2layout: "docs"
3page_title: "Identity - Secrets Engines"
4sidebar_title: "Identity"
5sidebar_current: "docs-secrets-identity"
6description: |-
7  The Identity secrets engine for Vault manages client identities.
10# Identity Secrets Engine
12Name: `identity`
14The Identity secrets engine is the identity management solution for Vault. It
15internally maintains the clients who are recognized by Vault. Each client is
16internally termed as an `Entity`. An entity can have multiple `Aliases`. For
17example, a single user who has accounts in both GitHub and LDAP, can be mapped
18to a single entity in Vault that has 2 aliases, one of type GitHub and one of
19type LDAP. When a client authenticates via any of the credential backend
20(except the Token backend), Vault creates a new entity and attaches a new
21alias to it, if a corresponding entity doesn't already exist. The entity identifier will
22be tied to the authenticated token. When such tokens are put to use, their
23entity identifiers are audit logged, marking a trail of actions performed by
24specific users.
26Identity store allows operators to **manage** the entities in Vault. Entities
27can be created and aliases can be tied to entities, via the ACL'd API. There
28can be policies set on the entities which adds capabilities to the tokens that
29are tied to entity identifiers. The capabilities granted to tokens via the
30entities are **an addition** to the existing capabilities of the token and
31**not** a replacement. The capabilities of the token that get inherited from
32entities are computed dynamically at request time. This provides flexibility in
33controlling the access of tokens that are already issued.
35This secrets engine will be mounted by default. This secrets engine cannot be
36disabled or moved.
38## Concepts
40### Entities and Aliases
42Each user will have multiple accounts with various identity providers. Users
43can now be mapped as `Entities` and their corresponding accounts with
44authentication providers can be mapped as `Aliases`. In essence, each entity is
45made up of zero or more aliases.
47### Entity Management
49Entities in Vault **do not** automatically pull identity information from
50anywhere. It needs to be explicitly managed by operators. This way, it is
51flexible in terms of administratively controlling the number of entities to be
52synced against Vault. In some sense, Vault will serve as a _cache_ of
53identities and not as a _source_ of identities.
55### Entity Policies
57Vault policies can be assigned to entities which will grant _additional_
58permissions to the token on top of the existing policies on the token. If the
59token presented on the API request contains an identifier for the entity and if
60that entity has a set of policies on it, then the token will be capable of
61performing actions allowed by the policies on the entity as well.
63This is a paradigm shift in terms of _when_ the policies of the token get
64evaluated. Before identity, the policy names on the token were immutable (not
65the contents of those policies though). But with entity policies, along with
66the immutable set of policy names on the token, the evaluation of policies
67applicable to the token through its identity will happen at request time. This
68also adds enormous flexibility to control the behavior of already issued
71Its important to note that the policies on the entity are only a means to grant
72_additional_ capabilities and not a replacement for the policies on the token.
73To know the full set of capabilities of the token with an associated entity
74identifier, the policies on the token should be taken into account.
76### Mount Bound Aliases
78Vault supports multiple authentication backends and also allows enabling the
79same type of authentication backend on different mount paths. The alias name of
80the user will be unique within the backend's mount. But identity store needs to
81uniquely distinguish between conflicting alias names across different mounts of
82these identity providers. Hence, the alias name in combination with the
83authentication backend mount's accessor, serve as the unique identifier of an
86### Implicit Entities
88Operators can create entities for all the users of an auth mount beforehand and
89assign policies to them, so that when users login, the desired capabilities to
90the tokens via entities are already assigned. But if that's not done, upon a
91successful user login from any of the authentication backends, Vault will
92create a new entity and assign an alias against the login that was successful.
94Note that the tokens created using the token authentication backend will not
95have an associated identity information. Logging in using the authentication
96backends is the only way to create tokens that have a valid entity identifiers.
98### Identity Auditing
100If the token used to make API calls have an associated entity identifier, it
101will be audit logged as well. This leaves a trail of actions performed by
102specific users.
104### Identity Groups
106In version 0.9, Vault identity has support for groups. A group can contain
107multiple entities as its members. A group can also have subgroups. Policies set
108on the group is granted to all members of the group. During request time, when
109the token's entity ID is being evaluated for the policies that it has access
110to; along with the policies on the entity itself, policies that are inherited
111due to group memberships are also granted.
