4//  Copyright 2005-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
5//  All Rights Reserved.
7//  NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file
8//  in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it.
12package mx.managers
15import flash.display.DisplayObject;
16import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
17import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
18import flash.display.Sprite;
19import flash.display.Stage;
20import flash.events.Event;
21import flash.events.IEventDispatcher;
22import flash.geom.Rectangle;
23import flash.text.TextFormat;
25import mx.core.IChildList;
26import mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory;
27import mx.managers.IFocusManagerContainer;
30 *  An ISystemManager manages an "application window".
31 *  Every application that runs on the desktop or in a browser
32 *  has an area where the visuals of the application will be
33 *  displayed.  It may be a window in the operating system
34 *  or an area within the browser.  That is an "application window"
35 *  and different from an instance of <code>mx.core.Application</code>, which
36 *  is the main "top-level" window within an application.
37 *
38 *  <p>Every application has an ISystemManager.
39 *  The ISystemManager  sends an event if
40 *  the size of the application window changes (you cannot change it from
41 *  within the application, but only through interaction with the operating
42 *  system window or browser).  It parents all displayable items within the
43 *  application, such as the main mx.core.Application instance and all popups,
44 *  tooltips, cursors, an so on.  Any object parented by the ISystemManager is
45 *  considered to be a "top-level" window, even tooltips and cursors.</p>
46 *
47 *  <p>The ISystemManager also switches focus between top-level windows
48 *  if there  are more than one IFocusManagerContainer displayed and users
49 *  are interacting with components within the IFocusManagerContainers.</p>
50 *
51 *  <p>All keyboard and mouse activity that is not expressly trapped is seen
52 *  by the ISystemManager, making it a good place to monitor activity
53 *  should you need to do so.</p>
54 *
55 *  <p>If an application is loaded into another application, an ISystemManager
56 *  will still be created, but will not manage an "application window",
57 *  depending on security and domain rules.
58 *  Instead, it will be the <code>content</code> of the <code>Loader</code>
59 *  that loaded it and simply serve as the parent of the sub-application</p>
60 *
61 *  <p>The ISystemManager maintains multiple lists of children, one each for
62 *  tooltips, cursors, popup windows.
63 *  This is how it ensures that popup windows "float" above the main
64 *  application windows and that tooltips "float" above that
65 *  and cursors above that.
66 *  If you examine the <code>numChildren</code> property
67 *  or <code>getChildAt()</code> method on the ISystemManager
68 *  you are accessing the main application window and any other windows
69 *  that aren't popped up.
70 *  To get the list of all windows, including popups, tooltips and cursors,
71 *  use the <code>rawChildren</code> property.</p>
72 *
73 *  @langversion 3.0
74 *  @playerversion Flash 9
75 *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
76 *  @productversion Flex 3
77 */
78public interface ISystemManager extends IEventDispatcher, IChildList, IFlexModuleFactory
80	//--------------------------------------------------------------------------
81	//
82	//  Properties
83	//
84	//--------------------------------------------------------------------------
86    //----------------------------------
87    //  cursorChildren
88    //----------------------------------
90	/**
91	 *  An list of the custom cursors
92	 *  being parented by this ISystemManager.
93	 *
94	 *  <p>An ISystemManager has various types of children,
95	 *  such as the Application, popups, top-most windows,
96	 *  tooltips, and custom cursors.
97	 *  You can access the custom cursors through
98	 *  the <code>cursorChildren</code> property.</p>
99	 *
100	 *  <p>The IChildList object has methods like <code>getChildAt()</code>
101	 *  and properties like <code>numChildren</code>.
102	 *  For example, <code>cursorChildren.numChildren</code> gives
103	 *  the number of custom cursors (which will be either 0 or 1)
104	 *  and, if a custom cursor exists, you can access it as
105	 *  <code>cursorChildren.getChildAt(0)</code>.</p>
106	 *
107	 *  @langversion 3.0
108	 *  @playerversion Flash 9
109	 *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
110	 *  @productversion Flex 3
111	 */
112	function get cursorChildren():IChildList;
114    //----------------------------------
115    //  document
116    //----------------------------------
118	/**
119	 *  A reference to the document object.
120	 *  A document object is an Object at the top of the hierarchy of a
121	 *  Flex application, MXML component, or AS component.
122	 *
123	 *  @langversion 3.0
124	 *  @playerversion Flash 9
125	 *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
126	 *  @productversion Flex 3
127	 */
128	function get document():Object;
130	/**
131	 *  @private
132	 */
133	function set document(value:Object):void;
135    //----------------------------------
136    //  embeddedFontList
137    //----------------------------------
139	/**
140     *  @private
141	 */
142	function get embeddedFontList():Object;
144    //----------------------------------
145    //  focusPane
146    //----------------------------------
148	/**
149	 *  A single Sprite shared among components used as an overlay for drawing focus.
150	 *  You share it if you parent a focused component, not if you are IFocusManagerComponent.
