2Copyright 2020 Google LLC
4Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14limitations under the License.
17package spannertest
19import (
20	"fmt"
21	"io"
22	"sort"
24	"cloud.google.com/go/spanner/spansql"
28There's several ways to conceptualise SQL queries. The simplest, and what
29we implement here, is a series of pipelines that transform the data, whether
30pulling from a table (FROM tbl), filtering (WHERE expr), re-ordering (ORDER BY expr)
31or other transformations.
33The order of operations among those supported by Cloud Spanner is
34	FROM + JOIN + set ops [TODO: set ops]
37	aggregation
46// rowIter represents some iteration over rows of data.
47// It is returned by reads and queries.
48type rowIter interface {
49	// Cols returns the metadata about the returned data.
50	Cols() []colInfo
52	// Next returns the next row.
53	// If done, it returns (nil, io.EOF).
54	Next() (row, error)
57// aggSentinel is a synthetic expression that refers to an aggregated value.
58// It is transient only; it is never stored and only used during evaluation.
59type aggSentinel struct {
60	spansql.Expr
61	Type     spansql.Type
62	AggIndex int // Index+1 of SELECT list.
65// nullIter is a rowIter that returns one empty row only.
66// This is used for queries without a table.
67type nullIter struct {
68	done bool
71func (ni *nullIter) Cols() []colInfo { return nil }
72func (ni *nullIter) Next() (row, error) {
73	if ni.done {
74		return nil, io.EOF
75	}
76	ni.done = true
77	return nil, nil
80// tableIter is a rowIter that walks a table.
81// It assumes the table is locked for the duration.
82type tableIter struct {
83	t        *table
84	rowIndex int // index of next row to return
86	alias spansql.ID // if non-empty, "AS <alias>"
89func (ti *tableIter) Cols() []colInfo {
90	// Build colInfo in the original column order.
91	cis := make([]colInfo, len(ti.t.cols))
92	for _, ci := range ti.t.cols {
93		if ti.alias != "" {
94			ci.Alias = spansql.PathExp{ti.alias, ci.Name}
95		}
96		cis[ti.t.origIndex[ci.Name]] = ci
97	}
98	return cis
101func (ti *tableIter) Next() (row, error) {
102	if ti.rowIndex >= len(ti.t.rows) {
103		return nil, io.EOF
104	}
105	r := ti.t.rows[ti.rowIndex]
106	ti.rowIndex++
108	// Build output row in the original column order.
109	res := make(row, len(r))
110	for i, ci := range ti.t.cols {
111		res[ti.t.origIndex[ci.Name]] = r[i]
112	}
114	return res, nil
117// rawIter is a rowIter with fixed data.
118type rawIter struct {
119	// cols is the metadata about the returned data.
120	cols []colInfo
122	// rows holds the result data itself.
123	rows []row
126func (raw *rawIter) Cols() []colInfo { return raw.cols }
127func (raw *rawIter) Next() (row, error) {
128	if len(raw.rows) == 0 {
129		return nil, io.EOF
130	}
131	res := raw.rows[0]
132	raw.rows = raw.rows[1:]
133	return res, nil
136func (raw *rawIter) add(src row, colIndexes []int) {
137	raw.rows = append(raw.rows, src.copyData(colIndexes))
140// clone makes a shallow copy.
141func (raw *rawIter) clone() *rawIter {
142	return &rawIter{cols: raw.cols, rows: raw.rows}
145func toRawIter(ri rowIter) (*rawIter, error) {
146	if raw, ok := ri.(*rawIter); ok {
147		return raw, nil
148	}
149	raw := &rawIter{cols: ri.Cols()}
150	for {
151		row, err := ri.Next()
152		if err == io.EOF {
153			break
154		} else if err != nil {
155			return nil, err
156		}
157		raw.rows = append(raw.rows, row.copyAllData())
158	}
159	return raw, nil
162// whereIter applies a WHERE clause.
163type whereIter struct {
164	ri    rowIter
165	ec    evalContext
166	where spansql.BoolExpr
169func (wi whereIter) Cols() []colInfo { return wi.ri.Cols() }
170func (wi whereIter) Next() (row, error) {
171	for {
172		row, err := wi.ri.Next()
173		if err != nil {
174			return nil, err
175		}
176		wi.ec.row = row
178		b, err := wi.ec.evalBoolExpr(wi.where)
179		if err != nil {
180			return nil, err
181		}
182		if b != nil && *b {
183			return row, nil
184		}
185	}
188// selIter applies a SELECT list.
