1 // Generated by gmmproc 2.64.2 -- DO NOT MODIFY!
6 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The glibmm Development Team
7  *
8  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19  * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20  */
22 #include <glibmm/object.h>
23 #include <glibmm/refptr.h>
24 #include <glibmm/ustring.h>
25 #include <glibmm/value.h>
29 using GBinding = struct _GBinding;
30 using GBindingClass = struct _GBindingClass;
35 namespace Glib
36 { class GLIBMM_API Binding_Class; } // namespace Glib
39 namespace Glib
40 {
41 /** @addtogroup glibmmEnums glibmm Enums and Flags */
43 /**
44  *  @var BindingFlags BINDING_DEFAULT
45  * The default binding; if the source property
46  * changes, the target property is updated with its value.
47  *
48  *  @var BindingFlags BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL
49  * Bidirectional binding; if either the
50  * property of the source or the property of the target changes,
51  * the other is updated.
52  *
53  *  @var BindingFlags BINDING_SYNC_CREATE
54  * Synchronize the values of the source and
55  * target properties when creating the binding; the direction of
56  * the synchronization is always from the source to the target.
57  *
58  *  @var BindingFlags BINDING_INVERT_BOOLEAN
59  * If the two properties being bound are
60  * booleans, setting one to <tt>true</tt> will result in the other being
61  * set to <tt>false</tt> and vice versa. This flag will only work for
62  * boolean properties, and cannot be used when passing custom
63  * transformation functions to g_object_bind_property_full().
64  *
65  *  @enum BindingFlags
66  *
67  * Flags to be passed to g_object_bind_property() or
68  * g_object_bind_property_full().
69  *
70  * This enumeration can be extended at later date.
71  *
72  * @newin{2,44}
73  *
74  * @ingroup glibmmEnums
75  * @par Bitwise operators:
76  * <tt>%BindingFlags operator|(BindingFlags, BindingFlags)</tt><br>
77  * <tt>%BindingFlags operator&(BindingFlags, BindingFlags)</tt><br>
78  * <tt>%BindingFlags operator^(BindingFlags, BindingFlags)</tt><br>
79  * <tt>%BindingFlags operator~(BindingFlags)</tt><br>
80  * <tt>%BindingFlags& operator|=(BindingFlags&, BindingFlags)</tt><br>
81  * <tt>%BindingFlags& operator&=(BindingFlags&, BindingFlags)</tt><br>
82  * <tt>%BindingFlags& operator^=(BindingFlags&, BindingFlags)</tt><br>
83  */
84 enum BindingFlags
85 {
88   BINDING_SYNC_CREATE = 1 << 1,
90 };
92 /** @ingroup glibmmEnums */
93 inline BindingFlags operator|(BindingFlags lhs, BindingFlags rhs)
94   { return static_cast<BindingFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) | static_cast<unsigned>(rhs)); }
96 /** @ingroup glibmmEnums */
97 inline BindingFlags operator&(BindingFlags lhs, BindingFlags rhs)
98   { return static_cast<BindingFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) & static_cast<unsigned>(rhs)); }
100 /** @ingroup glibmmEnums */
101 inline BindingFlags operator^(BindingFlags lhs, BindingFlags rhs)
102   { return static_cast<BindingFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) ^ static_cast<unsigned>(rhs)); }
104 /** @ingroup glibmmEnums */
105 inline BindingFlags operator~(BindingFlags flags)
106   { return static_cast<BindingFlags>(~static_cast<unsigned>(flags)); }
108 /** @ingroup glibmmEnums */
109 inline BindingFlags& operator|=(BindingFlags& lhs, BindingFlags rhs)
110   { return (lhs = static_cast<BindingFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) | static_cast<unsigned>(rhs))); }
112 /** @ingroup glibmmEnums */
113 inline BindingFlags& operator&=(BindingFlags& lhs, BindingFlags rhs)
114   { return (lhs = static_cast<BindingFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) & static_cast<unsigned>(rhs))); }
116 /** @ingroup glibmmEnums */
117 inline BindingFlags& operator^=(BindingFlags& lhs, BindingFlags rhs)
118   { return (lhs = static_cast<BindingFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) ^ static_cast<unsigned>(rhs))); }
120 } // namespace Glib
123 namespace Glib
124 {
126 template <>
127 class Value<Glib::BindingFlags> : public Glib::Value_Flags<Glib::BindingFlags>
128 {
129 public:
130   static GType value_type() G_GNUC_CONST;
131 };
133 } // namespace Glib
136 namespace Glib
137 {
140 /** Bind two object properties.