113### Group Hierarchical Permissions
115Entities can be direct members of groups, in which case they inherit the
116policies of the groups they belong to. Entities can also be indirect members of
117groups. For example, if a GroupA has GroupB as subgroup, then members of GroupB
118are indirect members of GroupA. Hence, the members of GroupB will have access
119to policies on both GroupA and GroupB.
121### External vs Internal Groups
123By default, the groups created in identity store are called the internal
124groups. The membership management of these groups should be carried out
125manually. A group can also be created as an external group. In this case, the
126entity membership in the group is managed semi-automatically. External group
127serves as a mapping to a group that is outside of the identity store. External
128groups can have one (and only one) alias. This alias should map to a notion of
129group that is outside of the identity store. For example, groups in LDAP, and
130teams in GitHub. A username in LDAP, belonging to a group in LDAP, can get its
131entity ID added as a member of a group in Vault automatically during *logins*
132and *token renewals*. This works only if the group in Vault is an external
133group and has an alias that maps to the group in LDAP. If the user is removed
134from the group in LDAP, that change gets reflected in Vault only upon the
135subsequent login or renewal operation.
137## Identity Tokens
139Identity information is used throughout Vault, but it can also be exported for
140use by other applications. An authorized user/application can request a token
141that encapsulates identity information for their associated entity. These
142tokens are signed JWTs following the [OIDC ID
143token](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#IDToken) structure.
144The public keys used to authenticate the tokens are published by Vault on an
145unauthenticated endpoint following OIDC discovery and JWKS conventions, which
146should be a directly usable by JWT/OIDC libraries. An introspection endpoint is
147also provided by Vault for token verification.
149### Roles and Keys
151OIDC-compliant ID tokens are generated against a role which allows configuration
152of token claims via a templating system, token ttl, and a way to specify which
153"key" will be used to sign the token. The role template is an optional parameter
154to customize the token contents and is described in the next section. Token TTL
155controls the expiration time of the token, after which verification library will
156consider the token invalid. All roles have a Vault-generated `client_id`
157attribute that is returned when the role is read. This value cannot be changed
158and will be added to the token's `aud` parameter. JWT/OIDC libraries will often
159require this value.
161A role's `key` parameter links a role to an existing named key (multiple roles
162may refer to the same key). It is not possible to generate an unsigned ID token.
164A named key is a public/private key pair generated by Vault. The private key is
165used to sign the identity tokens, and the public key is used by clients to
166verify the signature. Key are regularly rotated, whereby a new key pair is
167generated and the previous _public_ key is retained for a limited time for
168verification purposes.
170A named key's configuration specifies a rotation period, a verification ttl, and
171signing algorithm. Rotation period specifies the frequency at which a new
172signing key is generated and the private portion of the previous signing key is
173deleted. Verification ttl is the time a public key is retained for verification,
174after being rotated. By default, keys are rotated every 24 hours, and continue
175to be available for verification for 24 hours after their rotation.
178### Token Contents and Templates
180Identity tokens will always contain, at a minimum, the claims required by OIDC:
182* `iss` - Issuer URL
183* `sub` - Requester's entity ID
184* `aud` - `client_id` for the role
185* `iss` - Time of issue
186* `exp` - Expiration time for the token
188In addition, the operator may configure per-role templates that allow a variety
189of other entity information to be added to the token. The templates are
190structured as JSON with replaceable parameters. The parameter syntax is the same
191as that used for [ACL Path Templating](/docs/concepts/policies.html).
193For example:
197  "color": {{identity.entity.metadata.color}},
198  "userinfo": {
199     "username": {{identity.entity.aliases.usermap_123.metadata.username}},
200     "groups": {{identity.entity.group_names}}
202  "nbf": {{time.now}},
206When a token is requested, the resulting template might be populated as:
210  "color": "green",
211  "userinfo": {
212     "username": "bob",
213     "groups": ["web", "engr", "default]
215  "nbf": 1561411915,
219which would be merged with the base OIDC claims into the final token:
223  "iss": "",
224  "sub": "a2cd63d3-5364-406f-980e-8d71bb0692f5",
225  "aud": "SxSouteCYPBoaTFy94hFghmekos",
226  "iss": 1561411915,
227  "exp": 1561412215,
228  "color": "green",
229  "userinfo": {
230     "username": "bob",
231     "groups": ["web", "engr", "default]
232  },
233  "nbf": 1561411915,
237Note how the template is merged, with top level template keys becoming top level
238token keys. For this reason, templates may not contain top level keys that
239overwrite the standard OIDC claims.