189type selIter struct {
190	ri   rowIter
191	ec   evalContext
192	cis  []colInfo
193	list []spansql.Expr
195	distinct bool // whether this is a SELECT DISTINCT
196	seen     []row
199func (si *selIter) Cols() []colInfo { return si.cis }
200func (si *selIter) Next() (row, error) {
201	for {
202		r, err := si.next()
203		if err != nil {
204			return nil, err
205		}
206		if si.distinct && !si.keep(r) {
207			continue
208		}
209		return r, nil
210	}
213// next retrieves the next row for the SELECT and evaluates its expression list.
214func (si *selIter) next() (row, error) {
215	r, err := si.ri.Next()
216	if err != nil {
217		return nil, err
218	}
219	si.ec.row = r
221	var out row
222	for _, e := range si.list {
223		if e == spansql.Star {
224			out = append(out, r...)
225		} else {
226			v, err := si.ec.evalExpr(e)
227			if err != nil {
228				return nil, err
229			}
230			out = append(out, v)
231		}
232	}
233	return out, nil
236func (si *selIter) keep(r row) bool {
237	// This is hilariously inefficient; O(N^2) in the number of returned rows.
238	// Some sort of hashing could be done to deduplicate instead.
239	// This also breaks on array/struct types.
240	for _, prev := range si.seen {
241		if rowEqual(prev, r) {
242			return false
243		}
244	}
245	si.seen = append(si.seen, r)
246	return true
249// offsetIter applies an OFFSET clause.
250type offsetIter struct {
251	ri   rowIter
252	skip int64
255func (oi *offsetIter) Cols() []colInfo { return oi.ri.Cols() }
256func (oi *offsetIter) Next() (row, error) {
257	for oi.skip > 0 {
258		_, err := oi.ri.Next()
259		if err != nil {
260			return nil, err
261		}
262		oi.skip--
263	}
264	row, err := oi.ri.Next()
265	if err != nil {
266		return nil, err
267	}
268	return row, nil
271// limitIter applies a LIMIT clause.
272type limitIter struct {
273	ri  rowIter
274	rem int64
277func (li *limitIter) Cols() []colInfo { return li.ri.Cols() }
278func (li *limitIter) Next() (row, error) {
279	if li.rem <= 0 {
280		return nil, io.EOF
281	}
282	row, err := li.ri.Next()
283	if err != nil {
284		return nil, err
285	}
286	li.rem--
287	return row, nil
290type queryParam struct {
291	Value interface{} // internal representation
292	Type  spansql.Type
295type queryParams map[string]queryParam // TODO: change key to spansql.Param?
297type queryContext struct {
298	params queryParams
300	tables     []*table // sorted by name
301	tableIndex map[spansql.ID]*table
302	locks      int
305func (qc *queryContext) Lock() {
306	// Take locks in name order.
307	for _, t := range qc.tables {
308		t.mu.Lock()
309		qc.locks++
310	}
313func (qc *queryContext) Unlock() {
314	for _, t := range qc.tables {
315		t.mu.Unlock()
316		qc.locks--
317	}
320func (d *database) Query(q spansql.Query, params queryParams) (ri rowIter, err error) {
321	// Figure out the context of the query and take any required locks.
322	qc, err := d.queryContext(q, params)
323	if err != nil {
324		return nil, err
325	}
326	qc.Lock()
327	// On the way out, if there were locks taken, flatten the output
328	// and release the locks.
329	if qc.locks > 0 {
330		defer func() {
331			if err == nil {
332				ri, err = toRawIter(ri)
333			}
334			qc.Unlock()
335		}()
336	}
338	// Prepare auxiliary expressions to evaluate for ORDER BY.
339	var aux []spansql.Expr
340	var desc []bool
341	for _, o := range q.Order {
342		aux = append(aux, o.Expr)
343		desc = append(desc, o.Desc)
344	}
346	si, err := d.evalSelect(q.Select, qc)
347	if err != nil {
348		return nil, err
349	}
350	ri = si
352	// Apply ORDER BY.
353	if len(q.Order) > 0 {
354		// Evaluate the selIter completely, and sort the rows by the auxiliary expressions.