141  *
142  * Glib::Binding is the representation of a binding between a property on a
143  * Glib::ObjectBase instance (or source) and another property on another Glib::ObjectBase
144  * instance (or target). Whenever the source property changes, the same
145  * value is applied to the target property; for instance, the following binding:
146  *
147  * @code
148  * Glib::Binding::bind_property(object1->property_a(), object2->property_b());
149  * @endcode
150  *
151  * will cause property_b() of @a object2 to be updated
152  * every time the value of property_a() of @a object1 changes.
153  *
154  * It is possible to create a bidirectional binding between two properties
155  * of two Glib::ObjectBase instances, so that if either property changes, the
156  * other is updated as well, for instance:
157  *
158  * @code
159  * Glib::Binding::bind_property(object1->property_a(), object2->property_b(),
161  * @endcode
162  *
163  * will keep the two properties in sync.
164  *
165  * It is also possible to set a custom transformation function (in both
166  * directions, in case of a bidirectional binding) to apply a custom
167  * transformation from the source value to the target value before
168  * applying it; for instance, the following binding:
169  *
170  * @code
171  * bool celsius_to_fahrenheit(const double& celsius, double& fahrenheit);
172  * bool fahrenheit_to_celsius(const double& fahrenheit, double& celsius);
173  * Glib::Binding::bind_property(adjustment1->property_value(),
174  *   adjustment2->property_value(), Glib::BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL,
175  *   sigc::ptr_fun(celsius_to_fahrenheit), sigc::ptr_fun(fahrenheit_to_celsius));
176  * @endcode
177  *
178  * will keep property_value() of the two adjustments in sync; the
179  * celsius_to_fahrenheit() function will be called whenever
180  * property_value() of @a adjustment1 changes and will transform the current value
181  * of the property before applying it to property_value() of @a adjustment2.
182  *
183  * Vice versa, the fahrenheit_to_celsius() function will be called whenever
184  * property_value() of @a adjustment2 changes, and will transform the
185  * current value of the property before applying it to property_value()
186  * of @a adjustment1.
187  *
188  * Note that Glib::Binding does not resolve cycles by itself; a cycle like
189  *
190  * @code
191  *   object1->property_A() -> object2->property_B()
192  *   object2->property_B() -> object3->property_C()
193  *   object3->property_C() -> object1->property_A()
194  * @endcode
195  *
196  * might lead to an infinite loop. The loop, in this particular case,
197  * can be avoided if the objects emit the GObject::notify signal only
198  * if the value has effectively been changed. A binding is implemented
199  * using the GObject::notify signal, so it is susceptible to all the
200  * various ways of blocking a signal emission, like Glib::SignalProxyNormal::emission_stop()
201  * or g_signal_handler_block().
202  *
203  * A binding will be severed, and the resources it allocates freed, whenever
204  * either one of the Glib::ObjectBase instances it refers to is deleted,
205  * when unbind() is called, or when the Glib::Binding instance loses
206  * its last reference.
207  *
208  * @newin{2,44}
209  */
211 class GLIBMM_API Binding : public Glib::Object
212 {
216 public:
217   using CppObjectType = Binding;
218   using CppClassType = Binding_Class;
219   using BaseObjectType = GBinding;
220   using BaseClassType = GBindingClass;
222   // noncopyable
223   Binding(const Binding&) = delete;
224   Binding& operator=(const Binding&) = delete;
226 private:  friend class Binding_Class;
227   static CppClassType binding_class_;
229 protected:
230   explicit Binding(const Glib::ConstructParams& construct_params);
231   explicit Binding(GBinding* castitem);
235 public:
237   Binding(Binding&& src) noexcept;
238   Binding& operator=(Binding&& src) noexcept;
240   ~Binding() noexcept override;
242   /** Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system.
243    */
244   static GType get_type()      G_GNUC_CONST;
249   static GType get_base_type() G_GNUC_CONST;
250 #endif
252   ///Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
gobj()253   GBinding*       gobj()       { return reinterpret_cast<GBinding*>(gobject_); }
255   ///Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
gobj()256   const GBinding* gobj() const { return reinterpret_cast<GBinding*>(gobject_); }
258   ///Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs.
259   GBinding* gobj_copy();
261 private:
264 public:
265   /** A slot to be called to transform values in a binding created by
266    * bind_property_value().
