1package progressui
3import (
4	"bytes"
5	"context"
6	"fmt"
7	"io"
8	"os"
9	"sort"
10	"strconv"
11	"strings"
12	"time"
14	"github.com/containerd/console"
15	"github.com/jaguilar/vt100"
16	"github.com/moby/buildkit/client"
17	"github.com/morikuni/aec"
18	digest "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest"
19	"github.com/tonistiigi/units"
20	"golang.org/x/time/rate"
23func DisplaySolveStatus(ctx context.Context, phase string, c console.Console, w io.Writer, ch chan *client.SolveStatus) error {
25	modeConsole := c != nil
27	disp := &display{c: c, phase: phase}
28	printer := &textMux{w: w}
30	if disp.phase == "" {
31		disp.phase = "Building"
32	}
34	t := newTrace(w, modeConsole)
36	tickerTimeout := 150 * time.Millisecond
37	displayTimeout := 100 * time.Millisecond
39	if v := os.Getenv("TTY_DISPLAY_RATE"); v != "" {
40		if r, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64); err == nil {
41			tickerTimeout = time.Duration(r) * time.Millisecond
42			displayTimeout = time.Duration(r) * time.Millisecond
43		}
44	}
46	var done bool
47	ticker := time.NewTicker(tickerTimeout)
48	defer ticker.Stop()
50	displayLimiter := rate.NewLimiter(rate.Every(displayTimeout), 1)
52	var height int
53	width, _ := disp.getSize()
54	for {
55		select {
56		case <-ctx.Done():
57			return ctx.Err()
58		case <-ticker.C:
59		case ss, ok := <-ch:
60			if ok {
61				t.update(ss, width)
62			} else {
63				done = true
64			}
65		}
67		if modeConsole {
68			width, height = disp.getSize()
69			if done {
70				disp.print(t.displayInfo(), width, height, true)
71				t.printErrorLogs(c)
72				return nil
73			} else if displayLimiter.Allow() {
74				ticker.Stop()
75				ticker = time.NewTicker(tickerTimeout)
76				disp.print(t.displayInfo(), width, height, false)
77			}
78		} else {
79			if done || displayLimiter.Allow() {
80				printer.print(t)
81				if done {
82					t.printErrorLogs(w)
83					return nil
84				}
85				ticker.Stop()
86				ticker = time.NewTicker(tickerTimeout)
87			}
88		}
89	}
92const termHeight = 6
93const termPad = 10
95type displayInfo struct {
96	startTime      time.Time
97	jobs           []*job
98	countTotal     int
99	countCompleted int
102type job struct {
103	startTime     *time.Time
104	completedTime *time.Time
105	name          string
106	status        string
107	hasError      bool
108	isCanceled    bool
109	vertex        *vertex
110	showTerm      bool
113type trace struct {
114	w             io.Writer
115	localTimeDiff time.Duration
116	vertexes      []*vertex
117	byDigest      map[digest.Digest]*vertex
118	nextIndex     int
119	updates       map[digest.Digest]struct{}
120	modeConsole   bool
123type vertex struct {
124	*client.Vertex
125	statuses []*status
126	byID     map[string]*status
127	indent   string
128	index    int
130	logs          [][]byte
131	logsPartial   bool
132	logsOffset    int
133	prev          *client.Vertex
134	events        []string
135	lastBlockTime *time.Time
136	count         int
137	statusUpdates map[string]struct{}
139	jobs      []*job
140	jobCached bool
142	term      *vt100.VT100
143	termBytes int
144	termCount int
147func (v *vertex) update(c int) {
148	if v.count == 0 {
149		now := time.Now()
150		v.lastBlockTime = &now
151	}
152	v.count += c
155type status struct {
156	*client.VertexStatus
159func newTrace(w io.Writer, modeConsole bool) *trace {
160	return &trace{
161		byDigest:    make(map[digest.Digest]*vertex),
162		updates:     make(map[digest.Digest]struct{}),
163		w:           w,
164		modeConsole: modeConsole,
165	}
168func (t *trace) triggerVertexEvent(v *client.Vertex) {
169	if v.Started == nil {
170		return
171	}
173	var old client.Vertex
174	vtx := t.byDigest[v.Digest]
175	if v := vtx.prev; v != nil {
176		old = *v
177	}
179	changed := false
180	if v.Digest != old.Digest {
181		changed = true
182	}
183	if v.Name != old.Name {