355		rows, keys, err := evalSelectOrder(si, aux)
356		if err != nil {
357			return nil, err
358		}
359		sort.Sort(externalRowSorter{rows: rows, keys: keys, desc: desc})
360		ri = &rawIter{cols: si.cis, rows: rows}
361	}
363	// Apply LIMIT, OFFSET.
364	if q.Limit != nil {
365		if q.Offset != nil {
366			off, err := evalLiteralOrParam(q.Offset, params)
367			if err != nil {
368				return nil, err
369			}
370			ri = &offsetIter{ri: ri, skip: off}
371		}
373		lim, err := evalLiteralOrParam(q.Limit, params)
374		if err != nil {
375			return nil, err
376		}
377		ri = &limitIter{ri: ri, rem: lim}
378	}
380	return ri, nil
383func (d *database) queryContext(q spansql.Query, params queryParams) (*queryContext, error) {
384	qc := &queryContext{
385		params: params,
386	}
388	// Look for any mentioned tables and add them to qc.tableIndex.
389	addTable := func(name spansql.ID) error {
390		if _, ok := qc.tableIndex[name]; ok {
391			return nil // Already found this table.
392		}
393		t, err := d.table(name)
394		if err != nil {
395			return err
396		}
397		if qc.tableIndex == nil {
398			qc.tableIndex = make(map[spansql.ID]*table)
399		}
400		qc.tableIndex[name] = t
401		return nil
402	}
403	var findTables func(sf spansql.SelectFrom) error
404	findTables = func(sf spansql.SelectFrom) error {
405		switch sf := sf.(type) {
406		default:
407			return fmt.Errorf("can't prepare query context for SelectFrom of type %T", sf)
408		case spansql.SelectFromTable:
409			return addTable(sf.Table)
410		case spansql.SelectFromJoin:
411			if err := findTables(sf.LHS); err != nil {
412				return err
413			}
414			return findTables(sf.RHS)
415		}
416	}
417	for _, sf := range q.Select.From {
418		if err := findTables(sf); err != nil {
419			return nil, err
420		}
421	}
423	// Build qc.tables in name order so we can take locks in a well-defined order.
424	var names []spansql.ID
425	for name := range qc.tableIndex {
426		names = append(names, name)
427	}
428	sort.Slice(names, func(i, j int) bool { return names[i] < names[j] })
429	for _, name := range names {
430		qc.tables = append(qc.tables, qc.tableIndex[name])
431	}
433	return qc, nil
436func (d *database) evalSelect(sel spansql.Select, qc *queryContext) (si *selIter, evalErr error) {
437	var ri rowIter = &nullIter{}
438	ec := evalContext{
439		params: qc.params,
440	}
442	// First stage is to identify the data source.
443	// If there's a FROM then that names a table to use.
444	if len(sel.From) > 1 {
445		return nil, fmt.Errorf("selecting with more than one FROM clause not yet supported")
446	}
447	if len(sel.From) == 1 {
448		var err error
449		ec, ri, err = d.evalSelectFrom(qc, ec, sel.From[0])
450		if err != nil {
451			return nil, err
452		}
453	}
455	// Apply WHERE.
456	if sel.Where != nil {
457		ri = whereIter{
458			ri:    ri,
459			ec:    ec,
460			where: sel.Where,
461		}
462	}
464	// Load aliases visible to any future iterators,
465	// including GROUP BY and ORDER BY. These are not visible to the WHERE clause.
466	ec.aliases = make(map[spansql.ID]spansql.Expr)
467	for i, alias := range sel.ListAliases {
468		ec.aliases[alias] = sel.List[i]
469	}
470	// TODO: Add aliases for "1", "2", etc.
472	// Apply GROUP BY.
473	// This only reorders rows to group rows together;
474	// aggregation happens next.
475	var rowGroups [][2]int // Sequence of half-open intervals of row numbers.
476	if len(sel.GroupBy) > 0 {
477		raw, err := toRawIter(ri)
478		if err != nil {
479			return nil, err
480		}
481		keys := make([][]interface{}, 0, len(raw.rows))
482		for _, row := range raw.rows {
483			// Evaluate sort key for this row.
484			ec.row = row
485			key, err := ec.evalExprList(sel.GroupBy)
486			if err != nil {
487				return nil, err
488			}
489			keys = append(keys, key)
490		}
492		// Reorder rows base on the evaluated keys.
493		ers := externalRowSorter{rows: raw.rows, keys: keys}
494		sort.Sort(ers)
495		raw.rows = ers.rows
497		// Record groups as a sequence of row intervals.
