1// Copyright 2019 The Go Cloud Development Kit Authors
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15// Package docstore provides a portable way of interacting with a document store.
16// Subpackages contain driver implementations of docstore for supported
17// services.
19// See https://gocloud.dev/howto/docstore/ for a detailed how-to guide.
22// Collections
24// In docstore, documents are grouped into collections, and each document has a key
25// that is unique in its collection. You can add, retrieve, modify and delete
26// documents by key, and you can query a collection to retrieve documents that match
27// certain criteria.
30// Representing Documents
32// A document is a set of named fields, each with a value. A field's value can be a scalar,
33// a list, or a nested document.
35// Docstore allows you to represent documents as either map[string]interface{} or
36// struct pointers. When you represent a document as a map, the fields are map keys
37// and the values are map values. Lists are represented with slices. For example,
38// here is a document about a book described as a map:
40//   doc := map[string]interface{}{
41//       "Title": "The Master and Margarita",
42//       "Author": map[string]interface{}{
43//           "First": "Mikhail",
44//           "Last": "Bulgakov",
45//       },
46//       "PublicationYears": []int{1967, 1973},
47//   }
49// Note that the value of "PublicationYears" is a list, and the value of "Author" is
50// itself a document.
52// Here is the same document represented with structs:
54//   type Book struct {
55//       Title            string
56//       Author           Name
57//       PublicationYears []int
58//   }
60//   type Name struct {
61//       First, Last string
62//   }
64//   doc := &Book{
65//       Title: "The Master and Margarita",
66//       Author: Name{
67//           First: "Mikhail",
68//           Last:  "Bulgakov",
69//       },
70//       PublicationYears: []int{1967, 1973},
71//   }
73// You must use a pointer to a struct to represent a document, although structs
74// nested inside a document, like the Name struct above, need not be pointers.
76// Maps are best for applications where you don't know the structure of the
77// documents. Using structs is preferred because it enforces some structure on your
78// data.
80// By default, Docstore treats a struct's exported fields as the fields of the
81// document. You can alter this default mapping by using a struct tag beginning
82// with "docstore:". Docstore struct tags support renaming, omitting fields
83// unconditionally, or omitting them only when they are empty, exactly like
84// encoding/json. For example, this is the Book struct with different field
85// names:
87//   type Book struct {
88//       Title            string `docstore:"title"`
89//       Author           Name   `docstore:"author"`
90//       PublicationYears []int  `docstore:"pub_years,omitempty"`
91//       NumPublications  int    `docstore:"-"`
92//   }
94// This struct describes a document with field names "title", "author" and
95// "pub_years". The pub_years field is omitted from the stored document if it has
96// length zero. The NumPublications field is never stored because it can easily be
97// computed from the PublicationYears field.
99// Given a document field "Foo" and a struct type document, Docstore's decoder
100// will look through the destination struct's field to find (in order of
101// preference):
102//   - An exported field with a tag of "Foo";
103//   - An exported field named "Foo".
105// Note that unlike encoding/json, Docstore does case-sensitive matching during
106// decoding to match the behavior of decoders in most docstore services.
109// Representing Data
111// Values stored in document fields can be any of a wide range of types. All
112// primitive types except for complex numbers are supported, as well as slices and
113// maps (the map key type must be a string, an integer, or a type that implements
114// encoding.TextMarshaler). In addition, any type that implements
115// encoding.BinaryMarshaler or encoding.TextMarshaler is permitted. This set of types
116// closely matches the encoding/json package (see https://golang.org/pkg/encoding/json).
118// Times deserve special mention. Docstore can store and retrieve values of type
119// time.Time, with two caveats. First, the timezone will not be preserved. Second,
120// Docstore guarantees only that time.Time values are represented to millisecond
121// precision. Many services will do better, but if you need to be sure that times
122// are stored with nanosecond precision, convert the time.Time to another type before
123// storing and re-create when you retrieve it. For instance, if you store Unix
124// time in nanoseconds using time's UnixNano method, you can get the original
125// time back (in the local timezone) with the time.Unix function.
128// Representing Keys
130// The key of a docstore document is its unique identifier, usually a field.
131// Keys never appear alone in the docstore API, only as part of a document. For
132// instance, to retrieve a document by key, you pass the Collection.Get method
133// a document as a struct pointer or map with the key field populated, and docstore
134// populates the rest of that argument with the stored contents. Docstore
135// doesn't take zero-value key.
137// When you open a collection using an OpenCollection method of the
138// service-specific driver or a URL, you specify how to extract the key from a
139// document.
140// Usually, you provide the name of the key field, as in the example below:
142//   coll, err := memdocstore.OpenCollection("SSN", nil)
144// Here, the "SSN" field of the document is used as the key. Some drivers let you
145// supply a function to extract the key from the document, which can be useful if the
146// key is composed of more than one field.
149// Actions
151// Docstore supports six actions on documents as methods on the Collection type:
152//   - Get retrieves a document.
