1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2007 Eric Jordan
3  *
4  * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
5  * warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
6  * arising from the use of this software.
7  * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
8  * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
9  * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
10  * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
11  * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
12  * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
13  * appreciated but is not required.
14  * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
15  * misrepresented as being the original software.
16  * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
17  */
19 // This utility works with Box2d version 2.0 (or higher), and not with 1.4.3
21 #include "b2Triangle.h"
22 #include "b2Polygon.h"
24 #include <math.h>
25 #include <limits.h>
26 #include <assert.h>
27 #define b2Assert assert
29 namespace b2ConvexDecomp {
32 //If you're using 1.4.3, b2_toiSlop won't exist, so set this equal to 0
33 static const float32 toiSlop = 0.0f;
35 /*
36  * Check if the lines a0->a1 and b0->b1 cross.
37  * If they do, intersectionPoint will be filled
38  * with the point of crossing.
39  *
40  * Grazing lines should not return true.
41  */
intersect(const b2Vec2 & a0,const b2Vec2 & a1,const b2Vec2 & b0,const b2Vec2 & b1,b2Vec2 & intersectionPoint)42 bool intersect(const b2Vec2& a0, const b2Vec2& a1,
43 			   const b2Vec2& b0, const b2Vec2& b1,
44 			   b2Vec2& intersectionPoint) {
46 	if (a0 == b0 || a0 == b1 || a1 == b0 || a1 == b1) return false;
47 	float x1 = a0.x; float y1 = a0.y;
48 	float x2 = a1.x; float y2 = a1.y;
49 	float x3 = b0.x; float y3 = b0.y;
50 	float x4 = b1.x; float y4 = b1.y;
52 	//AABB early exit
53 	if (b2Max(x1,x2) < b2Min(x3,x4) || b2Max(x3,x4) < b2Min(x1,x2) ) return false;
54 	if (b2Max(y1,y2) < b2Min(y3,y4) || b2Max(y3,y4) < b2Min(y1,y2) ) return false;
56 	float ua = ((x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3));
57 	float ub = ((x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3));
58 	float denom = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1);
59 	if (b2Abs(denom) < CMP_EPSILON) {
60 		//Lines are too close to parallel to call
61 		return false;
62 	}
63 	ua /= denom;
64 	ub /= denom;
66 	if ((0 < ua) && (ua < 1) && (0 < ub) && (ub < 1)) {
67 		//if (intersectionPoint){
68 			intersectionPoint.x = (x1 + ua * (x2 - x1));
69 			intersectionPoint.y = (y1 + ua * (y2 - y1));
70 		//}
71 		//printf("%f, %f -> %f, %f crosses %f, %f -> %f, %f\n",x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4);
72 		return true;
73 	}
75 	return false;
76 }
78 /*
79  * True if line from a0->a1 intersects b0->b1
80  */
intersect(const b2Vec2 & a0,const b2Vec2 & a1,const b2Vec2 & b0,const b2Vec2 & b1)81 bool intersect(const b2Vec2& a0, const b2Vec2& a1,
82 			   const b2Vec2& b0, const b2Vec2& b1) {
83 	b2Vec2 myVec(0.0f,0.0f);
84 	return intersect(a0, a1, b0, b1, myVec);
85 }
b2Polygon(float32 * _x,float32 * _y,int32 nVert)87 b2Polygon::b2Polygon(float32* _x, float32* _y, int32 nVert) {
88         nVertices = nVert;
89         x = new float32[nVertices];
90         y = new float32[nVertices];
91         for (int32 i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i) {
92             x[i] = _x[i];
93             y[i] = _y[i];
94         }
95 		areaIsSet = false;
96 }
b2Polygon(b2Vec2 * v,int32 nVert)98 b2Polygon::b2Polygon(b2Vec2* v, int32 nVert) {
99         nVertices = nVert;
100         x = new float32[nVertices];
101         y = new float32[nVertices];
102         for (int32 i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i) {
103             x[i] = v[i].x;
104             y[i] = v[i].y;
106         }
107 		areaIsSet = false;
108 }
b2Polygon()110 b2Polygon::b2Polygon() {
111 	x = NULL;
112 	y = NULL;
113 	nVertices = 0;
114 	areaIsSet = false;
115 }
~b2Polygon()117 b2Polygon::~b2Polygon() {
118 	//printf("About to delete poly with %d vertices\n",nVertices);
119 	delete[] x;
120 	delete[] y;
121 }
GetArea()123 float32 b2Polygon::GetArea() {
124 	// TODO: fix up the areaIsSet caching so that it can be used
125 	//if (areaIsSet) return area;
126 	area = 0.0f;
128 	//First do wraparound
129 	area += x[nVertices-1]*y[0]-x[0]*y[nVertices-1];
130 	for (int i=0; i<nVertices-1; ++i){
131 		area += x[i]*y[i+1]-x[i+1]*y[i];
132 	}
133 	area *= .5f;
134 	areaIsSet = true;
135 	return area;
136 }
IsCCW()138 bool b2Polygon::IsCCW() {
139 	return (GetArea() > 0.0f);
140 }
MergeParallelEdges(float32 tolerance)142 void b2Polygon::MergeParallelEdges(float32 tolerance) {
143 	if (nVertices <= 3) return; //Can't do anything useful here to a triangle
144 	bool* mergeMe = new bool[nVertices];
145 	int32 newNVertices = nVertices;
146 	for (int32 i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i) {
147 		int32 lower = (i == 0) ? (nVertices - 1) : (i - 1);
148 		int32 middle = i;
149 		int32 upper = (i == nVertices - 1) ? (0) : (i + 1);
150 		float32 dx0 = x[middle] - x[lower];
151 		float32 dy0 = y[middle] - y[lower];
152 		float32 dx1 = x[upper] - x[middle];
153 		float32 dy1 = y[upper] - y[middle];
154 		float32 norm0 = sqrtf(dx0*dx0+dy0*dy0);
155 		float32 norm1 = sqrtf(dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1);
156 		if ( !(norm0 > 0.0f && norm1 > 0.0f) && newNVertices > 3 ) {
157 			//Merge identical points
158 			mergeMe[i] = true;
159 			--newNVertices;
160 		}
161 		dx0 /= norm0; dy0 /= norm0;
162 		dx1 /= norm1; dy1 /= norm1;
163 		float32 cross = dx0 * dy1 - dx1 * dy0;
164 		float32 dot = dx0 * dx1 + dy0 * dy1;
165 		if (fabs(cross) < tolerance && dot > 0 && newNVertices > 3) {
166 			mergeMe[i] = true;
167 			--newNVertices;
168 		} else {
169 			mergeMe[i] = false;
170 		}
171 	}
172 	if(newNVertices == nVertices || newNVertices == 0) {
173 		delete[] mergeMe;
174 		return;
175 	}
176 	float32* newx = new float32[newNVertices];
177 	float32* newy = new float32[newNVertices];
178 	int32 currIndex = 0;
179 	for (int32 i=0; i < nVertices; ++i) {
180 		if (mergeMe[i] || newNVertices == 0 || currIndex == newNVertices) continue;
181 		b2Assert(currIndex < newNVertices);
182 		newx[currIndex] = x[i];
183 		newy[currIndex] = y[i];
184 		++currIndex;
185 	}
186 	delete[] x;
187 	delete[] y;
188 	delete[] mergeMe;
189 	x = newx;
190 	y = newy;
191 	nVertices = newNVertices;
192 //	printf("%d \n", newNVertices);
193 }
195     /*
196 	 *	Allocates and returns pointer to vector vertex array.
197      *  Length of array is nVertices.
198 	 */
GetVertexVecs()199 b2Vec2* b2Polygon::GetVertexVecs() {
200         b2Vec2* out = new b2Vec2[nVertices];
201         for (int32 i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i) {
202             out[i].Set(x[i], y[i]);
203         }
204         return out;
205 }
b2Polygon(b2Triangle & t)207 b2Polygon::b2Polygon(b2Triangle& t) {
208 	nVertices = 3;
209 	x = new float[nVertices];
210 	y = new float[nVertices];
211 	for (int32 i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i) {
212 		x[i] = t.x[i];
213 		y[i] = t.y[i];
214 	}
215 }
Set(const b2Polygon & p)217 void b2Polygon::Set(const b2Polygon& p) {
218         if (nVertices != p.nVertices){
219 			nVertices = p.nVertices;
220 			delete[] x;
221 			delete[] y;
222 			x = new float32[nVertices];
223 			y = new float32[nVertices];
224         }
226         for (int32 i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i) {
227             x[i] = p.x[i];
228             y[i] = p.y[i];
229         }
230 	areaIsSet = false;
231 }
233     /*
234      * Assuming the polygon is simple, checks if it is convex.
