFFD
1448    [{"clean u+" ++ integer_to_list(Codepoint, 16), ?_assertEqual(
1449            [{string, <<16#fffd/utf8>>}, end_json],
1450            decode(to_fake_utf8(Codepoint))
1451        )} || Codepoint <- Dirty
1452    ] ++
1453    % bad codepoints that cause errors
1454    [{"dirty u+" ++ integer_to_list(Codepoint, 16), ?_assertError(
1455            badarg,
1456            decode(to_fake_utf8(Codepoint), [{strict, [utf8]}])
1457        )} || Codepoint <- Dirty
1458    ].
1461dirty_string_test_() ->
1462    Cases = [
1463        {"dirty \\n",
1464            [start_array, {string, <<"\\n">>}, end_array, end_json],
1465            <<"[\"\\n\"]">>,
1466            [dirty_strings]
1467        },
1468        {"dirty \\uwxyz",
1469            [start_array, {string, <<"\\uwxyz">>}, end_array, end_json],
1470            <<"[\"\\uwxyz\"]">>,
1471            [dirty_strings]
1472        },
1473        {"dirty \\x23",
1474            [start_array, {string, <<"\\x23">>}, end_array, end_json],
1475            <<"[\"\\x23\"]">>,
1476            [dirty_strings]
1477        },
1478        {"dirty 0",
1479            [start_array, {string, <<0>>}, end_array, end_json],
1480            <<"[\"", 0, "\"]">>,
1481            [dirty_strings]
1482        },
1483        {"dirty 0\\\"0",
1484            [start_array, {string, <<0, ?rsolidus, ?doublequote, 0>>}, end_array, end_json],
1485            <<"[\"", 0, ?rsolidus, ?doublequote, 0, "\"]">>,
1486            [dirty_strings]
1487        },
1488        {"dirty 0\\\\\"0",
1489            [start_array, {string, <<0, ?rsolidus, ?rsolidus, ?doublequote, 0>>}, end_array, end_json],
1490            <<"[\"", 0, ?rsolidus, ?rsolidus, ?doublequote, 0, "\"]">>,
1491            [dirty_strings]
1492        },
1493        {"dirty 16#d800",
1494            [start_array, {string, <<237, 160, 128>>}, end_array, end_json],
1495            <<"[\"", 237, 160, 128, "\"]">>,
1496            [dirty_strings]
1497        },
1498        {"dirty /",
1499            [start_array, {string, <<$/>>}, end_array, end_json],
1500            <<"[\"", $/, "\"]">>,
1501            [dirty_strings, escaped_forward_slashes]
1502        },
1503        {"dirty <<194, 129>>",
1504            [start_array, {string, <<194, 129>>}, end_array, end_json],
1505            <<"[\"", 194, 129, "\"]">>,
1506            [dirty_strings]
1507        }
1508    ],
1509    [{Title, ?_assertEqual(Events, decode(JSON, Config))}
1510        || {Title, Events, JSON, Config} <- Cases
1511    ] ++
1512    % ensure `dirty_strings` and `strict` interact properly
1513    [{Title, ?_assertEqual(Events, decode(JSON, Config ++ [strict]))}
1514        || {Title, Events, JSON, Config} <- Cases
1515    ] ++
1516    [{Title ++ " (incremental)", ?_assertEqual(Events, incremental_decode(JSON, Config))}
1517        || {Title, Events, JSON, Config} <- Cases
1518    ].