267    *
268    * For instance:
269    * @code
270    *   bool on_transform_to(const GValue* from_value, GValue* to_value);
271    * @endcode
272    *
273    * @return <tt>true</tt> if the transformation was successful, and <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
274    */
275   using SlotTransform = sigc::slot<bool, const GValue*, GValue*>;
277   /** A slot to be called to transform values in a binding created by
278    * bind_property().
279    *
280    * For instance:
281    * @code
282    *   bool on_transform_to(const Glib::ustring& from_string, int& to_int);
283    * @endcode
284    *
285    * @return <tt>true</tt> if the transformation was successful, and <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
286    */
287   template <typename T_from, typename T_to>
288   using SlotTypedTransform = sigc::slot<bool, const T_from&, T_to&>;
290   // GValue* or Glib::ValueBase& in SlotTransform?
291   // Binding_transform_callback_common() is simpler and faster with GValue*.
292   // No need to copy between GValue and Glib::ValueBase. ValueBase would only
293   // be marginally better for users of bind_property_value(). Users would want
294   // Value<T_source> and Value<T_target>, meaning that bind_property_value()
295   // would have to be a template function. Most users would probably still
296   // prefer bind_property(). bind_property_value() is public partly because
297   // it's a good place to present documentation common to all the
298   // bind_property() overloads.
299   // See also https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glibmm/issues/61
300   /** Creates a binding between @a source_property and @a target_property,
301    * allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding.
302    *
303    * If @a flags contains Glib::BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL then the binding will be mutual:
304    * if @a target_property changes then the @a source_property
305    * will be updated as well. The @a transform_from function is only used in case
306    * of bidirectional bindings, otherwise it will be ignored.
307    *
308    * The binding will automatically be removed when either the source or the
309    * target instance is deleted. To remove the binding without affecting the
310    * source and the target you can call unbind() on the returned Binding instance.
311    *
312    * A Glib::ObjectBase instance can have multiple bindings.
313    *
314    * If you supply transformation functions, it is usually easier to use one of the
315    * bind_property() overloads, to avoid the use of GValue in the transformation functions.
316    *
317    * @param source_property The source property to bind.
318    * @param target_property The target property to bind.
319    * @param flags Flags to pass to Binding.
320    * @param transform_to The transformation function from the source to the target,
321    *        or an empty slot to use the default.
322    * @param transform_from The transformation function from the target to the source,
323    *        or an empty slot to use the default.
324    * @return The Binding instance representing the binding between the two
325    *         Glib::ObjectBase instances, or <tt>nullptr</tt> in case of error.
326    *
327    * @newin{2,44}
328    */
329   static Glib::RefPtr<Binding> bind_property_value(
330     const PropertyProxy_Base& source_property,
331     const PropertyProxy_Base& target_property,
332     BindingFlags flags = BINDING_DEFAULT,
333     const SlotTransform& transform_to = SlotTransform(),
334     const SlotTransform& transform_from = SlotTransform());
337   /** Creates a binding between @a source_property and @a target_property.
338    *
339    * @param source_property The source property to bind.
340    * @param target_property The target property to bind.
341    * @param flags Flags to pass to Binding.
342    * @return The Binding instance representing the binding between the two
343    *         Glib::ObjectBase instances, or <tt>nullptr</tt> in case of error.
344    *
345    * @see bind_property_value()
346    *
347    * @newin{2,44}
348    */
349   static Glib::RefPtr<Binding> bind_property(
350     const PropertyProxy_Base& source_property,
351     const PropertyProxy_Base& target_property,
352     BindingFlags flags = BINDING_DEFAULT)
353   {
354     return bind_property_value(source_property, target_property, flags);
355   }
357   /** Creates a binding between @a source_property and @a target_property,
358    * allowing you to set a transformation function to be used by the binding.
359    *
360    * @param source_property The source property to bind.
361    * @param target_property The target property to bind.
362    * @param flags Flags to pass to Binding.
363    * @param transform_to The transformation function from the source to the target,
364    *        or an empty slot to use the default.
365    * @return The Binding instance representing the binding between the two
366    *         Glib::ObjectBase instances, or <tt>nullptr</tt> in case of error.
367    *
368    * @tparam T_source Type of the source property. Must be a type that can be
369    *         stored in a Glib::Value<T_source> object.
370    * @tparam T_target Type of the target property. Must be a type that can be
371    *         stored in a Glib::Value<T_target> object.
372    * @tparam T_functor_to Type of functor that translates from the source to the target.