235      */
IsConvex()236 bool b2Polygon::IsConvex() {
237         bool isPositive = false;
238         for (int32 i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i) {
239             int32 lower = (i == 0) ? (nVertices - 1) : (i - 1);
240             int32 middle = i;
241             int32 upper = (i == nVertices - 1) ? (0) : (i + 1);
242             float32 dx0 = x[middle] - x[lower];
243             float32 dy0 = y[middle] - y[lower];
244             float32 dx1 = x[upper] - x[middle];
245             float32 dy1 = y[upper] - y[middle];
246             float32 cross = dx0 * dy1 - dx1 * dy0;
247             // Cross product should have same sign
248             // for each vertex if poly is convex.
249             bool newIsP = (cross >= 0) ? true : false;
250             if (i == 0) {
251                 isPositive = newIsP;
252             }
253             else if (isPositive != newIsP) {
254                 return false;
255             }
256         }
257         return true;
258 }
260 /*
261  * Pulled from b2Shape.cpp, assertions removed
262  */
PolyCentroid(const b2Vec2 * vs,int32 count)263 static b2Vec2 PolyCentroid(const b2Vec2* vs, int32 count)
264 {
265 	b2Vec2 c; c.Set(0.0f, 0.0f);
266 	float32 area = 0.0f;
268 	const float32 inv3 = 1.0f / 3.0f;
269 	b2Vec2 pRef(0.0f, 0.0f);
270 	for (int32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
271 	{
272 		// Triangle vertices.
273 		b2Vec2 p1 = pRef;
274 		b2Vec2 p2 = vs[i];
275 		b2Vec2 p3 = i + 1 < count ? vs[i+1] : vs[0];
277 		b2Vec2 e1 = p2 - p1;
278 		b2Vec2 e2 = p3 - p1;
280 		float32 D = b2Cross(e1, e2);
282 		float32 triangleArea = 0.5f * D;
283 		area += triangleArea;
285 		// Area weighted centroid
286 		c += (p1 + p2 + p3) * triangleArea * inv3;
287 	}
289 	// Centroid
290 	c *= 1.0f / area;
291 	return c;
292 }
295 /*
296  * Checks if polygon is valid for use in Box2d engine.
297  * Last ditch effort to ensure no invalid polygons are
298  * added to world geometry.
299  *
300  * Performs a full check, for simplicity, convexity,
301  * orientation, minimum angle, and volume.  This won't
302  * be very efficient, and a lot of it is redundant when
303  * other tools in this section are used.
304  */
IsUsable(bool printErrors)305 bool b2Polygon::IsUsable(bool printErrors){
306 	int32 error = -1;
307 	bool noError = true;
308 	if (nVertices < 3 || nVertices > b2_maxPolygonVertices) {noError = false; error = 0;}
309 	if (!IsConvex()) {noError = false; error = 1;}
310 	if (!IsSimple()) {noError = false; error = 2;}
311 	if (GetArea() < CMP_EPSILON) {noError = false; error = 3;}
313 	//Compute normals
314 	b2Vec2* normals = new b2Vec2[nVertices];
315 	b2Vec2* vertices = new b2Vec2[nVertices];
316 	for (int32 i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i){
317 		vertices[i].Set(x[i],y[i]);
318 		int32 i1 = i;
319 		int32 i2 = i + 1 < nVertices ? i + 1 : 0;
320 		b2Vec2 edge(x[i2]-x[i1],y[i2]-y[i1]);
321 		normals[i] = b2Cross(edge, 1.0f);
322 		normals[i].Normalize();
323 	}
325 	//Required side checks
326 	for (int32 i=0; i<nVertices; ++i){
327 		int32 iminus = (i==0)?nVertices-1:i-1;
328 		//int32 iplus = (i==nVertices-1)?0:i+1;
330 		//Parallel sides check
331 		float32 cross = b2Cross(normals[iminus], normals[i]);
332 		cross = b2Clamp(cross, -1.0f, 1.0f);
333 		float32 angle = asinf(cross);
334 		if(angle <= b2_angularSlop){
335 			noError = false;
336 			error = 4;
337 			break;
338 		}
340 		//Too skinny check
341 		for (int32 j=0; j<nVertices; ++j){
342 			if (j == i || j == (i + 1) % nVertices){
343 				continue;
344 			}
345 			float32 s = b2Dot(normals[i], vertices[j] - vertices[i]);
346 			if (s >= -b2_linearSlop){
347 				noError = false;
348 				error = 5;
349 			}
350 		}
353 		b2Vec2 centroid = PolyCentroid(vertices,nVertices);
354 		b2Vec2 n1 = normals[iminus];
355 		b2Vec2 n2 = normals[i];
356 		b2Vec2 v = vertices[i] - centroid;
358 		b2Vec2 d;
359 		d.x = b2Dot(n1, v) - toiSlop;
360 		d.y = b2Dot(n2, v) - toiSlop;
362 		// Shifting the edge inward by b2_toiSlop should
363 		// not cause the plane to pass the centroid.
364 		if ((d.x < 0.0f)||(d.y < 0.0f)){
365 			noError = false;
366 			error = 6;
367 		}
369 	}
370 	delete[] vertices;
371 	delete[] normals;
373 	if (!noError && printErrors){
374 		printf("Found invalid polygon, ");
375 		switch(error){
376 			case 0:
377 				printf("must have between 3 and %d vertices.\n",b2_maxPolygonVertices);
378 				break;
379 			case 1:
380 				printf("must be convex.\n");
381 				break;
382 			case 2:
383 				printf("must be simple (cannot intersect itself).\n");
384 				break;
385 			case 3:
386 				printf("area is too small.\n");
387 				break;
388 			case 4:
389 				printf("sides are too close to parallel.\n");
390 				break;
391 			case 5:
392 				printf("polygon is too thin.\n");
393 				break;
394 			case 6:
395 				printf("core shape generation would move edge past centroid (too thin).\n");
396 				break;
397 			default:
398 				printf("don't know why.\n");
399 		}
400 	}
401 	return noError;
402 }
IsUsable()405 bool b2Polygon::IsUsable(){
406 	return IsUsable(B2_POLYGON_REPORT_ERRORS);
407 }
409 //Check for edge crossings
IsSimple()410 bool b2Polygon::IsSimple() {
411 	for (int32 i=0; i<nVertices; ++i){
412 		int32 iplus = (i+1 > nVertices-1)?0:i+1;
413 		b2Vec2 a1(x[i],y[i]);
414 		b2Vec2 a2(x[iplus],y[iplus]);
415 		for (int32 j=i+1; j<nVertices; ++j){
416 			int32 jplus = (j+1 > nVertices-1)?0:j+1;
417 			b2Vec2 b1(x[j],y[j]);
418 			b2Vec2 b2(x[jplus],y[jplus]);
419 			if (intersect(a1,a2,b1,b2)){
420 				return false;
421 			}
422 		}
423 	}
424 	return true;
425 }
427     /*
428      * Tries to add a triangle to the polygon. Returns null if it can't connect
429      * properly, otherwise returns a pointer to the new Polygon. Assumes bitwise
430      * equality of joined vertex positions.
431 	 *
432 	 * Remember to delete the pointer afterwards.
433 	 * Todo: Make this return a b2Polygon instead
434 	 * of a pointer to a heap-allocated one.
435 	 *
436 	 * For internal use.