1521bad_utf8_test_() ->
1522    Cases = [
1523        {"orphan continuation byte u+0080", <<16#fffd/utf8>>, <<16#0080>>},
1524        {"orphan continuation byte u+00bf", <<16#fffd/utf8>>, <<16#00bf>>},
1525        {"2 continuation bytes",
1526            binary:copy(<<16#fffd/utf8>>, 2),
1527            <<(binary:copy(<<16#0080>>, 2))/binary>>
1528        },
1529        {"3 continuation bytes",
1530            binary:copy(<<16#fffd/utf8>>, 3),
1531            <<(binary:copy(<<16#0080>>, 3))/binary>>
1532        },
1533        {"4 continuation bytes",
1534            binary:copy(<<16#fffd/utf8>>, 4),
1535            <<(binary:copy(<<16#0080>>, 4))/binary>>
1536        },
1537        {"5 continuation bytes",
1538            binary:copy(<<16#fffd/utf8>>, 5),
1539            <<(binary:copy(<<16#0080>>, 5))/binary>>
1540        },
1541        {"6 continuation bytes",
1542            binary:copy(<<16#fffd/utf8>>, 6),
1543            <<(binary:copy(<<16#0080>>, 6))/binary>>
1544        },
1545        {"all continuation bytes",
1546            binary:copy(<<16#fffd/utf8>>, length(lists:seq(16#0080, 16#00bf))),
1547            <<(list_to_binary(lists:seq(16#0080, 16#00bf)))/binary>>
1548        },
1549        {"lonely start byte", <<16#fffd/utf8>>, <<16#00c0>>},
1550        {"lonely start bytes (2 byte)",
1551            <<16#fffd/utf8, 32, 16#fffd/utf8>>,
1552            <<16#00c0, 32, 16#00df>>
1553        },
1554        {"lonely start bytes (3 byte)",
1555            <<16#fffd/utf8, 32, 16#fffd/utf8>>,
1556            <<16#00e0, 32, 16#00ef>>
1557        },
1558        {"lonely start bytes (4 byte)",
1559            <<16#fffd/utf8, 32, 16#fffd/utf8>>,
1560            <<16#00f0, 32, 16#00f7>>
1561        },
1562        {"missing continuation byte (3 byte)", <<16#fffd/utf8, 32>>, <<224, 160, 32>>},
1563        {"missing continuation byte (4 byte missing one)",
1564            <<16#fffd/utf8, 32>>,
1565            <<240, 144, 128, 32>>
1566        },
1567        {"missing continuation byte (4 byte missing two)",
1568            <<16#fffd/utf8, 32>>,
1569            <<240, 144, 32>>
1570        },
1571        {"overlong encoding of u+002f (2 byte)",
1572            <<16#fffd/utf8, 32>>,
1573            <<16#c0, 16#af, 32>>
1574        },
1575        {"overlong encoding of u+002f (3 byte)",
1576            <<16#fffd/utf8, 32>>,
1577            <<16#e0, 16#80, 16#af, 32>>
1578        },
1579        {"overlong encoding of u+002f (4 byte)",
1580            <<16#fffd/utf8, 32>>,
1581            <<16#f0, 16#80, 16#80, 16#af, 32>>
1582        },
1583        {"highest overlong 2 byte sequence",
1584            <<16#fffd/utf8, 32>>,
1585            <<16#c1, 16#bf, 32>>
1586        },
1587        {"highest overlong 3 byte sequence",
1588            <<16#fffd/utf8, 32>>,
1589            <<16#e0, 16#9f, 16#bf, 32>>
1590        },
1591        {"highest overlong 4 byte sequence",
1592            <<16#fffd/utf8, 32>>,
1593            <<16#f0, 16#8f, 16#bf, 16#bf, 32>>
1594        }
1595    ],
1596    [{Title, ?_assertError(
1597            badarg,
1598            decode(<<34, JSON/binary, 34>>, [{strict, [utf8]}])
1599        )} || {Title, _, JSON} <- Cases
1600    ] ++
1601    [{Title ++ " (incremental)", ?_assertError(
1602            badarg,
1603            incremental_decode(<<34, JSON/binary, 34>>, [{strict, [utf8]}])
1604        )} || {Title, _, JSON} <- Cases
1605    ] ++
1606    [{Title ++ " replaced", ?_assertEqual(
1607            [{string, Replacement}, end_json],
1608            decode(<<34, JSON/binary, 34>>)
1609        )} || {Title, Replacement, JSON} <- Cases
1610    ] ++
1611    [{Title ++ " replaced (incremental)", ?_assertEqual(
1612            [{string, Replacement}, end_json],
1613            incremental_decode(<<34, JSON/binary, 34>>)
1614        )} || {Title, Replacement, JSON} <- Cases
1615    ].