241Template parameters that are not present for an entity, such as a metadata that
242isn't present, or an alias accessor which doesn't exist, are simply empty
243strings or objects, depending on the data type.
245Templates are configured on the role and may be optionally encoded as base64.
247The full list of template parameters is shown below:
249|                                    Name                                |                                    Description                                          |
250| :--------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
251| `identity.entity.id`                                                   | The entity's ID                                                                         |
252| `identity.entity.name`                                                 | The entity's name                                                                       |
253| `identity.entity.groups.ids`                                           | The IDs of the groups the entity is a member of                                         |
254| `identity.entity.groups.names`                                         | The names of the groups the entity is a member of                                       |
255| `identity.entity.metadata`                                             | Metadata associated with the entity                                                     |
256| `identity.entity.metadata.<<metadata key>>`                            | Metadata associated with the entity for the given key                                   |
257| `identity.entity.aliases.<<mount accessor>>.id`                        | Entity alias ID for the given mount                                                     |
258| `identity.entity.aliases.<<mount accessor>>.name`                      | Entity alias name for the given mount                                                   |
259| `identity.entity.aliases.<<mount accessor>>.metadata`                  | Metadata associated with the alias for the given mount                                  |
260| `identity.entity.aliases.<<mount accessor>>.metadata.<<metadata key>>` | Metadata associated with the alias for the given mount and metadata key                 |
261| `time.now`                                                             | Current time as integral seconds since the Epoch                                        |
262| `time.now.plus.<<duration>>`                                           | Current time plus a Go-parsable [duration](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration)  |                             |
263| `time.now.minus.<<duration>>`                                          | Current time minus a Go-parsable [duration](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration) |                             |
265### Token Generation
267An authenticated client may request a token using the [token generation
268endpoint](api/secret/identity/tokens.html#generate-a-signed-id-token). The token
269will be generated per the requested role's specifications, for the requester's
270entity. It is not possible to generate tokens for an arbitrary entity.
272### Verifying Authenticity of ID Tokens Generated by Vault
274An identity token may be verified by the client party using the public keys
275published by Vault, or via a Vault-provided introspection endpoint.
277Vault will serve standard "[.well-known](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5785)"
278endpoints that allow easy integration with OIDC verification libraries.
279Configuring the libraries will typically involve providing an issuer URL and
280client ID. The library will then handle key requests and can validate the
281signature and claims requirements on tokens. This approach has the advantage of
282only requiring _access_ to Vault, not _authorization_, as the .well-known
283endpoints are unauthenticated.
285Alternatively, the token may be sent to Vault for verification via an
286[introspection endpoint](api/secret/identity/tokens.html#introspect-a-signed-id-token).
287The response will indicate whether the token is "active" or not, as well as any
288errors that occurred during validation. Beyond simply allowing the client to
289delegate verification to Vault, using this endpoint incorporates the additional
290check of whether the entity is still active or not, which is something that
291cannot be determined from the token alone. Unlike the .well-known endpoint, accessing the
292introspection endpoint does require a valid Vault token and sufficient
296### Issuer Considerations
298The identity token system has one configurable parameter: issuer. The issuer
299`iss` claim is particularly important for proper validation of the token by
300clients, and special consideration should be given when using Identity Tokens
301with [performance replication](docs/enterprise/replication/index.html).
302Consumers of the token will request public keys from Vault using the issuer URL,
303so it must be network reachable. Furthermore, the returned set of keys will include
304an issuer that must match the request.
306By default Vault will set the issuer to the Vault instance's
307[`api_addr`](docs/configuration/index.html#api_addr). This means that tokens
308issued in a given cluster should be validated within that same cluster.
309Alternatively, the [`issuer`](api/secret/identity/tokens.html#issuer) parameter
310may be configured explicitly. This address must point to the identity/oidc path
311for the Vault instance (e.g.
312`https://vault-1.example.com:8200/v1/identity/oidc`) and should be
313reachable by any client trying to validate identity tokens.
316## API
318The Identity secrets engine has a full HTTP API. Please see the
319[Identity secrets engine API](/api/secret/identity/index.html) for more