184		changed = true
185	}
186	if v.Started != old.Started {
187		if v.Started != nil && old.Started == nil || !v.Started.Equal(*old.Started) {
188			changed = true
189		}
190	}
191	if v.Completed != old.Completed && v.Completed != nil {
192		changed = true
193	}
194	if v.Cached != old.Cached {
195		changed = true
196	}
197	if v.Error != old.Error {
198		changed = true
199	}
201	if changed {
202		vtx.update(1)
203		t.updates[v.Digest] = struct{}{}
204	}
206	t.byDigest[v.Digest].prev = v
209func (t *trace) update(s *client.SolveStatus, termWidth int) {
210	for _, v := range s.Vertexes {
211		prev, ok := t.byDigest[v.Digest]
212		if !ok {
213			t.nextIndex++
214			t.byDigest[v.Digest] = &vertex{
215				byID:          make(map[string]*status),
216				statusUpdates: make(map[string]struct{}),
217				index:         t.nextIndex,
218			}
219			if t.modeConsole {
220				t.byDigest[v.Digest].term = vt100.NewVT100(termHeight, termWidth-termPad)
221			}
222		}
223		t.triggerVertexEvent(v)
224		if v.Started != nil && (prev == nil || prev.Started == nil) {
225			if t.localTimeDiff == 0 {
226				t.localTimeDiff = time.Since(*v.Started)
227			}
228			t.vertexes = append(t.vertexes, t.byDigest[v.Digest])
229		}
230		// allow a duplicate initial vertex that shouldn't reset state
231		if !(prev != nil && prev.Started != nil && v.Started == nil) {
232			t.byDigest[v.Digest].Vertex = v
233		}
234		t.byDigest[v.Digest].jobCached = false
235	}
236	for _, s := range s.Statuses {
237		v, ok := t.byDigest[s.Vertex]
238		if !ok {
239			continue // shouldn't happen
240		}
241		v.jobCached = false
242		prev, ok := v.byID[s.ID]
243		if !ok {
244			v.byID[s.ID] = &status{VertexStatus: s}
245		}
246		if s.Started != nil && (prev == nil || prev.Started == nil) {
247			v.statuses = append(v.statuses, v.byID[s.ID])
248		}
249		v.byID[s.ID].VertexStatus = s
250		v.statusUpdates[s.ID] = struct{}{}
251		t.updates[v.Digest] = struct{}{}
252		v.update(1)
253	}
254	for _, l := range s.Logs {
255		v, ok := t.byDigest[l.Vertex]
256		if !ok {
257			continue // shouldn't happen
258		}
259		v.jobCached = false
260		if v.term != nil {
261			if v.term.Width != termWidth {
262				v.term.Resize(termHeight, termWidth-termPad)
263			}
264			v.termBytes += len(l.Data)
265			v.term.Write(l.Data) // error unhandled on purpose. don't trust vt100
266		}
267		i := 0
268		complete := split(l.Data, byte('\n'), func(dt []byte) {
269			if v.logsPartial && len(v.logs) != 0 && i == 0 {
270				v.logs[len(v.logs)-1] = append(v.logs[len(v.logs)-1], dt...)
271			} else {
272				ts := time.Duration(0)
273				if v.Started != nil {
274					ts = l.Timestamp.Sub(*v.Started)
275				}
276				prec := 1
277				sec := ts.Seconds()
278				if sec < 10 {
279					prec = 3
280				} else if sec < 100 {
281					prec = 2
282				}
283				v.logs = append(v.logs, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("#%d %s %s", v.index, fmt.Sprintf("%.[2]*[1]f", sec, prec), dt)))
284			}
285			i++
286		})
287		v.logsPartial = !complete
288		t.updates[v.Digest] = struct{}{}
289		v.update(1)
290	}
293func (t *trace) printErrorLogs(f io.Writer) {
294	for _, v := range t.vertexes {
295		if v.Error != "" && !strings.HasSuffix(v.Error, context.Canceled.Error()) {
296			fmt.Fprintln(f, "------")
297			fmt.Fprintf(f, " > %s:\n", v.Name)
298			for _, l := range v.logs {
299				f.Write(l)
300				fmt.Fprintln(f)
301			}
302			fmt.Fprintln(f, "------")
303		}
304	}
307func (t *trace) displayInfo() (d displayInfo) {
308	d.startTime = time.Now()
309	if t.localTimeDiff != 0 {
310		d.startTime = (*t.vertexes[0].Started).Add(t.localTimeDiff)
311	}
312	d.countTotal = len(t.byDigest)
313	for _, v := range t.byDigest {
314		if v.Completed != nil {
315			d.countCompleted++
316		}
317	}
319	for _, v := range t.vertexes {
320		if v.jobCached {
321			d.jobs = append(d.jobs, v.jobs...)