1618unescape_test_() ->
1619    Cases = [
1620        {"unescape backspace", <<"\b">>, <<"\\b"/utf8>>},
1621        {"unescape tab", <<"\t">>, <<"\\t"/utf8>>},
1622        {"unescape newline", <<"\n">>, <<"\\n"/utf8>>},
1623        {"unescape formfeed", <<"\f">>, <<"\\f"/utf8>>},
1624        {"unescape carriage return", <<"\r">>, <<"\\r"/utf8>>},
1625        {"unescape quote", <<"\"">>, <<"\\\""/utf8>>},
1626        {"unescape solidus", <<"/">>, <<"\\/"/utf8>>},
1627        {"unescape reverse solidus", <<"\\">>, <<"\\\\"/utf8>>},
1628        {"unescape control", <<0>>, <<"\\u0000"/utf8>>},
1629        {"unescape surrogate pair", <<16#10000/utf8>>, <<"\\ud800\\udc00"/utf8>>},
1630        {"unescape surrogate pair", <<16#10000/utf8>>, <<"\\uD800\\uDC00"/utf8>>},
1631        {"replace bad high surrogate", <<16#fffd/utf8>>, <<"\\udc00"/utf8>>},
1632        {"replace bad high surrogate", <<16#fffd/utf8>>, <<"\\uDC00"/utf8>>},
1633        {"replace naked high surrogate",
1634            <<16#fffd/utf8, "hello world">>,
1635            <<"\\ud800hello world"/utf8>>
1636        },
1637        {"replace naked high surrogate",
1638            <<16#fffd/utf8, "hello world">>,
1639            <<"\\uD800hello world"/utf8>>
1640        },
1641        {"replace naked low surrogate",
1642            <<16#fffd/utf8, "hello world">>,
1643            <<"\\udc00hello world"/utf8>>
1644        },
1645        {"replace naked low surrogate",
1646            <<16#fffd/utf8, "hello world">>,
1647            <<"\\uDC00hello world"/utf8>>
1648        },
1649        {"replace bad surrogate pair", <<16#fffd/utf8, 16#fffd/utf8>>, <<"\\ud800\\u0000">>},
1650        {"replace bad surrogate pair", <<16#fffd/utf8, 16#fffd/utf8>>, <<"\\uD800\\u0000">>}
1651    ],
1652    [{Title, ?_assertEqual([{string, Escaped}, end_json], decode(<<34, JSON/binary, 34>>))}
1653        || {Title, Escaped, JSON} <- Cases
1654    ] ++
1655    [{Title ++ " (incremental)", ?_assertEqual(
1656            [{string, Escaped}, end_json],
1657            incremental_decode(<<34, JSON/binary, 34>>)
1658        )} || {Title, Escaped, JSON} <- Cases
1659    ].
1662bad_escaped_surrogate_test_() ->
1663    Cases = [
1664        {"do not unescape bad high surrogate", <<"\\udc00">>},
1665        {"do not unescape naked high surrogate", <<"\\ud800hello world">>},
1666        {"do not unescape naked low surrogate", <<"\\udc00hello world">>},
1667        {"do not unescape bad surrogate pair", <<"\\ud800\\u0000">>}
1668    ],
1669    [{Title, ?_assertError(badarg, decode(<<34, JSON/binary, 34>>, [{strict, [utf8]}]))}
1670        || {Title, JSON} <- Cases
1671    ].
1674escape_test_() ->
1675    Cases = [
1676        {"backspace", <<"\b">>, <<"\\b">>},
1677        {"tab", <<"\t">>, <<"\\t">>},
1678        {"newline", <<"\n">>, <<"\\n">>},
1679        {"formfeed", <<"\f">>, <<"\\f">>},
1680        {"carriage return", <<"\r">>, <<"\\r">>},
1681        {"quote", <<"\"">>, <<"\\\"">>},
1682        {"backslash", <<"\\">>, <<"\\\\">>},
1683        {"control", <<0>>, <<"\\u0000">>}
1684    ],
1685    [{"escape " ++ Title, ?_assertEqual(
1686            [{string, Escaped}, end_json],
1687            decode(<<34, Escaped/binary, 34>>, [escaped_strings])
1688        )} || {Title, _Unescaped, Escaped} <- Cases
1689    ] ++
1690    [{"do not escape " ++ Title, ?_assertEqual(
1691            [{string, Unescaped}, end_json],
1692            decode(<<34, Escaped/binary, 34>>)
1693        )} || {Title, Unescaped, Escaped} <- Cases
1694    ].
1697special_escape_test_() ->
1698    Cases = [
1699        {"escape forward slash", <<"\\/">>, <<"/"/utf8>>, [escaped_forward_slashes]},
1700        {"do not escape forward slash", <<"/">>, <<"/"/utf8>>, []},
1701        {"escape jsonp", <<"\\u2028">>, <<16#2028/utf8>>, []},
1702        {"do not escape jsonp", <<16#2028/utf8>>, <<16#2028/utf8>>, [unescaped_jsonp]}
1703    ],
1704    [{Title, ?_assertEqual(
1705            [{string, Expect}, end_json],
1706            decode(<<34, Raw/binary, 34>>, [escaped_strings] ++ Config)
1707        )} || {Title, Expect, Raw, Config} <- Cases
1708    ].