373    *         Must be convertible to SlotTypedTransform<T_source, T_target>.
374    *
375    * @see bind_property_value()
376    *
377    * @newin{2,44}
378    */
379   template <typename T_source, typename T_target, typename T_functor_to>
bind_property(const PropertyProxy<T_source> & source_property,const PropertyProxy<T_target> & target_property,BindingFlags flags,const T_functor_to & transform_to)380   static Glib::RefPtr<Binding> bind_property(
381     const PropertyProxy<T_source>& source_property,
382     const PropertyProxy<T_target>& target_property,
383     BindingFlags flags,
384     const T_functor_to& transform_to)
385   {
386     SlotTypedTransform<T_source, T_target> slot_transform_to = transform_to;
388     return bind_property_value(source_property, target_property, flags,
389       slot_transform_to.empty() ? SlotTransform() : TransformProp<T_source, T_target>(slot_transform_to));
390   }
392   /** Creates a binding between @a source_property and @a target_property,
393    * allowing you to set a transformation function to be used by the binding.
394    *
395    * @param source_property The source property to bind.
396    * @param target_property The target property to bind.
397    * @param flags Flags to pass to Binding.
398    * @param transform_to The transformation function from the source to the target,
399    *        or an empty slot to use the default.
400    * @return The Binding instance representing the binding between the two
401    *         Glib::ObjectBase instances, or <tt>nullptr</tt> in case of error.
402    *
403    * @tparam T_source Type of the source property. Must be a type that can be
404    *         stored in a Glib::Value<T_source> object.
405    * @tparam T_target Type of the target property. Must be a type that can be
406    *         stored in a Glib::Value<T_target> object.
407    * @tparam T_functor_to Type of functor that translates from the source to the target.
408    *         Must be convertible to SlotTypedTransform<T_source, T_target>.
409    *
410    * @see bind_property_value()
411    *
412    * @newin{2,44}
413    */
414   template <typename T_source, typename T_target, typename T_functor_to>
bind_property(const PropertyProxy<T_source> & source_property,const PropertyProxy_WriteOnly<T_target> & target_property,BindingFlags flags,const T_functor_to & transform_to)415   static Glib::RefPtr<Binding> bind_property(
416     const PropertyProxy<T_source>& source_property,
417     const PropertyProxy_WriteOnly<T_target>& target_property,
418     BindingFlags flags,
419     const T_functor_to& transform_to)
420   {
421     SlotTypedTransform<T_source, T_target> slot_transform_to = transform_to;
423     return bind_property_value(source_property, target_property, flags,
424       slot_transform_to.empty() ? SlotTransform() : TransformProp<T_source, T_target>(slot_transform_to));
425   }
427   /** Creates a binding between @a source_property and @a target_property,
428    * allowing you to set a transformation function to be used by the binding.
429    *
430    * @param source_property The source property to bind.
431    * @param target_property The target property to bind.
432    * @param flags Flags to pass to Binding.
433    * @param transform_to The transformation function from the source to the target,
434    *        or an empty slot to use the default.
435    * @return The Binding instance representing the binding between the two
436    *         Glib::ObjectBase instances, or <tt>nullptr</tt> in case of error.
437    *
438    * @tparam T_source Type of the source property. Must be a type that can be
439    *         stored in a Glib::Value<T_source> object.
440    * @tparam T_target Type of the target property. Must be a type that can be
441    *         stored in a Glib::Value<T_target> object.
442    * @tparam T_functor_to Type of functor that translates from the source to the target.
443    *         Must be convertible to SlotTypedTransform<T_source, T_target>.
444    *
445    * @see bind_property_value()
446    *
447    * @newin{2,44}
448    */
449   template <typename T_source, typename T_target, typename T_functor_to>
bind_property(const PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<T_source> & source_property,const PropertyProxy<T_target> & target_property,BindingFlags flags,const T_functor_to & transform_to)450   static Glib::RefPtr<Binding> bind_property(
451     const PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<T_source>& source_property,
452     const PropertyProxy<T_target>& target_property,
453     BindingFlags flags,
454     const T_functor_to& transform_to)
455   {
456     SlotTypedTransform<T_source, T_target> slot_transform_to = transform_to;
458     return bind_property_value(source_property, target_property, flags,
459       slot_transform_to.empty() ? SlotTransform() : TransformProp<T_source, T_target>(slot_transform_to));
460   }
462   /** Creates a binding between @a source_property and @a target_property,
463    * allowing you to set a transformation function to be used by the binding.