437      */
Add(b2Triangle & t)438 b2Polygon* b2Polygon::Add(b2Triangle& t) {
439 //		float32 equalTol = .001f;
440         // First, find vertices that connect
441         int32 firstP = -1;
442         int32 firstT = -1;
443         int32 secondP = -1;
444         int32 secondT = -1;
445         for (int32 i = 0; i < nVertices; i++) {
446             if (t.x[0] == x[i] && t.y[0] == y[i]) {
447                 if (firstP == -1) {
448                     firstP = i;
449                     firstT = 0;
450                 }
451                 else {
452                     secondP = i;
453                     secondT = 0;
454                 }
455             }
456             else if (t.x[1] == x[i] && t.y[1] == y[i]) {
457                 if (firstP == -1) {
458                     firstP = i;
459                     firstT = 1;
460                 }
461                 else {
462                     secondP = i;
463                     secondT = 1;
464                 }
465             }
466             else if (t.x[2] == x[i] && t.y[2] == y[i]) {
467                 if (firstP == -1) {
468                     firstP = i;
469                     firstT = 2;
470                 }
471                 else {
472                     secondP = i;
473                     secondT = 2;
474                 }
475             }
476             else {
477             }
478         }
479         // Fix ordering if first should be last vertex of poly
480         if (firstP == 0 && secondP == nVertices - 1) {
481             firstP = nVertices - 1;
482             secondP = 0;
483         }
485         // Didn't find it
486         if (secondP == -1) {
487 		    return NULL;
488 		}
490         // Find tip index on triangle
491         int32 tipT = 0;
492         if (tipT == firstT || tipT == secondT)
493             tipT = 1;
494         if (tipT == firstT || tipT == secondT)
495             tipT = 2;
497         float32* newx = new float[nVertices + 1];
498         float32* newy = new float[nVertices + 1];
499         int32 currOut = 0;
500         for (int32 i = 0; i < nVertices; i++) {
501             newx[currOut] = x[i];
502             newy[currOut] = y[i];
503             if (i == firstP) {
504                 ++currOut;
505                 newx[currOut] = t.x[tipT];
506                 newy[currOut] = t.y[tipT];
507             }
508             ++currOut;
509         }
510         b2Polygon* result = new b2Polygon(newx, newy, nVertices+1);
511         delete[] newx;
512         delete[] newy;
513         return result;
514 }
516     /**
517      * Adds this polygon to a PolyDef.
518      */
519 #if 0
520 void b2Polygon::AddTo(b2FixtureDef& pd) {
521 	if (nVertices < 3) return;
523 	b2Assert(nVertices <= b2_maxPolygonVertices);
525 	b2Vec2* vecs = GetVertexVecs();
526 	b2Vec2* vecsToAdd = new b2Vec2[nVertices];
528 	int32 offset = 0;
530 	b2PolygonShape *polyShape = new b2PolygonShape;
531 	int32 ind;
533     for (int32 i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i) {
535 		//Omit identical neighbors (including wraparound)
536 		ind = i - offset;
537 		if (vecs[i].x==vecs[remainder(i+1,nVertices)].x &&
538 			vecs[i].y==vecs[remainder(i+1,nVertices)].y){
539 				offset++;
540 				continue;
541 		}
543 		vecsToAdd[ind] = vecs[i];
545     }
547 	polyShape->Set((const b2Vec2*)vecsToAdd, ind+1);
548 	pd.shape = polyShape;
550     delete[] vecs;
551 	delete[] vecsToAdd;
552 }
553 #endif
554 	/**
555 	 * Finds and fixes "pinch points," points where two polygon
556 	 * vertices are at the same point.
557 	 *
558 	 * If a pinch point is found, pin is broken up into poutA and poutB
559 	 * and true is returned; otherwise, returns false.
560 	 *
561 	 * Mostly for internal use.
562 	 */
ResolvePinchPoint(const b2Polygon & pin,b2Polygon & poutA,b2Polygon & poutB)563 bool ResolvePinchPoint(const b2Polygon& pin, b2Polygon& poutA, b2Polygon& poutB){
564 	if (pin.nVertices < 3) return false;
565 	float32 tol = .001f;
566 	bool hasPinchPoint = false;
567 	int32 pinchIndexA = -1;
568 	int32 pinchIndexB = -1;
569 	for (int i=0; i<pin.nVertices; ++i){
570 		for (int j=i+1; j<pin.nVertices; ++j){
571 			//Don't worry about pinch points where the points
572 			//are actually just dupe neighbors
573 			if (b2Abs(pin.x[i]-pin.x[j])<tol&&b2Abs(pin.y[i]-pin.y[j])<tol&&j!=i+1){
574 				pinchIndexA = i;
575 				pinchIndexB = j;
576 				//printf("pinch: %f, %f == %f, %f\n",pin.x[i],pin.y[i],pin.x[j],pin.y[j]);
577 				//printf("at indexes %d, %d\n",i,j);
578 				hasPinchPoint = true;
579 				break;
580 			}
581 		}
582 		if (hasPinchPoint) break;
583 	}
584 	if (hasPinchPoint){
585 		//printf("Found pinch point\n");
586 		int32 sizeA = pinchIndexB - pinchIndexA;
587 		if (sizeA == pin.nVertices) return false;//has dupe points at wraparound, not a problem here
588 		float32* xA = new float32[sizeA];
589 		float32* yA = new float32[sizeA];
590 		for (int32 i=0; i < sizeA; ++i){
591 			int32 ind = remainder(pinchIndexA+i,pin.nVertices);
592 			xA[i] = pin.x[ind];
593 			yA[i] = pin.y[ind];
594 		}
595 		b2Polygon tempA(xA,yA,sizeA);
596 		poutA.Set(tempA);
597 		delete[] xA;
598 		delete[] yA;
600 		int32 sizeB = pin.nVertices - sizeA;
601 		float32* xB = new float32[sizeB];
602 		float32* yB = new float32[sizeB];
603 		for (int32 i=0; i<sizeB; ++i){
604 			int32 ind = remainder(pinchIndexB+i,pin.nVertices);
605 			xB[i] = pin.x[ind];
606 			yB[i] = pin.y[ind];
607 		}
608 		b2Polygon tempB(xB,yB,sizeB);
609 		poutB.Set(tempB);
610 		//printf("Size of a: %d, size of b: %d\n",sizeA,sizeB);
611 		delete[] xB;
612 		delete[] yB;
613 	}
614 	return hasPinchPoint;
615 }
617     /**
618      * Triangulates a polygon using simple ear-clipping algorithm. Returns
619      * size of Triangle array unless the polygon can't be triangulated.
620      * This should only happen if the polygon self-intersects,
621      * though it will not _always_ return null for a bad polygon - it is the
622      * caller's responsibility to check for self-intersection, and if it
623      * doesn't, it should at least check that the return value is non-null
624      * before using. You're warned!
625 	 *
626 	 * Triangles may be degenerate, especially if you have identical points
627 	 * in the input to the algorithm.  Check this before you use them.
628      *
629      * This is totally unoptimized, so for large polygons it should not be part
630      * of the simulation loop.
631      *
632      * Returns:
633      * -1 if algorithm fails (self-intersection most likely)
634      * 0 if there are not enough vertices to triangulate anything.
635      * Number of triangles if triangulation was successful.
636      *
637      * results will be filled with results - ear clipping always creates vNum - 2
638      * or fewer (due to pinch point polygon snipping), so allocate an array of
639 	 * this size.