1711uescape_test_() ->
1712    [
1713        {"\"\\u0080\"", ?_assertEqual(
1714            [{string, <<"\\u0080">>}, end_json],
1715            decode(<<34, 128/utf8, 34>>, [uescape])
1716        )},
1717        {"\"\\u8ca8\\u5481\\u3002\\u0091\\u0091\"", ?_assertEqual(
1718            [{string, <<"\\u8ca8\\u5481\\u3002\\u0091\\u0091">>}, end_json],
1719            decode(
1720                <<34,232,178,168,229,146,129,227,128,130,194,145,194,145,34>>,
1721                [uescape]
1722            )
1723        )},
1724        {"\"\\ud834\\udd1e\"", ?_assertEqual(
1725            [{string, <<"\\ud834\\udd1e">>}, end_json],
1726            decode(<<34, 240, 157, 132, 158, 34>>, [uescape])
1727        )},
1728        {"\"\\ud83d\\ude0a\"", ?_assertEqual(
1729            [{string, <<"\\ud83d\\ude0a">>}, end_json],
1730            decode(<<34, 240, 159, 152, 138, 34>>, [uescape])
1731        )}
1732    ].
1735single_quoted_string_test_() ->
1736    Cases = [
1737        {"single quoted string", [{string, <<"hello world">>}, end_json], <<39, "hello world", 39>>},
1738        {"single quoted string with embedded double quotes",
1739            [{string, <<"quoth the raven, \"nevermore\"">>}, end_json],
1740            <<39, "quoth the raven, \"nevermore\"", 39>>
1741        },
1742        {"escaped single quote",
1743            [{string, <<"quoth the raven, 'nevermore'">>}, end_json],
1744            <<39, "quoth the raven, \\'nevermore\\'", 39>>
1745        },
1746        {"single quoted key",
1747            [start_object,
1748                {key, <<"key">>}, {string, <<"value">>},
1749                {key, <<"another key">>}, {string, <<"another value">>},
1750            end_object, end_json],
1751            <<"{'key':'value','another key':'another value'}">>
1752        }
1753    ],
1754    [{Title, ?_assertEqual(Expect, decode(Raw, []))} || {Title, Expect, Raw} <- Cases] ++
1755    [{Title, ?_assertError(
1756            badarg,
1757            decode(Raw, [{strict, [single_quotes]}])
1758        )} || {Title, _Expect, Raw} <- Cases
1759    ].
1762embedded_single_quoted_string_test_() ->
1763    [
1764        {"string with embedded single quotes", ?_assertEqual(
1765            [{string, <<"quoth the raven, 'nevermore'">>}, end_json],
1766            decode(<<34, "quoth the raven, 'nevermore'", 34>>, [])
1767        )},
1768        {"string with embedded single quotes", ?_assertEqual(
1769            [{string, <<"quoth the raven, 'nevermore'">>}, end_json],
1770            decode(<<34, "quoth the raven, 'nevermore'", 34>>, [{strict, [single_quotes]}])
1771        )}
1772    ].
1775ignored_bad_escapes_test_() ->
1776    [
1777        {"ignore unrecognized escape sequence", ?_assertEqual(
1778            [{string, <<"\\x25">>}, end_json],
1779            decode(<<"\"\\x25\"">>, [])
1780        )}
1781    ].
1784bom_test_() ->
1785    [
1786        {"bom", ?_assertEqual(
1787            [start_array, end_array, end_json],
1788            decode(<<16#ef, 16#bb, 16#bf, "[]"/utf8>>, [])
1789        )}
1790    ].