498		// Each group is a run of the same keys.
499		start := 0
500		for i := 1; i < len(keys); i++ {
501			if compareValLists(keys[i-1], keys[i], nil) == 0 {
502				continue
503			}
504			rowGroups = append(rowGroups, [2]int{start, i})
505			start = i
506		}
507		if len(keys) > 0 {
508			rowGroups = append(rowGroups, [2]int{start, len(keys)})
509		}
511		// Clear aliases, since they aren't visible elsewhere.
512		ec.aliases = nil
514		ri = raw
515	}
517	// Handle aggregation.
518	// TODO: Support more than one aggregation function; does Spanner support that?
519	aggI := -1
520	for i, e := range sel.List {
521		// Supported aggregate funcs have exactly one arg.
522		f, ok := e.(spansql.Func)
523		if !ok || len(f.Args) != 1 {
524			continue
525		}
526		_, ok = aggregateFuncs[f.Name]
527		if !ok {
528			continue
529		}
530		if aggI > -1 {
531			return nil, fmt.Errorf("only one aggregate function is supported")
532		}
533		aggI = i
534	}
535	if aggI > -1 {
536		raw, err := toRawIter(ri)
537		if err != nil {
538			return nil, err
539		}
540		if len(sel.GroupBy) == 0 {
541			// No grouping, so aggregation applies to the entire table (e.g. COUNT(*)).
542			// This may result in a [0,0) entry for empty inputs.
543			rowGroups = [][2]int{{0, len(raw.rows)}}
544		}
545		fexpr := sel.List[aggI].(spansql.Func)
546		fn := aggregateFuncs[fexpr.Name]
547		starArg := fexpr.Args[0] == spansql.Star
548		if starArg && !fn.AcceptStar {
549			return nil, fmt.Errorf("aggregate function %s does not accept * as an argument", fexpr.Name)
550		}
551		var argType spansql.Type
552		if !starArg {
553			ci, err := ec.colInfo(fexpr.Args[0])
554			if err != nil {
555				return nil, err
556			}
557			argType = ci.Type
558		}
560		// Prepare output.
561		rawOut := &rawIter{
562			// Same as input columns, but also the aggregate value.
563			// Add the colInfo for the aggregate at the end
564			// so we know the type.
565			// Make a copy for safety.
566			cols: append([]colInfo(nil), raw.cols...),
567		}
569		var aggType spansql.Type
570		for _, rg := range rowGroups {
571			// Compute aggregate value across this group.
572			var values []interface{}
573			for i := rg[0]; i < rg[1]; i++ {
574				ec.row = raw.rows[i]
575				if starArg {
576					// A non-NULL placeholder is sufficient for aggregation.
577					values = append(values, 1)
578				} else {
579					x, err := ec.evalExpr(fexpr.Args[0])
580					if err != nil {
581						return nil, err
582					}
583					values = append(values, x)
584				}
585			}
586			x, typ, err := fn.Eval(values, argType)
587			if err != nil {
588				return nil, err
589			}
590			aggType = typ
592			var outRow row
593			// Output for the row group is the first row of the group (arbitrary,
594			// but it should be representative), and the aggregate value.
595			// TODO: Should this exclude the aggregated expressions so they can't be selected?
596			// If the row group is empty then only the aggregation value is used;
597			// this covers things like COUNT(*) with no matching rows.
598			if rg[0] < len(raw.rows) {
599				repRow := raw.rows[rg[0]]
600				for i := range repRow {
601					outRow = append(outRow, repRow.copyDataElem(i))
602				}
603			} else {
604				// Fill with NULLs to keep the rows and colInfo aligned.
605				for i := 0; i < len(rawOut.cols); i++ {
606					outRow = append(outRow, nil)
607				}
608			}
609			outRow = append(outRow, x)
610			rawOut.rows = append(rawOut.rows, outRow)
611		}
613		if aggType == (spansql.Type{}) {
614			// Fallback; there might not be any groups.
615			// TODO: Should this be in aggregateFunc?
616			aggType = int64Type
617		}
618		rawOut.cols = append(raw.cols, colInfo{
619			Name:     spansql.ID(fexpr.SQL()), // TODO: this is a bit hokey, but it is output only
620			Type:     aggType,
621			AggIndex: aggI + 1,
622		})
624		ri = rawOut
625		ec.cols = rawOut.cols
626		sel.List[aggI] = aggSentinel{ // Mutate query so evalExpr in selIter picks out the new value.