640      */
TriangulatePolygon(float32 * xv,float32 * yv,int32 vNum,b2Triangle * results)642 int32 TriangulatePolygon(float32* xv, float32* yv, int32 vNum, b2Triangle* results) {
643         if (vNum < 3)
644             return 0;
646 		//Recurse and split on pinch points
647 		b2Polygon pA,pB;
648 		b2Polygon pin(xv,yv,vNum);
649 		if (ResolvePinchPoint(pin,pA,pB)){
650 			b2Triangle* mergeA = new b2Triangle[pA.nVertices];
651 			b2Triangle* mergeB = new b2Triangle[pB.nVertices];
652 			int32 nA = TriangulatePolygon(pA.x,pA.y,pA.nVertices,mergeA);
653 			int32 nB = TriangulatePolygon(pB.x,pB.y,pB.nVertices,mergeB);
654 			if (nA==-1 || nB==-1){
655 				delete[] mergeA;
656 				delete[] mergeB;
657 				return -1;
658 			}
659 			for (int32 i=0; i<nA; ++i){
660 				results[i].Set(mergeA[i]);
661 			}
662 			for (int32 i=0; i<nB; ++i){
663 				results[nA+i].Set(mergeB[i]);
664 			}
665 			delete[] mergeA;
666 			delete[] mergeB;
667 			return (nA+nB);
668 		}
670         b2Triangle* buffer = new b2Triangle[vNum-2];
671         int32 bufferSize = 0;
672         float32* xrem = new float32[vNum];
673         float32* yrem = new float32[vNum];
674         for (int32 i = 0; i < vNum; ++i) {
675             xrem[i] = xv[i];
676             yrem[i] = yv[i];
677         }
679 		int xremLength = vNum;
681         while (vNum > 3) {
682             // Find an ear
683             int32 earIndex = -1;
684 			//float32 earVolume = -1.0f;
685 			float32 earMaxMinCross = -10.0f;
686             for (int32 i = 0; i < vNum; ++i) {
687                 if (IsEar(i, xrem, yrem, vNum)) {
688 					int32 lower = remainder(i-1,vNum);
689 					int32 upper = remainder(i+1,vNum);
690 					b2Vec2 d1(xrem[upper]-xrem[i],yrem[upper]-yrem[i]);
691 					b2Vec2 d2(xrem[i]-xrem[lower],yrem[i]-yrem[lower]);
692 					b2Vec2 d3(xrem[lower]-xrem[upper],yrem[lower]-yrem[upper]);
694 					d1.Normalize();
695 					d2.Normalize();
696 					d3.Normalize();
697 					float32 cross12 = b2Abs( b2Cross(d1,d2) );
698 					float32 cross23 = b2Abs( b2Cross(d2,d3) );
699 					float32 cross31 = b2Abs( b2Cross(d3,d1) );
700 					//Find the maximum minimum angle
701 					float32 minCross = b2Min(cross12, b2Min(cross23,cross31));
702 					if (minCross > earMaxMinCross){
703 						earIndex = i;
704 						earMaxMinCross = minCross;
705 					}
707 					/*//This bit chooses the ear with greatest volume first
708 					float32 testVol = b2Abs( d1.x*d2.y-d2.x*d1.y );
709 					if (testVol > earVolume){
710 						earIndex = i;
711 						earVolume = testVol;
712 					}*/
713                 }
714             }
716             // If we still haven't found an ear, we're screwed.
717             // Note: sometimes this is happening because the
718 			// remaining points are collinear.  Really these
719 			// should just be thrown out without halting triangulation.
720 			if (earIndex == -1){
722 					b2Polygon dump(xrem,yrem,vNum);
723 					printf("Couldn't find an ear, dumping remaining poly:\n");
724 					dump.printFormatted();
725 					printf("Please submit this dump to ewjordan at Box2d forums\n");
726 				}
727 				for (int32 i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) {
728 					results[i].Set(buffer[i]);
729 				}
731 				delete[] buffer;
733 				if (bufferSize > 0) return bufferSize;
734                 else return -1;
735 			}
737             // Clip off the ear:
738             // - remove the ear tip from the list
740             --vNum;
741             float32* newx = new float32[vNum];
742             float32* newy = new float32[vNum];
743             int32 currDest = 0;
744             for (int32 i = 0; i < vNum; ++i) {
745                 if (currDest == earIndex) ++currDest;
746                 newx[i] = xrem[currDest];
747                 newy[i] = yrem[currDest];
748                 ++currDest;
749             }
751             // - add the clipped triangle to the triangle list
752             int32 under = (earIndex == 0) ? (vNum) : (earIndex - 1);
753             int32 over = (earIndex == vNum) ? 0 : (earIndex + 1);
754             b2Triangle toAdd = b2Triangle(xrem[earIndex], yrem[earIndex], xrem[over], yrem[over], xrem[under], yrem[under]);
755             buffer[bufferSize].Set(toAdd);
756             ++bufferSize;
758             // - replace the old list with the new one
759             delete[] xrem;
760             delete[] yrem;
761             xrem = newx;
762             yrem = newy;
763         }
765         b2Triangle toAdd = b2Triangle(xrem[1], yrem[1], xrem[2], yrem[2],
766 								  xrem[0], yrem[0]);
767         buffer[bufferSize].Set(toAdd);
768         ++bufferSize;
770         delete[] xrem;
771         delete[] yrem;
773         b2Assert(bufferSize == xremLength-2);
775         for (int32 i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) {
776             results[i].Set(buffer[i]);
777         }
779         delete[] buffer;
781         return bufferSize;
782 }
784     /**
785 	 * Turns a list of triangles into a list of convex polygons. Very simple
786      * method - start with a seed triangle, keep adding triangles to it until
787      * you can't add any more without making the polygon non-convex.
788      *
789      * Returns an integer telling how many polygons were created.  Will fill
790      * polys array up to polysLength entries, which may be smaller or larger
791      * than the return value.
792      *
793      * Takes O(N*P) where P is the number of resultant polygons, N is triangle
794      * count.
795      *
796      * The final polygon list will not necessarily be minimal, though in
797      * practice it works fairly well.
798      */
PolygonizeTriangles(b2Triangle * triangulated,int32 triangulatedLength,b2Polygon * polys,int32 polysLength)799 int32 PolygonizeTriangles(b2Triangle* triangulated, int32 triangulatedLength, b2Polygon* polys, int32 polysLength) {
800         int32 polyIndex = 0;
802         if (triangulatedLength <= 0) {
803             return 0;
804         }
805         else {
806             int* covered = new int[triangulatedLength];
807             for (int32 i = 0; i < triangulatedLength; ++i) {
808 				covered[i] = 0;
809 				//Check here for degenerate triangles
810 				if ( ( (triangulated[i].x[0] == triangulated[i].x[1]) && (triangulated[i].y[0] == triangulated[i].y[1]) )
811 					 || ( (triangulated[i].x[1] == triangulated[i].x[2]) && (triangulated[i].y[1] == triangulated[i].y[2]) )
812 					 || ( (triangulated[i].x[0] == triangulated[i].x[2]) && (triangulated[i].y[0] == triangulated[i].y[2]) ) ) {
813 					covered[i] = 1;
814 				}
815             }
817             bool notDone = true;
818             while (notDone) {
819                 int32 currTri = -1;
820                 for (int32 i = 0; i < triangulatedLength; ++i) {
821                     if (covered[i])
822                         continue;
823                     currTri = i;
824                     break;
825                 }
826                 if (currTri == -1) {
827                     notDone = false;
828                 }
829                 else {
830                     b2Polygon poly(triangulated[currTri]);
831 					covered[currTri] = 1;
832 					int32 index = 0;
833                     for (int32 i = 0; i < 2*triangulatedLength; ++i,++index) {
834 						while (index >= triangulatedLength) index -= triangulatedLength;
835                         if (covered[index]) {
836                             continue;
837 						}
838                         b2Polygon* newP = poly.Add(triangulated[index]);
839                         if (!newP) {
840                             continue;
841 						}
842 						if (newP->nVertices > b2Polygon::maxVerticesPerPolygon) {
843 							delete newP;
844 							newP = NULL;
845                             continue;
846 						}
847                         if (newP->IsConvex()) { //Or should it be IsUsable?  Maybe re-write IsConvex to apply the angle threshold from Box2d
848                             poly.Set(*newP);
849 							delete newP;
850 							newP = NULL;
851                             covered[index] = 1;
852                         } else {
853 							delete newP;
854 							newP = NULL;
855 						}
856                     }
857                     if (polyIndex < polysLength){
858 						poly.MergeParallelEdges(b2_angularSlop);
859 						//If identical points are present, a triangle gets
860 						//borked by the MergeParallelEdges function, hence
861 						//the vertex number check
862 						if (poly.nVertices >= 3) polys[polyIndex].Set(poly);
863 						//else printf("Skipping corrupt poly\n");
864 					}
865                     if (poly.nVertices >= 3) polyIndex++; //Must be outside (polyIndex < polysLength) test
866                 }
867 					//printf("MEMCHECK: %d\n",_CrtCheckMemory());
868             }
869             delete[] covered;
870         }
871         return polyIndex;
872 }
874     /**
875 	 * Checks if vertex i is the tip of an ear in polygon defined by xv[] and
876      * yv[].