153//   - Create creates a new document.
154//   - Replace replaces an existing document.
155//   - Put puts a document into a collection, replacing it if it is already present.
156//   - Update applies a set of modifications to a document.
157//   - Delete deletes a document.
159// Each action acts atomically on a single document. You can execute actions
160// individually or you can group them into an action list, like so:
162//   err := coll.Actions().Put(doc1).Replace(doc2).Get(doc3).Do(ctx)
164// When you use an action list, docstore will try to optimize the execution of the
165// actions. For example, multiple Get actions may be combined into a single "batch
166// get" RPC. For the most part, actions in a list execute in an undefined order
167// (perhaps concurrently) and independently, but read and write operations on the same
168// document are executed in the user-specified order. See the documentation of
169// ActionList for details.
172// Revisions
174// Docstore supports document revisions to distinguish different versions of a
175// document and enable optimistic locking. By default, Docstore stores the
176// revision in the field named "DocstoreRevision" (stored in the constant
177// DefaultRevisionField). Providers give you the option of changing that field
178// name.
180// When you pass a document with a revision field to a write action, Docstore
181// will give it a revision at creation time or update the revision value when
182// modifying the document. If you don't want Docstore to handle any revision
183// logic, simply do not have the revision field in your document.
185// When you pass a document with a non-nil revision to Put, Replace, Update or
186// Delete, Docstore will also compare the revision of the stored document to
187// that of the given document before making the change. It returns an error with
188// code FailedPrecondition on mismatch. (See https://gocloud.dev/gcerrors for
189// information about error codes.) If modification methods are called on a
190// document struct or map a nil revision field, then no revision checks are
191// performed, and changes are forced blindly, but a new revision will still be
192// given for the document. For example, if you call Get to retrieve a document
193// with a revision, then later perform a write action with that same document,
194// it will fail if the document was changed since the Get.
196// Since different services use different types for revisions, revision fields
197// of unspecified type must be handled. When defining a document struct,
198// define the field to be of type interface{}. For example,
200//   type User {
201//       Name             string
202//       DocstoreRevision interface{}
203//   }
206// Queries
208// Docstore supports querying within a collection. Call the Query method on
209// Collection to obtain a Query value, then build your query by calling Query methods
210// like Where, Limit and so on. Finally, call the Get method on the query to execute it.
211// The result is an iterator, whose use is described below.
213//   iter := coll.Query().Where("size", ">", 10).Limit(5).Get(ctx)
215// The Where method defines a filter condition, much like a WHERE clause in SQL.
216// Conditions are of the form "field op value", where field is any document field
217// path (including dot-separated paths), op is one of "=", ">", "<", ">=" or "<=",
218// and value can be any value.
220//   iter := coll.Query().Where("Author.Last", "=", "Bulgakov").Limit(3).Get(ctx)
222// You can make multiple Where calls. In some cases, parts of a Where clause may be
223// processed in the driver rather than natively by the backing service, which may have
224// performance implications for large result sets. See the driver package
225// documentation for details.
227// Use the DocumentIterator returned from Query.Get by repeatedly calling its Next
228// method until it returns io.EOF. Always call Stop when you are finished with an
229// iterator. It is wise to use a defer statement for this.
231//   iter := coll.Query().Where("size", ">", 10).Limit(5).Get(ctx)
232//   defer iter.Stop()
233//   for {
234//       m := map[string]interface{}{}
235//       err := iter.Next(ctx, m)
236//       if err == io.EOF {
237//           break
238//       }
239//       if err != nil {
240//           return err
241//       }
242//       fmt.Println(m)
243//   }
246// Errors
248// The errors returned from this package can be inspected in several ways:
250// The Code function from https://gocloud.dev/gcerrors will return an error code, also
251// defined in that package, when invoked on an error.
253// The Collection.ErrorAs method can retrieve the underlying driver error from
254// the returned error. See the specific driver's package doc for the supported
255// types.
258// OpenCensus Integration
260// OpenCensus supports tracing and metric collection for multiple languages and
261// backend providers. See https://opencensus.io.
263// This API collects OpenCensus traces and metrics for the following methods:
264//  - ActionList.Do
265//  - Query.Get (for the first query only; drivers may make additional calls while iterating over results)
266// All trace and metric names begin with the package import path.
267// The traces add the method name.
268// For example, "gocloud.dev/docstore/ActionList.Do".
269// The metrics are "completed_calls", a count of completed method calls by driver,
270// method and status (error code); and "latency", a distribution of method latency
271// by driver and method.
272// For example, "gocloud.dev/docstore/latency".
274// To enable trace collection in your application, see "Configure Exporter" at
275// https://opencensus.io/quickstart/go/tracing.
276// To enable metric collection in your application, see "Exporting stats" at
277// https://opencensus.io/quickstart/go/metrics.
278package docstore // import "gocloud.dev/docstore"