322			continue
323		}
324		var jobs []*job
325		j := &job{
326			startTime:     addTime(v.Started, t.localTimeDiff),
327			completedTime: addTime(v.Completed, t.localTimeDiff),
328			name:          strings.Replace(v.Name, "\t", " ", -1),
329			vertex:        v,
330		}
331		if v.Error != "" {
332			if strings.HasSuffix(v.Error, context.Canceled.Error()) {
333				j.isCanceled = true
334				j.name = "CANCELED " + j.name
335			} else {
336				j.hasError = true
337				j.name = "ERROR " + j.name
338			}
339		}
340		if v.Cached {
341			j.name = "CACHED " + j.name
342		}
343		j.name = v.indent + j.name
344		jobs = append(jobs, j)
345		for _, s := range v.statuses {
346			j := &job{
347				startTime:     addTime(s.Started, t.localTimeDiff),
348				completedTime: addTime(s.Completed, t.localTimeDiff),
349				name:          v.indent + "=> " + s.ID,
350			}
351			if s.Total != 0 {
352				j.status = fmt.Sprintf("%.2f / %.2f", units.Bytes(s.Current), units.Bytes(s.Total))
353			} else if s.Current != 0 {
354				j.status = fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", units.Bytes(s.Current))
355			}
356			jobs = append(jobs, j)
357		}
358		d.jobs = append(d.jobs, jobs...)
359		v.jobs = jobs
360		v.jobCached = true
361	}
363	return d
366func split(dt []byte, sep byte, fn func([]byte)) bool {
367	if len(dt) == 0 {
368		return false
369	}
370	for {
371		if len(dt) == 0 {
372			return true
373		}
374		idx := bytes.IndexByte(dt, sep)
375		if idx == -1 {
376			fn(dt)
377			return false
378		}
379		fn(dt[:idx])
380		dt = dt[idx+1:]
381	}
384func addTime(tm *time.Time, d time.Duration) *time.Time {
385	if tm == nil {
386		return nil
387	}
388	t := (*tm).Add(d)
389	return &t
392type display struct {
393	c         console.Console
394	phase     string
395	lineCount int
396	repeated  bool
399func (disp *display) getSize() (int, int) {
400	width := 80
401	height := 10
402	if disp.c != nil {
403		size, err := disp.c.Size()
404		if err == nil && size.Width > 0 && size.Height > 0 {
405			width = int(size.Width)
406			height = int(size.Height)
407		}
408	}
409	return width, height
412func setupTerminals(jobs []*job, height int, all bool) []*job {
413	var candidates []*job
414	numInUse := 0
415	for _, j := range jobs {
416		if j.vertex != nil && j.vertex.termBytes > 0 && j.completedTime == nil {
417			candidates = append(candidates, j)
418		}
419		if j.completedTime == nil {
420			numInUse++
421		}
422	}
423	sort.Slice(candidates, func(i, j int) bool {
424		idxI := candidates[i].vertex.termBytes + candidates[i].vertex.termCount*50
425		idxJ := candidates[j].vertex.termBytes + candidates[j].vertex.termCount*50
426		return idxI > idxJ
427	})
429	numFree := height - 2 - numInUse
430	numToHide := 0
431	termLimit := termHeight + 3
433	for i := 0; numFree > termLimit && i < len(candidates); i++ {
434		candidates[i].showTerm = true
435		numToHide += candidates[i].vertex.term.UsedHeight()
436		numFree -= termLimit
437	}
439	if !all {
440		jobs = wrapHeight(jobs, height-2-numToHide)
441	}
443	return jobs
446func (disp *display) print(d displayInfo, width, height int, all bool) {
447	// this output is inspired by Buck
448	d.jobs = setupTerminals(d.jobs, height, all)
449	b := aec.EmptyBuilder
450	for i := 0; i <= disp.lineCount; i++ {
451		b = b.Up(1)
452	}
453	if !disp.repeated {