877 	 *
878 	 * Assumes clockwise orientation of polygon...ick
879      */
IsEar(int32 i,float32 * xv,float32 * yv,int32 xvLength)880 bool IsEar(int32 i, float32* xv, float32* yv, int32 xvLength) {
881         float32 dx0, dy0, dx1, dy1;
882         dx0 = dy0 = dx1 = dy1 = 0;
883         if (i >= xvLength || i < 0 || xvLength < 3) {
884             return false;
885         }
886         int32 upper = i + 1;
887         int32 lower = i - 1;
888         if (i == 0) {
889             dx0 = xv[0] - xv[xvLength - 1];
890             dy0 = yv[0] - yv[xvLength - 1];
891             dx1 = xv[1] - xv[0];
892             dy1 = yv[1] - yv[0];
893             lower = xvLength - 1;
894         }
895         else if (i == xvLength - 1) {
896             dx0 = xv[i] - xv[i - 1];
897             dy0 = yv[i] - yv[i - 1];
898             dx1 = xv[0] - xv[i];
899             dy1 = yv[0] - yv[i];
900             upper = 0;
901         }
902         else {
903             dx0 = xv[i] - xv[i - 1];
904             dy0 = yv[i] - yv[i - 1];
905             dx1 = xv[i + 1] - xv[i];
906             dy1 = yv[i + 1] - yv[i];
907         }
908         float32 cross = dx0 * dy1 - dx1 * dy0;
909         if (cross > 0)
910             return false;
911         b2Triangle myTri(xv[i], yv[i], xv[upper], yv[upper],
912 								  xv[lower], yv[lower]);
913         for (int32 j = 0; j < xvLength; ++j) {
914             if (j == i || j == lower || j == upper)
915                 continue;
916             if (myTri.IsInside(xv[j], yv[j]))
917                 return false;
918         }
919         return true;
920 }
ReversePolygon(b2Polygon & p)922 void ReversePolygon(b2Polygon& p){
923 	ReversePolygon(p.x,p.y,p.nVertices);
924 }
ReversePolygon(float * x,float * y,int n)926 void ReversePolygon(float* x, float* y, int n) {
927         if (n == 1)
928             return;
929         int32 low = 0;
930         int32 high = n - 1;
931         while (low < high) {
932             float32 buffer = x[low];
933             x[low] = x[high];
934             x[high] = buffer;
935             buffer = y[low];
936             y[low] = y[high];
937             y[high] = buffer;
938             ++low;
939             --high;
940         }
941 }
943     /**
944 	 * Decomposes a non-convex polygon into a number of convex polygons, up
945      * to maxPolys (remaining pieces are thrown out, but the total number
946 	 * is returned, so the return value can be greater than maxPolys).
947      *
948      * Each resulting polygon will have no more than maxVerticesPerPolygon
949      * vertices (set to b2MaxPolyVertices by default, though you can change
950 	 * this).
951      *
952      * Returns -1 if operation fails (usually due to self-intersection of
953 	 * polygon).
954      */
DecomposeConvex(b2Polygon * p,b2Polygon * results,int32 maxPolys)955 int32 DecomposeConvex(b2Polygon* p, b2Polygon* results, int32 maxPolys) {
956         if (p->nVertices < 3) return 0;
958         b2Triangle* triangulated = new b2Triangle[p->nVertices - 2];
959 		int32 nTri;
960         if (p->IsCCW()) {
961 			//printf("It is ccw \n");
962 			b2Polygon tempP;
963 			tempP.Set(*p);
964 			ReversePolygon(tempP.x, tempP.y, tempP.nVertices);
965 			nTri = TriangulatePolygon(tempP.x, tempP.y, tempP.nVertices, triangulated);
966 //			ReversePolygon(p->x, p->y, p->nVertices); //reset orientation
967 		} else {
968 			//printf("It is not ccw \n");
969 			nTri = TriangulatePolygon(p->x, p->y, p->nVertices, triangulated);
970 		}
971 		if (nTri < 1) {
972             //Still no luck?  Oh well...
973             delete[] triangulated;
974             return -1;
975         }
976         int32 nPolys = PolygonizeTriangles(triangulated, nTri, results, maxPolys);
977         delete[] triangulated;
978         return nPolys;
979 }
981     /**
982 	 * Decomposes a polygon into convex polygons and adds all pieces to a b2BodyDef
983      * using a prototype b2PolyDef. All fields of the prototype are used for every
984      * shape except the vertices (friction, restitution, density, etc).
985      *
986      * If you want finer control, you'll have to add everything by hand.
987      *
988      * This is the simplest method to add a complicated polygon to a body.
989 	 *
990 	 * Until Box2D's b2BodyDef behavior changes, this method returns a pointer to
991 	 * a heap-allocated array of b2PolyDefs, which must be deleted by the user
992 	 * after the b2BodyDef is added to the world.
993      */
994 #if 0
995 void DecomposeConvexAndAddTo(b2Polygon* p, b2Body* bd, b2FixtureDef* prototype) {
997         if (p->nVertices < 3) return;
998         b2Polygon* decomposed = new b2Polygon[p->nVertices - 2]; //maximum number of polys
999         int32 nPolys = DecomposeConvex(p, decomposed, p->nVertices - 2);
1000 //		printf("npolys: %d",nPolys);
1001 		b2FixtureDef* pdarray = new b2FixtureDef[2*p->nVertices];//extra space in case of splits
1002 		int32 extra = 0;
1003         for (int32 i = 0; i < nPolys; ++i) {
1004             b2FixtureDef* toAdd = &pdarray[i+extra];
1005 			 *toAdd = *prototype;
1006 			 //Hmm, shouldn't have to do all this...
1007 			 /*
1008 			 toAdd->type = prototype->type;
1009 			 toAdd->friction = prototype->friction;
1010 			 toAdd->restitution = prototype->restitution;
1011 			 toAdd->density = prototype->density;
1012 			 toAdd->userData = prototype->userData;
1013 			 toAdd->categoryBits = prototype->categoryBits;
1014 			 toAdd->maskBits = prototype->maskBits;
1015 			 toAdd->groupIndex = prototype->groupIndex;//*/
1016 			 //decomposed[i].print();
1017 			b2Polygon curr = decomposed[i];
1018 			//TODO ewjordan: move this triangle handling to a better place so that
1019 			//it happens even if this convenience function is not called.
1020 			if (curr.nVertices == 3){
1021 					//Check here for near-parallel edges, since we can't
1022 					//handle this in merge routine
1023 					for (int j=0; j<3; ++j){
1024 						int32 lower = (j == 0) ? (curr.nVertices - 1) : (j - 1);
1025 						int32 middle = j;
1026 						int32 upper = (j == curr.nVertices - 1) ? (0) : (j + 1);
1027 						float32 dx0 = curr.x[middle] - curr.x[lower]; float32 dy0 = curr.y[middle] - curr.y[lower];
1028 						float32 dx1 = curr.x[upper] - curr.x[middle]; float32 dy1 = curr.y[upper] - curr.y[middle];
1029 						float32 norm0 = sqrtf(dx0*dx0+dy0*dy0);	float32 norm1 = sqrtf(dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1);
1030 						if ( !(norm0 > 0.0f && norm1 > 0.0f) ) {
1031 							//Identical points, don't do anything!
1032 							goto Skip;
1033 						}
1034 						dx0 /= norm0; dy0 /= norm0;
1035 						dx1 /= norm1; dy1 /= norm1;
1036 						float32 cross = dx0 * dy1 - dx1 * dy0;
1037 						float32 dot = dx0*dx1 + dy0*dy1;
1038 						if (fabs(cross) < b2_angularSlop && dot > 0) {
1039 							//Angle too close, split the triangle across from this point.