464    *
465    * @param source_property The source property to bind.
466    * @param target_property The target property to bind.
467    * @param flags Flags to pass to Binding.
468    * @param transform_to The transformation function from the source to the target,
469    *        or an empty slot to use the default.
470    * @return The Binding instance representing the binding between the two
471    *         Glib::ObjectBase instances, or <tt>nullptr</tt> in case of error.
472    *
473    * @tparam T_source Type of the source property. Must be a type that can be
474    *         stored in a Glib::Value<T_source> object.
475    * @tparam T_target Type of the target property. Must be a type that can be
476    *         stored in a Glib::Value<T_target> object.
477    * @tparam T_functor_to Type of functor that translates from the source to the target.
478    *         Must be convertible to SlotTypedTransform<T_source, T_target>.
479    *
480    * @see bind_property_value()
481    *
482    * @newin{2,44}
483    */
484   template <typename T_source, typename T_target, typename T_functor_to>
bind_property(const PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<T_source> & source_property,const PropertyProxy_WriteOnly<T_target> & target_property,BindingFlags flags,const T_functor_to & transform_to)485   static Glib::RefPtr<Binding> bind_property(
486     const PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<T_source>& source_property,
487     const PropertyProxy_WriteOnly<T_target>& target_property,
488     BindingFlags flags,
489     const T_functor_to& transform_to)
490   {
491     SlotTypedTransform<T_source, T_target> slot_transform_to = transform_to;
493     return bind_property_value(source_property, target_property, flags,
494       slot_transform_to.empty() ? SlotTransform() : TransformProp<T_source, T_target>(slot_transform_to));
495   }
497   /** Creates a binding between @a source_property and @a target_property,
498    * allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding.
499    *
500    * @param source_property The source property to bind.
501    * @param target_property The target property to bind.
502    * @param flags Flags to pass to Binding.
503    * @param transform_to The transformation function from the source to the target,
504    *        or an empty slot to use the default.
505    * @param transform_from The transformation function from the target to the source,
506    *        or an empty slot to use the default.
507    * @return The Binding instance representing the binding between the two
508    *         Glib::ObjectBase instances, or <tt>nullptr</tt> in case of error.
509    *
510    * @tparam T_source Type of the source property. Must be a type that can be
511    *         stored in a Glib::Value<T_source> object.
512    * @tparam T_target Type of the target property. Must be a type that can be
513    *         stored in a Glib::Value<T_target> object.
514    * @tparam T_functor_to Type of functor that translates from the source to the target.
515    *         Must be convertible to SlotTypedTransform<T_source, T_target>.
516    * @tparam T_functor_from Type of functor that translates from the target to the source.
517    *         Must be convertible to SlotTypedTransform<T_target, T_source>.
518    *
519    * @see bind_property_value()
520    *
521    * @newin{2,44}
522    */
523   template <typename T_source, typename T_target, typename T_functor_to, typename T_functor_from>
bind_property(const PropertyProxy<T_source> & source_property,const PropertyProxy<T_target> & target_property,BindingFlags flags,const T_functor_to & transform_to,const T_functor_from & transform_from)524   static Glib::RefPtr<Binding> bind_property(
525     const PropertyProxy<T_source>& source_property,
526     const PropertyProxy<T_target>& target_property,
527     BindingFlags flags,
528     const T_functor_to& transform_to,
529     const T_functor_from& transform_from)
530   {
531     SlotTypedTransform<T_source, T_target> slot_transform_to = transform_to;
532     SlotTypedTransform<T_target, T_source> slot_transform_from = transform_from;
534     return bind_property_value(source_property, target_property, flags,
535       slot_transform_to.empty() ? SlotTransform() : TransformProp<T_source, T_target>(slot_transform_to),
536       slot_transform_from.empty() ? SlotTransform() : TransformProp<T_target, T_source>(slot_transform_from));
537   }
540   /** Retrieves the Object instance used as the source of the binding.
541    *
542    * @newin{2,44}
543    *
544    * @return The source Object.
545    */
546   Glib::RefPtr<Glib::ObjectBase> get_source();
548   /** Retrieves the Object instance used as the source of the binding.
549    *
550    * @newin{2,44}
551    *
552    * @return The source Object.
553    */
554   Glib::RefPtr<const Glib::ObjectBase> get_source() const;
556   /** Retrieves the name of the property of Binding::property_source() used as the source
557    * of the binding.
558    *
559    * @newin{2,44}
560    *
561    * @return The name of the source property.
