1Feature: git town-hack: push branch to remote upon creation
3  When creating a new feature branch and having enough CI server bandwidth for an extra CI run
4  I want it to be pushed to the CI server right away
5  So that I can push and pull from the remote branch right away without having to run "git sync" first
8  Background:
9    Given the new-branch-push-flag configuration is true
10    And the following commits exist in my repo
11      | BRANCH | LOCATION | MESSAGE       |
12      | main   | remote   | remote commit |
13    And I am on the "main" branch
14    When I run "git-town hack feature"
17  Scenario: result
18    Then it runs the commands
19      | BRANCH  | COMMAND                    |
20      | main    | git fetch --prune --tags   |
21      |         | git rebase origin/main     |
22      |         | git branch feature main    |
23      |         | git checkout feature       |
24      | feature | git push -u origin feature |
25    And I end up on the "feature" branch
26    And my repo now has the following commits
27      | BRANCH  | LOCATION      | MESSAGE       |
28      | main    | local, remote | remote commit |
29      | feature | local, remote | remote commit |