1040 							//This is guaranteed to result in two triangles that satify
1041 							//the tolerance (one of the angles is 90 degrees)
1042 							float32 dx2 = curr.x[lower] - curr.x[upper]; float32 dy2 = curr.y[lower] - curr.y[upper];
1043 							float32 norm2 = sqrtf(dx2*dx2+dy2*dy2);
1044 							if (norm2 == 0.0f) {
1045 								goto Skip;
1046 							}
1047 							dx2 /= norm2; dy2 /= norm2;
1048 							float32 thisArea = curr.GetArea();
1049 							float32 thisHeight = 2.0f * thisArea / norm2;
1050 							float32 buffer2 = dx2;
1051 							dx2 = dy2; dy2 = -buffer2;
1052 							//Make two new polygons
1053 							//printf("dx2: %f, dy2: %f, thisHeight: %f, middle: %d\n",dx2,dy2,thisHeight,middle);
1054 							float32 newX1[3] = { curr.x[middle]+dx2*thisHeight, curr.x[lower], curr.x[middle] };
1055 							float32 newY1[3] = { curr.y[middle]+dy2*thisHeight, curr.y[lower], curr.y[middle] };
1056 							float32 newX2[3] = { newX1[0], curr.x[middle], curr.x[upper] };
1057 							float32 newY2[3] = { newY1[0], curr.y[middle], curr.y[upper] };
1058 							b2Polygon p1(newX1,newY1,3);
1059 							b2Polygon p2(newX2,newY2,3);
1060 							if (p1.IsUsable()){
1061 								p1.AddTo(*toAdd);
1064 								bd->CreateFixture(toAdd);
1065 								++extra;
1066 							} else if (B2_POLYGON_REPORT_ERRORS){
1067 								printf("Didn't add unusable polygon.  Dumping vertices:\n");
1068 								p1.print();
1069 							}
1070 							if (p2.IsUsable()){
1071 								p2.AddTo(pdarray[i+extra]);
1073 								bd->CreateFixture(toAdd);
1074 							} else if (B2_POLYGON_REPORT_ERRORS){
1075 								printf("Didn't add unusable polygon.  Dumping vertices:\n");
1076 								p2.print();
1077 							}
1078 							goto Skip;
1079 						}
1080 					}
1082 			}
1083 			if (decomposed[i].IsUsable()){
1084 				decomposed[i].AddTo(*toAdd);
1086 				bd->CreateFixture((const b2FixtureDef*)toAdd);
1087 			} else if (B2_POLYGON_REPORT_ERRORS){
1088 				printf("Didn't add unusable polygon.  Dumping vertices:\n");
1089 				decomposed[i].print();
1090 			}
1091 Skip:
1092 			;
1093         }
1094 		delete[] pdarray;
1095         delete[] decomposed;
1096 		return;// pdarray; //needs to be deleted after body is created
1097 }
1099 #endif
1100     /**
1101 	 * Find the convex hull of a point cloud using "Gift-wrap" algorithm - start
1102      * with an extremal point, and walk around the outside edge by testing
1103      * angles.
1104      *
1105      * Runs in O(N*S) time where S is number of sides of resulting polygon.
1106      * Worst case: point cloud is all vertices of convex polygon -> O(N^2).
1107      *
1108      * There may be faster algorithms to do this, should you need one -
1109      * this is just the simplest. You can get O(N log N) expected time if you
1110      * try, I think, and O(N) if you restrict inputs to simple polygons.
1111      *
1112      * Returns null if number of vertices passed is less than 3.
1113      *
1114 	 * Results should be passed through convex decomposition afterwards
1115 	 * to ensure that each shape has few enough points to be used in Box2d.
1116 	 *
1117      * FIXME?: May be buggy with colinear points on hull. Couldn't find a test
1118      * case that resulted in wrong behavior. If one turns up, the solution is to
1119      * supplement angle check with an equality resolver that always picks the
1120      * longer edge. I think the current solution is working, though it sometimes
1121      * creates an extra edge along a line.
1122      */
ConvexHull(b2Vec2 * v,int nVert)1124 b2Polygon ConvexHull(b2Vec2* v, int nVert) {
1125         float32* cloudX = new float32[nVert];
1126         float32* cloudY = new float32[nVert];
1127         for (int32 i = 0; i < nVert; ++i) {
1128             cloudX[i] = v[i].x;
1129             cloudY[i] = v[i].y;
1130         }
1131         b2Polygon result = ConvexHull(cloudX, cloudY, nVert);
1132 		delete[] cloudX;
1133 		delete[] cloudY;
1134 		return result;
1135 }
ConvexHull(float32 * cloudX,float32 * cloudY,int32 nVert)1137 b2Polygon ConvexHull(float32* cloudX, float32* cloudY, int32 nVert) {
1138 		b2Assert(nVert > 2);
1139         int32* edgeList = new int32[nVert];
1140         int32 numEdges = 0;
1142 	float32 minY = 1e10;
1143         int32 minYIndex = nVert;
1144         for (int32 i = 0; i < nVert; ++i) {
1145             if (cloudY[i] < minY) {
1146                 minY = cloudY[i];
1147                 minYIndex = i;
1148             }
1149         }
1151         int32 startIndex = minYIndex;
1152         int32 winIndex = -1;
1153         float32 dx = -1.0f;
1154         float32 dy = 0.0f;
1155         while (winIndex != minYIndex) {
1156             float32 newdx = 0.0f;
1157             float32 newdy = 0.0f;
1158             float32 maxDot = -2.0f;
1159             for (int32 i = 0; i < nVert; ++i) {
1160                 if (i == startIndex)
1161                     continue;
1162                 newdx = cloudX[i] - cloudX[startIndex];
1163                 newdy = cloudY[i] - cloudY[startIndex];
1164                 float32 nrm = sqrtf(newdx * newdx + newdy * newdy);
1165                 nrm = (nrm == 0.0f) ? 1.0f : nrm;
1166                 newdx /= nrm;
1167                 newdy /= nrm;
1169                 //Cross and dot products act as proxy for angle
1170                 //without requiring inverse trig.
1171                 //FIXED: don't need cross test
1172                 //float32 newCross = newdx * dy - newdy * dx;
1173                 float32 newDot = newdx * dx + newdy * dy;
1174                 if (newDot > maxDot) {//newCross >= 0.0f && newDot > maxDot) {
1175                     maxDot = newDot;
1176                     winIndex = i;
1177                 }
1178             }
1179             edgeList[numEdges++] = winIndex;
1180             dx = cloudX[winIndex] - cloudX[startIndex];
1181             dy = cloudY[winIndex] - cloudY[startIndex];
1182             float32 nrm = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy);
1183             nrm = (nrm == 0.0f) ? 1.0f : nrm;
1184             dx /= nrm;
1185             dy /= nrm;
1186             startIndex = winIndex;
1187         }
1189         float32* xres = new float32[numEdges];
1190         float32* yres = new float32[numEdges];
1191         for (int32 i = 0; i < numEdges; i++) {
1192             xres[i] = cloudX[edgeList[i]];
1193             yres[i] = cloudY[edgeList[i]];
1194 			//("%f, %f\n",xres[i],yres[i]);
1195         }
1197         b2Polygon returnVal(xres, yres, numEdges);
1199         delete[] xres;
1200 		delete[] yres;
1201         delete[] edgeList;
1202 		returnVal.MergeParallelEdges(b2_angularSlop);
1203 		return returnVal;
1204 }
1207 /*
1208  * Given sines and cosines, tells if A's angle is less than B's on -Pi, Pi
1209  * (in other words, is A "righter" than B)
1210  */
IsRighter(float32 sinA,float32 cosA,float32 sinB,float32 cosB)1211 bool IsRighter(float32 sinA, float32 cosA, float32 sinB, float32 cosB){
1212 	if (sinA < 0){
1213 		if (sinB > 0 || cosA <= cosB) return true;
1214 		else return false;
1215 	} else {
1216 		if (sinB < 0 || cosA <= cosB) return false;
1217 		else return true;
1218 	}
1219 }
1221 //Fix for obnoxious behavior for the % operator for negative numbers...