151	 *
152	 *  @langversion 3.0
153	 *  @playerversion Flash 9
154	 *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
155	 *  @productversion Flex 3
156	 */
157	function get focusPane():Sprite;
159	/**
160	 *  @private
161	 */
162	function set focusPane(value:Sprite):void;
164    //----------------------------------
165    //  loaderInfo
166    //----------------------------------
168	/**
169	 *  True if the ISystemManager is a proxy and not a root class.
170	 *
171	 *  @langversion 3.0
172	 *  @playerversion Flash 9
173	 *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
174	 *  @productversion Flex 3
175	 */
176	function get isProxy():Boolean;
178    //----------------------------------
179    //  loaderInfo
180    //----------------------------------
182	/**
183	 *  The LoaderInfo object that represents information about the application.
184     *
185	 *  @langversion 3.0
186	 *  @playerversion Flash 9
187	 *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
188	 *  @productversion Flex 3
189	 */
190	function get loaderInfo():LoaderInfo;
192    //----------------------------------
193    //  numModalWindows
194    //----------------------------------
196    /**
197     *  The number of modal windows.
198     *
199     *  <p>Modal windows don't allow
200     *  clicking in another windows which would normally
201     *  activate the FocusManager in that window.  The PopUpManager
202     *  modifies this count as it creates and destroy modal windows.</p>
203     *
204     *  @langversion 3.0
205     *  @playerversion Flash 9
206     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
207     *  @productversion Flex 3
208     */
209    function get numModalWindows():int;
211    /**
212     *  @private
213     */
214    function set numModalWindows(value:int):void;
216    //----------------------------------
217    //  popUpChildren
218    //----------------------------------
220	/**
221	 *  An list of the topMost (popup)
222	 *  windows being parented by this ISystemManager.
223	 *
224	 *  <p>An ISystemManager has various types of children,
225	 *  such as the Application, popups,
226	 *  tooltips, and custom cursors.
227	 *  You can access the top-most windows through
228	 *  the <code>popUpChildren</code> property.</p>
229	 *
230	 *  <p>The IChildList object has methods like <code>getChildAt()</code>
231	 *  and properties like <code>numChildren</code>.
232	 *  For example, <code>popUpChildren.numChildren</code> gives
233	 *  the number of topmost windows and you can access them as
234	 *  <code>popUpChildren.getChildAt(i)</code>.</p>
235	 *
236	 *
237	 *  @langversion 3.0
238	 *  @playerversion Flash 9
239	 *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
240	 *  @productversion Flex 3
241	 */
242	function get popUpChildren():IChildList;
244    //----------------------------------
245    //  rawChildren
246    //----------------------------------
248	/**
249	 *  A list of all children
250	 *  being parented by this ISystemManager.
251	 *
252	 *  <p>An ISystemManager has various types of children,
253	 *  such as the Application, popups,
254	 *  tooltips, and custom cursors.</p>
255	 *
256	 *  <p>The IChildList object has methods like <code>getChildAt()</code>
257	 *  and properties like <code>numChildren</code>.</p>
258	 *
259	 *  @langversion 3.0
260	 *  @playerversion Flash 9
261	 *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
262	 *  @productversion Flex 3
263	 */
264	function get rawChildren():IChildList;
266    //----------------------------------
267    //  screen
268    //----------------------------------
270	/**
271	 *  The size and position of the application window.
272	 *
273	 *  The Rectangle object contains <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>,
274	 *  <code>width</code>, and <code>height</code> properties.
275     *
276     *  The Rectangle is in sandbox root coordinates.
277	 *
278	 *  @langversion 3.0
279	 *  @playerversion Flash 9
280	 *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
281	 *  @productversion Flex 3
282	 */
283	function get screen():Rectangle
285    //----------------------------------
286    //  stage
287    //----------------------------------
289	/**
290	 *  The flash.display.Stage that represents the application window
291	 *  mapped to this SystemManager
292	 *
293	 *  @langversion 3.0
294	 *  @playerversion Flash 9
295	 *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
296	 *  @productversion Flex 3
297	 */
298	function get stage():Stage
300    //----------------------------------
301    //  toolTipChildren
302    //----------------------------------
304	/**
305	 *  A list of the tooltips
306	 *  being parented by this ISystemManager.
307	 *
308	 *  <p>An ISystemManager has various types of children,
309	 *  such as the Application, popups, topmost windows,
310	 *  tooltips, and custom cursors.</p>
311	 *
312	 *  <p>The IChildList object has methods like <code>getChildAt()</code>
313	 *  and properties like <code>numChildren</code>.
314	 *  For example, <code>toolTipChildren.numChildren</code> gives
315	 *  the number of tooltips (which will be either 0 or 1)
316	 *  and, if a tooltip exists, you can access it as
317	 *  <code>toolTipChildren.getChildAt(0)</code>.</p>
318	 *
319	 *  @langversion 3.0
320	 *  @playerversion Flash 9
321	 *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
322	 *  @productversion Flex 3
323	 */
324	function get toolTipChildren():IChildList;
326    //----------------------------------
327    //  topLevelSystemManager
328    //----------------------------------
330	/**
331	 *  The ISystemManager responsible for the application window.
332	 *  This will be the same ISystemManager unless this application
333	 *  has been loaded into another application.