627			Type:     aggType,
628			AggIndex: aggI + 1,
629		}
630	}
632	// TODO: Support table sampling.
634	// Apply SELECT list.
635	var colInfos []colInfo
636	for i, e := range sel.List {
637		if e == spansql.Star {
638			colInfos = append(colInfos, ec.cols...)
639		} else {
640			ci, err := ec.colInfo(e)
641			if err != nil {
642				return nil, err
643			}
644			if len(sel.ListAliases) > 0 {
645				alias := sel.ListAliases[i]
646				if alias != "" {
647					ci.Name = alias
648				}
649			}
650			// TODO: deal with ci.Name == ""?
651			colInfos = append(colInfos, ci)
652		}
653	}
655	return &selIter{
656		ri:   ri,
657		ec:   ec,
658		cis:  colInfos,
659		list: sel.List,
661		distinct: sel.Distinct, // Apply DISTINCT.
662	}, nil
665func (d *database) evalSelectFrom(qc *queryContext, ec evalContext, sf spansql.SelectFrom) (evalContext, rowIter, error) {
666	switch sf := sf.(type) {
667	default:
668		return ec, nil, fmt.Errorf("selecting with FROM clause of type %T not yet supported", sf)
669	case spansql.SelectFromTable:
670		t, ok := qc.tableIndex[sf.Table]
671		if !ok {
672			// This shouldn't be possible; the queryContext should have discovered missing tables already.
673			return ec, nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown table %q", sf.Table)
674		}
675		ti := &tableIter{t: t}
676		if sf.Alias != "" {
677			ti.alias = sf.Alias
678		} else {
679			// There is an implicit alias using the table name.
680			// https://cloud.google.com/spanner/docs/query-syntax#implicit_aliases
681			ti.alias = sf.Table
682		}
683		ec.cols = ti.Cols()
684		return ec, ti, nil
685	case spansql.SelectFromJoin:
686		// TODO: Avoid the toRawIter calls here by doing the RHS recursive evalSelectFrom in joinIter.Next on demand.
688		lhsEC, lhs, err := d.evalSelectFrom(qc, ec, sf.LHS)
689		if err != nil {
690			return ec, nil, err
691		}
692		lhsRaw, err := toRawIter(lhs)
693		if err != nil {
694			return ec, nil, err
695		}
697		rhsEC, rhs, err := d.evalSelectFrom(qc, ec, sf.RHS)
698		if err != nil {
699			return ec, nil, err
700		}
701		rhsRaw, err := toRawIter(rhs)
702		if err != nil {
703			return ec, nil, err
704		}
706		ji, ec, err := newJoinIter(lhsRaw, rhsRaw, lhsEC, rhsEC, sf)
707		if err != nil {
708			return ec, nil, err
709		}
710		return ec, ji, nil
711	}
714func newJoinIter(lhs, rhs *rawIter, lhsEC, rhsEC evalContext, sfj spansql.SelectFromJoin) (*joinIter, evalContext, error) {
715	if sfj.On != nil && len(sfj.Using) > 0 {
716		return nil, evalContext{}, fmt.Errorf("JOIN may not have both ON and USING clauses")
717	}
718	if sfj.On == nil && len(sfj.Using) == 0 && sfj.Type != spansql.CrossJoin {
719		// TODO: This isn't correct for joining against a non-table.
720		return nil, evalContext{}, fmt.Errorf("non-CROSS JOIN must have ON or USING clause")
721	}
723	// Start with the context from the LHS (aliases and params should be the same on both sides).
724	ji := &joinIter{
725		jt: sfj.Type,
726		ec: lhsEC,
728		primary:       lhs,
729		secondaryOrig: rhs,
731		primaryOffset:   0,
732		secondaryOffset: len(lhsEC.cols),
733	}
734	switch ji.jt {
735	case spansql.LeftJoin:
736		ji.nullPad = true
737	case spansql.RightJoin:
738		ji.nullPad = true
739		// Primary is RHS.
740		ji.ec = rhsEC
741		ji.primary, ji.secondaryOrig = rhs, lhs
742		ji.primaryOffset, ji.secondaryOffset = len(rhsEC.cols), 0
743	case spansql.FullJoin:
744		return nil, evalContext{}, fmt.Errorf("TODO: can't yet evaluate FULL JOIN")
745	}
746	ji.ec.cols, ji.ec.row = nil, nil
748	// Construct a merged evalContext, and prepare the join condition evaluation.