remainder(int32 x,int32 modulus)1222 int32 remainder(int32 x, int32 modulus){
1223 	int32 rem = x % modulus;
1224 	while (rem < 0){
1225 		rem += modulus;
1226 	}
1227 	return rem;
1228 }
1230 /*
1231 Method:
1232 Start at vertex with minimum y (pick maximum x one if there are two).
1233 We aim our "lastDir" vector at (1.0, 0)
1234 We look at the two rays going off from our start vertex, and follow whichever
1235 has the smallest angle (in -Pi -> Pi) wrt lastDir ("rightest" turn)
1237 Loop until we hit starting vertex:
1239 We add our current vertex to the list.
1240 We check the seg from current vertex to next vertex for intersections
1241   - if no intersections, follow to next vertex and continue
1242   - if intersections, pick one with minimum distance
1243     - if more than one, pick one with "rightest" next point (two possibilities for each)
1245 */
TraceEdge(b2Polygon * p)1247 b2Polygon TraceEdge(b2Polygon* p){
1248 	b2PolyNode* nodes = new b2PolyNode[p->nVertices*p->nVertices];//overkill, but sufficient (order of mag. is right)
1249 	int32 nNodes = 0;
1251 	//Add base nodes (raw outline)
1252 	for (int32 i=0; i < p->nVertices; ++i){
1253 		b2Vec2 pos(p->x[i],p->y[i]);
1254 		nodes[i].position = pos;
1255 		++nNodes;
1256 		int32 iplus = (i==p->nVertices-1)?0:i+1;
1257 		int32 iminus = (i==0)?p->nVertices-1:i-1;
1258 		nodes[i].AddConnection(nodes[iplus]);
1259 		nodes[i].AddConnection(nodes[iminus]);
1260 	}
1262 	//Process intersection nodes - horribly inefficient
1263 	bool dirty = true;
1264 	int counter = 0;
1265 	while (dirty){
1266 		dirty = false;
1267 		for (int32 i=0; i < nNodes; ++i){
1268 			for (int32 j=0; j < nodes[i].nConnected; ++j){
1269 				for (int32 k=0; k < nNodes; ++k){
1270 					if (k==i || &nodes[k] == nodes[i].connected[j]) continue;
1271 					for (int32 l=0; l < nodes[k].nConnected; ++l){
1273 						if ( nodes[k].connected[l] == nodes[i].connected[j] ||
1274 							 nodes[k].connected[l] == &nodes[i]) continue;
1275 						//Check intersection
1276 						b2Vec2 intersectPt;
1277 						//if (counter > 100) printf("checking intersection: %d, %d, %d, %d\n",i,j,k,l);
1278 						bool crosses = intersect(nodes[i].position,nodes[i].connected[j]->position,
1279 												 nodes[k].position,nodes[k].connected[l]->position,
1280 												 intersectPt);
1281 						if (crosses){
1282 							/*if (counter > 100) {
1283 								printf("Found crossing at %f, %f\n",intersectPt.x, intersectPt.y);
1284 								printf("Locations: %f,%f - %f,%f | %f,%f - %f,%f\n",
1285 												nodes[i].position.x, nodes[i].position.y,
1286 												nodes[i].connected[j]->position.x, nodes[i].connected[j]->position.y,
1287 												nodes[k].position.x,nodes[k].position.y,
1288 												nodes[k].connected[l]->position.x,nodes[k].connected[l]->position.y);
1289 								printf("Memory addresses: %d, %d, %d, %d\n",(int)&nodes[i],(int)nodes[i].connected[j],(int)&nodes[k],(int)nodes[k].connected[l]);
1290 							}*/
1291 							dirty = true;
1292 							//Destroy and re-hook connections at crossing point
1293 							b2PolyNode* connj = nodes[i].connected[j];
1294 							b2PolyNode* connl = nodes[k].connected[l];
1295 							nodes[i].connected[j]->RemoveConnection(nodes[i]);
1296 							nodes[i].RemoveConnection(*connj);
1297 							nodes[k].connected[l]->RemoveConnection(nodes[k]);
1298 							nodes[k].RemoveConnection(*connl);
1299 							nodes[nNodes] = b2PolyNode(intersectPt);
1300 							nodes[nNodes].AddConnection(nodes[i]);
1301 							nodes[i].AddConnection(nodes[nNodes]);
1302 							nodes[nNodes].AddConnection(nodes[k]);
1303 							nodes[k].AddConnection(nodes[nNodes]);
1304 							nodes[nNodes].AddConnection(*connj);
1305 							connj->AddConnection(nodes[nNodes]);
1306 							nodes[nNodes].AddConnection(*connl);
1307 							connl->AddConnection(nodes[nNodes]);
1308 							++nNodes;
1309 							goto SkipOut;
1310 						}
1311 					}
1312 				}
1313 			}
1314 		}
1315 		SkipOut:
1316 		++counter;
1317 		//if (counter > 100) printf("Counter: %d\n",counter);
1318 	}
1320 	/*
1321 	// Debugging: check for connection consistency
1322 	for (int32 i=0; i<nNodes; ++i) {
1323 		int32 nConn = nodes[i].nConnected;
1324 		for (int32 j=0; j<nConn; ++j) {
1325 			if (nodes[i].connected[j]->nConnected == 0) b2Assert(false);
1326 			b2PolyNode* connect = nodes[i].connected[j];
1327 			bool found = false;
1328 			for (int32 k=0; k<connect->nConnected; ++k) {
1329 				if (connect->connected[k] == &nodes[i]) found = true;
1330 			}
1331 			b2Assert(found);
1332 		}
1333 	}*/
1335 	//Collapse duplicate points
1336 	bool foundDupe = true;
1337 	int nActive = nNodes;
1338 	while (foundDupe){
1339 		foundDupe = false;
1340 		for (int32 i=0; i < nNodes; ++i){
1341 			if (nodes[i].nConnected == 0) continue;
1342 			for (int32 j=i+1; j < nNodes; ++j){
1343 				if (nodes[j].nConnected == 0) continue;
1344 				b2Vec2 diff = nodes[i].position - nodes[j].position;
1345 				if (diff.LengthSquared() <= COLLAPSE_DIST_SQR){
1346 					if (nActive <= 3) return b2Polygon();
1347 					//printf("Found dupe, %d left\n",nActive);
1348 					--nActive;
1349 					foundDupe = true;
1350 					b2PolyNode* inode = &nodes[i];
1351 					b2PolyNode* jnode = &nodes[j];
1352 					//Move all of j's connections to i, and orphan j
1353 					int32 njConn = jnode->nConnected;
1354 					for (int32 k=0; k < njConn; ++k){
1355 						b2PolyNode* knode = jnode->connected[k];
1356 						b2Assert(knode != jnode);
1357 						if (knode != inode) {
1358 							inode->AddConnection(*knode);
1359 							knode->AddConnection(*inode);
1360 						}
1361 						knode->RemoveConnection(*jnode);
1362 						//printf("knode %d on node %d now has %d connections\n",k,j,knode->nConnected);
1363 						//printf("Found duplicate point.\n");
1364 					}
1365 					//printf("Orphaning node at address %d\n",(int)jnode);
1366 					//for (int32 k=0; k<njConn; ++k) {
1367 					//	if (jnode->connected[k]->IsConnectedTo(*jnode)) printf("Problem!!!\n");
1368 					//}
1369 					/*
1370 					for (int32 k=0; k < njConn; ++k){
1371 						jnode->RemoveConnectionByIndex(k);
1372 					}*/
1373 					jnode->nConnected = 0;
1374 				}
1375 			}
1376 		}
1377 	}
1379 	/*
1380 	// Debugging: check for connection consistency
1381 	for (int32 i=0; i<nNodes; ++i) {
1382 		int32 nConn = nodes[i].nConnected;
1383 		printf("Node %d has %d connections\n",i,nConn);
1384 		for (int32 j=0; j<nConn; ++j) {
1385 			if (nodes[i].connected[j]->nConnected == 0) {
1386 				printf("Problem with node %d connection at address %d\n",i,(int)(nodes[i].connected[j]));
1387 				b2Assert(false);
1388 			}
1389 			b2PolyNode* connect = nodes[i].connected[j];
1390 			bool found = false;
1391 			for (int32 k=0; k<connect->nConnected; ++k) {
1392 				if (connect->connected[k] == &nodes[i]) found = true;
1393 			}
1394 			if (!found) printf("Connection %d (of %d) on node %d (of %d) did not have reciprocal connection.\n",j,nConn,i,nNodes);
1395 			b2Assert(found);
1396 		}
1397 	}//*/
1399 	//Now walk the edge of the list
1401 	//Find node with minimum y value (max x if equal)
1402 	float32 minY = 1e10;
1403 	float32 maxX = -1e10;
1404 	int32 minYIndex = -1;
1405 	for (int32 i = 0; i < nNodes; ++i) {
1406 		if (nodes[i].position.y < minY && nodes[i].nConnected > 1) {
1407 			minY = nodes[i].position.y;
1408 			minYIndex = i;
1409 			maxX = nodes[i].position.x;
1410 		} else if (nodes[i].position.y == minY && nodes[i].position.x > maxX && nodes[i].nConnected > 1) {
1411 			minYIndex = i;
1412 			maxX = nodes[i].position.x;
1413 		}
1414 	}
1416 	b2Vec2 origDir(1.0f,0.0f);
1417 	b2Vec2* resultVecs = new b2Vec2[4*nNodes];// nodes may be visited more than once, unfortunately - change to growable array!