454		b = b.Down(1)
455	}
456	disp.repeated = true
457	fmt.Fprint(disp.c, b.Column(0).ANSI)
459	statusStr := ""
460	if d.countCompleted > 0 && d.countCompleted == d.countTotal && all {
461		statusStr = "FINISHED"
462	}
464	fmt.Fprint(disp.c, aec.Hide)
465	defer fmt.Fprint(disp.c, aec.Show)
467	out := fmt.Sprintf("[+] %s %.1fs (%d/%d) %s", disp.phase, time.Since(d.startTime).Seconds(), d.countCompleted, d.countTotal, statusStr)
468	out = align(out, "", width)
469	fmt.Fprintln(disp.c, out)
470	lineCount := 0
471	for _, j := range d.jobs {
472		endTime := time.Now()
473		if j.completedTime != nil {
474			endTime = *j.completedTime
475		}
476		if j.startTime == nil {
477			continue
478		}
479		dt := endTime.Sub(*j.startTime).Seconds()
480		if dt < 0.05 {
481			dt = 0
482		}
483		pfx := " => "
484		timer := fmt.Sprintf(" %3.1fs\n", dt)
485		status := j.status
486		showStatus := false
488		left := width - len(pfx) - len(timer) - 1
489		if status != "" {
490			if left+len(status) > 20 {
491				showStatus = true
492				left -= len(status) + 1
493			}
494		}
495		if left < 12 { // too small screen to show progress
496			continue
497		}
498		name := j.name
499		if len(name) > left {
500			name = name[:left]
501		}
503		out := pfx + name
504		if showStatus {
505			out += " " + status
506		}
508		out = align(out, timer, width)
509		if j.completedTime != nil {
510			color := aec.BlueF
511			if j.isCanceled {
512				color = aec.YellowF
513			} else if j.hasError {
514				color = aec.RedF
515			}
516			out = aec.Apply(out, color)
517		}
518		fmt.Fprint(disp.c, out)
519		lineCount++
520		if j.showTerm {
521			term := j.vertex.term
522			term.Resize(termHeight, width-termPad)
523			for _, l := range term.Content {
524				if !isEmpty(l) {
525					out := aec.Apply(fmt.Sprintf(" => => # %s\n", string(l)), aec.Faint)
526					fmt.Fprint(disp.c, out)
527					lineCount++
528				}
529			}
530			j.vertex.termCount++
531			j.showTerm = false
532		}
533	}
534	// override previous content
535	if diff := disp.lineCount - lineCount; diff > 0 {
536		for i := 0; i < diff; i++ {
537			fmt.Fprintln(disp.c, strings.Repeat(" ", width))
538		}
539		fmt.Fprint(disp.c, aec.EmptyBuilder.Up(uint(diff)).Column(0).ANSI)
540	}
541	disp.lineCount = lineCount
544func isEmpty(l []rune) bool {
545	for _, r := range l {
546		if r != ' ' {
547			return false
548		}
549	}
550	return true
553func align(l, r string, w int) string {
554	return fmt.Sprintf("%-[2]*[1]s %[3]s", l, w-len(r)-1, r)
557func wrapHeight(j []*job, limit int) []*job {
558	if limit < 0 {
559		return nil
560	}
561	var wrapped []*job
562	wrapped = append(wrapped, j...)
563	if len(j) > limit {
564		wrapped = wrapped[len(j)-limit:]
566		// wrap things around if incomplete jobs were cut
567		var invisible []*job
568		for _, j := range j[:len(j)-limit] {
569			if j.completedTime == nil {
570				invisible = append(invisible, j)
571			}
572		}
574		if l := len(invisible); l > 0 {
575			rewrapped := make([]*job, 0, len(wrapped))
576			for _, j := range wrapped {
577				if j.completedTime == nil || l <= 0 {
578					rewrapped = append(rewrapped, j)
579				}
580				l--
581			}
582			freespace := len(wrapped) - len(rewrapped)
583			wrapped = append(invisible[len(invisible)-freespace:], rewrapped...)
584		}
585	}
586	return wrapped