749	// TODO: Remove ambiguous names here? Or catch them when evaluated?
750	// TODO: aliases might need work?
751	if len(sfj.Using) == 0 {
752		ji.prepNonUsing(sfj.On, lhsEC, rhsEC)
753	} else {
754		if err := ji.prepUsing(sfj.Using, lhsEC, rhsEC, ji.jt == spansql.RightJoin); err != nil {
755			return nil, evalContext{}, err
756		}
757	}
759	return ji, ji.ec, nil
762// prepNonUsing configures the joinIter to evaluate with an ON clause or no join clause.
763// The arg is nil in the latter case.
764func (ji *joinIter) prepNonUsing(on spansql.BoolExpr, lhsEC, rhsEC evalContext) {
765	// Having ON or no clause results in the full set of columns from both sides.
766	// Force a copy.
767	ji.ec.cols = append(ji.ec.cols, lhsEC.cols...)
768	ji.ec.cols = append(ji.ec.cols, rhsEC.cols...)
769	ji.ec.row = make(row, len(ji.ec.cols))
771	ji.cond = func(primary, secondary row) (bool, error) {
772		copy(ji.ec.row[ji.primaryOffset:], primary)
773		copy(ji.ec.row[ji.secondaryOffset:], secondary)
774		if on == nil {
775			// No condition; all rows match.
776			return true, nil
777		}
778		b, err := ji.ec.evalBoolExpr(on)
779		if err != nil {
780			return false, err
781		}
782		return b != nil && *b, nil
783	}
784	ji.zero = func(primary row) {
785		for i := range ji.ec.row {
786			ji.ec.row[i] = nil
787		}
788		copy(ji.ec.row[ji.primaryOffset:], primary)
789	}
792func (ji *joinIter) prepUsing(using []spansql.ID, lhsEC, rhsEC evalContext, flipped bool) error {
793	// Having a USING clause results in the set of named columns once,
794	// followed by the unnamed columns from both sides.
796	// lhsUsing is the column indexes in the LHS that the USING clause references.
797	// rhsUsing is similar.
798	// lhsNotUsing/rhsNotUsing are the complement.
799	var lhsUsing, rhsUsing []int
800	var lhsNotUsing, rhsNotUsing []int
801	// lhsUsed, rhsUsed are the set of column indexes in lhsUsing/rhsUsing.
802	lhsUsed, rhsUsed := make(map[int]bool), make(map[int]bool)
803	for _, id := range using {
804		lhsi, err := lhsEC.resolveColumnIndex(id)
805		if err != nil {
806			return err
807		}
808		lhsUsing = append(lhsUsing, lhsi)
809		lhsUsed[lhsi] = true
811		rhsi, err := rhsEC.resolveColumnIndex(id)
812		if err != nil {
813			return err
814		}
815		rhsUsing = append(rhsUsing, rhsi)
816		rhsUsed[rhsi] = true
818		// TODO: Should this hide or merge column aliases?
819		ji.ec.cols = append(ji.ec.cols, lhsEC.cols[lhsi])
820	}
821	for i, col := range lhsEC.cols {
822		if !lhsUsed[i] {
823			ji.ec.cols = append(ji.ec.cols, col)
824			lhsNotUsing = append(lhsNotUsing, i)
825		}
826	}
827	for i, col := range rhsEC.cols {
828		if !rhsUsed[i] {
829			ji.ec.cols = append(ji.ec.cols, col)
830			rhsNotUsing = append(rhsNotUsing, i)
831		}
832	}
833	ji.ec.row = make(row, len(ji.ec.cols))
835	primaryUsing, secondaryUsing := lhsUsing, rhsUsing
836	if flipped {
837		primaryUsing, secondaryUsing = secondaryUsing, primaryUsing
838	}
840	orNil := func(r row, i int) interface{} {
841		if r == nil {
842			return nil
843		}
844		return r[i]
845	}
846	// populate writes the data to ji.ec.row in the correct positions.