334	 *
335	 *  @langversion 3.0
336	 *  @playerversion Flash 9
337	 *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
338	 *  @productversion Flex 3
339	 */
340	function get topLevelSystemManager():ISystemManager;
343	//--------------------------------------------------------------------------
344	//
345	//  Methods
346	//
347	//--------------------------------------------------------------------------
349	/**
350	 *  Converts the given String to a Class or package-level Function.
351	 *  Calls the appropriate <code>ApplicationDomain.getDefinition()</code>
352	 *  method based on
353	 *  whether you are loaded into another application or not.
354	 *
355	 *  @param name Name of class, for example "mx.video.VideoManager".
356	 *
357	 *  @return The Class represented by the <code>name</code>, or null.
358	 *
359	 *  @langversion 3.0
360	 *  @playerversion Flash 9
361	 *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
362	 *  @productversion Flex 3
363	 */
364	function getDefinitionByName(name:String):Object;
366	/**
367	 *  Returns <code>true</code> if this ISystemManager is responsible
368	 *  for an application window, and <code>false</code> if this
369	 *  application has been loaded into another application.
370	 *
371	 *  @return <code>true</code> if this ISystemManager is responsible
372	 *  for an application window.
373	 *
374	 *  @langversion 3.0
375	 *  @playerversion Flash 9
376	 *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
377	 *  @productversion Flex 3
378	 */
379	function isTopLevel():Boolean;
381    /**
382     *  Returns <code>true</code> if the required font face is embedded
383	 *  in this application, or has been registered globally by using the
384	 *  <code>Font.registerFont()</code> method.
385	 *
386	 *  @param tf The TextFormat class representing character formatting information.
387	 *
388	 *  @return <code>true</code> if the required font face is embedded
389	 *  in this application, or has been registered globally by using the
390	 *  <code>Font.registerFont()</code> method.
391     *
392     *  @langversion 3.0
393     *  @playerversion Flash 9
394     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
395     *  @productversion Flex 3
396     */
397    function isFontFaceEmbedded(tf:TextFormat):Boolean;
399    /**
400     *  Tests if this system manager is the root of all
401     *  top level system managers.
402     *
403     *  @return <code>true</code> if the SystemManager
404     *  is the root of all SystemManagers on the display list,
405     *  and <code>false</code> otherwise.
406     *
407     *  @langversion 3.0
408     *  @playerversion Flash 9
409     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
410     *  @productversion Flex 3
411     */
412    function isTopLevelRoot():Boolean;
414    /**
415     *  Attempts to get the system manager that is the in the main application.
416     *
417     *  @return The main application's systemManager if allowed by
418	 *  security restrictions or null if it is in a different SecurityDomain.
419     *
420     *  @langversion 3.0
421     *  @playerversion Flash 9
422     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
423     *  @productversion Flex 3
424     */
425    function getTopLevelRoot():DisplayObject;
427    /**
428     *  Gets the system manager that is the root of all
429     *  top level system managers in this SecurityDomain.
430     *
431     *  @return the highest-level systemManager in the sandbox
432     *
433     *  @langversion 3.0
434     *  @playerversion Flash 9
435     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
436     *  @productversion Flex 3
437     */
438    function getSandboxRoot():DisplayObject;
440    /**
441     *  Get the bounds of the loaded application that are visible to the user
442     *  on the screen.
443     *
444     *  @param bounds Optional. The starting bounds for the visible rect. The
445     *  bounds are in global coordinates. If <code>bounds</code> is null the
446     *  starting bounds is defined by the <code>screen</code> property of the
447     *  system manager.
448     *
449     *  @return a <code>Rectangle</code> including the visible portion of the this
450     *  object. The rectangle is in global coordinates.
451     *
452     *  @langversion 3.0
453     *  @playerversion Flash 9
454     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
455     *  @productversion Flex 3
456     */
457	function getVisibleApplicationRect(bounds:Rectangle = null, skipToSandboxRoot:Boolean = false):Rectangle;
459    /**
460     *  Deploy or remove mouse shields. Mouse shields block mouse input to untrusted
461     *  applications. The reason you would want to block mouse input is because
462     *  when you are dragging over an untrusted application you would normally not
463     *  receive any mouse move events. The Flash Player does not send events
464     *  across trusted/untrusted boundries due to security concerns. By covering
465     *  the untrusted application with a mouse shield (assuming you are its parent)
466     *  you can get mouse move message and the drag operation will work as expected.
467     *
468     *  @param deploy <code>true</code> to deploy the mouse shields, <code>false</code>
469     *  to remove the mouse shields.
470     *
471     *  @langversion 3.0
472     *  @playerversion Flash 9
473     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
474     *  @productversion Flex 3
475     */
476    function deployMouseShields(deploy:Boolean):void;
478    /**
479     *  Attempt to notify the parent SWFLoader that the application's size may
480     *  have changed.
481     *
482     *  @langversion 3.0
483     *  @playerversion Flash 10
484     *  @playerversion AIR 1.5
485     *  @productversion Flex 4
486     */
487    function invalidateParentSizeAndDisplayList():void;