562    */
563   Glib::ustring get_source_property() const;
565   /** Retrieves the Object instance used as the target of the binding.
566    *
567    * @newin{2,44}
568    *
569    * @return The target Object.
570    */
571   Glib::RefPtr<Glib::ObjectBase> get_target();
573   /** Retrieves the Object instance used as the target of the binding.
574    *
575    * @newin{2,44}
576    *
577    * @return The target Object.
578    */
579   Glib::RefPtr<const Glib::ObjectBase> get_target() const;
581   /** Retrieves the name of the property of Binding::property_target() used as the target
582    * of the binding.
583    *
584    * @newin{2,44}
585    *
586    * @return The name of the target property.
587    */
588   Glib::ustring get_target_property() const;
590   /** Retrieves the flags passed when constructing the Binding.
591    *
592    * @newin{2,44}
593    *
594    * @return The BindingFlags used by the Binding.
595    */
596   BindingFlags get_flags() const;
598   /** Explicitly releases the binding between the source and the target
599    * property expressed by this Binding instance.
600    *
601    * The binding is also released if either the source object or the target
602    * object is deleted, or this Binding instance loses its last reference,
603    * i.e. there is no more Glib::RefPtr that holds a pointer to it.
604    *
605    * @newin{2,44}
606    */
607   void unbind();
610   /** Flags to be used to control the Binding
611    *
612    * @newin{2,44}
613    *
614    * Default value: BINDING_DEFAULT
615    *
616    * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
617    * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
618    */
619   Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::BindingFlags > property_flags() const;
622   /** The Object that should be used as the source of the binding
623    *
624    * @newin{2,44}
625    *
626    * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
627    * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
628    */
629   Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr<Glib::ObjectBase> > property_source() const;
632   /** The name of the property of Binding::property_source() that should be used
633    * as the source of the binding.
634    *
635    * This should be in [canonical form][canonical-parameter-names] to get the
636    * best performance.
637    *
638    * @newin{2,44}
639    *
640    * Default value: ""
641    *
642    * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
643    * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
644    */
645   Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > property_source_property() const;
648   /** The Object that should be used as the target of the binding
649    *
650    * @newin{2,44}
651    *
652    * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
653    * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
654    */
655   Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr<Glib::ObjectBase> > property_target() const;
658   /** The name of the property of Binding::property_target() that should be used
659    * as the target of the binding.
660    *
661    * This should be in [canonical form][canonical-parameter-names] to get the
662    * best performance.
663    *
664    * @newin{2,44}
665    *
666    * Default value: ""
667    *
668    * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
669    * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
670    */
671   Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > property_target_property() const;
675   /** Decrement the reference count for this object.
676    * You should never need to do this manually - use the object via a RefPtr instead.
677    */
678   void unreference() const override;
681 private:
682   // The functor TransformProp can be implicitly converted to a SlotTransform
683   // and used in a call to bind_property_value().
684   template <typename T_from, typename T_to>
685   class TransformProp : public sigc::functor_base
686   {
687   public:
688     using result_type = bool;
TransformProp(const SlotTypedTransform<T_from,T_to> & slot)690     TransformProp(const SlotTypedTransform<T_from, T_to>& slot) : typed_transform(slot) {}
operator()692     bool operator()(const GValue* from_value, GValue* to_value)
693     {
694       Glib::Value<T_from> from_glib_value;
695       from_glib_value.init(from_value);
696       T_to to{};
698       if (!typed_transform(from_glib_value.get(), to))
699         return false;
701       Glib::Value<T_to> to_glib_value;
702       to_glib_value.init(to_value);
703       to_glib_value.set(to);
704       g_value_copy(to_glib_value.gobj(), to_value);
705       return true;
706     }
708   private:
709     SlotTypedTransform<T_from, T_to> typed_transform;
710   };
713 public:
715 public:
716   //C++ methods used to invoke GTK+ virtual functions:
718 protected:
719   //GTK+ Virtual Functions (override these to change behaviour):
721   //Default Signal Handlers::
724 };
726 } // namespace Glib
729 namespace Glib
730 {
731   /** A Glib::wrap() method for this object.
732    *
733    * @param object The C instance.
734    * @param take_copy False if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref.
735    * @result A C++ instance that wraps this C instance.
736    *
737    * @relates Glib::Binding
738    */
740   Glib::RefPtr<Glib::Binding> wrap(GBinding* object, bool take_copy = false);
741 }
744 #endif /* _GLIBMM_BINDING_H */