847	populate := func(primary, secondary row) { // secondary may be nil
848		j := 0
849		for _, pi := range primaryUsing {
850			ji.ec.row[j] = primary[pi]
851			j++
852		}
853		lhs, rhs := primary, secondary
854		if flipped {
855			rhs, lhs = lhs, rhs
856		}
857		for _, i := range lhsNotUsing {
858			ji.ec.row[j] = orNil(lhs, i)
859			j++
860		}
861		for _, i := range rhsNotUsing {
862			ji.ec.row[j] = orNil(rhs, i)
863			j++
864		}
865	}
866	ji.cond = func(primary, secondary row) (bool, error) {
867		for i, pi := range primaryUsing {
868			si := secondaryUsing[i]
869			if compareVals(primary[pi], secondary[si]) != 0 {
870				return false, nil
871			}
872		}
873		populate(primary, secondary)
874		return true, nil
875	}
876	ji.zero = func(primary row) {
877		populate(primary, nil)
878	}
879	return nil
882type joinIter struct {
883	jt spansql.JoinType
884	ec evalContext // combined context
886	// The "primary" is scanned (consumed), but the secondary is cloned for each primary row.
887	// Most join types have primary==LHS; a RIGHT JOIN is the exception.
888	primary, secondaryOrig *rawIter
890	// The offsets into ec.row that the primary/secondary rows should appear
891	// in the final output. Not used when there's a USING clause.
892	primaryOffset, secondaryOffset int
893	// nullPad is whether primary rows without matching secondary rows
894	// should be yielded with null padding (e.g. OUTER JOINs).
895	nullPad bool
897	primaryRow row      // current row from primary, or nil if it is time to advance
898	secondary  *rawIter // current clone of secondary
899	any        bool     // true if any secondary rows have matched primaryRow
901	// cond reports whether the primary and secondary rows "join" (e.g. the ON clause is true).
902	// It populates ec.row with the output.
903	cond func(primary, secondary row) (bool, error)
904	// zero populates ec.row with the primary row and sets the remainder to NULL.
905	// This is used when nullPad is true and a primary row doesn't match any secondary row.
906	zero func(primary row)
909func (ji *joinIter) Cols() []colInfo { return ji.ec.cols }
911func (ji *joinIter) nextPrimary() error {
912	var err error
913	ji.primaryRow, err = ji.primary.Next()
914	if err != nil {
915		return err
916	}
917	ji.secondary = ji.secondaryOrig.clone()
918	ji.any = false
919	return nil
922func (ji *joinIter) Next() (row, error) {
923	if ji.primaryRow == nil {
924		if err := ji.nextPrimary(); err != nil {
925			return nil, err
926		}
927	}
929	for {
930		secondaryRow, err := ji.secondary.Next()
931		if err == io.EOF {
932			// Finished the current primary row.
934			if !ji.any && ji.nullPad {
935				ji.zero(ji.primaryRow)
936				ji.primaryRow = nil
937				return ji.ec.row, nil
938			}
940			// Advance to next one.
941			if err := ji.nextPrimary(); err != nil {
942				return nil, err
943			}
944			continue
945		}
946		if err != nil {
947			return nil, err
948		}
950		// We have a pair of rows to consider.
951		match, err := ji.cond(ji.primaryRow, secondaryRow)
952		if err != nil {
953			return nil, err
954		}
955		if !match {
956			continue
957		}
958		ji.any = true
959		return ji.ec.row, nil
960	}
963func evalSelectOrder(si *selIter, aux []spansql.Expr) (rows []row, keys [][]interface{}, err error) {
964	// This is like toRawIter except it also evaluates the auxiliary expressions for ORDER BY.
965	for {
966		r, err := si.Next()
967		if err == io.EOF {
968			break
969		} else if err != nil {
970			return nil, nil, err
971		}
972		key, err := si.ec.evalExprList(aux)
973		if err != nil {
974			return nil, nil, err
975		}
977		rows = append(rows, r.copyAllData())
978		keys = append(keys, key)
979	}
980	return
983// externalRowSorter implements sort.Interface for a slice of rows
984// with an external sort key.
985type externalRowSorter struct {
986	rows []row
987	keys [][]interface{}
988	desc []bool // may be nil
991func (ers externalRowSorter) Len() int { return len(ers.rows) }
992func (ers externalRowSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
993	return compareValLists(ers.keys[i], ers.keys[j], ers.desc) < 0
995func (ers externalRowSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
996	ers.rows[i], ers.rows[j] = ers.rows[j], ers.rows[i]
997	ers.keys[i], ers.keys[j] = ers.keys[j], ers.keys[i]