1793trailing_comma_test_() ->
1794    [
1795        {"trailing comma in object", ?_assertEqual(
1796            [start_object, {key, <<"key">>}, {literal, true}, end_object, end_json],
1797            decode(<<"{\"key\": true,}">>, [])
1798        )},
1799        {"strict trailing comma in object", ?_assertError(
1800            badarg,
1801            decode(<<"{\"key\": true,}">>, [{strict, [trailing_commas]}])
1802        )},
1803        {"two trailing commas in object", ?_assertError(
1804            badarg,
1805            decode(<<"{\"key\": true,,}">>, [])
1806        )},
1807        {"comma in empty object", ?_assertError(
1808            badarg,
1809            decode(<<"{,}">>, [])
1810        )},
1811        {"trailing comma in list", ?_assertEqual(
1812            [start_array, {literal, true}, end_array, end_json],
1813            decode(<<"[true,]">>, [])
1814        )},
1815        {"strict trailing comma in list", ?_assertError(
1816            badarg,
1817            decode(<<"[true,]">>, [{strict, [trailing_commas]}])
1818        )},
1819        {"two trailing commas in list", ?_assertError(
1820            badarg,
1821            decode(<<"[true,,]">>, [])
1822        )},
1823        {"comma in empty list", ?_assertError(
1824            badarg,
1825            decode(<<"[,]">>, [])
1826        )}
1827    ].
1830incomplete_test_() ->
1831    [
1832        {"stream false", ?_assertError(
1833            badarg,
1834            decode(<<"{">>)
1835        )},
1836        {"stream true", ?_assertMatch(
1837            {incomplete, _},
1838            decode(<<"{">>, [stream])
1839        )},
1840        {"complete input", ?_assertMatch(
1841            {incomplete, _},
1842            decode(<<"{}">>, [stream])
1843        )}
1844    ].
1847error_test_() ->
1848    Cases = [
1849        {"maybe_bom error", <<16#ef, 0>>},
1850        {"definitely_bom error", <<16#ef, 16#bb, 0>>},
1851        {"object error", <<"{"/utf8, 0>>},
1852        {"colon error", <<"{\"\""/utf8, 0>>},
1853        {"key error", <<"{\"\":1,"/utf8, 0>>},
1854        {"value error", <<0>>},
1855        {"negative error", <<"-"/utf8, 0>>},
1856        {"zero error", <<"0"/utf8, 0>>},
1857        {"integer error", <<"1"/utf8, 0>>},
1858        {"decimal error", <<"1.0"/utf8, 0>>},
1859        {"e error", <<"1e"/utf8, 0>>},
1860        {"ex error", <<"1e+"/utf8, 0>>},
1861        {"exp error", <<"1e1"/utf8, 0>>},
1862        {"exp error", <<"1.0e1"/utf8, 0>>},
1863        {"exp error", <<"1.e"/utf8>>},
1864        {"true error", <<"tru"/utf8, 0>>},
1865        {"false error", <<"fals"/utf8, 0>>},
1866        {"null error", <<"nul"/utf8, 0>>},
1867        {"maybe_done error", <<"[[]"/utf8, 0>>},
1868        {"done error", <<"[]"/utf8, 0>>}
1869    ],
1870    [{Title, ?_assertError(badarg, decode(State))} || {Title, State} <- Cases].
1873custom_incomplete_handler_test_() ->
1874    [
1875        {"custom incomplete handler", ?_assertError(
1876            incomplete,
1877            decode(<<>>, [{incomplete_handler, fun(_, _, _) -> erlang:error(incomplete) end}, stream])
1878        )}
1879    ].
1882return_tail_test_() ->
1883    [
1884        {"return_tail with tail", ?_assertEqual(
1885            {with_tail,[{}],<<"3">>},
1886            jsx:decode(<<"{} 3">>, [return_tail])
1887        )},
1888        {"return_tail without tail", ?_assertEqual(
1889            {with_tail,[{}],<<"">>},
1890            jsx:decode(<<"{}">>, [return_tail])
1891        )},
1892        {"return_tail with trimmed whitespace", ?_assertEqual(
1893            {with_tail,[{}],<<"">>},
1894            jsx:decode(<<"{} ">>, [return_tail])
1895        )},
1896        {"return_tail and streaming", ?_assertEqual(
1897            {with_tail,[{}],<<"3">>},
1898            begin
1899                {incomplete, F} = jsx:decode(<<"{">>, [return_tail, stream]),
1900                F(<<"} 3">>)
1901            end
1902        )},
1903        {"return_tail and streaming", ?_assertEqual(
1904            {with_tail,[{}],<<"">>},
1905            begin
1906                %% In case of infinite stream of objects a user does not know
1907                %% when to call F(end_stream).
1908                %% So, return_tail overwrites conservative stream end.
1909                %% This means that we don't need to call end_stream explicitly.
1910                {incomplete, F} = jsx:decode(<<"{">>, [return_tail, stream]),
1911                F(<<"}">>)
1912            end
1913        )}
1914    ].