1418 	int32 nResultVecs = 0;
1419 	b2PolyNode* currentNode = &nodes[minYIndex];
1420 	b2PolyNode* startNode = currentNode;
1421 	b2Assert(currentNode->nConnected > 0);
1422 	b2PolyNode* nextNode = currentNode->GetRightestConnection(origDir);
1423 	if (!nextNode) goto CleanUp; // Borked, clean up our mess and return
1424 	resultVecs[0] = startNode->position;
1425 	++nResultVecs;
1426 	while (nextNode != startNode){
1427 		if (nResultVecs > 4*nNodes){
1428 			/*
1429 			printf("%d, %d, %d\n",(int)startNode,(int)currentNode,(int)nextNode);
1430 			printf("%f, %f -> %f, %f\n",currentNode->position.x,currentNode->position.y, nextNode->position.x, nextNode->position.y);
1431 				p->printFormatted();
1432 				printf("Dumping connection graph: \n");
1433 				for (int32 i=0; i<nNodes; ++i) {
1434 					printf("nodex[%d] = %f; nodey[%d] = %f;\n",i,nodes[i].position.x,i,nodes[i].position.y);
1435 					printf("//connected to\n");
1436 					for (int32 j=0; j<nodes[i].nConnected; ++j) {
1437 						printf("connx[%d][%d] = %f; conny[%d][%d] = %f;\n",i,j,nodes[i].connected[j]->position.x, i,j,nodes[i].connected[j]->position.y);
1438 					}
1439 				}
1440 				printf("Dumping results thus far: \n");
1441 				for (int32 i=0; i<nResultVecs; ++i) {
1442 					printf("x[%d]=map(%f,-3,3,0,width); y[%d] = map(%f,-3,3,height,0);\n",i,resultVecs[i].x,i,resultVecs[i].y);
1443 				}
1444 			//*/
1445 			b2Assert(false); //nodes should never be visited four times apiece (proof?), so we've probably hit a loop...crap
1446 		}
1447 		resultVecs[nResultVecs++] = nextNode->position;
1448 		b2PolyNode* oldNode = currentNode;
1449 		currentNode = nextNode;
1450 		//printf("Old node connections = %d; address %d\n",oldNode->nConnected, (int)oldNode);
1451 		//printf("Current node connections = %d; address %d\n",currentNode->nConnected, (int)currentNode);
1452 		nextNode = currentNode->GetRightestConnection(oldNode);
1453 		if (!nextNode) goto CleanUp; // There was a problem, so jump out of the loop and use whatever garbage we've generated so far
1454 		//printf("nextNode address: %d\n",(int)nextNode);
1455 	}
1457 	CleanUp:
1459 	float32* xres = new float32[nResultVecs];
1460 	float32* yres = new float32[nResultVecs];
1461 	for (int32 i=0; i<nResultVecs; ++i){
1462 		xres[i] = resultVecs[i].x;
1463 		yres[i] = resultVecs[i].y;
1464 	}
1465 	b2Polygon retval(xres,yres,nResultVecs);
1466 	delete[] resultVecs;
1467 	delete[] yres;
1468 	delete[] xres;
1469 	delete[] nodes;
1470 	return retval;
1471 }
b2PolyNode()1473 b2PolyNode::b2PolyNode(){
1474 	nConnected = 0;
1475 	visited = false;
1476 }
b2PolyNode(b2Vec2 & pos)1477 b2PolyNode::b2PolyNode(b2Vec2& pos){
1478 	position = pos;
1479 	nConnected = 0;
1480 	visited = false;
1481 }
AddConnection(b2PolyNode & toMe)1483 void b2PolyNode::AddConnection(b2PolyNode& toMe){
1484 	b2Assert(nConnected < MAX_CONNECTED);
1485 	// Ignore duplicate additions
1486 	for (int32 i=0; i<nConnected; ++i) {
1487 		if (connected[i] == &toMe) return;
1488 	}
1489 	connected[nConnected] = &toMe;
1490 	++nConnected;
1491 }
RemoveConnection(b2PolyNode & fromMe)1493 void b2PolyNode::RemoveConnection(b2PolyNode& fromMe){
1494 	bool isFound = false;
1495 	int32 foundIndex = -1;
1496 	for (int32 i=0; i<nConnected; ++i){
1497 		if (&fromMe == connected[i]) {//.position == connected[i]->position){
1498 			isFound = true;
1499 			foundIndex = i;
1500 			break;
1501 		}
1502 	}
1503 	b2Assert(isFound);
1504 	--nConnected;
1505 	//printf("nConnected: %d\n",nConnected);
1506 	for (int32 i=foundIndex; i < nConnected; ++i){
1507 		connected[i] = connected[i+1];
1508 	}
1509 }
RemoveConnectionByIndex(int32 index)1510 void b2PolyNode::RemoveConnectionByIndex(int32 index){
1511 	--nConnected;
1512 	//printf("New nConnected = %d\n",nConnected);
1513 	for (int32 i=index; i < nConnected; ++i){
1514 		connected[i] = connected[i+1];
1515 	}
1516 }
IsConnectedTo(b2PolyNode & me)1517 bool b2PolyNode::IsConnectedTo(b2PolyNode& me){
1518 	bool isFound = false;
1519 	for (int32 i=0; i<nConnected; ++i){
1520 		if (&me == connected[i]) {//.position == connected[i]->position){
1521 			isFound = true;
1522 			break;
1523 		}
1524 	}
1525 	return isFound;
1526 }
GetRightestConnection(b2PolyNode * incoming)1527 b2PolyNode* b2PolyNode::GetRightestConnection(b2PolyNode* incoming){
1528 	if (nConnected == 0) b2Assert(false); // This means the connection graph is inconsistent
1529 	if (nConnected == 1) {
1530 		//b2Assert(false);
1531 		// Because of the possibility of collapsing nearby points,
1532 		// we may end up with "spider legs" dangling off of a region.
1533 		// The correct behavior here is to turn around.
1534 		return incoming;
1535 	}
1536 	b2Vec2 inDir = position - incoming->position;
1537 	float32 inLength = inDir.Normalize();
1538 	b2Assert(inLength > CMP_EPSILON);
1540 	b2PolyNode* result = NULL;
1541 	for (int32 i=0; i<nConnected; ++i){
1542 		if (connected[i] == incoming) continue;
1543 		b2Vec2 testDir = connected[i]->position - position;
1544 		float32 testLengthSqr = testDir.LengthSquared();
1545 		testDir.Normalize();
1546 		/*
1547 		if (testLengthSqr < COLLAPSE_DIST_SQR) {
1548 			printf("Problem with connection %d\n",i);
1549 			printf("This node has %d connections\n",nConnected);
1550 			printf("That one has %d\n",connected[i]->nConnected);
1551 			if (this == connected[i]) printf("This points at itself.\n");
1552 		}*/
1553 		b2Assert (testLengthSqr >= COLLAPSE_DIST_SQR);
1554 		float32 myCos = b2Dot(inDir,testDir);
1555 		float32 mySin = b2Cross(inDir,testDir);
1556 		if (result){
1557 			b2Vec2 resultDir = result->position - position;
1558 			resultDir.Normalize();
1559 			float32 resCos = b2Dot(inDir,resultDir);
1560 			float32 resSin = b2Cross(inDir,resultDir);
1561 			if (IsRighter(mySin,myCos,resSin,resCos)){
1562 				result = connected[i];
1563 			}
1564 		} else{
1565 			result = connected[i];
1566 		}
1567 	}
1568 	if (B2_POLYGON_REPORT_ERRORS && !result) {
1569 		printf("nConnected = %d\n",nConnected);
1570 		for (int32 i=0; i<nConnected; ++i) {
1571 			printf("connected[%d] @ %d\n",i,0);//(int)connected[i]);
1572 		}
1573 	}
1574 	b2Assert(result);
1576 	return result;
1577 }
GetRightestConnection(b2Vec2 & incomingDir)1579 b2PolyNode* b2PolyNode::GetRightestConnection(b2Vec2& incomingDir){
1580 	b2Vec2 diff = position-incomingDir;
1581 	b2PolyNode temp(diff);
1582 	b2PolyNode* res = GetRightestConnection(&temp);
1583 	b2Assert(res);
1584 	return res;
1585 }
1586 }